G mwi V , WHAT DO WE LIVE FOR, DUT TO IMPUOVE, USHLVE!4 "AND BE USEFUL TO ONE ANOTHER ? VOLUSIIMII. ASllKRORO, (NT. C.) FRIDAY, OCTOHKK 1 1, 1839. NUMBKR 87. ? W c" PUBLISHED WMLV DT vro Dollars per annum, in advance, or 1 nice iKUtars, ii not paid wittim three months from . the date of lite first number received. 1 7 o subscription to be discontinued till all arrearage's be paid; unless at the discretion of ih liditor. failure to order a diicontinun nee be fore the expiration of the subscript uon.year, is equivalent to a new. engagement. . , II Lctiers, Communications, &c. to come post paid Prices for .IJrerthing. Advertisements will be conspicuously nd hmdsomcly inserted at SI 00 per uare oi 10 lines ; ana x3 cents tr cv t stKWqnent inwrtion.- No adver- ienit-nt, however short, will be charg- lot thanor a square. . tTtOi'drrsniM'jadiciatadvcrt'ljb. Lents will be charsrrd 25 percent hih- ; (we sometimes have to wail so lung rthe y.) Those who advertiMjjy the year will 'entitled to a seduction of 33 I per cent I . . K w. bvuled ihey pay in advance, - , From the iiwtijih Slur. t To our patrons w'c w ill say. of J lie. demagogue I lie i an omen, an ' amxtugii weawtignty reverence Hie vir- astounding omen, i one ihere exists, of THE EVILS OF" PRINTING iha ..LI F,l-r.. iAriv: think .hrv. FWnn ... .!. I.,., hi? ,;... , ' How amootldy some pol.tH lans could charge oftha Government. .The lur mers ha ve as many business men, ai d much more Rood common sense among them tha n a u vt he t -t la s- of - ch izen ell ft i li the have seen lo what extent a pooirfar ihe prcmnded patriotism, and learned , .. .t,:.. I lawyers, the physicians and merchnms. President could streUh the executive, xcal ol Martin Vau Uuren and hi pre-"LljfM:;L :rou.rou ,hA.. p. L because' of their va.sitlv jjrea t rjuinLiers- pren.gatiVe. o tchut extent lu decevsor lo you, we sav, it i$me ,. to tiZM'tlitr titf 'Ihri if niio nrim T wj'Lnnd. haf thej havq were palpably in crr;rijn Z':.jAui whatever. Thev are, therefnre. as w hWtf Td"w;e wha, we ha ve since Gener- deceptions I ye who h.ve Ug tru.iod j wj, Mik maVnl fi"ed fi' lhe, ''flice "f ' er.?" al Jarkson came, into power, they with .implicit confidence in me fair but .i.:,,., fhA PA:. ' i as any other class. Thev are more t would have said'fo loo: II they, could broken promises, the forgotten vows, ,i..0;. , .i i. -M! titled lo recerve olFices, too, than j 1 ill A WHIG SPEAKER." med to mjlueuee and o.atrot ehc power, and behold Hie coud.i.on and aMlltla a candidate in ihe fate hen """. 'J' ,l"dJive JS,"' a" f'urwttiiry iHtoymhpirn LwUI.pmI at the bottom ol the Kd uw,ru .irr co .i, 1 l1""'8 F"wc. V'ren song, ea NJW Genera Jacn uged f0 Ihey would never have thought ol gtv- ol ho Government pre, s. .w hen lh in ,,e ,iabi, 0I declaring that those who ing more rawer to the executive- arm, tell jou all is well. Lulled to sleep by tmlc imiMfd ,.a,fu,- deserved . lo -., ... ... , " -r r"" l'"'." " H5"lf break, ulm li was as much as to say iui ujr hi mi;i uii me ii'cui its iji iiuiii- hi j'ui iiv.aiisf aim genius i iinciiyc ion and Adams, anoiher less bout and pi re in tmicks ere her eiharL'ic vigils .. . " .. .. .... . - . ". -i - t . . . . . equally bad man, is proving ihe power wake. Let our countrymen raise ihe ol the executive in another wav. '"'No, iKiliticalcuitain andw brpw.Wie no; ve never with our present means Lei them cease to voie, ccage lo p- trat ail iRK)f and . honest- beginners in Uadc, wIh borrov the money necessan lo coinincrK o business w Hit on , a vliort credit, ought to break. Well, m this little dec la a I ion, he has proclaimed the belief that imor inenkhould r.ot engage; .1 ii . . . i : i " 1 of in lenient, never could have been prtmch the Mln in rder to snulain the rtderu lists, and no one will tharge. us aitHiiiiirnn, till thev Ime Raid in in trade al all no matter how honet with it, ho docs not expect lo.. .