WHAT DO WE LIVE TOB, BUT TO 1MPJ10VE OURSELVES AND BE USEFUL TO ONE A3QTIIER J? YOLUM15 III. Asm:nono,(N.c.) fiuday, maucii 22, m&- J- NUMBER 8. tkj lavef 1 s IIS tell PUBLISHED WEEKLY:4 s 'by':" the inrriiorv of thu United Stales bv a- To tho Ivors' ol the New York Ex- ny foreign Power, or of imminent dan- press the same paper my old friend 1 cer of such invasion discovered, in his Uwight printed a poJl ago. I ...,t:..r. .., -v..:... i..,f. v,.;,.OJ ir.I? : iLr...i.:ni, .. t'A o icon convened to act upon tho subject, the! Mr.' Editors? ltell'd you in in y last rresiaont nc, ana ne is ncreoy, auuior , mav i wuuiu say wmeu.i ng in: my next uast.A an J as this out shell, I'll crack it .for fashion and then if you wo Dollar per annum, in Mvaj;ce,izcj( ij je(Jecrr the same expedient, to' hjtter anout, matters Dawn or Tbice Dollars, it not paid within accent thd services of any uumber of short horse is soon curried three monws trorn ino oyo or tne j volunteers not exceeding fifty thousand, - matter, is in a first number r-CtlVCd. - ' : M ,.,, nrnviHcd fnr in nn f.t n. ' vnii arler mv o subscription to be discontinued till tijC(j -An act authorizmjthe President dont understand it, you may ok at all arrearages be i pawl; unless at the 0r ,hc ijinte(1 States to accept theservi-; the maps and read over treaties, letters, ces of volunteers, and ty raise an itddi-1 and reports about it, and see If you can d scretion of the Editor. failure to order a'dnconiinuance be fore the expiration of tho subrcrip twn year, is equivalent to a new engagement. II letters, Communications, dec. to coir.c post paid. " ; , age across, wo doh't care much about He called tho attention of the House to that, for it is about as likely that as ma that part of tho duel law which provide! ny tolls will in timeV go one way as that if any person shall call another a tother, and so Jong as they don't trou- coward, or shall use any approbrioiis Ian? ble us, or.Jikely to trouble us, we won'i guage to him for having refused to fight amiplain YYe like lu see folks moving" U duel, ho shall,..be punished by . seven. especially in the way of trade ; it keeps ) years' imprisonment in the Penitentiary, matters brisk and spry ; awl as for sog- and contended that Mr. Duncan's ruin ing, except on ,4th oi July, or some such ; lication came within . tho spirit of the day, in ten years from this folks will be law. He called upon the framers of una law iv ma j wuai tucjr u.caui , uy ii at'Kamn1 i.vtf M Now, my advice to out folks is to keep cool, and make no stir about the tioi.alrecitiicotof dri!ojns or mounted, cct any more light. - I riflemen," apprvtd May 23, 1830. ' This Deputed Territorv," they talk ,ngln. 1 he Sec. 4. oe it further fmcf;. about is a considerable of a streak of 1 asleep'about it; Thut. in the event of cither of the con ,; land", kivt r'd. Uio most ont. with ever Congress will Before Mr. Prentiss spoke, there was a call of the IJouse, which was most matter till they git orders from Wash- unnecessary, for the members, on such Oriueraruovernmeot ainit occasions, are rarely absent. ' ' all are wide awake;; Mr. Huncan, toave the trouble of put' the matter as strait ! enquiries, avowed the authorship of the. , rricet for Jherlhhg. liiigencles provided for in this act, the ; las'tiu' b,g trees, where our folks go aiaa pJog, und EnglaDd will see the .'publication signed by his name. President of lb United States "shall be ! loifhii'.' We say it is our land, and advamage of doing nghL But if these Mr. Jenifer made some remarks ex au'.nonzed to compieic tr.e armed ves-, se(s now authorized by law, and to e-! England sa) it uin't aud the question Governors on UAh sides, for the sake of pressive of his apprehension that tho dui u. uho i n ht T We sav we claim hv I flour tst', lead their folks into hot blood. ; ei law would be iound practically crtia- i j :h k i t - . . ' . - . : r "i., e . .. t. l . . : ..i ti.L.'i - AUv-iuo;m;iHs wiu uc cuni" i'icuiusiy ;,., u.u emu nv. in ac.tiia u-r-J n trealv made in I7S3. and 1 m r and uiey may mm inev nave oegunio