1 I . btptt..ly . 'i J fourth, an J sj on. V ...5 ni' vca - turi;i'rfrv.2 the d.. y "V M n turn head bitu sav thU wnii i rnviu- ced them ho wa awr.rc of U.cir pres ence. Oil the lst flight jhey ail wVtit and Ahmed exclaimed aloud ; The r.U i!er . s compete! ' To night-, the Whole forty arc horef '.. . ! ' AH doubt wt re; now: removed. It w iVrp itkihai Ahmed lwuld,have discovered them by any uamral means. How-could ho nswiriain their exact i numbrr' night "?iier Wht J Wut ver ome being mA ken !, IJe musr have " it iy his t V.ill in astrogyv. Jvcn 'ihnt-at.tain now yielded invito ol'tya . ant reduiiivi ftHt declared Jij$: -pinion .t it xx , fconelifcs to. ekide - a man h( v;iw W therefore- ad vised that kUiiAf make a friend of the cofc ' Jiv panfesihi everything to tin ''and pribin Wa..t'tec;rey-by ara ., U advice was approved of ejitfan hour befoir4he dinn t tbey :j knocked st . a hmed's door..; The poor. mao jaitipea c" . 'e iA-nA eii.nMMn the 'soldiers! . were, come ta . load J)im to execul huvT I cried iOC.Bafe,ueiHA''-I..rI1wwC V vwhyon arePo.fr ' 'er7. .unitist and wicked Jeed.V.ft f ; : ' ', Most wWerfufman '.'said the capHof forTuu - tm. n iHc duor was oDcned. . we, are ' fiiilv convinced ihat.tb uinowestvwby. "V. . ' f ' T me are eomer noru ac nit-uu w jf fv the" crionM which tWu'fcis (which we WiTeive-ihejproided jiioa . . w ill ivk ear to- yayj jhi fuug ; mofq ; aBjBtj f . . Say nothing abjnit it f A.hmfcH. Vfteh i?rofiB w'onr and inlbstice "vub4wt o: the . Have" mercy uponuf exclaimed Ibe tbteTei, falling on. tleir ktiees : :oty J Iare.ur:li ves, and. wfe ldltesjr4 Pe that thejnen bcfe bi'ur.were rcdtK'the thieiesi ho a su ued a soldmn tctand-aid-GuiUy men I ye ar purifoiled -that ye cannot escape penetralioii bich .rearhei unto the son iatfil-jjtotti and Knows llie position ana aspen i u cttj i -rovaJ ' treasure.' i v ; The cobbler, started rjibbi his eytsttn and f'WfiosB unreasonabla-lijty bo " 4o aeeif f!aa "asleep of avrakef AfldiT feejing.vaniiy. he was now full Wnsi: itat in ihc heavcniiCl Y wifMlfttety ;?w5Ti3i8na'ted;t': lfier JitjsbaiMl as chief.a Ttentance has saved too.' i But va. musJ atoletj. Go traightway, and carrv ifie j . forty rnests. eiacny y nrry ye - nuna ithem, and bury them a foot doep under ; the sou'hern yall f the Hemmaa j - teybnd'lbe k"1' pafve'lt ybu Jfio this wnctually,ytiif 'v,esare scared i but uyoo fail the slightest degree, idestruciionvijfll fall upt;n you er4 your Tle thiCTcsjpro'miscd obedSence to; hit awnmVBdsand depailsi. bmed , then fed on hisllk" and'efiirncd ! thanks to' Go J for bis 5igoM- marky liis Cavqr." Abtwit two boura Hiir the, -royal guards came,'' and . desired 'AJi'maJ to follow them;He'aidJe 'wojld at-' tend thftt as soon as he had taken Jeare -, of his wife, tor whom lie dfcterminetlJicl m .fc ...w.-j .