;1 it a V, tIAT DO, 'YE WVE rott, CUT TO IJII'ItOYlJ OChsCUVCH ASD DU L'SCrDL TO ONE Alf OTHER ? .1 r VOLUME III. PUBLISHED WEEKLY: ;' ' i 7 BT'V.' -J' ,v -..'..rTi.iiMs.'.. Two Dollars per annum, in ndvarcui or nice Jjniiars, it not pan! within three months from tl;3 date of the frtt number received. . . . , Xo subscription to bo discontinued till all arrearages oc paid; unless ai me discretion of iho Editor. A failure to order a discontinuance be. fore the ex iration of the subscrip jmn year, is equivalent to a new Letters, Communications, cvC' to cpn.e post paid. ; Vcfi for i ver!htn. Advertisements will l-e conpiccVusly :J lundfomclv in-cn d at ll 0(1 per :jare of 13 lines and cents for cv ry suusi-ij-jciii insert if ,u auver-pise.-nent, however short, 'will bo clijr"- d than for a square. Court Odrs ami iudieial advrrtiv mcati will he rhargi! i U. crnt Ugh r; (wc sometimes have to wail so long ,for the pay.) Thoij who cdrcr'ic ry the year will c entitled to a deduction of SIJ n.r cent roriJed they fay in advance biC- IILACIII-IIS t'UXULAU o the Freemen of the Tenth Congrc. fional Dutrtct id .north Carolina, - cc:r-wed of ths counties of Chatham, Randolph, l)avidon, - Rowan and Davie. . ,T . . . tVatMngton, March 0, 1630. fchotil after lha J close of General K-son't tid.tnmstrntli tlA' joo-tj of i uciary da ts:cr in thj rtj.'nioa of t jrie jra'vrriints by the bankti aa event 1 war reasonably- ajiticinatcd from " the Iicy of that admintration. . ln tho1?,3 ,CXIn, 6ess:o.n ! V15"' AwCm" removal of ti e . ruLlic n.one v fr!,m ih ! m,l"i'r 8.Ur 1 CCu!iar c,rrU? stnnccs' JirkofthelVifcdStntc,, in lb3:j, now llv fit'"" treason toexfect !JnSt to meet, as it was said, f!,e want, f ib3 people. This . ,8de ,l.e rnis of rcce v n? I ha n-o nfni Tii-iio.fr 1 f the pnUic moncv ; aad. but fc were !l.ued titJovemmenttfl ft,ti who d nut ronscnt to these tcrir.t. The .... '.r'ienrc of this was a lar,9 lucre at i nundr of hnritjt, nnd a "cattr iVtcaa in tJic anutuut of bank i:alanl bunk Utucat (or, bsf il re i' t tcred, that, durinr the edminUira el .('ttral JackK-n. tcore utc ef Central JacLort, tl:erc .were, -rotanU created than bad been crca- i r-n S I i r T T un''Atn: ' - t,.,t t.B..- ..." .i ' i ... 'cy pave oitt i to i!j)' ; ate of uiii'H. , H.c 'Citable cnn,,tj:ierru(i ib! en ai "."M.m .if .i n... .... . '....,. I. . .1. .. . I I nvcrtradiit'-in Mm vnufAiv - f.-.r . tul lllnitrn. ...... I... . .1. . . . i jWof thii cx:riio:diinry iiMrea. i 1(5 'Ru.iJr of bat.ls a;.d tlie amount i -- Vint Lt.u. nuu.rui in i of 1 SPECIF, CIRCULAR. Tc nore i nnicdi3c enws if the sOs "fMynof s;riap.iynKnfs bv flu? ImiiL-, i"."11- "p-'cierircnLr i.su-d bv Gencr. 1 J'f-Uui j,, 1MB. rtwiirin-i all Mt. . , '"r public hiirJsti.' la rnrtda jn 1J silver, Ttii hvovved .dj.Tt if " nie'isure was to check tho t.x t'f ""illation jjiid curtail bank crcdii. fW fur M.t.tto i i. ... I... .-".ii III! I fiinr,,., I ..i?'. , . . i c-'r,dt.,...0 in. ihuhe instituiiotiH, and a g.Mi,T; nn upon them for the '''JuinetaU'- Uy a hw of Cofigre.. vi in lHin,-i public docs were re to bo pail inp,j,j ao ;iver,or w -Wcs cj yiyfo., failt. : At rat tip to that permd. The rv at.-ve ,..,;, r, vmU i n Itaus cd 1 re;$:ry ...... . . . r .. . iiiHii.k'u. it ever. if w ii-n mm naitri-t n -ws 1 1 ai i . u iiiuuii u a i ii .it.: i iiiii 1 1 1 'as a wil t n. i 1U .J LtT.ilV t....iii.l i'ionnn.1 Vr ' V ;" V.J wao loM I hev bad no rrjhl ex ?i ? lhdr -!jcrl rehef from Oon.ro,,. -fl-a hand W t, W 7 ? ; .rC' ,,,r " ,,!0?R J tau.Tfic.rd; m the r piiuun of the pn-iS-.Ml,e P"-" )', Jroti':cid thu BUi'menin-' t , w : rt., , t ' . r . . Vi ,v iHiii i.n; uv . ...i .t.... i . i. . n . 1 IM' . I . 1.1. 