immm v I , 7 iV .1 h Pi iW 1 Vi . .. "' "' ' ITllB i A I VOLUME III. fUDLlSIIED WEKKLY: BRXJAMIX S IT J 1.11. Two Dollars, per annum,' fn advarce T1 II II !. . ' -. N . .. . or tuicu ui'uars, ii not pia witnin three months from the date of tht; first number received.' -f subscription to be discontinued til! 1 ti a - v & an arrearages do paid; unless at tJe d.scretion of the Editor. 1 failure to order a di continuance be- t Jure trie expiration t He subscript tun year, is cuiralent to si ne enza foment."- ' .;,.' ,,;"s.' All Letters, Communications, &c. to eome foil piL 7 --- --- -- PrfM or ddvtftuitig. Adrertiscrocnts will be connnic oounlv sad handsomely inserted at 1 00 per Ware of 10 lines ; and 25 cents lor ev :rj suUseqwnt inxerti. adrer :iscm:ii', however nhurt ill bo char- A les than lur a square. " CiKirt Orders' and judicial advertise- S ill be rbaricd 25 nercrnt liitrfi. j (we sometimes have to wait sulunir I Tinw who tdrcrtise by the year wilj ie entitled to t ieduction of 'iQ per fccn fovuM .ney pay in aavanc e. TO MIX, IVhWAllH. TktlherAe Uat tiathviile, Tenneu 1 Wahi$lon City, D. C. Dear Sir; Uavmz read in the "South- Vn CtixenMof the 1 7ih mst. the unhap. y iLiemroa into u men you ivcre ttiroun r some fair out al iha SiVm Eiami. fxiioo of Pemalo pupils, and being well tmtm tA the Imth nf uhir vtm mir. Sent so feelingly and so eJoquettly, Jam 'imv nuwer. ralf iJ.ifM tn'Vlioro vnn tlrotn that tremulous, torturing susrnce, )hich, from actual experience, f myself nice ivurxj wcu-nign insupportauie- I fl ir .1. ; ..:ti uca on to make Uui timely diclurc, it.- ri .k.; -'I .t ame identical JDsVissa of aflec!1 nchcless flv back into fin. face) , ocjj whose hapt'iness tt, I have t-...nA il.Vl, .....1.1 I- ....i all? rrorroted bv a mutual ftrnnnln - j - jioce, should jm prove worthy of her Hvstnt eirtectations. - r r Should this' inert your eve. you hav Ht.ine to do, tor the ssa letter, '.. (from either I ?rv:-w r. . anoiiw no lunnrr corrcwnacace j t ... ; - i 4 residt nee never will he ktKiwn to 6 other icrsoa iliac Mr Saim iiayo-hnssa. Uutlr Ifl Tiim A. tf nlrtrtn ttrrvAa ktn it w as tlw custom in many parts f i i-wiamiiu tu Hu? uic I'taima flnu lite previous to its bcinT tuiiT. oho f , . - ---- .... Qf hf se. diuri-h dignitaries rose, and if !.'k44irj? at his biKik orr timo. and Jiw. Kvcral Attempts, to Upel! the i i""c. tor if Sr-k . I ' t ( ,''' Spihcr.rcd in reading, by observing ing i ) 1 ' f e)'c "d aro very Mind. choir, whn had been impatiently siticg U a whole line, thinking this t'n A. Patha Iiimi "wJlsHy wng iu Tlie gotd deacon flat.fcJlf With nmiJil.ii . " VVIIHf'i fsvtw lis illUt I rannnl v nt all" ' i1 rnrrt ihnif llin niri'i mlifn fti. us!!.. ,ij,lr tlj- tha church cried out reijfy helievQ you nra bewitched f f ehoin "I rcnlly llicve 'The deuce is in vou all T 5 5l?" finished tho verse bj.echoipg H Nine, and the dcacou sat dowri t )tl ! - l1.. I. '. ' .1 i it f li t '. - "cr, as uiq uuu trog tttbiw tadDoh. r-.;d M-:d From I he Mu'iiMttn at. V. - VIKRIXf A FT PPTTOVQ 1 . .... . iv.iw. .,,.' rwVVBW , wvuuwi uiiuivv mere will Dt ons. We learn ako trcm hr7 Z. VaiMIIUII II tfTII II IB ffHllll. spcctabile authoritj ... .Virginia Uat th, calculations are will founded. : lJJ .h, , rj.b..t.L. :a oi mmemlet i.e;tim.edS7i wiUJbo Whim-ll l!5n.rtf.,ivM9 - , hers, eight only tiro to be chown. In n5! heresere but ten V Lirs.: la tho next them u.i!t I,a '9 - j T i . . mi-inl atd probably 13 or 14 eoeusti, u nit the Conservative Birr,nh. . jut m iiuvk 111 me i ruse ) me ievia jint ballot to sweep the decks." " wi mat nuuiiiiiicu ouo . and nn Mcrrer 8nd Wise have no opposi. tlon. DcBldes thchc. the Whiira uill . hci Tali ferro in the NoriJicm Neck, Hunter in the Carolina L)iirict, Bolts in the ItkhnKnd,Malli.ry in ilic Norfolk, Hill inlhf bui kinffiiini. (,(,t'mii in ilifl Bedford. Bart m m .he Freder.rk, and Uajmond m the Monongdiaj, District. j Umden has an even chance to lat lis' uomj jor, i inc uarrison strict, and Witclier to beat tdcs in that o j Ilft Ivnnx " 1'. . n it,, s ...I..... . 