;C:: ,C!.3 : . 'va rr- -vj -not f t tv It,,' :r.ti- sales tl.j fc.vorilVoTiJcaca $3 fcc cf .lis f J!o-wg While war.t -zZicli the ' reel cf t!;e wwrU, he tr.ay snap Ihis fa cers intJs face.aj muck as to ay Itri ... :',.,' - V ; J1. jjAuo TelercpL ;'. 5 i i ' ' ' ' , .' jyert a circuit town irf ( Ireland, drop ped a tea poanj note wider the litis wbib j !- jMrg at cards at an inn. lie t-t L ..cover ins loss vaCl fee v. .a TW J fc bc3, "but thea returned tmmt--c" i ' 'v.! to eachlrg thft'rooni la was r,4 ty the waiter, sum -said, I know vbat you want, sir, jou have lostsoroe :.l trjccT.ti:rjci ccrare j r. tic cit..are8. (he -Tb t mcr.Uf i.acrji..r.j state of the currency. fte i-;-";' rJ esxicty f opnejed men, an locate a yet unseed state of the mency market. AJe!'r bv Alexander -V ... . uanrton, f lets ;:;, r i cf the great manof that its--, ' m i -f lll hcd, and is attract:. i "'; V Af ter fcttinj f..;: t LUrjnih ia which t rcony i .s a, present arc, fce m : c-es lha crejitiua ofa Slate tank tf issues, (for r - ch Stale,) and the restrict. :si trriv;:.; iatizs to circulate-; r.:rr::,u i-iJ derkisitfl. M If- cor tt- Jiiihed m Jhe ; ir.rr Ftates. tber VfQidl aiTord a rnr-!:'2 1 j for the National aoia ry rssc-:;:1. vc I thsrestr'-ric-j tri-; li car: c; HALIFAX CI3TRICT. X.wfccs C.a triurjlicfri. J, !j c: J morality step there. In ic!..-r?, 'Tlr.- lassie AVhii ts elected by in nnn- wnter n the last Stat nvesthei:. i. W.a...i'i. folkjuinichccrinstccocntof the'Con-Ifvi r..L-iii..- t : r.u?.u,ia a grin, - wat . r5o. c. over lha party. Dr. Pot. c II Campbell. Duck- ana u suecrior taienis and unwaTermaiL.-. ' . ."i-i .. v .1 .i iHveacceeaea oy overwnwmnini ma devotion to Retmbucan. onncrDCS can I; . ., i.h . . . f . a. . . i loniK'f. in ma vamDOCu vofizrcsion ensure lui election, toe wi.i certtinly 1Vifr 'MVL. m rim Je- A: Rvnnm a ! rMnmtnrul.l 7. . "7 . : .IV" " " - : - ... 7 iuoIom in lhH thrnat.lati h. if he dueg not a uou vaDeu nas ocen ro grcssionalcanmsin the Ilahfax D.s- Aja Talemon cf Mc P - If ever acandJate for fWar bJ 1Wmajont ; ,a ( favor tnentedsaccesCoLLonisaocs; ldcib ? j v. I woies to ine tnroauutrn, it ne ats m KvyTS???,J!fr? IT1 thira.4 Inthe Buckingham dktrlc in. this District in favor of the Whig can- dKlate. for the two last eleclkxis. a I change which is oaward, and cannot a m t ft-aa tCBccxed. A tew years oack, ur. D vnuni was elected to Congress bv near w Iv 03 miioritv over CoL Jovneri but at the next succeeding election, by a majority of about SSO rotes over OoL 1 Lonirt and at the last election, bv onlv a ' 4 j in : i e i : 1 1 i -a uiajurnr i3Q uiai 11 vuijr requires, Yoursi &c THE CITIZEN. AsuunoKoN.c. FRIDAY. JUNE 7. 1830. TJCWSIlOUTEXAa - 1 m iMr.wi was soon, however, found! Long's election, As to the result cf the ant that thia hinr l!ttL IrAn .f.i.t l.. 1 .L. r. I GEN. GRAY'S LETTER. Mr. Fisher takes care to give this I - -u. m. M'Wi . Allt thai ihia thtnT uinm m HltU irn i I... .1 .! ,L f. L I. . . . - . . w . , I - f -"p - v 131 ciecuuB in mw cuur t lur wcuhjcw i letter io ois readers ot tbc western tar- -try has teenstarted at lUchmond, call- comeall the way i from London. She any thingit proves that the Whig par- 0a!,?n tbo accompanying re citee Richmond Tefctwpft,':'. it" boilt entirety of irotvtba peoea teing ty still retains it strength) For although marks, criginally connected Miihif. 1 A taieeting of the citizens of Ilouston, riveted together, and is 71 feet long, tbo Whur ticket, as voted for, was not lie would have the reader to believe was fceU on the 27 th el AprJ, for . the) whw ber breadth, u midships is jwily j filled until within 8 days of the election,! that Gen. Gray has been crrupeously . ju. r- vook nas Deen arpotmea I oecn roriv-u ve ua ys ini men Wat A vent in place of toe Utter 1 1 rz z , ' I" ary of the iSavv. in tti olace of I comma. The vovaire is considered anl then TWr JXrmA and finally 5t If. (lm I grossest imcosition not only on Gen. Hon. - llemucao Iloat, resigned. , (act of great temerity. Her name islnotwithstandiog ail theso mutations Gray, but also on bis readers of the Car- T - Ia IB a. . I l) AL.AHa Oa .JLLa . 1 fl ? . . 1 S a I a a a . a I . vcu. iiannuofi wiu ea ooi n tne -wcriotocwoo,aDasiioisiBienaeaioriana de avs. Moon was beaten bv oneli::- r--r- .-Y... - j r ItUm n, 1-,,,- ira;,.- r-.i I .... n.'tl . . "j t . " i-w"m- w to nwi wcucr man ' ReDublic . ; Ituld. She wi'J attract rreat attentionlM. .nd mml.: mark iKi. Xfr Mr- tbtCen. Gray if decidedly I. k O I V vaj ww vi a aaa tutn - aj aia,ar- . w w . T ..uvuuv iHiiiwu aauiia uuvueikhii i ior. i .cat. wnn naa rMiirniHi loremnai ivi'vau iv iuj vicuiiun. Uieuy. x ,,t f. lupoqlU Van Burea ticket, fell abort Mr. FUhcr tan ihi himself and VlUXJll OF A PATKIAKCn 1 I "w 01 exenanra on Lonaoa. ts eiine vote inven to Mathews; the hind- r.. t I .; ' ai i . ,; a i a ....v . i vbaa ui a w , iia cx - aawavM LMrrriL. imji aiiaa , OlOCU Jiana IO laU UO. . I most Whiif at th ft cUrl rai I - ' 7, v ' Great Western, to far lhs' Republic V7 e learn arertaTly; (hat the venera. 1 1 l!a Genera! Lenoir, of Wilkes, died at I Ins resence tn lhaf Countv. a few Stocks stand m Jtalu fuo. -W... 'tlfL' .L . I' iuusi ivoia ai me orcceainz eiecuon.1. ..... by 7 votes. I therefore venture to pre- V Pullctl,' 1)01 P"001 lneodi.7 ISow I diet, CoL Long will retain his majority I Wfl bave no doubt as to the ptnonol ia Halifax : for. if tliera is a sins le , VO I frinitsliin rif fifty. f.r frr Mr P!uK fE-r01?17. r1 ?f g' for be (Gn G.) is we believe thVper. I Knotv lum twiL. Ira am ;Knnhfuinl -. 5 1 NewYorl, May 28. days since, in the 83th year'of his age.1 AtKrther packet-sbip came In last nicht lu.wiuKi vi iuo tcrmuituu. ira wh 1 wiui uiyie aa n is ma? z. ina one ai v i . . .. . o . o - -o'uvi uc ivjch. u.i 11 b ueiieva ina ner. Pt to g more in Martin, CoL Long nat8 'WJ ocen Apolitical friends," is anstainedthe highest consideration. business operations.' Failures continue J better woto than be did before a false assertion ; and Mr. Fisher dare We shall wait with anxiety, a sketch to tage place in different parts of France, ,Bd " wro af the inn shines, we will Bol repeat -.unless he makes out that - of hit Ions, eventful life, from the cen and-tha crisis. iomMn inAA a orthanipton. ; v.