i :i v'VS tJirr.l coiijui:;;. a a yra')crr.v:. '.. : nr. J the next a dancing party. Oa Li; 2 asked how it was thai l;u f TjcA on right nd danced tho o t! xr, ah, massa," said he, "me dnt no 4ho?e hands me fall into, whedd-rdo Lord's or de DcbilV, so me trv to make fair veathcr wi;h both."- -CANDOR. Jlr. Smaim : When I first saw Mr. Pishf r or the Western Carolinian" de. xiouncin your paper a dirty sheet" . and otherwise reprehending your course uth much labored severity; I began to bar you had overleaped tho bounds of Etiquet, which the gentleman's sense of propriety had proscribed for himself, ad every bodv ejsei and I resolved to read vour numbers over arin, and if you had been guihy of any vulgarity, or even want ol rented, I was determined myself, to give you such a reprcmand as should mate tho very cars on your tun liorsnips neaa ungie; uui ut-iore 1 imu leisure to do so, i happened to be where Mr. Fisher was haranguing, and i pre ceived it was not worvi while for that he could take a hand at bestowing course epithets on public bodies, public function aries and private individuals, just as well as anv body else. There was fi r instance -one udge Clack, and I dont know but the fellow had been asenator in Xon ' cress, at any rate he was said to have ' had some hand in making a report that ' -did not quite Square with Mr Fisher's actions of Euquet together with cer- tain witnesses that had been sworn, a vay somewhere, I believe at the Assem ."ily of Mississippi, at any rate they were Coadjutors with this sa'me incorigable Juge who would even at the City of Washington report socbstinately against the law and the facts, of some' cas a tout Choctaw lands, and wig warns. 1 did net verv well understand the mat-; ler, but Jl seems these lootisn ie:tows, a.- - 4 f it the witnesses, according to Mr. t ishers account of 1 had , gone and "perjured themselves" to oblige this bit of a Judge -they were very wrong to do that, for it seems, the good , eople of some three -or four counties in Mississippi Jiad - sent . them to their Assembly;; thinking they mmMm AAntAfit Mk a bmam wcing tuey wercwillin or no, that is, Ij mean without much regard to their ap-1 pKcability he broached line I think lor about the r.xth or scven time, at an rrte I thought he ouht lp nave tcld it T abo perceived the gentleman had a ' priseho and his Co Editors ccn then 'rare nack at telling anecdotes--and of employ their literary leisure in writing forcing them into his service whether 1 Biography. But, as in their work better with the advantage of such large 'tru:h, Decency, And gentlemanly deport practice upon it 1 and t think he would ment of their Randolph correspondent if he ha l not b3erj w mad at that Judge, j You are therefore at liberty to apprise an4 tne(r witnesses, lor 2,veHr:ng and rfonng w much. I expect you have heard its-rit ione of (he m'i veuera - lie anecdotes I know of. There i a I prelice whi' h will show all the above jgreat lorg Rigmarole of it about a pigl mentioned qualities in their said corres and z puppy, and a boyt and a ' Hger pondent in quantities sufficiently Mnmall' and a Dutchman, or ne:ftiQ2,fy-rfifratI conscience, tosatify their Editor old Ucrlc Stinson lcU'Ttne" some ten j ships, the public and thrir corresjon- yearv ao heard hun bit old John t Clern;i-of;s with it at possum town, when -they uere squahfing about dividing 'llnvan count)-. Now although this is in itself a very good snecduiej'moreo ier, can lay claim to t. great antiquity as any anecdote am . jus yet Icon 'fe I did not exactly fco its use or ap plication nhe'n it was last pressed into the service. , But 1 have heard of a case 'where 1 have thought it would apply with great force and beauty; that is, of anan who once "happened" among a remote tribe of Indians who weie partly Christianized, and had a heap of good had, "tnanv of them were members of the Melhod'ist Church in good standing." 