r i Ji i ... J C VIIAT. LIVE TOR, DOT.- TO , IMPUOVC ODHSKLVES AND DE 8 FIJI TO ONE ANOTIIK as! jiniono, (N. c.),Fnii)AY, FKiJnyAUY; isso. VOLUMIVIII. NVMUKltM. ill. in iui! in r.di till U:. e rati IV& vlof Pfct tlCfi Til'1 i'1 uti HAS IbT. the ire 1 thitti nve 11 aUcc la ceo ire r. ointl .plit oton ithi nttca it III id fa)1 0 T117 n'cd t ihcia Ucr.c j attt I itilTc IAS. '-, mure than ihe mere imparting ofinsiruc: riient for the pus-sage of thd reMjJutjons, .country is oqly iwofil'ths of that ol th . ' jtion; it is ihe engrafting of knowledge and thp disposition of ih$u. public lands; former,, The present amidat alue of , ! vvm a good stock, 4ho application of j as contemplated by the.,, t But, if it can the cotton manufactured in Great rit j.EVJMM IJSlldJAli uil tlios? mcatrs caleWtcd tOjdcvelupe be sh nvu, that such a liberal provision, ;am j estimated at aboiir the physical, nigral tmd intellectual (jc T It- ...... in fll 11 ii . t I I ' t. ..I WO I'O'iarsi-vr ui.i.u.n, m um.uivw, (s jruf in mi inc orum:ucs in kion icu? 35 mi ions, of cation to all thepeople, is a nations best nuui, or more than 20 millions of pounds economy, ve not only destroy , the ob j l)inujjcdrgmQer her IcsilU' strong arajraent in lavor oi uu system, umes as creai us the whole. pr.'enrdit I have said that sm and wholes ourui mml revenue ffhe United S;a it 1 Three months l'roin tlte date M the cjent action in the sphere of tlie indi first number received. J r-; : tidtial ; but it nu'tt also include physic .i iibscrit..kn l lc dispontimicd,tiltalir:iifitrt.AtiIeIi is lo render Hie u'kJv all arrearages lie paui; unless ai uw; p-? o'e ol exaitutmttie purposes ot the discretion of the Editor. : viv.t, the skill which u jrecj'iifitein or failure to on f.ire the exj and !estislation is dependant ppon general in;! fit this vast f nd tvei,incrbatiii4 tide of tel! ience; .and tho.otHicxion'l etwcn pr(typerilyl 1'iiglat'd is clearly indcbttnl the' wealth of a naiioii and fs laws are i.to Poimlar KdiiRatiom- which" is tlie o;i- , r , p , ... .1 , . ...": 1 ' f I der a m cninuance bo ,.r jt Mpj4y our Knowledge and strength not less tnirnate. Uv them ino;nuiy, is rent of intclligenoind ilie'- btihiHite liration f the subscrip- to 'ihe very-Inst advantage; D4aiovo qutc'kencdt4hdus!ry'. la. ciicouragcd. ;ad ; case tf all. h)8e iuir6vementsMn thy Hon year, is ctjuivuicui w an, tno moral aci)UDC, uy whk-h uio criira. enu . 'character and the ilireclion d our cf 1J loiters, Communications, Cue to frts nr? to be decided. lo iraiisfviitiheiiMmiiiqjaiivd'io projicii ty, is no light trust, to be committed (a rusli tiamiud i?l&t Jieeds.' It is a X trut most (Milcinn in its nature; the due exet;ttioin ;ot;"whiclcril ctiitep, .tcdyli'and j'Klgomcuti Ufa ; j,veil us patriot wu4in4gdattci- - :C Sir? U,ia not to lw ilisuised, ihal our political fabric is in danger- iha Hhei : are, eleo.enli of destruction amon; us I sjieak not of any f artyihey aru pe 1 culwr to none, but cotwmon tollihey an? inherent in our political oranixatioa as a nation, and our; moral coasiituiin I hese cancers are numeroua ' inch, fir, is the character of the train- und which it it the tcn- enev'of the rcsolutuns to impart to - . . ,, ' , - . the nation increased In illustration -of . . t .. mis position, ici us iok tor a moment j mto the, history of those countries where I come post paid. , '. ... - inildfsiro; rnctt fur sttrcrntvg. .t I Advert isemt ins wm oecoiifpiru.