) . t ei) sLL iJ VOLUjlB III. TWINS. Two Dollars per annum, in advance, 11.. TV.)? ? ...... r iuicw Aouars,. ii not paid within three months from the date of the Crst Dumber rcevoA: 7 No subscription to lb discontinued till I al! M t a . miv4iaiOTnaW. unless at the discretion of tha F.H ir I failure to order a 'b'jcoolinuance be- lure me expiration of the subscrip ton year, ts equivalent to a-new ei?a?cmenL. ll Inciters, Communicationa, &c. to ecm.e posi paid. , . ...... VVf a or .'IJvcrliijng. Advertisements i'l k rnmnii .id handsomely inseru-A nt &i nn 1 . V ' w jv. juaic ti iu iHicji na so cents lorev. 7 subsequent' insertion. No adver. rwent, however sWt, will be eharg ,1 lcs than for a souarc. , ; . .7 . Court Orders ami judicial advertise. tonfa .11 1.. I.. J At . . 1 .. uiwi itaitru percent nigh 'i (we sometimes have to wait so lone ' r-; ; .ri;1,;Mo Thna ahrt trfportiM I tm ..... i v .., ....-v ui C4M vuii fn,C2 -ii! f tedm A Pr . -r,r-i;...y.v Tim irv nn. .. y: ;THD AO E?TANG v V oiwi tpu ta nr! . ... Ccn Wm. ... " I :ce appointed 'by the National. Dem. 11 f !L it;.i o t.. . , , viimwi isics, i to me 1 oitr to inform you that, by a resolution that My, raised .unanimously iKS r.yQU were nominated a CandUate r the Presidency, 'and the Hon. John Vlcr, ol Virginia, a Candidlefor the " Pfwiy the UnM States The endersigned have the honor to be, thtlie highest rtspccl,t "t . Your'ohcdient JMti '." . JOHN OWEX.srf JtC. Chairman, EL1SIIA V. ALLEX. of Kf - JAMnS AVII.SON.of J 7i. ISAAC a DATES, of Mi James rv simmons, of n. i, y WILMAM HENRY, of Vermont CHARLES DAVIS, oCoipjccticut, UOCERTC NICHOLAS, ffN. Y; U'UIUAM-MARSH, of N. J. ,M., :MtA .. . I UIUIARD MANSFIELD, if nLif I J. ANDREW 'iiptrnhnw tm.T.; .REYLRDY JOHNSON of Mil' ; . , iJAMES IV. PEGRAM. ofViiWiii TtTn . o k . V V ' "" ' .jtt- I I lt, W- nALPn' wf II!i30 C, " " U Alw ftf Aw- i .mLUKuE C BATLS, nl Michi-an, n?,AL HARRISON S REPLY. I: forth fiend, Wh December, 1SC0. iGcntlcsncn : I have- the honor to c. 'wicagt the receipt of your letter of vwever oijcctfnat)ie ta tho cpin t ff many of our followitizcrifl maiv IftlH. I . II. . I uie modo of tclcctini a candidate for . w -j i i f two highest olSccs of the Govern, t.31 y a General ConvetAion,' the jkj- ! tircumstanccs in which the party j. -jB jircbTm Aoministration Of"! (a .1.. . I I I -" I r placed, seem to ba ve left them no it ..!- . i . - . I ' i-'iuiiro lotocnre that onitr .if i!.ri.i.rn ri...!:i.A.i .j a i ; : c,w,c. ,cpr,Kn,cdl!.ndlbcw c!;:ractcri of; the Delegates to 'put whom the delicate tak of nominating the candidate was committed. 1m v!n-t nn '""ordanc. wth ,h0 n gratitude the nomination whichuSn obedienm trt .i, i uon, you nave dona. me. frrntlma iu bono,' ,0 comoiifflicaifc , 1 dence of so larra rt m i ' 1 0 i r "7. ,c" low cilizcni. I fi.iMi lu.. .Jl J ' .fc .k.. r .. o VM,voi ww is more inoroimh. 1 1 ' o" ly ton meed than I im 'ii..i ; .