- k toJmpirt waf' Wi"fccurrd' until bej taw'thn resuhVHe bade hec Ureweil : very afiectionately ; the tupprie'3 ficr tell with great fortitude, on ihit minaj - occasion, exhorted ter husband to'oe oi ptd clieer, and said a few words about tbxC goodness u( , o idence VBuf the fact was Sittara fancied, that'll -Jticd took the worthy cobbler toliimSdf,. her - beauty might attract aoine ricbr lover, - wh$ might enable ber to go to the'HchK i mara '-with as cruch splendor as ih'as -1 tr4bwer' lady, Iwwe-ima-epVrBd ' with 'jewels andfine lothes, nd iSur. ' rounded o T ia ginatioK 'tewai ; -Ahmed aiKf tw wifeT: Tlio edoil snaii is Al ' N . ' z'iVAlQ condeaVwhat hdil lbpeobdlis jnv decrees of heaven are. jusH rpossiblei iho verfiitXEmr.t wonti b.V.i d sqifeitto their merits awaited bniui'ht death ofi them all. ILuaiLte. atoud it h a' "cheerful tourfiena nee .hei fore the king, who.' waa impatient for, . ' his arrival, and immediately iajd Ah. r tncdtlyooka are prom iking; Kas lhU discovered my, treasure T A-4 ' fDC9 yout iajitv require the ttiercs or vhctreasure !r Tiie atari tvilt oiily 'grant me too or the other, snid Ahied ; f looking at bis table of astrological cat r culatkns. Vour. mnjeoiy must make your choice, 1 can deliver either, but 'notboth t-'--.yT- .:;'- r r; '..':v I should be sorry not to punish the tltieves, answered the king, but if -H tciunt bo so, 1 ch(xwe tbe treasure. k And you give the thieves a full and free pardon .;':'?. ti.j: L t J do, provided I find my treasure . "cnWraclicd-' -'; ..-! ., " l. Then, iaid Ahmed, if your ma jetty " yvrV. U.llow m, the treasore shall be re - 'to od to you.- ! ..'-I'l, ,v : i Tli' nod all his nobles followed the cobbler tthe nww a the old Hem. ' -mam. Tltcre, cisioi his ?yos towards bj;avca AJuic4 n.utturc4 cuaie sounds '-. . 4- : ,ty t : I for l is Lis rrav- c:re"uvl.iMi.in .1.1 in l unnilrrfii! Hi!" . :) !..:?. . ...'!! er was f.thshed. ho t ointed to ihdfouUi er all, end requested .(Jtattwrrr:?1; would order hi .attendants to c. ir.jrc. Thu'wark witsJirfrdly begun, wheo US; m liole fotf chest were ;ti)und Jr the samo - state o . ulcn .stolon, iyitb lhe treasurer! seal, upon them suitjUnoro- .The king's joy knew na bouads; he embraced Ahmed, "nd Immediately .piiiotedliittl hia chief s1rvVfer raashja - etl to htm an 9 partmerj in inupjvre, hbd deobred that ha bhouli nwfy-Ms lnly diiiiglcri as it'Jsrat bis ckuyro im'a'elw man wl)om Crod had.fo sinn- i he w po.i jdd not &He e?ti'hWacK:r.. 4s : arfd tilfiiibld uVsd vetiy, be jbebfj 'tneekjajfj titim wp modeTf ind Kr-in-proBiierify. Xr i,u ,-i4,.Vot,fo Ka Ct'i laflf javofcd,ahdhad made irfrfaen LToT-AbmToU Juac JbaA hof ta.rnVrestwngtir'csofl'ik item: The yoS Ves :' mote-beauiiful th'arkrboqtuAvas fttot, ICyofi JuftccetlryoJ. aJN, raised, di4aUslted witb hlrrfaihc choice , JoV S5PSTfi-??9" "'f het iiihd was stored ith.reliort, and you hallfrigr .doath1c bitiBS dccci. virtftrlVadafncdyalui bo- e'.f) HVil!V' vend all earthly crualittei, tlut mety. au ryor !An.me auiiw wfl.p!: n-iJt.X0 'WvtfT.Ah'miA toKatisfejdistimsolata. Th.nrince.: per- f as t Vot;, s had.takerfifcp.nple furnr-; pCaiipeMsujNwyj- mo.Tftjjv'Kiact AjDTnn n 1 .w; rv? "Vi r . 