"II A r I , , i V IX', '.IV II AT DO V.'E LIVE FOR, BUT TO lXIphovn OURSELVES AND CS USEFUL TO ONE AK 0111 fit t .YOLUMK III. ASH snOH 0, (N. C.) FRIDAY, MAUCII 15, 1839. 1 NUMRKIJ 7. i ; 1 v J v.: L . L PUIiLlbllED WEEKLY: by, : disregard of law, nnd neglect of duly, : in examining and certifying the correct- : ! vrnir Y J ttr 1 7 1 f ,,esJ ' ",e account ol the late collector E Int New York without haying compared , ' ' TriniS. I them xkJlvlteiKrifte-' vd Dollars per annum, in advance, ' witu'M saidVcounis tcJhoPjrst Corap or Three Mara, il pot paid within t lroerf certified, for revision, while the .i nmitlii from llrt nntrt nf ifirt - . . j . s uirvw iiiu.i .- w...f.. :- "tnwsi iinrxmani voucner tncrcior were first number received. - i :?v---iwAtiM ;n ia r.. ,;. k subscription to te discontinued t.Ilj 2d. Thafco fraud practised by the all arrearages i paid ; unless ai ino , My coectorj j, WCeUy rcUirDS 0f discretion of the tid.tor. y- caU,te the Secretary of the Tre fore reasurv iilurc to order o- oiiconunaanre ce cou4 gffot tbejlJst Snj ,ru0 9m)cwm ore the expiration of the subscnp- f,fthe accounts of kid collector at tlie (if the late collertor at the'ptiiVof tKcw sury Department fi put t defiand!.hilwtioa; the narae of t ucii deiaultersl l orkr and con3cquenl loss 4oi public the duties assigned to him by thd See-!i the amount due Irom each, when due, iw'iwr. . . - . j treiary oi uie jreasurj; iiaa repuaiatea i Capo Vr, The discontinuance oMvT the i official slott-wUUeieitpoiisibb usW banV ardqiosiwTic efih iio moneys, arid permitting the same to and is guilty of an"tCcgal retention and accumulate in the hands of Mr. Swart' use oftha public, moaey, in the arnount wont i , v ' ; '' ' - ! then held bv hirrt foi oroteat and ' unaai tjon year, is cquivaiciu w a new 'enjagcrnent'. : ' ' 4 '- -I iicttcrs, Communications, tftc. to coar.c post paid. I , Vricts far dJverlhing, , AJvcrtiicmcnti will be con?picnoo$ly Auditor olHce. as said. weekly returns foint no part of the basis of the settle met (if said.. quarterly accounjs by thl Auditor; and therefore furnish no apl ogjr for the neglect of the Auditor to examine ttie idme-thoroughly. ' ! J. 1 hat, witm ut tho aid of the re- I . Kandwrncly infcrtcd al f 1 00 per grtcr'0f bond accounts of collectors, rc kre of 10 linen and 25 cents for ev- ,w;rci bv law and Treasury circular U i . : .: V.. ei' fvncnU however slurt, will be caarj. Ies than fur a square, -' ' Court Orders and jinlicial advertise n!s will le char-red 25 percent hkrh- ; (we soinetitnes have to wait so long Vtho P.v.) . . ... Timo who 8dvcrtie $y the year will I ni:!i-,t In ii -liitiiftliM nf rvlr rrnt brided they pay in dvaDcc ' f rcl let CUM CI ntl H lor,! i Hi (DC RU1 lb. ru inrj b 1 nmic DrrACLTn:. ktracf from the "Report, oj llio Invcsti patini rdmtnittcc, on llic sutdect of rublifl-Defaters, cornxunicated toP"ri,!,n1ralrrrCi ipircd by law and Treasury circular to le kfpt by the Auditor, to enable him to detect frauds and defalcations, if-any exist,, the said Auditor, ci'mld have tlK rouhfy ; examined said Swartwout'i quarterly accounts during any (juarter said' Auditor' las been in office, inas much the oriztnal quarterly accounts ytcre retained in olace, and lurnibbed the san e mearpi icompasison as a rcgisier wdnld Kara furnished. ; f 4(h. THat, in the culpable dif regard of law end neglect of duty, as aforesaid, by said Auditor, is fu:.d a primary cause why the defalcations of said Saartwout in 1837, and subsequently, wont .v ; ' r " then held by birri fot protest and- wna- 1 Cause X .The negligence arid failure . certamed .duties.." 