v. . . . , 4 .'Cfi Cl.r IT? i cbtle TLVTl cfatt: v.! ' . c :r. - . . 1 : j 2 c 1 1. .?.. v. 2 v. r$ c '):lL'!.a- yd U'.'X i.i the f ersoo of a youtfj man then a member of that Uuiveiaity. Un ibrtcnatety fio scientific report of llie enn has hitherto been given to the pub hahhough the lease, as loose! detail ed ta ike papers, Was, as we understand nt, and so faras we are devised, strictly sui generis, wai perhaps cot likely to occur again kinder the saihe type, fbr cectury to come, We urge it, there, fore, upon the Faculty in question to draw op succinct, but exact I nd deft nite, report of this nevr speciss of 'n. gina (or the benefit of the whole Fa culty and of the country -at targe, 'All, uuitwe nave been awe to gainer iroro vrv imnerTert rnnrta nf lhk tintMi- hr case, is the following: That the ehom or roonmate of the patient, Ijav log missed a considerable cum of money in specie, and perhaps In bills, from' his trunk, was endeavoring & detect the individual who had taken i; that the patient, finding an uppteasftnt, if not an unreasonable, degree of, suspicion res. ting on his own shoulders, suddenly fell sack of a tie w species of Quinsy that bis threat swelled to several times it? ordinary size, and that he cfostd his abutters and. prudeitly betook -Wmsftlf to bed, iriTending there to -be "dowo ic&, and to observe a profound silence; that his chum, with several of the clas, entering the patiant'e bed-chamber, and , observing the terribly swollea condition of his neck end throat, .though not yet admitted jkMrm degree of A.B, Vpuch , lesa to thai 'of AL1)., ventured at once, with the rashness cbaraetecistie of 'a younjj practwaer, which, though often fatal a sometimes happily successful, to inform (he patient that his' disease was the Qui nryj and thatothinbutnn itri mediate- operation , would" .reduce the welling. That the patient at first stout ly denied that that was his disease, and lustily protested against any such pro k -ceedmg on tne parrot the uootot and his Aids; that they, being the strongest ftarty, seized, him bv the throat, and bv main strength untied his neckcloths; (as it is said he had no Ie$ than six on, on that occasion that, on the removal of these", the whole swelling of the throat, heavy and enormous as Uj was, instantly disappeared; .and that instead of the cus tonwry discharge from the throat, ci ther outside or inside, when the awel , ling comes to, a bead, and breaks, there mas a full and very copious discharge f from each of the six cravats, of a large number of shining, circular and flat, me talie pieces many of them ye How like gold, and greatly resembling' what are usually -called in this country eagles and half eagles; many more of them while like silver, and astonishingly like what the people at large denominate dollars, hoi dollars ' aud lioenfy-Jive cent pieces; beskie several considcra hie bundles of thitrvatrong, retangular puces of sum paper very ,nandsomeii engraved on one side, and so very -like hunk kiL'i 1 Kit , ihev Z anuU "nan for ' tbera even whh eashters and brokers. These are, the. statements respecting lais very lingular cast ka sunnyi as gathered from sanous floating .reports drawn ap by we,knW pot' whom; 'and whether correct or not. we are inable to decide. We tbcrcfore'requGst ao ac curate professional report f the case from one, cr jrtill better Irero a council, of the Facblty referred Urabive, embra cing inter aim the following points.) ' ; 1. Did euch a remarkable icassi ol Quinsy occur at Chapel Hill t If to, ! 2. In whaiyearl with the name, res si i-w j ...ii.-l!.' j.ij:..