7 . T reuJdvhi1giifrbA a.oriry bedl nam tbr : nuslse? rQmj lgr oi rnxwcTuy kid?. " ti iius'ciiange'i wty. i uui, . .tr.. v- i timifHnsosibo hit d foAune- spMiwIdpceJOwho bto.teen came ffaily more, attached tolhe&cauti ful-ind- VirtuoQ princess jS bow M tiad 4harried!i.'tfivho could nut'hftlbrcotv frtrttin J wrVcha rw&ifWh -tbHT of lii4 ilortpeg wbom tie pact j&earotf "ov At AhmcJdiiiot re! urn tontat houso," c:f..--ll .r..-. common romoV.- She taiV witn. i!epoir Ulat her.w!fheofiiis.a"dvabremefltUd all uer tfwa ddstrca, rad . bejetr enttreh trolo!ier--that verv sitoatioa sJie'had ti;enalfe Mijqfe6 Vurpass a ff :vthe 1a" dies of Idfiliasr In 4he inumbct 'of ier slaj and the tmerjMjf hef Hothes and jawets, wncncverne wti tne item nr. am . tint lik Lmtl u. nnitf. torn, was banished from bw house, and ctaegnneuVto live on - wriatever pittance ujici,oyng convtrtccq uiattt nas Den she micht receive from a" nian- wJiflsrrlojt bfr ohe af thvse 'atranaaaceidents love and esteem she had forever loflei - ieq. iticse tnougiis ,aistraeted - neri mind; ner envy was excited ty the ae - courts thirds iir heard MAhmtotm haft pinc;y'nd -Ui beaatye arttBfi7jaow uecame anxious only tor mi uvsirucuuH."ioairu' on njuini;uie causa or ner ui3appoirapcr. ; :..An. oppertunUy ,of bwiiig' herre vengeful (eelinga as : notion? wa"htintf The king 6( Sees tan had "senw Icra eJie raid of extraordinary size end bVHliancV as a present to the kinjfci 'Irak, Ji wtis carefuily. enclosed.in ji edxV.fo iwfiich there were three kjJaHlpnetf tftet was given in-chanreTto each." f Att three confidential crr. rK pir.nk'rinrf tL convey it. Vben tliey reached. Isfahan - , . ' the box was opened but the'emerald ' waaf gone, Nojhing could exi-eed Hieif con jtberefere bleaT a fa'Ohte frytn my birth, atesnalmnt earK-arrriiuul i)m V iir natl w'as.'Lruntiht lift.' in" ihn htJipl ili.-it t ' . j " .... r, . o I r - a tlie lock twasoHk(rn.-lr.war cvi.lrvuW cwfmiand whatert nhiswrorld fail denCone of tiiejn. njtfgf' be th thie sofved; therefore; tq lay the whole mat ter lcforo the. king'iand beg 'that by b creid wisdm-4Kt would :detec"f Uecul- Th, king Uca'W lB sfoiy wfth a'sWrt- isiuncnu dui was. unable to hnd aiv rtrv it i- t i .... " . z : f ,7.niVn. I? .'Pfiaw th,e.trpih, t'viswiwct ana an uie wiat mi n of his4:ourl i but they were .as much at a loss ashcir niaiAtf: The Te-J pon sprcaa mroyga tneHy, and.Sitta ra thought she. tiJuJLrfHiw. the means of wornmg ner nuaband't. f Qm. ;-She soli cited a private andjente.tf bi'f majesty, on the plea of having 'co'nimunication of importance to" inelic Ifcr "request was gramea. un entering the royal preaonce, she threw herself at his loet eiclaiming,- Pardon, 6 kin j fmyjiaai ing so long concealed the guilt of my husband Ahmed, whose alliance' is adu- 4 ! ' . I " r" y j ii om ui your uv "-,uic , jhi - 1 w ... & - i iiiiiii i r jb mi an Birvn fin i . .