'This said man played the Missionary a fnong them till he warmed his way so far into their Broiherly j aflVctions, that 'lie all but cheated then out of their la nd. When lie completes this job, reckon "brother Choctaw will eieUirrfwiLh th ntgger in our ancient anecdote. IVhi he fust come herelie I'lG, till get deeds to our land, he den (urn TCITY and Yours &c f . ' PETER. , Ift. Editor : heard" Jlr. Fisher haranguing tlw oiher d iy. Ho laUtred much to make tfup tcople understand that they were heavily taxed by Con gress, and that' much of their money had been wasted oa a most aristocratic State House at Raleigh; that the fcab Treasury was a Whig measure, but ' he was not in favor of it ; that Jlr.V. Ujren was surtd a good President, and torty iot j and that we had no right to J.cow w!m he. Mr. would like best ' i r next President. The iSub-Treasury r!an needed amendment before it would , Is right. I heard him assrt but -one tuing that he did not immediately make ome draw-back upon ; Uiat was, ihat liadid notclieat tiie Choctaw Indians out of their land, as Some had vainly supposed. He kept himself so well pjtfsd cn the) top cilia fence, and trim- n cd ate la such true Ku.deinook style, thru 1 could not but believe Dean Swift made-the f iJluwin? couplet, for his especial use and benefit: With every symptom of a knave com- plete, 1 If thou'rt .honest,' cheat." thou'rt a devilish . .L- v pi,;- fft k .,n,Ww.i This is to be understood altogether 2 SfcJC JT!L?.2te! lands : for that he says he knows is a fair transactioa'' ' ' Jtandolph, July 27. .7 Mr. Swat m : la the . " Citizen" of Vesterday, I perceive, by an article cop ied from the iVester n CarviWartiXhcj have, received at that office a letter from Randolph, furnishing tne Candidate Ed itor of that paper itb materials where of to write the Biography of your Ed itorship.". Now, as Mr. Fisher "hap. pened" to be in the Choctaw cbuntry and happened" to be applied to by some of this unfortunate tribe of red men, and 44 happened to engage, eith er by accident or .design, in a certaui little" speculation on their lands, tho not amounting in number to more than five or six hundred sections, or value to more, perhaps, than five or six hundred thousand dollars, yet "small" as this matter is, the General Assembly of the State of Mississippi speak of it in certain Resolutions in connection with the name of Charles Fisher as a foul fraud, not only upon the Indians, but upon the Government. And the report made to the Sena:e of the United States, and I another to the House of Representatives, j affixes to this same "little!' transaction the same foul character. Now, amid the coalineneie$ attending this gentle man, it may mktmmn that he will not ret into Congress to aid and assist ;tne tinai acuon m mat ooay on mis t j .a a i "small" matter of fraud, and it may f happen fJiat even a Van, Buren Congress will so order matters without hira, that there shall be no further occa sion for Mr. Fisher's " labors of love among hia Chociawiriends,rrShouldJhe be thus happilv relieved from the cares ana anxieucs 01 mis oenevoiem enter i - iMUKritL'ur 1 r: i devoted to the service of voor " Editor- ship, they will feel bound as honest au i thors, to speak in their preface of, the i learning and cience,-lhe , probity, and ! honesty and IiOUK, the temperance, the gentlemen that on a short " Wbia in the Ur j they can, through you, be furnished ftr .,e wi;h a ock of materials for their said! , . r . . dent, to their hearts conient " Mr. Sw'tlm :-In your paper of the 19th I see a very good jko ou a Cute Chap" from Davie why has been over on our side. 1 was in K -pes that some body wocld give you his t other narne" so ycu "ought give him a ride through Uie distriei, but as this was not done I concluded to ride over to Morksville ind see whft the.pecple there thought ab"ut it. v JSonte thought tho shoe would fit tho little Ta lor who was imported from Guilford into Davie a few tears siuce and elected constable last winter, but it was thought he had hardly had the time