-u ' our 0j jej am who.can doubt tte sal- ;the law are oppressive and ureqnal in lid hindsonuly ir.sertrd at 00 per 'n.3Ty ir.jcncc it woulJ exert npori in-ilhcir ireucral licaring. Loklo lialyto Jtiare"..f 10 hues ; and 25 cent s for cv- 5 Vj( j u.jI happiness,' social erjoytka aiid'r Mexico those try " a ubscq-jenfr insert ioicNo 8rcrVTnaii.Hiai I pnj crity t ' vi ' , ; highly favored portiona pf earth's sur- isemenj, nowc vcr Mn, w w vii- t . ,w rltt a mi,mer,t, contrast the tare, wnere me saiuuruv ana concniai- J less thanfir a nuare, taticc ritr.c: i,dt ful pa 21tri I'irdjrcd itv of the cliuiute to the nroductio'n of Court Order and judicial tdvertise-i 0,miyt with'it opjiOrtitVin ihe'K-oromod U'eetaLle 'find; preservatioo of, ahiiual -.cntf will he charged 25 percent I wats of fife. "In th oet prevail peace,'' life ia: no wlrefe , surpassed end rarely r; (wc smtiutlmeshave to watt wtvap nr,'non'vVnd comfort?" a mu'uaf dis equai!cd--w here Ih'eferiinty.of the soil rj , 1 rvHi Uiin io imu.im:. aim 10 uciiliiu v on-. 11" "' t"'"jv"'j -TIwhkj w liaidixrtlse ly the year w ill s n,d to receive instrtjctioii. ' I the ccssnrics of huttidb life and vtrt, Irom .entiih-dto a jiUuctionof SJ jbr cent j other, brut.! passions, haggard wretch- defect Jn ihe 'tJcf crnrrwnC.'njfOaliiy roviddd ihuv tiav in advance. l., .i .-if.v t.ti uilh temtlt and iniustice in the civil laiv..T2ctfntive - . 1 j llljltini nv . ' r" ' I 1 I I I - ,1 I.. .i min. the quiet enjoyment of its fruits Retired; cottoi'mariufacturc by which these a- und muhlforln, luit the two wl kh I deem! opcd;''afi the prosjieriiynd wealth dfl winch, ;ul Jor, the ullueiK',e ol iKJuea- at our fileetiuhs, aud, Jhe w ant of a' pro. thin, might have slept lorvve in ignof-1 ojt 'iiWcpendciice ofjiidgineiu andftcti)ti anee aimiovscuniy, someums siivcsa m our own wnioIo; with a conscijufjit Plan; imirqiiau,! yvouiu require w euu,l uaotlity to lie swayea to Uuiir own Iui: ' talc all her sons, The ueaius; of Mitt- W artful. 'selfah4iud4iaprinaiHled oari dietod, it is eslTnV'W, bv iuvenTiti'? a llJaderi.. A f ; ' , ' plan liJr snpj)Iyiiig;4fe City of London ; Sir, I am aware that wo hare nautr nun vtuh i, ,uike mi buiiuji ciba")a 'J - 40 millions of.do'lars. But whyco a- broad lor ucls to illustrate this position t To what other source are we indebted for the thousand modern improvements !Iviai:ks uvm n. r. j. ir i i.l. fif Commvnt of jk'orth CVro.'nw, liketmhtr 10, 1S3S, on rertai -oiutioni nuh'Qilltd by him uA tht tutytct of the PuUic Landt. ; - (Concluded.) . Tlicohject 4 the ir.ithuthn -and msin- hinanco of everv form of Government uihl to bo to secure ttw existence if ie bodv noli lie. a nd lo afford to the in- ividuals who compose k,ersunl fTtt- ction, tecum r of pnHerty, aud tlw un isturbed enjoyment of the blcsvi.nss' of fe. la ik ptdar Governments, of which jura is an example, tha body politic is Lnfd bv a'voluntirv association of ia- 4 -, a (uauaii, it is a Sciciat comjwci, ny I hiehthe whi.L t-cople covenant wi n pch chizenaud each citizen with the ihole ppopb, thai all riH begovcnied ' v oertaia Ja M " ) i he first clause in our bill of rihia ih. u 1 !lare that all political iVwcr i Vcs.ed in ikj oe rived Irom the peojite onl y. Here , vl :re the jHpul;.r will is the only ur.ta.n of power, where the governors ro " the servants cfjthe goyoruored, here the" a venues to proiw.lkH nreo- cn U character and to talent, where ivay. - Un ttie np. ot me parem, im prceniions and mcna nv es, for, want of rraomve lor occunvinr. amnniuz. or hi itrcii!v tiie younger. niinas, wiio,in rcturu, rtteirc from the children rude ies, jl! rife."