carve hi handsomely inserted at $Sl;00 per j v,ce .;t,e naval force of the United 'savs she reelo the same treaty he meai before it is cooked, and have a Slates t and lo build purchase or char- j iW , that treaty marks the line as clear pwf "inner " L 1 ins is ao everlastin ter, arm equip, air man uch vessels; as a whisfjc; it says rlh to die "high wumry, in a real fight,, when all take huare of 10 lines ; and 25 cents for ry suotseqncni insertion. ;o aavcr seaient, howerer stmrt, will oe charg ed less than for a square. - Court Orders and judicial advertise- pents will be rharj;ed 25 percent high fr; (emetimesnavetowaitsoloiig 1, ,ie United States from invasion go riortlr to that pint where the waters the quarrel is about, it rnay make a iir ure I'fli.j . ! Irmn lhnt nn.irifr. - run nn lhi.fri-:HV civ a 'Hint iu. u'lipro I UiuM uu utiiv vvuia uiiir. Those who.pdveriii'e y the year will ft;C. 5. jj f,e U further enacicJ, tne s.reams5 on one side rur to trie St. Theie is aUays two eends to a stick; entitled tiieductbn of 33J percent That i ha sum of ten miiliom nf dollar' Laurence river, and there we ston. Bm w have in this matter not hold of the and sieamboats on the Northern lakes laud" that divide the wa ers running I tl0' i lhei ia' be sure to make and rivers hie waters communicate ' one way and trie waters running anoih I doafcO work and to git what we fight with iho tinted States and Ureal Brit-icr waj.and Uien away west and south ui u any pan oni unaenaaes a ain, a he hhali deem necessary to pro-; west back to another pint. ; We then WA a,orc other part know what . . .1 I If '.. 1 H f. ' ' . .1 .1 . - . . .1 provided they pay in advance Fntm the C'lroUan Wa!chmtn. WILMINGTON & UALEIGH KAIL HO AD. This work w hich is enthralled witti i provoking Miahnmfr we t helieve U is hereby appropriated and placed at j his disposal lor the purpose of execu ting the provisions of this act; to pro vide for which the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to borrow mo ney on the cred.t of the United States, a4 to cause to Je issuedcer!iiicat(rs of stock, signed by. the Englaud says there aiVt no h.h la .iiiUm e'end, and let us keep it, and noj there at any rate: that there is hixhtr " urry or uuuoieiy seuiue cnange i und further south where we ought to I WJ1, and perhaps hold the natty one; stop; but at these higher ' tuna there I and lhay all lor the picsent. Uegislcr of the Treasury, for the sum lo be'borrowed, or any tart thereof; and thu s&mo to be r, , wmca are jjjjij UJlUII vie lcrm, Imy i (,r. glna;. If , wit! - ft-cd after public notice for proposals e S.ate hUs fuf lhc samc . prided. Thai no en- out to prove a profitable investment. We give beknvihreo articles fron the mtm'Hston JJpertw which are q a high degree eacoura remembered, that toe itociuitmsc,mp3uy:rtne ir.erary a,,emenl or contract shall bs entered una. ui me ammm oi iaju.imu aoii.iri. .l-h ..rp-i.j., it,,.,,,! CfJ- CHJint lh ever brought j 8uft, lru(l, reimbursing anv sum or .tlnsBTarkct from JohiMon county, ar. ;ttUii ,hus turrowtd alter lhe'exi.iration ived this week .via Uie Uail Road, a?d 0ffive)cars from the first ol January hepriCCfor Which it told, Jl CCIlh, ' .... .d lhal lha rata nf int. rPsi .'.utl nust surpaw the most anzuine cxpec- ,..f.pri r.ve rjr Cvn, TavnuL SP1..;. Sations ol the producer. We hope that, anm,ajv ihis, is but the vfinmenrement M a; s..r. An,l h, it Crth.r , i Wofifable end brisk trufic lc:wccri the; That ,he guil of c- hl ulou8aod dojaM iwoflacw.--l amo-ism. pride and te.and the mm U hereby, appropriu- rnr wwuu unac o proauco sucn t,i n, f nnif 1 th 'riwnh, . i . . .k '..At r.. noi innurwiMj ojj'Muiiaicu, lur uuim is no stream running into the St. Law- rence.for the streams all run south there. We say the treaty don't say Midkifih the lands are, but to the iandsn that divido the streams running north and south ; that tu tne pint ; and that land can't be iota land, tor the waters wouid'ut run nan way. And, besides this, there is another explanation in the rC5i.lt. a ' ti ;fT' ast otiatjtihcs rt produce s'U nn,j u .A . .it,1 wur . "I 111 wmii i pi'vviwi (ii4tintva iv ivw encumber the depots of tjie V dmingtoa UriUH . if0i(ie4t The President of ana u&ietgn nais i.oaa ; nut wiin i cilhc Vuccd States shall deem it expedi- liH.iUUUJ-.IVH M.aPW.JJlJ.WUMJUJVMJUJV.. 