-i. . . . , : mg a retired and tHiDreiendin IndJ.Ll.,.! to ho thw fnA'A . .. tq.be their canddae, the Convention . .- . were influenced bvc rnimi..M r. . - , ""cii1ciiionoi independence. can be noiu- Iht k f1 J'r ilizenSj j cfcffl, and the dentci) tdvoc&le'of frep altboocb founded imrm . r 1 : . I . : ' A- Tu-"vairul ,rcp the m-o-t iti.timr.,.-l ..i " - . .. i wit-nia ana ine pyrfprmance of tiie most emineai crL res to tlicir country, united io every othirquaility, necessary to the discharge . y vvnaaxnnry. 10 uie diaebnrce 4f ik A..u. em.:r i . ... - wuue- mi v,uki Mimstrate 01 this Ureat Republic It may' perhaps be expeeicd .hat I pnnr.,Jw upon which the Admin'w- .ration wjll be cmdurMif the efi. r"" ',ur """W prorf locccsslul.- mar na . tr o the Hon. FSherrod 'William. IVil, !.:... k...1 ' .w,4dc Pub,,c,yn ry to repear them here. . . , , 6991 ' howcver tToilcmen, proper M ""vT fcoew7,t Surancc hereU,f,,re gently made tat should 1 elected 'I1? idency, ! will Un!cr Wto 1 fe V , h,g' .deration, gefl- wmaU yourselves and tlwse you Recent, . , I am, your fcllowitircn. 1 v. ; f W - - Wvll. HARRISONS To the Hon. John Qwcn, of North Carolina, Chairman, &c.? '.. FROM THP COMMITTEE TO a.COV. TVLKR. , llarrhbvt sixth Ikctmltr 1S39. To Gov; John Tyler ' v r..-..sne. unaersiCTca, a ix)n Is. .'!.. j t. .l. ? . , I Sir: The undersiimcd. a Com. icrnuc unig yonvenuon, assemoiea at .1 . . , iwrrauwf , aorajDsie vanaiaate lor .u- ;':.'j'V n...J.,':,J ,r . M" "wwi ui rcsiaeni ana ice rresi waanommatca mt-an niisuLi auu juu vanuiuaie lor the Vice Presideocy the United Sla.es. The uiidcrsiMcd have the honor to be, whh thjj highest respect, , 1 ? . your obedient servants, V -, ;, JOHN OWEN, , ef North Carolina,' Chairman, ccc. . COV. TVLEirs REPLY. , ;; intUamthurg, (I .J)' December in .J. Gentlemen: Tb' a which, as the organs of th -....-......., . vention, ii.ua communicated to me, is t atceptcd with a ' sensibility greatly augmented by the fact, that whilst it is . . .-.. - . . .. . . a result in no wav contemplated bv me. m--.. ... ,.y ".JI VIIIVUIIIMI VJ liw, was attended by the unanimous con- --w - , .. , """"f1" vmifeu;iitw auu ttiiiuui; - m nomination for the; first office, isto AND COrnilJAY,JAKUAliY, of itself regarded bv me a.n t; " ' Ln.v 1 . ...... , miarnfA .ul.u t i . . - wuiu ne oe elevated by 1 . v. . . ".y KSrTrWT,tt, . 't: " - "'-7 mmtJ ?u 001 -W11 0 cxen on wou I . . .. - r"Wi io npw.Kj meone. and affM. .l ' rm . v-. . 1 mo inner, i nc iriend anif - 5 -. ' , 'r,cna ina ! fprer 01 jjsi-tkuSOjv,' of M ADf ' cAv iri t-t, T . AVI : J mi.MwiwtH and the imrned ati descends of 7T ItT nl ..uucBtciiuiini 01 signer or the De i.L.- -.v.. . 8 . . ' . rr ! I rave the honor tbe. irentlemen . L , W . ' 1 out roost obednt serranf, ' I lCm TVf vn Johl Owen, Etj, X - L. . , --t0 V ' athintton, Jpni tU63a. EtUlLUAM ILHARhlSOX JHKwiLLIAM H. HARRISON , Sir: ipnsiner it the right if Xerv cuizen oiIkj Uiiiied. States to f sk & demand, nut in !. r.,it. icX the iliticll rinri4esl and wjiiunstof oiJ5ce.Vffyon ,hu "wire eanoiaqics-ior lie ,vart itoiniptrioVs'dutvofthe canJdate t l.anllandullyavnwd dX? opinis Wbih he enferSi. nicre. vidual rest in the u rLr nA va-J.!.r ...J ttacM,f,I' ,n,,r. r, ' . .. ... ... o t -f T ertv olaskintr vnn li'r.!irn .nJ fj iuiiii ui iruvcrnmpnT. a . i.v-i liiur ii iHinon and views on. 'a'v f..tt.ltn'- .. i. : W ,'! r.T i 1st. will vnn fiMp,TP Lr,!....1 win oisinouuni me surDius ivenoa oi the United Stat. t JffSJ f..? ding to the federal po il K.. Vernal. improteW and to such other nhWi. i.'il i K lature. o the several St. ep 3y ft to ilu. .---t P'RC Bl I d.' fr lVouaU .J ll . . i. distributing the prSo7,nIbV: Ihc public lands in -r, ding to the federal popula.ionV lath for the purposes above ,rec.ficj j tl' t " apaciuct U. 111 VOU Wrn anrf ; ,Ar, e bills maiimr arnronrwiinn in n,n., navi f - ratio streams above nous oi rr in ti in you sign and appro becomes necessary to secure ai . ..L tl: Mi .' (if it rave - " .uuv hflMAM. i.T it. . . ! ' J '. ! uuMvva "i iiu: iiHiinn. inn in nn.t niforiil sounn rnrrpnri- ii ilm I. - . ,w .11. . t I ha ITnilnJ Ci.l.. I'll i C Of vuiifcu uiBicsj a oiitwun iimviih auiiiii inn rp.TnPT!i.i.i ing a Bank of the United Stalest SiL Wha ter. ' "j'"M"ll US constitutional power of the Sem I IobSO of Rt tresenta ti r - k. the or r -" - vi OrpfiA nllria I r!inl Vi.i.. . K','w wiiiivm uiaiyu, IO CX vi viiiiviniB iriiiii inn innrmi i coTdrind procxcdingsfiTfe - - r iv.i u.n : rtv a irann, plain, and lull answer t A ' I 3 a a 4 lorecoinsr inauirica is rfirvi'ifn!!i earnestly fcolicitcd. f Your answer i sired as soon as possible. I intend - of bv ana your answer for nnhlimiinn I have the honor tn hn vnnr Im.v "". HUM SHERROD WILLHM -GEN. JIARRISON'S LETTER ,T SHERROD WILLIA ia iorn Bend, Mv L 1830. Sir: I have the honor to arlnnul.xt the receipt of vour leuer i,? L k- "! ii mo. , which. ou rnmcsm. b ,m4 1 liiu vuiiru oiaics. sun ann nir k.n ac,..,: .u. ... i' QJ OI((rnU the United 1 bill distributing the snmtna ri,. At ..j win u-aii iuuiiii" iiiq fturpiUS Tf mo unneu oia .s io cacn sstat . i accor Ition i. . .i - , . . , . r r i in? in tne icdmi rnrni-n nni,r -r. - t, "7 r,i vi'jis apply the same!''; ! ; ' CU UICFIL TO ONE AKOTlItH f 9nl' ..IV. rf ..' .. kii j- . "'e" "u "pprove a bill distribiit intf ih f s T . uui ii iii vnn ritrt ' - .f,. ' , it. ai- j"-cuu..i,i me saies isWr-r-i chState accor. ding to the fedcraf population of 'each, '77 - ru"'' bdovo specfhed T". -wij.yoo sign and approve bills ak:ng appropriations to' improve navi- fY St int. i. K u -..iii aiMininntiiiAn. to . Cab e stream. .. Y. . ' . 4th. VViJI you wgn and apprc ve fa i becomes neceBarw t' ' j , 'v aim eave Irom rlfnriioi.... t. . " r -f;w,iB( revenue and fi. nances of I he nation. nt,A ttr..i' UniJurm SOIimf fiirrnn.u .t.r n ' of the llnitcd StaeS) . bill, with VtZt - ..,ru, OIlu rcei unions, charier ing a Baok of the United States ' i 5th. What constiajtional poWer of the Senates mvuw IMrpresentatives the - Con ress ofihe United States, to-exjonee or obljieriie from it, .i.1 i .... jvumaia 1 1 ik re cords and DriwiHi'nr J. . . ... From the manner in whirh iu.. first Q.icstjon are slated, ii appears that you do not.nsk my opinio , to the po- ? rt m ic f 1,1C asurca lo which thev rernriivlv v.r..' i.... ., . :r-T....j ibivi , uui wnai would he it r . icid iire aenied to (being in he, Presidential Ii i r iI.a I7;. j r. ... , w . . , ' "! snaps of IhIIs, thai bad bt duly passed by !he Nnatf nil. II...... ll . ' T oil ma yiillRn .IJIfncl in .1 . ..Tf -v 4tuc ui uepiescnia tlVftS. From the onininna n t.:k' T L.i ui u.tu iu Un imeniinn nr ti i,...:- lion, as to ca$et in uhWi tk. ' er should be eiereiVd by the Prca idem, v. . -"i wi.in-u imseu wun rA? F fi:,Si rr, t deep inte- Sh,f and indeed, i;-now f ,'r,n Iflon ! I thmk fji:,. ' ;;. - .. 1 BniWW en, 1st. That the imme- Xfcilt 0' ." ,h" "nj" money J 1 "6 United otateiL in ih rc r. ".V:J7 w f3' " -"T"' -,1U 1 nw W.no mode of fir.. i ; ' id nisi 5r. V a?nual 'o ( W i0 ,he LT 4 itfA . ' ro' dtsportthn n which llTSi 0i" ?dinr iu flavor, wim .n en and '"'orwnwenflmAJimpaniaHanA . Ti.t ..:." f "?a rrl ' Win&to the rwS f ; - ' 1 h,s Wsition has reference to, a S u ,h iff W; attu r !f-VT? of ,h nooni of money thus to hn AiA .r i j . v . ."p'in.u ui lor ji i - .- i ' . up's suove ine inose wno pursue a Al- ' real wanis or convenient , expenditures t course, Wnde bVto' i?B" i of the Government ouW . become so Of the attainment 6faMich S large, as tnar retaining it in the Treasu. way consider their r vv t,u,'J. a mtM?h diminish tlw circula- img medium n greatly,' to emha ......,.,IWlH, roma-oeappn- pria.ed by the General Government;Pbut the dc8,red dtnbH ,on a.nongst the Pe lole could be. mediately effected by the States, from the lffimT ...:.., 1. . . f " ......... v .luiicir I l r w ...u.fitV s validly waj a in which it miglit ,8 employed them. Bv thm ii n,.i.f i;., 1.. ' j vk .k :. i. . i l . to their own hanking institutions, or e- von fn irutivitnato' . .4 . . r ! . .. uon by the General Government which I sincerely hope is in the contemplation of ho friend to his country. ' 2d. Whilst I have always broadly ad- muted that the public lands were the common property of ail Uie States, I have been the advocate of that mode of " ,ncn? create Kreaiesi numocrH Ireehoidcrs anil c.clVld ,h in ,hl. Zi.tt i . u m ,c n the -iuv oiiiiiuia lire now lain mil and ik- . vm., wc fertile, of. the crice. thia itre;raKi., . .. . . "- suuhiioi i . "w,snuaiion easuv auainauio by anv nei.n i. i I MJMiiiitt sal the interest W all seem io b udlnrol 7 rbythisbllUandC: Wf K.haa hither r baefrnV to the d, posnion Pf the lands hereto" I of its being adopted, I think Sought longer to beinsisud o.n. V V5 1 3d. As I believe that no money sh !i led States to be . . . i mprovements but for thoso . which ar strictly nationaL thi A fiat av ion would, be easy but from the diii i oi determining n,.,t. -t ... .v, , v ; o '."'"vi wj tuufe mat si a nee. the etciienmni n:.i. l. . .i - . ... muvii naa area-1 iSSi t 'K busies which it ill no doubt pununue lo produce if ner s'sted in, g'W additionar ;t0nre, m Vf approiiriating.all jhe Surplus . . revenue o the UmtA Kt.i-.v. Z s iP WWcd.'l Eachf State will t lion l.n... ik. : . - ."".: h7n7u 'TV' "'roplishing. StiU here wiU be panicular cases when ft Contemplated linnrnpo.n..i .:n i - . -. ! greater advantage to '.he Union gene- ' rail w & ml x in Aa w o. . . ' t'liUin which iris to.be madeb In such cases, a,wtll a. those in , the new States, where the, value f the public do.: mam rwill be, greatly enhanced by an ' improvement jn ije means of communi- cation. Uie Genoml . . lt i . ''imiwii n. ta v ceJl9y Mgely ; cowribuie. To n- . propriaiions of ih. tutor i.u . i . . - -'viviiaiacierarcrO' r 7 w .very arm opprsi. ' Hon. Upon the wh.,1- ik- j-.IL- of he surplus revenue, amongst the " . States .eerns hkely to remove roost, if ' not all, tbe caosesofdissention of which ' the internal imnr , i . - hPn it.. r,..f7.i : L.. wem Da 2 . -,v" u,l,u ource. . mere is no- Itlinz. in mv nminn . ji . id mjf opinion, nw're Vicred b. in the adminicfra(.. ri. ba, been, and nroba. w ever iij .be. more or .1. ;a "i...i- M rv,' "e notmnff m theCnn. nutionl.noth.nSrin .ha t tli. W ! ' fch other-wnich can create any Jo! ' deadly feeling, if thecommnn' r.. c.ll those to uKom.n ' 'l 1 aSfi alwa upon ihe DrbriniM f Z and9ociliatioiv ever .morn ' read' ,0wcnfice t!je imlrest of TS n.nWi. . ..... r'1. i lI,cir - - " - . vuusuiueois rainer Ihsn ,oun to" ha ve trespassed uporJ the be dary ihev had i 'gog-wniejjo adduce onr-art-f ich warrant,, biuTSh .h the interest ol the 7 or Z Hfe. of tha latter, - lUvini no -SS uf auseniiiri... .k. 1! ? v,n n? meM r tors and iitir-Lh.i' U .. --.. ..j iiu; iri iiiin.hf. .i .fc. J . : -j M i"r.,v-, w ui ,... - - r'cis oi uo uank of; heUuned Siate, ,lich the. one presume, wuh which it was intended toV associate me ,1 canqol u JJ; course i Jikelv ,0 ba in rplalinn .1.. w.ip ckc'lwn f.,r Preiidcnu ShodJ . til", ... I l i " 1 ,no OPPO- !' ,v 'Ch 1 a ve lo 'MtituiU "u.y capacity of representative from in Ungrcss proceeded, in iheir o- ,,., sense, oi duty which I COUdnotdisrPfffirt ' 2 The journals of the second session of the thirteenth, and those of the 14th Con gress, will show that my Votes are rccor. ded against them upon every question in which thwr interest wa, involved. ' I did. indeed, exert myself in the Senate ' k of Ohio to procure a repeal of the law which had imposed an enormous tax uo. on the branches which had bten located in it, boundaries at the, request of the citizens, The ground cf ihcra acrUci

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