'' ' JJ "a - .r J ;V'-". WHAT DO WE LIVE FOE, BUT. T6 IMPROVE OURSELVES AND BE USEFUL TO ONE ANOTHER -4 VOUIMK III 4 ASllEBORO', (NYC.) FRIDAY, JULY J?, 1839. NUMBER VAil 'J: ,. r' .... -r . rf j-f - ' 5. it K hat tl his li way f ti BiaiJ leavir ivinic ) 1 M llf!M M'.M I ilrivcrf rcoinif9 BAN. 4-tf. lantlM SHAW. ' -Sl-tt, OUTil. MMU.lSHEl) WEKKLYr- " profession, brought on by. hard service, ny j laborious study and sedentary lives! L v ii li r T i c iir 1 f "If t Do ihey not toil as. bard .' in their yoca yffXJAMi TZy.o n f itioris and get as little Tor. it as other classes! Are thev generally richer or TLR.HS. I haipier or pav their debts less punctual t Thieo Dollars, i! not paid within lercst in , the good morals of the people ' . i . to . il. . . r ...... i. : three months irom mouaio oi mo i m jwrpuiuauvii ui uur b,uuus first number received. , " Institutions! Or is there any thing in subscription to be discontinued till the professions themselves, to corpuDt 1 arrearages be paid; unless at the' man and make him less pure and ho-j.-crction of the Editor, ll I lj I The one administers at our sick r.-.. nrr a discontinuance be! beds an(Tp!ucks the barb of death from fare the expiration of the subsc rip ; the agonized bodies oloqr wives and m year, IS equivalent lO a new wuiuivm ; hhj VJiJcritucy ui everj , ..., - : 1 i csy icur.iics us inui iiiuy eq on weir er rands of mercy, exposed often to die , pitiless pclfinga n of the gight storm to cheer up by me lights of science as wll tho obscure, hotels of the poor s the perfumed chambers of the'-rich to im- rv wen skin ana attention ;ne emcnt. " jiettcrs, Communications, iu come post paid. i . Prices far tfJ cert ising. : jvertisemcnts wilt be conspicuously j nrni I htnrfinmo V IDSCrii-n Hi .l uu UTir"". urc of to lines t and 25 cents frr cv;lP'w of health jipon the tale and fever v &ubSicnt:inscrtton.-No ndver.! Jd Sf of Jf.f "UScra.-Wa-f. ,,0,nt. however short, will be charge rhe other may hold up rob. . i. than for a square. .,,v J1 P"! JlS0 curt Orders and judicial advertise. sfy pcojM-tll sec blaned the President and his leading measures no holding 1 bacE no , complaints of oeing misreprescmtu hu sucn senij- ments as these. 'f f tvg and Demc era t want a g much reforming ,o the Executive officers fjjettovernme n 'BrjOhisrhbbfcrenT imratndneniore consistent w iili truth4' 7' ott?v from the President the meant of cor ruption, and the People s Rtprtienlfi lives can have no temptation to" de xert them. ' s ;,"v ; . About tvo o'clock the bell flung, its musical tones on the air, and the peo pie assembled under the magnificent oaks which skirt the square. As the assembly was too large to be am mrno dated in the new Court Toom," tempora. ry seats were fitted up - and some re posed on the bosom of mother earth. ' It is a noble siht to see a gallant, vir tuous and confiding: people assembled in their primary capacity - to luten to the droppings of wisdom ;from those who fler themselves fur public trust, and whose, opportunities are presumed to give them considerable influence in for. nin; ntadvance correct opiowns. .But upirti him by'as high autliotityas Kowan county"! produce. uFot the sake of "mir party It tak this harpoon" out of my;back,Us Mr'Yah Buren would say to t he5" alisbljfy," fisherman i ! , jj. t arn not one t tnose wno condemit marTfof a smglaxpression,' but having read'Mr.FisheT Circofar (if so it may oe caueai navinff usienea Buenuvejy anu patiently jo three of fiis'publie harangues whicli he' appeared and still1 continues before the public--h;t studied reluctance even' to" .assume the name of a. Whig although these thinsrs , may nave ho tongue, yet they frpeak with most mtrac-; uiaus organ. uui'w : ' . . . : . -A i ri i rati will be charged 23 percent high-" ;i wwjrcr j4 ncy ;vt,el0 w man wh(J when'they ask for ; (vie ;onUmcs have to vait iohnSl?fSQ lvlf0 nsl a CV h give them a scrpent-who wben Hepav.) MotwWidQ! quicM f Uiebreaof wisdom -ill MkA arivertistt m the vear will .V - ,M"'.Jww inf n ihim in ihrt.hitsi.r. iv pitied to a deduction of M per dil ? A-"T- . S,tlcd ihcy pay in pdv anov -, s f " -. 