I, WHAT r D(TWB LIVE FOB, BUT' TO KIPaOVE OURSELVES AND DE USEFUL TO ONE ANOTHEQ ? - ' . V 4 . . 5 - - ' . ' : i -v ' .,r ; v,. " , I " V )' i ! VOLUMK IV. 48lltiIMM 1840. MJMDEIt it. r PUBLISHED WEEKLY Two Dollars per annum, in advance, or Threo Dollars,, if not paid within tfcreo ihontht from the date of the Grit iutnfccrfeecivedr" r ., No subscription to beYdiscor.tinoed till all arrearages be paid; unless at the discretion of tlio Editor. ' "-,, ' A failure to order a discontinuance fcefore the expiration of the subRcrir tion year, is equivalent to a new en gagement. . ,'"' '' 'J -v i ' . All Letters, Communications, &c. to oon.o post paid .,( i Pricet for Advert king Advertiscmenti will be conspicuously nnd handsomely inserted at 100 per square of 10 lines; and 25 cents for ev: " ery subsequent insertion. No .ad ver tisemcnt, however snort, will be charg ed less than for a souare. V.UW.. ' Court Orders and judicial advertise ments will be charged 23 percent high ?t ; (we sometimes have to wait so bug lot the pav.r - - -Those who advertise by the vear will he eutitled to a deduction of 33 per tent, provided they pay in, advance. ' Frfim thi FayttltviUt Observer, The : Standard seems to hire forgot ten how much, it was opposed to duel : ling; how earnestly it anathematized Craves for fighting a duel, and Wise for being bis second. We agreed with that paper in denouncing that act of fash ionable murdcr,'whichas rwt e ." ble in our eyes becauue it was done by 'political friend; and we fondly hoped that it was not criminal in the Standard's ryes only because it was done by a po- , litical opponent. With t this hope, we have been waiting patiently for the Sun dard s volley of indignation sgainst Judge .Saunders, who, if we mistake not ae tually fought one duel, in which it was not his fault that his opponent was hot ' murdered, and in another case, challenged Member of Congress for wprds spoken in debate. , Perhaps the Standard may - plead -in -the Utter case, that the Judge Lad, no bloody-minded thought of taking bis opponent's life, and in this we azree With htm ; but the sending a challenge is of itself a high offence against the laws of North Carolina and lor which be is cxorcsslv disqualified, in the lac cuaze t'f the law. from "ever after be- ing eligible to any ouicc oi irusi. nonor, or rrofii in this State." Is it not a pro Kr law. Sir, Standard? Do you think that a "rru6 who has vielated it, should lo made Governor of the State? Jea vr nav.. ' '. :'. ,. ... , , We Jiavc. Ix4tcd 'Into' an old file to refresh our recollection of the circum- ulances connected with hta last chal- . lenire. and find them as follows : On the U7th February, 1827, f. en. Saundcis challcngotl Mr., Wright of D bio, for insulting remarks in bis speech 1 (lre--day prccecdin. On Ue same f ventngr-&rr Wright refused to accept liij challenge. Three days a Iter wards, uxt oo jhdSd March, tlw. General left ' Washington, sod . when safe on board ihe steam" boat that was carimr him iuimc. he sent bark a letter abusms Mr. -VrigWir-rwbUcauonaJia Dfoduced one from Mr. Wright, in which . e said that Gen. Saunders -look hit J'aJf f0, ItefuU ierinf unn flc4o! the if March, leaving pwh Juiporjant bulw!'s undone ".ic-iThflOfr. lluck. tier of Ken. had inputted him (Saunders,) 4v 'unwiivocal intimations a belief ifiul'he was a cowrdiVTbanh'uCe i.ral was dist:reet -enough to jass,uver IJluctiner insulv'bs the; latter 'was fa l.cakh, end a fighting manj-Tgcii tlje llcncral was told by at lunsf two mem- Uts of the House that Wright 'Would slot nccert a chnllenire, if be strnt hiro itiet wheretiwn be did send htm safitj 1 1 That the Gcnrkncw that ho (Wr'ight,) 'fowibg toa!,petinanwit icfeet'of vision, rould mt W,Hot Vcla lo diMin- iniiih bim trom at ten paces' Atjnii nd Urtt bw nVtd kiia vtirf'St luck; he lii'nly tlie use bl a piirt o! his! Jkldb, and had rarri(;d 6iie arm in a sling ' Tl.'ds Ai'rle'd the nfTair, which, ..V,C .i.ii LiMitMu.iVal iSih for weeks. wal a source oi muca amusement at trie ....' . i .'i.i, Ijttoj ,4 11, . Guv. Br ifncIC a opinion: pfMudii? Sj under t.-ln his celebrated speech ir the Senate of North, Carolina, in 1S34, in his reply to Mr. Edward, GvBranc,' said,-.. . i . - Oce of ttys eentlemnn's collelijtuea I mean Gen. Saunders, ibe'rcrerit Xt torney Ccicrjin his public address tu.ilie pwfW ttt Liaiiini t'wX. wmmU aaiir, is I ia informed and believe, as to su peradd to his other charges against the General Jackson that , f ,ti -.oral iur pitude, manifested in the abduction of his neighbor's wife. ' ,He professed taknow him welt,' having lived in bis-immediate neighborhood. t Soon alter Jhe meeting of Congress in 1823, where do you find tuif present leader oi the Jackson party I Going into, eaarus r ' the purpose of controfing that "popular reeling, -he nov cttennbty so much-. reverences. V Do you .find him and his party influenced oy' prinripie-any more man nowi i, sir. . Mr. Crawford received the caucus nomination -e open, und owomd friend of I ht VniteJ Slote? Bank that monster which the gentleman and his party now j?rrrnrf to hato with such hoi fervor.". r -v r rem Ihe Sutioml Intelligencer, The fVil-ined Iyfrr ba been drawn out from Mr ettatof Wilnrfrr by-an incuirr addrr4c4 P lira hr tie Editors of the lIarmrwiTcrrsi 6s Intel ligenrer. The Itktsfl . la thia rase, as m ' ' 1 bre teen. ouzht to teS t5.enj!t iwirNd U tt authors vf lurentirtHi tfaiost tie char, acter and claims t4 ft Whig Candidate fdr t rir.cmg soca eoorlime trs:jmor y in his tarrr, and such canxsi rsprev swns of teal in tho mat rauu of which lie is now the head and trait : - Wasbixctox, March SS, 1810. To IhtT'MfTt of the Tth&tuph and r ntetigtneer. Sirs t I have this evening receijed your loiter, calling -my attention to a statement, ' w hich has overt circulated m the newspapers upon no authority what ever, that in 1835, on its being proposed to me to be on the same ticket with uert Harrison, I refused, observing that he was the pity of- his frieyids and 1 the scorn and derision of his foes." Altho' it would be in vain that a man in public life should set about contradicting, by his own direct authority everv anon y mous Statdment or declaration to be (bund in party presses, yet this paragraph was circulated so widely that 1 was induced to take notice f it, atd to authorize a direct and positive'eontradiction cf it in the National . Intelligencer. - For the benefit rof such - as may not ha ve seen that . denial,-,!, here jrepeat it, as I- have done in one or two other letters, which I . presume are, or will be, made public in thoso parts of the country where the gentlemen reside to whom thev were respectively written. , l he whole story is utterly false. Friendly relations have cxJiistcd; between Gen. Ilanisoh and myself for. many, yiars. Nothing has ever occurrea io imerrupi incse reiaiiois. On tnv return from hurope, late m Le cembcr, 1 heard of lus nomination bv thlIarrisburs.CDven(io.n,ndJj.op the earliest oniHMrtunity to declare rub hViy that I approved the nomination, & should join heartily with my relow-cit izensin giving it support. . Gpn. Harri son has long been bctore the country nf , pnd in pcaca. 1 he h gtpf HI hiat life. shows him to be a brave soldier, a patriotic. citirpQ, and "ah honest man. It is ttib late quite joq late, 'Tor destrao tion ,to do its'ollice upon his reputation cither military or civil lie has now beea seleclecf hy the ceneral voice o those whoso political principle! arce with his own, t go to the head of the column, and to bear Wn and advance the fla under which it is hcr)cd those prin ciples may bo maintained and defended. I do -ridt only wish his nomination suc cess, but intend also to do all diat mav bccortioa. rood citizen to insure it. may fail; but if it should, I verily bolicv ' that failure will be ominous of a long train of political evils to the country. If tw stained, on tho part of thoise who nave maae n, ny a oevoiea spirii oi do .hUtJi dutynd love ot rountrr. it may i'cce6d ; and if It should succeed, Should regard that success 4s the wcl come liHrWnger of liettct timts; ; ( -t I Vrtiir rnrtfnlU." I : '. i .... v. . . '.r..i. . j ours reupccuunj , M l . i VIA I It I 1 pan;el W'EBSTEIi: The Whist Young Men' meering in its, town on Thursday evening list, is lieved to have been the largewt politi- al meeting ever held in "its place, ex- ept in the former high! xcited Town Kletionfc, .v'k -".-i y'- . ' v Iheirinmph of Morehed,1 Ihrrison Hid 'fvlcr.at the elections in August and KovcHnher next, sow tcurcely adxi's of J jaoubt. j Among the . chccriag T signs hatgreet us irom all Cjuartcrs, we may mention,' that . on one day of Inst week, three gentlemen from the back country were in this place, "one of whom, from Stokes county, informed ua, that within tlie range of his observation' alpne. ur. ly persons, who had voted for 11 ill fr Omgress . last August hive abandoned Van liurten, and will nov support the a- bove Whigs. This nurnbtir is equal to Hill's majority in the District ntid show that that member now misrepresents hisl District.! t t.r 'f - -t- ' Another gentleman' from Cabarrus tated thmSJ voters, within Ml knowl edge, had abandoned Van Burcn. r And te third, Trorti Anson, assured us that about 20 had oW Hlewiw in one neighborhood id thai rourti. - W e may add that on the night these genileen arrived here,'' the Young Men's mi-cting took place m ur .Town House, which wasvat tended by '.several young men who have rercn'lv abaudou ed an Administration which is now work: ing evil lor iho business classes of the couhtrjv So we ' go 1 , ' .', . s Fvyettevilk Vklerver. ; . '4 d. On Saturday last, at a pros sliop in Moore coLnty, Mr. Neil McDuffio was murdered by Daniel McLeod, vbo was immediately arrested and is now in jau awaiting bis trial. ' -t..t u "rr jiiyetrmue'Vaserver, Look at This! HAVING been' informed frota good runnrl io in aiipsi uvuiwni tiisse, ca sv7vrsi as sis vit w uw alion that I have declined a bet offered iy Mr. Worihinirton on his horse Clar endon; I take this method of correcting the error. it is rot true that Mr. Wot thingum ever offered meslucli a bet as that above "stated. And I fake this oc- cawon to repeat thai, my horse Uwharie caa beat-Mr. Ws horse Clarendon two best in three either one or lwo'mjle heats. If trty bet is 'W be tkkcn.1 should ike to knowit by tfc 1st cf JtlA. ; April 17th 184a - 4i-2w. N. B l To run in November next, let Uwharie carry lOOih. against i catch ; the bet to be $1,000 or over. V I will not run for less. :-' P.'H. 1L $25 KEWAlU). ANAWAY from the plantationf . "the subscriber, on the-'8th day of January a negro slavo by the name of LEWIS, baid boy is aboot 19 years old, five foet cfght r nine inches high, stout builtand very black - lanw, mouth and lie alwayi Jreeps it operw I loaght saia ooy oi Aoram oiaicy; n ine norm bast corner ot uandufph ; unty, arid suppose it possible that he may be Jurk- ing in? that qaarter, but think ' i more probablethat he is in rrjy own neigh biTrhood."! will IvTrrheHabTiVSTewji rd to' any person qr persons who will tap prehend said boy and bring him to md, or give me information that I get htm again.-' v"- ' -' Aay inrormatton directed to the Post Master at Spencer Pa, Davidson Coun ty, Ni li, or to S. J. Fiwcb, at' Ashebo. ropgh, N. tl, wilt I promplty. tended to. RICHARDSON FINCH. March'e7.',184a 1 ' . : J (HI PRINTING! Doric ith ; neat nm apd ties patrli xh. this :tilpcw 4jt v ? (tT Orders jravl ''tf 'Pittance iru minify uucHOfwto. NEATLY PRINTED bN FINE PAPER .For fate bt thit.OJice.. TILLAGE HOTEL. JlshcboroiighJv. ,r. S uhsc ri her Ii a ving parchas ed tJhiVp59pe rty; pcppoplo accommodate those who mav favor himwithjheir custotn.ii He is raa king prcparatiorr to improve the i- ablishment and render it more 'cnifhrtflinn- 3.. M; A4.' DttAKC. January 17,1810. v 51-"tf. ' i T , f mt i . " ' i 1 1 Dr. (i. II. IMielps' LCOHFOUKD TOMivf 0 lUSL titles ions of the liver a inl 'Stomach tlso substitute (or Calomel. J For sale in Asheboro,'bj.' ' ' J. M. A. DHAKK. ' January 17, 1840. 7 '51 tf. Just Ueceived 4 LARGE supply of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Salt;&eH bf a stiperior qualtiy. ' J;"M; A. DRAKE January 21, 1840. p2ir. J M Mi DANTER ACCEPTED V,ul1 Observinj? that Dr.; Wml A. lamKn ehalenecs Chatham, Randolph and Moore on the speef of his hone MONSTER, next fall, for $500-r "one or two miles," the subscriber i happy to accept thi challenge in behalf of Ran dolphJ ' I ' therefore wish to be under stood distinctly as accepting the wager of ajSOXl that 1 can and willftarl .ija in - Randolph . County that can beat 'Monster." on$. mijejiot that snm. And not only so, but I can start THREE in this county that can, either of them, dothe same forv the same bet on each. To run at Salisbury of at Raleigh early next fall precise time to be settled herealter; . ' r l LINDSAY DAVIS. March1 20th, 1840 ;" . ttJ ' 7-tf. ' P. S. I afso challenge any nag to be started in (he State ol North Carolina, Quarter vf a inilr; for $500 or 9l 000 to be run at the, fame time and l)lacfcif:ti':VV;V! T:'L.':D.!'- Ust of LeUerf!. EM A WING h the Post Office at Ashebord on the 1st. day of April 1810, which if not taken Vut in 3 monfhs will : be. sent to the General Post. Office as dead letters. : : A. ,.'. B..v..Lyndon Bovd, Rev. Robert P. Dibb 2, John D. Drown, Mrs, Martha iwiu, uavm mrser, ius. xxuocy puua. n 'i t j ni . Vr v r: ii miss, oa ran uuuiniir. ; C Editor S. Citizen, Clerk County Court,' Joel Co;, Nathan Cox, Marv fit. Jt '. '." " D.-James M. A. Drake 2. ; , EAVilliam Edwards. K-.pougan Fbuts or his servant Lew- is, iiemwoy r icia csjj. c. n .1.1 p:. u f 'l . 1 ( u.s.; i. y ienn ) ; - , - fjv'3..'AI. fShmiut :Vt '.y. K ' ) Presley Hay, ' 4 . ' IL..Abraham"Hammer Jesse Henly, MNjah Hcnfy, Stephen lliasha.wA. H. lfuniston.-------:--- J... Mis? Henrietta R. Johnson. ' ' ' ICiJesse Kin? Sen.. Bolin? IGnP. ry ' O LHugn Lophhn,, W. B. Lane. J. L Leacn. ' , - M-Jes?e Mufinxl- r 0.. Wesley Obrian. ' R-..Jf. Reddinjr Esq., Micheal Red- dine' Meredith Riditc, Presley Rav Esq., John Kobbins Sen., Joshua llobbins, Ma ry uatcliu, Kobcrt liyan, v . , Allred Short, . Arthur Suljivanr) . ' SMr. Swaira, Editor of tho South ern Citizen. ' : . ; : T...John B. Troy,' Jesse Tucker,' . W.John Waisner ? ? ' II. a Worth. V Jelhr9 Swaim.' Robert R an. 1 ' JOSEPH X W0RTH.P.M. v , l April 31840, ;:: ,;,':' j'v:--8t.;:;. QUAY'S OINTMENT, for. st w. my Store in Ashboro, N. C. sale at J.WQJUU IIlTft nra tlnA vTii&M mpiti!ii t 17 ;;VVT" v;t"; ; Uilely indispensable to the faithful dis- ; tat diseases amine from impuv cha ' of Ut dawl lV1 , v of the blood, Morbid stcre-1 Por, convenience of referetrce. thia :SVVA1M'S,- '. rtl --v- ,t .',-,77 , - , Forth Carolina Justice, ' Containing a summary statement of tho Ststutes ahd Common Law of this ' State.logpther with the Decisions of the Supreme Court, and all the most '.'approved Foims ani Precedent8,""re-; -. latin J to the officd and duty of a Jut tice of the Peace, and other "Public OCccrs.according to triodernpractice V II E Subscribers having purchased 1 of the Author, the whole edition of this valuable Work, and cow offer it for Sale, to the Public. It is1 pronounced by those, compete tit to judge, one bf the moat valuable compilations of the kind ever published in the State, ' and s abso- worlt is divided into Chapters alphabetic rally arranged, corresponding precisely . with those of tbe new: Revised 'Statutes Each Chapter consists of three- Departi ments: 1st, , a aummary of t the Statute f Law, briefly stated.; - 3d, h. concise statement of the points . relating to the subject of tho Chapter so far as settled, either by the decisions of die Courts, 6r by the books of the highest auiborhy on Common Law. 3d, the Fprms and Precedents necessary for applying the subject matter of each Chapter, accom panted with such Notes and. observa tions as appear necespify to &ndct thft, whole intelligibld .--t t5;: ; $sij t . ; This work . wiU, be found not only esc fill to every classof Public OIBcersJbut will prove a valuable aporce of idforma tion to the gecerahreader furnishing aa it does a plain and intelligible digest of the Law, as . understood and practised in this State. v,:;-wr. if '.-i, -) iv-. ThB"rera1t-fctheilice7i Three Dollars, but a libera) discount will be made to those who buy to sell again., : TURNER & I1UGIIE& ( ; lialeigfH December IS30. .;, m' 4 f?jf Those Editors tyho have advert tiscd this Work, wiy be fuyntalicd, witl a Copy, as promised, on application at our Store; but it is hoped, that, they- will give this; notice' a few- insertions. also. ,,: x-: --- T. &;-iL.U i ... ' (tj A few copies of the above 'work WT-saw ai 1 11,10 vr r iytu$ V Stale of JCortk" Carolina Randolph co6ntV; ; Court of Please and Quarter Session ;5 February Term, A. D. 150. 0 . Margaret Cartes., .; S The Heirs at Law oi JohA Bookoot' -i"atition for pariitioa of LuuLJL IV appearing the satisfaction of thd Court that Marsrstret. Charles 'Wil-' liarn and Mart Bookoot are not( irsP ' dentsof this StaUj, it'is ordered by thc 4 Court that publication bo made at the- Court Ifouse door and in the Southern Citizen for G weeks for the aforesaid Margaret, Charles, William and - Mary! Bookout to appear at our next Court of Pleas and -Qoarter Sessions'tp beheld for Said County at the Court House ia Aslipboro' on tlie first Mondayiflf Majr 1 . .. 1 ' a r i ' . - . . ' .1 ' ncxi, ana pieaa answer or acmur ro me Plaintiff's Partition or Judgment "will be taken accordingly' ' C " V HUGH McCAlN, c. d c. 9 V March S(hhV84a? ' f-Cw," ; Entertainment - ' - - nn UE; Subscriber 'informs Vhi frimds and the public that ho has recently taktn the c6mtnodiou$ Tavern nnd Hoarding house ia Asbeboro' " formerly " occupied by Mr. Laitrnce,! the IS orta Jast corner of the public square, 'where be will bo pleased to receive trar ellers and boarders on very accom odating te rsis. His fare, both' for1 man and horse, is plain, neat, plen tiful and substantial and,: in as much as he devotes all bis attention to tbe rnsngtment of this concern, he flatters himself that he can and will render general, if not univer sal satisfaction to all his customers, WILLIAM ASKEW. . February, islo. v t-fc- F t I ,:i' v 4 tit I V. J n-- v .'in