TIN ' w T- W i u 1 WHAT UO WE LIVETOB, BUT TO lJlaOVE OCnscr.YES ASO. HE L'SnrtX TO O.NE AXOTIIEU? VOLUMIMU. ' A SUE HOI! 0', (NY C.) F IH 0 Y, NOV KM 15 !t 8,i i 83t; JU3iri;K 4i.- srvvv- i rUBUSilEDWiKLY: , BEXJJl.UIX 8 WJl 1M. Ttiro Dollars per amVum. In Tdvance? er Tlnco Dollars, i! not paid within three monihs from tho dale ' of the first number received. " ' v Ku '.subscription to be diM-onlmucd till , ill arrearages bo paid; unless af thcS discretion ol ibo hditor. : ' ATa'dere to order a discontinuance be fore the expiration r.f Mho subscrip tion ycaTj-ts equivalent to t a , new en'igmcut. All i-eiers, Communications, ccto CO NO pSt paid. ? - v '; Advertisements wJU bxs coo,iciorilv hhI handsomely inscrud at 1 00 t r aware of 10 lines s and tents frreV rrv. subsequent insertion. -No adver-tliim-nt however i.Wt.'wiH be charg- ed less titan for a tiiunrc. , (WtOnlera crtti juiiaK advertise ments wilfbe charged 25 percent high er; (we sonictimes havo to wait fcolorg Those who advertise I y roar will eeitlitled to a deduction of 33 per cent., j-roviJed they pay lnsdvance. , OUIG22i OP NKVVSPAPERSIN tain wiUi any thing liko certainty, the Daughters will you eer jok on the actual number , now .speud monthly," man who would bo traitor cnouiih io iiia ' weekly and daily throughout the vat country's cause, to cast hi? vote for extent of the Republic, ll is; however, Bang. Feller citizens' tfyod deMre o very certain that thu diffusion of news ted ic nee lo the jaws'. Hit security of fife in Great dlritaiol To conbiderati4is Vote for TomjVV higly ; he is the. friend are in favor of tbii sopWitionr first; of banks and the Incud .ol ' a mctatk thcchoaptioss wiih which tliCV 4re yub clrrcncv,, the friend of the -rieh man fished in comparison with the price of aid il: friend of. the- poof man; ' and English rum'rpapers J secondly, .thVie-i feller piiiz;ij. I IrfVe the" Jinndr of rah- publican nature of our institutions, u hich jltng him my friend.; AY iih you rosts gives to a greater number ;i interest in his e'ectio'i) J hould jou l so blinded public aflairi-to vibich n ay be added , by. the Whangery ol the Bang parly, as ihtt superior gencrti I inttlligetice; of - the not to fleet myJriend,! iremble for the great bod'oi our "people. , i lte of the Union ; tl shudder lor.il Ncwspajrs javv become "wiih ns" consequences the, event will have on one f the nccc'ssarics of li!e. 'JKJicy this glorious state; and 1 regret, the aro tliO beings of w this brcathjng vv'ld ,drinls'Vhich we wont get, if my friend of bu. incss,' politics and t liiti aiurc ninUleoted. Ucntienxu j ou a"re.ibout IVy fontitutcnc of thejriot.1 narked lu cxei rise tliedeso est rigiiis of tVpetl un. .pceultartica otnuderu civil.ititioni.d V.'te our ticket cud ages et unborii like every oilrfji-enduring grovvlh, they . tvil! lThvecuusct H blcyou; t;ut.ifyhn have Iprung uptltc legjtni.aic oflVpring t xoli Baptf .iaj;iijg6 ilflice of const of .iho watjts andVoniri'qicncics so.';.l!e you' iid)cl VjbloW on ynur country cicty. 1 The players "ore wtlt nigli l jronuhe t fleets of w ltic.li it ; never .o bo-iC(J out ol thvir voc;iinvj lor, tcvts j rtcoyer. . ' To. tlw tdU tlien, gmienieii papers have become tlb Ibstracl and rand votejlie Anti-Ban tiekvi." bnercfirynirh; of thcHmcs.wi nd t Hire j : V he fact isrlheie wa not a virtue more cficctually than thcTdiama to swe! which il:e Cist orator aWrikd Mi: rlljo very nAj and bodr of il.tire hlsBii'i5tj1.e'lairi)mtorndid form and -pn ssnre.'. ' . Wf-en a town! a ilw exclusive pnierty of Mr. VVh g- rpruigf up, a newspaper tuial.Jhunyit fly. ki fr eory U!.nd ll.at nimthir ohies;cJl after the "tavern and bldrktionq gave to Mr. Whigiy, iniii.btr ixo s:rihf dwip Dtf Tucrajijlie, "in hist rciurncd r.n Oliver to M. .Batv Eat li work on America, speaking of die wps-! klwcd'rqjial zeal for the success if l ilrafi reacuii(iM eipressing ih iensc of fsor.' ' Shall, vvc ripen this bold srl pointed 'Joi wood ah'd.W, TZ i; L: .J' ' ;: , ? 1 trum ial chair, wo will . ""' --n- rcureo,- una ni-, uetiver to the world a reversal of tlie 'iic , iuvw, 1 ,ji.u in uevi.eu uccision vnairmait an- iintf usufnimnn ivfrwrtu..'-.,;1 --...l mMm.Busbee, Ceo; W. Hay. ' hshed oreccdci.t. ,v re ,1,.i..,;., m.. . U-.C Battle .HutrlrAIcQuecn.iVin T .,7 T'"'. . " iiE, Pales. lO'CoiniKiso said cotu- whirlLjjecimwoff-it-Ki Mr,-'-' t'er I few. Minutes, Mr; McQueen on th? part jf the comrnittccS; reported the following preamble and resolution :r In asseiiibling togcthep on iho prcs- cm occasion, we arc animntcd tv n which wrs made at the last olcrtlon lhat vtill restore the elective lihcrlies of this country to their wonted vigor and l-uniy. cy rcapuotnting r,in, we will -. j"hj7 jieur w uu inej--(n 01 aiitjioniv, we wiIImi' ar.st g n h present, aanhincr inuc-1 foonr filfcw-culzftirs thui tl.. MJf. r t It would discwseU false delicacy Erinlitnrl wwf onst the rart j f 4h?. irtcefiL'l were it'tohnftiimiilf". utiifh .,....1 in it. .7' ram lroin;CT)rc3sinOs belief that entire nrosirmion of h'hcriir an i.u t.v la Lord Lyndhursi'i speech, lately denvercd at tliotccond annifcriuiry tf tho Newspaper Prcsr lkneolcat As I mciatn " in lndon, among tercitirtg passages was the folfowing ; ll is a tinhi tern pioneer, wbo g.nrs in jhe advance, cifMintate, ami iiiduiieu m t'ie wn.C HjnJiLidsjcxIn.LlwiwO'her chief onraiioo, ofUnsronnirv have earned wood With hi ix, Ills tittc, mid a file craUnd lo fliisi$s'ipi m)wriicular; on- if; crowing f-.liiinl rewiird bv a Ion-- ofilt;wsp8,ers;w ; Jh. h,ilav.mH canuidaie icrecdL- gcr,es c tM.r!WMia :Ncrifices;aml oi ' - t c nave not ticatu jsno nas wen ukh peopluV clHiiee, but ahhoUiih the cir- dthcrin J" f i':0 volrantc cn.pl.on has iaken rcHC,, lhc IVcdenlial chair withoi er C ia in. r uk ii Vtl At an f liTtmn ia on: tin JUiwiitsh'pi a man fokc tcos ol his voflti remark, that iImd firrt, Koglnh Uvoriiersndidatc and f the paratoMini ncpancr,aircd Uta Krhsh llcrtnry h r?gt$ hi h hw election involved : f ii pnl.liicd uihler the il:rcc!ir lL Mr. Oliccrman and feller tinzens, tliat eminent siatesman, lod Burleigh, j a;d lie, ! goes fr electing Hill B ng. sho was the Crt lo ttbservo the creati It a.nt 1 hvcs Bitf BuigMcs Lul thai I uoralciTect it would produce. r Tlf re. loves Alissiksii ni more, lie's a demo ucre lu circulation to a vert crcat cz!crat L-n la the handle, ard will do ills hit the most c Jtraordiaary descriptions duty ami no mistake. uj'poW fr a fthe 8ianili armada a pitle was moment, feller citizens tliat ToirJU'hig- Wdnniitf to spread tthKmgthct inhabit-! y war elected, who can fell the, rusn uotn iMirmii, nn rcn Hmw s ami ucvot;auon inai are .iu 2 his jHiwciltil and btatcmanlikc lotet Would nt nir.h an bvent ruin tho cuiton lcnpf, adijiied a "rrwle t-f etiBnteract'crop, or rather would it hot rtfu&fi tu tji thw by tl.J trron? mora! influence of grow the vcy moment he'd bo swoi n tiierrcsu, at, ' -t obtUhctT a 'newspaf cr mt ofliiT. NVculd'nt. "the brokers ol . ... - ord?rUi . . -vt 4 iho ; n'M-slalemcrns Uncansconrorely Ki.cnAino value ot wliiclt had been made, and to teach Jho our xlrcndy neieijorate! pajci! )V',oi;ld riintry to coiiCde in its own tewni ccs.aH ('plidenctt 'h'thc ' $ ruf aMity. ot TIn was theCiM r; vznr "fa ncsfpur urchaidi cease T Vou!dnt cffii- Lt. .en car w .an' ua i jo t Lis kat gen cttoi favor lUid hU Per, and it tsz ; ' m coicf vmmctiflaf La entered against otir Vrncet die rmU ' h I ith f lintcTs'? , Wimld not every man tn the rcMilts tho jnist lu k i't'ub- tnto,,' kromc ' the scif ol die United hiiiirf lhis rfJland.7 A . . ,m f,t a lhUi But, feller citizens," ssys f the fate of ilia Saru's ' i.m. thu FiHMker, giving 'bis fjSnd a graud (kcrs) lr totno liMiu t! I ' '. j . rith,rtyou have too much ratrtolaan, jtcss crcp slowly on-it coi!i.. -I, iu t ueh j:hh1 sense to elect U'higlr. V"d, to make advance k, but, it wns pet li". y i l you wver Jn A our choice-, or vS fifiy ears .ago, that it " tin-k. tl!S3vasUiia the -fenef, I cll'on you jas fa 4j strides,' which have bronchi itt-i jiutrs, as husbands aisonf,tocifne fow- r rcfCBt commanding positn, tin aru and voe Tor Bill Bang. AIisMssippt ivi, uicre were i.oiAi.uww r.cwFp,HKiik8 anxiously ai your comjuci ft pU iniflreat Britain cad shico day America bwlraanxtcttslv i upoHit , ln lierital Vhtne tctll tfctcribrd. ft is scldoni that the. demons of a -jjy have n o'jiortuniiy of seeing in.e? ieting'a si.ht ns was witnessed by sev eral gentlemen fm Ferry Bar on Sun day morning wefk. j large bald B glc wiisfcecu skimnfiing the air end float ing up (lie river otia foiagin estiedi lion, for the reptcnishtr.Cfit of ids r io al lanlerT but, aipaienily fiddiug no quar ry worthy of a st'e-oj, Uo wmred avwy, and w as lost' toAiVj silit in the cjouds. . A short limouPcr; 'a fih-hav.k an. peared, and fqcini'urg with a knowing 'lance actoss iL lrtsll bhect of water, i ounccd upon a mo cat iun, and,nionn- ting, prepared to return to his, nest np the soiilii brandi. lie had not ll-mn far betore u put aljout, and ttetring in i ho wiiwrseye, sailed down towards die bay w ith all die- sw illness- his jpoxver could cmpos3. 1 Presently a dai'k hpeek was seen a mite or twa iu iu cwake, it soon n4 the royal bird was- discovered .wn.w ui..Ho jiciiw.wuicn ro kiwi if inaKmg a tinal -and nnrcscrved nr. pcooeu oyer our. oesi prospects ior-jtio render of ite most fictions lKn vliiih Ittlure: And.it in a spirit i-f patrioticl the patriots of tiis revolution have lr;nis-sohcilMo- that WQ hav ' descried , our "mjiicd lo that ' rireleriinr ihc mu homes and dady f vecatknis to pai hVi- 'itrpoVtam officer of the RepuUic. To pate n.ihe benign JabOr i arousii our t iliiiiute m ulnrmhtgUimo ot'hc nt lolbjwitizens Iroipjhe laial lrtriiafgy, teirpt, on t.lve- part of -the' (Jo'viti ir ' ret-pcctiug their most precious lntcros!8, '.'.jhoivrr to selecj die In: mo Ci, sitarv oi its -n km rcji'jsin lure on' rc iherown largo and rcsjicrtablajioilion a'panial attcmp, on pari of did of ihofe who constiloje the sinew ol ouF reigning monarch, to designale .1 kuc oa.hrf'al fticrigiiih, who a re charmed cessor.' And it is; almost aVork of su vsitu ilio mtrahaUvv cf liberty and ; pcrcr)gat'io'n to remark that every iVcs-l ecjir(:y. tt,iie ibg. waves -of olitieal t idef on hisJ country, jrotn 'him nkaj&ail.: ealli ore ning benea.infiem. ' FRlrstln war. firsfin nearo" and :firi Xn In ik firsfrlacc, wb would, with the ''0 hearts of his counirvmen,T im to ' r-ivf "Widest f.leninify of iigart, remind General Jackso;, considered "it such al our k:nw ciiens o"f the sta'rllm? ,cir-'j flagrant usurpation 61 Cberty, and"' such cuiniinccs w hich marked thcMsrcn- a gross and unpardonable insult to ilw A V majesty of Hie jMpnlar will lo imimato - a prererence mr any particular mdv d ual astlieir TUc'ccj.!i-or. that the e n. tiotislyfoiborc to drop even a liim rn tii0i;ubject.::-;;-:-'- v'r It was reserved for him ihen Thn was born to command' n ofl'c'tnn vi-. ! lal stab' to -the elective, liberies of tlio i fcount ry. "and it was .sn left foe him TZ who Tive8:M;oMadn the pailis of Uk ilhiblrbuj "pcccssor,n let thosejiths ' be as ruiwips as they may, to turn this nwiiiprtm usorj.aJiun oTn;wer.u his, U- iion of ihe present Ktecuiiveaf tlieUri- sp'endid und precious services to' their con!rv. Bm it has- been the sii i'ilar to ithout nTivieg.evrnccd the possession of sujic- norjaienjs nf- unusual aitaininenis; without ; having' previoudv. pitformed HlusTriousVrv'ccs ; ani wiihoul having iiM;uncd even-ene solirarv sncriL-c.-- T!ic whole cotmtry ij possessed ? wiih do most iinhcsitatihgty, declare die siiin' fonviciion that his iUor4 lhen,lhar wo believe 'if. to beom'ine- mic ly iiiuiuiure smeiy or iiocriv this Bipub!ic to discard Mr. Van ' prescnta naked nndtrt'cniiiTao, as-iar as laicus ana services c.re mvol vel ; whilst Ihe moil eiiLhuuiastic friend w!;p raises a voice or wields; a nen in Jus' service, i confounded bv n tlamand of tliose cwnVwW w hichbCnihle'iMr. V. Borejfto .me political supremacy of his countryS)There is. hT ihxib no one pardcelar iti wrjiieh Mr. an Buren Cils up the ntcasunvof hat the pfinrTpril inagintratc of a great -Republic-- iliquld he: 'And the paifiotm liertjsicker and -droops id refloiTilng on "the miserable pageaut of inieliectual 'imbecility ' and moral Iceblotiesi. which is picturdd in thepmnirof iho Pfo tdStaicst How, therv U. mac be em- ph'atj(!lty enquired, did Mr Van Buren reach hisVeent loftv elevation! -Ho peak. and hia 'wuigs" comrresacd, flap. ping witii arap,onv jui scni imn.aMng wiilt 'the swiftness of atf nuovv famv die bow of bld Robin I loodV , . 3Jia ha w k knew his pursuer, and practid a ru.vj bv daitiuif miwafds wlien about a mile from hi.-- present station.'ooart from ruin and confusion be has rnfaikd u; - . tho count ryy by the wickedness, folly ami infatuation of his mersures; for wo cheerih the most einccrd and earnest : "nviction that should Mr.' Van Buren V,, re-elected to thelVesidency, the pco pie may resign in sdcht despalrall hopo i rf participaling id the future choice of ihekikfavisiratc,l-Thcy w ill be ri eved fram thic responsibility by eve- ' ry PiCsident who may hereafter ascend to oflice; They' will venjoyon?yl tho darting1 after lus prey, his tail stuck . a4n3rccIedJymi;aa$ which would pro- i time the number f.as vastlv cxttnv -thJ World fcoks anxioMv on it, and id. V ' .Bill Bailot;ks anxiously n it. Ifllum gave bun. a 'flip widi one cf lits-wfgs The first appearance of the English Vyou would remainAotd .for h'un f if you Wn-h caused him to drop the fish, and Mirfury, at Ut cjwh flK-ntjoncd a- desire to melt the namofnf American tho royal pirate, dropping from his airy Stove, was in 1583. ' Nowspwpeis )adfi;iztns, vote for 'hifnj lie is a whob hcidit, caught the fish before it t cached uroiihnn7and rising a'ppnrentlv tcrricti Uicularlv, a ICAv leci above the hawk, litis side ortheJprti:JXlOagl voiiuiteirntAlian and alarm the tears of any poptdatiort on the surfuco of tho gktbe ..which Jwvq not Jnigged the chains j ot despotism so long as to ceaso to be start bv. their, clank-in: "lle .arosa to his present e.talted sTaiion ov mcahs ...I ' -I ..I 1 t. A - .1 I coonirv irmn wiiicnT wo ourselves de rived tho rudiments of Jilertv add law. le Was in truth painted neon the coun iryby the imperious dictation of his rcdcccs.or, an assumption of liberty which in Britain wtiuldjconsign a rrion- I ' - I--I. . mi.ti - . 1 - . ' " -- 'Jt:aroa in Italy W Ijcro llicy lian ineir . tram una aiwin giica -ins ucaui nn nm u :.i.irru.i-i.hmmiii oh irnrnji:T!:i, nrx-n in on; uioca, woo u;igni Biieippi nmTarTtierorc. .-" J luring , .the Van Buren.' v leaving the poorliawk to seek hi brcak to exercise it ; whilst it would consign r which the Republic of Venice wa friend to the opp)site candid itejfasi where he best might find it. It is to everlasting debasement and ruin the ?td igaitsst tlc Tui ks in 15C3, the cns.' nJw man!sv the. stump sJPe'ler iti-1 thus with mankind. -VrV see a -peMy person w ho might ascend to the Ihrone im srwn in Venice, of communicating fen.' sat a he, the sent leman .what has ; nrinco idundcna's his neighbor, ; tintt! a by "virtue of any such intcrixisition in il - i i . ii' :.. i i '. " i'- ...., i ..... I!, J, ' ' e i . ! i I .- i I I '! military ami commercial intelligence jar spoken 'went bantf into big worJs. s ieved by written sliects, to bo read But tho I cannot Splurge out as strong particular puc "Mrn ilio nuws. i nvih ue in a ci 'a!kd fisfn name which by do-! Bill 'Bang to fill.iho important 'office ol rilten sliecu, to bo read ( But tho I cannot j lurge out as strong ' place by those (desirousjas he did, 1 liaiutio doubt but I will be lows, who paid for thisi able to convince you of iho ruin you coiu not, any lmi;cr in tiso ' houM bring on yourselves' by; clcciiug t9 wati transferrcd to tho new t paper ":IC" y-f ..:'" i .'' Tfic f.rvt nowi paper publihef in A- lrtra, was the Kntn-Uiltr. TV' next was the NtF.Htfland Conr-''"MuMM-d alwi nt Brtn, by James onstahlo fot this beat. , Are you pre pared to surrender all to a parly who would rulo vou with worse than foreign more pow erful one, liketliu eaglo w idi Hie hawk, robs mm in turn, ana reaps tho reward oi histyraony.io.'6. WHIG MEETING IN VYAKE V ". COUNTY., . r- ' . Raltigh, Ooi. S 1S39. At a largo and respcctablo-meeting n..r riiilirra t ced und die of ilw' Whias f Wake county, XallCvl iii vain: are vou for paralysing -the in-tlns .evening at the Court Hoose, or w ill you ; motion of George W. Ifay wiwd,' Jo duKirv ol votu vounir state : i . . I . I .! .!.. ........T rni.h I Iain, sail t-1 rnlliVl lit II1A ((i:lir mil rn, i ,i it . run im rrn i nnnr.r n in iiu id n 'ii uaw rvw n v.h.i . h airw I'tWo.xloliii first rmva in willing ifji !...wlW """.".'"S-f ',- ... - v . . ' ... . j;, i..- .i - iiri v. 'ii 1 1 .... ..... .m ki . iitii iitn'r tin nnmri iii iiiu iiiuuliiih uus uiLir ' wresi. In ISCT. t bo nuinoer o v no win suuw aiuv v m "o :- v .nUcmaUn in llai fleeted t. Will ourcnlton be pureha-. ly explamel i,y the U.au-man; Uec . I Svi'ii in ijiitirisii ii LFiit ttjLi ma t t . r t A l..i tVi.. v; von roi-mt vonr il reused the meeting, in a iuciu nna ior suosiance wasteu away m ino' ill cible manner, on the same $uhi:ct. lof Mr. Van Buren, by subscribing LM1 h ,i entrWt vbsr fathar's to votft t "Mr. V. R. Gales then proposed tajdoctrino that a PresiJent of the Ln .i... ,.u.t.,- Anhi 'i..rt 'AVhiidv t: appo nt a oouiatittcc if Uve pecsoas toMntciiuwa nzut to ar.v.n: ms JlOr lO pvvyiv vuui- ,. , " 9i l ; - " " . . , ,. - ..... y " " .-..- m . i i i ... ' i-tf. 3 I .ll.. J . . - . r "" u r a s. ivnt rirk1iiOl ill -.. (g, I rHMK)r). snco j,0 WH itmw n-t J..J I f1 "ny climate has been made wlrih r. f "'most an impOiAiblo matter lo asccr- ns behalf. Yes, ifelloW-citizcns, Mr. Van Buren ha been elected President of this great and expanding country, oy iiavmg earneu a r;commenuaiton from Ccncraj Jackson, by a long sys tern of disgustful, disgraceful and ' de testable subserviency, vvcopha'ncy'and flattery. It was enough for General Jackson that Mr. Van Buren ushered the declaration abroad that it was a sulfioicni'yjnf glory .for. him to have' served under such a chief nnd it is KulTicicnt to stimulate Mr. Van Buren to i rend in nil ih ruinous paths of his "Illustrious predecessor,', that General Jackson endorsed his pretension!. We say, then, that the spirit of liberty was profaned and desecrated, and ' its election to the hod. shadfrny pSgeaut of liberty, whilst tho sonu esienco w in nave pcrisncuand uis- - . -ITn Felfow Citizens, Mr. Ten Buren nas ccornpnsnca miscniei cnougtl PV the nclarious character of his measures since he has been invested Witt, the pur- pie id the sceptre, to awaken in tho bosoms of the .iiee'rle. feeling of . tho nvst permanent and withering execra Uoh.'vl'riifessing. as be does, to, bo the great apostle of-Ilepublieanism, he is -now forcing the sub'-tredsury upon tho people after they twice rejected tbe pro posiiion. He has deserted his post for the long space of three monihs, whilst the people are paying him at the enor. mous rale of more than tnn ihmtut. dollars per month for his seryiccst'IIo has increased the annual expenses 'of ' the government to ihe princely: rate of ; trom to 4U millions of dollars; whilst all his predecessors, except Gen. Jack- . son, have managed to conduct tho ope rations of Government in safeiy and ia glory it the small expciwoof 14 or 15 millions.; ile Is openly and ncrscvere. ing!y waging ar upon the ube of cred it iu the daily transactions of trade. when it Is a well established proposition that credd is of more essential service to poor and cuterrrising beginners in I the world tha n to any other class of fill- ivxi viaicTcr.' uu nat, oy nt negieci and mismanagement, occasioned lo tho country a loss of more than a, million of dollars by the dishonesty of revenue loflicers, whom hi? failed to bring to ac' count. ne i openly and unchangea bly hostile J.0 the distribution of iha pub lic lands amoeg.t the old Stales -of the Union ; a measure which would f N so cfjuitable' in its operation as to div-V '' this prolific source ot wen hh air.ont ' ull the S;atvs in the SUiticn airccotltd

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