j:i: .t o. ;, 10. j" ' tihe aulj-ct i -M i iSiW lets c.Ta r':f3 cf 'at wc suppose will be rev to the L Here it is: "WLrn the nd.r.in- ,'nVas in favor cf the local Links osiiorie;?, tlso Wl.i.'a were against l.nt no sooner did Mr. Van Ba- not iuCcjcr;"ly cent::. . at piisunt wuh the facts connected with the m:itter, to give our readers much satisfaction on the subject ; but vre copy bclw a brief paragraph from the New. b rn Spectator, which we consider treats tvor since t .-v v.; .... acor;;sf i-.q higjcn t: s;in.o,niori!!t. :ve.v 12. And on the morrow the proctam- 4UUU, whiz nnis.icu ena primeu, was 'M il k 4. '1 East of vvill.fV rtn-ovc - T Ml Fit 1 U ' J)" i t:i".;r ' Fe.ur ;uJ J n a rr.-u t.'V.uu',: . i.:o:-!S'. ana i; wen to .Mukcsviintr.'4 miles t hum J cliauH. frequently risivis eu-ry S iie-.i, udere ' the business 'ordinary mode id' cure, to becom? confirmed under th' rronrietr- very distressing to the ratictit; and by handed to. the to- carry, into the !:ip.Vf JOSEPH WEASpSER, & Co. I the cxtrema debility twhich Jhe disss' country round about. ; , A 'ewl :asjortmeot of-Caitiri? -still ! induces, it often civc ris2 to other vvnen i.iu keiton hatii-i Livmr-tMr.;- XnA !- enrome comn aints. JViarsri miasmata i. . bandon tho "ret liariks," than the .the project rationally. s took tr.cm up. fir. r. rmisi y schooled a while before he . bl! to pass himself off for a Te ToZfn 6Vrctffr. To-dsy wo ... iu. iuw, u came to pass ii. ... ...., people nod read u.und h tm image end eu they said with one that wo should la u marked well in caae Eppljcation be nia-le for such as -or. the ellluvia arkinj? - froii stagnaa rperscnption thcreol, are not immediately,.n lia.ru!,. they will i water is the mod freqwM exciting accord, it is not. meet I Ikj riroinpth sent for to tha Foundart. cause of this diseasef and v-ne of its ULfh at it I lor it wasl and h:t tLn n, ;... Ist... . Ill ,brp.:ti rnili:irili(4 i il Riisr(r,tiK!!ilv cf fa - ----- w vrriHvwr a A VJ rw if n LI t ' publish this sinulw document, which is wru.,co ' AW "ubuger, inasmud. coiitinuo as heretofore. If atplicati)n 3?FW hereto. ; bo made bv luiaddrcss the Subseri- exciung much interest . and remark c . . . .. . . . , . thro02haut the commercial nnrtin Af 11 "takcth the name ol our best 1 be 7. 1P 01 I i T ! the Union. If the United 'States Dank rtctl ,Jlvaio' od tothotoneRepuhli. oi our tfioeitw inl'lttsaut". , from the U, S. Bank to the "Pet j intends to sustain, by its great means, iicn cans 15. twr at "tenter r. U., UojH.ra county, JOB llEYOLDS. N.CM And moreover, the sheet of pa June 28, 1839., V2-3m. 16. And when they had thus spoken of the Proclamation, they went out and uawumur crv unsee.n v rurooses. I'lMlE subscriber will dispose if his ' Priniitiff OiEce on the most favora 'FOH TUB CITIXES. ble! terms if Immediate aDiilicatiou be mode. f( lie has two good Presses' and a larjre Quantify of tvoe, with every ne .Take courage ya Whisl and rise ccssory appcrd ie of a Newspaper and io uciemunco acuon. lienevcri joouziire. ji appncarion is ;maue i)y hear a randidate and his fridmls I letter, address the subscriber frost IWI d by at ..Louiburg. ''4 GOODLOE. t..,:..i:. ,kc4 10 in(JtBam.m5irau.i,. ayM fcw weMy havfl fo tavr acted iiiaJdy, - Hut you jtion in saying that that Corporation is ,t o-)t to Mae the Binki. It was j stepping Vcyond its legitimate line of ltr,ti!i:'Ulin ,,rtf rru.h . th' .bnsincss, tothecreat injury of thousands , or treat then, xyith ijusticc for TZ H .i . ' . J , . cottnn trade. 