I h I .1 .'..,! . ' ' -' - . '- .' f .BY ' TUNIS. rwo T Dollars "per 'annmha-lirrancef or jniec ioiiars, u not paw jyithiri three months from the date of the i;t number received.) i . ;r : v subscription to. fca discontinued till i i . i . . AH arrearages oe paiaj unless at ine discretion of tho llditor. ' " ; J v failure to order a discontinuance be juro the expiration of the subscrip two year, is equivalent to a iow eoeoicnL' . :,: M.. . . . li U'tlers, Communications, &c. to conie'post paid.' - JPriV n for Advertising : 4 -s i AircrtiscmcntswiU be coriimlcnocsTv 'marc of id lines I and 125 iccnt for eii. !ry subsequent Insert iori.-Ko aJcr lament,' howcycr iliort, niil la charij- U less uwui lor a square. Court Orders and imficial aAvoriu. Vents will be charged 25 percent high r i (e soinctinici have to wait so luiir; Tuosq who adrertiM! ry the year wiij ! entiilcJ to a deduction of 33! oer ccm iruviuca u;cy pay io auvaocc : " v COST. OF.WAK ? v fence the year 1000,'there, has fccen I different wars between n?bnd and r'rince, 13 between Kurland ami Sck. hnd t 8 between England and Spain UdT with other countries! in all.- fit Urs. There hare been 6 wars within ot 2 UOO.000 sterling 100,000 slain. j.uuv ukti ui 1 4 in i tie. , . i nr ucpan : cost 43,000,000 alerting t 10lV JO Driih slain.' 8.- War bejn 1730 t 33,000 sterling s ISO.UUO Drilish (X),00a sierlio; 250,000 British slain. Tie American1 war began '1775, ot 190,00,000 sterling 2,000,000 lain apiofig the sereral belligerently expenses of the t rench war have tzea staled as - under. ' and these umi irepruUbly much witiua the actoa! a real UriUin spent in the war 1733 to 1815 - 750,pOO.(5K)!flTtTwm Pranco : . - ; C0o!o0fl.000i ?cf f COO.000,000 tasrrii' 22a.OOO.OOO w fthe ttates of Eurppo 1012,000,000 to three yvara war cost the United Sutcsof .A'..;:'. C.i menca , , ; . 27,Q00,p0O vfl 4 " 'XS.CCD.OOO.OOO' AircrdsCrcatDria largepart ll tfc. .inenMi of lha lata it nr Ltvl . 1S3C) unliquklatrd. And to tho arrtuunt M bo aided the folkiwintr sources (rul. ..,4 ... ru.. 1 .r ... -floss and expense soma of which are jwrnpietcd w,t.,a tc llely to bo entailed: ou ' the pubhd furl Zti ' f IfT wfi-vizs i. The value of British iDc,?' 1.810-,Kf)f cou Wi;,n. ..i- -n.r'ii:; jfluthorize- the .coin P2I pirchant t vessels ; and LUibir'carjrocs 1"purrtt ana i dMlroyitt by hewtile uco during the war 1703 to 1815, fa.L The t value of British merciiant Jcsscli wrecked, ty UIog deprived by M war, of access to friendly ports. fi;The value of British property sciz and dostroyetl.dunng thv;: war, at Jtaritius rlaccs in Eurone. particular! v .at thtntZTTir I tsmWrgrAwf v craam, Kotterdain, Frankfort, Lcipsic, Bremen, WofcOWflAHniMigcn, Uant lj lliea,' .Venice,: Naples, Genoa, Trieste, Leghorn and io France, Spain, K. B.' Claims arftinst Dnmnrk h.-ivn lately, 1835 been lodged with the Brit- commissioners to : tho amount of 5i0.t!00 sterlinir. ,4tlu The amount ol jniLt uy, naval, un i other pensions, 1815 0 1 837. fit h ' Tho n mount " of I a 11 onfinued on the, public; 1815 to 1837 topav the interest of; the War; debt liteincreasQ of the . establishment f Note. 77i ttitn nf four hundred ticrunfi, ana vpwnrau has cen draiiv-a frotn the public from'1315 wlS3C,to defray the cmensa bfiha ar. ""ft navy, ordioancc, mditia,vaDd veo feB,iHlry,lnaint&ino'd during jwenty-two ra of pcacc.and retired hllowances. . e interest of the uuhouidated amoiint tl thft ,!..!. ..t .1... . I lifrn- . m --r "( mu ui ui an vi- imam hasbeen,paid, .by; tho putliq 140 oucawaitua tcrribla destrue H1 i" j t . ' n....li.. sacrifice thereto, imong the several bef li'sercnts. Scoftih PiM. , i , i ne session of the United States court commenced ; on the Cth inst; at Jacksoa 'There Were Uehtywfive hun dred cases on the docket to be disposed oV: 'A correspondent' of tho Natchez Free Trader, says, a larger amount of ryPpcrtjr;rM inTulved. in; suit .but, in the sales under execution that had m. cured, the sacrifice! were hot so'irrcat - i. it 'i . . . . i . . 