- insubordination, and even is destroyed, industry is paral) zed ; and man is as wretched and a! comfordess n lu is oppr eedand 1 irijurcd Here the huhhandii.au has uo security for .the eiijoyment ot th fruits of his labor all that is certain to him is that tlie luxuries violence, t Home hit no attraction f jr ol" ihose-in ow ihi children of fcuoli a family I and fM administered in er must be abundantly imtb, and that the Jmncn- leisero wfuch c'oi Ikj hid from the ! aj Treasury? rBU?t be siipolied; evcii at ii' U aiiJ en jairements iniLosed tno price oi inoconnscaiioii o mi piv env price o( the, confiscation o hit prop f and thk sacrifice of Ms life ' ;? Baf lie t.dan!ages resulting' from a gcrv:ril diltus.on ol knowledge are progress oftinprdveinent. Even in those ivhere the law, ore pvore wholesome and equal, its influence U uiscovcred in rapid advancciiicnl of the arts and.other the daily t;pon ttnni bv tlie stern ncccssuy oi Woiimilora iuosisien-Bi n kpciu i.i w a mlerir.g abroad in jmrsuil of smusef mciit su.tea to ttiei sensual, ana ioo frcaucntlv; vicious propensities. 1'ervonal drgtiny of chararicr, atld in-. tiiviJual bapptiKs, are not tea promo ted by education lhaf , the peace and harmony of families and coimmuni tie. It confer a quickness bf consci ence, strength of principle, a liveli nes of symathy, an cractoes and an ind'-'pendrnce ot character, which en Lre-th pact v f4he-ndi vidua! 4f usviulnexs in any iherc wnere he may lute number ot tneir lauorttavtng ma Inj called to act. Alan, ignorant and 1 chines, and ttair improvements in the nbivil;2ed, is a ferocious, scusual, and various branche ol industry ; and it is . ait' alJ.I. superstitious savage. I he . external oy ineaus oi tnese, principally, tnat one world afvrJj soma eujovment to his an iiutiou surpass anutLcr iu this res- imatH-liiig t U4- it confound his wor pect . ,K v - t t " nl and itfecllectual faru!:i-?s. lExternal JjJiulIustjationrDtlliia.-. point,-1 -cony jzcd ' ciikeiis, whose talents and win virtues are an ornament to any eouou Men sound to the core in their politic and moral principics-r.iica .whose put lie services are a tiart our naliorml vli which have'so wonderfully increased rv -."h is iiot of siw h l aotfaL I nllndftV our capiibilities oyer the vast resources t0 that overhehuing lidcol emigration of this great country . Whittcmore's which disgorges upnour shores U an-, Card making Machine and ' bitney' nual thousands of Europe inpat degra-' Cotton Gin have added to the profits of dod popubtion; u en without principle, lalxT, millions upon million?. j : ,,,. ;) without jiatriotism; aiid with nothiug to To the cience "ojf Chcmtstrjr (which lose in the tssiieTof an election.,, t'ao is but ddarjment qf knowledge) is tliese bo fit depositories of political pnw- due the discovery pf that principle hi er ! 'Have they anv of that attachment neat wnicn enauies tne artist to convert to. pur poiuicui institutions ; ana .iriat the'rough and sharetesynasses of metal knowledge pi our form pf Government, '. into, numberless articles of tlegaccQ, and which aTe essential to it safe exercise 1 , . of tiwjfulncss. By the discovery of an- 'UW hat remedy can we present ; what othef property it possesses, by the illus. antidote do we possess against ihi rreat '1 u'i iim at uiauuii ui iur anu crowmi evn. as we cannoi con- - . . j P09' Pt machinery bv Uio Immortal venieutjy lter tlws law of naturalizavkm. r v j .i. ,i . - .i r j . t - -- .v. wiii,h iiiv i iac uijiv iiidvuunoic iiiuaua ia niai iiioro ' "T p?- tfv " : tr - W r :iwX",,n taisana nan unaq. wncre- which will nulhlv ttus noxums fore n by the bonds of the Union are strength influence ; andaecuro real personal in-. ' '1 l'j t .I - -rl i. I . ' -I r'.i' , I 1 cacu, aim mo vaiuc ui uic prouucis uijaepenucnee in tue native oi uie soil ine wnoie couuiry incrcasea w an in , ItlU-inirence and virtue are the bul, : cacuhble extent. a IwnrL fit a free I .o virrvnpit Kdnnn. a moment the in ; t' nnrnf ni nil triw twvrnnil in. - 'ai ava. wvtyai air? mean conducive "to jhe acquisition of k;P 1,-n fnr h..c wxiuai s ...uaiu ... icu, M ,rt on U3 rrt)ra ,h,s branclrof knowl un vcrsal Wevalenco of these nrincip'ei. and the light of science m'st utde v dif Lj-j fli0l,e i,v, !'efl:.ct- M thi Pmut ?! L P'enco oi tnese pnncioi, .LvUwwh wdhr-thancesDf sarvivmg m .er t ;iT:n. rural ethit d e re 1 1 ttftinc; tuTlI fJdrhi mill t ib!cd V Veil itx bit 1 liftrar ia vh' ,alSlVU front a and icalth :rtifift I t .ll I I I I iiv4 L-r is fit ie efuc rtUMHS tie rharaeter of the reprtsfntativi is 1... .1.1 1 i i e Jfw.COi'iC'iooA'Linsjr gof the constituent bod, it is a'l-im irtani that tl public, nitsid should be ilighteded by the general difi'usion of .c oiCMtns ana auvantarcs ol -uuca vi. , Here, general intelligence ' i es mtial to w ise lcIation--w1seleghla on tocoml Taws which arcj every here, iiliscnsab!e to national pros- ent v, 1 hesc three propositions,.. I think ay lie put down a axiom in our polit al tysicm.' . Just and wholesome laws aa nly be expected frtmi honest, vi ianl and well informed legishlors, nnd irom uvh law's aKmcrcao proseiity m nappiiiess ue enjoyeu oy any ptop - T r m "" " 1 - . v t nature exhibits tutus mt.id a nnnhty Irorn a valuable hltictreatiie on ropulir chaos of erents, and a dread display of Education, (and I avail mysaif of this! powtfc-. Jhe chiiinoleausslionnppean oppirtuniiy to acknowledge my indeUt too Intricate to bo unravelled, and the edm to this work' for many uf tlie re- wer fo stupen J. us to be controlled, i marks I ha ve had occasion to U3e on tli'l iraer ana oeauiv, nu'j occaionuuy u''j"; c-ouiuansou iubuo uy rresi ;lea n forth to fiis eye Irom detached Ment Youcg, of Kentucky,' founded up portions oi ere a uon, ana seem 10 prom i ou Buuivui iauauci wiwcen too com ive exc TSy' tfie term Education. Jlr. Speak r, I do not mean the mere comuMmica. ion uf kno vv.'e Thi is but gi ving )C pow Or to tet." whl! the rmcsiiou I .. . ... - : .1 .. iMieiner it will be lor g0.d or for evil v he then ho acquisition will bo a b'ess ig or a nirso.to tht recipiicnt and to thcrs, will depend uion the manner in khjch tlm prii5fi;lc$ and disposition of ne iuuiviiuiii wiU ii.n.ience him to cth 'y tU Teach the nrt of writini?io the If 'an, in wIiom), heart every' other con Hieraiioti is absortted the love o i ov.niu iu ii ui rouniuriuii oi in ugnj or ins neign or. Give it to Knl, in 5Ahosoh7'Siim Ihe light of dlvhf ruih ha shed its be- i'gn and hall.iw.cXiufloeueo und he wSi "nril.iv it in ili.i .,r..r. i i .... II 1 'IU III ' IIIIMI IF IIIU 111 iil? w.? .to, 'Earth' rciiu to bounds' 'iia l'liiltntDronittt Tl rh,.,!v hU now-hlgo of Gcog,apliy and Naviga I0n. iO (ilKCOVCr IHul cmmlu lli.i -m uJu 't his fellow man i whiln ihf I'imiA will so hit tu dirfcet and to eaAt liihi t.i il.fi vork of