f j--"iA r IV HAT Dl) WC LIVE FOR, BUT TO IMPUOYE fjRS ELVES AKD DeVseFCL TO ONE ANOTnER ? "j V0LU5IR III. PUBLISHED WEEKLY: BY Dollars per annum, in advance If fhtcc Dollars, if not paid within 'hree months irom the aate'oPthe Irst number received. liubscription to be discontinued til! Ill arrearages be paid; unless at the Iscretioa jpf the l.aitor. . t , . iilure to order a discontinuance be .rc the expiration of" the subscrip. m year, is equivalent to a new lyigcroent. , ' r- Letters, Communications. &e. to oflte post paid. . , Frica for idvntitfag. ' v ircrtiacmcnta will be cowi ieuoysly handsomely inserted at $1 DO per irooi w iiocsi ana ccmsor cv I subsequent insertion. No ad ver mtxAt however short, wilt be charg than for a square. ' ,0Bniracr nu luuiciai aavenisc its will be charged 25 percent high, (we sometimes have to w ait so lung the pav.l hose who advertise 1 r the vcar will foihled to a deduction of $3 per cent FKiea incv par in advance11 UIK IAItTIMi'Kf!. From a Ladtfi rflbum, IT MIRACEAU B. LAMAS. act did not o'crtake his bad intent. tt i therefore roust be buried ts an io- tcot ' t perished bv the war. A'AolrBr fne dnvc aounded his lipm "and in boot more. I was to denart ia fhe s for mv native .8tt TJtiJ uatingtho home of my rlu'MhfKd- ltics with mv brothers and si-tefi. bfhc'Uin ence nnire rnv, a?ed ra. i keforc the crave s-huld hkie ihrm l r . r . .V. v "w riwuiu unit; i'yl T --- . , m tnf view; filled ire with I iiuB evening a favorable for poetry, and lich 1 had never, expcricDccd 1 "t wi'n vour writing." . 3 llready tracrport in imgie8.KAl first I thought Ihis was merely in- nzr irom ere wi 'a. Already tracrport in imagiea i ever tee lens Kurnev, kn-oua welcome c.f the with the kindest demonstration K onMrati ji K fiwhld w i:h 1 Jction t my mother, now feehl w i:& 1 rs, ana-tremoiinj mth CJrtKn,,,,,, PI"J ",l'u,.'r ',u"Sn i , capanie ked half waj down Ihe srtpt toj,fsur, pefpetratK.n j but in a few mo. lwn Ihe srept to j enable to restrain t Piny hand, and unable to restrain" 9 w i,H' r,,? esse a Wines, burst into tearai wliil-t mt 0M,LV bVund Album, and reading it V iis?cr Clara ran to my cpua; at til ttfr .Imi-t Kin VaV . 1.1 H at eve rt iiaeven in the m?di i f hrr M 4 task wiUi. en air cf.f toimiir..hich ' front alTcctionatcIv V)tdin;'ne For c0uIiJ oot 'ai' 10 "fovijK e moVtlTar Ihe aajwerin tier letter B!!kmM litJ reque? was maJo Jice earnest than tcrl 1 kWJ ber pretty b!ackte,l,hrf Mh four,c) IWh.U rold I do! promised to do better in future U1 n0M,et 'bcaititn refufr, rot tlie iWwasjoy ay a rapture, even mu,V cply My rain wai cj f reverie of imagination, which u if dr.vl,M a the.remain.lel b jwuit Whr a uM b.t !nnt, I would net barter it' Toyage.",. e er iiti I st4i.d if much otlii s wealtn and all iu,honorsl,n "cwi n mmu, or nepioru uawaats .j ieti - .. jmuohason.thts tjccasion. Tnv, iImj LIms has itt hinf. , Th eyemnc wns serene ana ixjautUu'. and cti in that J hadlo part with Fanny :ht nave arucd the akn, whom Jsomurh; loved:vcolhe kut prV of p.wtic 1 'adoration, soon Put an fcf b s itov fcplin ff. a hd I , -t n. rv oeart a corronondirg poigna 'TV. Tti! ia th MliiM' 'X t.i'." i .' L'-t. ? '" 1 t - It is thtfA Kir lr,n.;in n,...n.. --v v J iV IIUII.IVI pilM l !' M surely experience an equal de wnather departure, r' JJcr srtifles like iha vivid flashy ff lihtnin 1 ry wpon tho lroun chcrk of nirht. V&nikh in an tnclfint nil Ipuva ' Iu. ... OIIHUI V I fV4 IVH V 'VW l I . I ft ft'ft a ' a a, ("wur-ioid darknerfl, 1 lnou?!t cf "-.na mv soul expanded 1 tnougnt "snnyand it sank in dejection.' I cniiair and excellent crcn'urc, 1 the beanltf nf hfr vrhnfrt ba i d : Cliitomiznd in hrr fnrm and" ' but more for tho brighter brillian 1 her p.liHhed mind, and above alt, '11130 01 hef imSiintiUltn! nnrtlw'nf f- "y love was reciprocated dai D'Iy wo renewed our vows of i Pr'tal conrtanrv nnd tJii ir.n '( n.tfr, Jcalouy, ndver rultied 'ItlU or r!isl!ir!ifit Anr i m.,.. . WmI u f.onf.dinK,- wo'enjojed all the '"y Of tl ftrt.fm l i n tho bittct ncss of dcult and distrust s , Ultra La rrh lhiiw i.Wn ri'ma-ir. - m a a a, a.