r '. : . . ".: . .. - O IVJUATjm WE LIVE FOR, PUT Ttl IMPUOVE UI?RKLVEAKD DE liSFFpL TO UXE ANOTUKlt ; v f i ' -J v : r AjSlUii)UOV(N, C, FUli)A Yt FEBHUAltY V 1840. MS'llMBKir'l . PUBLISHED WEEKLY " t "'i 'it ! TERMS- - "Two Do'dars'pcr annum, in advance, cr;Three Dollars, it not paid ; within three mcnths-frorn thodate of the .first number received., , No subscription 1o be discontinued till all arrearages be paid y unless at the discretion of the Editor .. , vv A failure to order i diiconlinuance before the expiration of the ubcrip;; tion year, is equivalent to V pew en. ' ' gaemcnt. 4 . , - v All Letters, Communications, &c. to come post paid. , . Prices f oi' Jitter fist fifr ' Advertisements will Imj conspicuously nd handsomely inserted at 3 00 per square of la Jiuesi, ami 25 cents frr ev er subsequent insertion." No adver tisement, however short, will be chars;. ed less than for ft square. " a Court Orders and judicial advertise ments will be chareed 35 percent high er ; (we sometimes have to wait so long for the pav.);1.'- K ' V . ' . .. a .1 ' " -Ml Those who advertise ry me year ww bo entitled to a deduction of 33 J per cent, provided they pay in advance. t . MOBEUEAEvANp SAUNDERS,. ; I The two partiet are now fairly array, ed against each other in this State. The Judge is judge no longer, but has resign ed to prepare himself for the battle;- and. we confidently belie ve, to incur a Waterloo defeat. As to Morehead, he must undoubtedly be elected, for he is. a true Whig hat a thorough knowledge of political iuriswidence and is em phatically "one of the people," deeply interested in the well-being of his State, for he does not blush to be found la boring. He is one of those who do not hope to rise byprayer alone, or like lw in Atop, when niscan wasmtreo, ib flat on his back, and cried 'Help ,Her- cules!" but he puts his shoulder to the - . w m m ft tffl ' wheel and then calls on iiercuies. i ne body as well as mind is placed in requi sition: and this, added to untiring ewi gy, industry aud strict intecrity, nwkei the man worthy the confidence of a Slate. Such a man is'Juhrf M. More head. h His superior could scarce be fauud withia the limits of the State, and we dare say that in his own' and sur ronndins counties where he U intimate ly known, he will command more Votes on account of personal respect add at tachment than -were ever received by anv other candidate before him. . . lie of the White House will ere Jong le obliged to confer Some ofliceupon Mr. Stunders in considcratMin of his great disregard of self ia resigning a cer tainty lor an , uncertainty a Judgeship (at a Liana. .It would be cruel, end un reneroni withal to allow him to go un- rewarucu. raytuemuc watrmi. : 'FronAhe, UnnUndori (Tepnij, -2;r..: AdvftUr. .. ; :,.(-.. . FAgTsroiiTiE;pprj-E; .. .The Globe asserted not Jong ago that: tho difference hetween" the i Whigs hd Van' Burtn party Consisted in this that the litter, removed apublic officer aMofinTSslie ''waTn7scoredl'bo7ft defaulter, but the Yhiga-.ouljt1tugged him the closer. " The fcdlotMng is a fine comnwol'ojfithiaV and, showy wheilicf tney were reioveaDyi.tne,rianytq power" as soon as their defalcations were discovered,Fpr whether fctained in, office for! Ve"ars after thordelinouen cics were known to the secretary dllhc Treasury and one at least r-appointed while known ttf be a detiiilterl Now, rend, you administration men. - - 4IL H. Sterling,. Rjcelver of Public Mooics, CbochumiC, Ii,sfc March 23, 1834, the Secretary wrote to him com plaining o ne'gligence'iii nrakwiif month ly returns, and threatning to report -him to the Executive.