( ..X'jN' X J y tv i. ; I I UtlAT CP WE UTCrOB, BUT TO lUPlIOTC OCRS ELVES AND. BE CSEFCI' TO ANOTHER J. f voMnin in.; fUBLWiliiD V'UEKLY: , ;;puUi- lJads.:io,.jvring,-tmpti.i J vVIiVt ? VnrVl if'.' deit uring u 'force ftbe ; fyb,Tieasory Wh JAMlJ o yAl Jlymtea) nthg riountrv. and'lhtft to I . ?' . r' ', . J-' ;' irifC tO-'lhe ExC.Ulivft th -Wri ri.nlrr.f m.!,, i VoJoUan per annum, in a4ronce.twiihci of theeo.fe. Hthrica express, w Three Dollars, if not paid within d ihrtuih the r wnresenfarivn three myths' from the date of the- owribi and; dismissing hcrjest and first number received;; -! f-iiihfnt .ht; . V. -Krrintion In I disrnntim' i '1 .1 ir ' ' .l . i ' Y afl arrearages be i paid; .ales at fLr Jled; thereby holding 'cVrcwas h ijcreton of thotLditon :.,- those wnoWou!d,diobe: jh ',r fore the eiraUon of the tubscnp-iexaciitrduepcrforfnaMe of eir8 da tion year, u etjiuiaknt to a newsies (torn Hktri entrusted witVie riV engagement ; , , r , t , ceijJtpf public nioiwff.and in rt-appoin- 11 Utters, , Communications,, &c? lojii,, nao"dilullcra who have aW ome post paid.- ' Y X (? l bf'eipectcdy.commiH s rr.:. rZTTti;,: J r Pd Jfc:nRzz'eenu, jiecula'tlora , , :v " ' ' ' 1 bhu-4iiciwim8 Kinuited.au claim ta m Adrertfscmcnta -will be cbrtj(plc6ni?!y i ren;v'al of the f trnvf Which it now hoWs, ; (Wert'met!iiiei have'to mk to kwg efieoce in public ffai'ti. hii Sterling rihe par.)1 rf J i,.;? i.:Mtrioiiam andinyfw;$tioned talents,, as Those Who advertise by llie year will qualified for the 3cV of 'lrepident entitled to a deduction of 331 her cent , ci u L mted Sratee if and 'that, while untied they pajr in advance. ;t ! js r d wejre urm ilanj to pv(duce any divi "vii IH IMW I uiim Vjr Vllll till meo wno concur .as to measurea ,.,..i..i...WL. m.wi'h.w ii i,ii.iiii M , T-r-- , j . - wm 4i t it respectfully Veconuknd hun for that T, y; (,JUlliQWXf I t H5 AVoreThat c believe it eipeol- . . '- ' , -" i ? roMTTjnif Dine ia oct presented in I U GrntUn A tfg. COth, lKKs,fl the, national convention 1 to bo held io I Oa publicVotico ocing ' gtven, an Ilarrudjurf, .Tegosy Ivanfa, in Decern. Voally large bumbcr of ho citizene wxt to' bammato candidates " for ju21brdcouaty .assemb!:I ia lho court- Presidentand Vic lidcnt. of the U. W, foroiHirrofainUnff deT- "XZi'- X kes to the AyL: - invenuen which is nesnlred, That committca be an- did omnsioti iithai! Aiitrtr'lh"),tM ylfft bo's . elegant Carriage and ria uverk are thoy;l ' Miltrd'ih't focrtfoco'. fihniltcu! but what it V iVjtm of all tle peculiar pHirtin ant! fdiliitiei cninvi'H Kv'tt.n ofT.inl tn ..,. ocr ot me trioet aud so shall proseliej be added thereunto: and the cause. Vain ground kmong all who love tho largest Lerty.w--.Arn Y, Timet; j V :l thaw . k..ir J.J; f i 4 taawrisfiing away at the Springs. nected with and (n the rear, of ,tpe Unl ted States Hotel. One l thse , was ouuuor rrice