(".i ( :' . I ;M voirMR in.? J I .. - LiJZj.LUll I .":' Jit.. , fc ' . , - - -. .... j. ... - V -r'TTr' "TT ITT- y-"5! . n t V 17 f;r, t'i' pini ration of tle pubicrlo tiiW year, is equivalent to; a' new, lSIi.CnComittuliofls. - &c to,? co.i.e post f ?iU. , , s JViVm for Idrrrthtifg. ibrnt e;i r.i, Iwvyever hort, will b charg t jrt UrJert ana judicial ndvctiie . v. ill be rharaed 25 nerct-nt hiirh ; (vvc nctimcr.ave to uait so iutp farfofph Ceany, April 2, J830 Mr. CJitnr: ; i . -j L A strict examination into eemduct of rair public functionaries not only in accordaace withi the fjir'u our institutions," but the boundetj duty If pvrrv ir.diTidal. In a renrescnta. i.2 Gyiernmcnt, like curs the will of e people i reccgcizcd as the supreme wefihe land, and the rer-rccrtative . accountable a'rcnt, delegated ly the pile, lo give their common wi! the rcc and -efficacy of. written Taw. t If never, the representative should pur- o a courso at variance with Jllie popu r will, hs in fact i. not reprcsentin: e will of the people, notwithstanding s acts. maintain the authority offaw, ii tnuvt pretaih innitTopealed bys fub- " ' ti : 4 -t ' t . " jocot legislature, itie cvnsuiai in nei.e the. pacfage andcial o( the t jsre Ji.imIj chiirgraMe lo tJie repro D'ame, who regard Ics of the will coDttitacm tod v acts vvvn i.'S own the will of his party.," Cot the repre t'a'.ive IitvtuuJci ihc, several pnrc piies f'f pauiuUny vii tue and a tilit v air. tlie t tbric weal hii polar star, A tie public will J.w guide, aui re ivci from hi. constituent tho appro P.'ory ecntirnenU wcl dure thou cood tl faithful servant. On the contrary e unworthy rcprercntnivc , receives 9 slcrn language of rebuke, unfit to e wed to any but tfic votary of lit- si njjMcr,iry, , . Pur a JmiraUavflenof overnfrxnt 'and. without a palj and it. legiti, 'a?0 operations ; will ibpense, peace nDf,na prorpcnrv aa long as "dminiaicrcd J wisj and patriotic on But it i:ot a tinelanchcly lruth 3! like all ctiicr governments, i 'N "oreor J's Jy the hW arts K ib Unnrii:cir4t not lo sacrifwc the public. weal kjown morbid ambition lo rulc In lC df k ages this odious and degrading "ouctiound some palliation fin.-tlie h'uiir ignorance of the times, , 13ut io I.!t r. '. I . i . 1 ;-; -iwnenoa d;y ,wleft, ignrance i .-"per stition bare raised !avav I. ''luic mii-i.tv ii'flit .r hk Adrertwcmcnts will bo conspmAu?ly ' ; . , . , . , . . J hindscaieiy inserted at l (K per aa bctt c,Ci car. .sire f ia Hues i and 5 cci.ts for cv. rKI$ ollt ",e r?nciples lie professed be v nbrntent insertion. Mo adver. fore tho iorU TK Xn'J,. U... WW. ,v: .. ; sv ing to litmanitytUs hypocritical course "u.!fWaciiti-foritwt. Tti w ho advertise t y the vear w ill Jl . ... -. , . - U -n that ic i not n.hr.!i n 4rttd t. a tfedoetion ofC3ir cent , w c ! ( $5 ilT ? TI ' prV -ovidedthevpayh advacce. i4 Uave heen nfd in N.rth Carolma., l'4 ,he, r ' " :' - Mcn uloliavet bUkdio. act l!1ci,,in',0;ri8 lf,e w! :Uriy-. , CCKI.C.UI(I;, - 8lcoUniftf4Slatefc itWm wtMf ncuvg vte IrueiHnate ( a v r vi i'uiui hiKiwi infill. i-ukwuiiunuifif'j inq IQSUK 0I b no flea will pslhate ihclsia ofjfered the pcoplo of North Carolina, it "g)?uein. Koi a iJwti riding r the would brina amile on the counWance ludinaiian .ns brg aiiire lM?of 'Diojiki binwdf uj khoU the mw-h- political duplicity, yct'wcof.'eVnl l!mdr'i.akcd fij leaf , iu'bte'rfo'ge, Yt -'"didunl desiifnujof.to wliij'oursenatyrs iaveled io bide 'J'l'uWic.vifiuo, and vy on: jog o very (their wttctesfrofo.fliocyc. of an in- 1 " s A; , til I " , ., . . JL. i it ni.iro . But Vw difcrent wkhS.o "irAri. ... ' , i , .1 ous caiididao,for . tLice.vHa makes known true an j honest entjtneit,! and avits tins r shn'and di?j hUatcj - 0' cafr. makes ever, cipsrious of Movant of uwritand a t -1 ity,Tfkort t' manncnu nt arrt "trier to ob ain an 4 irire,wliich be, Uuy iufnpclcct to CII. ;v 1 It.wo vf r d gri.d intention tu anlv 'anv f hard or mhJ CO.Tlil that 'ttnao-j., i . I f . h h 1 i au -Liiii a.. le. tut iu lil -v iinunvrr nMrrun i his coadjutor, of tlie great rcapcci for,!1' fluW- Hut. to Profe and willingntts to obey the will of the ; people, whenever it ahoukl'be aVrcr. l lainedt Has not the imnrcsMon oei abroad that m obev Ukrwin orthei r.lcas the ultimata nd f U Vr Uu i en democrats I amlwhcn that wnl. ia.scer.aincJ.ad'y; the ui:iin!r aervaRtsli;,t ,wl Bui en democrats! and when' that will thcwB willing serf aM.Viittt ; Do they nobly rcpind-- Thy will ! done, not Our curdothey-.frorilie nrIeJjuo: and tale shelter behind the third c rioti of the first article of the Co . , ' It ii oof our purpowjo omphin c-f'ff fe 8631 AGrnmcnt it n it, , - r u'al 'ta-o.Ve nsura ncc, contained Mes?rs. Br-mn and grange lor nor r; in ll.e ulj,iwd olSdal laiirTlSr.! ui uKir iaip&iie uHcnv, in iruiew ... ;, . o ...' pract.c.nganoihcr.n the city of Wash , inffon. It is well known il.nt ihrv Ui v ' 1 SJ ., .-" - - ..... repeatedly aeelared that theywc .ud re spond to, and carry 1 out ! the wiVhe c edly declared that thejrwf -uld re-1 1a. and carrv out "it- U. r the niajViritv. But Uieir defarailon arc in Ktript aceordence w jth the ger.cr. cral out lines tif .this adminisiratioit-i The Executive promised great rrtrtneh- men! in tho expenditures of the Govern' rricnt;-ntKr r,1s true inOXpcmliuircs were actually, reduced from twelve di-vn,lo lorly millions of dollars per an linml TJui if wbai we inighi call re troiichmcnt with a rcngcance or, ki other orjs,ctreochmciit up .hill Soj our acnawrs, ncung in tlie,samc good V"'! ulu l l9VKiAy vocj l"9 w'1" oi lite -eoplc, and w hoa that" Will iVmadc known to Ihem by resolutions nasscd bv the representatives of tlie ieoplo, tjiey sre indigoanlly told Inat.Uie legislature pmittcd to ioserl the rnaodatory word tnttrttel, and thai omission vhiatc. the wholo .erics 'of rosolutiona,'1 Hence ihey are tpt bound to rect or ; obey - i. " w....s.il.i jsl'i'. .lV . . : fallen fro.n their EVP. flit rn-il lml ll...i to see and rightly appreciate, the can iw II -f '"v lull- dor and virtue of Ih'.w ')ioii hql havt trusted to represent hc,n. 1 'Thcv nae read" Uio hand vritiPff upon iho At f, r the , tcnior acuator, we did not expect different ronrite, for we have Ions bWIered -haiMinVrti IZ 1 - - ? f1 V0' quqdptiacivip enough (urhm And he ii linobrly unfortunate to l.arc fallen' unier tl raodern -Icmcwtwyr of k . " ' pprs io T 0,.,b? c,Cffa7 HinciplcsoVan er."a? " Anr,vK our senators ' Juiuficd Codd iba" r f " ACIUCbLAJ . ; "7;' - fT1 ; . TEll? , NTELLICICE iingtrlor fcrewrtaya naslinj ?5c2.a,n,0V fcvcrincc.tho adjiurnment 4xm' (rm lh.0 tpu.c 01 Elaine liave worn a rar,uA I ' v --rv. provisional M luiiiiaiLT ui ureal iirifaiii has been carried into full a0d coSle cfl'crf. with thn rnnni .f ... . ' - v-'Mavm VI .liHI I W I flllM. ,I,!,iTcni. C3r,ic- (.overn.ncnti w aw,no Wuuswick., k? , ' F,o,fK Th rfwutttt (Ate.) Jovrnnt I ill. WAKODEDLMrOR. K TANT.