the I i 'tin: i yen Advertiser: STATE LANDS. Ccnvention If ever . a poor itrv was convention inaa, ouis We liivc been politely furr.U:cd, at rrf r,-rmrt. w ih the oliowmrr imcrcs ? tiarucu ars on ui it:. to . kit " subject " if L::n;al ! ..: n f chock a not procure . for tlxso prauncrtl unticna- mi . . ..a... imiiti nnnnim. i. r a , i : er i in ce.v ::i inurt yoa of the co:.;i is the tit 11 i . ! ,. one. . e rca.y iwgtn ia iar itui nw even the social ir'crcourse of Lie do mestic fireside will much longer escape the patriotic eve of some morn struct state lands. We will endeavour to in- conventionist, and that a sanctioning f ,m Ai.rrn r nnnn 1 Til timori. SIH1 w 111 I llVvllvS n i UO IC1 UHVW , then bring it again 1 the attention of I gust bodies before a man can .with im- cur readers. - , - I punuy .move in ci w . I Iaa( I.mat hi AIITn Th State owns in Un counties, on""' " Ilvde, Washington .d TfafX' Southera inwuity : If I understand .purport r-n r i i f ill nrriii 11 avuiuj iuuua a w . . . . l ':. l i .w th Commercial Conv r f he LWeVarv the proceding Fund.bytwocanaUtteon uivcr, we oiuer - -. am ih ttw Slates debtor lor ai me uonvenuon iw iw wmiu 1 , . -. . i r.,-,. : eft!. PC-Loo . - - V , -r . . ' - - t eusTy ih asserting your right I Jor J! asK J .1 .It H s r a i, i.h.rl tmit Hl ana ye snau receipt. not ask amiss. n,, r nrtnl.t commend ) a man can wun im- -9 v - . ;j-janj. Tie object ncro mnaui i chair back when the you for contending for your rights, I eyri. to this import: rn hearth scorches his must sav, that in my humble op n on, J mgtal U to ... r !c;n- mme of vouV daims are not founded , Ve.n.ucmcn.01 ,uuZa . the West ana parcnasa ' - cl---3 Western Lr..!3, 3 of each tovn,.!.:p as rr rv sail ani appropriated to-ihs t r ,.i,a t.fM.r ft of commcii i,.,t mart .the condition impose J ly l" U.S. to wit, that Indiana, on Ui P -rt sbouiragrer forever 10 abstain I- cr.i taxing lands within her bounds c:.n .UnM rlansa after tho ss! 3 ol 1 .'J r t 'j Ann:::o;:o' c. . 1 .rii .a waiif inin arrrisi:! 1 111 cr. ention in.Lharlcston, 01 we argumcui ol which we have just asserting your just ciwni yuu we lands used b them for, educational pufr V A?. w ":pr.:n.:i.3IfClv5 oiioAer Convention each of .tha canals to be about:x and . n ' , :Thl t ,ra 0f opinionren a fair abalflchw draij .'aJiUon 10 mo ..... .,nM.nmpt- if fact In discussing tnis maier my xu- stav at marts will more immediately apply to r ore Veal ! tnr adoDted State, Ia: ; , ' . . - . . J sK I 111111113 BUU IlllliU 41V vwsiaovw . r I. . 1 commissioners appoint iw uyr- . -M flrifi from This fertile State, at the close 01 ine we are in- encour. FRIDAY WAY 10, 1839. TENTH CONCREbilONAV3 DISTRICT. . Charles Ftiher, Etq., ef Salisbury, is announced as a candidate for a seat in the next Congress ' of the United States. - , As to the political sentiments of Sit, quantity of land owned by -individuals, object to assessment to be maCa Ty -p- ITuT-Wn you have wherewith to pay? wi jv.. .r.,1 want vfiiir monev to ueut auu j - i-iL'. J i n hatrA rroniDilCd "a" Juu o r- Mi I f :k !,. nrt r.eriam mforma inn whatever otate you may pn?; iw..w, w - - - - - in. from taxinff vou for the termof five CXCeDf i that he is understood to be u Uear9,and as a further inducement , we adypcatc 0f thQ Sub-Treasu schems feMtuf bf Jlr. Van E.r,ni;,nd vvitfnlt.ta. aicta.'lh. headed Sutler! .When ft., i, go and possess the good of tlie land about hero speak of bis poI.t1cs. tht7 but it is your mcney we are fishing af- -cnerai)y iura up the whIe matter b; ,v ros T! 5 greater part of this laM is - "r. ,v; revoiulloo as included within the ac- , f urcly v . stable, reposing on a clay " I" ' knowledrred chartered limit of Virgin- v..: ..74. AMAf St U rnvKMfl I J J W . . - t"." ' , i. . K, ir-.::- - M.W'MU. j,. mmm.v.. rv j - - M inneal in va n to history for a ia: tncreiorewoaiByw . f..6. , ; with a large Trwj popiar. r r commerce at that time had a legal deed or convey. : v end raai. The inhered lands he near o fl ., promoted k- nc for the State in question, j At that fjrtto purpose clcarrying aowa iuci -T V----- . Ifj . M M If 1 ...' 