r mo I what' no we live ron. cut to im i'sove ' ocrsIdCveh and be cscrcL -toj'one . AkoTiiea ? AS!! KliORO'v (N. d) FRinAY OC'WMW 25 1839. VOLUME III. NUMBER 39. X JX '-Vf f -J ad. lf, h V' sic,.; liar, 1 art,' it it;, utfcr ,1:4 our lid ttt, f fe lit! ;e fcr Ita 10-tt SGI lybaa vdct IP gcU work d oii 1 to hrH te copr Of tVAS& ,Af.C IV. W brohjf ilki,v it r i ' " ot cultf audjf mrr- 25-tf anily, I twotmi ptfiiLlSHED WEEKLY i , crn Dollar per annum, in advance. three months irom me aatc oiwne t.t 'number received. . ".niwrrintion to lo discontinued tlTI .. - r j - ; J I ... .t.A ill arrearages oe pam , uhum ui discretion ot the i.ditor. , ; ? failure to order a di continuance fc.re the expiration of tho subscrip" lam. year, is equivalent to a;ncw i Conors. Communications. &c. to Vricet for 'Uverthing. A.UcrtlscmCnts'will lc coofplcooufly Kinrfiomclv inserted at 00 per f I n iV ... are ot lu tines ih w A-m ii v- . mulisenuent inserthin. IW ad ver Wncut, Innvcvcr f!iuri will to charg IVurt Orders and judicial advertise- ais will be enarpeq perepx nipn : (weSiMnetimesbave to wail so long Tlwise who advertiwj by iU year will I cuiiilcd to a deduction of 33 per. cent billed they pay in advance . m VcttfAt Softer tewn Momt Mulii 1EAT MOnUSiiMULTfCAUUS UXClTEMliNT. ; ir nA.v Mlin- 'Xauirt Junta ...i.,i i Ik L'hrttr-Mr, Hmnn. w r,(.w o" ike Courith oddnttt In. Shftinr-Dr roth diicovtr a,.t ih, htulhtrv Lif contain !" . " ; irJiea Qualttttt, Ac i imw Tuirnosa to crier into a troed dissertation on mc iuviiuwu -fin our rountry is likely to rccieve im tho w'rcsfctuf culture of the mul- U or to fie tlJ'O on mo iniiucnce I , .t ' -X .,tl.u-firm tt ill ih mr.rals. refitfif.n, and do ll.:- t..i,;t. ..f uif ieoile. Tlcse I kiii, lac diunguiM:cu euiior,oi um ut ier, fcugeilcd that a town-me&iu sbiuld be irumccniftely raided, to adop utirU moMKuri-a an Mould best" insure a general c uhi v at ion of the Mor us M ult i cauiis. J lie epi8 unanimously res tended to his calif and on- the lay ap- pointed tiio lown nail was nuyu pjin aniiouf spectators. Squire Jones, vas umntfncd to the chair, and the editor of the Courier proposed -liiat ho be calf ed the Great Pioneer " which was a- dupted with acclamations. , Mr. J.ncs, on f rising wis denghtecj loscaso muvii niwiuMatin ujaiiiivrivu on the important subiec .which" called ihem together, lie considered me cause of Mulbery trevtihe caufce of the,coUf- iry, ana inc rawing: vt sim wuiius uro eauite of hurtianity. !e had t&m in corrctpondence w'uh a dlsjlnguished gcmleotaii of Matnrfiusctts, who asur td him mat ilw Mutitery ousmefs whs destined to be 4hc greatan4-aUvrbing business ol the. country, and mat ihs riiman Ii id t lent v of trees lo sell. Mr. Jont nsburcd liis hearers that all -l.n,Ai.' Mud cvcrv soilwere 'favorable lo4he growth of tho trees, and that tlie i,;.r.t. r-isiri'jr frumc the sale were uu- siakatlc'i ho vas not in tho; habit of ' . ' L ' . . I i t t.ttl Iti. I'll Mil tnduUing m spwiuuMwn, r. u- frotn