1,1 11T1 mill! Illl1 EMIVII' t j. Comnani rwrnmseSL they will ! en- ! ..-t-.-.. shied to j lace , it all in market i.i tl.o ; Thal itl Uie cvet of either of the ton kour?c of three weeks. . . j ,lfl or,,;.!,.,! snail oe aa icour? c f 1 BJ 1 . . . . t t t 17r w; wiw tor.g tram 01 lcaniy-&nVof -nnTalet jireigutcjcara w men are consrnntty ar- thorjzijU lo mi, par, ll0t eicoeJiii-j imn.j miiiu .ir-r nM ui iou. Ki(o,,0U0 u! the amiropriation midvj . .... . LAW-FOU THE DEi-ENCE 'HIE L-MILD STATES. OF tons ukm.' repairing or arming lorti the seaboard aud Iron fieufto tier. S.v. Jlitd be it Further tnactttL A . A JMt . . Jl .. 1 1 I .. T A"M AL L giving to tne rresmcnboi tne That whenever militia juLkoluutacra are United States additional powers hr c& into the service of tha United the defence of the United Sjatcs, in fctatcf, thev shall have the organizatiun cerinin ca-cs, ngainsi invasion, andl0fihu army Ol the United States', and ioroii:cr purpOM . ( shall receive Um sane pay and allow tr entt. ieJ- tv the Senate and nnccs. oivr offpretntii(ivet if the Vni teJ blmla if America in Comrien a,nhled. That tho lVosiHtnt r.f ihe shall b in force until the end of sixty Uniled States 1, and lie hereby ii. an- j days after the meeting of the first scs. thlzcd to',rHlstVanv attempt on the eioii of the next Congress, and no lou- From vour iriend, J. DOW MXG, Major, PowniRgvilleMahtia, 2d Brigade. Correspondence of the Journal of Commerce, ' Washington, Thursday, February, 21st, it3at X The House presented an unusual and 1 chievous, though he had reluctantly voj ted for it. He had hoped that the gen tleman from Mass.,, (Mr. Adams) whe was influential in the passage of th" law, would have come foward, on t! occasion, to assert the privilege of met Krs. " . ' e" ' J Mr. Duncan followed in a long j-.: tification of his course. He said in the House, he was prevented, by n , tall of the previous question, from reply to the false statements there made in reference to him ; that on the fourth cf Febuary, the. Intelligencer contained ft speech abusive of him ; that this abu sive speech he could reply to no when but in the newspapers ; .that he and hi political friends had been abused and inV suited daily and habitually on this Boor in the other House, and by the lean and hungry federal letter-writers employed here by th opposition j that he waa driver!, to his publication by necessit,' strn .necessity! What he had dona, was oniiary to his better judgment against - his, better feeling,1 and as ha was conscious, against all parhaoaenta ry laws and decorum. . But the necessi ty of the 'case was his apology to his See, 0 ? na be it further enacted, That the several provisions of this act part of Great Britain to enforce, hy ttrnk, her e4im t excliKive jiiriidic- non over ttat part ot iho State of Maine hich U in rtispUe between Uo United r.tatcs and Great Bri.ain ; and for that JHsrwisei in ernploy the naval and mi'i:a ry forces ol ihe United Slates and such portions of the malitia as he may deem it advisable ki rail into service. Sec. Wind be it further enacted. hat the ' malitiaj when called into the icrvic of the United Sta'cs by virtue of hnnct, orf the act eniiiled "An act to provide for calling forth themnlitia to execute the laws of tho Union, sup press insurrections, repel invasion, and to repeal tho act now in force for those purposes, may, if in the opinion af the President of the United Stt'es the pub lic interest, req -lire it, bo compelled, to fcrvc fur a term not exceeding 0 months fcr the arrival at their place of rendcz. vu, m any .one year, unless sooner discharged. . -V, . tee. 3. ndbe it further enacted, in iiip event ol actual invasion . ol :cr. JAMES K. POLK, a H.R. WM. H. KING, , , . President pro tern, i f the Senate. Approved, March 3, 139. M. VAX BUREX. THE