1 . tcr; . - - .1 : J 44iih,'" J To the spectator iney . -now - . i d;votcJ . rf a tt,M timA mir 1 mill . m u , i livii wans w ..... : vn,. linnet vou have John C. Calhoun. 1 If he ha, undergo Surh 1 .nta on llattamuskeet, wben V rrenarei for cclitvalion, sell readily at 10 per acro-v' Tbo whole .expense of drains:? rill r ably be fromf 120,- . cooto-isj.oua.''.. -'.'.; " ' ; Tli'u m the begiantng of a system .tt drains ?c which, it is hoped, will be suc cess fully prosecuted in other parts, of "-.testate. ;-.vvyy"--, . ' ' A There are.large quantities of land owned bvthe Stae in Jones tarteret. . Erunswick,"and other counties. mniJw and we need it." and before the nv chance in sentiment on the two tub. ' State authority can tax your lands, you :ectj above mentioned, ho will of cour can maw w, v r" , - " jct 9 known spccotiy, as ne u.usi m AMTfM aware that neuher of these -ex. prevailing passion in V .rgin.a; prooa- , tMW we mCan Nullification or blv some other causes m.ghthave nad pn unoct u ' ..... , ... i-.-.. ivu.uij wu.kx. .v .u.. ;t r unu nothmsr about a lair conimcu ma &un.ircasury,i renw auc enemies wi uo .juutvii.w vwu ..,.., Iw, that n. it tnn v. IS annnaUV P ma uib ' u ,J k mnnv ol lhB neODIfl Cl Liu arecontinualiy atworkto inffamethe 'V: .. .. ... -i.-..i.f l.Ir,. at the rate ol I district. . . onnwesi 01 vuimw, ...... v.wr- . r.j-.. r .1,- v.e.,r r.ft.t thrnh,A rVi.r .ndembracins the rrc& rom 35to50centsintheiuu vaiuauon iiieuou Lnl S? rwhH more than six fifteenths of all the D;aD( io fefcreoco to the subject of ilr. THE SUPREME COURT. are continually wwswjibbiw iw Virginia did cede her title to all her un- tract in taxes levica oo ira iuu poplar mind agamst it . They cavdat W,d M chatUe, of her citizen, - at the rate.9l the most correct decisions, censure he ff W"Xr and embneinz the prci- i Jrom 35 to 50 cents in the $100 valuation em Diaici 01 wuiu, nwiaiMi .muvi, p. v . . ii Michiiran. and the territory of Wlscon- lands sold in the State, is not yet taxable, p., announcement, say-" Durin; in, on certain conditions; Oneof jhose . Thcm TtQm'l Mfcth our ordinar, n. that the United States mg our attention and in that case 1 ""f. . . . - . V motives of the Judges, and denounce the whole system as aoU Republican, ty rannical and uniust. - And who, let us ask, are these assailants f Are they, in L.V"r.T UZtto Plea busi'oc. ha, occasioned us to mintf. snouia iocawu7 .v, w. .-- - - o,... Tim l..k'.-?..k .ts s hare intik nvin than five new fctaics- wiinin mis vi -bul"7 s""" "v . rr - J J dividual, who have been wronged by ; j the decisions, or oppressed by the judi- and other counties.. jcial tyranny ot this tnounai i rvoi out "ritorv ,Kal furlher the U.i N,te forgot in the memoranda ; they are the uienas ana supponcrs o, . navigable canal ',ich , re, to . say, that the State j thi, Adm,nistrat,on-me f nAxTfi Mm 11 to IB feet above the remove an Darners to uic wui w uw ; . .. ' level ofPimgo River ;'and that Lands President, and make his sovereign t wifl Uwreoce fo0l l bave to say, is, ask and receive dooa- opposition to Mr. Rcnchcr. wide tU States .Hem alluded to i, some smau aonauons, time, visited every County irt tho'dii. such , of If nd, made to sumenarics , me -nd we can with sincen- eMis- hhin the State. If otlier State are mci, wvcohc,.i , . ...... ... i. ..J i..K saw that Thrai(h lllf II hph nd us nrrooortlontODOpuUlton. ail T . T stated to be in Brunswick are in Bruns wick and Columbus. ' 4 TTLtat Cropltiz Charlotte Joon cn the authority of a eentleman well . to judge, says that in that re gion there has not been for the last ten years such a prospect for, an abundant crop of wheat VV are much gtati ficdh being able to add, that the pro- . it-' ' -reabocts is equally, flattering.. .! " nniAvint rircumtince mark and pleasure superior to the restrictions oi the unstituuon. Laws. "Cease vipers, ..... Raleigh nnroarhinff each other respectively. lions in tne puouc ianus w pr"1 wi extensive: indeed, it is aimou general; 10 ireaxiesana ro rr g , ii, ' ,k vour numbers. . M- . j J:.u w .... ih. H a 'i0r AiuoBsisi ukj in-. w. "- i sou we may wiu uumi ye one, a uiei i...,.,0, , ,i r... nrnm: I v I ; .. . .v ... . - . 