imird'T and of hn.L ' The cui. cgueaiion, then,' liieans suuictlliii'' Tncrcialand maniifactoniig condRIonoT England and . France. lie observes : "From this calculatioa it appears that tlie jnuscular force employed in com merce and manufacturer in those two is4ttff pmess nml-nrr imt'iTtOTefre quently, clotuls and darkness brood over tne scene, anu uisappoini ni luiiuesiex pcciauons. aaiurc is never com cm laled w ith a clear tcrccp;ion of its. a daption to the purpose of promoting the countries i about equal, being each e true ct!jf)vment ot mao.orw.th U well tquivaienun rounu numucrs, wme imjw- foiiKled ctmfidence in the w isdom and er ot six mitnon oi men. mus it the benevolence of it author. ' Man. when productive enterprise c f the two cotin- civil led, and illuminated by knowtedge, trie depended solely upon the animate uii thd other haiidrdttwomfriniitr-tjl wjht IU h kcts and occurrence around, him a, great a cuovnercial and manufacturing scheme . teattitutiy arranged lor . tlie coumry a lunsiana. u ji mo iugiisn gnitificationof hi whole power, anim- oy qwan ol machinery, have increased al, moral and intellectual He recogni ses In himself the intelligent and account able subject of an all boiinjilul Creator, an t in joy and gladness, deurcs to study the Creator' works, to ascertain his laws, and to yield to them a steady and a willing obedience. AVitliout' under valuing thd pleasure of hi rni.tial, na . .' .i i i f i iufouFcountr the - valley of jhn Wis- m3nhood, the operation of Uu i t V ,a,,ia, 4"'M- u'wu cause?, which have undermined all pre . miles from maiket, carry to it tho avails ceding itepublicsvand which are alreadr V of their industry w ith less expense than at work in cur own.' , , . " many of nor citizens of the middle coun- . ,i n . j j ' .l - ties V our IStaie. residing within 150 la,: Q.?,v"men! aded ? all classes, and for each individual in tKe community and it is thaduty of' such bovernmcnt, to take care that this great end be ecured. Under t sense of this duty, Air. Speaker, I have introdu-. . ci ,i ..,i...: . ...i.' l i: r c - j, j. , , ecu ilia 1c3u1uuoua v11111.11 ue upou your ; ctfected lr it ia a whole Century. It L i u . ' ha filled houses with the productions of l7 r7? WV" rrLTr t every country and climate, it has in-L . e j " created the.yaucof-outapdrand j - rT - T 7 "rJTJdVAr . - overlooked, neglected or fbr-ottcik Ict ' most every article of our produce it.L . .er.u it". has civen a powerful imrulso to com-1 . Ltr- . . . . , & i ii iii'air hi nnr nsinna iria pi rnoL'i . tltaTaa ' StmnANitMA Anil . VUIIH.OU mile of the creat Atlantic- The appli cation of 3tcamTto the. propulsion of I Boats, Kail Road cars and other ma-" chinery. has already done more for our country than all the power of industry, working by the old methods could have men.;, iimuuiiuira, ajirnuiiure mm . . -.i . ? man seeks to create or increase h s foe tune. Truly, knowledge if from a single depa mighty beneu; aro stupendous must be the results when the iLDrdO'Mjaplojayii I kaTa Vx .iA .if nil lTtttXM tlA a. J ak ,1 ' i uic wiiu va uui uuiuiiuic waiu anu , rtmcntof it, such nf .,r . nn- . . J,,. I , to be derived, how r:.I? .r: ' 5 0 I af ' ' their force to a jtower equal to that of Iwenty-five millions sofaien, while the FrcTichliavo my raised their to that of eleven millious. England then, ow ing to her superiority in discovering and inventing, has inure than quadrupled her power of men and horses France, on the other