1 . , .. . ., .1 .. IIIII j I ' ' ' - ' uie session 01 yongrt-ssimmeaiaiy pre- two rnrtsi tint, it requires all public t pcrtnanent cstabiisUicnt of such a svg t ....... ...... ..,. v,,u. VMV, ,v pM 4., Ullt M1JU ouul f M.MIUHI. ii.u iiiiiiioiis nireauy lost to inei lions, js gr, a-rcsiuuctt-wyi subiniued to the condJy, the money hcn so collected", j Government' is but' the beginning of e- for ihe oumie, requiring puouc nnas to i-e paid w to be placed in lite c0sVfly and sale- yil. i : Iutitn was rejected bv almost a imani mous vote of the Senate. But nutwith- siacdinj an existing law to the contra- these propositions "(or them to receive TV. .and a stR ir? L'Xnrcssion of i rmlrnr'.rtniiiniiiin frum inrv nmn i.r(l.iu I I. ' ' . . i oiuhcii oi L,ongrc). ngainsi any cnangc iii iiihi mh i jt'siutiii tiMi:iit:u uie rc-nonsilfilitv. and issued an order re quiring the receivers' of public lands to receive nothing in payment thereof ex ccpl fold and silver. This older caine li!ie a clap of thunder in the midst of a Hear ky. These banks bud been brought into existence by friends of he ud.i.mihtratioii, and had been stimulated l over ijfsues bv their advice und' en couragemcnl. Tha banka felt tlia blow, bH the peiphi felt it more deeply. Trade and buii!css of every kind was para I-zed.- S r!ts:istr'us ws this riler up. on ti e intertst of every portion of the cmrry, that a bill was passed at the next acsMun of Congress, by overwhcl ining tr.ajorities in botli branches, re sc-nding this Executive order. Dut the XVesiden', rcgardlciis of the wi.l of the reprcsenia.ives of the people, refused eii.'icr to i :ga i!. or return it to Congress with bis realms for rcfa-ing, as required by the coi stitution." 1 he embarrass ments of tl(c country and Ihe dcrurgo fimA of-tlte ct;rrenY inrrtatscd ttv?ry day, until tin May Allowing, when the banks . were compelled to suspend specie payments. Thu the State batik eys Icm, which had Wen very unwisely; in my .'opinion, 'nthttirijied by the odminis tration as the fiscal a sent of the Govern ment h i l ice of the Hank i f ti e Uniicd J?htc, r.nd which we, were promised was to turiusti in w r.h a better curren cy than even that iiwtituiiun had don?, cxr.lodcd, loaviog ibe Government in tian& rupicy. and ilie f4-plc dircr hulim-d M,j Ur.exa:ni.kd i-ctuiiiari endarriss- meat. f - THE SUD-TREASURY. In the midst of this renerat ealamitv. iMr. A'iin Eitrca Jhouj-JiLproper to call n Bf ,n U1C curr,t:!7. v u? lliJSU U, rw. and fnch had jon re M v " m-..".... " T mZ i!a.,re rt0!craM a f- n r In ny 1 1 it li n: i r iiiit-'ifc iir i'i rr: fn. riR ihi ohvi .tui jHIicy vas lo retrace our hti-ji-S at:d rtUiin to that m stem i f nd mini.'1, rut ion wh'ch hnd bwn tried, ar?tl iiH'nd by experience- in. work we!. Tie fcXjvniiiiures of Hie Ctovernnieni, which, 1,1 I. i r. ... ... fl.... I.,.. .. I.. Ik. - . ? . ... i ,;.ave ouu tin; uii,iiii!iMiail'ri tfnt cronoirv which it V .c ssed, and which its ex- now aWluici? de theii was the tunc to Ired.'cm lhe'iit csises of rutrcn'J.maiU aatciilv n,adcV but t,Hf hml feu "'r ' wiaiw.Miy . FT - .j . , 1 Ji'r W11"1 vcr, oent no..ij of rclortn ; and the siitU'rin pec Ui""'tu 4 .Simply to relievo the Cov ad its oucers. The fourth v " V...V.V..J. ..v avu..-. .1 .,... i . I . w;ii to havo been divided amoni the States, was pof tpi:.cd an empty Treas ury was iTjJcrtiih-jd by tho tsvuo of ten millions of Treasury notes and Con grehs were invited by tho iVitsidcnl to luo-hiin i ho tiiijre. custody and conirol id' the jiuhiic money, by iho establish mt til id what is termed the Sub-Trensu- ry y$tein.. Ihcse -were the .loading fnoasi rcs' of ihoidniitiifetration. The two' first J were odoptr-d by Congrc. t.'ioti g'i without my fconcurrence, fr ry v$tem. . These -were the reason: which were Uubuiit ted at the lime. ; Tho Lst has beci twice adopted by, the Senate, but asoJum rejected in iho llouso of iUproscntaUves., To this system I piopoMi to invite yuuf careful ror.sM 'huioii. vuiji, u.vu, vu wiii nK, vviis ."fj'zit'ss Tha sub-itcasuryvitcin consists cf'aru melaaifliu!y wurngr -against tho ASitKBOIJO', (AV.;c.) FRIDAY, A Pill Presitk nt. and reinoi cable at hi will. It seems to me un.lv necessary to state .r. . V: .i . . In - ... . . J . ioi ins rigutsaiia determined to maintain iiierj . The revenue of tho Federal Govern ment must he equal, at