-. . . . i ft am r in, uf.nniiftTA . .. 1 j - . i i i - i r .. .mmon in me jast tor power mv bcoVed f.mW ti l,,.! tf.,. a Iv abscrit. to 1 n -.: : ' VJ S "ledaughtersofnionarcb. to be mar- 'Wound of which ffAdyioV of tj.c rH ibff ; - vv. , . SV. ?T C?1 rV()"- nod to mea eminent for -their Jearnihg, -My ptouT&ini& 1 W & 4 i l , ,!INHAV.- however low Uicir origin. f ed 1 swear' ' , VI. Lvery,.ecri.;ih ..nc ' 2 . ; balcnlili Mo' 5 - ifim -U- ;v--:': " .-V r , ' , .,.': :l "' ' ' '-s- V-'rW- " --4-- 4 ' . .. "r- V"""' ' , " ' .'- "' "' ' ' ' . . "' ', i f ,,:'..- ; - . i. .-, ': ,... - -'.i' . . .i. , . t ' .J. ' ' . -J ' ' -i- i ir..r4i.Z. . .: , . . -v ' --' T;--r--JV'"'-' "' -- j--t- j-. -. - , thoroval . -uo . .ltnv L; , rro .t!.a ,a,) I .Uun a u g cXnai.uJ.ar jt-V ' 0' 'trutMrr.ake you barrj V lur'"..atoI v m f' tbo emeraJJ ubicS lo--.servants yciljbo prscCUhiat frl I V i .Li' Arn? of Ltw. ,.a6 BU-lon.-f. Tho ol3 p.aa seen; resohit jnn b'cttly xww ho.UrhtrcnrfJrkeith. uh art ttimadhercVlinha k Prince ..inow " H r .;i it, nut eay.'mAtftr to disc L'lj.rrccuiuJ '-The kfn-,;who lof-d t'J -iw,- f . -vUoi Vcd" bv 'ihis.infotUi ; ...JUV lToijf.abis Taiaily 5va crj'ccri) tuV'.J rvojved.to f Ahmed' 4o ;the tbsti and il'Vllnml 'lutn.'a.n., vriposlcr, tandiHln. LshmcU. Mfe therufisj en 'UbmeoUJiriicwbarbaAhfirrcd JrOnf ivS JLtrao ton JiHisl J?8isev' i? ' 'I only ;ou;thafenen my, ao AhnVM. ?utr a our unceniv cad. iratn. Hon. x otf are ajxangers site aid le them, 'and come frona powerful klmt it p my ,wtah to show'you evry ajtcur- tiniL . A s ti ihft ImI era Iff -lfunk nrl iitiu. . n a ill iiits ihu t: eri ii lntni nir I nifltd 111 ft J it IS A tnfft iTlfl-i Will 1 ' mote jbr.it i l is a imo trifl5. ,;'!." will . . J ' .i ia .i - & . i ' .. . I give mrneit ito luriujer concern on the lfcte which i impossdJe to actourtfJ't ,iofnweuiYwinBo.iiearari 1 ie.verar uayy aunnwnco uwe uie l merSU.Seeoicd-l be Josatrtten., bbe wirticularlLF S;esiiD.-d tlitf.coua nys nirj uau bquo. ore lycir. i,Hiwifj-j. Filtered "by j bcnidcstisijtionVlucy wcrcf d lighted wiili ahcir reyal patrotVjl 4etdy;ofl " jboir guard, tuVne jtti venation tonfe evcnmy Ln wointtrfnt iif Ktfveruiofis hear . lia otirooU cnear.ri ana Barisiarterv,'aoeirncxi iue .nw I w'UHurrvastrutojwtllls time, and ee0f conetorr-idipgHyl1 ' jilhi ttd wnemera can .njwii.iou uuvu . ?y in- I' S V.;, 4 Ji .v lT.rf'..f-e lectin a ured--ty aRnoTrkt?aurud.tdbe r; diStrwif ,,iUup 'buOcQi Utetf4 tmlV uv The ft tthuojerii and ; Jat. apnroptlatca raVpriA thattiower WiciTudnWir tfte lourrOlTicn jAfllur iculfr'fl, .J.. .1v V.Vt dSS Ml eVlWeVft KvV'Iilyf. :4cvoivft.UPnttb? Twenty. TO oWeii Sme;trwlie W' W lwrl i hfStT Mi fu irrcnces-r ana anev ea-o had reiaitHiiw"ri'n?ft'rarBwiu9 asnwi, r hirtoryrhe'said - w ill noWj recount hoiou some events i as 'my OwnitG.! T which tt)U u ill.I tliink. deeifl . nioiViTT.l iliraoTniDafw.than Voo have evet heai-d.r a .(.c . . : K fanymy Uiber'ionly tiiild. and have fiffordi 4ihd .$ tatrght thai unbounded .iti ify.Vna theikslajvl rost wines'. ly iJ1.ic. pearly resolved to sjinarc.0,,.K:r WJyreoalty. forTTailureSn BVv wrivvT exaiiroa oignerosiiyj' ii tbouvhiuny- powe of 5H.-ttnt t ua; I ww;f14i r r-r--rv maiinVvcrbodv harnvT was as uri.l"" Sec JV.'esiAbbaltethe bar of ast limited. as m wish to drf-Koi and eould not cenceivB Ue cxistencejh mis tryjjev tMianypower to re he ve When 1 was eighteen, I; v was betrothed lo ny cousin, a young prince, h no '.excelled all vtbdrj in bcatfly of peisin andftXlo riesaol mind: anJl "fancied mvsetf at the suoYmit of bbppinyi! chanced, bttweyerr-thaf ontne morning of my jiupttals.i went to walk' ma gar Jen near the palacjn where I had been accustom whose iriuscd misera.ble, I a mattetl VH? evaded a direci answef but 1 insisted upon his dtecjosing tHb cause of his rief, declarpg at lhe same time. in r dcterminaiietf to reiri&v it Vou cannot relieve me, sal j the 6fd ed to. spend some bouts . daily from mv 1 childhood.. Tlie old cardener. -witli nisuuto3 as brcscrjbod by-this not. 4,1 .cheerfulness I had oftnn betftaO "u fopcnsation of the llrashals vn , net mc. Seems, him look1 vltv. kws according -to 'dr. ;rtsj ' For ife sked hiui what was; tlw Strict bflSorthCai. ! , vit i$ 81G0.' too vii.If .ifi'iJ rcf iulir.i.'oiirJJ?jOv withm:tv"oui3 nlci 'be v. i -izl'm . -.. .A.. nAi .vobi'hc Jrplie prlcccsMi.at 3hJ; nof- uvako' ni? Lnrnv. I'ehdcavod lo1nt'e'vvQt nic rash rp'w f .-and-iiorhmg but lb4t ahouldi Vfhith.i to consist i!t iiKTiiii!;,vrroO - Hkl, T't.'IWalii "h eetppfej:- itl 4C" anoow wr.l.assii,iatfrii maRe 11 tit lion tit it&ktni:ha,reurna5.V:A i w a . i wr a ' a ' mt fcsjfc rcq.jws twr Marsn,-?! lo bio fto ovr-'tary of SraTe by ilie llCHe-J " uu ..c; u. vi ,u ihatun tbusx For ejreriulOfl. Dersoris re- Jtut"d,t'csl(,CD' in th -county 8iif i c wy-ti tnore-tnaTra,tn;w persons,, at tfietnmc Trate 'foff 3,000 and lb yp for 300 persons returned over I haumbcr When, however, from tbef scarceness of poptilalion, this cotn pensaiioo is inadequate, I the , Marshal may allow not exceeding $2,50 on eve ry 100 relurned. ,liie payment siot to be.ttwde to'asststants tin he sliall hare swera tnar he Jias faithfully- exceoted :f Sec. I cr nww.iuu '-"'" ,- tJi- ' " 1 t'rivm the?garden toight,.apa. Rcotlie. V rfcf'.incttlt: to dc- ekfdbyihiswnforc-secn decla raatrcmfeiht ?vhiel i raw :ttcm ino tn"ccTetipy 'iwii"-"r--, . ',1m;Mtn tfVve V to' dScu to yoor ,busU vfcfig $ jjijffi w;,, 0,1144 rSn9n. PTflpM S rr!f rera.rcu 'I " ', -Jf ..