1 . . Editor'$ Correspondence. - Alonlgomery county , . ) April 7th, 1833. $' TV.a C!a. ' l?rnm sovsmininf f kit rf. - ... IlanI CfA mil, ni.tft fin Mrh Within a few years after la. assumed Swaim t A writer in your paper j v genera" i i- r i. AMinM ai trnur d miiira rpri'niiv - . - - L to ontowaro circums icc mar. f iTJaJ II O line of canal from one extremeenH of f. -ect, the labors of the agncul- to session, iiiin c,uv, ,u Uuu- ,K. .llhp rMerv;nff the ccurj-v. teahunaamiyrcwaraea. t u . , r.r. ... . . c,... . r-r " . .. the rank of a sovereisn and independent 1 ftf ik- sA imL. who subscribes Enter- This "call; , remindf us oi an anec State, the U. & compromised with her j appears to have had his sensibili-1 date hicb we cannot repress the incKa- the uniting of those rivers by such ca-) s hart by something A Citaen" had afjon 0 tcflf 0r u ton 0f Emerald nat by appropriating to the use and be-1 previously said about lUiidoliV.for 1. . . n :nwnh;,,n!l .ra at (10; iikukJk-: MA mrrft,f.,.., I1C whose umaDitanis are as ianw UUUI W lb m.iu .vxuvm. v. - ..-K Ml WIIKU IN USM Huuikii -" - I . . , , . .... k. ..;,t!. .rwt roirtieiiUrlv. for what for the qutci promptings 01 mc5r aw he said about ASHEnORf. Now, and their opposite wit, as for their Ion therefore, "A Citizen" wuncs, inrougn oi pojatoes. . A Jl tr AM 4k. I UilUboTQUfk Recorder. the other members vof the confederacy, hold in the public lands. On leaving my native otate and set- rs from Er. - !-nd has been received "g ncro m ujq f m, j m- as though no agreement bad been made with la. andlodiana agreed on her part to commence said -canal within five . tri troQ 1- na nas oecii rcceivea rr" r nple here J the date of said compact and .erialiy thror-hout the country, g the sensitiveness ot me people ncre rt h ttM a!. twcntrr vcarf kWi Terv concl r ivel v that -. the "war on the subject alluded to above, I was bD m0 '"r lw"7 . ryf ' ! iSM it aU her?: astonished to see the old States 'gener, om aaid time, and further that the U. :...:., .V ' , f VA Sfhoold secure forever,-access to the las entirety abated: Thcre icems tJ aeareies,oi inoiinoR ouo0teas ;.9;.--f -frl a -eraL iervadln desire that there western and, as if they were" valueless nav gauon ol said canai iree jrorn aeiay, 4 Sff raL pervading ocsire -roai ooere Instances, ledslative hindrance, tolTs or custom. Now who V; should b3 no yiterruptioa to.J!'ks ,:,n say that the contract with Virginia . ful rthtions which now exist between oodics m tneow Mates even sanciionca rnti4oncves a free rift lhfl two rations. Youni and old. rich -our enjost daims to exclusive interest wa rot a generotione,yes a jreo gui - iwo c.uoas, i ounz aoa oio, j , n the part U Virginia or wbo will nnd poor, farmers, merchants mechao-; on those land. I his, you are aware, tlie V S. was not bound v uM.upKf.--. ' is.J'Si ' brlirdpisu-. Surely. in tfc respect. ,t-jltl' , ...Cm Sj .dniitfc iha. tb. U. S. -.. po. voru has improved la tnese. "Uucr I improved dixtTJllexandria Gazette. Following JlJrictt.- Some years 'since a gentleman in Bo?on, bought from a New Orlr. mcrcfJct, a lot of f ugar, givir 1- r;-. tdi a cneci on a 2'ostonr merchafetj a short 1- tlto'Js, liavinsc ivislald the c !, .wrote on to die) drarcr in Bos- . t.