(IUtESH)XDE.at . IIrodQuartcrt njt,r rt U. A. jhmyt lutmt Maine, niflrrh ! iim in Iniivnf It.! . r i. . . specially cf.arged Vitb-mainUiqini iho peace and safijiy of their entire North. crn ana eastern troniirm . . --wwf -iii UIU9U In nnnrrlir,l a !t.:..i. -- . w i,uius.ituu oi arms be iwcea me -proximafei forces f New Brunswick tmdtha Kfin r .i . . ., . iiia vu uu uv imiiii. nn n n .1 ccro desire of the United States to rrc. w. . mo iviauum 01 pcaco aod, amity with Great .Britain KlaVmn might bo , much endangered hy , such -..vn..u V.W111.-.M11 ii invite irom li:s rxccllcncv Mai Harvey, Lieutenant Gojernor, ote. tVc a j-3ncral declaration io this cfleci r . f hat it U not tha Intention of iho Lieutenant Governor of her 'Britannic MahstyVYoWncc if New Brunswick, under the directed renewal nr'iuw,;.ii. lionj between tho-rahiii'iia ! .T.,.ik n(l Washington on the suhjor.tofv tha .aid disputed territory; w ithout rC,l0vi-. Cd instruc'lons tu thm i 'r,J!.- ur. i, . .... " ... r--. iiviu, Jllf Govtrnmonf. to icck to' take military i-ifMu.j oi ui;u erruorv, or losrt'k v ,"",,,7 -v vpui tncreirom i tim.ilruic'd cjvii,iv. oriho , troops w I.I ' KhflllM ilia .n.l': J L . ""I , ' , doe. m in the leat doubt that be 3fMl,Mon', Bails- . . ' N immediately nnd fulhy aaKized f f9 V f rW ? T Va :? Iuin ' all : ; . P ihe Governor of Maino K -1 1 tfat ' . y in? narfi dl,-. fWWW nE MojitiKt: anv d ace is X. . V wtkacy.setUeofil wJSLw nh - betueen the GovWnb2uS3 f public a. lo - . of thfl Cuvernor of Maine. witCt re, J Tf,dvnCe,!4 ,s g,Tel io -an aocia?t ced inaction. JVonlS, ; fefr P of tho 3ute, !q attempt . (o divuS c,f,f,4,e'!ce puted i, arn, the ,jid Vli f: iSlho AIadiwaUact!fcmentior loau v! !.n ? :.Kv tempt laimewupt tho iu-uaM conmmn! 4- " been lost it lUcni-mt Ifidisruptioo n B, t. tr I oug With an etrnfMin l.iti !.e wiJling; m the mean tllea tiiequesiioiuof oossMsion i,t.4u tioo as Uiev.atmesrnt 7C uf .Maine hUii:A in f irt twii..: . r 1 f - - - VM-W IT nin n .... 1 1 . 1 . inHuvr iHnion i ina same lerritnrr to Wfiicti ncr right is denied by Great Drit- , - i-v'vvi icriuu rylearliiif on'v. undue a ln,rnn a afna civd pm, armed runanned, to itrutect the lirijber recently1 cut,, and to prevent future depredations. UeeiprocalastaranteJof the fireo tng friendly character havi. ' Iwert, through ,b, undersigned,' lnterchngd, till jnnAn. mjC .11? 1 . " . P. mediite parlies' to ih innimtw...2.u!n Ijc at once remp-ed, and ti ne allowed the United Slate, and firMi.n,; , settle amicably .1I10 great qowtk of ,j - . "CcK".oflta ancienrTWi rnnT,T.;r ana respect. . . , j.i , i , To 8 C017 of Uie foregoing. Sir John riw Ond?rsitrnel Maior Gmir.! rt. John Harvey, Uetitenant Governor of re. uniamuc majosty-a 1'rovice of New Urunswick. haviriff rerfti'ttaO : tiou 1 frooi Major Goncral WinCcId Scott nllliA llmi.1.1 1.1.. , i. .. . the foregoing i a copy; i lerebyi on his artsiguiCc. J.i concurrence -and tc 'juiesccnco inercia - . v ' r Sir John Harvey I ' mill Ultttl fploa.ure to Major General Scott the as- -u-.mu.