to spare, tor ever since he had been em ployed by Air. Fisher to electioneer for him he had been constant riding about in Davio County, except once when he got over into Surry, not being so well acquainted: with the line, and he h ijTa particular way of explaining things to tho people, and gets so road it they w ont agreed with his sentiments that I think it be was to fool about on our side much he roi'iht bear it thurier Some of the rert thought that it was not a const all but a big fat f.,W who went Jo look for his sheep not long ago and tracked them across the Botl.ilo Sliual Ford, and mte one II ills. Now I teed this fellow hunting his sheep and heard him -say he "would be dousi" if Hen derson would get any votes in Davie and he was surprised to find every body in our ride fools enough to Vote agiins! Mr. tisher. And some of the rest thought that it was this big man's broth er, fur he got some of the Common School books and would not duiriUi'o them in Davie. And I told them that j had st-( d this fellow n our fiJa too and how ill talked jut exactly like his brother, only he want poking for shep, but was going tp se hi rich uld Aunt. But they all said it want either of them, for they could not spate time from playr ing martlcs beford "XkrtyH grog shop"; where they were ail day without any J t!, .: :. ; t.i la t-Mit iud pantaloons with yo .'... j la lur.ons. 1 s1 a hmg time t sea how them fellows worked around the people and hollowed hurrah for , Ffchcr. I soon found that everv time ,ney W,U'J wm a ?ame 'rotn a ,sh.er man they would pivo ucrry tne u jai'd say "charge it,' but if they would win 1 game on a uenacrson man mey , . ,. , , .a fini. - - -irink. .ml Bc'tr every glass IS cents seperatc. Anout this lime another big ellow stepped up w ho talked as loud as if he thought even bod v was -locked vp in smoke-house but some person happened to talk about hiding negroes" and he put ngni on. ""Now 1 told thern1hcywerealhmis taken, for the little constable had a big flesh, mark in the face and every body max ever saw mm wouio oe muw w know hira again, and they all said that was enoueh FOR EVERY BODY WOULD KNOW HIM NOW I . DAVIDSON. , Jlr. iTJior. permit me thro the columns of your paptr, to drop a few remark to Ihe bplr, ou the subject of Mr Fisher's pam phlets. , "In Mr. F'i conversation there may be information to some. if not. I cannot fee the advantage of that monstrous production .. I f any are profited, 1 su ppose it must be s'ich as do not read cewn papers, and therefore have 00 upportuniy of getting the facts therein contain ed. 1 for one have long been ap prised of those fart?, and I suppose that every Whig Farmer, and Me chanic was also. 'After a long har angue a brut l'mrcpreentaton,, by his opponents, his Republicanism days of 98 :?f form 'Strict con at ruction equal righl v-trict e couomy ounectsiary taxes ret accnutttahility and j-rompt pimish e enrfcerfecr- he got sonrtorMy "that no candid man will deny but that things have goue wro.g for some years in the executive bran ches of our gove rnmenf,,, acd fur thergoesoo to show the evils we complain of. and then says uwt must find out the caue, As oneyf the whig warty 1 so iorry that Mr. F. has not fouad c.ii tr.'n ratisf and at the xamrtimr claims the ti tle of Whis. I ld topiioVd everv United urates w as caimeof our com plaint, r.d 'T suppose' tl.ey are . 11 j 1 . 1. wmi a i-utu now 10 appiv me rem edy , I for one wt uld say, turn out the present leader of government, one and all. and place in their stead such men as are hotitst eu. ugh W fellow the dit tatts if , their mv ertign the pf ojde, ich n.tu I say, as Henry t lay, I). Vtbier,.U . II. il" Ilar.Soii or even W m CTas ton of this state ; and a No keep &uch men in t'ongrtos as re firm, pure, bold and open spirileJ, u.ls ou n as Mill iot glide al. -1115 iuto ttty experiment, proosed by Wit j ulit ical quarks of the da JLLt up our I'ougress of mm h In are iu favor of estjihlihiiig the.gov ru mint on