1 m ....t, i . aiu, , Vpl Mill III IliV UUUllid II I p WljDistiiciljyU Moon? in the Hocklridje, Wcihered in the Greenbriei, and Slaughter in the CulpXT, have lair chances of success. 14 Hopkins and Garland w ill certainly be elected by the pint "rote- of Wiii?s and Conservatives. Green B. Samuel and John W. Jones, both -sink or ts Jm" disciples of the reizninj? dvnastv. have no opposition in the bhcmndoali and Uiesterfield District. We have full .m HWisr iifliii wmw ' iir k.... faith in Virginia's returning a mujuriijj of ttpi.iition membrrt? - 1 BuVtho Enquirer thinks wc were mis taken in attributing misgivings to its edi tor at to the results of the trcnt eee. I tions in his i anticipations of success wn " w 5 anticipations rw" ear.- -He give all doubts to nu crags nicncr man ever to compcii- .... r.. ;,.. r . ' , !",, even pretends ink or luimiKm - """ " unncucfc- lie will swecu the States of Tennessee, In. diana and MissuMppll fA Metier from lha IWit tn itm. ;r,Tt;ly,,M"',,;, U '.'? fnendaof pecu ators ,i1M., j" . , i , inwiuiiy ana ine aristocracy o. uco- f- lJt J , T. "1 f -V"' .-.w..,,, . maui III WW IIIUIIC plvnty, busine Trisk Jgain. and arcu. dy hleiTot llay iftKluce . lleuce the) will t.ot sustain rmh ho?e only .business 19 aVuWcdlv to taLft rarrt ttf thAirwfliP rut III flililj! tn mflLa ia n r im... : n,,iA rucrce,! crtdit, mnufiM'turf s, ves'ed iiuoiv, ii-iii Kuaroiiueine luaiciarv. deranire and embarrass thu whole fisral tnd htishir.iia , ronccriiS ot-tl.o country prndurlnsf .' stagnation, poverty and dis treA. N'o, they will down' with the mohicti. ot . port) li-iUishncss ! Down with the i lundcrcrs of t.V h ouls im The 'Kichmond . VVh.g of Saturday S r " m- pu.sfurth.the, Whi estimate of .';M!.',fa t . . ' . - C0Untrv.-e8fe'iallw the diSicolty herey4 l) wn wi h the au'horsiof. the c Dlaftiiil if of 1 S37 1 D. 4n : with infi dehty,1 dtsowdience, and tho gnispua spirit oi agrnrianism I Down with these official rrcrpjrativc upn tt o eii.cuve. right I ; Down w ith tho scofllrsof the pcop'e. and the defiers of theif majesty I Tln so are tho words. Thd people ARE UP!' They arc in arms and ready lo marct against Van Buren, and his, infidel plundcrins host. The optiosiiion of Ttfiuieyscd were never better lha r'-haltod the v were ' nover moro ronfident; and justly, of complete SUt'cusli 'Indiana will r:.IK in tha same spiriL ,VVhat can she expect '.id, this wumnusoaooo i . u oas no svmpniny pvilli on intcrcst i ceived' from 'it-4! , uai iiw 5jui'niujr uvti mi. i vui'ui v , Miu.t puymcuV OI est of hers Site has re.,tlie4th instalmfiit, which was' due and it a stone; w hen ho has pa) able according to law on the 1st of M.. .a. kmS... ilaLoft Kl.iflrt 'jv Itit M 1 mI ' kna l.ii.riln on. . wi v.iu. ' IIVI II VI miuiliu ('uiiiberjand jtoad, Bdl -defated at the lust uesion by the. votes of the ltcofo- cost 'Why should thbrc bb'the' slightest AsiiKnono'.v. c.) fmay. ..May si, is?9.; hone fur ih BH.r.w.;irui; : m: P t i What has she to train from uwh i . ;, ... .0 -t. m v.w mivbtiiB miu (IIUUS UUmiDlS' ira as has cursed the ' It ' - V. ' "cfd in; abolishing all credits, Sr'vTT? TanI j he yd and , Harris KS ruU n.rt-a,aou and ,cone- uiu3iiiuciu .iur roooerv 1 , uoes she desiie to encourage the corrupt specula. tions of Locofoci, federal officers in her nA. v rr,.... . . , "viaj u., 1 ncf c is no inciucenicnt whatever; for Mississippi to couutenance 1 jnif...,.iom,t. .. ;h v,.. :r 1 en'ertains a proper regard for her own interest and the welfare of tho Union, as we presume she docs.:" The Enquirer may putlUh its vaticinations to the 44mariners"--we have no faith In them. .' Ill . II v F Qtn tut Eisayiof Poor Robert the Scrihe. . WHO'LL TURN GRINDSTONE. uhen I was a litila Lov. IvWr Prinirrs. 