4 j as'tSfl hefid of the Treasury -Department, ' prevented from asccrtoiningVhat is the :enuon ana use oi C4 present collec v York, cither in er' protest, or for un- books if records, desiVned to contain a j ascertained dutH or in other fond col, condenWd statement of the accounts and rto xtM f his refusal .to labilities of collectors of customs, week-' m own 8st? )oiet y; motirhly; and quarterly, have been ! baok permit the banks used4by Emitted to. f:dl into disuse in the Do-) as depnsiioncs to exhibit their, ac .artment of the Secretary of the Treas- . K ury, and thereby render nugatory many I v ,in:' 4 n ine PUD,,C mof P re5ei of the essenual checks upon tlw defalca- j "ui eoUector are mingled U with his ofJbaclasfMiccrajuiakgi existing laws and Treasury- regu-Tkept by him, nor by his banks of depot-. - - i n aiinrr nni cnntrain irnm ma trxii, at ions. : ' .: -i .-..... m. the Iloose of Representative on Thursday the jSStlr ult. ' ...'l.: ' v (Concluded) THE CAUSES OF MIL SWART AVOITPS -DBPAIJCATIONSL-Cause 1, The irrcfponsibiKty of Mr. vartwout in pecuniary character at c time of his appointment to cilice. Conthttiont r lke ommittte, hi That at the time of Mr. Swart out's ap;Kintmcnt,and of his reappoint .... I. l ! eni to ouice, rus was wtiu.iy irrcspon-j aod lhereof nnwcA by law, ble b pecuniary reputation,, and wasjana n 8eu!;ngbnd certif)ing to tfRe volved in dtibu ' ; , Agister the accounts ot Saaiuel Swart ah H at nt the tme of his appoint-1 .,,,, uie cfMer-.m. wiihruit bit vln - 3 lit) stilted in the probable loss of t'ie public iroajore,'.;.:--rr r Xause iy. Culpable disregard of hw and neglect of duty bv tn late and pres enl Comptrollers of tlie Treasury, Conclusion of the CommUfejJ 1st. ThaHhe late Comptrol'cr of the Treasunr. Georire WoK Eso.. now dol- . w - t j . - lectof oi tlte prt of Philadelphia, was guilty, while m said oft'icxs of Cjmptrol- ior, of euloablc-dtsrvard of law an neglect t't duty, both to regird to the bonds f collectors filed in his ciHce. Hons 'rom llio penalties of tlieirvlUcial bonds, ie- jcciivel ' j - also, ie correspondence "" had between die Treasnry department and 'i. fifteen - of the individuals whoso names annnar on a.i!J fttatemftni ihrt Corumitteo havins called for. and been 'fi furnished by thej jpartment with answers ot the mtcirers to; tho letters of jhe Secretary if the Treasury as con -t taincd in Hoijsldocuirieqt No. 297 " V? TJiuse'liAeeii.fjei 'aire reported special ly, as examples merejyof the, manner in which the President of the United ' States and thej?e:retafy of the Treasu ry have executed the laws in respect to the public money and other property of. the United States in the hands of this , class of public oflicers, and in , respect . ; to their official duty. , " , " , . The law provides for the appointment by the Exec utive, w ith the concurrence of the Senate, of a recei ver of publie 1 t-1 5fJ. The n'eWee and failure of the n) he collector and ol , are to be made, who shall give bond, Secietary oiflrHTTreasury to discharge I w Mr i... j i.a .a r-i,ri.! turns, therefore, be lounded uson them Jul discharge of bis trust i, who tnal Denartmontharzed by law Jnttf. tho ! ?' a .Wa, independent f.wd, be-lrami uitUn thirty Jay in cass ..... . v .l . ' n.!-. .i -1 ion? ni? to tne liovernrncnt. tnoc?n in oi duo ic saic. anu ouanenv in case oi nrmrini nivinnpn t n 1 1 ii -f ii u iih is i i ii u it; n r - - . -n o revenue ,t kii n-ont nf n rnttfPl arw4-i KCCpin!:. oui. iiiai, wm appears ov uio iciicr AS. en unit cut and of his rtappDtment, and lor , transmitted ta him tHo vouchers therctr o whole period he wss in ofiicc, ho TC,)Urcd by pofitivo injunctions of law. noioiiousiy cuc.iz'.'u in iarg'; nou zaxdous speculations, and deeply cm- rrra red by them. . .. : - - sd. Ihat his pecuniary reponf'iL'iUty .d consequent tnt)lvcmcnts by Itnzar- t:s specuiations, constitute one of the imary caiwci 'of his defalcations to the overnment. . : .'. '' -' ' ..7 ' Cause 11. Culpable disregard of law, A neglect ol oiiicial duty, by the late val oll'.ccr at New York Conclusion of the Committee. 