e pliu o) tne b) -gi tic days of 1816, and we shalf hatr peace and prop-rou tians as we had from that time, t j the data of the prts lit Experiments not owing to Hanka or Van Duren b- Pr tdcut, but an "cvtifiuw ifig:'1rtasury lioW this is well calculat d to make suine people thihk there i sonitthing wrong Mire enough, aud that is the fact, uut lisey nay . n.iVtake WherTjiIiTv"! would ak. Is it an uvtr flo of the lrensuyf ; (lave we an nvrifluw iogTrrksury? I prcnuiue ut can did politician can with -truth rail it KUch, u hen (he govtriimeid has in la t had to rtsurt to a loan, bv stri king, snd rirculstiiig kOiuiiliuus of il liar in I rtasury wo t, i heie was once a surplus io oiiTNatioual Treasury But where is it oow Wasted by the bad ci icigetnent of a wretched administration. v:" r" '- v. A WHIG. Will. E Wychchas issued proriosnli for publisMno! a w eklv hewsDair ai Henderson, Granville county, to bo called the "Henderson Car." : The No tu 11 Cacli.na ""l: JtKiiice. .' flUS work, t!.2 apperr.rc cf 1 which has ben vnrxpccteHy delayed fur fauces htretofure r.ade known to the public, ' will kow be peidily published. '. In the course of next month, (August,) a few hnndrcd copies will be cotnpUted and ready for-dcUuryto tilscrir bcrs and phrchascrs. Will 'be Editors of this State bt good r flough to, copy this ;ro tice a few Umea ? HEi-PROPKIETOls. THE CITIZEN. Asiit:i:oito,.c. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. 1839. ItliPUBLlCAN WIIIG. Candidate Fbr Congress, - DR. PLEASANT IIEXDEKSOX. Of Salisbury.. :i P0UT1CALLY DOUBTFUL Candidate For Congress, Charles Fisher Esq. : , Of Salisbury , ; , Does h prefer Fan Buren or Clay? D,cs he prefer the Sub- Treasury or a UniteiHtat's llankt f 1' he ttsail the compromise act t QUERY. How was Mr. Fhher brought nut? Gen. Cut ten tf Chatham wrote him a tetter, 'pledging him 700 Van i?u- ren vot-s m that jaunty. "COURT'WEEKr Next Monday commences our Coun- tv aW,. Let eli hands come carlv. prepared fr bns ncbs. " 'TTe ktTon week We hpe to get a 'heap o money ..... L . f. , - HOW DID OUR CANDIDATES COME OUT t v, li 1 ... t. A a . ty f personal interest io the legislation of Congrts, Ii did not get on exactly to his notiou 1 and he thought if he could only be a n;en.ber, he couid work the matter a iiulo better. Well, the Van Buien nteo of the district found they were and thai (hey could not rise Ku fair mfnn-tKal ! hw ri!iini nn'i candidate who was oncnlv in favor of the administration and who had the firm- ocss to exprvaa iu So they knew they coins on Tliurwav j vhjch- will i.eres- any election been ( preceded m wrily ufuiU bwinertof the Coort ftlucn Use, -Wfoco exertion a vj in some decree tow aids tne last of the : . . . , s r u. v-J could not be worsted thit 'half a loaf; be corruptly imposed on by such inc. was better than no bread; hence they hallowed species of ek-ciiooecrin:. J looked round fc.r a man who could "bejhns attempted to be forced eff lr any thing by &, and noshing long 'prim-iple, inerel fur the 'oggrafifc. w in would he willing lo lend hunscll to ment uf one individual, and he any puny or lo all panics, far the skof;ihe bet,T-a( ihisslwlliiot bo dnf proojotijn. i,This man they-found in ut sirujg'e. Il shall not bn d'M 4 the person of Charles Fuher, Ej.' 1 tiey solicited hun by private letters, holding1 out a.-suianc Vf the undivided volo of me; party.': lie was no stwner touched,! iUn w.weui ' jjl tike dvubiejriggert Now ibtjotj-ci 10 UiVidJTrunVhtg47 nut only to favor hii ekxtion at present, but tv subserve ihe ruiuication causo in future; a cause which Mr. Fisher has long - had more ft, heart secretly than any other) except : t Choctaw specu lation... .' .'. ir.