-i,. ; j? . i .-s .....! .rfflire.O'a2rcuTJiirt5 &hiecel'' irianif. : TitE siia dsia t .Freoo!orcd 'pcrxs1tiaVpcf v V ,Wjf. Co1Ssn.,PuUirt Trcata- Jj.-qt boiwd 4fc.cryicejvr hr ter, uthrttrvica, liia .aifjininicnt .iv, arc in uc euu-Tnraicu, inQacvsa ihs-.i'1VUiiuiv h tiiumu - uiv itainguisM, and tho aes .under'JO- 4V5tJ f ijia ntccli.ni ta..n$icn in runeef 4 unatr.uxiuero-.auiit3e ietntAPriK sfla -Hg v'Trntr lias lundcY 'IW to be n'oiVdi i&t 'ij'rifrtt u itirfirtoejiiia; that tor, w iibotit f egaV") lo sgf of dtl.'ftfiid ! Say - "in 'tl'aKculive Uhe; Q advise duudiilKjjtwf as tathe appoiatipcm of a, iqany 'WMl'MN-cre, 'a publiiwccclkr t - cbarga. t ..'. -:7 ' . ;, '' V 'j jg" who-Its wefts tM MArsMe4Vi. v , ; .. 4M .. uiw i;upv hi pcn ossisianrs return wnn who may una it cnnviutcnt to call, tlie Ulrl. oHlis Ui?frictrnlir.lfl Nitwit tacciaiiDoda!ed':'.wifli plentv c,py of bis aggall feuirnto tl Ifnartrni,e:oil,erynw original aggregate, u no transmitted, jo V Everv t-cr.-..-,n whroirt nnit place of aj)odo 0.1 said 1st June pljall be in any family, to be. returned 9 -?f that family. I The' name of ev'cryl,; hatit; ivtihoot any settled l'tiij cf crk .IV f . ..vty, f . ; ' j or : ' O.uuont. UiU! in2 these ma tcrfand "ive'an ao to' thu fant'Iy. ..7. 'YlT.'Eac'Vassijlaiit Mfo hia- Kn- 1.iVcturn to the JXirJnU to ciuso tbe-sclicduii CofUainin? t niimbsr-of- La : pitted" iWwaSf iho "ft"'?r l'uLlic rla; tvuh.0 tlitfiatrictforcnch- crI.icb ha ir-to rdxlvb'CT c'c'jr.j'cnsuuon. vU f ' VJU. Secretary 01 oiaio to-iraw tactt f.v-:Rd schoiils.'ssTw ill cxhILii fail'Vimrof ifwWulls. industry, -tlJ-t fctianf and ?curCs" of the tiuurttr)', ns tshau. UD.up;ecxtq ty tnoa-roNo-ni n pi fBwVdfefatCa; Atdjlihnll be lhe lu- Sder tbe r - J)uwhaud theJvlabi.kUmrtU ftir- - eaV the-west ei eud ef.tnj: village,- h irV'Mt. kr,mn,ii-. , not in tt Mli d hto inakc.an flat' trine tnng statement, a- ' 1 1 ' ,ikaia&..i,..k. i. i' ii - . a ,i .onu wP.I'w.&Vla;n5 -- v -v , I'"' Miilln unijitcfruj-'tf f bv tlri .kjrig c miia. xtf ?JESii IliXSIlAw! 1 r ;etr ; Salem, flih'Mn, 5, ib3D. NEVi(;00t)3.i T M C ibscribcr ' how receivin g; . ..jhu iitiVHk., l" nir ttnti Ttl K Muuij-ranu jnttiads t(t eU yeryjow for Cash, pr for.sucfi trade-av is s.Uribler , Eidrav()R" wilt btrued4Veep all att,cei otl btd ttotnmdnly tailed for ij. this. " oiartet. Alf jieravns whn i ifiiin J ' " . . . h?i&Wfii$ijM if. mtj ors ctrcM, nrlf b'eniuired to , pr t ftrr : tlu iC ;cc ou,t$ jfavo J I)VVtr. l"liri 1p.rpirf..ti.. :. . a'" I -tjotUitrnfielvci. i. ... frtfm'wtotyVw a'Hf fc. : Ve ward, of lnVnayi-frynx the assistant they Sjcklf. a1lwf -SlatlMsjlH amoMt a! t on i 'consider )ti!lihy&r,T nit itVr' I r ; V V .f 4