-' May 10, 1831, the Secretary wrote agahv Feb. S8, S33, again. March 47, 1835 ngain. Feb. 4, 1830, agiin-THw defalcation $10.. Jaines T. Pollock, Receiver of Pub lie Manicsi CrawfordsviHc, luui uie. The first leuer gf complaint to tbrs ufii- cer from the Secretary of the Treasnry is dated Nov. 11, 1837. The next Jan. 8, 1838. The next, April 14. 1838. T,ho next and last, 'May 10, ikjs. LMiloa- ti6n;i4pi "Win, Linn, Receiver of Public Mo nies, Yandalia, , Illinois. Fmst letter complaining that the monies in his hunds were aot deposited. U da te4 Juno JJ, 1831. This letter statea that there was io Liun's hands .on 31st March, 1331, flQMM9voa.ppth-'AprU(-j6l4.3A on the 1st of May $1,505;I0 ; jet on 31st of May. 00 more than !?3,0'JO .was aeposuea. . 1 ne next icuer 01 roipjwajni is dated Oct. 23, 183L - Hio next j)oe. 4. The next Feb 13, 1835; Sort. 10, Dec. 31, Feb. 4, 1830; July 25, NV. 3. he. was to be retairjedlThen agaui fot Opinions have been delivered, during low letters' of complaint under the. foU i the present Term, in the following cases: LinY,tM.l.Nrt qs tsni, V y vnn. vmei jusiice, in aen on dem.W Zachanah Candler, v.- Eli Luns ipooi rcno, iu; vu, .auer very iford frorn lJunc0(rttKV affirming thd thrtatningf Jjtpo ,0,';J839, requesting judgment below, v Iii State v. 'John Ihr-' mm to aepoii menaiaoce, 513,00 no, iMcf" ';5 mo iiia . rua hAtiid nrti am inn ti. t . UiWH III 111a iiaiiU994 auu auiiuki4 H ! r r 1 r J v ni a t rw . O , - Hi ll:ttitnl lftilrY in I hAmnl N lldfk. pajnfulto be obliged to ask you so often; f ' 1 M. Rice.v Adm..' from Ba Then follows Mr. combe, raversimr the iudifment biiluw. trial. John Us- so , that for explanations." . V-J , , . . . w o Harri' resisnatlon.' dated Au2. 7.-1833. i and nrantins; a new -A .iir mL Ikerae, VE.-II.-ttnwngham, ffam Bun BU 1 ...... UI.W. Ml. . ...W I.'IHIIIW H.l i. Ji . .. m. . . . o6mbe, ailirmin. the judgment below. f Hi. e 1. i .." 1 irwin una ouiors, threatnmjrs ofMr. Woodbury, who, as AIfQ(t Hllf Juhr, well as the President kaew-r.iirr to be a 'from Merklunburg, reversins? toe judg defaulter for along time, and for a large' mcnt kjlnw, and Rranting a ncvy triL- amount,- hb was' heverT removed A- Kne Tlwmpn;; k pavid W. ?8wn.. . j ,f , . , 1 ... .o,A uers,' rum unslow, reverning me juu nouiit bf Hams : defalcation :8l00,17O . J: . . . . . ,nX . . . n, Jlp!.7, im ! - vo 1 ment'beiow, and granunge new trja'. ing the judgiiMrni ''' - ' '' ' By Gaston, Judjre, in li n W dt i, of John, Htrdini k Francis Beattv, and 4ii .l . L ' .sojS., Jones, e.ThomaJ.Judkins', t"' y.r. from Warren;: affirmii iuiiic vi iuuv a.airi uui.a, uui Cinu'is -ucIOW, ihe, roJtcnneM and rprruption of this Ad ministration! Harris was known to be n . .in 11 - -i...i i'. j;. a delauher lo( year, for aUrge a.unt , J w Wf , f w and viw relniucd- in otliee, and reap. a neW lria!Buior S. White, rCSe'orge pomiea anu .or wniit ror nig inuu-. i.uc oofk. irom. treacu, mrio$ we once mil Ulmt if Im cunnexk.ns' arid ! jm.-nt belMw. ' ,Wairin1,;Wbite.-.ri trends to tHcrAdtrrinWatum 1!' The !.5f W ,fr,n: iell. alnrmmg f I - 1 1 in rhiur. ntuf M!niiff iiiiitrmnttl Itif Ihp. AAn.iitnliiuu-ltf 'aiifMM.1! tl r V ..nnf.l J . - . .unmn.......; uj.-v w v-""" jjewrwant, feu cannot! 4 . ..tl: 1 .. .... ..... . 1 1 puuucivcii.ftr wmi-uv 'juho Biiitoii, uoiuBuncmnbe, alfarm- ted at a II but what! v Tlie party's in- ing the judgment below.. Jesse A. Daw. teres! !! Vhotfiw!t. devi it Hv'mA cur. son, r. Mark, IL Pet way, from Halilux, r 1 dcpraVity' Dcn'iotr-ats how can . , ;'". i . ' ' , .