- a - a .j . - Vw i - 1 III! l , OJ ; era I most delight to hear; and she coulif play too with such eix-hanting- ekill to touching to the heart I a I entertd the room she cealed . the music but quickly resumed at my request and ac C'MPpanied the instrument w ith a voice that breathed all the magic harmony ol Nourmahul. She sans: " . ,raethce well since thou must leave ' i . Cut Oh 1 Jet nit our partrjr grieve thee, Foi I uilj jtill be ibioe klteve me." And there was an applicability in these vtnrdstomy tuatiin, snch a ruitaUe. nestothe occasion that made them sink deep into my lcart ; and although feannotaaythptlhemtjRirvlike ifntr te!ia drew an Angwl down," I will say sIhj san.like an . Angel, and wore all the celestial lovclii.es of -one Could the song never cJc i" and her beauty never die, whe would ak ft a brighter ileayen J ; iw f ; - As she finished the strain. Kr rWft the lid of, the piano, and 'Ujniitig her beaminff face with bonW blm-evM upn mc, she aaid, I now haie a' tak for yor.mr&iri. fi''V f VAnd what ir that task I enqnired. "H f,?wid she, "a eorplyhigwith your promise, made a lung time ago, to wnie an ortgmni piece in my yfibum ; .-puiies wii carm, - a, is una: tf tt j''. From my first acquaintance iih Fa tiny, I . had never been separated from her a week at a time-to part with her now,, and possibly forever, awmcd lite-de$ih. ' .t : I bad already Jaken leave of her on the evening of ihu preceding daybo now that' i was about id voter on my joorney immediaiely, I could not resist the inclination whi" h increased in ar dor as the time c( departure drew near er, to gaze upon; her innot-ent fare once more, once more to seize her lair Wi hind, and say "good I hw rd to her dwelling JShe tyaa at her piano, playing the plufntive air , of Jf.,y I rcreicd , cntlt4 .. ur" y onita irom ine met happy (anti.' 8' ' hi;hshe perceived ii gaih et me at ihe ltrir: arotiiMl it; lor I was ao far fnwi ?vcr 10? of writing itry, that 'r ' ng po 1 rei"y, 'u'a believe lur a 1 rei"y, "u!a believe tur a moment. ' f surh perpetratK.n , but 10 a nif'n!s W."" fr'n b4 adiH'"" "c ,4,u,i7 were pen mi iuk wero Win - . ,. 7 , 7 r . , -viv tirevK Uslv i-'artd. 'ia invitpil nm Ia i. t. - i i i i . i IOC in-'aiMut itt nt - inahifiTt - rrrThfinn - Twaniiiiii"it' ivvom ivfM vi ovi v.-ivinf nii.i v to dp it must inevitblv' infor her most a . m t a a. swus Tispie!iure, idetcrinmcd, how ever, 4i ritk tqe attempt j mid seating mysflf bv the table, 1 siezed 1I.0 pert iu despair, dipjcd it in the stand, and turn ningmy eyes upward., but not in "Jim frtnty A'r,,, I legnn cogitatingori what iibject I should fix for my fanci ful clTusion. t ' ' , . ! had remained in this atttitude but a short time befoiV my musings appeared to be uncciemoriously interrupted.--The .whole fatyi'y wra in busy uproar,- Tito Rt rvumn vvuiu luiiniiig jn pvcry oirqr: lion, front room to ootn, all actively enzsged in 'cleaning and docorating the mnrn. voo"re were nansnnff. new damask curtains over the wmduvvii some regtilatitig tho" glasses on a w ell Iovd side board others replenishing Iiq flour4wtg w'ilh waterjind t'resh ros a .a . 1 cs; whilst f annv s youngest, sister was funiatic bre$t tlut had istical!yornimenting a pair of large ISlia is leaving the scenes cf her child-1 !Kj sticks with paper; 4cavc.,c-XheJ-; Ish mirth, 'ij,' ;;;v,tr candi AsiiKnoho', (N. c.) FninAy.'PTKMftRniao', is?; usua lv made for ..nnrr usually made for a dancing partr were . .uSunu appareniiy ior;inai pur. im nHm wn apundle..ol IveNffeena;' thoughtful ind ln mnn r. Wl r; r , . .-"rp , . ff' Vlth ?1 flight melancholy but now it seemed o weai n detpgi.K,m. Ifcertai ily had, never seen her lace so douded bv gadgets bticrej her miwB appeared to be abstraeted. for the loo no notice of w hat was going on, unli maid a.ked her il she uVti tne servant rned to have tlie walls of the parlor U itoonedwfth t ho vines. M Do as you pUage,' the re plied,and risin? from'. the Uia she left rhs rm with a tear, as Ilhociiht. oui- vcring in her soft blue eve. What was the meaning of all ihisf -I could form no possible conjucture. I "enquired of the sa vant - her words were as a das er to my heart. Why have you t heard' said she. that this i M not Fa troy's wedding night V couKJ hear no more; the maid would .have proce- tss ced, but ny brainjeeled nd 1 fcil upifm entrance ot av tall young seiitlcman of attired, with a " broad fccilitv of face "M bespcakintj a light mind awl V hapv hfart. It was for (lis coti-ing'tliai all J,liese prcprrations were made,, lor he was" my happy rival,, who was that n'inki v J ... .1.. l ' f iMi.111 y u ! nv-u ly hit; I4T. ' BUII, Prompted by desiicratKii J rew at tle vilhan. throat; II ffcdj" fftjftny friend; weVere btrn in me sfein)e vil lage, educated at the same IscKool had been intimate from our, bo) iih days, I wore him in my, heart's cre,w and not a circumstance had ever transpired until the present oeeurrencci toy eaken the bond of brotherhood that bound us together. Of all my acqnaintarfces, Im; was 1 the only -one to whom 1 ha com municated the secret of my atta'i bmeni to Fanny, He abused that conldce to supolant me in her afftrrtinna. Arwl rr : r shall J bow in degrading bumi!i?(ion to mc wrong I 'io rattier M me ptnsh Er!, Cursed be tbo'cWard ansthat flatters in a just revfinje, Within pre cations on my rival's head, 1 fled tic bab All idea of mv faurry waVnt bT-ii-hcdJrom mj:tnfnd, my every thouirta was devoted to revenge ; Vy tteart nas ai furnico ff .rxiij-jraJed pesskes; my very Mood boiled fV vet'Lt ance. . , - - Q - - " ifrirg to my room, I whetted my dagger 8id re.:oaitefl my pis', u f I wnl mar this mirth.' said I to mvsrlf. tItui!l bt rrt upon him in the midst 6fpf his an tieiifaTcd heaven. like ah nnexooctpd li'Miko." And let not imMtikcfl pietv denounce all human, vengcence as un righteous, -j The serpent was cruslird in the earth because of" his guile which converted he?lc'uftiJpJ Eden to t wil drnlss f voc, And Kvah.'ulJ iheHdj. men still bo iruicd.wlun lorsikin!? hi rchtilflf shane.'hf: Sssurr e ihn tinman r j 1 i r- 1 .1 j iorm, ana sprqaaa over ine paradise o k intry desolation. Header, ill love as 'l have luvcd PDiantea bv a wretch ca m? I htmKeu vour Inend. but whose ami tea are the; very - fiend 9 arch moQk, then .i?VS l!MeMy hi exclaim whithme 44 Wbo'J sleepin safety, thai hath done I know not how the timd 'nnewd nfli but nightfall had come oiif-- Pressing royticH m npparfl suited for the vvrdding, to Mpeak daggers to ihe. bride, and to . t a ft k m use.them ori tho treacj serous author of;:ha blight -of ruined' afiection. Cheer mr nilVrr rlnn. Tl.j L. l i .1 L J .L l ! 1 .1 '. . v.. ".'miivi( " ". os- j av-.uun:u nu uiu iiti i'14 iiuur, iiio m mot;arnved j ,4he, bridoVmaid wsthey alahd in need of-all the conwh placinff the last flJnenui? ilia bridnl Linn in hit dorttl frim L.'M wrtulh, and as she twined jt in 'the hi-1 thn bcSutifnl lines of Mr. Ilcmnn,! " Bring flow'rs, bring floW'rs, for the . I li V .. ' . ; .i : , onuo 10 wear, - They were born to blush in theshininj? Her Wee is now by another side, ' IJrinJr fluw'rs rurih locks ,of tho fair The i,rfi;r '.nli :n., .- 7- j' v m9 cuuiiuiuih asauiiiiuv ir..Li" i7. - . Pi' ' w ,U5,I5 W meiigni;oi noa Yn -IA "eriment m there. Tim Vojinir v.nW mini; J uprightly crti,viati.n. were so manvt separate lone,! , of melody and mirth j was in allall was gladness: and to rr "" "-"' vecn renaerea Unpenetrable to, joy, was sweet to f look Ulon the innnrpnt fcirp ami ii witness the t)na fleeted vitjs city that prevailed. Once I could liave "enjoyed the scene ; but tfie chprd in my bdsoic that flight have vibrated in unison, was now snapped asunder ; and amidst all this gaiety and joy 'and beauty,; my heart retained Its midnight darkness, still brooding over its ruin and; nourish ing itrgfoumy wrath. I mixed not with the joyous company, but iuliring to the remotest corner of ihe room.' 1 folded I . my aiTOs and waited 1mpaticutly ;the co.mng of the; bridegroom and his I Jiride. ubere -r4iUi!l4,4aiwLaii ipey soon cam?. -There wna a sud iensllencd in the' hail: I raised mv eyes and beheld the happy couple stan ding og the flihir, their attendants rang ed, on either side." Tlie wholo comna. ny'p'aswtf forward to look upon the fair bride. Never had Fannw a lovetoJrtKjje eve aiheW. 4 A . long w hite ved ieHTislitfv . J mrm awfcai like a milk' white cloud floatin? before thejevening star; she blushed and the carnat$a on her cheek shone like the glancincf sun beam on th If ill nf iJenloitioa" Her tressea wer darter than the raven's win? - thev mfe! in glossy curls ddwo her neck and Ivory v"t'"-i. iur lorm wn ine periec lion of human svmmetrv: hhrt.u n statute M Medici animated to life bv the warmest, brightest lire of Heaven. exhibiting a constellaium of twnniv where everv chann mingled its hht in ...1 t at . - O one unoourineo blaze. gazed upon her, and the recollec'tion' of formfti- times came ruihing upon , oiy. soul. - 1 thought of the Vnanv evening I hnt spoilt with her "in ibis same hall under happier citcunmst.incM .f th. "i,,,ni I - a vm V 1IIUIM xrottstations of eternal love cxehan'red between us as we walked arm in arm to church of Sabbath mornings, , and of ihe times we had loitered 'on ihe hunU of a neighborin river, ;and sitting be nerm ine ujirrageous oaks, would talk 4 the fair prospect of happiness when wc, should be united in marriage as we were in affection.' Often had she told me in these rambles that Heaven had designed us for each other, I' for her a i . . . ana sue lor me rand little did I dream that I should ever behold her the bride of another. I couUnot behold iu A thousand . times wemld I have rather gone w it h a sprig v( rosemary in my f And here let me beg tho reader to for V give tny weaUessv Alock not mv mis- I. PtV. If I'rtll lhnnnl irmn.)L!. mJl'.tt. .L. ii'iycia iv ticyt orf fi ruina qi jgan. ft 1 1 a. a m.rA lot . t .l - nf ofW mli(l c U'flk mnn. AfiL 1. .H. of human kindness "tin their mature who can feel another's woc,s who love to bind the broken spirit,- and to pour the balm of consolation'into the agonis. ed bosom of despair,4 Tlrere are such ; and ye generous fow I thank - you in the name of the afflcted whose sorrows you delight to sooth j I thank you in incm oy my Rinaness u tnoo, canst, tor inc r cans nave rjeenma rifiai. ami pathies id" fricnd.hipthe : virtuous will to bestow. " . - But to return to mv storv. The van erablo minister who was Jtvimite the nappy coupic nrwcdioClc, now assumed lit. am L il 1 ins bhuiuii on mo iioor, ana in a moment all Was silence. Whilst ha itd rArt, pqVmtothcm a' few prefatory admoni. vwu buu piaa.ea myseu at my n yal's back. ; I laid my hand upon, my degger 'twas strange my heart began to falterifrtW slbadineslir:. Tlien it7 was' hk .u;;::.7 I .V V," . 7 uiut iiirc rriiiirmnv ni i itn nnr . ttrhith I , auoui.io -rjtcirgte; nasta, acoss -I J u , KorrSr. lie still ; looked like the friend .f my - youth to MoiJUM iu ins uiooa io, mur ; seemed too horrid I trem " lion oeuewea mv torehead And vnt must he triumpYin my n-dl r..nr.0A l. - ",n "! . and shall 1 rink frmn. .kS ..i , blow t There was a mighty conflict in my bosom, between , its gentle imnuW : anu angry fassions. liut vengeance triumphed, 1 thouuht mv rival MwU 'ma anrl ;n tk .'li :l l t.. ...v , nnu IU mo mui IIH ilHSKIIV. ed there se erncd to be- an air, of exulta- tion and haughty defiance that reinvigo- 1 f rated my nerve re-animated my re- v scntmenf. 'Again he st oX)dl before me i in all ihe blackness of hi guilt, a pre fid 1 ious demon, w ho had mercilessly rob bed, me ol my -iite'a Iile. s The, aged minister proceeded in the marriage cer- emony, tif any ; knowi a awful reason why this couple should not be ioiqed in J fc trie holy state of matrimbcr ' Jet them fpeak." He paused as if for a enlv. Now was mVtirae.il touched th hri,U .n i not alarmed.M cried 'for ! meditafe no' irjurv lo vou, ; Q Panmi when I red the diamond brightness of ur 1 beauty, J did not think yoor boso; kr diamond's hardness too." I could fay . no more; utterance forsook me; and in the frenzy. of despair, twisting myV fingers in Ihe locks of ihe'bcwiWfred ? brulegroom, at one convulsive effort I ' felled him on the flopr, and planfetf my ' ; knee upon his breast,., The whole com- ; -pany were petrified to, marble. 'Before ' they could sufficiently recover from meir panic, In render assistance t9 the nrplo-' -: ring victim at my feet, I snatched my ' pistol from the belt an4 cocked il at ha throbbing temple.;: At tliis moinem liio fair Fanny caught tre by the hand and : giving it agentfo and,' afTcctionate pres. " sure, she said, come, come, are mn not going to write in my album t It has been almost an hour since you sat down for that purpose." "Write io your sN bum fair creature," said I, why yea. I 1 will write in your alburn and so say ing , I aroused from the revirie int which J had fallen from the time I took my seat by the table, and was much rc- l'..J 1 .a . . . levea on nnamg uiat the above drc;J rul circumstances existed ftr.l in ' dream of imagination. ; Again 1 dippci ' my pen Ia the stand and having nothing pootic about me, I penned the above The stage horn sumoned me as I finish. ' ' ed, and J iust had time to print on fan. ' ny'aliptho Parting A7 . r ' ".: . ; v A TOUGH UORSKl! ; : ; " A French Ihe relative fituatioa of England anu ireianu, says that lhe larger . island devoured; the smaller, but has never been able to diast it., ' Domake vourselvca at iin-r" tera one day. s ''I'm at home, ny eu.anu wisnyouaii were." On h death hed, a disu'nguish ed humorist requested that no end ' .... 1 a 1 ..... ..1. migni oe invited to attend his fu ; neral JBecause,, sobbed th ' ing man, it is a civilly I can ney er repay .-A Missipnl editor savs that men ey is RCarce, and no mistake, and tha reason is, there ii not half so much of it afloat as there used to be.-i-Very " satisfactory, very, , V IVELLERISMSL , , They did it io fplte of tny teclh as the jackass said ,ven they phy sicked uim, j. I'm not fond ' o races at terranm said to the criisa!e at A atf cof. ' " : , 'I

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