1 as migru nave l eca expected, 'At the ate ;of negroes, prices i ranged from $SOOJ0,$;,Q00, iviich Mm much.as they, are in reality worth. The negro trndcrs have combined lo keen un the prices of ibis species iof property,' to save inemscires irom lota io the dispo sal of their own stock. ,Ji f u :. tlie recent derangements of the cur- iiuij nave laugru uie Mississippi plan ters a Useful lesson in the business nf art. riculture,' They are now convinced it is betet.U husband their resources, b'y "raiv'nt ''aft. mthin themttttrs" grqwing thejr owrri corn and meat, and all that the toil is capable of producing than to follow tho old plan of planting nothing buV cotton., M the .calaaiities with vhyh Mississippi has been visited lepd toauch salutary" rcformanoni as are now In progress, tier afilictions will bo converted into rich blessings.- Dad mariameiit Ji aUhe Jbondation-6f ah the distress that now prevails., All thai is wanting to .the restoration of prosper ity, is dfreturn to sober'sense and a dil igent use of the vast resources and capa biiilici of that Slate A'. (Ai Jiutltiin? 1MI ' A. rcDort is azain current tliat tha "Fiorina war' is. ended, but we believe it not. It is said tliat a treaty has been made with the' Indians, one. of the stipu lations vf which Is. thatMthe Seminoles arc to keep posscssioh of the territory', Uiey nave so bravely iuugnt lor. :i his is too liberal and iust to tie exnected .. , 0 r t- T from our present rulers, and"even if the promise be made and recorded, the In dians will remember Jcsnp's flag of truce, j ...... ..ici . a . Netcbern Spectator. if; The Ceniw fc.Thcre seems to be some doult about the period at which the Marshall are required to commence taking the 6ih census, i awie papers contend that it, is the 1st of June; m, S?C'S iUthelStof Juiieiwa W are wrdng. The act-, as ,f 1 "Jlfinte".Tl V . 'T' ! 18 10'.V 1 , whole C be jooropletcd within ten mondis, and, two red by ' tho 1st 'of course it is absurd to inencement on the 1st June 1840. allow ten monllis. and yet require the whole to be completed I... iKa 1 c fin. lfi.lft tt -ti'iti rinnki less, intended that tho work should be begun on the 1st January, 1910,- ! .' ; i tuytt feci fit Uisener. , 5 : 1 . . . The editor of tho Globe would bo i SEMIXOLES. glad tolrUdiorwrow- oursevould lead hinRorite-ioe if it would but bequeath its money to mMt ancient ftye, and as the Old Tea him. tt S-ittesfnan,' ' : ;. " , lament is the most ancient book in the It might bequeath hjm so.tic, but cer- tam'y not a great deal Our readers may remember the case of, the uncle, Kn tn h!i will, fwvmrnthrd a few sil ver fpoons to his nephew, adding. If I do not oequeain mm ine resi oi ine kefJ it h because he hai already stolen them. Louitvtiie Journal.' fj 5 7 . I I ; I i ,t .U 4 JV Tmmmm. 1 1 i 1 til .' , . fufh tnlsifntn im n tmnft ehmttflft. will bo found in the maxim whichbids n n!nv mirth wit hmit noise, conversa tion without calumny, loxury without t 1 . . :.. extravagance, cicganca wunoui vuuu and pleaanre without repentancei rJny Xmff.i--4WthelUh instant, there waa .lying between Little Falls and llvirkimcr, Acvv lorKawaiungre- line oi canai ooais en wiraa-m It isVypposcd. it would require -allort- oighuo et( thcrajhrpush tho JocU ,a ine of carial boats ten mile! in length. . 4 a 1. II - w. a.