least, to its ex penditures, which "now exceed thirty millions of dollars. It is proposed that this la r ere amount shall be raid in sold and silver; and nothing else and let me ask whether this can be done without a great sacrifice tr? the commerce and bu siness of the country T ' The Hjwcie cir cnlar, which wrought such disastrous consequences, required pubtic lands only to he paid for in gold and silver; and what was its efiect upon that source of oiir revenue! It, reduced it from up wards of twenty millions in 1S35 and 16.)0, to less than an average of five mil!i5ns in 1637 and IS39. Congress repealed that circular in 1838, which lea the way to the resumption of specie payments by the banks during (he last summer; to the restoration of 'public cr,fidenre an't the re via I of cbmnicn e and the business of the country.. The sub treafury system proposes, in eCecr, to re nact iheupccie-circular, and to exfen J its obnoxious provisions.'1 It rc mires all our jrublic din's, whether ari sing from our public Jand, or from . im ported goods, or from direct taxes, lo be paid in go'd and silver. Are you pre pared for such a system I Chr Gunty aud State fix is, comparatively, a small one; but if our legislature were to re cmirc il to be paid in gold and silver, I dordit very much . whejer you would submit to the oppression of such a law. And yet, if die principle be good in the one case, it yis equally so In the "other J if correct in relation to the la rrs. amount of . revenue colieclcd by ' the . Federal uovt'i niiicm, u oium oc to ju ri'iiNon to the small a -noun t collected by the States. By the law of 1810, all . public dues are requested to bo paid iti gold and sil ver, or the notes ot specie pa vinsr banks. Every administration, since that time, has "pracltscdrcnd 'pr'ac'Iied'succcfii'fiil" i " .1,1 " r . . i iy, upon mis law. iiayiu inea me systdti, and found it to work well, why give it up for another cxjeri.nent npou the currency, when all our experiments have so signally failed I Is the servant heller than his master I ' or, is thu Pres. idut and. his ollir-crs entitled to he paid in a better currency than . that which u um:J by tho peopl I - Awl ycl tliii suU treasury system does provide g. U lor the Government, whilj" it leaves the people, lo, the uso ofpapsr mouey. . lji;l a have become, lo some extent a rcccssary evil; and i have shown that this evil lias been greatly augmented by thnsQ now hi t ower. : No one Mrtcnds that we cert da without kauk-papt in this country; sc.) an .idea' wpiu!dbq absurd. . White., tlierelorc ibU-.fTl'u? thc. case,' I could not consent to mke! anv distinrtion tetweeir tho ouie&rs of -ii.'T.Jeni! Goveatucnt and the people l rc,m kcui. , , ; i Tfio n3Xt leadirj ftraturo in ihis rub Ircr.g'jry tsysU'in i.ylhat h propo-ies to dopoiitetho public money, when col I 'deJ, in i'.io lia'iJs ol tlio outers ot the Govern.nent tot saf .-keeping. Pre vious to the commencement of this nd iniuLitration, it hid len depositod for safo-kecping with. tho bunks; and the q hi!o:i is, in which . depository U i3 public money most likely to be safct Vbere are vour l:;ird earnings, when taken by 'he Government, against fraud and dol'uloat! most secure iitinn t . If un are governed oy ttio cxpenonce ot trio imst.the quejlioa is unswered. From 1810, Mbcn I tie iimK ol the v. b!alf?s Was established, up to 1331, when tho pubfi(Tmo:i7 was removed from that institution K,Llho order of General Jack-son, the Jovornment did not loso a single cent by the brii.k. During near ly the whole of .Mr, Van Burcn's admin istratiu'.i, Ibis fb treasury system has bocn, to some extent, in practical opera- erlastiitgly tho subject of experiment by lion, (though without, iho authority of political q'iacksT' Are we to' disregard law,) mid it is well known that Iraud the lighis of past pxpcrieccc, and con and dofalc.'