X4 bIK- V WHAT DO TVE UVlirppUT TOIMOVE 4rVsi:LV?AKI) EtNU ANOli VOUT5IK HI. i. )a her scr, revq 0 eder PUBLISHED WEEKLY J . . ' BY ;V'V-&v;-f i ti:hji wo Dollars per -annum, in advance or ,1 bice, lK)Hirs, u not paiq wiinm three months from the dato of the 6rst number rccdvod. ' ,. sulmerintion to he dUcontSnucd till all arrearages to paid unless at the dicretirn t JJift r.4r. x ' , rfaihira to order a discontinuance lt fore thexni ration of the utcrip. lion year, u cqmvaicui iw eneacemcnt. . 1 , -u'- 11 lycttcm, CommunicajiOflj, , otc to come poit paid. . i-."' ' Price for Mvertuing. " Advertisements will beconspicoously nd haotlaomcly, bserted at'8100 pef juaro of 10 lines x and 21 cents f er rr subscaucnt insertion No- ttdvcr I i . ' 1 . n . a.-: . rtjmect, however siwn. mu M cnarg. a ICS! Ulan iur pqnarc.. , y , ; Court Odert and iudicial advertise. ncnts v ill be charged 25 percent hisbi r (we somcumcs nave 10 wan ? r iho pay.) S"r,:-r : ' Tlxe who'advcrtiscl y the year will cnMled trt a aedoction of 33 per cent, rovtded they pay iq advance.; waichfuT Uentkn to such to elTort 16 ! enlarge executive power and but in its .hands the means of cirraptiony j ;-V the amendment ut tn the language oljhe .Gl.)S)e,,the officjalHirgattbi thtf government at ld im t!ie projecit til the' fcub-Treasury was originally luff o ducefi in 1834. itiut sM'M Vsjnrir' had previcKii!ly voted to lay on the jtiblia the old Jefiersohian1 UepeblicaiVifc. trines ip Gcn''7cVfO0 and ? (Jou-t 11 thy fund jsa '4day Js),'ing 4rfi tt.e ductrtiies of the Glubefsu llieV- mendment was ordered to lfe on th table." - - it 'r 'i ' , vn mo ouo i reasmy, 11 wasproposea toinscrt; a ? provision for the " jiV chute: but . the, party were affraid t mqei.ti in, wot snapc, 4 11 was men moved to reject toe Specie 'clause , by way of. atneodmenC as the ltcsolutions IcTt the point at Urge; but oi tl.e' had nut ' '-'-', f , .. -i --..V . , ' been expressly dictated to on this inriut. from waiJiingtou, they were aflbid even to do y)ifr4 vljircfuscd to vote father place the ulidsigWd Uf "ftpiMw fimiftwrta;joi nofqslhuui" lltl.V fffet iii; vv ut 'b'e4hcji j thf jt 'curt- iU in tfus Ttye,'A4-Jhe firsftTiiCsd&V ' Mccr ftev'af iU 11 1jvlH-,h; Utpe afuf Upard II vement itfifi'mee'r ot;iKa ftij- r ' Hiori o,jl;sTa vduevl!fi(int VVtteiB Uirlltd Cbmpoy,-'Jfbe 'Uteodaricl; 'iT- t In to wh Teiidl eatery ' slitmld fir tmscfptsl tfct.-tti6s l.V A7t urjiuttift Cbiife; tu eiferf it, ndFnot U content after u!ibinj:jltr?rve:1d lei Vt her iibfc'rpnnf k shwflf sunlj bo owaiiied ' r- O' a s i- ms y'J $p h. 1 1, Ajntt?,M-llvfjrrflA.ii;f'thafil wtinjesn &lt5n')a e vAthe list ' H E CITI.Z Ef . way-f and bid both propositions on Cite tablet .ThpNakhvillo Damrcf remarks thai Dose alter dose of the lormtr FRIDAY DECEAfBElt;i3.;J83l: PONT PIIYS1CEAI X5 - While the Legislature f .rennesset, lew days ago, were passing ineir in tructini Resolutiom against -gencrsl Jank, and in favor of the SoUTreasurv used tlicmsclvct niuch at Mhe expeose nd greatly to .the discomfiture of the cofocos,; . ' In 1'ieo of the second rcs-duticii In ivor ol the Sub-Treasury, MrAfider uti offercd Ue following amendment r . Itetulrtd, That a corporation u roofh ator than any individual aent, howef r rcsponsibJu he may oerauso 11 onsists of an asbciatioo of Uidivivuals Lbu !vo throw:n tecether their atrzro- ..... . '.t L ste wealth and who are uouno in meir ornorate character lo t!o extent of thcil ... .' . r 1 .1 . J !. hole cawtalsiocjuior.-ino acpfiwre; rid mat 11 is iuc oi'Miiru wi mi v.ii ; uemllv tbat - the waviest BBcuniy liich the nost wealthy individual could .rc, wpuM not ' make ih'a pubfie dpot a safe af the point of large collection, Tliia anietidnrnt''einff io the words Lfvertr ToHt, JiiV a member of . rmv u tif cm-.na too hot 'far hit Uitisacs to vote dirtet'y a 7 mst,o 00 Viotittn of Mr. Yoakum it s laid on Mr. Andeffa then movt i to amend e second resolution by inserting the fol wing v-r-'l'f Kfkuhtd. That we have conbdence the ability an J capacity of tnn tiaie fn to Mriurm'tll the duties ol fiscal i'il.fti to. govcrnrocnUiniT. ?. aan ntlmcnt being ia the words ,. f .,f i.tckson, as may be wan by iirr r; to his annual message to Con t'tV Jf 30, was also a jmtr, and not i-.- 'iiteclly voted egainsU VVhcre re Mr. tie moved to lay if 01 the la. c uiul the 25:h day of December, hich n carried in the aflirraative. cm IS, Nays C. i ; Mr, ArJorion then moved the follow. :? an) jnd icnt in lieu f the resolution v-i uct uigour Senators to vote in tuvor f thi iSuUTieasury: 'fovifitd That the'Inicocndent Trca- ""v i (!iorganizing and revolutionary, i ti!nerive of the fundamental prin. 1 ! ..f otnr government, and of its en rnftit:e from 1789 down to this : dti.l ilml ihet rfTert of the schemo M bf t.) bring the public treasury uh a Mrcr the actual custody and ti't(l of the Trcsidcnt, and cxjose it .the wlieelf Ltbshav4 neverafiiuther lAtldepeudsVbu thatis now 'done Inl s r " ' ..'. . 1 ;ueyvncr a;r,a!i't,.tae day ot cood. uimS ai naua jur vtf g:rgt$ zreek. St. as . . 4ef'Aii'. 1G 1831). ove4nq;ice f I 1 i -'r-j. 1 - v towrV is )aR ih subject hartny.. ytrs fie steujif in Hh'i.i , tu 1ycrt1inA ;p4, oe f ,f s 1 rjsf njea pr: uara unictf, u5,lIi"M u imhss, juiiiiicai iurreip, (Jti'nd jb tij 'fork wth "ifiefuH pur- ppte 01 aty ompiiBnin in Rrpai criier; pri?e' ' tMft.ryeUfrviluidCuiiv fvtiui Krrftf?-'.vtJ 1i:a V-.J . c. Lift iu nwvm worm' i 0T111B vjireai V Kip A an ' wihklefs rn)w4jrousug hifm anu; oj v inning his-ti. ye,i -Let It "fever be a.huf v u 'Yie learn from tlat pink of Demorra. cyjlhe JyTncoln ltepuVIiran,that aDm GOl ioctrnea tant',JDot Pt.iki in ihi beaatS iidramistered toltho Vani Burcn .uco aud worshii er of ihW l:t thai My'in the way auiendmetita to ineir losiruciu'H leavuniuDh, una inc. tna joru navecaieu ano'svidiiowed. tnen nu uiui icy uvraiac .w ca, yevaaay, tfiil Mr. toe lad ttciy uufthat if cay ftjoru doea ci 'le kind were to be ad' minisiejrttl, the levious 'jQuesi Mi ilouti , cut themoff Tbeyjaaooi Mrto see what thek fcayetbecfl placed what they nw are rTbey dare hot go J9T lfjWteUause- ahdihey darg 001 go against jAua yeii tuey Dre tend' to be Udrpendrnfiid dareav6w their sentwntsr f & a well as clsew here,-floW ''.begfirinl a-f Ll-- .)La ' 1 .Lv.i- ' ! Oft"e- Plad ('arolinian Ate iSaTs j rsd irpouh.W asqite ..nine o uieir mcjus, . nut -we reMrcwff tlw iiaic nwv biltjvejiptd and her citizvn thertk k pt Irifijfiiljri fJmtmlixi tKvv lrou-3 tier cuLo flies u! t he West. 1 -' I 'fl'v vjca (:icRelj3et N .vonflcted ih f 'jeJeral pulitlci Let fh V-tTeetbal bcralio meeting vaji advertised QbftM t-rr -r.f ---T'-T-v'""-.lil.'',""i.''i.' " new in Mtwoimon, on 10- win uiumo, bfafy ' 4iiri(JSi K (itttt find he pemo-fcrats-iiB eoft,fe'' vS C r -'i ' V iY fAwi hdy,didnt r-X v ? : " T a l j 1.1. s : . 