hand, has" not quite doubled But, Sir, one of .the strongest consid erations which presents itself to mind ia behail ol a system of sound popular edu cation, is it connexion with the purity a" ana perpetuity ot . our poimcal tosutu tions. ;. . :- ":. t-r- - j' t r r " -: 1..' - 1 lure, he tastes the hijjhct, more refined her s." Is it then any wonder, the learn and more enduring delights of hi. mor d Professor' pertinently enquires, thit al and intellectual canacities: and he these Islanders, with a narrow territory thi'iixalla aloud lor education as indis- wnauer ponuianon, ana less genial cu jMiiisablu to the full enjoyqiont of hi ra mate, should immensely ; outstrip their tjoual powers. - '. !' intelligent and ingenious' neighbor ; ucn, sir, aro the bciictit and advan " 0 ve urongvr prooi tn-t... of a svitem of cancrol education, ol the actual insanitary cam than ac nrh a is vvoithv ol tlie name. ' The on croc to a nation from culltratiuff the Section 'most frequently urged against intellect of her ons than is furnished by n Ailootkin. Ii Ihii cxnonse t and even I WCh a fact!! -7.;;. ,f j,i i, U. 5 i - i - - - i . , . .'.' this, I WouKlurge a a' weighty argu-1 i Let is look if little into this fact tofts. certain if.iKjssiblc box '.much Eiulmd tier s e:(tv on Ihe wilt or popu' gams bv hursupciiorityi in. this matter tar ignaranvt, ..." oxcr.riHnce.' - lliCucttTnl rfl-nmofeia "t 5 Couiht on EJucut io)l , , laud uianulacturing povter oi": the latter The following piece of advice is from ' ' the Washington Madisontan t ; ' - - We humbly and sincerely adjnonish"' - all who are opposed to the present mis rule that harptony t vmon and tordtal v to-oncration should be teriouslr inr.nl. ! lo the people of this great country rated and observed, or we shall utterly is committed the solemn charge of per- fail of attaining tlie common object, for pctoating that" liberty and maintaining yhieh patriotism cries aloud., Tho in those institutioiis, civil, social, literary tcrest of the country, the wants oftho and religious, which ircc-sf our forcfa people, demand that we should look to ' thcrs so much blood and so much treas- the present and the future, not 'to tho urb tuLestalish Institutions which are past ahead, hot behind, c W. should , ai oiit;C me pnuo oi pur own country, saenhee every thing lor the cause j no M the hope and admiration of the thing for men! Bring such laborer in- .," w0'. .' -,.f iv t to the field, as are capablolof rendering 1 : W e stand,, Sir," upon an eminence the republic the "most efficient service. v wiiiuu icw .oivuops, nave ever reacneu. i Last every soihsti prejudice orjvrcdilcc Tlie eyes of tho world arc upon us oneltiori into the sacrificial flamoi'and uni portion regarding us with trembling, but ting every here with one sentiment, anxious Iiojxj the other, with a hellish one object, aud a one man, como in ono 1 desire to see our prospects blasted, our firm; solid and indivisiblo phalanx to 1 nonor prostrate in the dutj nnd our the rescue of the public liberty. With-1 greatness and very pxistence among the out this conceit of patriotic action, wa things that were. Ouf fall then will M might as well lay down our arm's, give iHun'jMi vi uv-.-ijujus'o, uiki uiu ioH.il i up niu ngiu, anu luiuciy Fl of Jibcrty thioiighout the world. . ; ; tual desotism for half To hkiotain our free institutions and ' coinc. ' -X submit to a vir- ; oco!ury Tin-' r V

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