i -J WHAT DO WE LITE FOB, BUT TO IMPUOVE OUttSBLVE AND BE USEFUL TO ONE ANOTHER? VOMTMK ITIt Ill II! ' , - .. .... .. , , ... , ., , .. ..... PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY B JVV A M IJV S WdlJd. - : -j L, ii t j . or Three Dollars, if not paid within ' three months from the date of the first number received. 1 IXo subscription to be discontinued till: 'all arrearage be paid; unless at the , discretion of the Lditor. . . r:i . j j: .: l. I . ...... - .. .......... ,-. .... ..,. A failure to order a discontinuance be fore the expiration of the subscrip tion year, is equivalent to a new entrapment. , All letters. Communications, " &c. to come post paid. Prices for Advertising. Advertisements will be conspicuously md handsomely inserted at !I 00 ncr spare 01 10 lines ; ana cents lor ev pry subsequent insertion.--No adver tisement, however short, will be charg ed less than for a square. 'Court Order arid judicial "advertise, bents will be charred 25 nerrent hiirh- I C a; - r j (we sometimes have to wait so long or me pay.) , Those who advertise fcy the year will entitled to a deduction of 33! rcr cent royided they pay in advancer: iUMJIUMCATIOX. ' " 1 " : ' i For the Southern Citizen. baltimoueTonvention. Much has been said, and will no doubt lull be said by the partizans of the pre sent Admjntflrttioo; upon the supposed Jnconiisiency of the Whigi of the t'ni ed States' in opposing the Baltimore Convention and now supporting the pro )osed Hsrrisburg Convention. In ansCer to this charge of Incorisis jency the Whigs plead, not guilty. , How was the Baltimore Convention rejected and formcdl The party now Jn power with President Jarkson at their cau iuiiiicu uui v4)nvcnuon: inn nary iwicu m aucnamg 10 meir rewrcuve uties; lor wnicn they were receiyinjr Jxhorbitant wages, turn aide from the crformaAce of their appropriate duties 1 appoint Convention and to nomi ne a President and Vice-Pfpidnt m lli - .- . j - .L-. 1! nt Jackson wrote to the Tennessee .gifiatore to make no nomination for ,ese offices but to await the decision of s Baltimore Convention, and that the ,i General to all intents and purposes I in fact and indeed through the agen- vi una vuiivcnuuD nommaio nis sue -sort Andwas not this an , alarminir nciple and dangerous Precedent! the nTthing against whichthe Whig'spi of that day cried out! A steam doc- ho happened at the meeting of the , vent ion to be in Baltimore (perhaps carch of Lobelia) like his "illustrious iecessor,, assumel the responsibility "presenting thFWhig Ktite of Ten- and that too without the formal in rf a midnSrfit Paurni 1 1 : t?n 1 ' ,u.f .k- a.i..'j:.,m-.. i- .tJdear to our hearts! juv ui lira ivtn vnuiv.1 ill I ill rgotten who represented them Convention, and how and by 3 was appointed? A citizen of (but now purser to the navy) ; responsibility of representing a af which, be vas not a citizen t too without the authority, so '.ho public have been informed of 'S of 10 bumble Constituentg in ile district? These were a most prominent reasons why animated with some of the !ngs of their sires of the revo vi iiivii v vi ma iv. tosedthis pnfpabieand open of Executive influence .and controling tho elective fran right so sacred and so dear, to "onsanais irangni wun greai oanger ing caucus! caucus! ualtjrndfe ConVen jvcraof liberty! lttct Mr. to the liberties of the people t So trne tionll whenever there ir J rnbiif. m,'.M. . . j. ....... . . Editor, we see the insidious, but steady 1 Riarch towards mnnnrrhtr (ha ment is making It A little more thao foUf year sice ij,e-Pfesidriiod fiw . ovgihioo ana nonr ,na cl h,8vt"uccessorJ" boU anU "eP"blican principle has become general with this party in the United States, that all the Officers of the Got. ejnmcntwho are receivfni VaWs for ,, . . - their services and sworn for then1 faith. their services and sworn for their1 faith ful performance, are taking the open field as political partizans with this mot to in flying colors at their hcadt "The Swih belong to th' Victor what a humiliating spectacle does our coun try present at this time to an enlighten ed worH I Councilors, Judges and at) the officers of the Government, w ith the President himself at their head, so ar disregarding their oaths and'tha high obligations th'at rest upon them ifs io go boldly and unbiushingly in (he open field of electioneering!!! . It