- U H nThe llntcllrffence of Gem. Harri.Ws fTjF flu a;l ngvm end in all countricif, nomination arrived at Indiaoaiiolis wheo it lus boon obsei ved that the "cuitiva the la. Legislature1 was m'scssion. Tbe tors of 1 he soil are tlos wh are .the newf was pruclahned al'iud by a strveg Icast willing to fcart' with their rlchts, voiced Whii near the door o'f the capi- andsuUim io the wilfofa mazier.' tol,and the eflect upon th. loco. fco , ,'VM. H. HAIUIISON. members was prodigious Iladabomb- tiliell descended thmugh the, rH of the VuHotU' Case -oj ivorethi the Senate of . Nev )Tprk, on Friday, Mr. Tallmadsre Reported a - bili to diyorce Hivid Frost from' his wife. The hill relates- to notable case cf conjugal infe lieity.'wbicn made a good deal f noise here last winter ' :It seems that tKia Mrs. . Eveline Flrost'was at short time since' a, ytngirigltfladyTwUha lover hamed but no matter. nThis lover jfrcvr tired of , her after .a a acquaintance uf great inti . mairy arid affection, and devised a plan to get rid ot her. Says he to Eveline There's 'old Foirt-a $iitire,rusty bid fellow wpulJ tfive., hts . two ,eyes.' to. marry yon; d yon just coax him on to dosH nd wberti;thecerernorry is just be.' giuningi I will ep in; take- you nit of his h iads, end marr.y 'you myself.' ,It vtill bo.'sud-r a gid jfk,- that1 all ther country wH.( tnto wavoisiorts. upon it.'' fho ladvJnfh or was bfttepi Cexe :qttd dei.part of the Beau's Stratagem; but when the prope'r jime came, L4ha-' no did not step in, andliiis Lvetineoerf came mrs t Mi. toerore sne knew r ? all tlte time hoping that4heext minute' would bring Loihario. U tne rescue3, and tkinkwur. j.nly of him.' The mioment she 1 was uia snevnaaoecointis mirs. rr!,' she spurned him nnd'hisi Mid'has hever- iruJUght.fccosjuciuffj()r nrcayng rum as her husbands Qn. the. contrary, he declares herself devoted to the false Lo I .1 j ? r " 1 v . . uiano, ana mm aioney uaria r tost, who was in.raptureswith ; the- thought ol. taking tt.hkarms a boancirt bloom- ing bride, but'vi'hise Dead Sa fruits" have templed the eye bu!.to "to-v o ashes on the Hp," now cries might! 1 for; a divorce. , Ought he not to bare it! Air. Speaker, I confirm he ouht." , - , :. M Y. Signal (TT The Pe jV JtheTnited States MP""1 nd exploded at tnctr lee , tney -Miy thev ever remember that to pre- -ouldt ihaVe.been more appalled. Servoiheir'liherties;.theVm5AW' th Lvui$vilteJ0urmiL- : V own votin-f anl 'heir own fighting. fiu m WM.H. HAUUISON. irmhiiijf tun. Jiec. 21, 1830. There is a new member hore from M'.urL hy the name of Jamison, who has set himself ur as Sir Oracle upon . iiit 11 1 . : pom's 01 uruer. ana line nil surn wisea cres, is liimsclt' eiernnHy committiu'4 the imiiucst rMMsiblo blundern. to hia own 1837M)ee.,8,and Jan. 2J, 1838, the chasrin and e merriment of ihe House. The Locofoc) philosophy it to make evtry umig a kudjcci o rejoicing. 1 n edijor of tin.- htate I'aper ays .that, , on tlW wholb, h's u glad his jiarty were de feated in New l'ork, because," if they had. not been something else would have been M 10 pavi' T It was pretty much sd whh old father Hodge, over the mountain. His son Ben came iu ouo iv Afui ti:ii! . Father, that old black sheep has got latter accepting the retihation of Mr. He raited a point border ycrtorday to - I ... . - - , V Lion, a defaulter iolhe sum of SWCJ ff .A1' 'iouf h 4- - snvs the old man. - that's a-'4h .. creed to go .into an elect am of juicer ,r'-1 , .3 :.li'u .uM tt.1 00. AfheD comes , . - ,V , onapirtLlardav.tMnution to pji- ,liijra..ir W.I:U.rris, Receiver of PubGe e Ujutare perixl a. indcfirSely -p,n S wi'i " saj fhe'fihw St'5 Monies at.ColumbusrMis. ; The Jrst was n.,t in order, No. one.'. can fail to JJ lerter of Complaint loldm Is dited Ja: see tlu, absurdity of t potion, afo Bat Other's dc-dlooV' saVi Iknt ) . . 1 1 ... discussing it,, he satd-tlia: the 'House mir . ,r .1 . JUDGE SAUNDEUS-S POLITICR The UalcTglT Ilegwter hits the Toryj candidate hard io ll following reminis cence:- FayeiieVWe Opener - i s There was time, wlien the nomiri attoo pf Judge Ssunders would doubt hnvm commanded our fceblesur poru We allude to the period when we both strivinc. with alldur tnicht, Io Arfoxt ficn. Jackson for the Presidency, ndrheartily inihectono our ally of the rliichmond Lnquircr, - that'H.11 election would bo a curse to the coun(ry.w- Ufe sliotild (hiutthis bit tr nmM'iiion to die K)ld Hero," toffcth r with the fad, tltajt he; voted (or Mr. Crawford in the Houseof reprecntativf s, after his State had gone for U en. Jack son ind the additional faetf that next tn Crawford he nreferred Adams would not sit well on the stomachs of some who are now called upon to, support nun. iTt;... Siwtrpd. hii wihsenucnt devotion to the Chief has atoned for it- a devotion so oroLund, as fo iftducfe him 0- sane tion ftHf his exterminatiog: intentions to wariJi the Nulificrs ; a party whose sup iiort he now calculates on, and for w hose ' fealty, we are informed,' some member cf the Convention vouched. ' ld,.l93t; the suusequcnt ones Kr(ta'e as follows! Feb. ,7, 1834; March March 17, June 23, May 10. Feb, C, 1835; Feb. 28, March 17, June 25, and Aug. 28. This informs Mr. Harris that Kite President has instructed the Secre tsry toay that . if his returns are not made by the 10th of Oct. ho will then be '!',Mr' dismissed from office; ?' The next from 1835 iscussing I .1 m . .1 I couia ni rciK?mtj or pompone inenraer. She had decided to do a particular thine on a particular day, and JAemust do-ij.1 Mr. S I A Ma rose and said, thatn the member from Missouri , hadf Uhmi discussing the 'teiiuer gTfhb tioiwe; and had settled to his own 'satisfaction tint it was' fffiiinine, he moved that Shr- : I have never witnessed a ... ... ..... ...it.. letter . .1 1. j'.. the Secretary is dated &pt .22, glroincJ Jaugiiter frorfi all sides of the , w.Mc.hsaywjoor JiouseVaod from allparties. Wkig$z- 1 "V"t .ri. .1 t . ' 1; 1... ....... . "1 month ol July last has been received. to day, and shows a large amount on hand SCQKE ONE. So niuch the belter rejoins If.Jge, sheirmake a grand piece of motUn in n.ejaiL 'Yesbut the old shrqVs deid too," exclaims BctvJ '' '. '' . " Dead I dehd I what the old sheep dead T cries old Hodge,1 that's good, durri her ! shi always was aq uly old scantp." f MidJebury Ptbptft Pra. 'irllR PAMTV Iff 'TROUBLE, There seems to be some differences brewinjr betweetitlie-Irtco1 Fticbs,1 the pure and unadulterated advocates of tlie 4 lllll insiliuu uuiliuu; uiiu uivil sanivp, , As deep as the snow has fallen this year, however, it is not a circainstando to a fall they once, had in New Ilamp. shire. At the time wespeakfof, a man' wss'c4n along Upon the ton of the snow when he suddenly went' down a caimney, unseen py jum, ana laaacq up-, t on a hot fire. He never lost his pres. ence of mind but immediately asked the' ady of- the' house what the' had forK breakfast, 7 A . ' f - KJ A MONSTER. A hojr. junt two years old, raised by Mr. Herren Newel, of this town, was killed last week, and weighed, net, five hundred and fifty pounds!' Can any 1 of our North Carolina farmers beat this ' a J'uyettevillt Observer. . v strttng. Pwfio?t--Genttemcn of the Jury . There ate four Vmti in this case; in the first place we contend that we uever had the plaintiffs horse 1 se ft lsa' -a - conn, mat we oaio mm tor ine use 01 his horse;. third,-he agreed lo let. us iise tlio b'rse for his keepit.gr without; any " charge; And fourth . that the horse ho nientions was a jackass. 1 . An asreat solickins sjubscribers for tho Hfo of Bonapa rte; ahuwed his prospect us to a man who read "one dollar in hoards or one dollarand t wenty.frve- cents1- irr "" Acr." - Alter considering for"r a. mo- menu he replied that when 'ho should be called on for pay, he might) not have boards or shtrp on hand, and ho would not subscribe -',. x, - .,,.u.IB,..M..u at q li.i Si i, , ,t thepretended friend. f the people, the not deposited,, and requires thedeposue i Mr. Senator Strange, has, actually f M wttw!lltt,-nf frrnar aIZiU We find the following in bur exchange papers. It is good philosophy : "" wl heard the hammer of a mechanic. toiadeThimrnerteaTnorjjt HuirtvPaws and Butt Enders; tlio Icttcffrom John P. II X'faioome, late armed occupation of rhnda, although men wUojonght for the spoils, and the member W Concress, lo the President, BenUmisils father, and it is supposed to men whoMhem. the ivw bra 01 jth.i.iny.h,.., b.,.'..7l .h. M !JfeS!SCZt ly and constant .friends of the . Adminis- House, h In commencing his &peech, Mr. um; jf non why, we kmu tht tmin up- tration ip this have hcard.with much state Strange ltMd-rrl-!f -t- 0n whom Ncv York will unite." In an. regret and sorrow, that Gen. Harris is . He begged that it Inight not be un. other paragraph we find tho following: in r.nn;dcr himself dismissed uuImi bis dorstood, in opp.8ing this measure, .that - The people of New Vork will be .true to consider himsel f d.sm. sed . uuless Ims fc about tTretreat from the .Admin, to the democratic cause, whoever may returns are maoHbcfore the, 1st of Oct: irttjon vcn -0 t0 ,nat halfway 1 be nominated for the Presidency of the . . . . . ym ww ' f .m . ' . ... . . 1 mat "vcq. J4. is one oi me m am , pis- uurr which, like the lion's feast, ex- I r .1 . ' ... .J; I fa.!.i . L - I I . arsoi t'c ocmocrauc cause, ana one 01 nioneo iracsi going, oui none rciurninu. ihe-earlicstt ai)d ;j most , distinguished that when, the author of the bill r ' ' , .' vi". if- j (Mr . Benton) brought in an array of r-daysbstwecn thaMwesnat-4Vc.lock Wiiainermngr United. States, whether it be Benton or yon liuten!1 New York's -favorite son is certainly in a bad way. Empire State, DahterStorzeon has bceh elected a Mr. Tallonadge ia re-olccted Senator from the State of New York. W.l-; Mi.8U.innLi..IIi. lamiltf find I V V 'wu vl r" ' . " ' . 7 1,11 fr-v larlfi. Mint no Ann innM ihntand him. coniiexioiis are exuemely; influential. ani he had often witnessed with pleasure . , -; . a. ft M. and all of them are c-operating with the well dealt blows of that Senator. Senator, of the United Mates irom me u Ua n 9 A iwnift mf wtrwrww aaiKsnli aaf m SS sA On the orescnt otcasion. however, he State of Pennsylvania, to fill the vacart- ' 1 iirL . . . e was sorry to differ from him, but be had cy occasioned by the expiration ol the now making." ..Whereupon, instead of J J JJ.Jl lh;t. 'part.cually term of service of Mr. McKan. T He being dismissed from office, he was in jt, want of eoonomy, aiid its inefficiency, was elected by a unnl'ous partr rote foriucd,. by a letter from Searcwry te earry out its proposca ititcnuoiuv uauer a previous caucus uccmun.; 1U trust mm till AnriL " ',1 aw, another, yesterday afternoon, who has plenty of work on band,' lounge ing at the door of a grog' shop; I'll have him -before the squire next week." , WITTY REPARTEE.. r A Frenchman once trading inlhe market, was interrupted by an imperti. ncnt would-be wagsrish sort of a fellow, . who ridiculed him by imitating his urn- perfect manner of speaking the English. Alter pauenuy listening 10 nun jor some time, tho rrenertman , coollv replied, 'Mine fine friend, you vud d veil to stop now; H if Samson had made no better use of de jaw-bone1 of an ys dan you do, he vud never have killed so many Pluialine.' Virginia, Mr. McCsrtv. elected to Congress, vict Gen. Me; oeciinca. . ft -K 1