HOUDEU AVAIL Thu latest intelligence is, that troops arc advancing on both side, and things, it is feared, are rapid y approichitig a crisis But one thinst can prevent it. The basis ol a compromise 01 the exist same treaty that marks out the spot we painiul scene of excitement to 'day, claim too as true as a line r and if auy I say painful, but it no doubt delighted inan's farm was marked oil by a?deed most of the lookers-on. The news -, ... -.. . . . ;l j . i .l -v like Uns-aav court in creation wou d ipre rapiuiy, mis mooing, mat JJun- 1 ... . . ... . .. . I . : r 1 . I . . - t" give it td hurt. XMow, the null nub ot can was 10 oe lmpsiea ana na yea auve constituent and the country. JtSverr i l IT s L 5' 5 11 t I m k 1 a t 1 awi r the business is this : tnrr and unds it we m me uouse, aua iuui, in au prouaMii- word he had said, ne ueicived. 10 but claim by the old treaty, we cut off all there would be a few lives sacrificed heart, to be true, and every word h her 'roads between New Brunswick to ju the floor.- A vastcbnc arse of spec- would stand by. He had not the duel Canada, and in winter time,' i han 4 the tators was accordingly assembled in the law in contemplation when he wrote tb i.. t r i .1 1 -11.. M .. a a ' 1 1 ...... 1 l . l 1 1 j l t i . i ?. 1 . r - river ot. iawrcuce is irozen up, mere gaKwc, aim ieu uc pnuegua seais arucies, out ne oeia nimseu, in spiie oi! it no sending across lots,' from I Now on the floor were filled. The Senators that law at aav gentleman's call Scotia and Rew Bruswick to Quebec, came down in numbers to witness tha ten days time, the session would 1 be o or any part of Canada. A few years spectacle. No parallel could be found I ver, and he and the parties 1 aggrieved ' oaCR K was agrcea 10 leave 11 lo'somci"" UiH o-v"c, vacjh m mc giauiaiunai 1 wouia oe oui 01 uie "lemnues square.' old Kinsr. fa Dutchman. I belief to exhibitions of ancient Rome. The spec- Then the duel law would ba inopera av uhtre uiesu AA dnj was. Ha tators aa naa tneir lavontes. and woud tive uoon them. - - ' 1 n .....! n.t .:.w. I,,,, l, I no Hilllht lnpt thm fKlth, tvta : till rnA I !roi? .if A'am-Vftrt Mm!nJa4 what Ins broiher h-tiig s notion wai, he I or uie. oincr wer s;siain. 1 juoua ap- the House that the session was nearly fixed on a line north .where ;thero:Waslrku at an end, and that there would not be no high lauds at all, but jist far enough cheered on the combatants, and at other time to consider even the question 01 north to allow' liis Dussa-'d across, ist I times, deep silence and attention cave I the constitutional power of the House --n r -.1 5-rr Pr -.T-:r t ,kA'.,ll k...-. .:..- 2 I 1 .L I.: tl IJ -1.2, as Uiotign inq ircaiy saw, mo norm lusuiMuigicatw cuiuuiaciucut. - uvcr inuBuujecuno wouiunyircmmu pint shan't be so far tiorih as to cut ofl' it was a painful and a humiliating them that another case of privilege bad hinn m u ai " Wt. wm t!i mm. sbectacle to those who saw. in it. the nrioritv on tha calendar, and must first tl J imvvMikw r " w - i W - w II - J - - w - ter resled j all we ask is, to go by the begmtiuig of the ; end. Iie demon I of I be disposed of, -a case vastly more im , treaty : antnov that our folks have got I party spirit has driven out all decency portant than this, in which Ihe life of riled up about it, and know avhat the I and ait sense ot decorum trom the tap- a member of this House was sacrificed, treaty is'. tutv'U make a snoon or smlo I itoL and the time is at band when foul 1 - Mr Wise asked the floor from Mr. a horn; and 1 don't sec any other way fiersbhal abuse, on the floor of the House. jGrayand said thatlif MnJ&livouldi oTseithrig an't. If Euglatwl sends troops will be succeeded, not by mere fist-a- not move the previous question, he (Mr, there, it w ill ins a : dispuiad terriiory," cuffs, but by fierce and bloody conflicts. W.) would call up that prior case, and 1 tor I would pt about as soon think ol is sam mai many ci me memners now aemana oi me iiouse a aecisicn oi iu .. gong down into a '.wolf: cave to coax go armed to; the: capitol, and, if the