r vv ill id i volume in. 1 t ! 'I: ' ( j i 5 5 4 cf M 1 1. k'ld I S A 1 J ivir: basts? lit 4 tr. St U'VDUSIIKD WJXiaY; : ; fwo Poljars per annum1,', in advance. three months from the date of the first number received.'4,..--.'-. J.- o subscription t to bo discontfntK till I .Ft MlM-li1rvni l.rt r. 1 ! .1 . . . I ' 5 . . I ; 4111 unwugw wv iam, UUlt'Sf ai me discretion of aho Editor. s V failure to order, a dijcpnlinuance bo- lore ine expiraxiori o the subscrip. two "year, in equivalent td! a, new engagement, ns ,itj: .v-,' !l Utters, , Communications, &c. to ""f ' . Price fur dfotr tiring, i Advertisements will bo conspicuously d handsomely inserted it Ki f.rt ;U ;aarc 01 10 lines r ana w cents for cv tf'i subsequent ' !ncrtionfto adver mciU thowcvcr hurt, )vlll tio ctah. Court Orders and judicial" advertise - cats will bo charged percent high- i (we sometimes have to i ait L?n.r Ihosc who idvctliso by the year will : tautled to a deduction of 331 tier rent jvJe4 they pay in idvancc. . ,!t couMdN seiibotis. N ACT Ut divide the Counties into School Districts, tnd' for otJicf bur. - l-. i -. . ;j. ZZr iY tnacted b'j ike- Ctnrrnl Jfm. tyfJH Siet or Korfh , Car iia,una tt 1$ Aerety erutcUJ bt the Mwiy V w wte, jr.at o shall be dutv of the ShcriiTi of the autiea of yhiV State, hen they, adver ktWncit election ;for tnembtrt at ngres, to giro notice, at tlie aame ie, by jiutlia drcrtiterocnt in every ction precinct, tlmt an elcctioo Vill heU to ascertain thei voice of the L'plo upon tbo lubject of Common tools 1 and all who are in favor, of iing by taxation, one dollar for every - j n . j4 , .' . . - i .posit batho word "befioor. wrntcn on itj l nxwed to it. tWiUt vote "No .huoP upon their and all "trho Jc tbr niembcri of iho House 6f Conv .1 Jos shall be ntiUod to ,yoie j . end it w be tlie, duty of tle poll, keepert to iiiuovuici given ai cacn.prcmfcl Sclwol or no School, and to return t.ao to the SherilL who shall count .tflicr ajl.the votes; and if a majority r4 oe lound in lavor ol Schools, il H be tho duty of tho feherilf to fur. ,1 a curti&ate U the samo to the next miy Court of his Coutjty : ; and aay Vrifffiilinjr to comply Willi the requi. 1ms of this Aet,'iiuail suffer ill J the J til I 1...... Lf. J..... f' i ... 0 j. jit 1 ung us uuiy in any . ciceuon tior dit ft0 Iterwy.Fwd, for the establish, free ff &mnon School' in each j M district Will 'deposit their u 1 1 i in'w:rs 01 A$enibly. ' 1 ji. M a Jurlher KnocteJ. Thu th cral Courts of Plea knA O sioni in each County of tho .State of fb Caroliiw, shall, in such Cbnnty 1 I 1 ,WJ determine in iKoov ...wf.j iwivto, w first Court,, that may happen ffch election, a majority 'cf the i:'Qcs oHuclTCounty rbciijj present, , t4 ta elect not toss Vm, fjvc, nor c than t , person, n$ Sujieriaten' fy; niU in such election, it : shall 'cciwary lor u choice, that cacb of persons elected shall receive V nut. ilJ 'yof tho votes oTjill the Justices pre it . ... ' '- ' 1 , m ! " ir further enacts Thru Vi r Snl)tr'n,c":Ui, ra majority 61" p il ;i)cetj within a reasonable cw I O ihcreafter? tnct thall h.ne 'power Ihkwo i,e of their numlxir' as Chair- J1. and shall proceed to 'divide" their oclivo Counties into School districts, ins purposu of etaVli$uii3 Cortmoti containing hotmorb, Ihaq ,ui r- -jiiu, uui uavin regard , 10 me -v. U llw wiuio cuiiaren in cacn, fsas they citniecrlain thorsame 1 71 P' they citnuetrtain thosame : States for (ha DHct bfiNorhVCiroK-? O'ngress. : PctiUons and memorials are w pcrioctiy lair. ' ,, if-00 toiq marine ftMeKfrifafAe'tMhM M greater' m, or wilh jiis deputies in f the .scveralj forthwith; drawn by Charles Fisher- Goyerument and pcopla of , Mississippi ltf )'r of -School districts shall be Jaid couptics, or with such other persoa orj. who bocomes their solicitor: and ad- wo greatly defraudedfor ;Uiat pf. five Vrf v (Vnmiy thuri shall Ueqhkl to persons as ho'lniy- 'dccm 'proper, to5 vo'clte, tThis Ewnv&ttraarfary and hundred reservations under; the. treaty, I f"r ve'ry wi milwi Kiuirb of inhab- raosc loch census to bo asccTtafcuTdtoroi Court of ff ft manufactured; as many thou?aud- ,1 f Jerritof-yla-idCouiity, ( f , f 2vther with aov other tnlormitbn whkht.Wdsblngtdd City. -And- that the tntcY ms.reply still ts -a ,fair .bargain t Uans- f , lie, it further enacted; That ho may decm i'miiortant to the Establish-, est of the aoetaw nation rnay : not sut action pcrfeutljr, fair sir M itI ask lr fa Supciinladaai shall dumber ! ilib. ihchuf ajustand erjual system ofCom-Jfor want or legislation or:cttiM at-lFishcr, aod.te who support him, . " . i ,-, . , ! . . . 1 ' . '.. . i , . ..; ...,. , ,.' :. -i dlstrictMod make; return thereof to jto first Count V Court in their several Cmt tie,, which shall bcheld aller thevfirbt . ' r 7 ",": . , . . ,7-;;rj r"v. w"t "un m m .several counues ana tne fjTW ;: lhe rd, ofCommoi. of said hoTieriritendants. in makimr iKik ii.-.r. ..:r.: .1.: '...' retUni. If) ilSfnatP !! no tl.no m districts : 'aid it shall be the Coort. to CJUS8 Buch return Iia rornr. ded in the RegistcWofficeof saidcoun' ifr .? V fil I ) r-.5 U V 7l itfutltier enacted; That the aforesaid Boards of - - ------ J each County, after "compleiing tho di vi bivii as Biorcraia. snail appoint: not; less than threes nor mow 'six' W Committee Meji. in each tliatru;!. ,'kr. ,u,il s!,al) ) 0,?sw! wid,' Supcrin- ieiidahts'in all ink ftrra 'iWf it.inn i il. establishment i( Schools for their res pective districts. - VI. JUiiMther ecriTliaVif ny person w!m shall to Umi appointed Pr neject la do so after having accepted ad arp.Mhtmrti be' shall furfelt and IKlV tins sum of hTtv dollars, to be reoriv ered by action of debt, in any Court of ti : a i . . uccoft in nm Mate,- aud suth penalty, wlenTecoverelf, to bo Md over to he I'jcstdcnt and Directors of the Literary j uno, na to oe appropnattxr to too Ui crarv Fund and it shal be the duty ol Uio Cunty4 Attorney for the State, to prosecute suit in all mch ca"ses fur , and on behalf of the PrcsKfeat and Directors of the Literary BoordA X Wh Jit it further enrtcloi. ThVt in any county . where a ' maioritv of tho votes 4 have bern for Common Schools, and a certificate cf the same has been furnished Lv lha Shr.riiTln thn ! Kn. pcriatendants of Common Schools, .1.-11 I - .L J .Jl. :.r: r . . iiau uo uta amy 01 um Dupcrinirnuants to transmiL lhn amr. with . rvnlfut of tho number , of School Districts in mini rcMJccirvo counucs, 10 me rrcsi dent of the Lhera'rv Board. r. z 1 ". ? . u"-; w . '. VIIL it furtkeri eWe. f hat in every county jn tho State, where the vote snail oouitavor oi Lommon schools it shall be (he du(V of the said Countv Courts, at the first term that' ha mien fter the. first Monday to Jancary, one thou nna ecu nundrea anrt lorty, a msjonty o( thet Justices being present, to levy a tax to the k mount of twepty' dollars for each 'district' hi said countyin the same manner! that other- countv tixes are now icyied for othcr county purposes, ice of the rcrooctiva districts, 'unon lhe cenificate of the Chairman of the Board of Sunerintendants. . -IX. e it fuiihver tnaetrA. Thai forty dollars out of the nctt Income of -l w . . . . me literary t-uad, lor the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, is hereby appropriate tocach district in (if id counties where the vote shall bo in favor of the estnblifhment of Com- n.i. VaK.vI. klAk .1.11 I ' :j ) u tlie Pubfic' Treasurer upon the warrant of ther Governor, upon the certificate", ol tho Chairman of tha Board of Superin tendanli of said counties, that taxes ha ve bi.cn levied 1 to the amount of wcuty dollar for each School District in Uicir resicctive counties.' and that , School houses have been erected In each d is- cs nave been erected to each dis- Scholarship i-H ... . tnct, futitct fifty I X. lie it farther enaetr rf. iThat eve rv r.ounttf tvhirh ri'.fusn nr nc Wl to Idvy the tlx; ani tiiiifd 'the ; Slwo) Ik um.i herein specified, shall at any1 time hcrcaficr ,U cnfijled ,to receive jha. forty dollars hereby appropriated to eaci dis trict, upon eouiplyine with the terms ncrctn octore speciucq, ,a . . I I. . ... r f - mc vera I School Districii of Nnrtli-Cnro-'of liha. it ahs II be the Ak v of the ? Govern- ornc Preiidcntof the Kanrd ?of Chm- niort Schools, ,to jnako .such arranee incnt with thet Marsh ill of thi United vStates for (ha DtHct bniCorth Caroli ,1AL . further tvnc!ed That ir denco which one christian reposes in in taking the next ewtsus of the United another. All thijls To be sanctioned bv Slates, Congress sliall fail 16 provida for stich leal formalities', ; as those that will ascertaining the number "of iphdhitanta, give eUect to bargainVsile and convey, nnd esneciallv of white rhildrcn. iu the aticcbv the existing Uws'.of-the Slate ; Schools ihrghoudiie &&; a? uj -2-.. l ' i " ; full report of h$ telutas of Oio Superb I 'VII n i r ' i '' in each county, to transmit' 'id the Gov cruur, as rresiaeni 01 yie ixa ra ci uom mbn Schools, a full "and 'acurafa sfnfn luent of tha whole alriDunt oftaxes lev ied and colected iu his couti'y for tU years vm inisaiiii eu!it ,j.a;jdred and diiriy-jsjuesai oii'ifaian pight Jmn dred. and fortv.' 7etiici)tlnr thft Ueveiwas jjaid ..lijtOjthe Tblb Treasury by tLo lheiiif) srje'cifvip '"n aticliitatOf ment u liiu wira tlie Vuljejuts from wluch such takes were levied, anH Ww, much froai "each source of taxaWn; also, a fuli acd true account 1 "..of the disburse luents of the monies so pollecied, ;thow: ing specially what amounts Lave been paid, - for . the prosecution of insolvent J!rimilin!)f: nmt thfir inninlvnnnfia In Jail ; and that uch statements shall be : -. wwm . Mnwiiiuui.u mlm returned to the Governor ouof bufore the first day , of December, ono thou. sand ' eght Jiuiidrcd and forjy and, if buy isouuiv irusiee or omer Arrant m Public accounts shalj. fail, ft fnake re-1 turn as aforesaid, he tliall tarfeit' nA pair tfie sum of tiro hundred 4uilar;to4uatifi oe ?uaca 10 uie iuna t tor tjommott School ; 'and h shall bo the',eaj)eci4i duiv of lhe SH-O.ir nrearli r.-mnfu t.-. uojorjhija nt in sua coumy , q k,, .. u , Ratified 8ih Jaouwy, , rV' v-r1! S , v. r. 1. 0 1 .t rptV THE CITIZEN. 'Hfr. Swaimt t When our prejudices are fiied. inJ our 'feelin'fs sand seasibi. lilies are aroused by oartr friction, ob the evo'of ah feteerion-i-and ?especinlly where the oppoaing Candidates are men of ack noK lodged menul prowess, ' and deeply"1 skilled, a eleciidneeririg tactics j it is difficult to direst oursdvesi of pre bonceited partialities i"so far, as to weigh with proper candor.theevMeace that may be ehcited m these contests jtut every honest voter will admit that we are mor ally bound to do so ; both' in justice to the Candidalpt. and as a measure of safety to ourselves, as members of (he same community, who cab have but one common interest namely the public weal, or good of the country. , 1 '? I will tako the liberty, throogh year pspcr, to make a ' few hasty rernarks o the attitude in "which Chailes Fishof, Eitu stands before u a-Candidats for Congrcss.j It shall my aim to avoid those boros of party rancor and wanton personal invective wnicn are too olten made thfl weanona of tmTilIral wnrtir and I shall equally 'reject . that JaUe uvutocy -.anu jsicsiyJ .circumiocuuon which Dermits us not to call things bv their right names. ' ' ;r.isncr is gravely charged, in leaTua ahdrnnneerinn with rtlhnr.' with an attempt to practice a fraiid on a part -rk- .k irJj: 1- 1 t t ui uci;:iyciaw inoe.oijnoian3,wnicn a'so involves a fraud on tho Government This, if true, presents , an , attempt at traudon a larcer scale. ' and ' marked with dpcrjurpetiiiij, Ithan i:any per t '- -j-y SSfr 4 Kcqarag n tts.prasacuioo. the most ext.tisjnanagenjent.... ct complicated lorai michjiiery janJ tt!wj most conw- tnorai mato denravitv rf the human Knarf ' The confidence of those simple, and abused k:i i,.i-lriL' r. - a a'.'i i luiiuiuij uj uic inruov is nrsi lo pe won by a course ,of .deep dcceDpon.?' Their interest in these' reserved homes is thou o oo jiciaea up wim mai noiy conn Mississipoiv and all diHaculllea which it is feared mav stand in the wav from hrex!stfnz. treatiosi- or the: breroira tiVcs of the General Government are td to svept out of the way i by an ; actrof f rvauonst; ins reply is, - tne transaction ana, P,l"f Wdeoco, hkt, a t,timo.;:naiuo-fcf.A that "is', bbwsi XieaJ4ntfaitt AAtart.;..- ..-.-.....-v. i 'h : ; ' "! I ?,.. .uenee on whcK terq heir; seua, orsraUJ representatives, w imp with a request that thev- brin'ir tore both branches (uf tha MmWinMl f. jsUure?;,ThesV' vviih the betkionk' memorial &c. wera ( ... - , w MV .( refered to committee! of 'tho eaaie i ui uiiuiu rfuue.mac was enjairmao and ori the Dart of the Ifoiise of lter.re. t.T-.l-M;.....; ,i .k. Jf.Ti' rr..r,r t""'t K. iuS7il.uJ?.t ble' uTt auin that would defeat the bencvoleat intentTohs of the, ,Go vernmeut lo.warusne inociaw neaus .ot tamihes, p wfiooi reservations of f fud oh certain conditions had JbeeViJowed by' treaty, j &Nowjif Ihese things"' are so Avery 6 rsa klive of a! vuW'tieoblb.' at 'anv iiihe." or imdejapjr eircu'pstatjces:' But let 'it be born iu !iniud llat; lie seek to take a tzi m Cphgress at Ui'e very-iimd wbed Um titiat1 actioti! of ! thai: body will be likely to take place, 'otubj' more than I uspicXOui looking tuatterin wiich he admits he holds a deep 'interest'? ' ihaLthec.J mv fellow-citizenik is ifia documentary .evidence Irdua, which ,ye "v w uiaw vw cuutiusiju3,nwoi pniy as to f-iij character, of. the 'tiansacildn.' but also if iui Wgerd to, the extent of All', i lailfir i n&riicinnnrv in i ml ihn purity .of 'the" motivo Imoellin? him to seek a, seat ui Cougress, at : this tunev v ti"o yiviimou: aua sirmg 01 res olutions passed', bv 1 the LeifkLiturQ' of Mississippi, based on tho evidence of muicsava, cworo Deiore a coramuiee 01 that bodyseveral of whom were them. solves representatives of the people of mill iaiu, cuargms nomo jne laci 01 this monstrous attempt Dreirn'ant with injustice to' the Indians and fraud upon uiu uovcrnmcni, on v-nanes r isnci, by namei and. a lew. othersl who are also named Jal-'lh said. documents. . i The LeaUire U sustained in these charges by tlie report of the committee '.'of the Senate bt the Vniled Slates, ft, whom' inoia documents, also tno memorials ol of Mr. Fisher's pwn drawingwere, re- fhMva VI PSVUI UUy . AJitaA Was chairman and bv the report of the committee, of the llouo of j Kepreseata Uvea of whom Mr. Boll was chairman." Tjesa documcuis arej, bread Ibefore us they arewhat they purport to be, or that the. originals ..wero not in tho sever al offices, froui which I they; origiuatcd. Yet under4 his'v'iry nob his low minions are swenrinrr. uri'thnni n nhnl- fntm him, that they are.' all 'Whig labnca- Imna ifn ivoa struts K.-a . o8otemnjyjcal " J " ' J ..w.. . 011 Mr. Fishei bunseif, to refer us to tlie uMucui.'. ui.ii u iu leiuitj or even e((ya. uate this' diargtv , uWo loow tho gentle maa has writtcala pamphlet of. many w drds, ,we kuow that itjis iodustriouily handed about by bis agents who patient ly read them .over to such voter's as cannot read, but we def v .nun. or . an v other, to put their finger 00 tlie first word in its ample pages . that (!contatus ou? title of proof in his favor. It is true, he asserts gcntraUy roundly , and, repeat- eaiy, m his harangues, that the , " trans action.' so far as ha . is : concerned, is "pcrioctiy iir and honest," but he does not take issue on anyu point- connected with it is he told that the indiaus.wcre shamefully duped niii overreached in .1... !j k ...;j'f,- ...:. iui mw uuyropuious evcni OCCUrs. not i.rodn t r,. 1. '. wichthrcateuVtopr PfPfiVTv. lh? Sould,8pkl" as toipnumuui; ' If'J1 & of.MpijWJien'ite Mississipf, Rcsolutuv ., 7 A tn IF Vfj' iWrtPt' Sector tBlcckaud 1 1 ir''H- V Afreet. Bail au spoken of as' hinging' som sV og uhe Cpveruor to, transmit -the, sa a, abou ,this trarS w resolutions tuirether wuh ih wnm - I IJ .t- aiul LjJj- -tw., 4..,-1 -v., u,f, m, iu u.umao-.Dfeai,.av&., wha afert he c?nprk himself hi to. and with what Lh tnAX. i r 'rfm;tt;'-:ttw. . j" :.--'n 2 to'4;,J5,ut its. iCotitpon4,iorgans,'aa4 .cl;nrgef uieiuoviji yi a a,cgisi.uure,i aua othcr.. vffbvsi M-TOVy.W' ,Voa naveiieapi him for several successive ,days growl-, inir hke-aa ancrvLion at Jud-m HhrL-' and the. Missisippf. Legislature,-je?t .this, Hw asit! you, lotiow voters, faavp we ever. S9en. every Udn2 like modesty so completely : '.outraged, and vanquished . by a , Republican Cn-r ' didate T one, i6Q, whq teJU us he was A.- ty. il.- 'n tt .. been reserved for these da(Tonp.rat Avm" of party, and for, Charles Ffsher as the -hero,, to aqhieve Ibis victory ??fT stand) before the people, without a wushsnd, ask them to believe bis ucsupporte4 as serVionfdgainst lbelegijaiivo-yp)ce pf af ' sjsler, tate," and' tho reports of botli1 branches of he-Naiona, Legislature T-' ". And further, jhatwajsJljileWl ty our votes, ft constituta biro u-pm-t ber pf that body, who is virtually to, pas: UIXJQ his Own VUrma tn ihn several hundred thousand dollars. ;'fl. -. oo gentleman .doubtless,, makes, to- : liiinaotf a deceptive estimate of pur peo-, plo-ii Did he ,not calculate on U10, jtnosti ' gross want, of public intejligeiicei and yjnue T-j I see pot, how h could stand. in,Ahe auuude io which be has chosen to place himself before the !m i 10TH QOXGUESSIONAL 1 fr ' 9 II ' m.WSTRICT,, Ffvmtht (HeniborVf Patriot, t f: ,; - lrrrri"t'''cri-'w .i "1 ii.v r . 'f f ; Nd VL nids' r ; , , fcf iior It was decmea esi sentialto,a, thorough Understanding of, the whole sublet, tha t actsi3 'should be, collected relative to the , present, cpndi uoq of schools ia; ourrcounty. ' In" tn Swer to inquiries eliciting this informal , -two, very satisfactor)' sialcments, have been received. TSe'kmd prompt res- ' ponso of the individuals addressed, sliow; : clearly the interest taken by our cit!25ni in tha cauie. of ednrntinn S,.k dismtercsted and spontaneous, deserves the fullest fruition.,. May their generous.' and patriotic .operations in' its behalf gratified, and their .excrudns consnraa ' ted in a irlorious success. . Everv nstnl of the county, bas; beca heard frora- ym iw corners to ma centre, and the result is as follows intn;n a ip Greensborougli 2 .tnale.-aod 2 f, iHiirc, u4 uib ouc.ai icw , uarden, uni tiojt in itself a male and fdinnle ment, there is now b operation! in Vuii- . lora 4U scnoois, ana 0, school , housc not in use. . In tnwn ihn rkl. . l . WlllkJ the teacher greater, so we will not tako the above o into our calculation! Pnr the, rest, the numbef ,pf scholars. arte.- amg eacn, runs gcuerauy IromSO to I aud ihu couimon charira is SS2 ner nn-. tcr, or !i..tho year fur every scholar, the teacher boarding, hlras'ellj I have heard' of two .instances vhom m of tlie teacher "was greaterr-pne of 3r . ou, anq ine 1 other per, quarter, secar ' inn the services of instructors imn! qualified,: and , equal to such as thosa ' niwtuivu'O louinainy, normal scnoo'.j could furnish.. I ha vq heard, olso, cf cases where $10 and $1,73 , was thi pay, lhe roaster boarding .himself. - fjjt , 11 uajuiiu iuc4iiuu, uiai mo icachorj now engaged in the .inr.ruction; of our youth, will generally take op, a school, with 20 scholars at $4 per quarter, and . board themselves. .When, the employ-x. ers provida boarding f 1,50 per' quarter " can with safoty bq set dqwn.as the pay. Ve pod furllicr that school are under-, taken for, various periods soma for on .' ly 3 others 6, 0 and. 13 months. , Sp it ' appears that tha anticipated: difficulty r tha tcacliers cculd D,otbe cmploLJ' ... . . V 1 m '1 A r v .