-n, that it was stolen, arreauested J,i-n td.advioe tbebank of te fact and tot only refuseayment when otTered, . tut inf. arrest the person presenting it - - Tl.e check was afterwards found, and the merchant going North bimself, -pre- '.za he was accordindv arrested and 'twown into jail, notwithstanding all his : jrctCEtions to inxxwrence and orrcrship Ccmmon School in, Prhsylvanla -Br the school law r flSCO. tbe State. , cf i'cnuylvania, (At!usio of the dty an l countv of Philadelphia.) was divi ded i;.to ICC3 scliool districts. Of thi uuinbcr, as appears by a late report, no CJstbnn iB 13 districts have assessed a f cho .l tax, and received their quota of ... the vlaW opprojriatK)n, within the past rear. In these 819 district,, in which tie hyt has cone into operation and is t jiow producing its sslutary effect upon th men of th next age, there are 62C8 fdi' oil ; 4757 male teachers, 138 1 fc innle teachers, and 233,719 scholars. .Nobly is the old Keystone State rindi " eating fjerscif, after all, n the great ' iucttKii f common school education , a sTjticsaon wMrn,' cciraing as tn thall M decided, may he held to be iL j very highest imwwlanretothe pros i c. l'yofa irce emmtry and to the sta i"7 cf i'j iis'J'uiiirj. Vttjon. value tciild, and even at that price would have been sought after. Nor was the advantage in this point of view confined to the 10 miles strip ; the loea- TioaorTlircanal had l-owcrfurir.fl(P States have acted o contrary to their oound to open said . canal and that no own interest, I am fully pursuaded, , such agreement with Va. had existed, always looking ahead, know s that it u pwwuiuuo .u-, Congress would reUnquish their .right, market previous to a survey of the .i.k..,k. -uk. r,iw, m Stat., t, 1 route of tho canal, and altogether un- ihwr ual distributive share, of thj connecteo 1 increwiin, one nwupw n . .. . . - .r.u- f .' ... .a. IthA 10 mi!a ulIa trin of land Would puoiie lanos, in laror wuuici i --, - - r pectively in which unappropriated lands not have soU for $15 per acre within lie, that those outes wouia eacn 01 uiem 1 7" j v "u "' ; -"".o put the price down probably to 25 cents P canal, the lands were enhanced m r , a . "1 II .1 I llralii ln4r.M DMII t that hriM per acre, and that iney.wouia iiiereny be enabled to possess nearly all the val uable bodies, of lands, for they would go one orjwo hundred miles in advance ot settlements and mate ir.cir selections, and as population pressed o.vard they ,n I Id .li . in ajl'Jh'r tin land a j, and again press onward, farther procure -the opening- of Un a few poor ' men could go and yet interest prompted tlie a- matntait their famnieiT Thus this very greement and ia, has paw an equivalent law, so .ucl extolled as the poor man's ld bK : r " . i-,v.ou!din eiTcct, be uoUiing more Again, ia. nas a icrriiory 01 aooui r bs, than the wealthy speculators 37 thousand sauare miles equal to S3 rn tvmr in I mi wns CSO thousand acre8, a thirty nnmnrtina ai it advanced tlie snoeiila. sixth part oftliis land jay C37.777 acres tors profits. ' I am not knxious that any belongs by law, to the inhabitants of the change in the- price of public lands shah' State, to be, (the proceeds thereof,) ap. take place, but I do sincerly believe propriated to the encouragement of com- .1 . your paper, not to say another wora a- p . fc bavln3 repaired to the place bout the New-Court-House, be wilt "B.Ho , ...... . alter this sharp rebuke from Mr. Enter, appointed for preaching, sal hwes prize, be perfectly content (if the Court down with t-irong solemnity to bear sq determine) that our State Architect the sermon s jreverence soon rose, be forthwith employed, to commence as . a awn tod t faMf oTiar in AVike-and erect a Court- ty to fix our Irishman attention ru- Iloasc lhat shatt b more pr6Iindry,tgatLlo fiakocK of the great County of Randolph and awkward. and brer-atraincd'polcy a&,"SJ!'JI! hi. naua repugnance to t! the said "Citizen doe wun and most . . j. .1 .rtt. iMhi m .Un hii friend task, and utter witness to address soci Enterprize,"for.he hopes still to have an enlightened assembly j but added. J.I.J. r l t-. r.:l .t .kali . . . t. IM i . ua incouioip 01 mu ujo iauui u mat the lora had -cauca mm venerated name, that it was not hi. faitfi&&w tent ion to nse "oflensive terms" in re. , r .. . ., car4to?an(aipAand sumcss was it leaning over to fcts friend car, said- hk to use "dczradios terms' "Now Gilbert, d'ye seel I'm thtnla about ASHEBORO, and he deeply re- h,ere is a mistake in this business alV gret, that he has for a moment jeopard- u Wbft fak, hij fricnjr iscd his claims to "intelligencer and he . . .t ...:!k- r..