1st That the late naval officer at the ttb'. mu o 1 1 it ki. : 2d That the present Comptroller of the Treasury has born guilty of r u!pa bio disregard of law and acglect of d'ty In settling and certifying to.. the Register tho quarterly account of Samuel Swart-, wout, late collector, without having transmiitcd to turn the vouchers ttciefar required by positive injuctiou of law. Sd.' That said Comptroller is also guilty of culpable disregard of IjW and negloct of duty It t. In not having sought and ascertained from the "invoi ces and ahraiscmcnts'. at the eiistiim. rt elNcWiLork, throughouLthelerm j KHwe, eitlier through fcS)licitor of ihe his rcrvice, Irom lew to I8J, wijoIm Treasury or otherwise, the true amount disregarded the requirements ofTaw ecrilmg tlto duties' of his office. 2d. That said navsl tdliccr, for the ur.e period, wholly unregarded the in ructions of the Ctntintrollcr of the rcaury of ovcnrber 10, 1W1. vTtstjatdnayalpuccr, by ?q dis- of Swartwout's claim upon the $01,003: retained by him irt going out of office, as suggested in the letter ol the district attorney 'that was-before him, dated April, 25, 1S?3, 2dly, In causing the re counts of said Swartwout to be forth- uiih state', or instituting measures precbtion 6 the bofoje-namcd records in the superintendence pf Ui ilo.lfection of the public revenues, and , yif.'cortKe- qticct neglect to continue antompwe them, arc "justly regarded, as a primary caase oinne escape iroin ceiuuuon, iur so lor.gi9 period, ot thg imnienso idefaU cationsf4hc late collector at the port of Nety Ydr. , SdyTTIiat the Secretary of the Trea sry fecen wanting in a proper dis WiargeJ.i Kis duty in office, permitting Samuel Swartwout, bite collector . of New York, quietly to rctlin the sum of S-jOlAvv after betng out ot omce, un der prcteit of indemSifying himself a gainst claims of importers for -duties irtidjum under protest, and liable by iim o br3 refunded while irwa known I to tteecretar. cftlie TresoVy, within! u tew. weeks inereauer, inai saiu on an wott 'staj neglecting to refund such protest moiie,v-, as he claimed to do, and that the same were being refunded, from necessity, out of other accruing resour ces of the Govern nent by, said Swart-. wool's successor in office ifiWltierclirrof tv$ Trea sury has been wanting in a proper dis charge of his duty in cuicc, in permitting the present collector at Nets ' York to retain tndcr bis own -control, "a nd sub ject to Jus wo use, commingled vvith said coUector's private lumls, large ans aocumuliuln" sums of the public money cbllqctcdi for duties paid under protest, fnd aiaiast'lhe declared opinion of said Secretary; and the declared c pipion of the Attorney, General, of the. United States on . the , subject, also against the former usages-of the Uepartmont, and insTcacroTcausing thlTsamelo be paid inte4bc Treasury of the united Mates. PART II. THE DEFALCATIONS K OF WILLIAM AI. PRICE. of Gorham A. Worth, the Cashier of the city bank, the' prcscat collector has de ported public moneys in his hands wtih a bank which could not, under the law prohibiting the selection of any bank as a -'depository,- which"" "hai issued notes tmttcriheTtenoniinationpt tnredouars, be selected by the Secretary of the TreaiuryJhjmsclf as a depository of moneys earned to the credit of tlie trea surer of the' United States ' ."V''.' Ctlu That the mode adopted Sod practiced by the said collector, of keep ing and making returns of the public money coliocted by him for unascer moneys at each of the places respect- ivefy where the public and private sales private sale, an account Of all the pullia moneys by him received, 7o the Seer e tary of the Treasury, and to "the ' regZ if ten of the land njjice s, .as the case may be. He is al owed a srlary of five hundred