has been truly said, our rovcrnment is yet an experiment; and that ihe eves I - C 7 vf ill. the civilized world , are llooking with intense Interest upon us, to see uh.lt iu libclv In 1i tlx. ro( It f U,' experiment will be it the dangerous anti I Uepuhiiraii principles of the party in power are tully carried out. The Pi csiiJem with his hundred thou sand Officers, with the sword in one hand to intimidate and overawe the peo ple, and all the money of tho Govern ment in tlicnther t i tempt, buy up and corrupt them I In adJitoa to jhis cor rupt mast are millions of expectants for executive favors!! Perhaps for every office within the gift of the President there are m these degenerate times at least twenty exptrtants actively and bu sily enjsged in rorrupting the body po litic when set! intircst and self ag grandizement without regard to truth, priwMpie r patriotism is the secret sprtngthat sets all their electioneering machinery into motion, and with a per severence known er.ly to the 1ni wor shippers of mammon keeps tltia machin ery a )?ointf ! Charity, however impells us to the belief thai in this immense ma&s there are some; and we would yet hope many who honestly think they are do ing right ; these we trust and believe will by and by have their eyes opeged to the enormities of the times; and With the Veteran Conservative band united with the true whig spirit that -pervades our union may may did I say? must expel the Goihs and Vendals from our CapitoL The blood of our revolutionary latncrs still tuns warm in the veins ol American Freemen! The fire of pan i-otism- stillburns-in their bosoms, and the love of liberty purchased at the expense of so much blood and treasure still is After what has been said it must ap pear obvious that, (in a republic at least) there is a great difference-between Con ventions of the people projected by them; and sustained by them; by numerous meetings, in different parts of our wide spread country: and a Convention of office - holders and office seekers projec ted in high Conclave in the White House at Washington ! The one constitutes one of the best guarantees of liberty hence the constitution 'grants this right of the people to assemble for the pur - . i , , - i pose of devising ways and means for Pblic g00. The other is at war with the spirit of our republican mstitu- . j . f . . i . .....i. ...... .1 ASnKBOUO', (V. C.) FRIDAY. DRCKMnEr? 301889. it is that "the'greater the benefits natu- ray salting from any thing; the more pernicious are its conseqoeuces when directed from hsjroDerjwurse; 'Jtyfik carious to know what these fence r Edi thisighf is assumed by the party al- tors will call the meeting proposed to be ready in power it then becomes a seri- eW at Raleigh on the Ida ol January ous cause of alarm ; particularly when next, we hazard the opinion that much that party takes the high ground by oil will be mixed with the bitter enp of them at cresant , , f- r x,",wr" ww ) ICn told, (what indpp4 alinnlil ko 1 ien told, (what indeed should be true that public officers an the servants of the people. The appropriate duty of a servant. Is, to do the will of his master; particularly when that servant is not 1 bond, but a hired servant upon good wages fiom 2 to 3,000 and up to $25, 000 a year !f Now when these : ser vants so far forget their stations, as to ncglecf their business leave their offi ces and their pqsts spend the money the people haye given them, wastfully, ex-trayagently- and erruptly - m - purcha sing, votes, sending out partizan docu ments, in short, using all theoyer to them given by the peopleIor the pur rose of niacins themselves aciin in nnW er, I say. .this, being, .the case they' are H longer servants but "masters of the nnnlA I A' ' " 'About the time of the revolution when! the dawn of liberty made its first an- pearance in this western world, if the unusn nionarcn unemoarrasscd by o ther important engagements, had ' open n I i r . .. ed a ecre correspondence with all the Governors ana other officers of his own appointment in the Colonies; and thro' them hai appointed t Convention! if you pltase a Baltimore Convention; and that too for the purpose of i perpetuating his system of oppression I J, Who can tell what would have been the result! Who can'teii that against this might v organization backed by "the monarch himself and all his trained band of satili- t'.-s, we could have successfully conten ded; even wjth right and ardent love of Llxirty on our side I What would we in this day call such on organization up on looking back! A democratic Con vention! . Most certainly not! I leave it to the good sense of the people to look bark to the Baltimore Convention to be hold this holy alliance! And draw the parrallel! At this memorable period the people (preccedod by the gallant meet ing in Meeklcnburg county,) throughout the extent of the then colonies hold pri- ... ... it. . mary meetings; and by degrees a large mcetins w as kid in Philadelphia in Id What was this meeting c a Iledf By the K iing and lus partizans it was na.doubt . i , , . :alled an unlawful assemblage! A cau- ' -r ' , ' andJ)r4ajicrepcopleJiaeihc i -.1.. . L . ' . : .. . d I nui in meir sovereign capacuy to mcei i agin and again In Conventions -but it would be hard to prove that the yr net'. vants have any charter either from the letter or spirit of that instrument, to meet in their, sovcrigen capacity for any iu'ch purpose! "There are none so blind as those who will not see." We do not ex pect to convince the blind partizans of power! Nor do we expect to ' convince cettain pretended fence Editors who have gotten a smell of tho smjiking flosfi pots of Egypt, end are dailyelping up on this hot track! These last will keep noses in the pot in despite of us! A;l we wish nr . expect, to do is to guard uV people s- I ... . ll .; A i' ' : gainst wose jealous guardians of their rights and their liberties, who ire eiry. , ....-.:l 1 r. ' in . . . .1 t ,' it-1 ing of the people, however much that! meeting may be called for by the alar- ming exisrencies of the the limnF !m " m ihuwi mere kuouia oe any hitlsrnao at fill k- " L . .1 ' bitterness at ,all in that cup; " be this "as it may we shall keep a good look out 4 ' ' A DAVIDSON WHIG. , MISCELLANEOUS. . ': TO A BANK NOTE. I will not take thee, ragged elf, In payment fijjr my labor Youi villanyWevea'led itself, You've robbed myself and neigbor." Your very face is all a lie, "Yotxr promise r but a bubbleV"" ; " You raise the price on all I buy, '. And plunge mankind in trouble. And when we ask you for the cati " How well the matter mended ! We find your Sank, ' broke to r':aA,,'.i-,Jr-; . .-'i . J Or hang youl you'n tuspendedi . Tor banks the farmer grows his corn Phc laborer gives his earning; The student, like a sheep, is shorn Jo 8piteJf all bia learning. From the Charleston Mercuryr BOUNDARY TROUBLES. Missouri and Iowa have nlanted dmr. on'a teeth on a patch of ground "lying and beinz" in duhiol but hnttintr nA bounding " on the east to the Mssissippi iiTui, tm me wuui ana west io ine ,ues Moines river, on the north to a line of lat. itude forming in the main the Northern boundary of Missouri. Prom which it will be seen that the said land is shatied a little like a tomahawk, which accounts for its having irritated the flesh and stir red the black blood" of the "two powers." The Governor of Missouri, seeinw ihai this little delta yVhich formed another E iypl ol rertility.abounding in corn and oil hickory,) did send certain .valorous vul 9-ewr, snenna, ol otners to levy black mail thereon. These fik other Jasons hastening after another golden fleece found, to their unutterable indignation and dismay, that the Iowa sneep naa more nomsjhan vrm. jThev were inemwjves tieeced, and suffered otherwise uncomfortably. Thriirn the governor of Misouri did manufacture ana set up a mignty proclamation, which went un from the seat of Government tv. ful as the eenius out of the nnse. nf th demTjohh in the eastern tale, making no nconsiaerame smoke. - lint thnivarn. or of Iowa, no way disheartened, but "tner, tike a crow in a misl ; becoming ,arcr ,nl vaPr wh,cJ ft other hni evoked about him, did issue a stilt migh- v; iiam ana wrainiui, aia ine ratner in if... at4andBut4irfoHie8tiiev-ff4fri, a . JnnMH t.Ak ii i uum panics wno are caned the JJoggites and the, Lucasites. The press on both sides began to abound in spikes, blunderbusses and other atrocious weapons, and their "voices was fpr war!" The tax eatherors and nnhlfrn of Missouri went out again to gather the tithes, but were met with tntiV nn,t jeers, the men of Iowa being in no sort oi mat orancn ot the Anlo-Saxon tribe, who in the opinion of a wise Btnips.nan An delight in paying debts. They, on ihe conirary, uave as aeep an abhorrence In nnllintr m,l Ik... I..fi:5 XrSH bTlV?.rrif nniflt tn thnm tho Uin iU .L. r. wuu-1 iu a lun uiti idiiKr LiiMn. inn mrma a. r L.u y r -.r .n h!,k .k- n -.1, j 7 ' "wxkiics ana snooK tnem turious v. nA ttinn ik:- r.. -j. .L . - ...... i them many & sore applications of the toes of. boots, threatening also to row them up a vcrv frnrhtful hmnli r .k- river Styx, which is called the bait Riv. er, and leadcth, as is supposed by learn- ed geographers, mogo than half way to tho dominions of the "Old Harry.11 1 Thus stands tho Governors have raised each a great r my of very terrible words and jghrases, Myjng also several field-piowai Ik' news- papers that have already thrown a vast number of "carcases" and other ofTensi vo things among each other. There is also talk, as swn as the militia gel through thrashing the crop, that there will be other thrashing on hand. From the Weekly Mesaeneer; i no lotiowing marnageceremony will probably afford amuMfiusnt to some cf the readers of iheHreekly Messenger, It is sufficienethi say, that hy it a black folk colored gentlemen, and a black colored ladv." wer uttuulu, wedded and, perhap?, the fact that if is fresh from -Old Virgiunv,M will clothe u wiui aaaitonai interest. " . - , i I is de nigger ndvocate in gineral for matrimony. De black-folk cJlonsd-gen-t!emeii.dey will: stand., to -de - right f de black-Ajlk colored-ladies dey will stand to do left; de white-folk gentlemen and ladies dey will stand where dey are. Here stands my young mastery and my young ! mistresses, and de company ginerally; and I supose dey all spec great things from dis old nig but! I 'fear,d " dey all be'ceived. Howsomcver, 1 shill tin flFfimiaA uaii iin .m.i l . . , ,f (3 ivuiiuiiiiuu IU build upon . t ' I shal try to Indeever to put dese t vo couple togetner in de fear of God; and, ' deevering so to do, my friehds, yoa must try to 'dure wid one 'nother in dd wuciwher lies before you, for I tell ; you dere is wuck where lies before you. De wuck where lies pefore, you is pass de SDeCtationa of Him nirrrr ' Kill 1 ivu uuo la wuli. mr. nnmn nwto tl Java .a L ' If. . II . r you lub dat gal where you hold by da haud? Yas, I does. (The girl smiles) Look at dat nigger eye now; see how it shine, see how ceptibus she look. De eye ol dat gal is easy diskivered, Mr. Rol en, does you lub dat gal where you hold by delianif? Yes, I does. WelL from ait dat i nas diskivered, dere is not doubt but dat you does tub her, and I necd'nt have axed de question. I ore in hopes,;' derefore, dat God will bless dese two coupie in ine wuct wnerc lies Tore em. -If any body has any Ejections why dee two couple shill not be out 'torel tier. lrt dem now speak, or forever arter hold aeir longoe. u any tody has any 'jec- uons wny oeso two couple shill not be ever arter hold deir tonffue. Mr. RnK. ert sylute your bride. (The company commence congratulating.) I wusb der - COmDanv lobe cnmnnri. fjt it ; de beitedictiterawOiayde .'mloff grace oi nimignty uod rest wid you and each of us, now henceforth and- for eb bcr. Amen. (The company again com- D P -w V'i. party to- be composed. 1 am 'quested by de landlady to vite da fnmrmnv rrin- iiicucb ctmyrami.iiintf. i i tvnen rin Am. .. : " r"j ..... ?wX-jnu come ana eat tuss, and it Aem j... . i r ... . w wnere was ot vited dey kin eat dat wher Jem was vited left. ... - CENSUS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In pursuance of an act of the legisla ture of Sooth Carolina, at im lnt llhcjccnsutiXihe frea-white inhabitants- has been taken, and found to amount to 250,117 souk Greensboro Patriot, t 1 INDEPENDENCE. Chop your own woodblack your own boots shave without a glass and with cold water chew your own to bacco and read your own newspaper, 'Great Pigeon Shooting.lU y Keats shot last week, at tVA ,fl0,, P'geoni shots, 784 pigeons. This is the greater i - S?er beardof, and wecue two wtather it has ever beest r eta ha I - " beaten. The dace at whirh Knt hhem was on a aand-bar. whera ihe- .t;rt.htt Z ' J " vwyvsa vi ceum2 irrav. iu im waicr. virA".inT .ttjMt "what think vm rU Pl T.u erally to supper: Dem where war vitetL - mationlor the Vice Presidcncv!" said a gentleman the other day to CoL' John ton, don't think anything at all tf iij" said the Colonel; !. may he cotixiJ Off the track, but Pm twt to CttZU