1 remember, one cM .winter's morninff I was accosted by" a smilinc msn. with an aseoo his shoulder Mv pretty b,.,V said fce, -hat your father i grii.dstoha ? -Ye, si.." skid I., -Yo. - m ' . ,. ... a are a fine utile fHlmv H "aA h u ;ii fin - u w ... nv n 111 el with his compliment offline little fellow," -Oh yes sir,' I answered, -it is dw;n in the shop; "And will you, my man," said he, patting me on" the ueaa -get a nine hot wafr V How eould 1 refusel I ran,' and soon brought a Kettle lull. -How old are vou, and what a your oamer continued he, with- kut waning for a replv; ! am sure you . - . I m at . - . are one 1 me nnest lad that I have erereoif will you just turn a few minutes f.r mer Tickled with the flattery, like a fool I WPnt fnwnrl and liitterly-did 1 rue the day. It 'Vai a new axe, and 1 toiled, and tnjrgcd, till I wni aimosi nreJ to denth. Th school bell rung, and I could hot get l ? my "audi were blistered, and it was-not half ground. At length, how ever, the axe was sharpened, and the man inrnea to me. with Jow you little raw al, you've played tlie truant--8cud lo school, or you'll nie it. Alas, thought I, it w as hard enough to turn gridstone, this cold day : but . now to be called httlo rascal ws too much. It sunk deep in my mind, and often have I thought jifitstnre. Vhen I see a merchant over nofite to his customers - begging them trf taste a little brandy, and thtowing half hi goods on the counter thinks I that man ha$ go cut axe to grinds Wheri I see a man of doubtful char. acter patting a girl on the cheek prais ing her sparkling eye and ruby lip, arid giving herra slight Mocexfl, be'ware my Wirl i.:i.. I ... ...:n . - ' j;ii i, i limns hi juu w iu iinq to your sorrovkvA'f youhvve been turning frinistnnefora titfian, r ' ' ; When J see a man flattering the peo ple, making great professions of attach- lyiant methlnka. Umk out, good people, J. that trim tii,til.t t ..m. f.n.'T' iiitin j iiuciiv Willi ii in iirivnin ui n that fellow would ut you totlrnin I rrindxtdnr' ' - -a r- - - When Uoe a Tian hoisted into oflice by party spirit without a single qua! ificaiion to 'render him cither respecta ble of useful- Alas I methinks, deluded pftople, youre do,me.f for a season to turn giindstonc for a booby. I Connntieut owes nobody, 'and hss $21,000 ii) her coffers, a school fund of $2,000,000, yielding an additional rev enue of l04,6f)0. The state paupers cost 1,700 a year5 for their maintain ance, but the State prison earns a nett sumi 3,oou " -yer . 1 he Governor jopposcd to$ uh-treasury scheme, tutempcrancc.ud nil other public evils, The Treasurer f Indiana hai deman ded of Mr. Woodbury the 4 payment of I i, u I QIO .'Ptw. Tnoou... f.lllliair, lwv 1IIU llbaiUIVI IllUlli at s specie cannot be,had, Trea. suiy. notes bearing interest wiU bo, re ; ceived in payment, ' . j iT- v t r WHAT TEMPERANCE WILL- DO was addiet,d;ta:driniin7Qr; much of his - houses or eros shona. which in t-v ireat numbers in. this city. IIia;days were frequently broken his w ages coni sequently.not always tulLand hii eaVn., tngs, small as. they were, principally ex pvu in me grogcry,, wner; most . 