-.f the patient. -v. v-'- t. Had he; any .previous aitacki 'of the same, or a similar disease T 4. Did the swelling of the throat come onrrfrrffffftfrtJrrntmfff - itn, .t : er . What were , the visible Obcts, while it lasted, upoa toe patient's gene ral health I " ?- r f C The name of the 'y6ung doctor, I I II . I I MV . .- - wno, vy a oou ana omiiani practice, at once reduced he patient s enormous throat to its ordinary size, as Well as the Barries ff bis surgical aids. ' ? t , 7. Was 4hc,twclling lanced, either on . the inside or outside f or was there any others urgical operation than thesucces tive vnlyinn of. cravatst , 8. Was any of the matter discharged from the patieiiLt. throat the purulent matter. Which Cfmmouly oozes from the swelling of the Quinsv when it breaks! or wss it, all, pieces of yellow and white tnetsl, au'd of paper ? and if ao, did it consinrof real coin and -bank1 bill, or merely of whaty. looted so mm:h alike them, that they Could not be distinguish fd? - Atsv what was the exact amount, in dollars acd cents, of the matter dii- ' trc-;t 1. .1 .1 t.-avJ.!. li.'-n ma;.j c,::rz"i tvete cctual!y. talcn ca t!.a pa;!.;"s r.:clt - ' ' - IX IXJ c. cu.r tu-pot3, thst ilz round pieces of stamped metal, and rec tangular pieces of engraved paper, were generated by the dkuaso itself, arkl for. ced out through the nee ol the Jarynx, when the swelling was reduced; or if not, how did 'bey account philosophical. ly for this remarkable phenomenon! . H. lJid not tlie patient tweaf very Irecir durioc the orarationT and , was there anv considerable lossof blood? :. 12, What was the state of the patients health after the operation T 'Did. the grejjt depte lidniboW external and in ternal, which he had suffered, compel him to rusticate, or to leave college! and if so, bow soon did be recover strength ol nerve enough to go back into society! 13. lias he since Jbecn subject to any similar attacks, or shown any strong at' fection for coins aVid bank bill? ; And have certain transactions with the'U. & firaiich ITank at St. Louis arrived from a cvnl national tendency to the same disease! 'i"''':Ys V.;-r"'' We hope that, with these lints,, the gentlemen of the faculty, ho are on and near the soot, will draw up a report of the case, which Shall be satisfactory te their brethren and useful to the publ ic. , . - " - DEMUCUATIC KEPCBLlCAN STATfi RIGHTS ; CO.NVENTIOX.- .DlewujJ but this is a ja w-breakerl jt M decidedly the longest, knottiest, crook- edesi plirase ever invented There is t dilficnJty ih getting one's tongue about iur uet a oowq m one piace, auo n ue up;in another. 1 Like a crooked stick it won't lie still. LHo a roll ettupe, tnsrt is no end to iui Like a hedge hog, it has bristle pointing i every direction. But it will be obliged to be 'said number of limes before next August, and we have ascertained tbat.by taking cvrtain advantages, it inay all ba" said off at once! Follow our directions for tuvineil, and yon will master the di fii-phy id an Incredible short space ol time: f Draw as mnchas a blacksmitn's bellows full of wind into your lungs clap yeur bands upon each of your sides; demijohn fasion squeeze yourself with a recrular. firm. continued pressure, and : a . . ..r . beem to talk, if you will recollect to i . .L- .i.. DCgin i iiiW f igiu cnu, y yu way mui My it all off at ood bream. v. .:f . ; Greensboro PatrtnU SEE, HOW WE APPLES SWIMr Editors are rising in the world there is no doubt of iu The fact is, they are stiff spokes in the wheels of society .r ,ll is biit tecenilv that they have begun to make themselves properly appreciated. 