1 his hot-house system of up to o a.mia mpc I ttcr fcccpyqur forcing any branch of commerce bd- ou h itcs even la the Pet Banks than lyond its natural and healthful bounda putHng iSruugh the newspapers, au i to avyay entirely on your " riea cannot result in any1 permanent feigned lctten that tievcr were written, ;; D.'.ll.'Gl !! -Sub-Treasurers. On the bonefit eitf,er t0 the producer, the mer- holding forth high louMinl'prMiwcisi "Oxford, June Cih, 1S39. A - . . chant, or the country. ?. It ma v enrich you may be sure that ihere is much un- - ' 1 "' ." ".- ' e, Mr. I i.. attempt :t explain ;t few U)1J .speculators who have the easiness at heart Fear not because of V.FKVKtt AND 'AG UK. tgcryf w uc.m;w iwiiuiuig comimiiu oi r.apiioi pna creaiii , out ine j iflju, Ul 1UI :riwr . TO MY FKIKNI)S IN THE 3 Ass, when ha tried to hnitatd a commerce of a country, liko the health Iter Written, tor the Whigs may re"?t as'. WESTV and particular Jhl' se who towfinimaL- He males but i01 lhc bun bcdy,:When woaturany aprca mat tnetr .yowed, wm?; cantfid. bare used tmLie AUdiiim iti treat. ZiA Mr. P'- Sl!1? Ki-but. very ahorttlmeaiace these w.iw. ..... - " i " jni imn.iirpn snn rpiriKin ind imunnfl i mo luics. 11 i.o uih;s inn I'i'L i i ,i:ar ina-n. i- - . - . . . . .. xyifrix .i.-l . T-..-,-...v u.,u,s - . -to" t ivieaicine cave oeen mroaucea into t yet only latdrt away to let it rest:; must ensue before the restoration of its jjonty in the three upper counties of he ,ne yeTcr 8ncj Districts and the ,v aays. 11 nas uccome so lerrtnea .uaiumi viK aim iuiwu. n u ucnifu canlused at "the cross -examination ;! lhal th Bank is a party me scheme H htm ahwit r.frA Itttt'l mipn if that ' . . . liMj, mv- i. . -"" o"-. " 1 tounilfd oak! be cruel in the extreme to press flj The Post Office at Baysyilie, Bandulph county, has been discontinued. tth further interrogatorici at present. i lilt CULPEPPEB. pi pnileman W i laTo tetieftfi AlfT t .... .l: : .1 Otmtir Dnivflir Hint) t i.ro ati-lr. . PI mistake! ; and that ia, that. Mr. HendeN L1 Q-lU tc tbey wo, uv mp. .wiic.1 nu maniy vow ai 01 ha ye done towar(!s exlerminatin2 ms opinions, w f whit rapiaiy. in, me ai. dJ h 0(hcf meddncg ana feeUoM ol the pele. Lery cand.d prescription$ Jombined.: !t. a com. ' L , T.V V5 Ti Z fn excuscaAiong.' regular practition-riiiiduc-.l nf the twtr-p.nndulaWa. Vhilrtl , I ? 6 ..r. . . TKnnAr.U f that ifciWMwvl u. , ' j i . . " i fff: ' wnen specmcs are mrroeocea, experience no incoveoience, a. Spencer honestly, his competitor keeps imder a L :M in J,e habit of condderin, 7 . r r " d i v vi w vou iuv & v. i, r aiui a . f Will ill" I list of the incurable diseases, and Mr. Moffat pecuiianucs i its suscetii: renewal ol very slight causes, such from the prevalence of an easterly wind 1 -evcn withiMit tho rorvctitiViii of tft hri-" . girial exciting cause, fn U Ik, Fever and' ; Aeut nWr from most othdr feycr as . , ills wejrjtnown, that after an ordinary f fc'j'ffthasloaci.Dccuried.'a moved ho person affected is not so lia. ! ; bio to a fresh attack ng cna who' was not to affected. The?e jrcumst!nccs render it extremely difficult T to Reflect n,-'- otrmcnenf cure of the rev?r tand A-. , gue, tborgh to relieve the patient for the ' , time beintr ts a very easy matter - r.; Woat's l.d- l'i'L-5 and l'bcnix Bitters . have becn th'tntichly tested, ai.d iroy f ed td be 9 .positive, and .radical cure for Fever ana A gue, Hundreds of his fel- L low-cifizcna in the Westbave volunta- - " riallv cotno forward la assure Mr. Mof- V fat that the life medicines are the only medicines that wi'l thoroughly cllcct a" - ivmvt vi M! must, iuuiuus, mm utvj-f grecable disease.; ,) .1-- - ! ( Uthers wtio have emigrated to that ficrrand promising portion of our-coun- . try men? who went out full d hop, and confident bf winning a conipoitpco from the Kixurahce of the soil ; or who , carried to the outpopfs of our settle-1 ments the mercantile or mechanical ex ' perience won in the crowded cities and towns of the older. Sta'.cs. have' citheV -returned with "Bhattered", const itutions and depressed spirit?, or they remain in their new homes, dragging'. out a weary die ; at last to sink, under some ci.easj vf the Fayettcytlle Observer, cor ing a mistake, as io his political o W,OiC.wmcQ rccemij nparca lhcr Mvb their naner. iicnt lo Snencr I , ri '-.- -.- .tv 1 Post Office or by way to Ray's as ! heretofore. Post 0 Jico is only three miles above.- flond, trying to keep fine weather with ur JU6b Mcdical expericnce is " I Our subscribers in that quarter can ei- -both parties, aUh will be wells. the eyes ual, doi awav a pirt of the .1- I . . .. - r ' ,3 North Carolinian, as comcuunica - concludes as follows : . (hare taken soma pains, since I ycen the Communication in the pa id lt my opinions l known. 1 aurally attached to Wm. A. Morris ; ftad atd a Preacher, but bound pole his election not as Wei. AI fr.j,' or as a Preacher, but as a poll- 111 I a La, vino, u eiecicn, wui support tne vnt i Administration and Uie Sub jfsuri, and other measures which I ive vkll injure the best interests of country. Vou may keep these - my Dun!ation to voursclC or publisd ii, withAyouf remarks, as you think per. As to the election between itfi Dt bcrrvand Morris. I presume ill be fully attended by tho citizens Anson, Ujd Dcberry .will recieve .riy thrcc;of one, byt hope wc shall t S3 as lo live and meet in incn J- ? after it i ended. I believe any at to divlJtt the Whigs of Anson, or licyo'ir paper, will faik' Yours, rapectfullv, J. CUf-PEPPCK. As to Bandofph and Oatham, wo are h l)C happiness of confidently announ assured that Mr. Henderson will beat cj &vcj tnd Agv is D0W t0 flT We regret that Uie 4Oxfbra' Ex amincr' is discontinued.1 The office is for sale. See advertisement. his competitor by a yery la r Jmajonty. U) lhe numbcr of cfoomrjaiats wbich . I I1IUU11 II atll ll.lb l.VIIUUI.UU. r J ' Juue 20th, 1839. - , t V(ivpr j - kfl ri s.j.-, ctflM cot onlv pivecuicker relief than MARRIED, anv other remedy, but if persevered a. I thp iviil r.Tlflinl rpctftw tiVTth rs!ili VV, i I 1. Ifrtnl tnmnr. mm(ii tin Th ti rcrt w I - ttl'Dul I VPVP fltTfir'.Kl. .... . . .A. V hasbcen evening, me 6th instant, at the residence that if the pat ' in tl.e of Wm. Wall, Esq. by Thos. Allen Esq. fu. 8nd resorts directly to his medicine 1" ' . i. ! t. itiv'pvj niftiinnnv ..f .-. 1 r. . nu coniDatca at every itae. ockturrvv vr E cfitsclf, if reduces; the st. engt6, ' ; Bladen, to Mws SARAH. RANULL. new auack, it may always be . warded mn Ju i, . i I 1 Their hopes are blasted their; loi r.es? energies - destroyed their . Ia Dorado becomes a desert, anc hn word of pro mise, mado to the ear, is broken to tho hope. 1 ".. c 1 '.1 ; , To these f individuals -' Mr, Moffat would say Try - the UFE MEDI WJN'IiS, and you will yet anticipates your most sangwina expectations, !ol DtED,; v On the 21st inst. Uobcrt Murdoch, public Rcgsiter of Randolph county. 'o ASIIEBOROUGU F E 31 A L K A C A D E 31 1' --'t-.- - -I ..