- 1; To Boston Ilecoricr of v last : Week contains the fojlowj . lingular devel opment of the origin and history of,' the alormon Bible. It accounts most satis factorily fo the lexistence of r the,' booki a fact which heretofore! it hai beerr dsf. ficult tb explain. v.U was ! difficuh'jto imagine now a wtork'.contaifling .so ma nv indications b()Mmr ik. "nmAnMU of a tultivated mind should be connec ted with a knavery so impudent and a superslilion i so' ctosss. at ; that .hnh must have characterized the fonnders of this oretended relitrmn 4 Tt n. sent narrative,; which jodependently of umauons .cmnexea, appears to' be by no means fprcbable,;waf Procured fromthe.wrlterbjjthe Revvak Stow, of HoIIinstonTwlio remarks that he has had occaaonl to como in contact with Mormdnisoi In iti grossed form.? It was communicated by him for publica tion in the .Recorder., mll ,m. : vt ay Button Daily.. Jldvtrtuer. Y"Gn y tne-jioocpj MOrpionf or 4 muoi4en JSible," .Pfj :- as tnts boot has excited much nfin lion, and has been dul bv a certain new seer, In die place of - Uesacter ucrip- uito, ucciu it a vuij wilicif t Otte IO the Public to state wliat i VmOw touch ing ittorigiri. That its daiint 46 a di vine origin are wholly urifounded, needs no proof to a mind unoerverted bv "th grossest delusions, y. That Mnraane per- a at i . . son snouid rank u higher than any other Ricrclv hnman com position, ia'a matto of the greatest astonishment t Net rh ; is '-J J" 'AS. L I . n-ccivcu uivine,' oy, some wno owcil in enlightened New fingland, and even by those who hav sustained the char acter of devoted Christianas Learning recently that Mormonism has found its wayjntoja ,; church in Masaachusetts, and has impregnated some of its mem bers with its gross'3 delusions, so that excommunication has been neqessary , I am determined to delay no Jonger doing what I can, to strip the mask from this monster of sin, and to lay oben diis act of abominations, j , . " : ... Rev. ' Solomon Soacldinar. fo'.whnm I was Vinitcd' marriage ,in qarly life, was a graduate of Dart-r ouih . Ct.!!pfp. and was distirguished hf'n lively pnr agination and a great fondness Tor histo ry. At the time of our marriaral he resided In Cherry Valley NewVork. rrom mis piace wp removed to Iew Salerar Ashtabula countyOhio ; some t'mies called toqneaut, os it is situated upon C!onneautf creetV ;Bh'ortly , after our removal to, this place, his health sunli, and he was laid aside from active labors. In tho town oinew Salem there are numerous' nioonds and forts, sunno- sed hy many to be the dilapidatedwel tings and fortifications of a race now citincL Ihcsc ancient relirs nrrpt the attention of "the new settlers and be come object. of research lor the cunousl Numerous implements were ( found, and othci articles, evincing great skill in the arts, Mr Spauldinc beinjr an 'educa- ted'man. and passionatctv fond of histo. 1 - ryj took, a lively Inter est pi these devel- upcuivuo vi niiuijuujr , aim 111 uruer io beguile the hours of retirement, and fur nish employment for his fivcfyViraaei. iiuuuo, 410 cunccivcu uio wca OI giving an Mstoricat tketck vfthit - font tost racuA 'Their a extreme antiquity vof world, ho imitated its stvle aa nearly as possible, 7 His , sole object , in' .Writing tnisiurorieai roffwnff.wps o amuse himself and his neighbors. This was a bout tlie year 1812, V HuH'f ; urri?nder at ueirou accurryu qcar uia same umc, and I recollect the date well from that circumstance. As he progressed in his :... .k". :t,U' 1 1 . : iiaiiavix vmc uuiuuun nuuiu (vino tu from time to time to hear portions read. and a great interest in the, work was ex cueu among mem. iiciaimea to nave been writcn by, one of , the fosltnation, and to have Jjecn recovered 4Jrqm ; fAe earth, and assumed the title of f Manu- r j 'pi. J ..ij often inquire' how. Mfi progiessed in deciphering Hhe manushnpt, and when ne noa a suuicicni poruon prcparea no would inform thetpr and they would as sembto to hear it read. . He was, cna? bled, from hia , acquaintance, wjth; tho wroyt u.?ui f i j 'j'v.. -'f"v.nu .s,, ,(), , i "gw fmoiu,;; ana discounts liter classics and ancient .history, -to, intiw i:Jl W'D.DrPwtor,Con2. thurahjall uco imbnjinsularminet,, HM$Q8&?!i: tiiciib wba vaje tt rnrcj .; - 1 notice J I v thfl hfionlnl and could he easily reco, .".'