what do mil mvc re::, lut t r.;r::avc ounscLvC and be usefci., to one another? asheboiio NU3IC I?!!; 9. t Thice D 1ars, it not paid within! three months from the date of .the ( Answer. -'At thai time he held the? of first numb :r r.cci ved. 1 ' ." ; : - fire of Deputy Surveyor. 1 do not rc- r.i ubscriMim tv La discontinued nil collect the amount ol his salary. 1 te- j" - . . . ... ... . rrcars ps to paid ; unless at the , heve he now Tiolds the .'office ol ; wo U w i t' :." t wc: :di-j in:" s : tri Ail; luf 'he the Di'lars i cr enhunv LTadvarce, tax . i to support the plcciion of persons attach eu ji inc present Administration, from the Weighers T Answer. Mr. Vanderpoel ; : G Vanderpoel hold in the custom-house, and what his salary 1 all arrcj A siprction 1 thw Editor. failure to ci l or n. discontinuance be fore the expiration ofibo subscrip tion year, ii equivalent to ta new H Letters, Communications, &c. to co;i.c post i aid. . 4 Prices fur iJcertising, Advertisements will be conspicuously Ap praiser. : V: ,r- r:': ' ? Question; Had he a book, of the namesrof the officers from whom he collected, or had lie a list of them? ' Answer. A list. F.ximinttt by Mr. Ilarfrin. 1 - "I have knovn officers attached to'tho' his Southero'; friends. They are my 4 negotiations ; with other nations, and custom-houio to hare,' been called ;on;uq willing to believe, that any of. the particularly with thoso the territorial " fori' When Mr. pwens,' member of; Northern tricndiof Mr. Van liuren, are jurisdiction of which comprehends tho the Committee, interposed, and informed I opposed to slavery ; but the letter of Dr. ' Jstbjnas that connects North and. South ' .1 . .1 . . r i . !rl . , .1. .t r !.l . -i . r , ' inc witness mat ,ue was not uounu to uuncan, siares uieinr in mo jac, wwi America, ana to wnicn ine...U,ciatei.u., all its' bitter deriunciation3rDf htewtyy, haveaccreditcd ministcrsor agents f and neither he nor they can explain it or the purpose U ascertaining the praq away although the , Dr. like tyr.; Van ticability of opening a ' commuqicatioo Buren, has been trying to unsay all be 'between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans has before said on the ubject4 The by-the construction of a ship canal, a-' speech of Mr. Stanly, of North Caroli-' cross the Isthmas j and of securing for na, iii which he literally - flays the Dr. ; lerer, -.by suitable treaty stipulationrtho alive,ught to be read .with equal inter-, free and equal right of navigating such : est. by both Whigs and Vanocrals, who canal to all nations, oo the ' payment of nare canuor ana inacpenaenco enougn, reasonable tolls. to v isti to see a shading bvporite or i double lea re J politician exposed. i j ' India na Monitor, anscrrany, uitetiogatory , relative to his private affairs; and thereupon, Mr. Foster, another member cf the Commit , tec, objected to propounding the inter rusra tory. Tlie w itness here commenced to lear off what ho had written' before objectify was; rrfadc tothe intef rogatory. Mr Wise prevented hina froifdoh g so, by.forbiddinj; tho acL " Ma-Foster in sisted that the witness had the right to tear off whaf ) ho had written, and that it was not his answer until it was com- Hi ie4c rA IAS. Ihnt rer' tve iftit hi ontlj William hL Price, late District Attur ney of the .United 'Stdtes?. If yea, handsomely inscrt-d at 51 CO FfiLefl)re ar51 hh aW,intment. as a ulre of 10 lines f and 25 cents for V . - . .: v.- I...,- - .. , - - . - . . . -. .tt i i icmenlt nowcver suori, wiu ce cuarg- J lets than for a qua re., 1 . Court Orders and judicial advcrt'ise ents w ill be charged 25 rrcent high- r (we sometimes have to wait so lung rtiie pay-) , Those who advertise f y the y 5 entitled' to a induction of 33 j ryviJcd they pay in advauce. plete and handed in, and he asked the .. 