dollars per tnnnmVand a ; commission of one per cento n oi the moneys received nut his salary t'lll not exceed for anVoneyeaf 3,00;-; . The Secretary of the Treasury may al low to the several receivers of (he pub lic money at the several land - offices," a reasonable compensation for trans-' porting to and depositing such moneys in any bank or ally other place of depos ito that may from time to time be de signated by the Secretary of the Trea- tamed duties and under protest, in tho sury Icr that purpose, lie is also an language V the present Attorney Gen- j thorized to prescribe such further ret era? of the United States, "could never ulation . in the manner ,pf keeping? hare been the intention of Congress r books and accounts by the several olh and beins "tolerated." it has made it, cers in the land offices, as to him may " in the language of ihe same high officer appeaf necessary and proper. It is , the interest of r.he collector to post- made his duty, at , least once in every. wne the ascertainment of duties, as in I year, to cause the books of tho officers , an time he would tiave the un- of the land oiiiccs to be examined, ana - controlled use of lie ? money. .; It has, the balance of public moneys in the also, in lumimcniOf uic reasoning oi uie nuuus oi um several rucciveri iu ua Attorney GerjeraV'cratije dans certaincd. ' ger of faithlessness in the collector, bv i The foregoing synopsis of the law re permitting large .mounts of money to lative to land receivers, ana tne corres remain with him, and under, his individ- pondence with a portion of those who ual control, instead ol being in the trca- have proved acfaulters and faithless to sury of the United States." " their trusts, are submitted, without fur f . 7th, Thai, in the language of the "er commeminan .jnai.me. lacts anil,., in.srni.v nrnr .iiU iP.rnn.l .nlr. circumstances here exhitMted show such - it of all our revenue laws seem to incul- a dereliction of duty ott the part of U.e cate the idea that the intention of Con- Executive department as calls Joudly grcis has at all times been, that 'money searching examination into this f collected lor revet iuo should be prompt- lpch of the public service, and for a ly praccd in the Treasury, & not be per- ""S" , ; mined to remain in tho hands of the col- The practice which the foregoing correspondence exmoas, of .retaining. 'rdlng the rcqu'remc'n's of la-.y and j tljcrcfyiUiimedLilfily limJhe nealed beg in It divK 'mo :aUk iifics' othe ) ) t LUMI ve j, 4 eut,culiablv neglected to keep the oc lints and rwordi nppr rtnining to bis kc,- and thereby j .rendered .'...the'.'. lf ' e niig itory ; as a ' check on.Uie ac- 4th. That If the duties of said naval - s: wer, as autijorizca anu uircctou ny ex iog laws, had lccn executed with pra- rr care end vigilance, they would have mlcrcd it impractirable for any fraud F error in anvif the accounts of the col- f kr of said port to escape immediate pection. ' .- ., ''- ' ' .; .;' - Sth. That the eutnablb diirecard of 8, plain reqtiirctncnts of law and of csury inMructi its prcFcrihtng . the ics of. naval ofiiccrs, by said naval Hccr, and his Cin?inacd ncsrlcct of of- ''a duty, ii s primary causa of the ftmensK defalcations oi tho latu collec- f of New York. 7" ' Cause llfi Culpable d;re?rurd of law nd ncglct-of iitittliluiy by -thd First 'i!or of the Treasury, y Lmclusfoit hf tlCommithe. 1 1t. Tliat the First Auditor, of the rtauiry has been guilty t.f culpallu aid Swartwout l.v rtiirTHTtt- accounts nt th3 expiration of the lime allowed him bv law for tint purposi, to kit; in ihecaily part 4f July. lSiW. Jltllv. In continuing' i6c same neglect, and forbearing to ismie wnrrnnts of .dis tress - against said Swartwout and his sureties Irom the 31st of August. 