-i w uia warmest ersonal con- Nucittuoo, regara, and respect.' " (iovernmenl Home, PrcdrritkhnY) ' iew liruMioick; Manh 23, 1839.S loir Jolm lifiK'tktf r 7f " ' vw,t,l,"r airucia -.iwv;u his acceptance in these -words' i :r T Executive Jkpdrimf JJ , ' The undersigned, Governor of U in consideration bf thq forcgoin-, U,e cogency for calling out the Malne having ceased, ha hesitation iV V j ' wajor.ucncral Scott ; ine underji?riid hnti i tender to MaTiw rJfi" i c ,v"ur. 10 v ; r j. """"""i vvou ,ine as- ill 9 -th.al Cmr lui inter pangod tho acccptancios of th Gov fcinor and J.,euteuint Governor, and so-that Coventor r'irlijj'ii4 Jiely isfiued orders wciha, ' Of Maine, anlfor orfsni,; . iKi f V "" CIVII v hi uuaia, w lit 0 so ua imn ,'fAltH, savr a rA.Unt,! C.tT.-' will wrangle for reiser,- rilo for' it Hri.ri.tr.. r r 'V ' - "tv ; j ' - n.iucrBignca nns mucn ple.isuie in renewing to his Excellency' Msi-ir General Sir John Ham if ;J,rL ,V(5 Mm i3ous sqporU!r SSSS Uk' Vvvsnuonare been kL, awhch iYer, cJiosm like most m Too Mgislaturo .of Alabama has jost enacted .a Jaw t against tho dcti abla iu ' practice of carrying deadly wa ' about llw rienon. Ii .t .'li.-'.l-: '! '' ". fMl carrycmiccaid abe' -r " iMKasyipojiesot. . any Bow io knife. Arkansas tooth iicv v,Jr,W dc:?t mihe person ' . .) ouendjogiall, ,on cnvict,oo tiwreof risdjrtioo, pay a fino of ottliaa 1 ' WJI wore lhan five hundred doilarai ' to he a?ed by;.jfie jury. iiryin-.ihd case, J aod Iks imprwoncd for e tenn not excepdin'f three nvmtbv at the diacre- v t , ' ui.jsaia court." ( .t MjTtlt Mullienttti passin? throat tne ;Diia Swamp Unal;twt schooner. laden' with nevr and raluablo article worth' forty irentlomanin Edenton and raised bv himselCrybfc 'IkirZ&T , 1 11 frc". Ibat Gordon DL Boyd, thoi reaj sob-ircasurcr and .Uuef Missis. ,sLa ,lo50 wo tamp orator. In a public harahgue the othcr.day ho claimed at itq top of hi .UJ.S; man in. the nation is more jndcbtcj io the people than I am.",Except Swart, wout. 'jctortcd a by-stander, -he owes a million and a quarter, whilo you owa only seventy tbousand,H t r , " ... Cr U . Louisyitif Journal. ' n '. ,i. .? J: " 1 ,. t Mipptry,Phtek Move coming out of a tavern one ic:mon)ift!-,rathef blue, fell on tho,4oor- Trying W regain his focUdg, hei remarkedTf tr the biblo.tho wicked stand-on slippery p Ice. I mit i-t fcrept class, for.it is more than 1 can " Lawyer V. w hila VUti i . i" bed in a cold winter nihrl ciclifm ' worst a man could follow would be no-' 1 ' mg about town In in, n,ktu .r:j " . aud titi? iWn ;-'.?.ii.T . .rJIt A poor WOinnn Anon nn,.n . I j !. , i .n i ; "i" w.vmi a unit- naa. n daughter warricd.oltf: Being asked-' ortlpjrwards, what kind oft hu. . vqiiu iiur 0J07nicr h.nrt rrnt . irj will I rather mue Sort Ofa l0dy for ha trnt n !.. i.:u j coat and sru'dlod shijtV': PiT" ? StearticouPa land A' .i . Tlae th.United States. northern district ofthi S.ate, hag K-vir td on Swartwotit' irtir. hundred sccttyns of Chiokusaw landl ' , , . i M wamo-M A4V . t j ' ;4,IIayo you ever eccn a u'nail T asked i wngoia prson hot. rcmatkatjo for . we.h.nv. .ior,t,sifm,ysil:.glkv ;oJiavo oveitakca oner' : ' . ' . 0

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