4 You cau't well put too many irons in the fire for an Editor to attend to. There's Editor Iorihs of the Standard lor lustance,' ne was in ine late .van Buten Contention at Raleigh, not as 0 represents live but stuur represenia tivesV Tliere were four pi them, HalT ur representatives in the Demo cratic Rcpublio.n Slate Bights' Conven tion,? (we love to give the whole name,) aO tonceotrated in the person of bro ther Loruigl That is understand us imaginaoie, no ruprascuicu mw wpwb county, which he h4 probably nevejf put h h Toot in, Without any , assistance, aod haii streogMi enongh,besides to hf'p to rcpreseni ihrea oherjs Tiere are .LI- I. - J l Ruzmy lew pcopv mai cooia . ao u ; Nobody .lik,e an Edito)r. Tbey do a great maey little f turns" and "chores" lor the public but seldom get paid lor them, except in hard worcs. xe. PILL ' AD VfiHTlSE AiEJNTS. ' Jn common with most other papers, in this State, (and ouUof the State too,) the Patriot admits into its columns ad ver- of patent medicines. T Sroao I j t. .k.'.k our reoers mao cuiiipmiuia, n iwtu uu doubt are well foonded, , that too much of a good thing, in the line of pill adver lisements, makes them siclu- Whal would bo uicir siuiation, u, instead ol the advertisements, they should be xom pelled to take the actual pillsT ' To tell the truth, we ourselves nause these pill tuffs, and, should utterly refuse to lane mem, were it not mat we are thoroughly convinced, of their exccllen effect open our wholesome. It requires no Esculapiui to convince us of this our lea and consumptive pocket-beok tcstifieth to the fact; they impart life and. he all h, and. strpnetb. ; And the -se cret of their virtue is, that the pill doe- tors. PAY us for advertising thus ma king a eontr'ibuiion to our slender stock of the main . chance, which is by no means to do ineczea sil is noi mis saus factorjv all round! .. - f . , . , Greensboro1 Patriot. wt:jrr. ;cr v..u:a t ..... i t...: hws. ti? j f i'tv'.v, I. . ; are j , ..v all oihers f.r. - j ay it 1 Very j.. t in deed! a fifwf - , er is selected to f ul!!i the laws for itsdetotion fo Goternmont it is paid exorbitantly f r tl troulle sometimes to the amount of hundreds of dollars per annum and it is now to be presented with the additional pfivi lege of exemption Irom p'stagt! Why, it is the most palpatio party tiick ever yet suggested' Even the" liberality of the AdininitratK)U Press, will disdain fo accent of the unfair ad vantage thus prof, fcred them by a Senator of the United Stales. We have no idea "thaf such" measure can pass Congress. ' ' , - Richmond IVhig ' XIJE CITIZEN; ASIIEDDRO' .;C. FRIDAY FEBRUARY film. WHIG XOMlKATlObS. ' rFOR'pitSpENT; .:i m IIBKUT HARBISON, w ' a a v OR;?VlCp PRESIDENT JQIIN f YLEB, " V OFVlRGlXlilv for Governor of o'rth Carolina, JOHN I: ilOHKllfeAn, f: OF GUILFORD COUNTY. ' SPECIAL COUllt FOR 184ft. . Wnu Dougan, J. M. A. Drake, Thos. pranson, John D. Brown, Wesley Dead, Esquires. . . COMMON , SCHOOLS. t The Superfntendants of Cotnmn Schoofs reported the expenses of sur veying this County to be sixty to ve dol lars and klxty five cents, which were ordered by the Court to be paid by the County Trustee! ' On the question, (whe thcr the County should pay these expen sea,) the vote of the Justices was taken by iycs and Noes as follows : " dyes Messrs. Eli Brower, Elishs Mc Masters, Thos.