-vr4. Y-- off. To escape one chill would be xf infinitely mora consequence to the' suffer erthan the value of the remedyto re. move the disease permananthr would confer a benefit upon him which cannot be estimated by any earthly standard. That these, medicines will rtlect what is here claimed lor them, the proprietor has the testimony of all acquainted .with them and lheir application arid use in the Fever and Ague: and his obiccf in now addressing his friends at tlie West is to request them thai they will .spare nm crops. Wheat harvest is nearly over with ts these parts. Home iniury has been tie ly the buzj but the crop, on 4he if.tc, is good ratict over an average. -,t tiop of Oats. his Ucn materially mencd by tlw drfusht We under. had however that lbs growth is gener f tail enough to save moly with care. rt is uncommonly premising at pre It is raihcr small for the season, ing to bi spring and smrncr having ca unusually dry. " But, having been c!l worked and kcot clew, it has a tlthrgrpcaTahccr; nd ill vrei iiuaiiuy no uisastcr Dciaui. ana me 3n should continue favonblcas it been for a week or two pwt. Ai tlie tug appears numerousin some f be Wheat and Oats fields, great fears r entertained that they may rwstidj io the l orn, and. we have already ardol a few instances but wo lrc pes thai the ravazes of these nis. lucvou insects nra pretty well ovr 'fttiis season...., We cannot yet mak 1 rrj8C!urc, as to tho probatlo price ot neat, uais, &c. as lhe old crop is not ct quite exhausted. . (tjm The Summer complaint extremely fatal among children .upper pan pi uih vouiuy or two past. .TO it TOE CIT1ZEX. CHRONICLES OF THE 10TH TRIBE. And it came to pass that while Char. ley the Humbuggcr-thoughton all those tlunzs, and was, greatly , troubled about the bad success f his proclamation, a man. brought rain, tao Chronicles ol the loin district. , ; v , Z And when he had read Uicrem, he IT. . 1 -l-'i.i J . : I.a .Jt Imlh I am lnnn.1 I - "(.v.vvav. ...v., .-.. I I1U 1S 111 III tUllllllUWH.auil UICI1 uti l . .....II I ftttM Sit thl rilftt Will mmillQCI On I ..J ... nil ll.ia t.irr!il in- out m mv cunninjr. My douirfu neaiinjr 4. . v . . ,c"auu u,a'v"""""ua '"du.v " . . . . 1 1 Mniwiis tki 17th rfsv vt . Juiv. i triKinni. i n,in ik.i tUk.. rannot tio lent tccret. Jotmn2 is li.a "V i ""' i. " w,Ui"'uw.w .MMM.-r""' i.. th rffr. f nimr.f.lia. unacc mo oirecuon 01 ,. son ot r ever ana Ague nas arrived. 11 is nui jur uiu iuciu iiuii'M3 vi ui9 inffof a few bundred packages, of Ue Uie jueaicincs, mai Tne proprietor males this appeal. The demand for his Medicine is already ereater than he , The prices of tuition for a session of , , - ; ., .1 mi . ti,t i- o..n n. llisii, 11 iii t iwasuiv waa uvm. 111am mi uvc iiiuuin. i.i uu .v .u, ...ug . ifStVAnf-rfwl i.nnn lh wifTflrmiT t AoA'r.- l .1.- n: I prohw ; , - .-. ,iv . p,Lnir..,;rtnuiiinnMthrrtn.Th. The Life Medctnes, if properly used Tins place is believed to be as healthy impairs so that upon the manifestation of disease . Naturais Unable, unassisted, ' to resist the inroad'; The-Life medicine's, wbrn ' taken strictly, according to directions I will eqreit,abd give to lhe weak. and' trimblmg victims of disease, new health, hfe, and strength.1'';' ' ' " The above Medicines' are for sale by " E CM0FF1TT, Ashcboro N. O. Also, lit the prirtciplo druggists in every town thrcughout the United States and ; the Cahadas. - Ask for Moffat's Li fa - Pills andThcnix Bitters ; . and he T suri . hat a fac, simile ef John Moffat's sTL'f.:j ure is upon tho label of each 'b'oUlo vi" bitters and box bl pills. : , ' ;' , THE COTTON CIRCULAR. ' Great sensation seems to have been recently prwluccd by a Circular that we ro copied into some of; our exchange fhe circular scerrs to have been oc - 4. Aftd ho smote upon his breast, and his spmt sunk within him tor many davs. and would not be comforted. . 5. And ho took up a lamentation for himaelfand said; h v was I so vain and foolish as to ask favors of a people who had once cast me off! Why did I come back from among tlie Indian tribes who have not yet found me out I l here, i might have lived in, splendor on the fruits of my cunning, ai least for a sea son. ''' -': I-1'.'