and the other for Swan W0Uli The' bttef ihwni. hm Price was in his 'irlorv: - Thf those, however, even' thiw "earlvJ1 Who we.hafee the sWy fro r Mt. Hise, for now nf I .nil .wtnaH-ai a oinnr nam ' ihP rnnrf. Sat lull turfed UliOt. vVrnK.int i Hnfn'nL ten and loctpliidlirersub trc'asiirers. Air. J'ricd talked .very patQticallyi a KaiiiinRent'ahd vas wbetuhar:, ear tk. ri li:- r. .!. -. .it.l um iu.i vui. iiiitc uiiiin mriii unn i ruj exclamatioit-MiW or tou o buttle of wwiwii yo ore o arjaviier, ana run away yourtef btfbre the Ut oJ January l i: Some "f. of I the 'company laughed at the remark ai mere w, iVice lo.kd-rather Hank,, a Dd afllcied dl7leasure at' the irnputatioi, and, wklied the remark ictracted4 lint CqI Hiae persisted in the prediiftionand they parted. Scarcely Mo montba had paitaed, uciore the absconding of ,. the one made a prophet of the hther.-! , Aitirpy.'-K-t'W r. Commerce 'j Justice, or bv tho ""i-on.liir.Oft rtlirietir i of It'tn, ueuDMdtyr a matter, of little roiMtiuence." iBut, without t t '' . 1 . H. i i ... - J i 1 y r '! VVrvbiliiy ot the fiory.1l.not be questioned energy andr V,g.!r, e.fc ,ouri courtr-ol when It is knowi that the immense for- est east pf jhe river; is inhabited by tho pantherand tjiat at ttiis aeasonTor tho " year1 they, irequentlv are,, the :personifi-' v-ain'u v tamiiio 4lcj),- w ivu 4 aci ac COUDtS for jts apprpachiog the sjlwellin the tardiness of; its movements and its inabiity5 yy leap the ars with ; Mi prey in 1 iti mvutn. aa.we, pnderstoodS mad3 two' wefcctuaUCTorta befte , giving it up.vToo muc) praise .cannot b be stowed upon the bra ve j girl who jhai sajed the;liofjhechadv; t?3V , rw-f-'-H"? 1 , '.-'iji, Z?e rtfrcu-lt ii said- lha! Helve. I tiers, one day; in pasilti'itabW door, yv a itpsiicc wanumir si niu neeis 01 mo reforniation of our rnad ivstemj Vfe sirrr certain inat the good , people ; of North Carolina : are destined, is. thev' have" umiui iu umiet iv auner immense pnva-1 ivu awu iacnnccs. " v j ;..t t ' .w ' i K. it '. " f -ye.?c on examining the rctorns as a.r a ' w? have received .them.' that in everV count vin Norih .dufnlini i hVh ii'nt l.t I 1... .1 . . ' ' 4 ' ! ? 1 V oy,' me people j while fnafty to,-?Van Aiireii' - x-Mivt ,tu tuuv ai:uun iui 1 IUS 13 1U ' : ' 1 ft . " .w .... and tight, because eedsare eF.l- l .cn siidaWbovl' Ican &a ana are opposed to FpuJaeducit ion ,he work much soonei in; this . WioL 1 TlIE PUBUCnOADa. i were is scarcely anyiotner matter 61 pit to the l - invenuen whicfi ti I " nnmna, a nai n commiuce peajvi . II tttemUtf III I.ighTrv November pointcary the vnair to name .deiogajre i're;wwcn.ioepoipieare ht, to nommate a car!V!ate for the o lo represent this'mceting in the iconven- n,or9 profoundly interested than in the HofCoveraAf of Nwrtli Carolina, and tion at RalcigLr.:Cf;"::.: ; ft" highways of human iotereoorje. ifi Viiwiatrdcletfatcf-ttrtboahooal -rire .That the Cooveniica "J arojreserved jn at least a il!i hi Convention, nronoid la - hnVU Ualciffh be rcqsted -to appoiai'lwo McraMeJaiato of repair, the specd'of the k lfarrisburgT to nominate candidates delegates, in addition .thotird. ;v,Tte,mo,'ba yastk; retarded; i and I . .1 f- . r kc ikrt '.cf-ii ,J :, n.:. Mils comfort most Vh fu k im .-; r,f - Rui r mohg,the people.. . ,.'J , was the cage jjarj - ' -',. n , v MAd. 0und o vote against yatem.j c thineTst jn.g yoo . pubc instjucuoa r&uch conduct is al- wound,, would be .double ,.11 that you . ! gT w;loVPlaed M ,uvcatjgabOn:)f.) aing. as)QuTnpw do.1ocrpupetli horse. : Official aWs, Wd ofreeemact .bf t8tlejhan1acVupy a fktUiy V - det tbejbwnb aaaUdepring Whettw ife boatler obeyed 08 not w. - - , ,df pUferary,nuutioos,t nearly Bnot tejl, but. we haveollenthouirhtof . ! . . opposed to ttw Admmts- ,heVnecdoTe. when we have seen ronl 1 Iration. fit IhA rt A m ITf.,trr Tha I the United States; " , .1 . 1 Stale In laid Convention at larri&butg.! I On motion cf Dr. David Wor.h,! Df. in oDcxiicnce tone pr.n a,iwre. Un A. llcbaruxiirman tf CtiOford b!u!oni the Chair Appointed 'a comrtslt. tntTrt. wMrVlAt lAtUrhfiir n,frvt trs ta'carr.j tieleraurs' to the' Haiti -h k. i ... n ' . . -; . Ir'" .:, .i :..Li.u s.. narics w.reeptca ana ut Jamc f. vu- cwiwwinK-erino'joMowiiis JiEi appointed Socrctariet. I ' :;'!tn-n'Jobi AOilmerJohn'CaM. I it tU rcqacst of tho Chair;-1!, c J-1 v. t t rc rick I ctoithe xpliined Pa motion Fcntrcsa," Jire JVan- - aw i i meeting wai wr and caily "ca. urorgo ppruco ana jxiu Aiuun, byjGco.C. Mendcnhall, p,nf h-vV';' II W motion ot the Kev. Jobn -.Mre. v ",,er oeneraijon, ,nommaico sucm WI I tWwt'Tfaithd Chairman of this tbw following ' Rentlemcil as r iuitabrti !TObnani3uallya8ia lecsir appoint a committee of five delegate! 10 tsjd onveoiioni-.uhich ur dymatn, and by taxing the tirrie of 8R ct to drift Ucsblatioat, and report ;tas ratified by tlc meeting : wo travel over tuese toads, either ie' i this meeting i' i - .i t --J I i Pr David Worth.? Tboa, lnrferwood, lron .lh businesa, of pleasure, fa! (WhemrponTtbo Chair appointed Coi C5. C Mendenh?Il.; VjDnLiDaaid Oapp.- w curiotr..; Awl,atiHg .the . yarksas J J- illiimDoak, Dr. John A. Foulkcs, Henry Tat iim, Jesse VheelCT;; defects in the structure and preservation Q Hjarr-sSbaAhdreTfLind-eyand EUScnith, , Andrew .Undsar.r rfpfrhchvtcAe&-u jl kha.rlEsnoires;-- Ralph GorreuV 0tyimn Ncely, ct the traveller to ia and incon- !dei f Af:cr rctirir. the committee' frported e,etTyj':?4ni?t McNairy.r: "n'?ns, but little prerablej atate Kh following Kcsolutioos, .which 'vreto Cob Wni H. Britton. J " oT jbsoiute privation, ought not by UnimoiNlAdaMiid. . . .OninfttioW.!.