'i I-- U .1---Li- t -. I Q' , ,..:,i,i ...!i. I w iiuvss w iiciiicr ii was ins answer, buu tiestion. Are you acquainted witnl, ' ,. , , . t- y i . hereuhed "It was not:" and the Corn- 1 . . mittce having decided that the interroga tory should be propounded, the said question ty Air. Wise was again handed to the witness, andi he returned the to. lowing: "I decline to answer the 2d question." if j.e witness was tnenper- rnitted to retire. ' Mr. Curtis called for the i-eas and nays on Mr! WiseV motion and the rcsrdutinn' was adopted. I Vf7 Messrs. Curtis, Dawson, Foster, Harlan. Ow roan worthy to le entrusted iti the collection of large sums of money. Answer. Iarn acquainted with -William M Price late ; District Attorney, and answer the question in the negative. ' Question. Was the last payment of 15, referred to by you in your answer ;; A lead mine has been Jately discovert cd in Cabarrus county, near the Rowan lime, aboot 13 miles from this' place. 0.1 Robertsbn's ithe lands of Mr. Mc Mack in. ; Wd have seen of tho ores, and . find them lo be of the , Carbamate of lead ; some of the specimens are rich with t! metaL ; How extensive the lodd or vi may be, it is difficult to say, as ithas c ly been penetrated in two places, ,! and the other, S3, are by no means t In tho course of Mr. Speech pri the Public Lands, in the Ii(Uso of Representatives, the following dialogue took pface : C 5 ; I proceed to adduce other arguments, Mr. Speaker, in support of the proposed measure, drawn from the practical le' gislation of the country and the opinions 1 one about 8 feet, of men in high authority. ; The authori-j These workings i ... to the third question, paid befuw or aince w iv- v Mr w,n the prnrdt Wlur (Mr. Hoyt) came Smith; agencr, W.se-8. ' Arjr ter cent .7 r - :. ' ' , . aoic . ... , - 'vv . "'' - iVcw the National Inttlligtrn tr. TAXATION OF OFFICE- HOLDERS. I the came into cfhru. OuestioiL ' Were v6u removed from oCiee by 'the present Collector ! If yea, ilatpii!ajuwJatlMrjay-reain were assigned tccrcror, and what they : were. . r : ' "'. 'V Answer. I was .rcmored by. Mr. pton id K aedK y m 1 b 1 id emu stance h n illie I )ot otht fdn ful ja wiper, Our attention fios been directed to the Howiog portkn of ihe testimony taken cfure the Investigoting Cominittee ofjlloyi, (the present collector,) but have e House 1 uepreiciiisuvti, m aew 1 never conucocenueu 10 ass me reasons, ork, wl kh aCbrds indiotawo evUnd muM, therclore, be urder the neceah writ. r I., ik. I '.JUi... "u rwi,Wiu hu'-h . I i , .O . .7 ' I 11 hu tin, 7 u-hifnllrvf tnr tlifh rrirtrilwll. 1 Y antf now present. . ... ?."' 1 " T. r'.r-" " : . . . l nonsi were otner suoorauiaics in me AUIiAHA.M ii. V AiMJbnmcJj i .1 i roiled I cnt n ,a ciir, tain hatitu ill t l"!ntcriiaiicalljr trciht m cuiflict i I tinutd by Mr, II ite, . Question. Athilst yiu were Cteputy Collertorat the'port of Tey York; vvcrc rou ever called on as an olucer or the ciisUirn-house to contTib'uto'any Vuln pit sujiis ormoney to party or political ob jects!, if .so, w hat amount t was such amounitirom yu, canea wr in romsia- eration of your salary Irom the Oovern meni! what r.ropcjrtion did it bear to your salary ! did you J?ay it ? if h ty of. creat naines; wul have more in- tensive enough to pronounc upon il fluencc, I know,' than any argument of character of the ores, or value of th ime. Ueneral Jarkson, in discovenv We believe, however, from . Mr. rnkens. uo you quote uenerai present appearances and surroundins juuicfluous, niai inc pruspeci is woruij with ito fre dom of cK;nrM. Are not li.e abuses, awl tij thc)'t tyA require RNT S. DE P Y.STLU SWORN AS 'A .WITNlisK? ?;V;-V Examined by Mu tl'tte,. Question. rf.W you were coimec cd with the custoni-house, do yon kii A vhether r not the queers if the cus- Jarlunn as antlmrit v ? -'. i ' Mr. Rohetthun. ' Not for myself, sir, but' for the party of w hich he was the hader. "-', -" t ' . o Mr.' Picken. ; Vou do not call him the leaderL - . : 2 ' - A7a Robertson.' I do, sir j the ac kno vledwd, the und ubted leader; and .among his followers' were some as ab ject and servile as those of the Eastern monarch, who. were ready when his 10 1 Majesty said it was nighi at noonday, 'Vj U look op to the tun and swear they 8AW THE moon and stars. ' ' i.' ': I ' . " ': 1 ' ' I It" . 