Mr Gray move that tho, whole ub oui the wolves w ith bread and butter, words which are so often bandied be- iect lie On the table. Lost 83 to 01. ' r a attempt to drive out them long-arm- j tween tiiem were any thing, there is an J Mr, Menifee made a long speech di ed-hard-Lted-wood-chonpers from the occasion fuf it. rThe spectators were reeled personal against &r. Duncan. forest when they know thev have cot disappointed with the show, Jo-day, no- and, in the. course of it,- two incidents , . ,,,. w -it J L. .t a . J II I : J .1 . law on their side ue tound it .pretty 1 oouy was sxioi on ie oor, ana an man occurred max aeiigmea ' ine speciaionu tuf w ork to rout out the Semmoles ( tue parties aid was merely to do w nai Mr. iuenitee made tno point that iur down South ; but that is cream I and j they have often done . bcfore,-i-blacken Duucan nad admitted himself to bo custards to routing out tne Uownuas- eacn omer wuu every ioui epnuei mai wrongea ana insuuea, ana mai, uiere- tcrs,"if they git their dander ujC "They the Billingsgate"" Vocabulary could al- fore, it Was his duty Id have demonded are amazm' civil lolts" if you don't at- lord"' ... redress natanter $ but, inlsead of thi tempt to drive, or scourge 'em and con- b I shall not go into tha disgusting de- he had husbanded his wrath for weeks, siderablc liberal in a bargain too, :if you tails; but give you a programme of and then pouredit out in o,Dew?papcr? don'tWtobull eyetwih,-bfor'-tnen'.it tho-tpcctaclc. ' ; ; Mr. Duncan said he prepared the ar- would be dog eat dog. Now, I don't Mr Prentiss offered a resolution de tide and sent it to the Globe a fortnight see only one way of settling this matter, clanng that it was necessary for the ago, after tho appearance of Mr. otan or. at anv rale, uuietinaon't for a. spell; j House to, inquire, whether Alexander ly'sspejch in thff Intelligencer. ' lor there is no other way ot settling uunoan, a nieinocr jrom unio, naa puo. v i es saia air xvi., dui -you Kepi oact kuV but by the C treaty or something lushed in Uie Globo ccrtara , statements I the publication- till the duvl But nad be- but I go for quieting on t.-- a&usive oi wr. otamy ana iur. isoum- come a law. juere a umuuuous in diGicolty has ken informally agreed England, I suppose, don't care how gate ; whether this was nor a ba-ach shout or applause arose trom persons on hetween tno lifiusn , minister oi itng a remuuisi u h,vuic m ( uvi y,tvi pn.uvv ... ......... Mvrui,.,v ... ....v ; Washtnatoii and'tho Secretary of Slate. : aud I suppose our lolka don t nether, unending ought not to be expelled. galleries. itie ooeaxer y interpesca S oy II. v I ur- i icuijsa, iuiwiku uio ivsutunuu lauu kiq iiuui;w mwi u ww m ing incjai greai icii!ui, 10 u vtry niuniawu i guiiunes mio viiuiv-u. Iwlore a blow is f truck, iwjcc, let all tho 'timber that is tut on speech, dwelling upon tne necessity ot i Mrvamncsn.. ii ne memoer irora means to say mat I imenaeu io dial VI tlwlf UM ; ..;. , : j p I I I ! ' L 1" I lilmv iV ttruck. IftJCe. let all the 'timber that is tut on speech, dwelling upon the necessity of .1 1. ...;n ..r,.,ui,i k nn.tnnt.ii. ii.u iiit(l iGmioi v be u How'd to iw Drotectm'i the memocrs ot tne uourc, uvv. Settled - ' lo I'iligliinu as ireo oi uuiy, mi um uivi"i fm.uujj(iuwi wuiv.n miwh- w. p 3 r Tho' followm- letter from puolicV as tovi.er, ia maiter who ruts it; there selves. He was opposed to the duel any way, he is, &c &c.usingr very it-ho urnves twiorc a the d settled. I-' rrrTrir:rr--n-rT-r-r,.t:.-;rif.vu.t-i--A 'fc1f r.if 1 1 rrpitmn tivMit mu iinw.. tuenevmer mai 11 wou a encourace unnar muiiviuarv wwwwu iwm iriend, iuaior iorcwHryiMvus uw uiu i vm'un v iv. .y..-.. ... i - , , r,-. - , - - . . - -- ecount of this "vexed tno ijucen gets row a giauuinooivinuiuftjiuaiuio.ii, ,i. v..v m,v. .. - -- qiHsiion,' that we havosecn.-arA, and by, thai time toiM win oe cnopping uous i u,vnu, v.allls '.". ; -.y : itegister, 1 omer mauers, una nrjjaiua a paa-ivvMvu v. , --r--- rr ;;.;;. ;fr---;;-k: "; ""y--;- ,:::--r-::-;:-:-:-Tr-'f yTVt, "'TT-T i time has passed