-i . , .l..M !,fr p. Ochl by tho powers, he must bo mists iliir.a iuiui;i iiiuio us hui i.....- ! . .... v IcrDrize that he docs not now recollect ken in that same call ; or if ho aint, ik what he said about Randolph, and its I Lord' mistaken in the mon. Metropolis.';;, not will he now take the trouble to review the article, but if said Enterprize 1 1 still willing to let all go for VstutT at the present, when 'A Citi zen" has nothing else to do ho will look Over ih'e tiece, and if hai,has;inadve lantty used " degrading terms " about ASHEuUKUf he will correct, alter or Morris, of Ansc 1 nuuuuviiui iiv mi wmvii ..v. v. a , j even them before a second Congress idoppc 4 ftj" The man that teas toith M thamel Aicon. The North CaruM niatC a Van Curcn r ' r print ed Fayettcvillc, in anr William Aj .ndidate m ence for many miles on either side. aaHat s a sf Thus, had hot the IV . been bound in that it would be lcs prejudicial to the interest of the "poor man, that tlie price per acre be doubled, than that Congress should relinquish the title to the Slates respectively in which the lands lie: ; But admitting that the new States would be benefitted by such graluity, is that just cause why the older sisters should be deprived of their just rights 1 Are yoti so wealthy that you have no need of the immense sum, annually col lected from sales of land acquired by the joint blood and treasure of the Un- iogl Are you of N. C not just cmbar- mon schools Let us examine whether la, is indebted, or whether an equivalent hts been paid by her for those lands. At the time Ia. was admitted into the Union as an independent State, to wit, m tl.3 year 1818, if I mistake nb,'a debt of about 10O million, of dollars was' hanging over tho U. SI and ft was tho avowed policy to promote the ;sal .3 Hon. U edition ofTinc worl shall appear and mUnd Debcn. rcccn .Js his favorite thisto will yoinore bound to do f loLtJIUrpas5ci both in regard that Others may have ' "i' r. .. nerves as finely attuned to the honor of w n; ,"""5 . o- A'hcboroogh as Mr. "J2nterprizen.htm- est exploit, is, that he, (Mr. Mom.) "was with Nathaniel Macon, one our RepuUican Electors, in 1830." sclt and he is conscious he only intend ed not to say that Randolph is the rich est County in the State, and Ashcboro' ist the biggest town'in creatin. lf in this however, "A, Citizen. has been S Wonder if every man that has "beca. with," or heard talk of Nathaniel MH niitaken,,ho hopes in tho meantime thi, Coo is to bo considered fi for a V knightAofJie sorrowful figure , will Durcn fof e,t . rj mn tmrA mm l fur rush him atith mnrrA . O a sv mm iv awitJioii sisiii nana anuav 1 statistics of ur Mctroplis, as to it, pop ulation, its 1 commerce, , its wanuiacture, - . . fTAL DUI?L; aided, to correct anv fauln or unfavor. A duel vas fought on the 26th tflfr .1.1. '. ... l.l' 1. , j . . if .' CIIJODCI able imnrcssion which hi firtt nnhlira. I near Norfolk, between Jo. Keawcl! tWmay have mndc-and set the world of this Stale, nnd II: WrM. Wilson 'tt!7 berlh fif,i Ncw York, inwhiel. the latter was s, 1 . caro and the highest pleasure of ... . ' . - , , .J inrougn 1110 oouy a no oicd on mo r j Tho ball of Mr. Wilson grazed tho tea A CITIZEN. of: . ... 1 the Westcm 1 lands by every means m; TIrtarefourIlobhiesinJtrhMfooihr tX.'.m r. M . L . .r ...... 1 n r ... . v , I . " wku (jui;r iur me purjwso ui piwur- rttrr. paacn um in I moist Duzarr; ft t - . . j j rfa' ing revenue with this object in view, a compromise was otTered la intended zs a bounty to induce emigrant to pur iwcis in i rancoj uonan rotatoes in Massachusetts, and Morus Mulitcaulis every whtro , cd as a murderer! or has ho fled Cn justice t