-; V V ' . tny.weans to om:V he , ill constructed K hi atnroie ? That the frroecedmgi of riSlf S Ji feh, in Utevniooih r NoVcmbcr tough Patnot apd that the.otber Towoaenhuwin-anV M ktfir the rsir t.v..; . wlic twrs in tho State be requested m. .,.D' .d! if I . T -p trniiiaiiii i a a .11 we areTompcncd to ackhowTcdge the humiliating tet,that it is a circumstance ottatt occiKTCnce to 'find ihtt mihllc toad fn hny artof the ijnion in such a I wrweooa iiaie oi repair as they are in 4, mi in vnniuia. fUHi yus w a icaiure iaW public Hicy, wjiich is not only cafrulated to; injure apy respectability ubroad1. but In hXio vby diminishing the strtatn of pas- tnuioKltof the rtsAt c u Truec. Ttva citizens thus disfranchised by ye-perform eu'ininfary. doty and paid taxes. i grea t'uody of the .'people t are nooestv mai mey.aregovernea,inJielr condoct bf patriotic, motives, emanating from a pure love of their country and her repub. licib institiutloia de8tituteV knowledge be Let iho poor and unfortnoate among the rising' generation be educated by the es tablishment of Public Schools, and dark. ncs atid' ignorance the handmaids of eacn oiner wui be UispeiledT lrpma .5 1 .'...'1' ti :1 -ii . i . 'ii i attempting to save a half minrjtanf time. and risking ikilifex 'CgSfrom a "steamboat bcforeshe was fastened to me wmq, or trom at raurpaq itar oe--fore u .s atoppe4i iand, indeed, every day's occurrencea f resent iUustrations of the aficcdptelaid of -'RS-1': hn4 and sea, by fire and water, atagei,?leara' boat, car, '.horsey ,ane tfoot, -ecm from attempting' to aave'a aeconJ of .tine, by going too itar. tbe horse' beeisjo put on the cr6uperc.: L.?i u . 1 "ftitihe LtnttZ .was the motto oft ill.1. ... 1 II 4 . . I I . . greai man 01 oia : out the nosuet pro-C.LI- L1J 1 ' s, a r . 1 . , -7:,. t7 i7 T r geai man oi oia ji out tne oosueiv pro mbng us ; bglt ,0 aH as beauty will te aby, bad forgotten all aboaf bi great hed,w,t,lll mSWfli effulgence Mb, frfend Cisar, f nd Ke"and other. fSrelr DCOOie will see ana- know how to innm. ;l:i;1 t...-i..Lt i ' u "i . J ciate their righti and privileges, andaUake .liwq ilol," A .re. vu(i u auu iiauuicai ayoasiy wui not ogam uic iw turn ana ptq oeiucce : io l . j r . . . . . me voice ul an insulted people,.. ; I ; v,v, -v fy, i ' 1 ..r.r. ...... I (hA l!tr nnnn vmv man ' nirr.iif anI ' .,,...... . chjld, in the United States for the np- u ' ' ... -..'1'5V: ! - I port of Government, is ndwoite': ioltar ' rrom w-Jutmiuwu bounty abd ? v cen a year" more than It wsj '! : MIRACULOUS'ESCAPE. iAUbild reaued'fruaia' Panther La?t Saturday forenoon, Mr. James Rinnev and wife, uhn Atunt O miL o J .4 . W ..MW east of this village ia the town of Wau son, left botine on business leaving their house in charge of their eldest, child, a girl aged;aboWrtwelveryearsNear noon mo girl heard the iclant, aged 14 .1 I I . .m montns, wnicn naa been laid wbtio a- -y 4f V j . ' " " " under the. Administration, of John Ouini cy Adaaist Thus the min'iho .as a family often persons, payrrti Vol lart a year wore towards the Import. o( Governmentv than be did tda years agc lls tbia.ths ,?Meforin" that Gen. Jackson discerned to leribfv inscribed upon a certain banner that be spoke off on hii inauguration dtvl J I " ixlinfy a -i , f i ' , . ... t.i.Hwwiy IUI HHi UliflJV W W" Lfcl'to pubSati tho aarne , ;, ' ?' t .w oi imn varojiaa, and of lYesi- 4. -rcn Ntnd Vice President of the United C W.PEEPIJ: ) , . r fcHhe eniuin2 elections, and WILLIS, J !i.J , atthia meeting prcjeeed toarmoint I;"" a--' f. It: .1 .L .1 . ".44 , 4.44M, MnrviMig in f itirra w nppoi -I'TJict in renretrnt n in th.ini sV. ' ous cvep to supetrCctal observation, that titnocr well adaitcd to suth an object 1 t a a !'. a. . . - sntutii De selected, and mat earth should bejaken from .each side of these cause- e w aado t be iork fe !cted sen- 00- "WaJTtrrauflicienf abundance to provide, a smooui sunace tor the road and lo causa the on his inauguration davl ' inn nnti 1 . .. v I ; . ;vi viniiibiiiiT 1 uajrvoi 111 111 uiw i vim. lf.ll rtlinil ami rn1nrM.I n4 1 1- ...L.vntfl 1 f.- ...' s of puhliq policy-ra patriordevo beautiful villa' and ' kroundul i tltA nnl i.lAK. I nt'.Li4 fwm Parts " ii1.4 1iA IPtfL. Mf. PvtMt in Pirii ia' friAfvt 1 Affowrf, Thnt -fve enteenx our feb recently from the ' French papiul, in-loped a drain which wodd cuizcn, JUlli W, JIOUEIIEaD forma us that that bncht particular star water to run otTiiw;eidof co lectm'srlu (tiCOCt find "nnneitiln 1 1 m . trrllbtmn lis akinmn UilK tn tinr, ihnnnk Ann. I 'vlk : t .. : .k. I I : . .ir' 'illiCl!i2mf Mm lndllKT.Inil ok., kiitm iiillia aiftt L I it- ..... . , ' it , , ... Tier tlltrrmfin ,nf m!n4nll .,4 I ....J :i; I. ...U II l...".J...-. I.. :..llli-Vi .1' i.N. ' N iju no iaiw-1 urihwiaue fcina niequuiny runng rough, . .aIm.I 4 I ... t " . I . .1 ivhvoi, o ana uo mo pieces; oeing oi .me same about, six size- and dimensions t in aiidiiion in K4i4ll4iilLT MM I (I'Uli m.. t.l I . W ji . :SlCa in Oil hit inf arratd tl !lK Ida hnnii, I,i4 iAHin' Mttul.iiM k ir..A!tgnl !. 1... Lli J ' - '1 t ' ii iui iiil 1 itLavB iiija iu naa ivn ulih a. aaa nil baii Liiiciiii. i niiii am rii 11 nail riivprwi w . arw i m proKpcrity of North Carolina and rent, a fplcndid hotel in tho most, fash- earth. , TJw consequence bf this species I'iSt Wo recnmmnJl lilrA1' Li that lU nart i.f itin f'h cWton and to Uw iieopforof ' tho State tho trrand metroWitart late of the who eniraira in f ravelling orer nrh mnli At) ft f rarr)h A ftvlAAVAMM 1, ..mm. iv wi uti iry i iciivh aimi.iji itiuiii lULiiiv iui9icauii ueinz icjraicu ouu rcircsncu 'iHllfm..lm . .1 .1 :.f'' t L. ..'ll- .1 Ml".' ' . 0 J .. ttttfirt'itr and being called i milord by; all1 the public polity of North ('arolina, demands : tnn.t en Lit In nf Puna. Wh v ' ' ifirt iini. I a sn.-t iii.mi.i!.ii Pmi-' tU nnnti. .w. v.... . - - . - J , '- ' I . I " ' V'l.V.ftlV'. . l'l, 4IIW I Vk'Uk4 vcrsal frame - of focplocois'm J oitght; to tiop'of tha State abroad, and the on !wP?na,bed in an adjoining bed room, days since weS saw ja?wl-ca utter ahornd screech, upon which i she loadecTwlill prime wheat, Jch' wsj Immediately ran tp iu rctief, .and :ima. porcftiged in EastTennesw4 at t37 . cine her lee m?i ntvin nwmnMhn Honr .ll.ji l.i-j.l. ,i . f: ; . . -r-r r "o. , ,r I cenia per ousjiei, wiame-irenuemaa in Intro a rtanilior Milk ika kk m it a I . ' v . . . lormed us mat it he had igonea 'ievr miles farther, it could have been booght at 25 centi He states that the farraera in that section X country, aScr itoi en cage coynrwhenit is harvestedtfronr tosce a panther with tba babe in its mouth, fcapingjrom;, an open window immeoiatei v over the bod l llut she, like ' true heroine, snranir : unon t the bed at the height of ber ' voice, and unon be ing Joined by the ? other children , abtlut the house, pursued the, panther at. her utmost f need, r ITiev lollowed 'it a.. . 'af -ww . r a -.1 J -- ... i r- i ! t 5? to 184 cents net bushel r?if i-n .,,.,,:i r.b0!.i a.Tt3, - bout fortv rtKl. lo apair of bara which tiJ heavy loads? we Vnay.menUoii tepcratea the clearing fan the forest. thatfAfr.' Hepr 'G. Urbwn.csvdtnff at Which olaco the Pirl state thai h n-.um.vJiJ: iy T rrfeont Ad mint". r uonofv-fli Fcleral Gbvernmcnt, by. rocvyw ho-tnuV to tho Interests! of n , 38 old 4.4 ', "4 4 Ji3iOS. Hi tirinnftinrr lhrt a cf &e broccCcjj of tha talci he, public. tinglA with sympathizing rapture at the I Vcnienctfbf her citizens at homo.' impe itcrcstsl of munificent manner in uhichlts distih-lHouslv rcnoireitt and whether a desiri !ltribll.' irillishnit renfliaentTlftirn IS eiinnnrtlnf thfl I nM rhnnrrn in tko. innv1itn nn'r ..W....H .wi.i.vM . . . w iif ' ' I T ' : III. .iiUUVIIHVII'l Wlv VUI bf thai thedignlty of the fair.'.' Whoso .plen- Iroads is to bo effected by tho liberaliiv picked UP much strangled from its ramd I i.a rL . l. .l . . . , , "r ui a iuuu,ivaa wyuni, israieiy it TlTniVS"gh F ,nd M,nd that iity;iA-4l. worst Which bad fil ed Its mouth and eves, but Lr.L-.Kvl.LJn f' ' , j trr "r. V'-Vr. " IralUmore, consigned to Messrs. Rev Pa?,-t ' AThM nolds&'Mosner.lThiVisnrobbly ?!I m 3 1?7 P,tun? a-?d ,LherQ W 8eV heaviest wagon load ever brought over era blood blister, ra'scd where the teeth UiomOuataiJa.' ' , in slipping came m V8ntacL:M1w,girI v . 1 r'M,L , . . - " state tha thn hnntlip itmhMil tk& 4.k:U ... . . ')i' -'' j : ' .r run who. a traveller a e v- scared Ob fei5.E"g?r,F koWIock of girb 'ia the woods; fat andfcln , , u We have the abova naniriVlsrs fmm , tiTTRTrvU i,, . - Ll: y' "vi. 4l. ... . . . " 17 'V 177 " r ,.wr" ,ra.- . 7 t Ice. t --,.-wMMwuiuwx.YVo;-tilw.j M;JIU !;tUtl - ' 4 .v A-'1;: ' Vy-':: v '.i'.,r

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