1 f storn nouse to your Knowledge caiioa mi to contribute in like manner : tor the supjwrt of what party were llicse cort- trjjunqns railed forl -was any menace. An Ex 'Postmaster in Georgia who recently- rcigneJ his office, has made an amusing exposition : He says, that of a more extensive examination. Western Carolinian, lllliu lull) H4IV.W ii ijj iimiwyvi . . . . - . .L." directly or indirectly,' of removal, held ; hw u master were nothing . - . . . ! at Ail Ihstiti.h tiu' mad vrwr1rl fr net SWOILN AS A WITNESS. Exa m Uied Ly Mr. '" b ise. Quontion. What otr.ces have you hi d in thecustom-h.usu; wheodidyou U""WV all, thou-'h he was expected to do coau,K-nee to hold them ; wlat tiie sala- U liv imi t i -itorrani sucn comnouiions i - j i "ci i i . u . - Id by joul , , , , , : t. n.- . . , . . t. j, when he had heen olh latmjj about a month, the department drew on him for - clh .i cju. wiiku iw tiiauiauiv tui iiiaiicu. iMlfc-Al8lJD0i lr 3enr. t1.Hl held it i L- HV. V' Shortly ;alterwardS: when, there was r -i.. tint. . i.Mrit....;.i'i'k.iit ,.,; ,..,u-,u ii....... 1 dc pnipmiiiaea i was vm ana aeciaca . , , , . . . i nciMfl vi'C nctu oy er.;I tvas ar h e of liiitprciur ol me utnns in May, Ai:er.r,I was aoLcin ed to the 'of- Wf-Uwens ob ected to tio intcrroga- . r.i" t :. - if-.. tofV. f tltotr ailaiW nr .im llS4-SMl.. nl 1 ,L ., .r at lH fiil it iMf. nu "I UW 8ilirUllIVe, UIU ji thereon, f-jr partyor litical jwr-j M rch, l9o!J, apl'v.nted Appraiser, at otsl II yea, state whelJier ou tiaie s.,jr'l ft years ;- writjd ..w hen -;)t)ttrvtf ' anyf Zymlmitedj not five dollars of the public money in cli payment, and state the mot ire up Liho-rs tfjihc custom-house have ever i u hich fiw.li payments were made, -:1 j lieen called on' Jo. contribute sums ol Mr. Wagener ot'j'rctcd to,tho pro- Ulyi,ey lo pari f aud pih:ical oljft.'ts! funding of Uiis interrogatory, and call- What ofiictrs have been si called on j .mm ,mj . .: , -i .. j .. l.:; havug tK-en callc-d by Mf. 0cwT "Tff T ? -T IV vMeisw. Curtis Dawson, liar-; r "".V ' r 7 J . . . nioai.mn i .Uiil - ha mala nn j... - ir,. .. .1 tiiiianAirii nag .auuui iv w iti.u, uv oackea out iruui his uiuw:ai uijjunjr as d fr the yc.is and nav. Tle coinniitte docutod that the inter- .IAS. ;cmi:; 163S.) riiiah etfut neli guiiit to 'Il al clrl ii.it ( third bv wImwj kr what an ountj wjth or iihout regard to their alarii'S of office; when did they coniribute; if they re fused, .war anv intimation eiven thai iheir refusal mi val w bat amount has so been contributed oud collected. Answer. 1 1.0 uicticr were ra a W,at party, al any one led on W contribute to poht.cal objects' l.",aic,Jr ." r .1,. t,.,.. ti . jpattUel to it, that we have ever seen, in. vi . Li vusiuui'in Fuou. inv iii um; . . s . , : was from twent v. dollars to one hundred wa w w ,a8ia ,ravu""r wv dollars. ; The tax was pro rata accor- tmWaa jersey. ooo . - dius to salary. " It bore a proportion of rt.ng, one t,C the e-whee s 'one to sit per cent. , I irequen. ly : T". TlT'Ir paid a part-of the amount ; when it was "! V w .1 Vs. randerM the Deputy Surveyor, ot Mr. Foster called for the yeas and lhe l that ten dollar, wa, enough , ......a A .... i ... :i. :j .-'..... .1 , ' for me to av. tor a few icart bark 4 iy 3L&00 per annum was not worth The question stion," iJiiU the interrogatory j'?!0 not paid any if.ing u the Gene- Jed I was put, and decided ;a' caus3f rcon!d n.ot a - ' ' , ford to pay -the amount assessed, and ayirig $13 for. 4 Under the impression bo rifo'pountled t aiJ If ThI dnrft ' !nV fW: Da wsnn. liar, wcause .couw, not 1.1... i -.: ... - -1. ..,.:.!. u-:.- r ;. loiter sustain the party ,7i Ci I' -1- 1 org d fl atury shot I J bo pruu4iiled.; It-.-srs. l'irli, 14 wsint, Harlan, 'Smith, Vi'ta 5. , AVy Mr. Wdgoucr. 1 '11... !i j..r..viiii,ri' 111. iljn rrifwiiin v .A .!... I., I 1 I r. iL ..,.i f iwi niili. ihj muic mail muiu sui'iu. , . , , . .vr " L. wu, uuM uiu uiH.T j-av ,,,v 1 ouu cunni;u, ui.u n't u,f iuyun mi. 'Ti.k. l. .4 i." I guess, saw me Oliver, aisvn'uio JOU election V u , v 1 TV. 4 wn finished. - von mbu't as wTrtl brinff ao" . i..; . . wrai cii; rait aiuug wiui jruu, utviv 9 m' other hole a liead." Accordingly the iraveller, not in the, very best humor, trudged along half a mile on foounder the burden of the ponderous rail aod a- cain relieved tho wheel. He was , Cow a pout to lane ins seat in me venicie, l 1 the driver called out to him: fTheie's another hole . yonder I cuess -you'll TaTrnmte.irreTaMoiT-vith you, and as the road is muddy, you,d better go t-lbot.'! - Loofc ye, thundered tho tra vcljer "at last, provoked beyond af endurance u goto the devil with your old stage 1 ..'I've nonobjec tions ar all to walking, but as for paying sto-!are for the privilege of walkwg tnewnoie oistance wun a og ran ou my shoulder 1 11 see you a firsL" Louisville Journal., Chid Minet.We are pleased to learn by aT gentleman froni Charlotte that the mines in Mecklenburg coun ty are now in more successful and prof itable operation thao for some length of ' time pasU--3. .' - " ! ' The extraordinary prices which Mul berry trees command have induced dis -honest men 'to commit frauds upon tho unwary by selling to them other kinds of young trees for Mulberry. ; Th9 Northampton iuass. Courier says i When In the. shape of cuttings, it is difficult to determine the character of young trees, and even after the leaves are off, it is next lo impossible to "decide the kind, even if ii is a Mulberry tree.' Yesterday we were shown bass wood cuttings, which had been sold by soma strolling', vender of tree's" as Teal Mul berries. ,We have heard of oher cases,' wJiere large sums of money have been ' paid fdr genuine trees which have turned out to be, some other slirub prat best "m QxSfx- spurious yanety. v Those who wish for trees should purchase of regu lar dealers or nersons in whose integrity' ihey can confide. Bui if they are such consumate tools as lo do otherwise they must not complain it they do buy hum bug kinds. ; v,';'' consoieatiouslv Tlio cillec- l tvllirjL CIV.-LtiJt Wf (I1UIICI UU- an. O il 111, 1U -u. .'Uia .Ubaats. I - .. , m if 11 -t asrUurHoywhlttntHreHtti'V I .... e7i. ' "2 1 T7ToTri.irti out five years, 1 wns occasionally call- Other proceedhigs were had. in re- im J' r" W! .My. taiitBa prd ,oU M, Wise ofeitlie W- MdW0V a w avr& mw iv.wiwi v ich ou tnld,' regarded as ono under DCp, j v;nicc states, arm mo s iury di in tf ' f 'rh w as paid out oi tho Treasury f dii united til Answer, lattcr.y rma out 01 the 1 T . f . ' J ocatitf r other' out ..in...... . r .i " ' : ft J iiv.u:'UV! lumiLTIV a f.o.uuiiJMiiii uufl f, ) ;ttwul on the amount of gols Weighed dlt? 1 in, office ii one heidirom the United QihNtion. Dn you know w hether ;hcr uU.rdinate o'fficei s lides voun It in tlio ciistoiu-houso were cIJyd on required to p iy such taxr iissess :nt upon their safuricv lor tho use ol 'fly and political purposes I ' .' .'"' Answer. Ouf- hv n-nisav. ns it re- -irds the other olncers, but I'savv mapy I uw Weiglicr pay t lie .tax of QllCStion. W un ll n i,.KiAi lima nil as e J RUJlt, Vet. I. 0V9 rnxr. 1)9 entered on ll.o Journal : Mr. U ise proKiunded to the w itncsvAbrahara B. VuikJerjiotl, the follow ing question, to wilt.. ',- -. " " ,.''' -"'-; '.',..-;.' ',,' Question 2. Do you tuow whether the officers of -the custoiivhotisohave ever Iwen called on to contribute sutns of noney to arty and political objects? what officers have been so called upon t by .whoin; for what amount; with or without regard to their salaries of office; when did they contribute; if thoy re fused ..', w.s "any intimation given, that their icfusul uiiht occasion their remo val? what amount has so been coiilnbu led or collected, and for the support ol what party at any one election l" The witness took tho . interrogatory ' without ohjo,i lion to propounding the 'tid from -von and uihor to ba us-jd ' same." and orocccilcd to write his an r Hlitic:il ruriMKiHf If v.-a. fp which wer thereto on the PMicr attached to ' 'ic tiiuu and prcieutwhtien swer. "h (vus innJcd to it the 1 .. partiesl the Mcstton, antf had ViiUen llwlolfow.j.. Irappars lhar ;Dr?l U u.;cd.i10 to , ; ' .Jktwr. has gotten Urn lector but Was one of the General Com- mit'ee. 1 bel.cve that nearly all the' officers of the custom-house, in doors and our; ami J ho clerks, twere similarly taxed, at d generally paid ; w hat they were asscssou., u was assessea oy uw General Committeeif Tammuny ' llall, ai4 tor the support of the pariy'deiiomi tnafed the Tamiitany Hall party, Jf the individual did not pay ; the amount he was taxed with tho Collector would remark,' You will be reported to the Geiieral Committee ; and ' every body we.il uudersiood'thai proscription would follvw. The Collector of tho Goacral Coihmittco has an alphabetical book, which contains the na.iies of persona taxed and iliu ainount each: individual is required to pay. '. J" (m y. Iianicars thai Dr. DuncanVabolitkm t - ... n -.1. imo trouuiC-wiui Frtm the tVational Intelligencer PROPOSED SHIP CANAL ACROSS THE 1STIIMAS OF PANAMA. The following resolution accompanied by a rejort and voluininousappcndix, interspersed by with, sundry maps and diagrams, was .presented tq tho House of Representatives from the committee on roads and canals, by Mr. Mercer, on Saturday, the H inst. The resolution was adopted by the the House, and the rejorUotc. ordered to be prjnteq. , Resolved. That the President of th United States be requested -o consider tiie CXKuicncy 01 optuini; w.couuuuiu, Novel Sale A. gentleman of CufTa-, a has sold all his real estate there for $130,000, payable in instalments; wilh-V out interest, at the rate of one dotat an hour The f Advertiser remarks, "according to these terms, the purclus- j er will have 14 years 31, d'vs art 20 nours 10 pay 11 in, ai me rate 01 i .t w , per annum.'.'. ' ,S . .... .. : .' - - j I-v , '.r , : iSINGlAR CASE. !; The Boston Post cives an account' cf - Parmenus lluutooii, 'w ho ,was laTely.- ( Anmm!ttikt lA tho nil '.' nnfltn.vtn Vt charged with robbing tho Pol office at . Esifcx." While in prison, he'svvallowed a pill containing a 120 grains of Opium.'. , The next morning hd was found in a ; ; siaie 01 uiseusioiuiy. - nau wgisur. . MIIe continued in tbis state until the , next Friday evening, . number of mcd-' , ical , gentlemen exertinz their whole skill to revive him in the interim, but to no purpose. At last, cne of thenij ; Dr.; , I Imiwrir 'lv AniUn n kaf frnrn !h . practice of the renowned ' Sangrady succeeded in' restoring, iluntdo.i to life: By using the warm bath, scarifior, and cupping glass, the doctor was enabled; , to draw efght.'en ounces of blood from" tho regiorfof the cerebellum, upon which. , i t!ie patient oiencd his eyes, rose op and called for water, lie had been dead to all intents .nd purposes, for tour da vs ' and when questioned on the sujec!' jits- t said ho recollected taking a piij ofii-;(' uin tust disrhL He is 'now in a .'Uicj way to recover enUTv'lyirom the edicts , V MM vw -, , t ; ... . . ' 0 't

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