- Branson, John C Allrcd, John 'Robbins, Wm. Doogan, Thomas Fruit, Jeremiah Cooper, Mi chael Williams, Michael Cox, Howgi JntiaH 1.n 1 nir limpa Pvl. J.itin 1 1. Usle James Dicks. Daniel rwaim, Jas. Hcolton, James f'tk.Wm. Wilson, J no. Elder, Dempsey Jackson, Thomas Fen rresJ, Zachariah Niton, Enoch Byrns, Isaae Kearns, Tidance Lane, Lut terioh, lease Arledire, ' Jeasa- Brav and Jonaihan Iledding, xwettirea yeas 30, ' AVt Messrs. Geo, Hoover, Larkin C York, Wesly Dean, Simeon McMas terVand John D. Brown, inquires I UEPOJIT ON COMMON SCHOOLa At a meeting of the Superintendents of Common SchoioU, hc(d at Asheboro. on the 3d February, instafitffof the our I pose of receiviBg-thq report ol CoL amb, who,' under their direction, has reoently laid off and surveyed the School Districts of this County, and for the par pose of appointing School Committee men n theseveral Districts, CoL Lamb made report of his survey, accompa nled by t map showing not only the boundaries of the Districts! hut also tr) principal water courses, roads and other prominent places, and objects in the County The County is divided into 2 Districts 0 milcy Idng, North and South and i miles wide, East and West. 1 The District in the.NortbWest corner ol the County is , our? bar J . the one ncx East of it is Ne2, and so on to" the Eastern boundary of ho County. Then beginning at the middle District on a the Western tide of the County, No. 8, and t iJ.Jc. a .. cr.i i f i j D. 1 : .'.cJ b eacli "I District, thrco of whom rrsidc ia tlie North end of each District end three in the South end. The following are the names of ths persons appobtcd iu eacli District. ' Kumbcr 1. ' Alex. -Grav. William Kslmp, Alt?n U. Tbmllnson, Ahi Uolbms, John 1L Ia!c, Juli;3 11 lach. ? . Jtumber 2.) i Isaad White, Jamei Nccdham, James Laughlin, Jonathan Stalker. Samuel Gray, James Farbw. . " , Number 3. Thos. Ilodstn, Aaron Stalker, Jowph Welborn, Joscr4i New Un,' Michael Far- low, Solomon Walk' " ' ' ' . Number 4. . -Joseph Swaim, Jesse GC llinshaw, )aniel Swaim, William Dark, llowgil ulian, James Dieks, , V;4- Number 3. ? ' WnuChamncss, JSebedee Wood, John 'atterson, Samuel Lincbcrry, Jno, Wol& cremiah, Duskina, . . . i." Number C ' Pte Julian,. Samuel Wood." f?crt ohn. Coe, Georee -Brower, William McMastcs, Dr. John G. Ilanner. s Number 7.7 71 tioctor Drawer, Wia J. Lonff, James C Wren,' John Miller, Henry Kivet, oamue xucuarieu . Number ft.. Jeremiah CotWr, Joseph Hoover. Thomas Pearr, John Ingram, Joiies K. I Number 0. Allea Kearns, Nixon Hentyr Ansel earce, Robert Walker. Jesse Tboro- broegh, Henry Fuller. . Number IP. Jonathan Redding, Joshua. Craven, John Bobbins, William Allrrd, Joho HenJy, Benjamin Brookshire. Number U. John' C Allred. John Diffce. Reuben Giles, Joshua Cox, Jr, William Brower, Jesse . Cox . , Number 12. E. Coffin, Alexander Horney, Solo- mon Free, Jeremiah , Mendcnhall, Eli ppoon. samuei J rogdeD, Sen. ' Number 13. Tidance Lane, Joseph Beece, John Allen, Joseph1 AHeo, Thomas Cox, (ol Vm.J Joseph Stout. . Number 14. Thbmas Marlev. Garret Lane. John Patterson, Henry Dorsett, Win. Rains, David AloffiL a: , - Number 15. L Kearns, Esq , Hezekiah Andrews, Marsh IKirsctt, Micnjah llilL Sen. Thomas Byrns, Seth CranlbraV- :.'wr .T '. Number JA 'v Samuel Hill, Allen Skceu, Ze'charlah Nixon. William Burneyv Clay ton &ccd, XMatliao uvcrton. . . "'i .Number 17. Thomas Branson, Moses Hammonds, William Branson, John Graves, Noah Smithcrman, Elijah Williams. . ' ' ':,,-.:' Number 1 fL ;,--v-.;r William Loudermilk, John Presftall, M.: Williams, Jacob Auman. James Polk, Boling King. ; ' Number 19. Henry YoW.Ja mcs Bird. John Iach Thomas Cox, Harmon Cox, Stephen LiouaermiiK. v - ; ' Number 2ft. - v -Garret Spinks, M. A, Sagg, Eli Brow. efTlJchjamcn C xTCharlea MoSirKTsn Number 31. " Thomas Gholson. Aaron Tvson. Thos, Macon, Reuben, Cot, John D. Brown, Dolphin Gardricr. . y 'The School CoMmUtee men are re quested to ascertiin as toon ai possible the centre of each one of theif reapec live ' D istricts, and assemble tho people and : fix on suitable ' locattphs lor he School Hoosei prior to the 29th day of this month, no which day at 11 o'clock. A M., the superinteodanta' request - ill the i School Committee