1838, when apprized by the lcttr of the First Auditor that said aeeounts sl't'l remained iin!ettled.'ur.til the mouth of November, when tho 'detection of 'Swartwout's largeV durautiou was ;c6mmuticated from New York. : , S:t? 4th. That the administration of - it is marked with siir.n signal ih-.'fficiehcyV as well n necrleet of duly, as render nuga tory many of tho most important checks upon the l' irst , auditor, and cucors, receivers, and dispurscrs ot the puoiic monev?. whu h the laws creating add regulating its duties coutcmputcd anu havo suiiicieutly provided. ' v-''., 1' Conchsiont of the Cmmittee. 1st. That; William M. Price, as dis trict attorney, is a dofaultcr'to the gov crnment jn a jarjie sum, -M-'-'PhiTtdg-HAfatffkti table' to the notorious irrcsjosibiIity anl want of character of said Trice at tni period of his appointment and feapponit ment. and uunmr bis entire terms o: office. niHt tlia continued neglect oi a proper anu euicioiu aisciwrge-oi auue- at the otOco ot Solicitor of the T rcasu ry by the luo jiildpresent incumbent ut ttat otlicc. PART 111. TUG CORRECTNESS OF TIlE RETURNS WIHC1 IIAVJiH5EEN, MADE BY THE PRESENT COLLEiJTOR AND . tth. That, In saiFdlKegard ofTaw and heirloct of duti bVtho siidLonip- (rollers, end jncjnciency of the'officaas now ''administered, is to tw found a pri mary cause of tho Immense defalcations 6th: Thai the returns . of the naval men in omce aner gross ana. repeaicu officer in New York have not been cor- ?lolon8 ?t uw. law in keeping ana us redt, asitisloundin tho testimony of "JSe puonc moneys tor private spec the present deputy naval o3iccr, "that wations, fnd the i character of the cor- K the nivar officer, under its existing respondence itself, but too clearly pointy system, is not enabled, either to deter- t inference that such officer were ; mine what amount of bonds have been :' 'ii',wuW u.v7 j,..--. Liken by the collector for duties in anv ed extensive political influence, and quarter, or who are the patties, in said wfP sefu4andTa?w?. r5M. when such bonds are paid, or whether siutes omciaicorrupuoiun inosesupe-i tho collector does or' does not 'account nor officers ot the Executive depart., : truly for such bonds." : vr;:;; . menu who knew ofnd permttted in - rati IV. DEFALCATIONS AMONG hasbcon referred to, is a question which RECEIVERS OF : .TIU1 PUBLIC tho Committee submit to the house and : MONEYS. v - ,r.:rf:r.Trz the countryjto decje.: 1 The Committee, in fulfilment of that portion of the duty assigned them, by which they were directed to inquire in to "any defalcations among receivers, &c which may now exist," report to the House, that the limited period which 1st. That the returns of tho collector of customs at tho port of New York have uot been correct, as ttioy have not .... . ..- i . . .i . PART V. FACTS CONNECTED WITH THE FOREGOING DE FALCATIONS. and deemed . MATERIAL to DEVELOP THEIR TRUE CHARACTER. ; In conclusion, the Cnnmittce cannot during (heir not found ..... , animation ol the cases the case to wnicn im laws, as mey at- of tho late collector and district attor- rcatfy ens,-do not apply, or in which nev id New York, have prevented a ml- they are defective; The 1 permanent nutc investigation of the extent nature provisions of we laws constitute every ana causes oi ine aeiaications at all times embraced, as paid into the ; ceivers of public moneys, public. Treasury, the inonejs received uie saics oi puoue lanas. bv him for unaicertauicd duuei a mit nt ton i.iva. hurvir. nrnnr(d.- from ra. IhaVe becrii and may be crta'ctLs in the no time for Quilcs paid under protCsU ) ports made by the Secretary of the discretion of the1 Executive, have' only o i ti,.i c,.u tt.iAr; in hl rMitmi TrMsnrv at the last and nrosent ses'-ltbbe attended to and aipi(ed-by thossr has violated the Instructions of tho Trca-1 sion of Congress, a tabular statement, I whose duty it is te superintend the ex