his own cxpriitnce, in .1. .... A I..Mltll.M V Ml tcndiHC to the boiic!i8. Nrianvma!U:r IVn-o Saiih wi d ie hod ever been nn I icredulons man his friviwU ihuuld . ii.K life had nnver b.thevud in Me- f M ! , - - f- - o t-Tctoifs-nfiatMenetisrvojr rhrcnologyjl ui the J'd expsmon i the Great 'Pioneer t cunvim-cd him that tho Tnulberry tusi'tess was noliutn- tS-v" . u -.3' V.M-. IVniLnm ihn IniW nmrxisea that mulbcrrv buds' be considered a loji'a iik!tr in traffic This was ohierlcd lo by Mr. Uun'er, tfic '"dry 'go-"! man, as ask him to make a n pnort. Ilearon 4:11 tJUlKNv'AT 'JATTn TI KlR. fiSi rrd bnl 1 Dink here . u a docUJ- S iiitliihouglii, that as sandy soil had 'M0T1IEUS, U ' t nlent i hat ran take the money, said proved favorable to the growth of mu1- ft . . V ' . ' 1 (he blacktdj, inakin? a motion for the berries, it would beespeiherd to.send a,,d fnd to me not lon5 since, ib)Jok bij wf,h 0fle haod i:nd drawing, commiitee to he Desert, of Sahara, to 1 ''eu ot Mr ;t. , are .a a yi,c'wilh ,1 ,rfher,and point- soiH oVthe Gazette, -thghM- v4an vou are'mistaken ia .mi i.--- 1 . thev mi i tioou be bevond licr control, i . ::l,'V..! ,.j ,u. .i- .u u:- u...... : . VPO0- hea 1 1 in iiii!i hhhii-. whi iiiiiv -in lasiniv iiias n. - nanKVT mrhln hC hirh he COL!d h ' ,l lhat S0,ne Pare leaiible, but? premature.;: Mr. Crane, v , '' r"1 ! your calculating retorted the gentle- ... . . ,iii isi iais iaiir i ii is. i n -ml i.i i iiii urn. i r - . s . . r o ' ' . -v .i man. cooiy noeneimg ine money ana it some pareoiv have so .. , . . J -ft-tw-flJ, ,t .wh the in. 3 vivinscrwni ot ijenerai waBningion, . . i . --. i v 1 1 i now le.iuesm juuio eion iiyonn.i i ne thought this invention vrouid rifik ine , - . .. . . ... : . . : . - i ' In lie ii fuvna In itiem. 11 u an nut DlS icar, and discovered mat u coniaioeo - ... . ... .., ... a .... m . a r iu-bi'iii iimi iiii miiuiui a iwn a mmm ii i. i m a medical rrualmes, hi: a large share, oi a . . , . . a na , tf orAfrlca; irA Vas brouzht mucile he had already ordered a - ..Lnn and tlc. in.u Rhode Island wbencc.e made steam cneuie to manuiacture pitw, ano-r.. " .2 ?' ... , .,t .u.nHM bad reeved to call hisjnedi. ine The 7 11 u?'v?m l-".-,m - V 7 i - i ... u".i.:,..i;. iKtun-- wayoi irum. ineyare oiuna io?eiu srnooi ior somcumcm ? mm? An article appeared in tho. Gazette,' T "r j - ..t. sever. . nca we ou nn we sueii u recommendme forced ccowthJrxttoirLJ, . , f - . , ,'' v . 6 . " i uk. nv.v vvc not infer that the. fiiM teat, ana areen nouses. Hiuire juiim, - i - - t .t . v -.r-.k' t -Tt Grt-at Pioneer" was W.cd in wasbn th. purl of the- parentj . r ."v. . ... v cicHrmg out his" conserv; with boxes containing earth, and rej i r ....t . j , i . .5 ..r u:- t JL... . i.:. t!.i.l,l,tr-Ilia lipl.t 10 Pt r UlCilHMU' MVII IB C Ul HI J1UI- I IIIdVS ITtCI "13 uiivm.wvi c O " $y frolics, and, ai last fin of' passion is abut lour;icel mx inches lie maws c'teck hun, said, Come here,( - '. a ' ' come .nHlincr a difilcuhfn "small cbWe. . Rlr. Wilsun tlicu i ji-eanU sidhuhad a communicatiun to ntaU to his jdlow cilSens, which he tfcoujiht would cre ate a great rcvolu'ion i,thomulieiry cau?. anl materially' etfecl iftteresi Wtctiawifw vr rT, V"-- i. ,r,t,.rt.rwt.untrr. Aficrmaurc Wetotblcr,hrnds; nu.-w.u. .n. r -fl n .Q re; . ..r..rf.nf I ui rctcr me curioosoi ;,w",,v" ,. iic 'dctercntc, i wHm-'vi ... ... .u.m ih mam -nf us oaoer l.i... . tJ'ze-nnd timartnesH and 'srcat acc ¬ livity, attracted ihe notice ol'tiieFreneh soldierfcwho dressed ."him up in a com pleie' miliiafV' uit. t-'iiLii accou.red. .,rVfmVitr '-I ha1cd obe rwent -.ottc'. "dav, -i and'marrbing about with a step and t yr.J. when I t-ad anitld piool that her chil-' air, wbich ioiimated thai he M-as m6n arttufliid repiri-. . . m i- - l i-n,i. k n,a-nA. ng his furnace, The secret ,wa suon W;..t u R, . ..rL',,,, btf lhe General, bv whom he was out. , hvtry green-house, henrHdisec j -,.t .Vl- . ' . u- n BPPtfan, Vtle Unow ve. muLe-house was secured: latum boxes . i. - j i- f.'.i u:- i.J. K.nfl b. and Im drums rose a nunnrea ier cenu,i-f . . f . t andcuttines comma aded, any pfice. ... ' l M .1 .T.....i iiiu, u firi inirrTxnnri'n in inc i x';iiciuvui even the 'ladies j crmittcd botes i off mUlUCrry snnoii id r;n:c uitii w rooms trees. that he had dtscovejc d now w. P" qUlded lo a ar,d hurried to the boj.omU: ll r-iowr- Where are-thert-l.d(nfr purth and itinnrvinff U-witn noi waicr. . Mioiafamip m . Vaid'e mother; and at the imc lime dcvclopemcnt ot me:ouas j i . . OWt th.s norc ahcattorvoi '" ua. nothing to bV seco.at ihc l. .I.... ...til .irimnn a f flip. -'f trO-1 V : ... .- .V . W iiiuuif.il uviimiv"""' -.t r , . .I.......I.I lliA ro.iitl iiirincr imprpsi. I it: iiihiiik j "rv wf uld be diffoaent, and thai lav better than formerly bovs' of the f iliac? c.nulai ttiar mean, penur y dcciev o lor his support. He. retains a, perfect recdlcctioi . of. Vashin3i0n, and has several icmembMnccs of him., among, L rtf ihe General's h.ir. He VouveWs, frcelv in lhe ' Frsnch, - aV a . . J . . AVtoroarchey-fWo f - id thd chtd, looking in every J hi naiive tongue, and must in ihe course vr Dout you dear, nor,4.Vl,"j qf Die have rut quite a figure, especially f icn dressed at mi'iam e. ; . ; , 'i- ' L J I'-'V' V aaaaWMM V'.",.'". ' V' window '.the mother knew if ;and how 1 . . . . 1 .1 a.is a. r a - r.ns w.u.Lt Kng dtJ ll WK8 i cnuo 10 u ia 11 oui i f.r as do vx 1.1 -ht deception JWhat more ledger I4ras S .t ,x i.r-,t,k:i 4 a . .Mfi.ma I am nrirt cX spirii of (licir parents. ' TraS" not .brink' ulat child ,n their .parte M root. im. ,uj.w . . mother &tntt, ne plin m0,t even ;lept in their pan.aUtts to ii.rB auJ b i$ f injl). a umfiirm temper1 - . : ....... vv km . ; ..wnlir imi rill l.a cnoallcd rtc tiiwl.Uoia of . . - HOI- a l'CI"00 T ' ... 1 . 1 i .l c' ; TTjTlierc is 9 rumor flfloat that Se . cretary VoKJburvis,5bou to rciiro ' Irom ouicc w hicii he oas niiea wun vc diiiinuLshfil ahithy. If we must r. I noii'l kr-tn It fblfi thiniT ' . ' . ' ' I II I 1 . . t 14 certain, ve .ha'i never iooi; upon ie-. - As monev maucra ru W;.W.jl. .r.r tike a train. m ii J uu' nri th nther side of the III W UWM , water, wv'dcnt be -surpriscd if the I) rwtoii a 'slidok- ol L.ntana naa sent tor iOa-i put things straight. "If i;vi noes - reig"H o "f . .. Benton, 'who has beetrlookinglntd mon ey mat ters from hit eatfieit youlh, will succeed him.1 Tom would keep a .harp look out on the mofine r, would'nt he None ol the sub-treasurers wouia get ai tlie-n. unless Ihey could, first uo- - ?cd0PJ5 IN MISSISSIPPI.-: ''f ' F.verv n.inor neaHv Uiat we , receive -isavs'ihe A'cw 0.1 .'a n Bulletin of the hnifi ai eiior- irrvuui oiiitiv, ... , 1 10 acuuicscencc, wvucvuuuvw i v.u i ". .. ,i . hand, lurned lo earts the rememuranc . ;u... v :-Ai a moes m . uvt""T Diece. a a-specimen ol- the, 8mpaili?' 'lV"'? uw """'v.'.- ' , Vn . ; ih. Mpn niioiinav. . .. . u, . .1 . - : 1 1 1 i.nrrr .v iikt nvxpriiini icvkuui ui , ... 6v..v. icb lor nnreoy ine reckless ana iiar iw,." ! : . . i. . .. . . . . .1 us. ti- . . km ui noi Le nail so aounoani as wa: ... .. 0 , icn iot uan, ur ii"j and ass.Kijaiitnc an uPid(;ncj au'Jtors tf hii mHlortunei. 1 K-tt bun. isn.i imfwiiu .. t 111 a. mw B-" p be imacinca tmw .fev. . - . ..r...rt i .apecuiawr, .m '-.'7; . . . aiey tue hcarlis t..s , n ,u . f,i,t. and a bachelor, he wat wch ...a-v - ft . fedinir., W consider - 1.. iiwi jafkrit.' nun smiiu ne r.cw opcmnon.r " 1 7 ne new nFrno.y . ? v 'Kiu re Jjncs had I fast aprtns. tho "1 .d Art- (ur fie tnun work in his irom yarn. ....-... r . r,.. -,u trow, of small cuttings wheh hit tr and, rtfun Hant wighbor. "7 u-WuVjahad becnoflcrrd oetofm,r i j it...- r. fi Jiimrlnfl eniove, Il cwiia. .v.v...,. v - .:.....,. i ., vni,, l nrtniifa l-"" auima.r f tl ,rofn our present one a, hoiy ; r more or greater vicissitudes man fd. ;u Deacon hmtth rather lha onei. ' of .he;rate of . mercaatdi!. 5ver;BtagC Sfom the rri.Ml ,ear selling out -l'f dldem oodrfoutper J Vuniil it is picked an, ce do jtam tree. ; for.the du rv g cn ' cent a month, not oftiy swallow un all , . ,iaUle lacc.dems. by w hi.n if that was lhe lowest JljW v.r he uAallv destroy ed or-mat i.iawill noi.be hall so abundant, as was T Smnir' Slate, . expected inconsequence oiworm. The preseot wte of mercantile -iolc-1- v mmxfv newspapers general, u rest is a ueautiiui iiiuir..tton oi utc na- : . .. . ,h wory iL!J. ntanliful rra . illlUIIIS UI pifauu.ui wivj , ible production is subiect to . , . . . . more or greater vtcissituaes man coworu. , i wncn nd bou- hich it . J. Tho occupation at iimi ai.r.t-.vu -. --"it I I... . .. ;... ii.o tiiiU ifwi -man altcd I rialu puturlll Kinr i vJ noWl y oT. me! Ti.e was when . the merchant, liced . bv 0CW8papcr dub!ic.ions, to - . te unhke any leaves in fcvv ir,.lanrP8 J ill fuck anddis- t U Jj1 Xfi&wwldt murmur lliis 5 but !,,e ,re belX that he crop will be :rge, hij -tZy TUTLZt 4mmcbM Mr. Williams the tailor. becoming ed iu know, .eir , hard 6o theisVep. ; .cuucravcrvasnjeaswcr reafAl make U in some measure so, , reRliod U,e story of the, fi?h- ..ntihhe abtuaf presence of !?y ,nqu.r.cs of he w? ..Mulberry of a pedlar, fir a suit of ; : cTTcmrmisr woman, w having hcd.i bee pract.ee bmarkcl shall show the truo .b tended to beaten their w Vrj " . ivhi he calculated would GROUNDLESS SUICION. 0rskinT,ingccU alKe did ot give ihem eXfrairs.3WAt Enquirer.' vl,r-. r' but what na, ' There is a little paper pubhshed at tcpli.cd, -Nl.at U nnghl at first, $f"?mP r. U t!M U.y atcriviw; trees had ' ; n6rr6r when be discovered Mihon, we don't cxtctly remember tlui; ha( m ,ua at ,1Q business lo long ' : X . ;' ; -ci. up, and were gone, the excitement n i race ; p (f ,lis',ccds unH lab.tr nau)ft, which is making the was rattle t j ,lianhe had becime used' to jt, and The following is front Hhe exec :-.t wd,.4 all Kun.Kand hnewa ''"'Jj, doul,,c hedod cabhag. m theiplinitrs fly because some ofd;J IMl;u5nd U at all. - citizen, now no more, Mahw ar :y. . ; eMilof.rcll.rooi-the v.l?e. 1 1 : ' a vj m Jv fur ho ,be- Whigs of Philadelphia ' have astu. , , n , v-; .. ' : Globe, SepKZS. If be had left nothing behmS sava tLit : Hursl anxiety wai nheved. however, Mr. f . -fomsonian doctor It ied the title of Domocratic -Whigs.- ; 1 ' ? - advice to young mfiti, it wouldhave im-; 'tt the ftpirf entered ihe fubbc bar-ihad ;,Jaanlr, . ,ie roal Ue is as mad as a setting Hut k, because n-'rJ a stemboat.VhQ mortalized him j ; ? in the Wcning, and stated , hat he g X W up crab a p. whigs are. alter staling the 1 1 e 1 Wtp u.r A7r.-n the dsold his trees, which cost htm ten, MuUtcau u J o tlm, which which has worked sach wonders for the J despicable character of a polUicafbraw: IWMo..trangcr,f.rihesumo tw '.cr.iXJt let nothing, except being-d- rcfdoilar and .W , h ! fir. M eri) lh tf. Thcrc i, certainly some "'.mW g incident occurred the c ridden, prevent youlrom exercising l.rus'Mu.iicauhs. -Jhn rVri'1.- MiMesi wero rrmc4 for future op niUer.For' to whius ,be An 'moV &9ttl , -.team boat. lK,uhd inestimable privilege, the clecAivr frah-, ;.ules. the who!,' village in ti.nstmus rogues .1 uffrora New drleaos between a gen- chtse. Never disgrace yourself by aV rvcr.h excitement crowaVof jdte era jmt. g - CB,u(? , fn lK? oco foco. a 1 thejr have uIianiv: blackleg who absence from the polls, under the un. ;Krcdl that sample diu is worth owning- Arir name, ala game of p,,. The justifi.ble. fallacious plea, that your stn- jlWiirc.'.froid yard, and n ftir rdcd , , l!aU Star. caBme ran 'to. 3.000 tie vote is of no consequence, tyro . i.i wcro tho mcruMtiorw mnru ioim , rnn.i;nf Horn ' - .. -. - .! JTl ' .irtT, ki.od ib. rnr of the most important measures cl r r'--r ..'... :-!.,',".-.-" ?: '?;v,i".--. : ,' v.-.v.;:'. -'" -:'-n :'- -,- , U relatcJ. It is in.) -.mUo In rty to Ur our re pr-c -"j e. - -South Carolinians tr . X'v -:r? -V -v " : L' 'v-j:--':-',- -'V' ..v- !'""' '., ' '.' : -.'V "' XT ,''':''.; ' ': . '.-' ' . .' ' -: