WHAT DO 1VD LIVE FOCy OCT TO inh OVH OCnsELVfiS and bc useful-to W another? vommtk nr. fUBLlSlUU) WKiSKLY BY " DEW J AM IX SWA1M, Ti:ilMs. Two Dollars Iter annum, la advance or Tlireo Dollars, if not paid within throe months Irom the date of the first number received. w ' No subscription to bo discontinued till all arrearages be paid; unless at the discretion of.tho Editor. t A failure to order a discontinuance be fore the Miration of the subscrip tion year, is equivalent to a ne w engagement., t :. , : J,'-.: :: -,.y All Letters, Communicatibns&c. onie post paid, v - , j -j . Prices for Advertising. Advertisements will be conspicuously and handsomely inserted at 1 0J per square of 16 lines i and 25 cents tor evi ery subsequent insertion. No adver tiscoictit, however short, will be charg. eJ less than for a square. Court Orders arid judicial advertise, menu wiil be charged 2A percent high tti (wa sometimes hare tow ait so long m tiH pay.) , Tliose w" ho advertise I v tho vear will eentWd to a deduction of 33 per cent. . r i.. i .i pruvMicu mcy pay in advance. WHIG STATE CONVENTION. On .motion of Mr pVuill. lietotved, That.the Whig papers ot the Slate be reauested to give publicity through their columns, to the prooeeduigs of the Ctia. scniioo. f,'v ' ..;:..' No otlwr business rcmamins to be transactad, Gen. Patterson roso and said, that as the labors of the Conven :ion bad drawn to a clcse, M would read a Resolution which had been laid n the table bjr a member cf the body. (Mr. UugTici.) K was as funoVs"; HttQlvtd, That the thanks of this Convention arc diw and hen by , tender ed to the lien. John Owen (V the ablei Signified and impartial mawicr in u hu h !k5 has discharged tin. duties of the Chair. ' , '- , ... The question having been pit on its adoption, it lias unanimously deciJcd ia the affirmativo. A mikn bavin been made, that ibis Conventioo adjourn fine tfie, the lrei- Kent, Cp. Oicen, roW, and remarked s fulljwi: ' . ' I am, gcntlcmep.pft finctrcly tmprrs ct with a sensa'ofrmyuFa patUrXfor Se duties ofthetair. that I rcadil 13 - " ; Tf ' was proinpted.. It is due to no mer- )' ofinc. but is dictated bv a soir t c iiMlncss and fuibcaranc', un your part, 1 , . f. 1 .1 1 ., have Ueh very cdteu liomred by ih inv associativo in 1 v. - II.-. J V .1 hlicncvcr called toatt in a ipublici fco- t nave roaao n a ruio . laruii; lril;,.l .!..BiU..v ... r. AMaM. .. iy aliidy my full quoto of emce. n Jcr tho iniluencc of stfch fcefuii and pstrmination, I have resolved foaccept ) lCJipiNntnmit of a JJtHtelVfkateto jc AathHial I'onvention. Thouira jtiy' resencp, hk that ot the head ot every -tiilV is indiWnblo at lwnne, must rrcgo very other consideration but 'e success of the glurioiia caue in pwcii ve.are embarked. tVrfoet anainimitt. grntleman, is un f'JamaLlo in av deliberative bodv. it members have intelliscnre to Wrstaid,mil; iilept'iwlcnco to five l'rc3mn to their cpiinons. A sufU teitCV lif if ,t a ..l.tnimvl lirrn f. r- ntl h'l'a J practical purposes. 1 pan " ,n)"U aUngetitleinen. wi;h unfeigned laih e autl regret, and it permitted ' 1 to express mvwlf. with this ii'jttno J'LGTyEUV WHIG IHJ IUS I Jy' ,nlv be active at y l'olls, but in his 'neighlioili'totl, lot j ''ft ('OI)srttllln li!ini.(ir n mwUiiu tn.niiil hbirh 1 10 1111 1. mitt iri.kif tA Ki ...in.: 1 tiny uniiua tw jus' vm i" X cause, and thus lav broad and l?D Inn r.m.l ..'..... ..r. ...... ...t.i. n hiitrini. ' 1 will ii.t till iki - I I UVIHIIf t f WI SI' "r, ontlcmcn,-This Convention; ada afjqun:d rifcaut day. l Z .f " u r-Vr iWical blessings which 1 il Hhfth.M 1.M kill I lu. ..a.o . . . . iSP1 y 7 . "V ! surpassed, "either n ru V.7.:r-: '. riri.' w5.yo cmbzed ILl.LtflVl iir fr-lir-.'XI.,IV.f I; i.' ii i' it. n.... ........... . . MIU McQUEEN, from the General Committee, made 7 . ' mMfPd oached tha rer(VirmniwA which was unanimously adopted yieiued.liie most patient and nrofonml , . m uwwui v .COMMITTEE. , : We have apon or the duly assigned us with a. just des: ient of prospective , blessing,, with gree ol sensibility to the eventful nature what , unrivalled wi .iiv cii.j5 wmca nangs witn tha-rotat Uiey Pw be applied .1.1- . I i . ... x". i ivviuiiVM IVUIU ingmiui symptoms of taUHt v onr the p ssessionrf which ever aesiitncs of our country. WVhava the rath of man tfelibcrttion to tho present wture of ?maa prosperity have teen thrown into our pofatcal inieresf. which a britl c6m-t-tatc of deplorable confusion and when pass of lime, would permit t and we tall ihe'differenf nnrs.-W- W .w have rearlipH ih fu m t,m , . r ' I'auimj v"if "'""o'l iijiu ajckiriHuive state oi jriction,that a trTore sudden" tratuition pHWon by the mad Experiments of from jttory to gloom, from streugth-to I Government. 8 V , n , imbecility fryn. moral subii.mt toj -Auhaf period lit he histoty of our t.A i.i.rtVr-"n . : nTT- '.V - ' . pain- rZi : ,; r i'pa.niai4isto. ry, than that winch the American patri-1 w " ""7 """ w: mourn w-m use . . a . " s i most alieetuitf ndc Kince the pres. ; coadministration ascended to - fHiwer.t - --mohbiiviii ! U 1 1 III 41 IH 1 k ff our Oovcrnrnent hich ias 1 iMirtulcd ioltWot crast.es and expJoikiia' anion-, servoas a sanctuarof -reA and of; V Dunking institu.i-mlV" When have security, to the astia ofevrry t iliie uc cn tjlQ hon, trader2 has been converted into mi inhoirv in coumrr ju. .nr(.reMi,'j,i..j . ...v.. iw .t.-.rB, Miai iiisuu wiueni9 ir.e mercy of re r -.-.(.(..iiis, i- I'wiiiivui , vi rrco wave we cv liidn 11 iiiciuzen are icrjca m pen - i;owrnmnnr.,f 1. corruMnngroH. fcrtdy l l! 'in .I! ao insatiable lu4 for gain, l.avjp grtien possewion of"the lofty emcr4ic s winch were once fidomcd by ctntdiless wis dom, untainted pyrity, invi.f2 fideliiy, ennobling magnanimity, aid iy perfect disinterestedness of tteurt And wlx n thAmericao citizen,1, witli anxiMUs soli citutde, nov scafchet for a spruii of h'salib for the political maladi': which infesttiuf cpunfry, instead of recogm. nog it in the constimiHHl ark which bait let A con'rfcrated by ilie hQl and jvisdom 01 fbe patriarclis ol the Uevold lion, Ic it driven to that auiitamee f ir tl slty bf Kular freedom irliich has btitn hitMrto recognized as valid, only in despot jc. Covernroeu's the vigi lance of the people.M T .1' ., la Great llritain it is a maxim of con duct aindiig the people "which has been sanctioned bv -the usa?c nfiiL'iirjrTeTiit' ti Jid thciosi rroniinciit miiijsttrs as- (uaiiu-iur any isairous resutis w.'iien may fiow from Ilia measures Which are conimeni cd an eolhsumaUd durhig bu ascin4ciH:vy the cojafiVof itHta H this hjaiinl ibouid be ' fciiforccd with even a pailia I degree of rig.r tn itii fefefencc jo Mr VIu W at what poini would me pop. bi. ;li -M ;:mn9.f . j ' , Z -J ' "I" ;r" " " . v w.,,,,.. a r r outics, the American confederacy was t A s.k . . . , . . rcyir, has been nty or.pleniitude man. We be hribmermerrTizerreQinir"ils broad fulds on tie surlace of every sea, aifcl Cartiing the precious reward of in aspirations, and labors unmixed Vi.li tfte staring 'apprelansion' thjt its Hurest and "most substantial achievement a i were ahortty to bu'rdured'lo iiukl and ishes br lbc cret dlayin 1? tuen ?utei: f the ovcnmient., We beheld the .farmer sowing bis ground w ith Ijo joydls antV cipation' thUt i . rich harvest was to sprihgTrom tRo bosoui "of tbVtaf K 0 re' quite his 'toil We Vlwhcld .the mer chant arcurnulnting within thejarclepf hist energies the rich-fabrics if. ov ;7 slkore, with the firm" rursuasioti jhat las industry, and prudence would Ioq rem' e safe ass lum.for himself and las chil dren. ; W e beheld tho mechanic provi- aing nimscii wno an uio componcni el ements ol matter whicli peftain to hi$ " . ..... . . vocuuun 111 uu a.urance that paiticipantoffn uisrcu.rn.s vikhku w w rougm hho aru- W e btheld in truth all the professions prdsDwring in peace and in ynjor be ncat.lt the benign inllicnco of Govern- iiienf,, and conteiiMicut . and happiness nreauin in a broad and revivinir wnve . . . . nu rucrining mo lontf estatiiishejl vph a capital o mV. Oia be as to become the; ten loiiaons fdf AiibrV-i-l-ln " ITi-.l'i-W. tis-h comforts, Mrhen jhese aLrgiMaturQ jil;jvord"to tlite latol aed -I . I. IT . . .1.. cnt cheerless period to dwell upon a riain Muui uun vAiivumj, ui mo union h me jniiufuce 01 mt, , v an liuren aw Ins par other. " But w e are doomed at the ores-1 v. ' In Ijouisinna. whilst i!h. rwiriv now AStlRBonO', (N f) FR1IHY. l)KCIiIBB . . .. ..... arcnoj sotterifcd k a single cheerina ray tut that WtudaT burst Irom lhA? ,,ct virtue. anergics and resolution of a free and enrtchtenei peo Je And if neriod of .. .i... .'I... hent ho noblest slescended unon I,- . . r - f) Tl fill rt in Arvr..nAH hazzard: when'alt , u,u m.c cycr w ineu sucii r,ct'' oral wmrouJiti as e now . v .t-.i. yi tv v VI i ek after week to deplore ? VVJeiil,ave wo ever heard of mich' frc huent anH merehan!.! in everv nari t.f ihrt I yiei sail Iures amonj the eracy t When haVwe; at any former oeriAf, hw....-.-.; L . 'Lj ... . 'cVnfed lent less, usurer ?; er before se rr the coEOlrylopeidyand ruling a. w.r of ellcnr.wli,,! 'Jicti!i again?i the use of credit in in ibe com mercud ,trar:sactions" of the land Wlim bave wo kfore seeh a President o this ri umry dcnniiied inius views of currency and commerce by die re suit ofHe elvrui.qs in aoue particular Mate r W ben have wc before seen a Chief Migistra e cxeninj? all- his ener gies to bht a ';r 'currency Jom the American system of Vurreocv. ubilst at sumo tih:nc f ,ia wrfirsUy ir pionn me Lougrcss c titf JJiur-jj tatcs iu mua mousunas ot Up, anmir- Jtt 'o pai:r , to recuo , vtU.'tuivtrnrnedt Irom Hi embarnmcnt.T lVhciihave we ueeu pioen'U witii'a.i i.MhTiuaifi? of observing surh uleep and' Confirmed rfl!Lui.-nlca !ni .A. I l fer,flasics of iSur potnlationfm the Dart W American Pres.dent, as tat which 10 .lop the huticit ti'a-s of-this confederacy of the nrlvileiK of borrow. iog capital with wheh to proti ufoithe usual ,traii.ctlor.s et triklol Ami where amonzst llic reevrded tioeds of tha "ru. b-rs 'bfavaiikintl, will web adequate to inrasirorTfacmyTno bi.es of such fla grant turpiuidd as i;;t n kh Mr. A'an JiHO? h?5. visWajp s trivia v;imaib lafe, banking institution in ibe.croatioft ofwhictr Iiq huu:l( was an active and irdiucntialfartivipaott It is ft' well es tablished tact, that wuh an 'e'teVral pro fessinn of hatred to the United States Dank pliyirg upoa his ' lips, trrid with the sword o destruction confinualV.wa. vjng in his hand, ngarnst that i:Ts:ifution ie3 nSlilinr.ft.t for ilie localion of a branch f iV-irriii political emporium i f New "York, It is an equally authentic portion cf his histo ry, that he is now exerting the r whole scope ol his power against till the tank ins institutions cf tho country, alien the inuucncQ .of that rmrty to whieh be be logit haa ttlil.i;nhfflricf rWof-ttj auihonty brought tnqre banking institu tious into e"xrsten and a lamer Unr CPpitufiiiitu circulation,-than ever-pi U plo Ixp Within "ten limes tlw satiie spaed. k any 'ornfef period.- U New h;ftt-hire-8iid iMilne,. which arueachdcvcMcd to Mr. Van FWen: bank's have beeif inuliiiJied Vnd bank- o-vBpi!w;iicreaseat, aiarc-Jfie Vnn Curen'part aame ehtru.vid with, the rens of pqvioti 19 an altp wi r' incredible extent. t Within the sfirno Kfrvits ortitue, tho State Dahk of Aiabaia.Y Jias been ......... prewoi AilmimsfraiiunS of the GoYct ital from Uto nearlv se vent v-five mill. ioni,of dollars , U "the grsat state! o!' Ndvv; Virk j a hundred buaU, fxclusivo 'o!itifiUinerable loan and trust ctvmpi- nio. Iisva Kfcn in k t. . .. - 17.1 : . . If r. .1.' power was invested with "tho coMrol ii- 6, 1889. SrtSsd lour mulioiis of dollars. And in Penn- S !!0: kson and ralren Slull Ii' reason ana VaBuren chal Government; and for ha Via !frfn ?fn ."aft: tothe erecUou bf su,? "-.wiaoHar. , And yet with all 'eminent on the Ef "t'1'?61 with all' these broad and stubborn facts to m. Myj?,ei!dW r1 hf r 'r- T nC Wf?' V". Buren ha, had ,n the erection of banks -e is be d . up - wjtlj rapturous ap-1 pW by his fr,endsas the implacable' enemv of bank. u h it i,Afc -,.if no hattti.-tri m ..fu T Lir .t pnminent facts; in Mi. Van Curens po nidi . jiisrry.-. we cannot refrain1 irom suDmiiting to the eonideratJvti, of j tr.e vonvention the utte fallacy and ivi.vy,(jcs oi an nis oroiessioru ol cevo tiori to the freed ef D'eoiocratic fAkb VVas it Democratic, to vote for the Tar riff In its, most .odious 4 and tepulsivtt forms a meatmte wjiirh was univer sally allowed to be founded upoa aatram ed constructKm of the FedcraUhatef ! Was it democratic to Vote M'(u$ eroc" tion of toll gstes upon' the Curilberlar.d U.ad a nieasura.w.hicU' is admitted on all hands, to embrace; theesseaee of Federal doctripes? Was it Democrat ie tc-support T)t Wittintoirrilie fed eral ('andidate'for the I'residency, and Rufus King, tho Federal .JCandidate for the' fyiti.H)L Senate, during the lute war with Great Biituin! Was it Dem ocralic to suMairi General Jackson's proclamation, sm?d during tliB troubles produced by tbeullifieationera? Was' it J-ndcratIc tcrsaociwa the exflunj-inff' iv-uiunun wnicn ai oca a vital ytate at the liberty 6 the Senate, tho principal ark of safety, which has been rrovidca ly the constnutioo for f tho riglws. at,d lreedomiof the peoplel- Was -it Demo cratic to sanction the force bUl.a nea iuro which was not only regarded as dijutful, but as a glaring infraction of tne -provisions f the Constitution, by many of tlio -rtDsfenJiglitene'd politicians minis country i. is-if a conrse which presents a demotTqtic complexion to exclude moreian two thirds of the qualified and virtuxius men in thisx-oun-try from tho oflices f5f whicli their an cestor shared the. bitterness, W every ""'"v uiavuu uic pcrus oi every c6nflicf, merely iecause the disagree with him m political aenfimentf is it lemocraitcio overlook tlie fa rmersmf the country in the distribution of the of-fii-cs of Government! I- it pemocrattc to, aequte ah unceasuur waf tmba the use of jhat credit in- trade which consti- totes l)ie vital blood of the prosperity of uib eopiei - is iu uemocr-tic to bring the patronage of the Government opci ly constantly and irrosistably to bear up on the treedom of the press, and of the elective franchise? Is it democrati5--is it consistent with democratic priiici-ples-Mhat bershotdd jncTeaseTheleTpn U's'of tlio Government to, more than SO millions of dollars per year, when the lact hai byeen irreversibly established, thatfteen millions of dollars will con duct its operations withvigor and facil ity' Is it in accordance with his own professions of democracy, to - resort to every possible expedient in order to fix tho Sub-Treasury upon the people of this country after they havjo twice, $ clared themselves explicitly and una qui vocally against ill Is 41 consistent with a due degree of. respect 'for, the popular will .to withhold from tV pe PU a directhoice of llicir-chief majris- Jrate, .when they are universally . known wwoniiiiMj iu a i ijuire- imi, pnyuege, knd when too he has had it in his power at any period since his elevation to Dow er la corisumate the measnrcf , U it nnt (flagrant violation of the cardinal prin ciples of democracy not only to refuse to' lend his aid 10 a measure of such ob vious propriety and ustiee but. alio to bend 'bis full energies against the distri bution of the nublio ltA amnnct ilia Staicfl Of tht Uiiiou Rafter the purposes for whlchihese lands were ceded to the Government have been accomplished. anq when, too, the most powerful Slates of ihe Union have beeu addressing the most convincing and lervid appeals to Coligfess ia favor of the measure! Caa vtx A Jicrlhgiicrnocral- whai-ap Ipraei by thef ublic x)f Urttt ItJrS dftfuclion of ,t,cre 1J-fated cre-jtry. constitute thefoblv legitimate foun.1 at,JS8. I".0 power and influence, tains of P91iticaL Wer! ?. If Mr. Van Whilst we are acanolmf-the 'moatnuren caA be an Accented Jen. M'MBHR 45. for hW(,pe0 demonstrations of attachment to the usages ol n monar Government aX haS: p pavo eminent on the ruins of, the 1 American ltenuhli l;.. ,r..:XI 2 1 ,?? admtration of thtf world! An I i1 possible the nature of thing thaf he should be a pure and accepted republican, w by asceuded to the supreme poW of poVer h this confederacy by !. ..J. L..-i. v ' r.. . burning incense at theshriiKj . . . . f 1 .wi h a Ilthese glaring errors and omis- aions tnatiging'np6o h skirts, it wU4 Prore exceedingly difficult matter Jor ' any person not. to bo a' democrat, let . . - . - f. vwwwoti a 11. 1 IJMiriHI H ill ; him pursue any and every course agree- ?y.lo-.e randtmvdirectiona'of hij will , 4 .4 r ( - J. :: t , . ' But let us devcte a brief: intcfVa! to . the wrjuiry whether iln Van Buren has 1 been laithfut to the del? tnrft nn wohAn. V..:. Bible trust which has beeif .is cbargtff Since be has been clothed " ' with the hiffhest attributei . there ha vd been largelymore than ona ' " " . million of,doirars tost to the people by i the dishonesty if collectors p the rev enuei hpof'MrVan: Bufe-Tfailed to " bnng to Recount' as he should have' , done; ivhenjas, it fias been establishet, - , to the satisfacttoq oCe very jrtnuiring and ; ' unprejudiced - numl.lhat during all tho adn.Hrtstrattons of the Government pre- C. f viousto those of himself and of General . . Jackson, there was lost io the Gorprn . mcut tire comparatively trifling sum of : ' ivw iiuaurea aua miy tbousand dollars. ' c1i.-lUc",$ 5ro and criminal act of : -negligence, such a 'shamefQl degree of... . indulgencetltfib'ase and. greedy pecula- ' J":lM-VPre-nrn aspect of faithful-ess to bis high functions I Uo- , der I'lesupc-vision .of himseff and of bis immediate predecessor to office, the ' prosecution of the Florida war, which ' has been as barreo of good and glory to ' th country as it has been prolific in the-' expenditures of noble blood and of pre- ' cious treasure, has cost the country for- 1 mn9( dollars. Bul the lata' war : with Great Britain only cost the Gov- 1 eminent 9d millions of dollars, when it was in progress during the protacted - -pace of three years bumbled the tow- r ering pride of Great Britain, and encir- -cled Uie; American-brow r with laurels of iulperishable verdbre. Does such' a prodigal expenditure of Ihe fundi of tho pooole merely in the occasional butche-" ' ' " ry( of a few handsful of untutored and ' musguided savaged indicate high souled " sensibility to the solemn nature of his' ' duties I' Does it argue fidelity to his high trust, to desert his post, during tho long space of four months, for the pur pose of indulging himself iq virulent pb-. . receiving $2083 per monthfor his sex- '"1 vices! : ' - VVas he actuated by a spirit pf faith fulqeVtb hi.4 important duties,, whea he failed discard from office one ' of " the members of his cabinet who openly u.v.jmicu, ucueu, ana aisoueyeu ihti utn;ittiive -manoaie oi a - High jnifij1-I luncUonary f Or has he been faithful in retaining in oiiice, to the great deter, ment of the public interest bis present -. Secretary of the Treasury, who has ac. quired as jnujeh notoriety by bis finan cial blunder and acts of mismanage- ment, as be has by bis, venal subserven cy to the will or bis master) V Or haa " he evinced a due regard, Jo the. public ' interest in filling the highest judicial fo rum ra this country with rabid and rner cpnary partizans of'his pwn,,who, atthij :" bar, were the more distinguished the less , they had to do, and who, ou the bench, ; aresoiahktaiHl meagre ia iheir Jeal potportions, as scarcely to afford a res- poctable judicial shadow ! - us u -x .nsficct the peculiar charms -which Mr. Van! Buren has pre ' sented to the American? public oa, tba 40udt otquahfiea dons. If lie has per rmcd one acf r which entitles him to V .heteputation of p-messing ability of a, high order or to the character o'f being . i patriot, jealous for his couutry "s honor no has been such a faithful cbscrvar of ihe eommatidjrof tbs holy sc Wp'toret,- as - t -1

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