- ; '," "''' : - ' - f-u C It repenteth me that I ever retora- fl to a people who can write down the doincs of men, snd will preserve ihem in ibeir Chronicles. 7. And when he had fretted himself n...h MOto runnimr away, beMd the sons of Belial came to comfort him. 8. And they called in the astrologers of the party csllad the nullifying band, and took counsel togetner, io sec 11 any thing could bo done. , . " . ; t). And it came to pass, as theyte hearsed their thoughts, some said, let iii icnd forth another, proclamation; others said cay mayhap the writers of Chronicles will turn it againsi us, as fiev did the first proclamation; ana 1 "en we shall be again laughed to scorn. Fir. like the Beniamitss of old, these W lies of the ienth tribe, can sling stones to a air s breadth, and never miss. . lO. Jlowbcit, they at last agreed to risk iktither nroclamations and on the twenties dafDf xhc.mth month which v MISS ELIZA UKA, of Boston. The Trustees believe, from the testimonials she brings with her, that she Js eminently.' qualified by Jer experience, her education ana in every i r nmagiuary, among the Lngliih pro. i; rtd. JL Wtteinff-of the Private wvis 01 j- aciorics, io put town ana Secretary, voo wercreaoy m flimug CP down ths price of tho article;'. 11. tor iliac sons 91 licuai nau JOB PRINTING Done, with .c.a,??.?.5 (?7S patch, ftt this ofllcc. -: . : (JXOrders from a distance promptly attended to ' as any other in the United States, and tnard may De pad in any private umi- iv in the place at vu per momn. -m , It is intended to give a thorough course of instruction in this institution, andl qualify tho pupils in cvfcry respect to lano mcir piacca in auctuiy ,. ; ;, Tlw Trustees tiatter tncmsclves mat the distinguished qualifications of llie lad v' .whom they have cnzancd to take j. . .... . . . w . selves still it is necessary that the pub- I 1,1 .t . . L I:.? ue anouid Ktio-v inai suco mcaicmes ex ist, and hence the propriety of advertis ing therru It is hoped, iherelore, that the proprietor will not oe accused ot egotism when he says that there is no medicine or mode ot treatment extant, tor I ever and Aue, so appropriate, thorough and nosilive in 'its nanny et' fects as MumiT' LIFE-FILLS .iXD P H ESIX i BITTERS, Fr further parucuiars ot tno auove charge ot tDe oaiooi, ino neau 1 01 .ne medjri MOFFAT'S GOOD SA place, and the low price NMAuiTAN acopy of which accompa iiaoitanis nave cvnu www.js j;, ;! mav a st UOUrU, Will Olliatl IV, liwmui liberal share of public patrotiage. J. WORTH, -a'V'1 HUGH McCAIN, $ i A.;H. MAllSHi - GEORGE HOOVER. S v'V w f June 14,1831). . s 20-tf : (D 'fh Chtraw Gazette and Fay. etterille , Ob jerger will insert 3 times. ; FOR SAIiU AT THIS OFFICE. Trustees, so U obtained of theidifforeni Agents who have the medicines for sale. v DGf French, German, and Spanish directions can fee obtained on appli cation at the olbtee, 375 Uroadway. . rX7All pl i'tiid leltera will reccivo immediate atteniion.. : SoldTwholcsale and retail by ...WM. B. MOFFATJ 375 ; Broadway iew York. A f.b.tal deduction mflio to tF.'i'who Vurihaso to sclFajnin. v - THE 3IARKETS. r-r Jar.T r-ra Bacon, BceswaT, Brandy.apple ditto, peach, Butter, Coffee, Cotton, , , , - ' Corn, , Co" n Yarn, Fcuihers, Flaxseed, . ' Flour, Hides, dry, Iron, Lard,: Molasses, , Nails, cut, Sugar, ' Salt,' , , Tallow; TQbacco,kaf, Wheat, WhliXey,' Wool, ; i Fayctteville Chcraw. . . 1 11 ii-- , 0 V 11 10 a VI . . '. ' ;;y 'vwf- 1?; 12a 131 I'';; 13 aM5 V v ' ' 110 21 a M " , : - 45 1 ; r -, 100 a 123 1 'A''- : 1 5 a 6,7 CO a' 40T , 750 a ' ' ' ' 75 & td ? " , "V 135 25 aV30 y ::y: