cl t- ; U'ccrte a hard-r.on?y I;. t; 3 i me. UJ t..,cc- f v!!.v!in i f vmir rcvrntio from I ilo!!irs. all at t' j rnsr.X&ftJ oi Messrs. LiC.ccson, Cooper, ,Iy3 'i3tHg BRj customs to - cold and silver, I dnl sworn t) tbcyh'n ta all ttnd Li.!c,fur,f tho fiva persons e!cc.alij vour jamiediara disburcn;eas in 1 With these ircK, a alone, provided t:,ty ted ty the Iicus3 to represent Jcr-U0n anA gvcr- Give it to us. Dovin were s'.ationed in the d.f.ercnt states, the t' 3 ttnks. If voudare. I'dare, State elections CoJi ta controlcd, n I vouli almost have my rteht arrn several different states., ,rAnd in' a close of the Counties of Wale, Ju!. sal. ' .a ' 1 a r T i, -ft. r laced in the names, and sutler any , bod injection, they ccraiq turn me acaie, cvenpvayne. we are truly graiitieu &i i tev, tppe'sred cn.-the 'ICthand t-'; the c;:.s. and scats. Vroom alio loci his scat on the 19th. In the Senate, Mr. Lumpktn again called up his resolution to adjourn on the 1 ISth May next, winch, was -Again aupported'by the Whig, 'generally, nd ' opposed by the other party, with "a. few exceptions. It was finally laid on he table for two weeks longer, by nearly a Jmty vote. T . Questions have been decided in both Houses that seem to indicate the failure "of the proposed appropriation, for the Cumberland Road. ' .. ' ; . ' The Bill to authorizq the Issue of five millions of Treasury potest "and the "motion to print the report and docu ments in the New Jersey case, are still before the House. ' ,;1 v 4a the House, on the 11th fast when iheiSub-Trcasury bill was taken up for reference to the Committee of Ways and Means, a debate arose, in which a ljumber of members tooV part -Among others, Mr. addy I aompson or JS. li epoke, and from his remarks we extract thefoUowing charge of swindling. , Mr. THOMPSON, said, -When the troops caBcd out to do duty in the Cher okce country Were to be paid off, this hard-money Government of ourswhich would receive nothing but gold and sil ver, or the notes of the Government, of fered to these men. not Treasury-notes, not specie, not even bill of respectable non-apecie-paying banks of Georgia, but bills of the Ock mulgee Bank of Georgia, which were then from three to four per cent, below the par of non-pecie-payng can a notes oi feeorgta. toe men re fused to take them. , Tbey staid a day or two. but, being anxious to get home, and bavins been Jonz employed in a painful duty, they could not stand out, nd they at last consented to take Uck i. . huLi , - v j. We l:ara t!.:,.t it t!;oCon:;s:ba, hc!J t!.ls v.ctk at I'. '.'y ' !J, Cuas. Iaxlt, Hi i..f this City, v as nomiiiukJ as the Kluctor on tho HARRISON and TY- LCU Ticket, lor the District c 1.: lizsa ur raai!j ,v.'2 few t -i "i':crtai.-; t: lit vr- i-r,!y by the c 1 j'., ' rfi fciv!. or disabled soL.r, rc'.urrii. 0 home, that we heard from our hrmv. Time hung hc ivy, and r.'ooin overspread our country.- . ::ew wos "iiie is bo)ii c .ted between the American ftrrry un der' Gcru Harrison, and the Dritish al i . i ij . I : . l tij : i. . f : i i.. f ,un f,.t 1 Ko man on earth however honest and "-at it is a compliment justly duo to .tne -" u,Hic, , u.u.lim817 4 WMW- my constituents in the manner In which that bill would torture them and the whole nation. 1 would not do this if 1 thought yoo1 .would meet me. But you ;n ri - oi-. I 'll will nun iiic oeoaio uui vuuiuius pui upright, ought to be trusted witji such Wonn consistency oi mat gemieman s unlimited power, and Martin Van political character, such is his proverbial Huron ffan r.a it niv Ivan niMBUVl : I urbanity of manner, and crcat nersonal and both Days and weeks passed by. and yet nothing was heard from our rmy. Our himself apd his followers,' are rpopularity, that we are confident hi I citizens eagerly hailed all strangers fron. ink to nothing else to secure his tower of itren-th to the j tle West, with the anxious lnru.ry of n. Wining people reflect on BBUU "'- , j ; 7 v"v" boast. ' Expedite this measure thesa thins? Let everv man consider " le"f moreover, that Judge Saun- f was- UiS delay, d(Jubt and one ertamty. give it to the country will not this matter well, wefefi the subject impari deri m present at tSmithfield, (being that it was generally rearc4f, and by he a ub.Treasufv. It will be what li;.ii.iMv t .i,'f.i--.. the week of . the Suoerior Court) and ny believed, that Ihrnscn and his a T " ' j - - ----- uan w lima iiiu m im -a m ami . mu vnokj- ' . i . . . . many weaker men than the gentleman gQ(j tj,CD isk hiniself the atieslion. ouhi d dressed the people, at great length, - had like those before him, been defeated amiiu iiihpjuuivui Vhile ! was sitting (aid my infornv Treasurv. You will cfve us a Govern-1 ."P--t' " - - 5 jted by our informant, as bavins been m) tnc Ion? low mndow of our ment banka paper currency a Gov. J tirniTrrin hp vv a r pj I one ol 1,18 m6lit effective he ever heard, school house, and bur Irish school mas' emment paper issue-checks, drafts-1 HKWVf , AUiJS. , ,l u ptyg the imprejsion made,, by Jdr- W"' W ln ting'our. A. B C to any thing but gold and silvert i say, I 4 vur uwwuaw .wwi oi 7nw jiiiimi ai. wm most visible, and pi that cnarac- me smancr urcnins, i suuueniy ncara tno tnerefore. , I never expect to vote lor a ,w M,,u. .vn 1 ter wnicn, ne is certain; win be perma- souna oi norn. j loo&ca lonn, ana i nw it m .. I manual loFwir ar tnrt Inrrhltf nan I inr I !u:..'ir .- ,r t L. ummuIiii iU t :f J:. sud i reasury lie wouia unue m ena- i - . -r,Y . - -v , -"".juwiji in us cuecia. ue kuuw nisi iur.i wrhwhh uui, au umc u" bling the party in -power to bring for. I ifceir labor, are,WB understand, carry-1 Manly is thoroughly' roused' as, to the tant, the mail boy jon bis horse at full ward th ii mum.lha Kin.rure atimz meir aocinne uiio pracucai.oLwa-i ,mnorianCa of tha fcontcat now poini? on sneea. At Uie root OI the Hill. Deems. mi ino wages oi tne operatives mere, I Enow, aiso, now accepts oie ne aiwavs m. luamg mo mu near u-, mi nore in I hare been diminished, while the salaries I makes himself to his' auditory, when he at full speed and reeking with sweat, I not now I of the Clerks have been . increased. I is i "iu-JEhe vein." We have ho doubt, again resounded his. shrill hern, and ihe first opportrniityt but, at the same t,0 thP u a Armpry at Sprrngbeld,! between. power on the one hand, and ed a bridge, and th rapid clatter f thtf time, he believed that all the wisdom of Massachusetts. t t , - popular rights on the other j and .we iron-hoof resounded throughout our cab? Dotn panics combinea an the wisao of the nation United and concentrated these Halls of leirislation. could propose a measure of relief. Confidence j The Federal Government has learned I therefore that the report of , our inform- when opposite mir'Ug Cabin be. railed and time aUme could bring relief; and that in foreign countries, tlie laborers! ant is true to the letter," and we feel lout : HAHIUSON has whipped the l ii i. ' . .t.-j i .i-l 'i ' j i I.L.. : I ?..(.'.& ,.J r...t: . It years wouiu oe requirea io near mei are paia ouiy a iew, pence per uay- ami tuai u is cause oi raiutauon io every i , , , country of the wreck and rmn which with the otlier improvements from a-1 true VVpig to hear of men like 'Manly Our Irish tutor, was as true an Amer- uie pany in power naa orougni upon u. oroaur wnicn u is iniroaucing, mis aiso mu uiun, engaged inincauues oi wn w st w-bi hi mwm ni inn Sir, ihe sub-Treasury claimants from is one which it recommends to us to a- laborious profession, zealously entering sprang from his seat as though Iw had New Jersey were Voted into seats in dopt; at the same time," Mr. Van Buren the lists to do battle on the aide.oisound been shot,nis eye flashing with fire, and that Hall on yesterday -but yeittr- does not. forget the other part of this j principles. It isa 8ign," .lhat JMortb screame.1 ou : ? , - davx and what had the House witnessed policy and while he rcducos the price I Carolina will ueithcr be cauzht napping, I ' M COYS, do von hear THAT V to-dav I The sub-Treasurv bill, which of labor, and Uie wazes of the workins I or friehihned into a surrender. I He caught his hat, darted nut at tho had been slumbering on yourtablein man', heroin fie warie toft he ojktl' . Raleigh Regiettr. 1 door, and followed the mail boy at tha quiet repose for weeks, was then, for latfcr Hartford Conner. the nrst time sinco it came down from the Senate, aroused from its slumbers, and put in regular process for the action of the House. This was an astonishing mulgee'bink ootes. Two of three days r S M a 1 I .S 1 vw wirvwa a w vwm iter mey naa eeen inus paw, mere was 6UnccS 1o vhich htr ma accoinuiairoo oi uucoir ana com pubic utvMMh and stowed away bylhe Government-more Jnimadversion aW naa wu wanieo. a ihs naa io oeso.a. ceived lhal beCB great delay ""." rJJJ-" Kow, mark. The soldiers were paid fa to the great measure of the P,c ... t-pv. , -., "- Administration ciers came to ouy tnese provisions, tne proiUced ooveromem couw iouch nomine dui vn l,,,. and silver and Trearury notes.- an 9tioasKl fiot they would not then contaminate UtrtM tu,, .xf,, their hands by touching non-specie pay. an accession of strength, anrf ng bkok trash; vet there, was no harm m were they wiUing to press in in poHuting their hands by aying it out lJam of (1?, t measure to soldiers who bad served in U,e field. hicfohad WWged lor years, there What was the consequence T The corn ,nA ,krkn, ,ua nlro.. hm mt that had been purchased for a dollar J? rir j;., tk. . - a. a ia pwvesuiv vi vtivi uu wa ww v w om lor iweniy cenis; ice nacon , wnicn peone , "THAT. WORK I DECLINE.' PHYSICAL PHENOMENON. . . -4 an account of the most extraordinary I Mr. p1"?1111 Editor 4iad been brought for Iweniy to twenty fivectnts sold for fifieen cents. It was bought op by speculators, and then sold again at an enormous profit to these men A STANDING ARMY. top of his speed. The scholars were not a second behind bim the ; lai ger ones taking the lead, and shbutirg Huz za for Ilsnisonr and Uie smaller ones . running niter, hallo in z and screamins Sir: 1 see my name on the Van " .fr,LM, , ' . . . . w, wwr YiiMgc, H3nnnsi lira . confusion, and seeing the moil boy and horse at full run, followed by the school- - i i . .. I master at the tD of hi. enced. .iwt hi eredu: kcn the 'berty to use my name, wi:b- hole c,,0' touting and screaming, inn- his ihcir con- A nn upon the upper part oi tbecneet bone,ul iwt ww; uu uw - : : " " r,"" ' .- . u-i .V- uA f w;. k....i.UJ holdenL Our mndiim and ahor are re every couaicnance. i ne mail arnvmff 1U WWW HW KU VTA Ulll Ul USIIbU II 1 " " ,1 T, .1 . . iwa,and, after festless night, awoke duced one half but thewages of cflice office, the earner rose in bis stir- in the morninV suirering lis consequen- Mders are the same they were a year rups, and wclaimed, at the, same time- cesiothe forS of acute pain, during ago, y, can bpy. Up time, the a- ifeml which time she remove from Jhe eye "OU01 oi proouce, wnu me same money . TT. "Vr'-i: ? ; several fragments of the le of a spidei. oow could twelve months ago; whipped the British and Indisns ! 1" Kcturning to the City a few days after- uiereiore, a conciuoe, inai, me iovo vi - -uuio, ao yon near j ija it' D.K'Ul VI JVJ IIJTUlUlliai II jr nfirei were kindled in wards, upon complaining to her mother " eir democracy, instead of the A universal $Y of a similar sensation, an examination interests of our beloved country.. My burst forth-lxM t - i ' . i . i trrviAA anI vAta ft tKaa etakwt ai!di in Will IvaaI. akMJI This matter of a standfnff Armr, to was made, when a berfectlv formed dead !tt nd vote at the neit elecUon will the streets j and ouf village illuminated who had served tlieir country. These be kept on pay, at the expense of the tpider of small sue, was removed. A 00 iw uia , a ippccanoe, , wno ioia me ai nignr. in tnose nays I neard no one things, I repeat, have never been con- People, in a time of profound peace a physician being called, all proper inves poor souiicra wnen ne was parting wiin say tnai narnson was a coward or a tradicd. I Jiave printed them they time when we are "at peace with all tigation was made, in order, if possible, wo inuian wars veniremen, -uranny, dui i aia near funny toy, ave teen disseminated ihrouchout the aien," cannot be brought before the A- to discover tho seat or nidut of the an-) l you ever come to Vmcenncs, you wrtl God bless General Harrison !' - m m I'l'iijifuiiun. n meritm nfinnla too frermentlv. or nresv imafa. btrt this nrot'ed fruitless: No in. 1 always find a plate and a knife and fork iaVV vi wwaajift . iiibut MWWll I " - f " j 1 J W I V f . I ail j U a I the authority of Mr. Word, formerly a ed for their consideration too zealously, qui ry has yet been al. to detect their my table, and "tir8jroQ ttarrou member 61 Uongress a gentleman well ao carry on uie vioieni outrages or me seai oi empire, ana yer mey nave con- .Y'T' '.jivr Adtiu? t 7tpii remembered and highly respected in Administration, and to control the ballot Unucd to be removed from each eye aU ITJVp.f h .rf i" AlUi .v.;- iii,M t,n Kmthar an hoT. bv bruta force. rand br arms.' is tha ternatcdv. aomeiiinetf from one alone. PULLED IN. Tms is the man or me: r in that camnai2ay One wtuld think leading inducement for the onwieldly sometimes from bttb, fofa space of six bis bcart is as ig st a barn os poor u hat ,he receipts into the Treasury. t ... . 1 w- :foiMnAA I . n .., rimnivUiU hAt sutler under hit ad minis-1 u t . - ... ibis was revoiunjE enougn; oui oniy nan awnumg n mj w v,ww men, 1 cup 1 vmw, tne tale nas been ioiu w unin a montn 1 mcouea in me ibic wcjbbki mm m mc 1 nw 1 afterwards, a surplus of provision and Report of the Secretary of War 100, Portions FACTS FOR TJIB, PEOPLE. President Van Buren. in his late Mes sage to Congress and -the country, tells is, to an amount on an average of meiyiU ijot sufler under his admiois. wtHjd u , ,y fuffiricnl t0 mect , 0 1 two to three every other day tration il elected. Tell the SenhtieledH wants of the Gpvernment, without any ionsofwhatissupppsedtobe the tor to 1 strike my name from the NotUng. increaM oftates on tne people, snd be- ham list ment 'hat which was below ' if ! rrT7 r PS a (aTttt s elapsed after issuing said as collector for the Loco-foco Band Message, he notified Congress that tho work I decline. - - . I T.a..rW .. . a.aiZ sMws j mm v vu i4.wvs""av VJAINIUvlVUt in such great need of means to meet eloW the par of the under the immediate control of the Pres- organ, and attention ting thus called, I , Jj M ALLLKILL. and The Tennessee lident---which it is estimated would cost the object is easily removed by Ihe at- woiungnam iownsnip,Marcn j, ioho lne c,jrrcnt expenses of the Government. paper. leoreia' bank naoer. troops, at theChairman of the Military about twelve millions of dollars annually, tendant. The eyes assume at times i. . " . ,: .v that Congress must instantly authorise immiitca iMr. Cave Johnson infoim- And this, fellow-countrymen, is laid to much inflammatory irritaibn and sweb from the OAw Jfrpuolican. I hinrt to Sunplv that want bv ihe iu- A Km thi. nvtrainr. were naid in Trea. be" Democracvf This is relEenchm'ent I linir ol the lids, with an injected condi- "BOYS, DO YOU HEAR THAT?" lanco of five million, of Trn..,rv nnii " o ,r .T !.. . t,r . .c:- K: .Z r.i .a s. " ir..:-r T-i.. u.. A . . " ..' . -v..-.' 1 anry notes troops, too, cmpioyeu mine 1 ana jeiorm: o repeal, i mm im-1 uoi 01 ur? uu 11, nu copious uuiuiwu oi 1 iwvuiy-.i yean tasi Auiuiuu uius creating an auuiiionai national rery sama--mvicei Letgentlemea gomensa amy if to us the other daj',) I debt bearing interest of 6 per cent, to be . . ! .1 i . r a .i rii! 1 , , . ; ... 1.-: It L- j: X" t.--i - I . . 1 "in'. .... .. on ana pass tneir suo-i reasury duu duii peopio n an expeuso wi iwcivo minions 1 , , ' - 1 1 a uuj ucuuiug si hwi ui w- mei in me enu, oy a lax upon the peo- in the name of truth, of fairness of de-la year, and that too, at the reduced nri-1 t . -Av TrUl Ri.rrtr ronrt. cabin, with no other windows than the plej Is this Dcmocracv aeain? Wheri cency, let them not speak of a measure ces of labor and produce,' which Mr. ni, Honor Judge Settle presiding, John ,i8ht "forded through the 'space of two Gen. Jackson retired from office, he said oftlaskindasooetbat is calculated to Buchanan says, must follow under the Hoover received lenience of death, of- logs, by a removal of a piece of the he left the Government "prosperous and li(ninisli the patronage ana poweroiioperauonsonnegionouiouo-ireasury. tcr an unsuccessful appeal to the Su- u,,'u wmi greaay una ui oafwr paiu nappy -.wiin a ireasury lull to over. t nnr uorcrmnctitf Mr. WISE also spoke ludinz to ' the proceedings -Jersy ease, said You are how organ If this is DemocxacyJite..wiah ta hart rmoCourf from oeFalMcrrtM)f4fe- on as substitutes lor glass. Ihis cabin, flowing. Mr. Van Buren received jt. p ke, aad, after si- no connexion with it . . 4 feu, Friday tha J5lh May, was fixed dedicated to learning, was situated in the hands of his "illustrious predecessor,0 ings in the New But, it must be born in mind, that, du- 5rx)o for his execution. ' the out-skirts of a now populous town in and In less thanow month thereafter. ring the last session of Cougrcss, the Azei i aies, a youin 01 iu or i , was convicted. of horse-stealing, and receiv'd twenty-five lashes by way of correction aad punishment H?Aig Banner, ( Mr. Corran, the celebrated Irish advo cate, was walking one day with a friend who was exceedingly punctiluous in his conversation ; hearing apcrson near him say euroiity for cuVioslty, he exclaim, ed, 'how that man murders the English language.' 'Not so bad,' replied Cur. ran,' ne naa ouy uocicei to eya ,ouu' reienuuvei, lawfully or oonwlgiij k-i oy a una pari) ro-m. iy nig. op- , . - . iJirliBoff t ilif. tl wowr. lay, tne aay auer you are organizeo, j , ...o it irjuiu nc - . . . fl lenc0 cf lhe fttnueman from XVer l om, Mr. an- abq so 00 nis iricnas ana puny rewicw, 1 p . ;fl . . w , j.njuii I am'o-lail in have mn nn. at the success of everv measure tendimr lr 1 Wdf ' . lu cortunity of saying the same to my con to strengthen the Executive arm. Look .aliments,' because remarks which I have at this standing srmy its power its made ele where have been misuuder- weight, and influence upon, the country stood, I dare the Administration t give with the additional power to be ob u the Sub-Treasury that Sub-Treas- taiped (if passed) by the' Sub-Treasury Airy which they professed to propose giving to Mr. Van Buren, the posses which will divorce Uie banks from the sion of 40 millions of dollars. a year State. Give "us your specie sub-Treas- the amount of Ihe whole revenue and Ajry your gold and silver bill; and, if what can he not do, that can be effected vou will vote, for it, I will vote for jt by men and mooeyl Could the Whigs. Your professions have been hypocritical who are even now in the majority, in the rora the beginning. t You never inten- U. States stand against a combined Ibtce !ded what oS professed to give toJhisjso lyge200,000,axmcd.wps13 ' i '-'0 :-;'.' '.' ,' i- -;- : ''i;'-"'.'' ; ' " . t 1 tf,,,.,. ; 'ixJT' ttA-A j Pennsylvania. No State in the Union he had il bankrupt -norao,' belter soldier, for the ever since. . Is thi, ,iA von have now vour House of Reo- standinz army was more than doubled. U V: ' 1J !.r..n- ; .ur.,!l, n nnrtu to the Whiir. nn. ,uu., u .e.". vi. -wvuww ""Mftfenre and nrnteetion fthe Northern ft.l!in - 1' . .u - " w - ----- . i,v ww mumV m ia uiu iuuiblciji a hs-l iiis- aiasu 1. !, it .f:f and has so kept it 1 this Democracy I Is this frontier of Ohio, during the late war, phj look at theso tilings. than did I'ennsylvania. JNut 0 lew on Tennettee Whig, bet sons were in the army surrendered by Hun;; beside, numbers of her brave INDIANA AGAINST ANY STATE luiiows wsib niassHi.rcu auu stuiu ui. Tit AT HA tit TAt't' TTW TUP Winrhe-ter anrl IWlvi defeat. Still. ll,A1 A" A AKL .UP. TUB , the after call of Gen. Harrison for more GAUNTLET. soldiers, was answered ' by large num Indiana will give Harrison and Tvlcf bers oi Pcnnsylvanians, including scve- the largest majority, iri proportion to tho ral from our village. The departure of number of votes cast, ol any other 8tato these brave fellows fromheir families in the' Union. What State will take tip and friends, was then viewed as a vol- the gauntlet? What' say you, Massa. untary sacrifice of life for the defence chusetts, Vermont, New-York, Pennsv I of their country, and the " farewell vania, Kentucky, Ohio t Ay or no T God bless ye," was uttered in a tone Let theorize be . that of bcinc called and feeling that sunk deep in the hearts utbi Wmo Statch until the l'residen- ef the bystanders,' and which will ncv-ltial election ia 1844. ( er be ciuced from my memory. .. I . Jndiana. Journal 1 V

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