-. a: tfil inma una ramnlnnt Ia iti. A lor . Ia im IVL.i !. i. L. ! jl 1 .-.- I .. . . O - rr77..77.rrr. "f'? "HLW w..-.woi- i ... ... IduTcrent from un nn .rntlmnt i r .. - j:az i. - . .r -iiih-. viui:ikii fi i.-rrif nti . . H . I. iu 1. 1 i9i a , ia viuicuii . to ioresee.1 wui.wa biiiiiivii. vm , ft WW J .VH f kllV 1 Ira Carpenter was pot on . The constitution iust framedln Flori da, preparatory to that Territory's be- co-:ng a memoer w me union, as a f:v contsins a provision which rre Lilits, rrcsideots, Directors, Cashiers, anJ a'J other Ccers cf Banking Com panics, from holding the ofike of Gov crnor. or .membccTof the General As semtly, and until twelve months after ceasing w De ,to connected wila any . r . i . ..... , ua&King institution.? ,;--"-'.; i f4t l ,? ;,:fVitmingtQn Chronicle. The Legislature- of Michigan has tassed a law Drohibitin?. under a hear v penalty, Sunday Travelling? In that t 0 j - - litc,wilii any kiniofyehiclenjany puu.c roaa or ttaii roau. In emergent ca;cs only, is it allowed, and must be ;:mtLza 10 ny a powie ecerv ' INFORMATION WANTED." u ' A' native of Ireland, named Edurrl . Downing, Who had resided in this town f-jt many years, died here some time ap, leaving properly well worth the ti:;-:ion of his heirl in his native coun try. All inqaiiies respecting the exis tence and residence of such, have been thus far cna vailing It is believed that , Mr. Downing eraigrated to this country bout 33 vears ago, from the north of Irclana. Ite bad, i few years since. j...?sj iransacuons win cuizens ot Tcfcr-burg and- Richmond.1 Virginia, to.r.s of v.hom were bis couatrynsen, cr.J rn ay therefore have knowledge of mm m - a.a . m T Lis ri itives ana their rcsidenroj if so, they wi.i perform an acceptable service iu unsn rnanro oj coinrrruoicaiing io v$ aocfi irif rnnatjon afthey possess. i.i.tori wits tvnont we, excaaofre i 'Among tnary Items cf utdni.hA L tiraony; w insert the toowWi... of fetter; wMW w is froo,' source entitled 0 die lyglicst credit. DatieCo. C, June it 1S29 rv-i ! v har just read th Dialogue in the Citiren of last Fridir between ths Whig and CoL 'J' bout Mr. Fisher's I beard him at Mocksville, and be w " ICU",ca.,0 vc7 ame speeti Aere. . For what law iW. k. f... . . " no uug this County, are couatt at . i... - ? the Colonel of DaVidin, in attem'Z ;o give an account of his political vn feat aasiailat tanJ I 1" . . . - l 'J?tu 10 U1 'PtectU Ijacwji j a act men mnm r,,.U.J r trumpnh the Kaher men am a4n ncrc.;, Lenersl diaaaiiafaiiin ....x i 11 , . LfCfBUl, MockiviL'e. ;Un ess h rS... alia in attntA . r . . y - -v,7" give inc pcop e it understanding ol his course ofpohcy k mayaswtllcar.; AndeS,iffc, reffarded as fotttd. t.i n,:.. think would not restore bin) to Cot it tint rvTnr c'y ur ' jMr. Luhcr has sc Lngifij studiously kept p. . ihe Cirk as to tii IS " T00" 00 h promkec ana vitally imnonant m ....... t. fgitatedin the next 'WessT" Thm u someminir niviierin-j. iV.!.