01 his evenings also were spent, amid the ofbawlin&JrinMogamingwearing idlers. His wiie and children vcre peg. w iiuuur ai.u innamn. ami a enf lecied, and povert v and miserv rr.. upon them. His house decayed his furniture disappearedand the most painful exertions of his wife wer raretL y suflicienf to supply the children With food and decent raiment. At length one of hii children took sick and died. The miserable father, destitute of friends and means, was oblijre J td eo ta the tirmrL etor of the grog shop, and begibr a ban a sum auiiicient lobufy Jns child in lecency. The creature who hart hn dealing lo him linnM ilth nri i.onvK. ing his earnings in -exchange, refused him ilia n icPi-AhiA r;tuo ti " fiii.uv.kt , mo uuu i f ,7 J. . "" "-jr neon, , feehng for once that the tender mer- ews of the wicked are cruel indeed."-:! But means was provided and'the child ' was buried. The circumstances, how- ever, awaKenod a ; little serious reflec ....'.w , iviiiufcu iu no luiiuiv oegan to regret his past conduct,? resolved to eut hia former bad associates, rind to lead a new life j hi 'resolutions were w-ell founded upon deep : conviction ot his cast error, a rut Kin I f mbmi nuaiuiuvw to ilim who can save to the uttermost. He soon became religious, and to his new faith and knowledge, he added temper. no. f t .1 .L- ; .t: f - live, nci muse no are in tne m:ser ble condition he once was. mark tha re. suhv .", . . . ;. , That man has nrosnered. 4 But a few days since he purchased a city lot, and ne is now erectiag upon it a handsome dwelling.' Hit children are cent tientlv clad to school, and are not permitted to oawi aooui tne streets ot Sundays, like hundreds of others1, who disgrace the city and theif parents also, s if possible. They arc taught good morali and de cent mariners. The mother is happy i the father is happy-and contentment and cheerfulness, dwell with them and around thenv Aarftsonait. : JUST IN TIME. A younz physician, havinc tried in vain to gel into practice, fell upon the lollowing.expcdient to set the ball "to rolling." He sprang upon hii horse once a aay, ana a rove iuh speed through ttie village after an absence of an houc he would return, and carry with iiim sorne of his instruments thinking if ho could impre.8 his neighbors with the opinion he had practice Tfcej' would have confi dence in his ability.? A watf, who more than suspected the deceit which he vat practicing,- determiiied to -know the truth, llo accordingly- kept his horse in readiness, and the next time the doc tor gallopped by his door, sprang on his steed and placed himself on the young gentleman's trail,;. Tho doctor saw the nail Tuininiii" his iiocis.. out aiq not at -.. i. h i.:- i i i . . f1 .9ny ,sSUem however,, he thought it advisaWo to turn down a lane. The pursuer follow ed on like an evil genius; but the doc tor was not discouraged, as anoilier road lay a short distance ahead of him d n which he turned. 'Tha .'other kept close at his heels, 'and! the' doctor : .' a. . ' i , i mr. gicw i.iipuucm 10 return nome. mere was no house by the wav at which' ho tiuiu ouuiu diiv lueiei ior Rionnmrr. In the mean time his saddle bags I were with him and he was otherwise equip, ed for business,' so that he could not re turn in the face , of his neighbor, without exposing the secrets of his trade in1 the most (tamable manner. Eveftf hnnrnt of h steed carried him further from y. iwiflv ..vw w.iiiuv.l lllf; IU rear and he was driven to his wit'a ed; and just as .he Juried the. angle of a wood, he heard a low 'Ynoan. A-' than lav prostrate near iher fence nf a memt. ow;and blood "gQshini frtm'.fear1ul woonq in ms prai. :He had cut an ar tery.jhh his scaUic, wid.wus in danser . .'L' ... ,. . oTwJi.k 1 . l.jlao.thrawiMmiX" .PJ.N the nhfiirtiaVi; .V'.""' ' w fin Hs faceX!? rT,11 Iwky. oeighbo that IV S ll0 riyeiust in time v tlte nThe woerink ovnbV j. ,w 1111 ana ant '"'dressed, he retu-i ,at w such a miraeuIaiiB ta and jrillagers ja secured ttiti cian a renutalion not olv "si ski also fof supernatural presc ut 7 dd the meeresL' accident. more to his advancement than tribctt studuua toil could have done t impertinent cnriositvnf a , .