.4 by them. Mr. Solomon Sp Ming had a brother niri ijono opai...;', r-":dicg in 1 tho piaue ar uie Jime' who a. familiar-whh this work' t. beard the v t V!i of it rrad. t ' Pittsburg, I ... ; fdond ' an acauairitarica r- i ?. ; ! ,nvA orxur. raneron.sa el, c! a news- paper, ui He eih;LJ;cd K!? 1 riw Mr. who' was very rot; dr pleased with it, and bprroed.i it for pcrusaL He retained it a Ion? limp. nA infArmi ed .Mr. S. that if he wouLi : ma Anr k titlo nae and preface; hcWould publish This Mr. a refused lo do, for reasons whichr I cannot now atate'w Siddev v aim u uiiuni ngi a source m rrfif Kigdoft,; fio 1 has figured tol lartrcl v I m me history of twmbnr vaa at this time conneefot f with Ka 1 ri 1 . , - -PL 'wfcvf ? nffir-r at : ; -:,r office of Mr. Patterson. 'as is well kitntrn id thatregion. atid as- Kigdon himself w w a taaa auu. an ia Mini k nrurn nas jrequeuuy statcd. Here hoi had ample opportonitycto become armmtn. ted With MrJ flnanW,nn ! V matter 0 notoriety and: interest to all who were cnnnecfed -Wilh the j printing festabhsbmcnU At Jdhgth the -tami script wai returned to hk AtithnrJ 'A soonafter wirtaooved to Amity, Wishi iiigiwi w. ra, wflcrcjur, c. deceased in 1810. The nianuscriol then fell into my hands and wat carefully preserved. It bis frequently been examined W m Masfs., with whom how reside, and by other friends. After thfl nAi A? Mormon,' came out, a copy of it jvaa taken to JCcWSalcnv the place. df-Mr. SpauMing' former residence,' nt ' the very ; place where ' the Maniiscnpt Found was Written. ' A; wofnari-prea-" cher appointed a hieetingf there; and, in the meeting, read and repeated- copious extracts from the "Book, of Mormon)? The historic af , oart .'tmmU;iy recognised by all the' older ;whab(tanta as me inaenucai work 0! Air. S. in which they had been so deeply interested yeara before.4 Mr; J6hn Spauldinff J was pre senCwho ft an1 eminently r bioii man and tecognised :percctl tho, Work of his brother. He was' amazed;1 and: .a arose 60 the spot and expressed ' in the iheeifrur," his deeti conow and' that the Writings of his sainte'd. brother vum uv ww tyi a purposo go Vie 8 HQ shocking. The excitement in New Sa lem became So'great, "that the ' inhabi tants naa .a meeting, and. deputed Vt. Philastus Hurlburt. one of their nnmW. to repair to this placeand toobtain uum me iu uriginai manuscript ot .fllrr Snauldihir. for' the nirnnA nf mmn,.. ingit with the Mormon Bible," to 'satisfy friends from embracing an error so de lusive. This' was in the year , 1834. Dr. JIulbert brousht with him an Intro. diiction and request for die manuscript. piuu uj u;e9iavui;uij Ajaxq, .Aaron jV right and others, hivith alf whom1 1 warn a fAii n i f la. t n 1 U".?.J. J L . L bors when: I resided in New iSalehu! ;!.' ; I "am sure that, nothing coutd grieve my husband morol were he livinf. than the use which has been made tof workr-JTlw air f antiouitvwln-K- thrown about the compositibn doubtless suggested the , idea, l converting it to purposes of delusion. Thus an histori cal rornonce with the addition of a few. pious expressions and extracts from the sacred crmtures, has been constructed intq ne w Bible,' and palmed off upon a company of poor deluded fanatics, as di vine, I have given the previous briel narration, that this Work of 4eep decep- uuu aiiu w tckouoess mayt oe searcued to the (pundation, and its author exposed to the coteniDt and execration ha sit justly eserves,., ,;v;y ;,.U ;7;3i . : . , r , M ATI LI) A IjAVISii'V. ; . Rev, Solomon Spaulding was the first husband of tho narrator of. the Bhovol were j- nistorv. - oinca ; nis decease, aha hnlnno miv h nriaii ..i.i " ryMjwMvu Miywu fiuttu,"y lum t iMitinf a MUnrt4 hitakn M J L.. I v .V . ? vv"iu p now w; sididg in this place t is a woman of irre-1 proachable character, and, an. Jhqmble yuiuiiau,,aiiM lit vgsuMKDjr ,woriny '' bSR.&U9tn Principal of1 Monsoa Academy. t t t. r vMomoni fatal: 'April itizXf WHO-YYOTJLD IJOT jiirr-- M Intks i?lad'sea!inn'''ii"fiVn V Vi.Ut ti- all around burstina' intd lifo'and hieant. fft?; !i;ing;WaT.whSi winf er is pver. ind vegetation is wakinj , (rain1 rA fU. A-.?i:l' t : . ' .6 . .M ! ""'."J1" aicep whea K yd inS their matin aong, frora evprir bush, and man himself wakes to neWiihid m activity afouridhirn Whpioould not be a Farn,t P- him, and aldrfosC him:'ildne,'tlx)m the fair flowers in nature's field.fm' )U tk. leathered songster pours. her sweetest note, and for. Jiim th&face of creatioit wears "a Constant smile. : Not so With jthe inhabitant of cities.' or ivit'h the r-?.-:.i.i . . . . " SyVIMtUI DtiJJIO. lilt n ? manot busmess; 1 anu ivnara . - aMn : . any wherel r These" fare, shnf the blessed influence of : haturel Tfieir business ir? with m6n restless : ambi- , Uous, .und f bftentimes fdishbnesl meni theyr thvmselves are all engaged iri the eager scramble for wealth aad'distinc- s tion, sometimes crfTin? litila tvhoik thrust down with their Onhallo wed tread, ' so they lose tbe sf lutaryJcsson of benev. 0,eT,hich;?nfyb learned, fironttha' TOVrVy'nce Sin the, c Jward , world.iV They mut inaihtaio a Wnstant ' struggle .)vitXtensp'tati6n; 6r yrie!J to its 1 P)!et( Acpustomedto 0 mudiof evil, they are sometimei almost o,r,;ii todenytheexistence'of ipo;;:Buftho; -i.u.1 j.ai.uv. uiu vtvu icuur oi pis V' way,undisturbed oy 'th'e! passions of . . j l T "O v uaiuic, od.!?? lf, H n 1hul Wrt against it; learn true ; wisdom from its teaching Id tbd springing crass, the opening flower, and the ripening harvest Hn unbhine and in shower he may see a token of God's love "and goodness, and in; the quiet ,6f his owd hom'e; ho uiaj auuvik Wlj;ci UIO CXlSlCUCe Ot ttiL - T?eK duTerentf are'die r editions -of iho two classes "spoken ,cf. er, Wo sometJmei,,findt farmeri' dif.rtwi.V - with Awrjot, andia'rQi joiii wittf their fellows in4 thd feverish 'niinn and speculation. ' Anji tery often we seo ' youog menimpatient lo leave their W think, some hiore honorable nr Wt0 r mode of earning a hvmg-ithiy had rath er show a .whiehand to a? ladyaV the v measured off k vr(t'nf(,, .t..j exhibit a manly; muscular frameVwith a hand; which to iwt shrink from con-! tact with tmplemehts v'husbandryl'., It,' hasi indeed become one of the great er- young men are ; us ""a wj m uo noouuy ; I lua 'coun trr, fbt the sake of wearing a more deU uu.piwuuu, or uvmg, v they vain-, ly hope, more at dieir ease. -! Hence it ' is that ial( .trades j and professions are overstocked, thah we havn- yersJtban clients, more doctors lz ' palierits, and more parsons than parLh' CMwenearroeacomplaraof hard limeV ; mechanics cannot find : situations. .yel M. vvuum aciaaiiy - sanenng, and very severely toofor . want of proper attenuonto tarminff.-and 'wK;. Because inany a man who shoujdl hav tollowed, the rjloughhas' be9ome too ' . prouu ror mat, ana in his, aspirations to,' -be a centlemaiihas tmdertakpn Wa a pwr administer cataplasma and bo4 i iuscs o mis siaie pi things, too, t . be attributed to some extent, ih ri ent scarcity and high prices of provjaoi" " ; Aim prouueuoo, nas;tecaallowed.',ti : i fail below, the consnmr. :-mn4 . great proJudn3 c9untry, ' VMrar; : population, has., preset I i "strand auomally of imrxirtip br ' -.T.r.rr, the . thick acttled jcouttiics cf Euror V l "J-WfruTpucg mc;should -taught, 4o regardrdxe ejpploymect ' their fathers, aa the;, 'most JionoVahla tr ,: ;rYour. farmer is'ihe Independent marw Yhat, cares V for, hard time?, L hi7h auuonQrpu, mil, -oeeGuma ed IFar J 1 J L . Ct a vesv tnatoia aoo stawq trra, ha!l cev er fail C drafts unon them led at sight, ; and, die bat.k; pf nature; where, thcarnier makes his dcpositcs.r -.. r ' , .1 " 1 . . 'Xa .: ;rviT

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