men to meet them at Asheboro', for 1 the purpose of reporting the locations fixed on for the School Houses, and such other facts as may tend to give usefulness f nd effi ciency, and concert to the system. It ii hoped that every supcrintendant and i t i a i r .i i cn! t3 fivee 3C.!i JS harJ K :! i dlitrifts. ' !!r. WalLrr ki!i a::a;J in U.o Crd 4:h r:J IC h districts - v' "--v I!r. Tny, will attend b t';c7Ui ar.4 4i!i dUlrict j. f Mr. Brower wi3 ettcnj ia tho IPih 0;h and 21t districts. Mr. Ooit wia attend in t!ioi::h district A ;'. Mr. S walolo the 1 1 & and 1 StVJIo tricts. Mr. Worth (a tlie !?ib, Mr Southern Citizen Permit of to say that your etptanation of the nian ncr, tlie wars and the means ol remov ig your great pumpkin is perlcctly sinv le and natural, ami no duiat was (ex ense our flatter ) very lasteuly and rpeditwutfy executed. , . !' - Secondlr How are the rood people of Randolph satisfied with their repre senlatire in tlw bte Raleigh Democrat? ic Republican State Rights Van Buret -Sub-TVeasury Anti-Bank , Nominatins Convention! Greensboro Patrivl. M How are the good people of Kan4 dolph satisfied with their Representative ' in the late Kaldih Ucmocratic ucpub- ican State Rights Van Buren Sub-Trea sury ioti-Bank Nominating ConrcntiooT Brother Patriot ? yoti are so , very in quisitive, we almost think you a Quiz, We had hoped that All the funny Edi- ors of the State 'would pass over ; the subject of oor representation in that' august bpdy, in silence, Bui it seem we are doomed .to tell ' ho w the good, people of Randolph" are satisfied with Mr. Loting, Editor of the Standard, as : their representative 2te. ,x , Well we most gratify the curiosity of our neighbor as well as we can But if a court week- and we can only r say, for the present,' that the good peo ple of Bandolpir utterly ;deny JUving had any thing to do with such represen- ation. They protest loudly against the charge, as a most fout,faUc and slan derous fabrication. It is aid, and frank ly admitted, that Mr. Loring did iej resent on man of the county, who may be very good man; but lhdgood people of Randolph? claim no part or lot, m the matter. If the curiosity of our neighbor Patriot extends further, we must try and gratify it by going more into detail hereafter. . i . : 1 1 . THE J1A1L ROAR tfev At the request of the ' committee apt pointed to opco books for subscription to the stock of the Fayetteville & Wes- torn Rail Road Company, the Court at about o'clock On Tuesday gave a re cess for the .purpose of giving the use of tho Court House to the meeting, When On motion of John B Troy Esq. Jet so Harper was called to tho Chair, and on motion of Gen. Gray J. AVcrth Vrti )pokited Secretary. . .. ; -,P, 2 After the meeting had been organi- ized and the people of this and the ad joining counties, who might bo present invited to participate in its proceedings, ! C i On Mrnotion i o(Gen.g.riy,JJMtoi the agent of theBoard of Internal im provem'ent, proceeded to address the meeting at length showing 'the utility of Rail Roads in general and pointing out in a clear anil forcible manner the many benefits which would result to the State in general aad particularly id tfie Wei terq portion of it, from the construction of tho Road. "His aidrcss abounded with Arguments calculated to Induce tht people 4o lubscribefoVihe Stock. Tho meeting was further addressed by Gen. Gray,' II. Elliot and J. Worth, after wbjch book! were opened and about $7,000 subscribed, and on the next day, we understand about $3,000 more yf ' , thi stock waa taken. The hurry of Court prevents us from giving further dclailt at prcacut. , rf . . ,

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