-j .w. , oor opened for him a nath in hu liich the most iufluential '. natrni aiight never have been aUo' to. jprov Arbiirk .1 JOB D0DGE-0R THE STORMY- J It was a half drixz'u?, Ialf gbrmyday u :n ik. .:jiu' r xt .-i ' i m wo iuiuuio ui ovcinuer JUSt ,'SUCi)' uajr aa puis ucrvuua poopie in a Oaa humor with themselves and every body. else. Job Dodge sat brooding over the fire immediately after brekk fast. nMr Dodge cant you mend that front door latch to-day I "No," was the repfr.t - Well, can't vou mend the 1 Tiandl rif the water padr i -No! : ; Wcli.cao'0 you fix a handle to the , mop f .vo." -iWell, an'l you put up some pins, for clothes, io our chamber?". -No:, " Well can't you fix that north, window, , so that the rain and . snow,, won't drive, io V No no no, answered the , husband, sharply. , He then took up his ha and was at the point of. leaving the ! house, when his. wife, knowing that .he win uuig 10 010 urern, wnere ne would meet some of his wet dav comnahinno. asked him kindly totop a, t Tient, She then eot her bonnet and i ..alr. nA said to her husband, y0u are going to the tavern f with your leave I go with you.". The husband stared. -Yea.",. says the wife", "I may as well go! as you. ; ii you k nu waste tne uay ana tipple at the tavern, wfiv shall 1 not do th sSme'tr Job felt the reproof He shut I' the door; hung up his hat; got the hani"' mer and nails i aid did all that his wife : bad requested, and sat down by his fire 1 at night j a better and happier man. f ; r New ftolvw in (fn llAn ! ciation has lately been formed' at Mich igaa uty, iur the purposef emigrating West of the Rockv Mnontnme. tn lh f ' , t -0 ""itff UIV delightful climate of the Oregon ' The " articles of association have been publish"" ed bthe Michigan CitV Gazette." Thd r kmr.nM .Dill fdnrf '.nf am.a.7m. - vvniuj "in owiu vui III cjiioriii C, pediton in Alav. for the nnrnose of f lecttng the most advantageous te ' for a settlement." ''They. contemplate unitin'i1' with those already formed itf Missouri Illinois, and posion, tor that purpobs. I ! : , Cteaveland (Ohio) Com. Intetf" i j ai pcuici oviug ,mci ius cmptoyc in the street, the latter reminde1 1 ' m c. the gratitude due for patronage.' . Jy. said the mechanic '' but if you had i::t house to Wild, .you vrould have becu obliged to live out doors.' ',v Conie friend," said a creditor to hi i acoior, -1 wboi win money." ( l naves . not Pot it.'.' .. But 1 h:ve. it nnve " ' f W ell if joa gep i befurd I do," jus: let me know, will youT V . ' . Jl CemrsAfjJ7Scrireant 15imtin? av - the great secret of success with the wo- i t " l S r t ' . V f men, is to 7 as soon, ask ouen ana ncv er takeajefusak" : ' ; . - . . ,'. . ;. . . lietori not Corteovs:-A gentleman , told a lady she was wonderous hand some I who replied. -I thank vou lof; your opinions, and wish I could say aa', V much of you.,. "You might madam, . saidje, a you vho as readily as myseit ' - Jt'jrndl-A rnananjed .IClararoth - aged 73, at.. Lancaster, Oluo,. haJ con; . fessed iiimself the murderer' pf his'owa ' - soa-ia Uw y . ; r I A . ;V - v.. .. , W I ; -"1. ,. F . . rite -