-i : cious,-say the people generally, b & coneuct ot this maa; Vikich ifirscedto its source, would, 1 have no doLl.i. I, lound to originate in unwonhy motivJ eiilier inf himself r n those whot.3 wweavoring iu cse Mm as a tooL WHIG MEETING IN SALISBURY. A. writer in the last rrrti;;,C- ,ir. Fisher we presume j for it is undeLJ ?: writes hoth. the Editorial, ani ConrMt aiih nnlv .!r m.mko.. . I uomKi Ar.U...i.. ....l. I communications of rnrr.lnJ..,. r""M,,v,r,5 iiiv, iie sainnaiieea lnendiy to the Adminis- titled thm trt,n ' ... wai PBP enjeavcrs to turn tfc tiu inn. th Wh . ..1 r .?.f" ' k"wmwiw1w, , . ftJ. . I Mr. Fuher cannot deny but that Lc lrw m,t 'anno l i tv- Ikafltfirim f imI aa tnau teiH. Vrtm TrmAcr iaia that ilt. Pt. lio be SUV ciffti of another ihrea Hava irpanha itJt imt 1 once idolized old Andrew- Jackson. v-aw i awvi maivf mibi u um uu J w a w v iiju ibiu tjiuibai iia allia aJLllICa I " cuit Court of Copbiah county oo (theT0 Prince de Joinville is appointed to! having heard enough to justify us In an. I blindly devoting himself, body and soul, i iaa b'a aukniu M - a a ww a I bibb rrw nil aB inn innrvra a m arii&BnnM,a..A Ik. a. ii .. - a a a . . . ...w v u.v initaio jo AKJtCIuvuuvuJU IIIO lOUUWinfr IkeDreseOUUVeSlln. likann'a ir.trf .l.A.t. .i:.' , . i w. w - a i .-.wu , iinw v iuva I uviiv rv cotton market it I ia Con trra I - . . i . . . . - ' t- -II ' t,;-!f..rt! 'liar ? ; tb? J-: 'r.w-it h r-pwej, t!.3 s:rrr.c : 3 c f l.:3cr:i i ':cr, bat all attention v. :r a ciranjerpreac cd. Oa tclrjcilcj ty .;3 farsonu; ha did so, rt plicJ, "when you preac always know that every thir,? is r;..t but I cannot trust a sfrarfr m" . ..To. ""Hi mocb confidence, I always thick j safest jo watch him." - We s havo' some acquaintanra Davie i and unless we are greatlv m;,. ken'in the population or thaM VuniK there exists no here a more hiVh i ' ed, independent strajght-fortt ard, i. consistent and patriotic race cfciii Ihan thbsa of Da vie.' And we hare d;re. Information-express ' and rosi,:.. that they, generally; cannot and ttfCc wpport;Mr; Fisher.; They Wiefe,, othr rational men believe, that the didate who will jiot come out (airly openjy, and express hit pplitjctl vie4 on all-important subjects.' tut 'fcbor,-,' stifle discussion ' by unmeaning g,; and . nonsensical noic, w not i, i with the murder ol Mr.pauI ""Th1 Uivm cotton market is to Congress: T,rt wTPrnkafa, f .,,, 1 erV dull i I ' tVkim friaL c . Ke!!er. . lnA Pmkata r ikatl very dull 1 Wkim. cocsty, fie Jury after being absent I. Tl1 Commercial news from Europe J Henry A. Wise, a short" i:r e. returned a verdict ef man-l w 001 satisfactory.''