4 'V uu "cy "wouioni 5 .".. ? . We learn that one old country gentle man with something of a,whhe head and a round licily, brought upvhis two daughters iyjtVsme J urkra" to sell, and ho' promised to show the lemales a V. y'tmomUic Co .wnt on,", but " the "cwtntio'n1 was, a sickly afiair; "jo" tbeyajied. irjpver g tu but the old man'swore that I:km should never colarie, to another i h a show. He said tliat V'Geoeral VAwi muster was worth a thousand ol it, ai d it'dat was de way djf TeifttK-raia went od? general was dp man for hi money.' t .' ' uu-es.tne jopie did nt come and ! yens ioi which tlie rxtifigVt)trn of Nican, for foarr perhn?, that ihcv mizht l rT: j 1 w l . a. " 1 . 1 . . . . . oe w ithout a xamtu tfoeether, takes up.the cue f Ha I UefcH!ican of , Uowanr and,,ntoiina;e. Jidie Itimulus ju. onunaers.. . y ell, ihis eminds us of phytic. t ;BmEUTLATE THAT KEY Eft' Oue Van Ikiren Eddor seems K.to cominjr to hi ayuscs at lai We cpr the following from the estern; hig; publish. d at La GrangeTennoisseet J. II hut, Tteiufrt, is tJtiiThc -New Orleans Vobricr- a. Van Bui en organ jdf the first wa:crr has . this astuuuduig do clarationil ,,y..4(' U-, J 4,Ve however, are In avor o,a X. tional Hank, puuiecl 10 Uiu suik.', vfthu U''t'oi.s:ross.LViilrtiit It we caitmn have I jiajH'tial f.wrcftclt.tltat wfltiAfigl thetiTiwVfielrittg'eTn lheywiU recurve ,a -ajK;rc.liri:wv $ equal value, with ipecici' tctldV. 1iisU w e nul iia ve, a Uert ikjr.vuder he control of ,ihe .et!gu: their e preiiciitanvt'S iir t-irlA ..THKliE' FOItE, WE SAY. LET THE; AU XlL.sTUATiU;cuME W UUU UESOH-L -AND UlEA i E -A NA TtO.AL HAMv at W afhuigt with Hest exercised. aixJ their fex!itPo,i: Drur eaVtvberi thft g-)o J of the State's citizfciis is f onsiiuM aim fluvtnccu oy UKJfpiu 0 tfttr o-frtieijip6art-thtmy:j hqi(t(:iii aicppwijj forth aol Pu'tUn p ius ottmwe ihc rcciibn of lb aid oabroi pv wq btate. 1 h( wil o ?lW)ut abatraeUons. in pofoicsll wi be vcttftii jnj4t"ad of lalktn. .4. vli 'Vetain thit Cu riuerkiiid'Courf ' ty, arKl tfic towh Fa'yctie;ilKy-w6uw be aim Tyabla to take all thrf stock in our road, and thorcb) secure the tntjr direct ttn ynd coniro of it to the greaj d advantage, for ourselves, if every oi waj pint'wuting i 00 nis reamaui; pntty tiany body, doubt thist D63 anyoTjfe cuppt8 that.pona lonrredk (theoly weans". by whieany si h wer adi beat, ftctolfplished) ur' couotf aitd toAvri w ould not l abfev1oensuie the road to be bu'UT--,Ifariy body ha suc rfoubt 11 is because he , has both tn the haJait ot kinir -abrtad fdr ,'thjt luAvhich'btt was too iiunx and elfiah to r-rler bunsclf scordicg fa his titoais andfhvref ire tookjlr, granted 'ijiaj&il 'rejikjBhujiSclU .-1 - - Ve repeat, what we liavc be(ore8ji!d tbai,'tfre not to expect yerti yin. 't.ffoM m,ne.v wiieii wciuke slock jn this road. We can nly look' for jjiti iehtfs arp pfofiis, m iho -vasC advaiya getf and nnprovem?nts tt- will work to us all intho way of tra'du andr. business, as well. a 'the increased value, of every aiVwholeftat w town and coun National Governrnent has'been ini ooi ranon, we nave naa,ton years ot mat period, the" benefit of p K,!i'nal XiiuL' frSm the same fc(instirijtlofiat jiiho-i offifty years, thtiro have becnfhrej sov. ?rA(fL?Sjx;nsirns o Vpccie payments. . A.no u w,n ict wprtny ot not are, a well bj- thcJ'rkodsas by the ' .ppon'eAta ,of s jvh ,a)t trwiitutlon; hat nofone 'i hese tjiree sospensons tK'curTcd "daring ah ci;1onae irlie - National 0ahkU The fifet suypensionacciirred some tim s'afi ter the'.eharjer of iho first "Nal dual , biolc, exhired, ; - Vpbug(by appealing to tle t recoi 1 it TftVMi (jixtiiiVchstitutw it of iDrti.ifcnt hasjbeerf oi roperatwt yfof yfifty );ea'ri';r Uurinrforiyycar of tht ti'noia wftati9jTa' IHnk;" charierctf hf Congressi has been the fiscall ajetif of the iWrtiwEftti,tJ durijii thcai tfer; v ' . . i' . 1 - r. -. vrars, inerv was nojen an recurrence lis a'gerierl'ujipeosjlon' at specie ; pay menu oy 1 "ic uanKS oi me union. 1 ijui danng'the remainder of the nstitu- uonai' ierm-.iuat is, ounna uie ten years that tfie cuntrv and ,the Govern ment have been .without the advantage of a. National Bank, there have been no lessihan Mree suspensions of specie pay Uieois. uati. i airioi. a joKe' nee, heard ot these same Democrats tf fincolcrVA goodly num. ber of them bad assembled at the Court Hoasto scea fiapging frolickbut be fore the hour arrived a pardon . came from rthe governor, and the, prisoner was discharged. iSome fcilows, bent rn ' fun, awore thej-wwild have a frolic any how; so they huns; altjg. Just sowiih' the ltepuhlican: If they cWld not hsv ' a regular:nominatiori, they muff, have a $ort uJ itofrnominnlion. Y V I 4 , IIOGS.-rT)rove after drove of Ken tucky hogs have been pawingnhrougb fKir;vdlage for the last ... three x weels There seeirii To be o end jo them. The owners are asking from 5 to 6 gross Tlicre'havo been no sales as yet, jiear this, at that print?. ' ; -'- , Ituiherurdton Gazette. i ' .sourii Carolina. : , ThomatP. Sumyter, grand son of Gen SumpJen has been elected to Con gress in .the place of the; Hon. J. p. Richardion.d Those who were instrumental in britming ottt Mr. Fwher for Congress in the Salisbury District, avowed itstheir primary. ohect to Dut down wlmr thev were pleased toterm cadcus dictation that Is a nomination bv delsates select - , . . '. ' tl. . " 1 final Hueciioij is a ouauujuv minff, ed lor, that purpps he estcrn Car- ;ommendabl9 bul we jhink olmian-aW had much t?f sayj fendmgiWht in UatinW daddy. ine ianvass in msi tiisirici, aooui cau; cases and caucus nominations; and r- H...I ir.i.i' :. -l . ucoiiv iuc v-flruii!iKtn in siaungme iw that the Whigs of Rowan had a meeting ami appointed, delegates to the ' Rilcislt power to eatabluh: a.btan' l jin'each Stale," when authorized by their liegis atures." " ::r'-i ": The New Orleans Bee copies 'the fcrcgiing, and then exclaims; .',' : , MThis is downright whiggcry I y Is not our neighbor alrald b beini strick en from the roll .of .the faithful? We caunot but be pie tsed that the Courier should advocate a measure, which, is called lor by the interest of -the,; whole countr) . W e acknowledge his aid in such a behalf, and hope that -his labors may prove beneficial to the cause of a sound currency. Tlie Comrress of Texas has passed a law eraiiting 2,083 acres of land to himdR.'cvcrv woman , who win marry a ini -Heo.Hi iinder-tlie late system cotiMlxcn of that Republic, during the pres. .h:ii i, in tut u mm "v p..-".- - - '. . " . i . t I rttl... .1.- .i- i,t. t...i rnnsA fnriiimo of He derlantion oi ineir inuc- wn mid ought to feive their mcstjcuJeucc-wr(ia gazette. Convention, presumes that s j id Cdnven tiorpis to save the peopi tlie tiouoleol making a Goverrjori" We now hiake this retcrence forihe purpose of sayings that, inaimuch, as the Van Buren party of the State is to h6ld a Convention of . , . . '- - its own in January tor the same orgect, that of nominating a cansidate for Gov ernor, we shall expect '.(he"' Carolinian, with all those who supported Mr. r isner, IV, and the.TKMhtwrhoods throKwbih tieod"is'to pass. AV VI e are to luok ur ihese divivenii in the expenditure of at feast one inillion of Dollars afoonst and around iw, it vvhich e,very'''mdustriius,V enterprising citizen, may get bujulUoate. -Ve ' have said and we .repeal that.the burtheris of this work should be divided atrongst, an. Etry oWy must take w. e stock, and then no hoJir r in hr irrcatlv burthened cftf, v f"(fy to t5 ' benefitted, dnd all shouU comn oi if an J hot meanly shrink tr .ytudoiiii their part of the work. ,Ye assure bur readers that iho ruad csn l e belt W n oiher way TTf TUf1: HOOKS ARE .NOW OPENED: ' Tlie ffwk is terns Mm tn this low ii f 9 lunt as we could reisonahly exf:rt, ard we fool confident that when our meet W is held on,Tcnsiaylhe 3d .4 lh:imber pox?,v Tbt B ard nl lu- cr".;l Improvement ounah'4 sirmigers that may attend to encourage and aid in rprize,- wiU leehet; red -find am to opjmse the noinme ol the Van Uuren Gubernatorial LonveHtion. " w:r '. ? nru miif ton ,CArnkft. Pulling' the i up on the wrong Hend The Western Carolinian, in an nouncing the fact that a Whig meeting was hcd in S;? lisbury a few days ago, remarks': "The object f the mectin,; wa to choosfi delccaies to attend the Riileiffh'and Uarrisburg Convention, to save the peple the trouble of making a Governor and rrepident" . Weil, we shimld like to-knew what will be the bo- nirn objects accomplished by the van Buren Unventions, winch are u assem ble in a short time jn Raleigh and in pahiinorci ; We suppose the objsct ol th 'se patriotic bodies will be to manu- ta'Muroa rresiaeiu ana, governor ior themselves, and according to their own liking, without thinking of the people in tlie matter at all.' Hal Star.: j hui- CM JmalO'l' bv the ;rttfrVus efforts of our Sct Sprague, jrmior, (Whig,) has bcatn his father, Seth Sprague, senior, in i canvass" for: the State Senate of Massachusetts, frorr. Plymouth county, filial affection is a beautiful thing, and Greensboro Palrm. was Legal Distinction. A maq was la- ken before the Criminal Court of Boston chargedjwith Lsmoking.aarjntheL street. On his examination, he proved it.td be a pipe, and was immediately discharged." Easy mode of 'edging Razors On the rough side of a strap of leather or an undressed calfskin binaing of a toofct rub a piece of tin, or a common, pewter 8iHon, lor hall a minute, or till the loath- The precise whig majority in tne late popular elections in the State of New York u said to bo er becomes glossy with the metal If the razor be passed over this ' leather a boii: hatf a' dozen times it will acquire ar finer edge than by any other method. -Alecianics Magazine. , AS THICK AS THREE IN A BED. Mammv, who's coin to sleep in that Ur td with Jim and Jo and Jack and Cate and Bet and Moll and Jane and Su and Dick and that strange man whatg here to night? 'Why, me and your dad dy, to be .sure! , ' s GREAT YIELD. , A centlemau in Burke County raised , from 3pacrcs of ground 340 bushels, of corn; the ears averaged 30 rows 17 in ches long. One bog. weighing 300 pounds, was fed on one car, and after bei.ig satisfied, left 1170 grams on the car, besides a great dual wasted on tho ground. "Go it boots 1" Buncombo can't you crawl over thist , rf Carolina GdttU ' 7 t I

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