p77 TT ai 'I: j WIIAT JOO WE LIVE foil, CUT TO IMPUOVE .OCUSELVES AND BE USEFUL TO ONE ANOTIltH ? V0LU3IH III, ASUttBOUO', (N. C.) -PIUIUY, JANUAliY j 17; 184q. -JtUMUKU 51. ? T i7. Tu, tfo kt? ;a;T ti? ,e PUBLISHED WEEKLY : TL1HISV Two Dollars per annum, in advance. or Thiee Dollar., il not paid within three months from tho date of the lirst number received.' No subscription ta be discontinued till all arrearages be paid; unless at the aiscreuun oi uic junior. , A failure to order a discontinuance tc fore the expiration of the subscrip tion vear, is equivalent to a nsw . ;engaccmcni.7"k-v-;: J ...!.' ..r. All Letters, Commtmicatioci, &:c.t to come rost paid. . j: is alleged when ibis new stale ul thin;- to have taken place, the Senator cave nonce oi nis iweniion 10 move 10 imro dure this bill " Whether this motion has or hosjiot any . conncxioqf wiui that ad justment of former differences, the Pub lic would, he had no duubt, be clad to know. At all events, it is important 'o know in what relation ( cuppcrtv oppo sition, or neutrality the .Administration actually t'.uids to this momentous roca- - v ?' j .i . .l sure; ana no liur. v.i auppoieu wisji use Senator from Scutb-jarolina, or some otter Senator, could communicate tliQ desired information. . r . .' oufpl the question as a candidate fr4 and others acid that the question must he j iheCbicj Magistracy? and Sir. C had settled. It was seven ) ears which I consequently ;beonlv alternative of the, then fixed on for ks termination, and it illustrious individual at the llermilace, would have been carriid'jn thattime or ol the manfwhowrashow; distingslsh-" but for cerTaTbclrcumstances.i ,11 re ed in the House of Representatives, and gard to all I yielded; my colleague (Mr. who had held so many putmc places rrcsmnj Knows ,wny i oia u, oui !i ao with honor to himself, and Iwiitfit to the not, choose .tp statd , it bereVTAnd; I country. , And if there was any truth should now have said nothing on the sub in histoay, the choice which Mr. C then jcet, if the. Senator bad been silent him made was precisely the rWirc which ;G Cut be has no gratitude, on my the Senator from 'South Carolina Jiad partf and StAuh Carolina owe him, no urged upon his friends., " The , Senator ' gratitude. He aded cinder the necessi himsefl had declared .his", preference of jty of the case. I, backed by the gal Adams to Jackson. -Mr. C. made the lant Slate which 1 represent, comielled Mr. Calhoun said he had supposed I same choice; and espenence Md ark the Senator to break down the system i r I " i ?. .1 . i' i - At J . " 1 1 .. . 1 . mat no man wo as irucn occasion loriprovea u irom mai oay 10 mis, ana we. uwwue wwi aim n is my o delicacy in referring to wmical com-1 would to eternity. History would rati-, pinion thaut will brini hack the Uov- promises at the Senator from Kentucky; fv and approve -it. Let the Senato eminent Jo its original principle. . Tliat Senator had refef red to some tram irom South Carolinu maW any jhing j Mr. Clay. I am sorry to b obliged saeiion irt he political course of RI t. 0, out of ihai'parUif Mr. d's nuuli'- career io prolong this discussion. But I made Presidency'; and after my name wat withdrawn I took no part in the electio. 1 was a candidate for the Vice Pres; ' c Vr andbstained from taking any , : ancf fni all electioneering. Wl 1 1! election was decided, I saw the Voun : which Mr, Adams Was determu I t take, and I hen could not besi j take my stand in the. way of res - I do not know what induced t " aior from Kentucky to. get up a t - iioo on this billand at this tine. , I. n hti motives' are for all this, he can I . t ti:ll j but 1 Teel these personal invertive as extremely unpleasant, and I w ouiu not introduce them, . But when they are, introduced it is requisite thai I should4 iir. viav one worq. I)oes not the Fricti for .Idvttliting : I Advertisements will be consntcooirslT and handsomely inserted at $1 00 per sauare of 10 lines ; and 25 cents for ev- ery subsetjucnt , insertion. No adver tisement, however short, will be charg ed less than lot a square. " Court Orders and judicial advertfso ments will be charged 23 percent high er; (we sometimes bate to wait so long 1UI IIW Uttlil - - " - - I . . . a ... - ' - . ' I . - J I Lt . l. I . r, f nil n,r.ri.r.t , if'.OIlnr JM ta 3,1 ottol w flowed by otber bo. Mr. C, bad U that heoold have now hud iho hpnor). The Senator say. I wM MX on my SJJ .Lv.Vu d J?JLT usgaUvlolfowelit,andespcf talk would to meet tli Senator ace tojace in thi cent provided tbey pay in advance. . , Natkmal Capitol ' t,,; V- MtWd not own him as y slave. -He I Sonil teiaiions musi OI roursc iohow ins 1 , 1 1 ue ocuauur uau aiu iua j. iiia 5Jw ii ' " " vuiiijA.ii6u ur umi i . . I ir.1 i.i M , is ; i.n 1 nolitical course of Mf. Clout tof iliat parlw Mr.Cvpubli' which occurred some twelve or thirteen Ui he coulJ. .Mr. Udehedhim. , . sho auu?ion to coinpromiscs till it was years ago,-and had alluded to certain The Senator Ud alluded luMr.CLjwldone-by-'the' Senator liimselC I made passages uVubirh j Mr. C was accused the advocate of compromise. ..' ("Ci tainlylliO reference to tbq ver.t of 1825, till of changing his political relations. But be, was. ff his cverarmtrt'self.ttr a be had "made if; and , 1 did not, jjn the that Senator knew that it was others threat extent, was founded and,rested n most distant manner, allude to nuliifica who had changed thei relations to po- compromise. And , to tlie particular ti m ; and it is extraordinary that the tiiicdl aubiects and nohtical measures ra- eompromife to which allusion had'been : Senator himself should have introduced . . I .. .,. :. . . ',. i- SenatiMT feel that .he JiimseiLhrings bis. pontical cbaractcr into debate! ,1 pirn-: iher than Air. I, who had lollowed less made. jir. u thought no man ougui io jiw rspenany ai a momeni wiien lie iso in regard to ihW subjects and inea-1 be more grateful foe jt than the Senator j hi:ing with the authors of the force bill, urea than he was follow ed;' The Sena fiom South Oarolioa. But for that com- and of ihose measures which ut. down TtcentU-Sixlh Congress. political relations. 'The i Senator had potition was tha,f State .rights. t But And, as if it ..were impossible, to go fa.r pincTeeinv now got the whole story, and i Mr. C. what was the diaracter cdua bill! It cnouglL ia one paragraph, he refers hj FIRST bLSSIUX- trusted it would be satisfactory in re- was a bill to strip seventeen of theSjstcs certain letters of his own to prove that 1 i " " gird to the tumors to which he bad al- cf their rightful inheritances .to" sell Tt all I as, not only on my back ! but another i Friday. Jan v an 3. 1840. . htwl. .' ' for a mess of outfaire: to surrender it for Snator and the President had robbed messG 0 - i I II. r rnt,nA At mnni Mi to mnvt I trifle- mere nominai sutn. , 1 he bill me I 1 was uai oninv PacK.and uname in senate. . r " J'. l.. in i.(T!.oi an utttmni trt ctrin tinA I In Ho tnv lliiniT hilt ' uhaL the . -.-nalor t :,) -- -, i w ii i h nil invmir ikliuuu iu mviiiiP'iHiniui ui vuvvunu vi"t" - j m r - - i ' . 'M , - , , - . o- r .... I . Jt . 1 r)r O.....U Mr. Dickson, o! Khodeimrvi. and ufchanzins his erounds. II he was a- rob seventeen Mates ol uus - Liaion oi irom oouin, uarouna permiueu me io f Mr. Grundy, of Tennessee, appeared to- J gainst- the Chief Magistrate, - be was I ther property, and assiiio it oyer 40; dpt I if !iv ? ,-,- m I rharMul 'iih r.hiiitin9 hi on n onsi tome ciffht or nine of the State .11 this .Mr, wnat was me case i iiotrocucea i niii 1'uul.iu L.Aiua. I if ha ui tin favor him. no was men ac- was wnai meocnaior cauca ?cinz w "ww m iuc oi ro Aneeablf to notice citen oo Tues- cused of changing tus political reutions. tnerigms oiwaaiaies, Mr..v. pra vco wuou -m &waiu nno a-.u w ii mei ins uuconiproniisinz oopoiuutL my pari, noming saw the condition South Carolina and bis friends.. They bad reduced s South day last, Mr.'Calboun asked cave, ai-d But A it . ft I LJ . ... ,...1 atn.l I nil aMh AdtfAnttlA , I 4 i,.ti tn fnwiiiiii tiiihtiK innnsnuiur wiKrH im uao hiuivi uui"! at u l u i r ;t i nuin.aan si 1 - t . i u .us aLL kU iU .rn rMn.hi.M uaionihe unchaoffcaUo dutdo MivLalhouu lata the btnaiof Jrom iuai measure naa. on ;:i.i.r TKa kiR u.,,' VmH ht1 hobrinff bark the Government to' its o- Kentucky cntirel v mistook tlie cbarac- personal in a Lin I :.. ,;.u ; H i vrr. I riffinal Eimnlicitv and econom v. He. ter f tlie bilL : It was not only a State of the Senator from x .l. r itu . flu. i'niii( i wiin mnrra. ma KLK-.n-mm. in cxiiunrni i riizum uicaauic. vui nu uiuisucusauio tu mi f , . in .mimiiicB m.u Mn. A r i i - - - - " T r . n t . , - it i . . Land V'- . ; the whole of the' Senator'r American the peace and prosperity pf the States, Carolina, by that unwise nieasure,, 1 " Soon aVcr " '-iAf" - System, and other cxiravagame., so as as ihol only measure that would well ef- niillim-alion,) to a state of war j and 1 1 ' Mr Cbv fofKfbavinff ctven no- to give tne Governnient a chance of tai lect the object iij yiew., ...s . therefore wished to sate the effusioiol ticeof bis tr. cntiontomdve to introduce kingi fresh start. And it gave Ml (. . .Having used the. words fompromm, humanWcnid, and especially the blood the ron-r 't till, stated that he regret pleasure to say thai fbe best part of the Mr. U felt Iwuod to refer tlie Senator of our fellow-citizens. Thai, was cne ..i.i f: tr'.'.- j-..: a k mixtures of the orenent Chiel Mautrate to that iarticular wmpromise i . and," tlie motive with'me s and another was a re lion this rr -ir-.' and prevented from were approved by MrU and mr. jenaior naa saia in rcpiy mai ii any Kru 101 iwr n.crSi ukii i V- V;n- imrA. hat.nv.f tbe ot.noriumtv ofmakinfi lone should be thankful to him for that Senator says 1 helped lojestroy. I saw ingiiA..c "-v k- L,.MA .,!.,13L..,nnr.,n,is(.a. - - that tlui W,i meres! had so irot imthe iva bmm isvvn i H'Mf iiri laiaiiiiiiK au a ij niiaiiu BitxiM vx& a a v , w , . p-i I ...... , :. I p'lWCr OI ,1116 VI1ICI , iklajflSll alCar III3I U nator 'always! was i evident hat, at tlo xt session of 7 duccd by the to them. 5 Nothing should prevent Mr. ll.S'liilV , -vw 1 fMr. Clay. Not to me. Mr. Calhoun. . The Sew i i ir. i .,, wr ecu i: uiv inimn 1 1 1... i. Cii"n. m.uh'tn nhirhlCfrom iui'Dort:n2 a man white he was iw ar aituited He bad 'wished to pouiicau f ngnj. - ne, -oenaior : irom. ciaimea w uouo hum-. .. ui iiieuici wvj yw,,,.,. i; ; " thVr reference of it than Kentucky had given the Government a and I am nof in, the smallest degree would be swept by the board. ; I ther. SSJco iJ& Sirec.il Mrt C bad Tcsistod thankful io him for iu'; 1 kiew-he coaM fore desired to give it at least a lease of S unleVs some Senaliif VouM move the procced.ile. and he should continue not avoid iu 1 was his rnaster on that years, and. for that purpose, I. ir i con - S aSmSr todi so, standing oa the ground fcu occasion, and 1 h,rced tU cert tfith' others, brought forward that IKlSee: hecould not ofcr the pied by Mr. Jcfiersoo and oibJrs or bis wrote home at that ime half a d.n measure,, which was necessary torn lolnatrommmw i j . fJ letters, saying that the Senator would be that interest Irom fotal annihilation.; -iirsout d .baVWahe baf Jnderst i : But to di,p ; still lurther ibecircum- ' ni-UiSSZ H Senator jL'IchcUa willnow exi-laingalOhan alineej iin which .the, Senaloris placed, 1 Stl!S?S opportunity hich hadVn ttow ..to nullification is th(r. that, wten a State be says, fronuhat very day ofthe com 'f tSo't9m!n dedhimbyMr.C.tfdcfinint?oncemore interposes, the majority miist soiiietimes promise, all, obligations were cancelled l) thecornlia four of hispoliticaV-Mr.C.,tnuSt y,cW to the minority. Those who are that tcouloV on account of it, resr on htm, S t, five nimbcr. i were from 4 the new say that A now ;def,ned,it, tery to have the smallest share of the. plun- o Suih Carolina, and on the Sotith. J5 States! lie meant to-offer. nV di.res- clirlyahd had apparently, given it a der, m the majority, are sure t6 get a- Sir, what right has he tp speak in the 1 reel to tbemi but be must, sa thanh.s new definitioaV.The Senator pow de way 4n the American svstem, the con dim . of ibj whole f Soi i ht ; orevenoi J r4si mcaTurelHch. dared tbat'all the lcadmgasujf s SouXrohna itself! or if jmtoryis L5 "St U Tond Swable ss it. provisions the present Administration had met hi. small portiors-ihey were rather.hose o rjjied upon, ,f we mayjudge of the 2 JSljS .pprobationr4ndsbWIdTrcccivthiasup, thacrecredLUm tuiureJxonviluxpastihaam P wardsof ICQ miSontof acoe jirt It turned 0ut. then, lhat the ru- Gen. Jackson occasioned the force bill, when the .Senator cannot propose to be wards ol w J"4U" ,, Sl:, ' ir mo0 w hich'Mr. a had alluded was the Senator from Kentucky bad lost the tho organ even of the chivalrous and en- SSS W SaXnator lrom South manufacturers. Gen, Jackson had sup- hgMcned people o 3 tAS- Carolina might be hereaHer regarded a. f4aned bim; and .. a Sena tor, not now Sir.J am not one ofiboso whoare W not thinK it ngm inai iucii iiK.aui ef... ,'.nntt n..lin UOiiL n thn viv nf timer, lobkinp out for what ma ensue to thenv 1 atmi.M lw fnmmilled to IhO hands tit a SUPPOricr Ol una rtuii.iiuaii u.ii. whvk .v , ... -"f" a - i 1 J ! I0u,.d cT,li Ini!iu iS he nad declared that all itsleading mea- sedmg him trf that interest. The Sena- selves, v My Course, is nearly run pi - is Mt0ri,? r,l ? ,hf T commiiee PP1ovcd by bim, and should tor frjm Kentucky vyas therefore flt on so by nature, and so In the progress of don- Jlo bought that 5o"" ce ?urt , his back, andJiotfiinf would answer his political events.. I have nothing to ask fi S'Sht to bo constituted in which , tlidd h.vhis nhch 0 b4ut lhe compromise. It !f the Senator, ol the .South,, nor. of fc Sa,c. rf;ould bve fcr&ShC Sma rnddeb? e wa, witrhReithercompJmiw or an- South Carolma nor yet of the country , c icnrcscntation. , U .JH"r3 !' ihe hd of nihilatioh. It was necessary that cither at large, Dut 1 will go, when 1 do, go, vk. .hatover we may do, the decorum bf gard to. Mr. .WJ1.. nCTL J tbe American system should falL or when I choose Jogo, into retirement, J gyat!en..ndlutiolate thedccencics "A b?SrS with the undying conviction that, for a i'. . . : iLj.j.f h... .M.,nrV blA had lonu been thitics; but the Senator went out of his quarter of a century, I have endeavored inn Whilst up,Mr.y ay 'ri"; vvay to touch on kindred subject,, and to save the country, faithtully and hon, 5 ny Senator would mformlum whether .Sftr, I t,erefore felt ,nyself compelled to make I orably, without r view tomy own in- M """a? SSIiLLvf heW.aemen!s 1 have alluded to myUerest or my own aggrandizement, and tamsi inn nieaiun:, oi .-..- - v,'., c wat ihcn a member letters on that occasion? and 1 predicted of that, deligiitiui conviction ana con- l and uncomm ttcd. This ..quiry be UUa. Mr. C. J-n . . d.V c4 thi session sciousnes, no human being nor all man- snouut not make it uio rcccm reiauuiia j " v; "' jV ," l-.,,.,,,,.! .i,n tkt. nui Ktlun would terminate as it kind can ever deprive mo. Mwccn t nato w ,nu The Senator is in the "us Liu ana mo ncaa oi inn - au.hiu..- ... - - - . , ; si jn po furthcr, I c ded a hnb t of attacking me, and i 1 were not , tration continued to exist, but rumors, to make a "J .n Veal Jn ihTco tfwhich the city, the circlev.nd the 1 1 ne SSSaTiXuld g out pass ovenhe whole matter! I rise now ICS prm t rQ fuIlf tMCr tha, ,hoM rdat n8 wag known to be ini in """ " fi J Pp in in equal pToiior ' .imply to supply some remarks which are entirely changed, and have, w,th,, ".""WJJW Bi ?to IsVrccnt. ;And had escaped my memory, and they are J few da;., been substituted by others with h r ill,a wssion bejiere matter of history. ' I was opposed , , i i i ...,T , .,. -. , r- , i iii i, i iftj ii-i ' ,. . L ...... - i n'- 1 -- n....w-afc-.i-i.f mp'-i-iw in. - ' 4 i ii ii ' i ' .' ' ,,,.'.. -,. ' J v - ::, ',: .. " v, ' ;-" - ' - - ' ' ' ." , . I ',' "' - 4v made. the inquiry (and 1 put it to Senators to sav if -Each was the fact) to: . . . . ; know whether this great measure, wnicn. involves in all about a, thousand millions of the public lauds whether ibis meas ure had tlie sanction of the Adnnnistra-, tion or not. I did it in no wav for the : purposo of offence; and, bv the way, I, relurred to a rumor which is aiioai oi, new relations, public and political, with . the head of the Administration, and, sta ted that I would hot ha ive made the jn-( quiry but for that, fact. And Is It not) right, in regard to a great measure,to know whether or not it has the support of the Administration T -He would atonco have jput an end to. the discussion if lie - had simply said that he knew nothi.fi of ' the views of the 'Administration, but had introduced this measure independently. But, instead of this, he gets in a passion ; because I referred to this rumor, and he concludes by saying that the greater par of the measures of the present, Adminis tration are approved, and that they will be supported, by him. , , x J mi. . i ami; i aijucu uiitiiji ,u n that Mr. Clay ought already to ha vj known the answer to his question, as Air. Calhoun had long since introduced this measure, while be was yet oppo ed to tl o Administration. He also insisted that the bill oupht to be referred to the Com mitiee on Public Lands. f . Air. Grundy said he had been former I oppoed tc this , bill, and should be so now. ite inereiurr aid ni wisn ms voto at thin time t" be regarded asanindica tion thai he was in tavorcf the bIL, . , Mr. Allen expressed' himself in the same mmner as Miv Grundy. ' - " Mr. Preston said this bill would have a paramount effect n ihe finances of the ' couuntry. It was a question whether it ? would not increase, taxation. In this view it was important, and Mr. P. there fore preferred that it should go to the Committee of Finance. JV ? . 1 .Mr, Calhoun said nha bill, as he had drawn it, wiukl lead to no reduction of the revenue. ' It was nt to s wt' oper ation till June, 1842, thus leaving jime to adjust the tariff. He saw no reuse n why If should felaken fromtho Commit T" ee on the Public Iands. - i : Mr. White, said lie was entirely ig- , norant if tlie contents oi this bill , but if the reference should be reconsidered, the bill could then be read, and he would . ; be becr 'able '7oecid9-w hich con r . r miee it was appropriate.,- ? LuMrCalhoun called for4fce raadkg-of the bill, which w as read accordingly. The question of reconsidering ihe re ference of the bill lo the Conimitteer on the public Lands was then put, and'de ' ciueu. uy caa uu uos iui. m-auvc, as folhvws: y':" - Z ' Yeas.- Messrs. Belts,' Clay, of K Clayton, Crittenden, Davis, Dickson, Knight, Merrick, Phelps, Prentiss, Pres ton, Rugglcs, Southard, Wall, White, of Tenn. 15. ' ' Nays. Messrs, Allen, Benton, Brawa- Buchanan, Calhoun, Clay cf Alan Grun- , dy, Henderson, Hubbard, King, Linn, Lumpkin, Mouton, Nicholas, IXorvcll, Pierce, Roane Ilobinsn, Sevier, Smith, of Ctnn Smith, cf la. Strange, Tap- lit ii mi j , ii ii nai, tvaiKer, u ime vi la, v uuams, Wright, Young 29. V;'"!V:'t: ;" , Several private bills were introduced. together with several resolutions, which 'i will be notired herealter.. ; The bill reported Ir m the Committee, on Public Lands relinquishing t theState hi Mississippi the two per cent, fund ac cruing under the act for her admission into the Union, was, by geocraLccp sent) considered ia tanmuttt u CJ

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