: -1 . iS'-idiiSJi o 4 ; v WHAT DO TVE XIYB FOB,' BUT TO IMPBOVB OCRsCLVE AND DI3 USEFUL -JO ONE AKOTIIEll 1 I r ; f 1 ' V i ; H -.J vounn: hi. ASUEBORO', (N, 0.) FRIOAY, NOVKMBEU 1, 1839. Tr.-. H v ftUMBEU 40. . I ',. II v UN II "lJULlSlIi:i) WEEKLY: Neveriheleni. wfl hear Deorle talk of draJisjor spccio from Philadelphia as though we were the debtor instead of the cTcditorfcThii it frightening tjne'i scil with shadows. io Dollars annum, in odvarce, 'ilire nonthf iroraho.dato, ot Urn first number received. rf: , l lubsctiption lo be dwcontinucd.UU fjlj arrearages bo paid unless at the. (discretion o( the Witor.,7 f u . , . J;i fiilure to order a discontinuance bc Vure the .expiration ofhe.iubscrip ton year, is equivalent to' a now Cn2aemcnt ' . ' ":; Uttcrsi Communioationt &c to :ome postpaid. J ;! V - ViV or J3dvtrliting,? j . Adrcrtlscmtnts Wif U consplcoonsfj f. . 1. t-Mrt.t mt M Mt MY arc of 10 uncli ana x cenw iww ubscquent 4 insertion. woi adver- ,ni ni. however unon, wm oo wire- 'ourt Orders and judicial advertise t. ;il tm rhirced 25 rcrceot hiffh- (we sometimes have-to wait so long iK iMir.l . . s . t lit l..Jfi ' I .V . .. ..t Ml hne wtio.advcnise ry mo year wM ititled tn a acuuciion oifwj jwr Tided they pay in ad vance. ( j Again, it is said we cannot now col lect our debts in Philadelphia, Pahimorc Arr. Whv mil I Thev cannot indeed. it car Wrwas there a greater ftrcc 1.-1 krfri. nrrhmiftoiiiTrttrairinat A lmnn Wednecdar last, by . the L;.im. hffir a holders, and cmiJuyers the public ,UiSdirv,,.Tho wh Vewionwas perfect failure ai .i.i u nil twt riniricvcu. jucit i ;n u rct ashamed of hiir- ind the President ashamed vf the k. He felt jt as - a mockery and it wore the appearance of a rebuke ii.ft.ioA in Miriizan bar- ';ues. rather than a 1 welcome back UMxvWtrJ dutK ofc his station.-- L'ui affair asM ihcre tI'is h is concerned, the silk stockinjide. :ci threw their hnmblcr, out more i f.rrihrtn ftSfl vorkinsf men) in .h,i.v Arui iiLiire mere was nciuivr ,.w - bo collected at par, but at the difference between Specie; and irredeemable paper ihey can be collected. .The loss thus incurred would be the sublet , oi aner adjustment on the debtor, on whom ' it ihould.ofcouneifall. 1 Rut tho forcierf demand, it it- orged, will drain the vaults . of our banks. It has not had that .effect heretofore. Probably some three mulronk of dollar bavo bocn sent to Europe from this port within the last six weeks t yet, in thai same period, the specie in the -vaults of ihecity banfcs Av acivauy tncrcutea , and now that specie has ceased to be the standard in the cities south rf us, it will, at I matter of course,, -seek this market, as that .where it lias mwi vai , For Hit samo reason; bills cf ex change agaiitsUtho-cew cotton crop, I Pnrnn.. will all CCntfC here. bcClUJO here ihey will bo sold for sound mtMiey , Id this way, txwi a suppiy ui mm of specie mav ,be anticipated, iadepen- dently ol any oi me iaucr ! the bauki. ' Moreover, it is lKped and believed that some of our banks will, as tly can, furnish 00 wff9 tv th Livcriol, .whi:h is to, take her ocparture on jaaimoay. brick warehouseii on . the end'f L'auiD- bell's wharf, occupied by Messrs.:, Am uerson ox oodndec. irprokejojit, bout two 1 1 'JIS:YU'A October '16; how. lonii ihev i What' the many south, of New '. York Prob,emal5?Li: .? i If-,., Ya-.- x --.;r':'"l'r failliroa .llntoua I ha rboul two :ocToc'k. The-fireufen have! itnnt. tiB -mercantile barer. w succeeded m fonfinmg j iheflames o j ngt taken plapc, and. from appearances however after.tlie ow .two. .buildings. .. outofdoersnd in the city,, will notj aturaay..Dur .tt.u L Mei,ars. A.Ai C. had a lrree, quantity ThW.bv U.kt hriahier io.dav in favor thq.bankican safely 1 of West India and other produce and I r .in.A Meif.nnti..n thn it hn . fnr a promise in thd 1 mvxw Hut fitrmrt lha uroiifr rifiaf .- A I ln-r VUl i wim merchandize , in store, much, pf wh'uih was saved, but their loss 'we 'sincerely . . - i i; . . :.t....u: f. regret 10 relieve is, nuiwiuisiauuiiig ia very lica'vyi''")4'" " -J' ' -' s ilalf past 4 The fire is extinguished. caisuuti ttjw pressure Tliere must.be hca vyi oaoks can, discount hich.il DrnmisnrL ; Liverpool sailsv on; , i doubtlui whether comply with' suchi present condition of the ''9r-tt r r-;M TT'"'- ' T .Stocks! havei sustained - themselvc- pretty well to-day. U. S. Bank opened at 83 and left off at 80-a jhalf cenL lower than the closing sales ot bit evw enining Treasury i notes . to-day "a ra relling at a premium, of 1 3 to 1-2 per centj,A hundred , thousand dollars - irr , fiftecie leftu Irwlav. in1 tha Livtrnm-i! tnnia Nnnini iihH ihfl I'rairw ftrricd suiuuoni, mo wwuu ioioiiu vant, oiuuij rr . .. . ;i Uqnk oi rew(yrieans,;irom mis city. "'" -17.---.. .....y.- tU r0B htmfmm Ct i! ,m. We heard it .tated in a comoanv of bills vpivnthis.btnk in rulatHo and thejargeshiflmeots.oJ )totton, aill.ma vve heard ,it aie 10 a company 01 , 1 . r j . r tenanVidiimnisl the, amount of oecia that the brokers buy the billaat a smal V be sent broad.T TbeALiVerpobl, 00 discounVv-f'-vvl'ii'i v.h frialr'J ' . -',u -n-H Tbe most important itern oi .news,: ipwipw w"wu fat horl of the auxount a nticinated al ItitVO V-t twill IVU M, oil .Hlv- ' -;- - - - ( . 1 ' I -11 I IkA r tcu a! loot OiilAl t- i . ... - - f triMif Tritit if finnit- t ntrri -win lessen 1 v i ton ill ia nell. and. cost what it may. the Uanks there are determined, 4lo re main firm as , ong. as the , Jew ,,York Baraks pay; specie for ibcir notes. The New-IIamrfchve, press, steals in the St. iJmiM. October! 1 ' . ume confident sDirit of the New Hamn- ;r Oqi tVowA.The, gteam boats Naomi and the Prairie carried dilutions, me K-nooe isiana naima atone lndptfd.'h maV be stated hs certain, i.'.Hj will hftfiirthconrn for motley. alwavs the rate, of course, ,mist e governed by .the relation telu een sup ply and demand, -.r Ve conciuuo, mcieiorr, iww" ' ' J L. . ... some men may croaa -ana nwe, niMh St finnv hoMcsired in PhibdcMiia, or elsewhere, that New York stHuld lI- low up evil example that thc iv lora banks' are as we fcavo betoro laid .-.1 ...tli rAfttnin imnnnablc . They are stronger now, by reason of a smaller circulation and a , lower a- mount ofdeposttes, than when, in ine r. ; rT arnctt . omosition from the n..it. tm tTnlted' Slates and the Southern banks generally, they resom- vve ncard it ptatea 10 a company oi gentlemen' in this" city jesterdavy that the amount of specie ship'(ed from Kt. Louw Ibrthe Southland JSasV withid ue lastix or eignt weefcs, ,win not. iau short of twelve hundred 4 thousand do TaraT Tho high; rate of Eastern" ex change has made it an object to buy specier remit it, and draw:againrt l " i i ti j .1.:. and a number of the brokers also.. The effect of all this is t strip us of the me talhc currency, a thing so mucn pnzeu by some of our humbuz politicians, yet we see no present remedy for it . It ia all the result of the glorious rcformetion of the currency, brought aboutvby the prescntdmtnrstratioii." Correspondence of the National in r fleltigencer, 1 barmonvnor unjty of porpofo .for lj -0 pn.cn,,. How then, should, k il-. rWlrnHu-ciirCUSUalv Char . ;. ,L J...,Kifn. that lhei ivill when tlie United h the rjcltructivcsarousualy char-l A ;t l, doubtfu'. that they ' will f.T.i At ihfl ears the . rrcsidenti .w i.t.n.otr intn 1I1A embrace-of two I n.n. :. ,hA ! miktltfif Tticre is not i shadow, of doubt; , . I W.trm an.l thfl VrL'li'ulCnt Of 8 R I7MI.VIVI " " 1 ' v .nm t.mimrcd as a rae pa- -Tt,.t all was cold and formal 3 were uo)ous countenances, no miasm no man etied dud Met . IAVia' Tor, October 15. One other of our new banks,, the Woot Growers, susj-ended yesterday. It is a bank ot but smalt circulation, ana j the bill holders are amply secured by the State. They who say there was no run upon the banks here have thus a practical Confutation.4 The' bills of this bank being sold by the grocers and o thers at only hall "per cent, discount, to take tin notes' in bank, when put ol-tho- city bills were two or thiee or five per cent, discount, the consequence twas, that the brokers threw them directly noon the Bank fur specie, and the Bank could not stand the run. The Back! of the fry, however, urc firm as a whole What nanic there was is over, ::Tho excitement' is rapidly subsidjng, and peo ple are disctissing and calmly ' viewing our notation. Indeed tliere is moro cheerfulness in , the street, and stocks have now advanced foxiwadaysULS Bank sells to day at VJ and fcO. Korth American Trust has also c.neiip.'Cor i i : i . II .. poratiun oonos oeaniig tuiercpi scit i fl7. Trrasurv notes are at par. and I per cent premium. Notwidistanding iti rnntriiversv that aPDcars in some of our journals upon die suspension, there au ' 4 - the dicuitiei cohnected-witb, our for- Exchanges on Philadelphia- are daily eigo exchanges. . .The, banks, here have becoming worse, ur-worse rates-ihan agreed to draw on London at 109 for those we have had.bf possible.) Dial 1 nfnetv da,ys. and at lOUffor sixty days. nts this rnormng were offered, at, 12 The Vest banks io the city have entered per ecnt. and this afternoon at 15 , 10$ into this arrangement. v, I am told. vtoo, course 5ctn exehfldgQ ia.fequaUj af- 1'L ...riu D,.:.,.. : ua fer.ted. The New York merphants rnni city, who hos womiswd; ttie. ereuu ,4i "'""" ul a-s.1-"""gs " . the house to the bfnta here for, f.mU- Poreign4icbaMes.re.tin-; a be er J lion of dollars, themoney to'be a fund conditionince the banks have comto for thebankrtoxlraw-TitjoiirTTheiofler tneresti newtes are-ur and ;i o; : wiU.be declined,!! is said, for . the, pre- will be op to the sinHng of the Liv- pnt .lthni-.iT i acceuted if necessary to I c!rwl U1W W" uccuBgreea prevent the ; shipment s of, specie, .Jt n yP, , r, l. .. (j ?. . hoped thai the f flour ; and other , grain My record will give yon the cue ti shipped to Europe, and in the course of the times and 'state oif a'elingliere. .A" - shipment, will now prevent the exporta,- darker limVseemingly, has not' existed tion of specio lfM$, t ,;.',.:, ; 'li f; of late years. ;! The merchants begin tt ' , Stocks, too, are" firmer, to-dayah- desponaVy' The cry ringing in their eari -, nttiar rrvr.rl eirrn nrulirnft which ma V he I Id. fWR. fflVC ClVC and all theV Can GO . o. ,.., f I .v.- ; .-. .-!'. J-Vj, r. ... V. depended upon iq such times as these, at present is .trespond,' take, take; talte1; av asi1 siciv vumm i stock sold to-day from 80 cents cash ,to frcel at $8 25 a '0 37.A,sipgle housQ 81 on timei; Another stoc1tsVained here, wfthTn a few days' past,has' sblJ ' ihemselves, ajnd e-ery thing, I may say, 13,000 barrels f- most of ij Georgetown wears brighter appearance 'than for our I beReve., , The ship'iAents will ph mahv days nast., I speak but corripar-- Venr heavy. h.: .ir ' ' ,''' , VBJSBMBJMaljam . .. u L ,f fl-T ,a m atlrf, icot . ((UK, fafrf, i strict ANOTHER GREAT FIRE IN r MOBILE. ; r n J'i'M tongut row Extract of a teller to a gentleman in wome." r ifsd "thelliosts of irathingion, Haled , French soldiers buried in tne snows i . - - jloflif, uct.i, iwj. Moicow. been conjured upon earth, m'vum iifirre last thirteen V c, u!d not have presented a colder Conli and St. Michael jiHire inanimate spectacle, tnun,lhiS hack to Franklin street, kessiott . ; u.i.r destroved bv fire, f Last Dicbt, .. rri . u . V mint m trnrtl. I . W, Nrrro nvv I frw - "iircy 'w - 'line Aiansioii-iKwwc, iiib -js . . i l. j.. . i. .......- ,r hr,mh ii . i m......ii. u.n.htnin' Hunk, and ' i. withnol dnuDU l ie nnuesi uuicruu v ! , -s v. . -v i A. i.. . r ir f--.ulnrl. nn ILDVai fll U TlBUUIl UUUU UW ll Vl vw aiia vwvvi finest , , . -w i. --line wwm 'r f . .r . j i. i . i iiivuia tv - aiiw iui hero are no fail UIJW IIS r " v' i ; . .'".. 'I i. . ii. .it,..iHmc, ' hires ol imiwrtancc. but tho cemand lor i irii itnfMher a noorer ct on man i cuuuun io piccnv ," , : : , - i v mm - a s M n r ., . u, amd inn ttraavi ru. navprn r r.i Y ct. lr.1 .TirA ruwt.n lire was in ino luansion- inouuy is i:i6ai,aiiu maue lor uio croi.ua . . iv-- x.; I . r a - i . - fk iita iii iiim iiriimTi i i uci' i n f- m okmi An f aw MiiTi ra irni'TH a iiim iwr da vs. Ifi that case, some icninousc, . o r vi v . - i vuihiwit bv.... .... I V . , . . I- J L l. .n, thirds firfl. nil I - ia n.a nr hturmn j'm u i i h . mfi . 1 1 ritvpn ii v lull iui tvAitu . ... . -. 1 IH HI .1 1111(7 J1IUUIIK. W .wu V-."- tiumcry ...... . v. - . . . I r- ( . , I jt i ... i . .I.. w,r half a million ol dollars pernapa I'v.Governor Marcv and ,iton. n,. r. tha:jcocnicnanrcs ... u : a lUworcz 1 more. ... . H.ra mnA f.mnr.l nmunrt t and Vet the I v I h . . ".i.i - i .l.i.. Uj endeavors to make it appear mau 'i ho iNewjuneana.uco .iic. J , a. L... Mill. hv days past.4 I speak but compar-1 very heavy, ativclv, however;'iIn times like these I , ; " we grap ai anaaowa as uiouu uic were things of 'substahce,!and are rea- Periurv end False BaiLla the t a a V",v ""?- - fj,ty tk)urt, on VYeonesday, a man nan k dy to Interpret even the s.gn ofehef as j . Nejj0 MaU w$ convictcd of an assurance oi certain layor. , Mriury., Mallon it 'appears., offered 1 I 4 1.1 1 HtAMtKAM (AA . Mill Vh I ' ' " WH7U -7m., himself as bail iim.13 m uiiu 1 ve iiivosa acs - vuvvi aus mtn : ---v. . . r- f . , 9 Sr,''' u va' vus va for the . appearance of a contemed swrit Mo many who might ,j ha twhrn ihat h otherwise be tormented; with? the blue ' J5 , ' K ..-mJLi ;H.,!i.r. ... counterfeiter named Brown, who was I was 1 lahnr in the nenilenliarr. a. JImtr- " brought before the U. S. Circuit Court! ; . -' ' " ' ' v , r at Albany yesterday. ; He is under, the 1 0 ' ' ' -7 kind care' and keeping of the U. States "' C?-1A llt rWS.to Marshal, who" no doutt wiU have both 3100,000 of arpnrat ion Cert.fi. eyes on tho adventurer,- s; rf denominations frorrl fi cenli New York, more than ever, is now to two doars, oaased a final rdadin la the theatre of interest The banks in .?lrtf BrancH of the City Council of - - New York State, in New Jersey and in Uaiumore on iuesaay evening oy a New Enaland, wilt ue governed oy tne . A . - , 6 ??r . i .1.- 2. ..i. lennd Branch was confidentlv auticml- DanKs iieru as . io ihu- iuiunam jchuu i --- - . - - -. ... ... - ... . I tnt l fVinl :. ' . i it- " whether or not they wm suspend tpecie v7T?r . ,;. ,,tlyt . t v: m . .i.k . u a ii.a i: n mpi 11 iivn xnn. i raa an rv .. ariiHiiiii.M )aarrand reception by tne ciia- firo broke out in mai cuy mum u. Uippus ui um- -.v..- f uf Wailiington t AV hat will the Si- j0 t canienter's i!hp oil Common street, Tho , Evening Journal ( insinuates that a purca of the New Era think of tlicir ne,t door to the Corner .of . Common & Mr. T. wiU lake up the gauntleh , uocraitc Prciident, when they find St. Peter. "Jhe building bcingf haht ;-Ty Tammany men of our city meet itoprt Jerrvdthocompanyofa Pria- wood, was rapidly consumed. ; ,1 he knight to agree upon iheir city Assertv ;it and Directorsofa suspended bank, fltmes extended to the two story corner tlytuj;et. An' attempt is making to c0(A and four: to tlse , kind grasp dwelling Occupied by Mra. Cainp- proscribo alt men who ore directors of ?nc hard, but honest nanJs, tnai nojbcU, ;inis waa iinciaw wi 1 incorporated insiiiuuuus,.vir v ) touaht to Micye are wronged by I inon fell a prey to the devouring element 8lockll0jders, aa -no dem(crats Cv and Kicvcn wncn t icv ravi iecwi i un uie omci -p'""!' i.x-uovcrnor marcy wnu, uvifc i. ne rroviacnce yiu i.) Daniui nave r ' - ;rr: Jra(U'adgeTlex-Gvtii(Mr-denit dnolirsperid-U in lavor, o'ppoa- mim.brfTOiMtTOi J -by autlwrity1 in the "Albany Arabs, ed add 2 divided. - Utters from Boston National Road Jthrough ( tes that a at Aecver encouraged Mr.Tallmadge gpoagi of the intensity of the money immense-far umlii i i . .-. .. m 1 i v ,....... i . . -t rraiMimr VMr. I rial in i tnf pair. J3-A' From t hi A. J". .f wrr'can. THE BANKS. Tncru are some! proposl aiuv, iiiiv i wnai Will IKJ IIIO ruaun in ii-i- ii.il"""- catcd to tlie thrco new two story nouses , jg comm;ucc is somewhat doubtful. belonging to Mr. turret, w w w'" Thorrlc6focos, who are wr a was destroyed ocore us prs rir,ket without sucn siocanoiuers, no le arrested, the range of one , story 1 fi(tccn ou, uf ,j)e ; ICVenteen ( wards of ....u..n tin dinirs in St l"eter sireci, i ,ilf, hut two Wards ol sen i uonser- procrty of Mr: Feret, was 'irt great va,ivfl Xammany. men generally have fow plain i . .... - t .. ... .i.. ......... n . Minni. i i l i ii i ii.f ii m h iwi iiiii i ii:m ui ii)i ui-i . u.....ni i ... . nnm rt'i ni.iiiui v . . . j . . . ...tv m.iw nn ivnnin 1111 t i or oitr banlvs, w hich itmay not JsL ok fire-ttJ WCreUnly .ctinffuhthcd I lne ower fiflccn, and to obtain an agree- : " r- io reran wour renuera.. - , I by the unccusing exertions oi i M . , lable ticket. ' Tiio prcsumpiiou is, mvj .1 f JVd known that New York, u-1 t.otnpanicl, -r , t will succeed as usuaL As a prelimina- nSj lcri, is a creditor city and, con-L ' n I ry, they have lurned out of his post the 'H'nlb filnnii lt trnuifl 'lllif.n tnilll I "'" -. I"- .a.l.a CI i I ! i.L. V ; 1. II. In1 Irlld I i i".; There can, therefore bo nol i -. - . ; lmllwa, loo 0cofuco, and put scini-ConscM i ,'wrcfany drain of specie front our ,Fire.-YhiIo are wrtiing m i i li to .atsi - - laV-isr t beca. paragraph, a fire Jt wgn3 ia.the twolvativw in, . , , . n fining irtljThm Wabash Ta. nm - .21lilJItro i' ' iTi,. i,l f Courier of the fitn iost. states . that; the ? V. t .W. , . mat i( place., . '., r. .. -i. !... .r .1 r 1 immense jar eirucuiuz iiiai 01 ur pressure there.'-The merchants have preceedin? year; W paper says; . .. . v. j... 1 a Pnranmfl weeks Tait this rrcat cation- .nao a men ng,r ana ' expressea meir - - - :; ... ; j . , . .- ..?.t-.L i. ,k- al hlrhwav has been literally crowded . naDiUiy in ausiaiii uiciustiivea in uio -o --- . . . , . .. - , , .. present severe contractkn of the' cutv jrh tho vragofis.-horse j, toek, and all rency. They call upon the banks to JW' disJunVaud they calValoud. Boston, the ferries' across the Wabash at this it seems from all we hearjwould be P'nt wAert from daylight until gratified if New York would but set her a ,ale Vur V. r'ni i . an example of tuspensioni ' ' ? m t v as many as ICG wagons per day ! From 'V he banks are determined lo go on, - V .v.r " ""I '."tu r. and! b ' maintain speicio payments.- cover that these trk P x 1 ... .r. ' I hiMifTh m lpi drrrpft. ta fill tho mairt Manv of thern- unquesuonawy nave me - "".a" - - ' : , V'T ability; nerhp. all; if a Spirit pi f horoushlajrea to tbj ar West. . valla ' urincvii v.un ... ..w rfiscnunt noney'of course. They pay out each other's bill, when they have I ' tfalSIntelhkcnter. r. . M .... IN I ... u vnv... - - -r r t rjont'fnjfnr niifijia. .cnerwan them, 10 prv ertoce to thpirowh. inejr , . 4 . - . line of discount it jr' probable, was nev- H T? co.,,f ff ,1nu" a 1 f : . L ' . ! . i. . ..Mi :' . . li. a ma.m vi ,1 ,Ti. I , I ' - o tt.r. er SO I0WV in Uiw nicau uuic, mv.pica- piy iu iuv new . jiuwivuui., ( viw sure upoti'lhe mercantno community ff COngtantty sent tq hima :r,Doar sir, , horribly severe. ; One by; one a. failure : j h,w reccivVd JWw "exqukita wo'tl takes p ace, nut mere are no aiarmmx , . . . , . . . , . ... failoreV. The firmness of the mercan. -l L?! tile community thus far is amaring, but! delisted alier I ynt tea- i - . n. i.i ..k-.J.

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