1 and battled the most violently, both, in I councils ana on lemea new ir ration- at liberty, and thu naiianal and unalejpi- btinfehTrof nPinrTheV vTH ate w ho have unkennelled 'most successfully the sapnert and miners of our political ed- nee and dragcl them from their cov-i erts and eiposcd tbera to Jhe glare of day and to the scorn and deruion tl a . s ' - mi n virtuous peoitic. i no mt rcueciion will teach ui that ij this .class ot our citizens composing in their ranks some of the most devoted Christians -the a blest statesman and purest - Patriots are to bo mocked at and put down, that there will be no security for Life, Lib erty, Character,, Property or any thing KISV. Mlttl cu tuiUibuvu kiaiiuu kau hum sacred.'.'-, - , - . "Such thrustsTome with a lad grace thou a spirit of health ; of goblin thy inteltttakvicked or charitable, shares ; -1- Tbat I will speak V thee. Ilamtet StCl i. scrnS i t . Dctor Henderson and Mr. Fhcr r the first timo on tho 'htump" in cksvllloon Wednesday the 20th' of r.e. V. :- ' Harlv in the day the rcP werc t j: .: n coming ' irora tckhip aircruuu Iwemhni their way to tho great u rc of attraction, public Kjuare. "uriosity,. (as Washingtoo Irvmg new here ,, cxprcsser ti,) M stood en :i lUcn 'counicnanco n'cmro re than usually blowing each eje me liri"iucr, aua the iujaiMm o cb heart appeared quickem'd when it h known that, the Candidates na the Village. . - and decet)tion.. fhc candidates. like two eoodlv kmhts, sfHtrr entered the list. Alter ja i ley . and some complaint from the people of .the district,-ho'W thai Mr. P.'a Circular is before us all, and although he has declared his opposition, tin an equivocal manner to be sure,) o Mr. van Uuren, an4 to the Sub-Treasury, ye! -4hjsamer;manrths JbineresrenemY1 of lfenry Clay perhaps in the County oi unaman and the most zealous and devoted friend of Van Buren, has been; heard to declare that if Mr: Fisher would only go a' little further, he would ota for him (Fisher) for Vice President of the United States. : ' " Mr. Fisher is or he is rjjt sincere in his, declared opposition to Mr Van Bu ren. ff he is 'sincere, his friend does him great injustice in authorising by hi ' Why "should Mr; Fisher : go out of his nguagethe irresistible conclusion, (for wav and- take ''a' naru'e and atux to that name a creed cohtaininff the very principles for which the Whigs are how contending T it because M Jlepubli canr is more musical and bettor to sound off a period than, 4Wliig t" "II , it is, Whig" is much shorter and more pointed. I cannot be sot uncharitable as to suppose that he avoids it from the saijie, cogent reason given djt a man not lonsr since. - This individual was covert- ve know that none but friends of the ad. ministration could get his vote) that Mr. F. $ secretly in favor of Van Buren. II Mr. F. is not sincere, then he deals very unkindly and unfairly with those whose votes he 'asks to obtain, in at tempting to palm off a set of opinions which at least he does not entertain. But I must leave M Fisher and his friend to rclcive themselves of this di lemma as they best can, and nass on to other parts of the Circular. .' Mr. Fi says oidertiiighrabnurncjl" be ingfpreparerf. a littlo lyico Foco, poison having by chance dropped on it and -cut in twain several of ibe bars and rusted the Whole (for a Utile leaven, leaveneth the whole lump) tliffy joined battle, j ? I wilPdrip the figure of the knights and take one, somewhat common 1 ad mit bq more familiar." They reminded me vf a real game cock, well trimmed and gaffed, aitout to engage iir deadly coiiftrrt with nne-a little checkered with the dorhinicker but with more experience. One of the real Pleasant breed can al ways be told bv the crow. Jt is short and pointed. You never . see him luok Tng about at a great rate, .ike some men "nerFanso! '?,rc"'ar- wr. says do at elections-cursing every body who the; true objection of those whom ho "presumed to think differently from them- charges with secret misrepresetation is selves and particularly the Whigs. A oecause ne is uii oia wsnionea uepuo. steady old farmer stepped up and asked " fn?5edl "n U ""hioned Re him "why he hated the Whics so bad. publican. Does Mr.F. mean thatthosa that they must bj honest men because ?PP?ed o bis election are not old jash iney-wcre-tn-tne-rmnornyTina conse quently could train no fat office Irom the Government.'? 'Step aside "stranger," said the other " and I'll tell you a secret." The old gentleman" did ' The other looks expressing more . than his ii-Rept)blicans,DTn7lher words, Federalists ' Aad what would he e n vey to your mind, fellow-citizens, by such language, but that you are ene-, mies to your country ? What arro gance T What insult f " Charles Fisher m . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . LnHAM nnMhlii M sUMM. lL t ITL . t words) said they," (the Whigs,) huug his '"- iuu j mgs oi ftrandtalher n t ie wars." uic iuhi v,u.ign;siuni uisiriciu UUl s : v " A WHIG, ffnd the descendant of one. Chatham County, JulyJ.1839. REVIEW OF MU.. FISHER'S . CIRCUL'AIL from Mr. Fisher, lor he is not ignorant one way and pick and then lxk anotnei I i- i ' r ii ' i. '.L ' I ... ...U J I-i ...n. a pernaps ne means mat ne is not a new fashioned Republican. What say ye to this ye exclusive Democrats T Air. F. next admonishes us to keep a constant watch least our liberties be stolen front us, and says that rxtravasance, drfalca- tidns, bad laws and bad practices under them, are signs to show us that the ene mies of liberty are at work in our own Government.' And aftrr censuring Mr. at M The assemblage was very la'rg con .ringtfie busy season of was fbmnosed of intcKizci reliant. Ministers i4, theGosicJ, o hariV Doctors and Lvvycr). two but named classes, Mr. Fish- , daring bit remarks, n the true pir: '4 i Loco toco stiecte J n$ n tar i f-r the arrows of hi invective: t his iiafts0cbounded and fell sphn "i and b!u ;'cd at lU own lecll Such ksaro too easily seen through to eive any but the rmt ignoraat- av ore tho springs : wmcn panMii ffioorat set, to catch woodcocks. r Fuller knows thai these two classes 'in the minority, and if he can by .. ... i . i . . . i amsc, excite their aigor ana mahcy,,,,! very bite him in turn, th.it it , win do a m,uk gft-.a chance to cry out opprcsMon l And is secure live sympathies of tho larger f -s's, anu aiyen ineir nttcn'ion u me while Uiey lose sight of hi prin jjut wr. 1- wiier utht to know 3r, Editor? VThe long looked for Circular Van uren for extravagance &c, fear- that ho once claimed fellow-ship with way tfnd snatch, and at last , walk Ofl address Of Mr b isher having appear, wg asu wouiu srem least mis mignme the fraternity- that he was once a tlie dunghill sideways, arid give a long ed,' I purpose making, m all frankness, a ruuj b umtr ym iur -me pany. nc CountyCourt Lawyer, and doubtless guttura), banter 6f "defiance. But he few comments upon it, and if I shall be atones tor it immediately as follows. a SUCCeSSIUI One II Cunning Una lUrnulg piaiHiJf jwn, cic ; na is - mm ibuio iu uiaw Jiuui io ,iavo uie cu ui i -i -J - ...... v"- "- a sharo corner Quick are necessary-in- ground h occupies shews his wea- mvstery' that shrowds itand exhibit it j Buren). to an account, let us not over-.. cmJients. IJut I suppose the proiess- pons ana nne a rcuispajnuu wits yvuiin nstirue iigm win w.n iuai iur. i -" iuhj ion as a whHC was too 'extensive ior,io lasaiHeni n tan. . .. jrisners ineu'is cn an, biiu ucnaimjr j .....U..ir, him of pftiWv the fees were not) 'I as very mpch amused during the all that his opponents could desire Mr. for. all the enormous abuses we have. h. tin, n it tnv I n rnuiPKi ai me aarotmessoi me outer cock Eisner comoiains m uie secunu eenience i n'1"""" uvuXim mwi iu , I WWW W - T-V I- f Xl I.. . . - ' larco eiKiuiti. o t . . ft - . t from some Congrejuonal aieports tnat in evauing me passes ho has "not yet abandoned it, but mere! It 'showed that he w g the passes of the younger. of hU address, that the secret work of 1 blame i and hear his reasoning, for if as well trained, but 1 misrepresentation had been commenced congress naa noi epproprtaiea iae mo. . L . U.J I MAt as suvu as his uaiuu iuuiuv, in connection with the spent it. Was ever such contradictory election; not only in this j and abused language heard oft Con- ughout the State." iow gress more to oiamo than tne adminis- no'Very ereat knowledce of trationl Let us ask who constitutes,. uuzn.33 ; auu uu iiic auuiJiiisiraiiun i iW wrttihfd iow ilftrelr ee the spectators, when not otherwise Mmman naturo. to discover the'object of t on But I attribute this merely to tlie habitngnged. After looking on a wlule this, his evident defgnjs to ' raise the Congress it is Snown to every one is iiftho profession. ome pT. tto,. discovered the sight in one" of his' eyes cr)' of persecution; knowing if heiihould composed of two prominent political wh wih to be thought wUe.i even, joUai a little injured, as if by.the wind q( be able to do he could have em- parties, the one the opponents, the other 80 far a to shake ihmr toads aadsagci an- arrow.; VVhat led me, to notice ployed in his servico a powerful and of- the Inends of the administration. What lv hint that he wishes w goon to Wasli wa the perpendiculv spring hewould ten irresistible ,engine.CButlef us . look is done by. the party in Congress meets 1 1 in Monlo take out a patent for innging always giye, when any thjng came on at tlus charge oi v misrepresentation a ine approval vi uie resiucni, nay, ineir I aclidnsof Eicctncnv - But I tell them , him . suddenly , from that Side, some-' tittle and h what -foundatioo. there-.is acts are -often .m.obedienee t.;.his ex- . ... : t.it :.. it,Aini .vu..A. i,. .M.L1 iaLa a hitLhnl.4 Smt'flnt. r.r if. " Without atonuinT to enouire'bv oresssufftfsttons.ina recommendations. . J i miriMv. hiii iiii.flfl rxpfiuinn wa what jmCans'Mr. Fished soon discov. fhev nraise.all that tlveiTresident does l iv f mi j'r-tf-j . - " --r i - . -T. - . vi r , , .t rt . m I I . .... i . i j L..A..u i .Li. .U- .l, r microuHL 1 ir nimminii4. nnil li. thft lrrflnfnr citHi Hint iuq ni'd nuit vi uiun-iiiv vi ivu."u...vw, .... ..w, -. .-...B sentanon naa oeen pui- in opcjaiion a . uiciihip1wii uicy w. ' ; gainst iJiim; throughout the State, it Further, jV Is a well known fact thaf is not true as renarus at icnsi mis couni l so comuieic u uisv.iuuu ui uic u- .. . .!. . l. . . . , . I it.:.. ',:'.;A...i,,.,,tii,r kj feve other parts of the district When jUiat they dare not act; nor do they pre- unrcpuhlican M f.nil rkhiniiiv.' I think it would not be a bad notion respected to -be done, hewtuld always r - I i l r L I- Mrt Mf itv liuvk mn Irclit I sniilfl rite. in stmei me younger, oroiners m u ivi nuu m n... -v money loving profession, who are now cover Oncot nis gaus compieieiy -luinea .....relink ii rninsi iMivertv. and other lout" and the other hanging very loosely a -.iifihat ftVJi i lMir ta to follow in' in the M,-, rVr.nliv hw.vr a i 11 i -.1. .!.!. I J .-II .1... l...... . ill 1 u'ir lllllsit loUS QUICK ClUCK wousu icii uiai no vi us an uu . - - , , tho "footsteps predccessor.Vnd go to Mississippi, ljut he would wlicel again and renew th taku up wlihone branchbf thd science, battle. , After much dodging and twist and get Y?rA. ir.lifm ever; tly sluuld j ing and shiftings of his -position' I at -Ulic ionleroflaTttnrrgl60 Intllli nt. that thev have loolii'ihi a sense f icetobo gulled in thi "manner. iv Liinw ii u fll ) liit -rf, ir the r..iIM.i n,rh IT. lxiuever. tliev of all classes. They know thail take mv advice and ever cotneVk toi length- thought I saw the gaff enter un; ,tf nly corporal would -sotin become j thogo(d old Stale, for the sake ol chart iatcd and die.' if ihe eyes and feet yt novcr taunt your brothers here, for I hands ceased to do their odco. andiruirsuintf their protesbion on a smaller !'le.manner thev knoiV that tho bodv .nnht nnd according to tho dictates of ! ''tin would soon cease to hrcntho if: ihnir own conscience never make their "J apply the nxo of this mtMlorn 4'ro. I poverty still moroa wretched by endua 'es and lop oil its brarchts. -But voring to excite tho prejudices , of the what is there so offensive in D.h cointminiijf in which they Jiye againsi r and Uwyers as thus to, become the the richest and perhaps the only legacy 't of every-man who rhoniw likel thev tuscss-;thcir professum. . Thelirnilars ot uocior ncnuursuu ! reached Mocksvillo 'about 10 o'clock. i . . . - Wirt . . . a- Thev were ratl wiui aviuny " any trade or profession a. man ! far as my obscrvait'on enabled me to y Mont in this (ten am. I titrmtr nun. 1 iniltt. ttwe Lt'iiei al satisfaction. 1 mix- ie, . ...:."" i"rr. . j l i ivi.: p ii iiinrA ta i i i.bn ii.aoh u.ii. a. i .tilt thn twnrni nnn iicnru nu tt iiik inifl IIHTU BXL'IVBkVU. r , . -, , picture ol tno au' independent, manly, Ppcultar lo their no apologizing lor me inai-prauuvw wst Dogberry "too writ down - a1 Is ihfrfl 9nv rtrrtliihitinn piiIipp l, ir m . Mil II. N .1... f I.. I...... ' wiaiiva virii34iiuviuns t ,.! 11 II . II . ... s r- - ueputnicans " to point out w -. otject to tno prtnc Popla jhc article and oction. . Arp j They are a perfect 4 lectors and Lawyers subicct lo althor'V tone. Bold, -t4many diseases der'tho wing in the neighborhood of the. heart."! found I was not mistaken. -The brder "warrior" alter fichtini man- ' mllv at lensith beuan to rattle. He turn !. . .. . w . .L - j l: ed tail, jnveonc or iwo smomerca cmrps and his luck leathers lowiy arose . In order that the latter part of the (fffure mav be understood by thftse who were not present i wiW give a short ex . . i . iti. j i i nlanation. Alter uocioriienaersonno exhausted all his jnsenuity unsuccessful v to Terror out iur. isners preicr ence between Mr Clay and Mr. Van Buren. ho at last came out with this ex- - nressin. said to have been uttered by Mr. Fisher-"I would rather have my nr. riAu rigiu arm cut u iu ' This is no non-committal, but plain Ian luit IVfr. Fisher denied makint use of. such language until it was fixed Mr Pihr un first snnken of as. a nrob.) tend to even think in. opposition .to tho . able candidate" it was generally believed known will of Jhe President. Whenev- here, Chat he waslh favor of the Sub- er there is an individual who has inde Treasuryrand this' opinion tvas enterc pehdence and patriotism enough, to , lainca as weaoy iricnus as iiouucni obicuuhwii "- vruu ,u wukvh . i .r.l ... "r .i Ti-!j.t .i poncnts. r or let it oe rememDcreOk mat measuro oi uio xvusiucui, . wuu before: Mr. F.'s name-was announced dares to presume it possible that tho in the public Journals asa candidate. Executive can do wrong, he is hunted his warmest and most active Incnd, men up oy tne cnosen spearmen oi me party and now' in this county, declared pub- and the arrows of detraction and false- -J. t ft, ft I . ft t . . icly that he had given Mr. Fisher an hood are hurieu at mm irom every quar- , sssurance of seven hundred votes in this 1 ter. Whenever a measure of the ad- . County if. a candidate, and that upon ministration is opposed by tne vvnigsm .. . . i I - .i . m.,j k.. l n,n -' the express and avowea grouna, mail congress uiey wcbjsk;u w mo vm- Mr. lusher was in lavor oi 7 me great iciai vrcan oi we pan, re vjww, oi financial measure of the day, tho Sub- ay its satteiites, wnn a aesign 10 mwan Trcasury.w : Now if Mr. F. is reallv the President, now then can Mr. oppsfcd to this "measuro" it is unKina pretena mat tua ijcuuiivo huuuh . -in him to charge a warm and active to do with Congress, and is irrcsponsi frtend of misrepresenting him, when blc for all or any of its measures, .vbeit too by a protracted concealment ot his a majority 01 ys memoers art? anu n ( opinions, he has placed his friend in the been his devoted and obedient friandal dilemma of wheeling about and fwrmn Congress is more to blame than we ad, - -ahnnt in thn inmn tun p. And mark it. I ministration! I wbv, Mr. Fisher: talks as - - - n't.' " :t" l . m rm.