-reap th.ir hearts 17 ii riqhl; If their vhutjy nm fa' Aod Mr, Van Uuren d mnjedaiJiart-llierfla ari(j one and tlccutr italbuKy 1 atchrum. let litem rememiicr iliey aid thus lar to j,. Cener- Jackson was oerfectly right nurry uieir country lo ruin. And wtiat ne ig ,.,,n!ieQi.cntlv T)Di)osed to- the ex oren aim ours live aucr us t in noi .iu.(,;,,nr ir MARTIN VAN CUREN. 1 Scvcrul da)s since we causually met with the late mcnge of Martin Van Uuren, atwi we read it' through ere wo laid ti dow n. It is probably ooe of the mot remarkable, i range, and. curiou Van Burcn in Ins distribution of olhVcs I ' He is willing to feed tho" farmers ont ' empty professions and promises, whilst, h bestows all the fat and profitable of-, fices onlh vociferous dandies and fops, who che'rupand make a L vo'nderlul rac-. ket for him -about the tow ns and cities , of the country. HaUig A Star, , , j FATAL AFFRAY. . . '. ' 'We understand that a very sanuina- ry conflict between tyvo individuals oc cured in the npper part of thi county i PJiSalnrilsyl't sLA man na mad Sar re under some Jcmnorarv irritation, a sail ed a person named Hill with a knifo and wounded him very dangerously and V. From Ihe ' Huntingdon '( TetinJ- - " ',ou 1 J" meir ciui..- tension of r red it io-toor.men w!m are desperate! v, when the lauer sudden . ; Aron unit nira lira nflnp 11. T Will i ; , "---r . .1 . "u ..::- j c li i - " o -uegiiiiiers in business. -i ruiy me greai iv lurnea upn oorrei. nnu gave nun lhe w.il we. inhabit, its every, turf dear : . iMMyoTiiie peiple of this country can several stabs, which lermina ted his ttfo i to freedom, be itilK-ritH ly ihein .Our dirCSi any .thing, if theyare w tiling lol in a. short time. "Hill also is iaid to bo ;Mr. an Uureii, woo is so nos-i in o verv hopeless corcition with the-r. wounus wniwn ne receivca, iv -0 , lips, when breathing ihelrJast accenis,7 V1!L for shall proclaim thit aiurh kv bequest A tile tj their best interests. ui , 1 1,1 fi ii, van ,J llVit I niinjri" I3 destroy the invaluable inheritance T canr An accident occurred bn the Trenton ; Remedy! to give SatUftictitn. A ua i ii ni a i inn laiui iniio nriiiT tin 111 . . . . . . . . ' i ti i .1 . .1 .1 , - 1 . . - . . . " - .vM.y .ruv ir.ii i:turt ik ii'Iiaiti ah.iii ihrno niji iii r.Q n r ratipn inn 1 .nrnnirip ri rlMf-u lo Attain a mairiv in the 'docuHicnta .Hat lias ever enuaated irom nnr rmdterritm iWiWkKMhrr- f 7,7 , p , ' r r"r , . jaTTTT rTTw t t rg!joiiain 5 oar-rt-t-wwywiopwi. a ha m,t,g (roni .ph,adelplua on peblishetl at JTevv ork, during-Jet er- t x. nSwc ol" Ueprescniat, ve ''V"! ,n " ff. ntere-t tus,hejineihat tried men V 8undar; Tlie fomard axeis olhe ,ilst U, adoinistration, of a very r feeling ' kte if ihev succeed in 'electing j JJJJJ" .' Ld ItSu " are ' f ' - ' ? 