-:-T .,' As for Mr. Henderson, every , man, woman and child tu the district knows how he came out a candidate. li was well known that whatever Mr. Fisher might have been )c:rs ugo, when ho w as confided iu to so::.e extent, thai no coiihdonre could safuly be rejMtttd in his political integrity, ever nn:o hu tx k it inio hu head lo turn Nuilifur. Ik I bt ing tho only caudidalc, great inJt tu was ine general uissatuiiaction. Anu tho Whis ol ihe diitrict : ijeiily and boldly consulted together at Abheboru on tho fimt of 'Juno, 10 discover so fur as practicable, the general opinion, as to w ho would make a suitable and accepli ble candidate. Tlw ineeling for tins friendly eotwtltation had been previous Jy announced for weeks in tho pubhr papers held openlyall were invilcd 1 c ft-M 'i tii:.i were 1;'.. ri:: f.:i ood. . TI.3 c rir. I lend., boa. a ci.uice wt.icn v.e t lam v . I I ... "u net. V not to 1 1 , to regremu. lie was III! U'Ab 11 l!ln f'5nf!nr!ltii!. frrwn rl'iili. ..... i.dailvavomt:. md livelihood; and, llk tho same an inuifched patriot, ho obeyed the !,! .... . "'Illll! He goes forth among the people lnJ' with the unerring arrows of truth; lL shielded securely: with-tho armor v' sound principles. In his commit lions to tho people, you hear none of $ whining cant ol the hypocrite. Vbct$ ha t jeaks, writes' or acts,' you tee of ho temporising, non-coniniitta) jl of tho demajoue. lIor meets J point of attack l ; and meets it boldly fearlessly, lie tells you if he J (ongress, how he goes, and aLat goes lor. , . .. f .v.. Now if every man who had anv l it-" . .''i pney. in caning oui mr. uendersoti had induced hitri to offer, by Dritu) corresponaenec, no wou:a have stoo onequa! ground with Mr. Fisher, ij cording to Mr. r. s account of the mil. ter; except, however, .'that,-Mr. Hi calls were, as we suppose, ten-fold if most numerous and weighty. Suppnj every man who attended, or was pi Uvely represented in tho Convention, J Asheb ro', had, in person or by fet'P solicited Mr. IU all admit he ou-St ! have offered and been elected. VA 1 we would ask, and we wuh socncQ would answer, are men less Quiii&j to act with sound and prudent ditcrt lion, after they have reasoned together and deliberati t weighed the vieaitL. so2!?estionsofall! . j Mr. Fisher's repeated efforts aW this Convention will, we trust and lieve, avail him about . as much attack on the School Committee of ili County, and the Iditor .of ilu" pad Tlie public already know how coursi-l ously he commenced these attacb,L was soon glad to back out. - CIIARIXSJ'ISilERJkXD 1113 IIUtEIJNG UNDER. , STRAPPERS. -N?ver, since our renieinbrance, ii and his friends for die past two or ilr months. They have been wtndirttc respective courses through aU corarf of the district, neddlinir out the m I. t ..w - ...... f phiet and beggmg rotes. What kn 1 w v www, . . mm www M -j- . scores of idio irresponsible fcllovi 1 , run aliout and detail falsehood and & 1 ' der to procure his election t They ii not paid out of our pocket, say the parF and we have no right to intcfere ; their private contracts. Admitted, K the present, that we do not pay the nnl rtt Aur fiun twirl ! ftiit arKBtl inohted to point to the eircuntfiflr. as showing cnclusively the badiidi their cause I If the public mind is i j impunity. They deserve eiposuft)' at)d they shall have iu What 01W5 sober, rcflcctirg part of the coinm ihmk of a man's merit, when he hire such men as , 1 , and -to go in irs- the county and deal out the palaver, tatvd to theni at head quarters. .A $ , cam never stands in need of the ft ful chilis. , J But are we sure that these aSirr -emisarics are not paid out of wtf money! Was it not proved bef investigating Committee, that ek j ecring funds were raised out of tP cecds of the pubic o nicest And skj is thtrc, in this state a Van Bure" didnte for Congress for whoso K the administration party are mortj iii.ous, or more anxiously st-lici'j I hece facts, let the party attenf1 ) guise" as they knay- these tacts fj io as indicative thai "sou.eihtPs wiDonmarL , - rk far as we are concerned, fisher rever shall have occ fj iau-ih ih his sleeve, af.d secretly c I at die parhal success cf tiicvfft - very 1 lit" i 11 I Iftt,

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