.in have 6ocn. tho order of tiuuo to' hunt out new ai.d untried cxic- Uio dnv. iittf i;rg-j uoijicauoiij oi tjwartwout, Price, GrViiot, and others, L ic, expedient, and therefore wc should immense emount of bank capital already makd a trial of it. Tho'coun'ry is tired incorporated, and other causes, it is opt -of experiments. You have paid sadly i likely such an institution will shortly be a - J uiun.ui ui. .ia.ts,iiuii uiiu jjani'i ots who have adorned our annals hcv er mougt.1 ot tr.;s new-l;mglod sylem ; wijr nau uwu uiucia, uim -iuutiu niciii me suiire.isury, I cannot liesjtate. -to work well, and were content to Jet j Your State banks are more responsible. well enoueh alone. in leJl. When tliose now in mnxr determined there should no longer be a national bank for the collection,; safe. keepmg, and d,oemenl ot the public i money, hey determined to make use of he State banks for that purpose It considered a ten of republicanism : and -TJ j 't ,,"7",''.r.",4 r"-11 all who cfid not support it were denoun ced as federalists and bank-men, bought up by the baiik of the" United States.- We were' told theni as wc aro told now that it -was an experiment. Well the experiment has been fried, and failed ; and failed, in my opinion, from the weakness and corruption of the admin istration. Danks were more generally selected with reference to their partisan real and devotion to the administration, than to their soundness and ability as fiscal agents of the Government. I am no friend to the State bank 'system; or, as if has-been sometimes, called, the pet-bank system 5 I have always been opposed to it, and am so still. It gave 1o the President the power of se lecting the deposite banks, as well as removing the public "money therefrom, and, ?u that extent, gave him a control over the revenue of the country a con trol inconsistent with the spirit of our institutions. It was a partial union ol the purse and the sword a union al ways dangerous, if not fatal to the. lib ernes of the people. Bat these objec tions apply still more forcibly to the sub-trcasurv system. By it, the public money, is placed hi the hand of tho crea tures ofthe President' He makesand unmakes ihem at will. .The public mo ney is, therefore, as much under his confrol asif it was in his own pocket, and it ii a perfect union of the purse and the nmd::. :tTt These were tho opinions of the ad mini?tration in 1831." The ' Secretary of the Treasury declared, in an elabo rate report made by him on the subject, that executive ofiicere, as fiscal agents, were less responsible, less safe, less eco nomical, aud less convenient, than banks. ""The "Globe newspaper, known to lie the organ of the party, denounced the sub-treasury, when proposed-bv a dis tinguished Senator from Virginia, (Mr. Leigh,) in the following language: .This is the notable plan. by which Mr. Senator Leigh wiuld diaunthtiv$ power of the Executive over the deposi tories of the puhlic mono v! Instead of suf fering the President to appoint ond Tre. 'surer, as ho now docs, he would hnve him appoint a many ai should be con- vpnicnt. Y!ien appointed, thes'jofiicers frint npressarilr hp . n nil PTPrirtivrt itf. leers now are, subject 7 to removal at ihVwill of ihe President. These treasu r'fts. ail aimointcd bv the Presiilent. anA remuvcabb at, his will, with all the put he hiiuicy in their actual j'$se$sm in thfir pocket teste, trunk, and rattfft are in the opinion of Mr. Leigh, tho Constitutional depositories of tlie public money, in preference to State bahfo; which gaurd the "public money, as they do their own. It is fortunate for -General Jackson that he does not entertain Air. Leigh's opinion." Such 'wai. the opinion .of the wholo party in 1 31, They were then in lavor of tho State-baak system, and preferred it to all others but it has not worked to suit them.' They .now wheel to tlie ripil-aboutmaka war ujon tho Sia'e banks," hold up the reiected and abused su'j-trcasury as the amy 'democratic sys tem, and denounce ail who oppose itas fed-:ra lists 'and bumVtium! Ii there no limit to public credulity T , Are the great intercrts of this great country to be cv- iuients i i'i uj r.uucr boar tiio?e ills' we havi Than fly to other that we buow not bt A national bank, wi'h i (cr ryeatry pruitfrabj; lo ii-. Lorks -calleciion. safei-kecnim-. au.f r?:. burmeaud,c..t))fj.,yubjic uy. iuit ""C r'!''i"iiwnHi i.'