7r J Pa4 broke, and the .revolving characer,and lo which six gntleme? - forSa-i members f J iwi4c of imal 'i'r. f - t ni ""l nT" hfc, lhey were aUa(.hed and the but-; naines did not appear in ihepapeAny: I LJecttns aro vet to be held tt aj f J " pnee of ihe; exhahed pr,T,r t()m;.l,ld irl of Uefc orihe c-r in one who felt aggrieved at , its Vemka, M . -!. rn.,b.ri "I rUr!r,H. ' ?nd hV4 il ctfsu le and a rfy' 7 T'f,f f 1 ' Wrfronf of that. Other xel3 were broken however, had na difficulty in findlhg the . " . Mississippi and for some .href or r 'g f1' . ?..S ; Lc a.,d natcl.ed -fnanjhc stormy h, ih jjfVi.lithe first broken responsible person. - Here, si would . : . v. v i ..l : tirnnj ill ihn m hnr aii.iiiiir.lv urri uc i j . i i. ;r vacancies oecasioneu nv aeain . - - - new oi pa me ana oi siaug.ncr, ami , J reiignation. Allowing th-te va- f'0H amazcmeotlo pause whi st ;c, prize lightly the charge , com.n'ittcd icies lo be filled by members itiUt mtai ndu,gc,d. mt, jioo-, the charge we mbst tmnsH M nftiKjlitics nitttilta ureyJuus incum- coasumatenes oi the acinagogu.u!.WlPj;,.fdpeif-Thcn- fct U4he arehoyv . : ... -. . - responsible person. Thvff sengr Tiar mc'st.injured togeth- the atfendaot tit. the office- say, j prod ul t h ihe '" bag'jpige car iniioediatelv cinga hat, amlbe names of six men. ' r hi icar were deiacned ana tirown-tii uraw oui onetime-nt ny iwma Ilia track. 1 Ira ittu I I... A l..,..KI ..!... I'.nn III I - . ... .... .....-. . us, and clatsilvmg the menrfjers Bl- H " , " w -v j we cast our vote. iiwa powcriur in- escaucd mosl .j j ' 'ii... it... 'the iMilitical life and rnaraUcr ol War-( t nu i. ii.a ; ,.;it.tr-,-. r. .. - w7 mm I'"" t v- rt ... i.:.. ,i. .:i , ur ' . . ."' ' v" 'V - "' V rv. r evtral pawners were, spin aaiwaciion we have he lollowm? result f . 7 VT" y--v-M-: , li-puwie-io fcnaTO down t.ou abn the road. v The train r'aottfd libelled indivk bigs 120; Loeo.Pofcost.-lia: - ifcfiocd and f" . labric erecin by dhe ,t and n.bjesi.rhrMlafdarier lhe .bcident hap.: perfectly satis The holdm of a 'eeiiifica e is prima V ,,u' .ZK ' V'V : arcnitccis ine wor.a nas ever wofl. , j-d bc'bre it was sopped.-lb. - k , V a - inn an m-wiiii'ii ili'ihiiii 1. mini m. - " zu. - . - - . . .Ii . .... 1 rat cvwmce 01 a ngni. ni a sea., no n )ir,h . niei mcniuvr w .vm . Ul)lld,., ju ,,, ,nao anv previous man but more striking and lle' posvna in most danger you may find upn it, will be that of a : I biiraculouxly ' .' without in-; gn;lt?an who is ready to give you any ' , mm yog may uesire. ,1 1 110 - luals generally walked oil, ' fled with this explanation. What it a CretJe -Ve have heard j tynp ARE THE TROfi DEMO-' 7'. It is the duty of every good Whtff to v ' urge the circulation ol VVhig newspa; La Artptt 1tan ts rA air iwA1 rlietrit ' b . 1 11 ... .1 va i..i.., - m..t n . .m ara .na ni. .i in. 1. 1 1- - - -- ; . . -. - " . uiP.T 1 rtAis af Ar - iiin 1 , arh siitii iter 11 it- ' . . . .1 1 a . . 1 a uuiitciit a nil 11 lis a.Hiiiii 11 11 11 puc 'tc j imt i m'w? 1 - ' .1 ,m:i b 11 cilit ivn is vku c "vfs uiot 1 ivi t ( 7 .TJ :7na inl lW? '.l Tinarirte 7.inTlikc mofal . bm " It is snrnewha, .ngular to ear t e andreVson. iruth and ariument, I reW, 1 ill wed 10 T. J".?.! n Ter . Ls" exactly.' Iu truth manv here in tte .everepd,ngant wljich made by tne a, m beir ,ido,and h J9 only necessa. " ; L.l r?.JT:;" V !'.,..! lUl h.h behave alluded. Ihcr innes, . . ., ?.an.Duren leaders about the purity of v t( comc in c08Contac withl.he imrmberf M i divided foN W "f Sv kft unw rt 1 d. , Bu, here ome, an ex t 'noeratte feelings. e.U ,t .p. -y;, -j, to -ensure' Hl perpetual ' - r t '1; political churetAnd iJM , ratw a-'"emV0 .' Martin V an Burcn be termed a )" , , . m.. , . lllkA, ; lien. Jackson, in issuing his celebrated ,,,. tUrnu ,un nla.,nn.,ra. thmt - t r iivn v iii nnu inrne i.oco-i-nii. 1 . n...:..i.. .:n .,..1 i; ivm-i .mivu iivi,iiik ui wi'uumu ; . . . 1 -.-..i.-..!. ..r.,t-.-, - ' 1 Miw ikiii iiikiiiiv iiiiiitiMii. war in ii . in; - . ve H.-V iiitii.n n nfi in riiiii uinir iiih iiiiii. - . 4 vleWintr t the Globe iu. shadowy l-hr and l- Vaoy persons, . including even ! rr -7; ot f f t " - " . . . ... ... I . J .. lib V. kyv..-l V. u U MI"IU .V ll' W" 1 . n M....M n.t .M Alt tail ! suiliu iuibiuiiinici uiir uiiuoi a tins- , isciH us. Ilk : pid apprehension as to the meaning of the word. I have no doubt some were IJ probably unrounded claim to 'r,'0r America, will paint hint in iwo members in iviiMsMppi, ine . ii.. . Ne. lu.tn ll.m.o il 1 it ill be divided n wU ? 1 .11 1 cif .1 . n.. Mtmthe vote for Staler i W MtfV-.-.i,. .;il -.11 f,.h ,nr, mar. qnm shocked to hear a "freole. calk 1 . . . . . ; wi, !"', " ' v. ... . , , - u . . r 1 1. ..:.. m Ml LockFocos, 117 contested, a. 1. . ,1,1 in f,lirft lh,n thtnlt' --ay- v...,,,,,.,,,. ' . 1 1 nii uiiv'iii;iiiv u imimihi --'--.-"' . a ...U.. .k.,n I .... . . . 'rllfll samo maru Viliat cinolions ol uis tree of democracy than all the Presi dents put together everdid during their whole lives. And Mr. Van" Burcn" not 1 onlv endorses all the federal acts ol'Gen. ' Ifthi! New ' Jersey member should allowed to vote, holding as they do dictionary cooftituHng a part, of lhe .. 'r... r 1. ...... t ....l. 1. .1..1 mi A Ait; 'icnrA Hrt UA in(1lll(i Mil' ... . " 1 Xm.. I 1 ' 1 f l.n. . nLndAn ihn I .... ... -4 . jn ict-bi cviucure u. .ii..ic -..v.", w-ihtnk rit men vc!ios naniex are si 2- use would stand, Whigs. 123; Lo jmag uidclitloen ihe rage of. history ! FoCOS. 117. ' Will siirh ivhnll u'll llii hosom of DOS. la this cvciit, the 1 Whigs have terity as Us retros-pective vision bills ir power to elect iheir 5?peaker. ro j , our prci0nt executive. AVetrem- we inn, crcry r ifri v ; fc a( the daik pcctaei- wmcn nis pi they ip of success. AV K' Ar. A Terv extensive salo of Moras Mul- ticaulis Trees took place ii Philadelphia 1 1 l .-i . 1 jacKSon, nui pro esses aiso io giorv in lir . , ..ni,. ,.,,, .r . . . F ' . on Wednesdav week, lhe amount ol having iieiieoUDe uen. inroujn in an .. j. .rcnnnA Tk.' in wYorkefin;rc, to P. Physick, Esq. and were a democratic administrai ly say, as the Dutchman said to his e lit spring of black and white parents in ,.,,(? "V,v- !' ! u' ", purchased by Southern and Western 'I " . . . . u Jn.mun 1. nrl.MimclrLili.in it ran r' V : the West Indies," and tins is the com-, - r ' . . " r. genileman. . V r.l ",rf't h"uid coni(ffn il Ait ,M A luteal life will form. Not for him or icl 'alhe th,ty 10 (V j his fame do we ircmy. for he is but a i Jit I "'a'"" Z"1 theArl. d"y "'fp i a man and his fame will bo but windj moti uudcrstsiiding of the uord in the North. fc But with great deference to ihe American lexicographer, and. D? mocracy of numbers," I mut take the liheriv olalleffiiiif this to be a I very great mutsie. "Creole " hnppctii to Olll lanJlady, when she served up a dish of j jos inan green persimmons instead of tomatoes, ,. "aiadani.ihercisa plenty of il, such as 0 for. wr.tii -f"" --"- 11 mkmm ih. iiM.ii.i.iii ih tin. 1 - 1 ' -r 1 ' ' " - - he a r rcnrfi wnrfi. rnrnniftg, ticsccn' rTTtrlY' ') UJUunaT-rnaracrer. ovjr na. of Eur.-,an jn America." find fault with an riling foolish - things for therr are po many papcra novtr . a-dava "that all the emid sense there DFi ATIT OF BF.XT A TVTTTVT l.TTXnV. r 'M in tlULrJdjgQaldZnot Bcnlamtn Lundv.- well known lo a : them. U is.--.'aefA Alar, Whs-' it 'fi0glt t maVff ind f FltT. 1 11 u iiiiii asunu nou hh - ? . H,u.a repeal w ? land...we tremble. Atthougn. ikb f " he mUn of W large portion of, the'rcoplo of this fcouft. " Vt; V ;f rfm:r 'ffT"'f fE ti" 'he dy r . wrd ia gcooaall v used in the Somh as loV of the KJeniu, of Universal Eman-1 hug ; WV-T8,,e &et- her back t nn oDC. ihcn.forr. who entertains b Uie torcign lion, sought freedom Irom 7, . of ha caij9 of 0lir clizens. cip,iti.,n," departed this life on the 21 I iglit op' like a Cat when Strange; idea ,( being a day iKih.nd hand. , - lw ,ag.,, yet we warnily mlaIft w ed to dwribo al nenoepin. Illinois. Mr. Lundy fjog comei Hear lief; she ball eyes, .t for grannnl hat he 1 1 be the wUh 0 , reticrve lhal character, thai ; , . 0f blaclt and white parents, was a native if New Jersey, and one of clawsT" and bristles. , V . - - ' Wntc . . I-ct eyerr V lug mem. purchacd and inherited ho.wi.pure and , f Uhemost indcfaiigablo men that ever V " . ' t : feci that his voto Will decide the hcd. As the Bird of Liberty J , , lmid ,ho earth: and be did tread il V TYTRPMPq. Met; .nd ojl ivill bo wcIL rtjc rcp. J dlsengagcd herself from the grHppto When Doctor pthed lor ; ji Sl'Ve. EXTREMES. natives of the people win ctec an of hrt,nnII!tH.r, nnd,Pprcadinghcr broaa nrsi urao.in u.j... halfnf the blacks. Amiable in his dis- 1 nc uusion rm aav. mere 13 a trammeled and unpledged Speaker, j Wum 8pon the elastic" air of national ho disregards the .nary c iw.ojn T , . . lx,urtcoijs in hia manners', and man in Bangor so tall that he c i freedom ; of 'opiiiion will tric.ih ;ovcroigt v, has towered proudly and placing h.s sermon on the Bible brrore , Y ChrigtUn ahh( ho ofTended few by Yerreaches every bbdy, and ano w fatly management and dictation. Clulu, up lotliefirmamenN there, linn, f ;"0. This xeaL and won many by his mildness, i ther so short that he can,t pay hit . . Jlbans Journal. . we rond,y ,he may rest in. pee, ase of necessit) . , fW,, ri'Ai. Saturday Courier, debts. ' ' i w - u-hitsi ih" wheel of time shall turn, the storm arouc while in ijio middlo of his , :, -:v ,;' ' - A'll I 4- f ' - l-i. -V . t., .... 7 tall w, two Bl1- fathhns vn, Folttt,- Charles 1. had hair cut off on account of a wound head, and tho whole lashiouabl rld yycro without loss of time shorn their Jocks. Charles VII. donned a "I coat to hide his crooked leg, nd nZ roan became the rage. Ae mon 7 had his tail cut off by a trap, but he '"'d'nt ctone it on Ihe fox. though f told him it was the fashion. noblest, tho happiest ( in tho galaxy f discourse, and a heavy clap pf thunder independence, , caiscd h;,n lo0oSe the thread olhisar liol. I'll roo an uuu:u, c ivn . , , -r ' . .,0 .Min un-m our national es- P-ncnt.,4 Not in the least disconcerted. MR. VAN BUREN AND TIIH s ... farmers.;- r :3:t. The most iinnortaut qapstioa for a young lady to ask when a man ! . ...... .. a. r e n lieeo stain un-m our national ; ea-;:ii.ncnU v Not in the least disconcerted, ; When tho nla in, substantial ftrmeri j p(lp!l J lhe ; question is, Do yott titchcon-so deep that the occan'waves he closed the Bible and said with gretvt are l)ld that Mr. an Boren isthcir uke a newspaper and pat for it ? reakiniaro ind the Western World, emphnsijvt When God ; speaks, let HA aVl!"0?S Always haye a dish -of hot water . never wash it Out. Only see his ...:.w tt- Jil fmm ? !o d.cad lnd. n. ma.W.er f0W band v. in case lie aava-fco.' But if breaking aroind the YVeBtem worta, emphnsi enn never wasti it out. y c..'V m tn silenced He descended from I .1 i:.L U. !ik lAmcmanl inn rtmipalinn. gazo alone oy uiq consumaw mwj 1 ' - -.... brawy his face may be, by asking how many omces air. V an uuren nas con ferred upon farmers since ho took hand v. i t case hesavs NO.llutif he tays jftra, pin him -he's your man by all means' ;liAW. Si-It ' t f Jr. -Ji' x :