. American steels! John T. Hill. .Ini"hfpr. Aa ihi nfVor nf 1L1 l ri I Vet ST0 hard, verv hard, eirent IT.' R I Jnhn t XLti. ' w. a a-aai aavv a n aaaw wiu a, a af a r j a a w awawa ak a aa ili i was oa the eve of the prisoner back b I Bant The cotton market bas fallen! Chas. F. Mercer, tj. C. Droingoole, . J3iU axddea uproar took place, the m-ay in this city, upon the European Wm. L. Goggm, " Linn Banks, , lights were ail put - out, and Carpenter accounts, one-fourth of a cent. : Hot- Jolin Taliaferro, ; Waller Co is, vwasatobbei ia three or four, places,, tHguer of Paris, if is latedjn1 Wall R.M.T. Hunter. Wm. Lucas, De of bis bands cut 0$, and lie fell a 81 has refused to ' accept Vincent Contervatjpe, 1 Robt. Craig, corpse in the lbaJJ of the Cnurt' li is Notes draft a fact which will create James Garland, ' G. E Samuel .i.-'.. .. . . .1 a l.;il t 5 ! ii'.'T'f.i i. m. ' .J. . , . . , ... km. rr . crgagea in mis high-handed and horri-l " wu oro.er io vaii street,. flir.1 inree Uistncts remain to be heard r uu"r 01 ocavrty 'lis traiisacuoawere relatives of Mr.) Schullx, m German or IJollander who! from, beiog those represented Lnt the t,t I nd other sobe minded sagacious men, iTc'Jcr. V! ' Ihas been in this city but afew rears aslConrrcss bv Mr. Bob Mr. XfnrTn Iwant 1 ,nv ,aa . r John W. Jones ! 'Jicl Holemanr-; F.E. Rives, ' - - ". f - af every rhuig that Jackson didwas right. was best, with Mr. Fisher, i Gen. Gray never did this. . On the Contrary, be warned us against the destructive mea sures of Jackson's Administration. And a majority, i 'arge majority of the peo ple in this Congressional District have lon$ since seen and deplored their error We regret- bitterly regret, that the Hast amount otnis defalcations u no titration, thn Whu n . down at about $30,000, bat if he has strength from Virginia in the present dranrn annriAii. Kilfa it ia imtuw.XL I rVknrno. mill . .. ! . L . .. -r--r........ un wivMiuiciw.vM win, ccn iu mai eveni do as to estimate the amount, 't- loioe to the Administration twelve.' ; come iiockj nave auvancen todav 1 v nf;nnni rt.n;... .:.tutT O TI..L .L- L"i. f ; .....w.,6w.,. i'7 y. aJiua, wiiicu IJ, HOW r. r r . h. K 1 , n 3 . ... . r.. .... Mav28. 1833. C a rini n . -... - L i I . ' ' '' ' ' ' juuttis oui 1 itiiAbl! Y TROUBLE. ThtTmlflh The Louisville Post Office is in a Kat way. The Post Master Mr, campbcll,! v 'whtngton, grtttlng Fisher cannot deny but that Z T ! Sali"bur.v oa the 25th uS anotoriousopmouth. :IJcan -w.en.-gray-oever embra- -C-- .-lIIi t "t ctd this foal heresy; On the contrary, WiHS A T110 f0 WeR FP1Ie4 r ,r .ua vponisnea. us against .T!asVeraI.n ,'7 'MW'. . . w "nair is not at aa And Mr he has been ed nullificr. I. V .... " -a T iFiia tar.i.- .t - : . . . Mav 28. 1833. X "' y,8.H, uecrs-ioui us it tl- T " " uw ' " I4e Power. at, rfone- Y? Mr.-.Fishcf.pretcndj CeaL.:.ixV.. ,at .jwwf w ' - aa t . a avicii'iiiHirti rw at 1 . - . a 1 . : ?V5. , Gray is hii political friend. Poor Mr. ,! srt V cct, to destmy aa rknaa ! l.. .i .i a a --r . . a j. .... a na . . a iuuului n aia Brtantaa .. . a aa 5jarnwci 11 ana o- 4 1 our on and beloved Gordon" wc intend not to deal tbo harsh- r , r TPo'on by na funds. II.. mode of operation is in ed, suddenly, 00 the 234 instantiup. He must brml, J cIolVIcc- to mud. reason to dread t andwhich b ope respects a novel one.- It appears posed to have been brought on by too ?e,must b mittcd to prevericato docs aWfullv l , , i the department has printed" receipts, long exfoshre to. the hr 5oS r i: ba rS ' T h W0U" which being vouchers for the money whfch commenced about-11 o'clock on Y Wo beg Gen. Gray, pardon for hay. ni?-?'' drawn for public services, are required that day, and raged most furiously until ing made Uiis free use of h Jl. ff 1,8 M to frustrate themeciirf to be s.gned by every person to whom sunset, -. . u f t uw ' use of his name- altogether. This Indar.t.YYwi.' the money paid. The Journal say,, 7b Ms Editor 0 the Globe vartL W? fWM to do Soas we could fea n!U' ? L, ePt that -theclerk. of thf Louisville oe ,c -TJV1 not otherwiw set the matter right, after f): forgot tojeBbow andsomeof the outside dealers orifh t h .Vinwritr....: .c r.u nka ar. t:.L. l. j ; 1 . . .. eLectual his own man ' " wuowmg ""' . f aa exuiungiy said. , nnnt " 7 " . T J win confer a favor by giving this notice Zii.:z: uja.--XctsUrn Spectator. - - -. ...vi a vu Tifti uvibCITS concern nave been frenuentlv remi.r lataimn ...... - ! ' VVt 7 M . 7 '"vu" wufCBii ior uajor uar- v, . j I: irem going imoei to si?n blank receiots ivhirh thi Pn.illana a.::.. i i.!. ' . . I f . ..-., I in. tr. . , 0 0 Master afiemardsnlled with amount he pleased, and the Department Albemarle. n.r!.- 1: ... ? This irintlemsn .Y.. aT. H ft,msC4' nad 8t in and about at Washington allowed the. , to r nr BT, ,' B. ' T 7? . ova ? lbttry, trying to PPt M,!i;fi,a,i,a w.. ... v.wu, ui. - a l j ' it N mt ui uu i.arn mi,K .k...i i. - d -f .....i..w .oncaintherece.pts. The clerk, had Amherst da do. 2M temion ,h. like to bo ..w .uspicQDi .rouaca, sent on' to 'Louisa, 1st dayA -1 do" Co Washington, obtained copies ef the Fluvanna , - . i . vonchers transmitted in meir name. . f p.ii.T..: " ' . . , vilie. He ... 1 ' - .aT. 7 ' ; .W 01 ,n District as an -I .ndfound.thatthereceipt.-had-to nuea up wiui turns wftich thev aver far ir;- . , .. r receiTed.' mffait af. vi.vu vi uiiii''b in 11 ib raianiiTn.i with u h . ment..nd point to ihe Post "if. aV7. ZiCSr Aammistra. another mmm,. :f:,: .r' j 5" .V """n, iuenmone, and his r- :" r"-"" upon , we uiwnci, combined aeamst h m . th funis of the C6vcrnmcntl Tim I? ., . r ... :T V 5 . ' 1,9 ...1..- .l- j .. . '.Muuircr lommrn aundr iCaL iv luswvcry weuia uare crcaUd jfurioui aKacka upon him, l2jaD0 "ai . , . ' -vaaairMaiy alLllIIUr. f fa t-.Ma I m . M . - fbBMCcioi consistency and princiol .u I -T. acpenacnt Wfcto," 'Ard ihrn ka.r hiffl meeting .uboicn,!, h,M i. it.Vi. 1 I . .... V "wepenneof, wtao iff Jiel

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