--'i-i 'Villous. MfU ; cremco, ii ever, rompclled, ilierelore, to choose beiwen Stale bank for the safe-keeping of the puMic monv. and more safe, more economical, and more. rnnt'pni-nt ia fha r..r,U a.,,1 I.... j... gerouj to liberty, ; If SwartwouV and Price had been rcompellcd to deposite the pubHc mone? . fi, wceVJj , wmeCk S York to the credit of the Vea urfrTf tlic United State, as was formerly lf case, the G vernnieiit could now "mm. mand a million and a half of the public i i .i . . - money wnicn mcse suD-treasurers are revel'ing upon in London or Pari v In stead ol thif, tliey were allowed lo kepp il in their own chest or , vauit until, the sum becane large enough to tempt tlicir cupidity they ixicfcet the w holft. Rt into a steam-ship, and in a few days are across uie Alia m ic. i lie sa me may bo said cf other .defaulting tub-treasurers j and yet. when a nronosuinn wn W.n ly made in the Senate requiring collec tmg oinqers to jiaca . the . money . when collected to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States for the use of . the Government, so as to place the j-t'LliV money beyond the control of thes sub treasurers, it "w as voted down, hv ihrt friend.-- uf the administration ! , What confidence cahj you repose iq the pro- . fessions of men who, by their practices show a total disregard of the interests oi,ine people 1. It is no argument in favor, of this system, that these are required to give bond for the safe- Keeping ot toe pulilic money. , What is Swartwout's bond for two hundred thou-, sand dollars, who it is only about one sixth the amount purloined by himT He can idemnify his securities, and have a fortune left. -A facetious suggests only one remedy to secure mcse suo-trcasurers, and that is to cut off their legs, for , they are now so long there, is no catching -them. - I have but one other consideration to submit to you. on this subject - The patronage of tiio Federal E already, tremendous. With, ell rcflecu ing men of ail parties, it has becoma a just cause of alarm. It has increased ," 'f(8i 'u ouiii io oa uiminisn ed. But the proposed system will great ly enlarge this Executive patrOna. - iiuuimr ui roerai onicera must be- aua-niented, while the wlwle of Uie Federal revenue will be at the command of the President of tha United States. With such tremendous rpwervbo President, I fear, will become too strong for the people. Already has this paU ronage in many places been hroiif-ht ia bear upon the popular will, and control, in Cntrc .Inr...... tl-vA J I . i ' 4 ... .viiiv ui j,i-v, tuu iiufuom oi our i elections." It was orovtn liHnr if late Investigating committee, that Fed eral otaccrs in i. i . were hetcviJy taxed to carry on t!io jolitieal campaign in that State. That which was on mn. jjcture, has been proven to bo f icL ueaerat jaafvH-4tis-timoruraHid dress, among other Executive duties,' promised "tho correction of ih Gi buses that liave brought. ihe patronage of the Federal Government into conflict with the freedom of eUcwuns.'' And yet, when at tho. last session of Con-, gress a bill was introductd into the , Senate to eonect and prevent such abu ses, the friends of the '.administration:' were found arrayed against it. It bc-r comes, us,, therefore, to guard well a- gainst the. increase of a power which thus threajti.ns to'wp tho very foanda-1 tiouof a republican Gjxvcrn.neut. . ' Mr. Harrrrt-r ltrre giw a: ' tabular, statciu. ntof the ' recap's ' anj cspfndi-' turcscf the govinimfiit which may It so;n bv trtrfemice to the pamphlet co con ". tiuj , - ." From thU review of Our receipts andf exprnuituros for Hie fast two years',' it' wiilbe sot that, noiwiil.staudmg the, piessure u, on ti c ieoj ie, t:.e odurnw tratiou ha allowed none ol it to lx.'.ch thftri. ' Thoiij;; wo have- been vomiei! 4 . I