t7IIAT DO X7E LIVE I V,?., CUT TO l'llViW?. cr: ELVES AND ES USEFUL TO ONE AK0TI1E2? . I. VOLUMIMV, ASIlEJJ0lOUGH, (N. C.) F1I1DAY, MAY 8, 1840. MIMBM 14. . PUBLISHED WEEKLY . BT ,:. V BEX J A M I V 8W.il M . TI:rms. Two Dollars per annum, in advance, or Tbreo Dollars, if not paid within three months from the date of the first cumber received. No subscription to be discontinued till all arrearages be paid j unless at the discretion of the Lditor. .. . A failure, to order! discontinuance before the expiration of the fubscjip tion year, is equivalent to a new en cacemenL 'V-S ' All i-iiers, irraiunicaiion-, oc. 10 1 M I - -. ! f . come post paid. Prices for -Advertising. Advertisements will be conspicuously tnd handsomely inserted at $1 00 -per square of 16 lines t and 25 cents for ev ery suoscqueni insertion, iho aavcr tisemcnt, however short, will be charg ed less than for a square. Court Orders and judicial advertise ments will be charged 25 percent high er i (we sometimes have?o wait so long for the pay.) Those who advertise by the year will be entitled to a deduction or S3! per A a .a 'a i. cent proviaea tney pay in advance. avra if if ii m wi ii i linn ii The Baltimore Clipper tells a good story of which the following is the sub stance: A board of " School Com missioners, who encumbered a conse- quential little village to Maryland, being in want of a teacher, advertised in their Newspapers for M a well disposed mor al man, who was capable of teaching the dead languages, and did not chew tobacco or drink N. E. Rum?' After a fortnight of this advertising bad been elaborated, a raw-boned Yankee made i his arpearaocen'ith a .knife and. pise stick in one hand," a Cape Cod protec tion, alias a cake of cinccrbrcsd in the other, and held tho following dialogue with the committee aforesaid. Well sir." said the Chairman, y eyeing the candidate Irom head to foot, do you possess tne necessary rcquis ilea for the rubCc school teacher ?" I guess I do," answered Slick j .whittling his stick. " WclL let's hear some of your Lat in." said the Chairman. "Xuambo hie squashacum, et iinitam lingum." drawing his sleeve slowlv under his nose. pun coat " Humph l" exclaimed the Dutch man, Uh tlat Latin 1 Who's te author.1 joscphus" replied Slick, lie says in his life of Governor HancockSic transit clori Munday morning-. Han- cockibuaquad erai demonstandum Dai's good r exclaimed the Dutch- man. rubbinz his hands, Mere never was better Lattins I" , '. "Now, sir, said tho Chairman,! sup- nose you understand geography r M I guess I do," said. Mick, sharpen- tog tne ena oi nis suck. How far have you been t" "As far as the District of Columbyl" -What State ia that in r M A etate of Dcsparation." What latitude are we in ?7 -According to the thermometer we " are ten degrees below zero. - Which is the moil western point of North America T" CapaCodii Good. Now, sir, let us know how ' far vou studied mathematics. What' . the era of a square acre of land V . -That depends upon the quality, replied Slick, snapping the blade of his Jtnile. ,. " Well, suppose it to be good corn land?" Why, it depends upon the cumber oi lulls. - Say five hundred.' Guess you might ss well tell a fci low how many grains to the hill " -Five." M Then, acordin' to Euclid, it would be 740 feet horizontally perpendicular." Faccllenl 1 Pray, sir, whareare you fromt" ' - . - Staunton down in the Day Stato and I can do a most any thing." M No doubt, but there is one thing vou can not do, you cannot liarobug us. OFFICIAL PAPER. ORGANIZATION, of thk MILITIA Letter from the Secretary of tVar, transmitting a system of reorgan ization of the Militia of the U nited States. IIc-usi ot Representatives. ? March 20, 1840. J REFERRED TO THE COMMIT- TEEJ02WHE JIILITIA. ; Wa DmiTMEHT, March 20, 1840. Sib t la compliance with the resolu tion of the House of Representatives of the 9th insf, "that the Secretary of War be requested to communicate his plan, in detail, . lor the re-orgnnization of the militia of the United States,",! have the honor to submit toyou the following report: .,. Details of the proposed system. I It should be provided 1st. That each and every free able bodied white male citizen of die respec live States, resident therein, who ia or shall be of the age of twenty and under -M of forty-five yeara (with the ex ceptions' hereinafter stated,) shall seve rally and respectively, be enrolled in the miutia by the captain or commanding flicer of the company within whose bounds such citizens shall reside; and that it shall be the duty, at all times, of every such csptain or commanding of ficer of a company to enroll every socb citizen ss aforesaid, and also those who shall from Tiimeto timerarri ve il ihe age of twenty years, or who, being of that age and under that of forty-five years, (with the exceptions hereafter named,) shall come to reside within his bounds s and that he shall, notify such citizen of the said enrollment, by a pro per non-commissioned oilicer of the company, by whom suchjioiire may be proved; that every citizen so enrolled and notified shall, within three months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket, bore of capcity to receive a !ead ball of eighteen in the pound ; sufficient bayonet and bell; -two spare flints; aknapsat a; cartridge box, to con- am at least twenty-four cartridges suit ed to the bore of his musket, and each cartridge Jo contain a. ball and three buck shot, and a sufficient quantity of powder; or with a good rifle, knapsack shot pouch, and powder horn or flask, wi'.b aulhcient powder and bail lor twen ty-four charges, nnd two spare flints; and that he shall appear so armed, ac coutred, and provided when called out lor exercise or into service; and every citizen so enrolled and providing himself with the arms, ammunition, and accdu trcmenta, required aa aforesaid, shall hold the same exempted from all suits, distresses, executions, or sales for debt, or for the payment ol taxes. 2d. 1 hat the Vice President of the United States; the officers, judicial and executive, of the Government of the United States ; the members of both Houses of Congress and their respective officers; all custom-house , officers uith their clerks; all post-officers and stage- drivers, who are employed in the care and conveyance of the mail of the post office of ihe United States; all ferrymen employed at any lerry on the roat road or inrpectorsot exports; all pilots; all manners actually employed in the sea scrv iceJ)f anyjutizen otmcrchouLtt ith? in the United btatea; and all persona who now are, or may hereafter be, ex empted by the law of the respective States, shall be exempted from militia duty, notwithstanding their being above the age of twenty and under that of forty-five. . 1 " ; . 3d. That the citizens thus enrolled shall constitute the nasT class, and be denominated the mass of the militia; and the said mass shall be divided into di visions, brigades, regiments, and com panies, and be organized as follows, to wit: a company (infantry or rifle) shall consist of one captain, one first and one second lieutenant, four seargcants, four corporals,' one drummer, one lifer or buclcr. and cishtv rtrivatcs A comnanv of dragoons shall consist of one captain, one hrst and second lieutenant, four ser geants, four corporals, one farrier, two bucrlcrs. an sixty orivatcs. A comnanv sf artillery shall consist of tfno captain two first and, two second lieutenants, lour sergeants, lour corpora ix, three ar- tificers, one drummer and filer, or tvo buglers1 or trumpeters, and eighty pri- vates. A regiment shall consist of one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, one or, one adjutant, with the rank of first I lieutenant, one oaurtermaster, with the rank ol captain, one paymaster,one sur-lof geon, one assistant surgeon, one sergeant major, ono qnartermaster sergeant, two principal misicians, and len companies, A brigade shall consist of one brigadier jments, and ammunition, to the adjutant general, with one aid-e camp, having the) general of the militia of the United ! rank v capuin,iwo u'gaue uneciors j with the rank oTmaTor.' and two red-1 mcnts. A, division shall consist of one! be made the duty of tho Secretary of : .... .! J. j ltir. e Z'.t ,. c j. moior general, wim iwu ius-uc-tnuip,i with the rank of major, one division in- sector, with the lank of lieutenant co- lonel, one division quartermaster, with the rank of major, one judge advocate and four brigades. , " 4thi' That from each regiment of the mass mere snail, oe lormea two com- sanies to serve as light infantry or rifle- men; and that io each division ol the I yiu ihprA shall lvt 'Attached one com. I any of artillery and one company of - - ww . tiorse, lormea W volunteers, at me ais- cretion of - the cimmatider-in-chicf of the State, not exceeding one company from a brigade, and -hall be clothed and equipped at their own expense, the color and fashion to be determined by the brig- adier general commanding the brigade to t men they belong. 1 hat the com- missioned officers of the sruilery and in-J fantry shall be armed with a sword of such description as is commonly de- nominated cut and thrust That the I commissioned officers of cavalry shall urmsh themselves with good horses of at least fourteen and a half hands high, : . . i - - j !l ana oe armea wua a saore ano a pair i of pistols and holsters for the saroe.f serviceable horse at least fourteen hands! iacn u racoon io iunusii iums.i wiui i f." l j e.. ii ..:u . I and a half high, a g'od saddle, bridle, valise breastplate, and crupper, a pair of i i. j .:r .I-.:. i " ooois ana spurs, a pair oi ihmois, a saore and cartouch box, to contain twelve cartridges for pistols. I 5'h. lhal each regiment shall be pro - vided with the State and regimental colors, and each company with a drum una we, or ougi-s,BS inc cgisiaiure oi j the respective States shall direct I Cth. lhat the divisions, brigades, and . . .... .. - .1 rerimenis inio wnicnmass if .oiviaea ' - . m - 1 J T J . J shail be numbered at the period of their formation, and a record thereof made in the adjutant general's office of the State; and when in the field or in aer- 1 vice in the State, that they shall respec-1 tively take rank according to their num. Massachusetts 0.000; Connecticut 2, bers. rockon'mar the lowest number hich- 600; Rhode Island 600: New York 18.- est in rank: and. also, that the relative rank of different corps shall be as fol- lows; 1st cavalry, 2d artillery, 3d in- fantrv. 4th riflemen: and that the said order shall be observed on all parades of ceremony -and review, or on other dutv, except when, in the opinion of the commanding omcer,. wUc.gooa ci me service may render another arrange- mcnt necessary; and further, that all commissioned officers shall take rank Wiskonsin 400 men. This force to con- of the several majors commanding the according to the date of their commis- stitute ihe second class, and bedeno- same. And, further, that when the bat sions; and when two of the same grade minated tho active or moveable force, talion of two or more districts of the ac- bear an equal date, then their rank shall oe aeierminea qy ioi, io do arawn oy them before the commanding officer of tbe brigade, regiment, company, orde- tachment - - - 7th. That there shall be an adjutant general appointed in each State, with and one fifer, and ninety privates. A .a l"-T a a 1 i. I nil .. II ' It a incLraDBiJDLxoioncvvvnose fluty-it-snaii t. J!. !L... - II - - J " -I - uc io oismouie an oraars irom ine rom- mander-in-chief of the State to the scv- eral corps; to . attend all public reviews when, the commander-in-chief of the State shall review the militia, or any Eart thereof; to obey all orders from im relative to carrying into execution ana pcriecung ine sysiem oi aiscipune which may be established: to furnish blank forms of difTerent returns that may State, Territory, and District going out in such manner as is prescribed by cx- be required, and to explain the principles annually; the order of succession to be istinglawa. on which tliey should be made; to ra dctei mined in the first instance by lot. 17. That the President of the United ceiva from the several officers of the 12th. That there shall be a third class Statca be authorized to call forth and as different corps throughout the Stale, re of the militia of the United States, to be semble such numbers of the activo turns of the , militia under their com- denominated the reserve or sedentary force of the militia, at such places within mands, reporting the actual situation of force, which shall be organized in the their respective districts, and at such their arms, accoutrements, and ammuni- same manner as ihe active force. , And times, not exceeding twice, nor . ... tion; their dehnquenccs, and every other thai ihe reserve force so organized shall days in the same year, as he may deem thing which relates to tho general ad- be composed of all those who shall havo necessary; and during such period, in vanccmcht of 'good order and discipline, served the legal time indicated for the eluding the time when going to and re all of which the several commanding offi. second class, and bo held to serve for turning from the place of reudezvou, cers of the di visions, brigades, regiments for four years in the sar?e ; at th$ expi they ahall, he , deemed in the service q f. Arid Waito jhocM U H$m'iA McflOf which t3rn6 tbc HsJt retsrn Cd tho Vmtd tJarc-vigrfd UW''w f make, in the upward order of gradation, and in such form nnd nt such times as the Legislaturea of the respective States may t direct, so that the said adjutant rancral miv he Hnlv furnisKprt therewith nia-Und the said adjutant general from the returns thus furnished, should annually make an abstract or consolidated report the same to the commander-in-chief of the State; and he should also make a return of the militia of the Slate to which he belongs, with their arms, accoutre- aiates, on or belore thelirst Ilondayofjaciiveio uieresrve force, ana by the January in each vear.' And it should discharge annuallv of one-fourth of the' iar, irom time loumc, 10 civesucn oi-; recttons to the adjutant general of thel militia as might, in his opinion, be ne- j cessary to produce uniformity, in the said returns; and he should lay an ab-1 strsct of the same before Congress, be- fore the last Monday of February an - nuauy. I 8th.' That it shall be the duty of the brigade inspectors to attend to irgimen-1 tal and hnrrfirlft meplincr nf fhn militia I w.i - " W .wwaaaA. w. ..aw composing the several brigades during j me time mt tneir being under arms; to inspect their arms, ammunition, and ac-1 couirementa;jto superintend their cxer- cise and manceuvres, and introduce the prescribed system of military discipline throughout the brigade, and auch orders as they shall, from time to time, receive from the commander-in-chief of the state; to report to the adjutant general o the State; at least once in every year, the! condition of the brigade to which he be-1 longs: the situation of the arms, accou- ltrements, and ammunition, as they ac- tually may be at the time of inspection; and every other thing which may, in l: i-j '-a i-a. . .i . . ius luagmem, reiaie io ine gavernmeni, good order, and military discipline of .k. k.: .i. - w. ui ik-uc. , 0th. That, in addition to tlie officers referred to, there shall be also opequar- tcrmaster general, with the raok of a 1 j- - i.. -i : ungaaier general, io me miiuia Ol cacn I otate. 10th. That within - months after the adoption and establishment of this system, there shall be taken from the mass of the militia, in each Stale, Ter-1 niorv, ouu isMurici oi me u nnea oiaies by draught, or by voluntary -service. such number between the ages of t wen- w - . . 9 I J ST . t - B iyyneBniininy seven years, so inai the whole may not exceed 1 00,000 men, I and ia the folio wins proportions for each! I w i State, Territory, and District, respec- tively, to wit: Maine 4,400 men; New Hampshire 2,400 men; Vermont 2,400; 000; New Jeraey 2.800: Pennsvlvania 10,400; Deleware 800; Maryland 3,200; Virginia 0,00; District of Columbia 400;, North Carolina 4.400: South Carolina 2.400 ; Georgia- 2.800: Florida 400: Alabama 2,000; Mississippi 800; Lou - isiana l.COO: Tennessee 4,400; Arkan- mi tw, luisaoun iowb uu; Kentucky 4,400; HIinoisJi20('; Indiana 2,800; Ohio 8,000; Michigan 800; and iltn.lhat the active or moveable iorco snaii oc uiviuea inio companies ot battallions, and be organized as follows: A company shall consist of one captain, one first and one second lieutenant. four I sergeants, four corporals, one drummer l oauamoa snaa consist ci.onama jorn I - J . iL At - JJ-.lr- -ujui-ni, wiui ine rani, oi ur neuien ant, one quaiiermaster,with the rank of first lieutenant, one sergeant-major, one quartermaster-sergeant, and four com paniea. And that the said active or moveable force shall be held to serve as such, and be governed by auch rules as may oe prescnoea lor ine perioa oi lour years one-fourth of ihe same in each i v a the mass, and be subject to no further military or militia duty, unless in cafes . of invasion or a levee en masse. And, such portions of the active force as may go out of the same annually whall . forthwith be considered as belonging to the reserve or sedentary force ; and af ter the termination of the first four yea is' service of any portion of the reserve, one-fourth of that body shall go out of aervice annually, in ihe same manner ' as pi escribed fqr the second class. ; 13th. That the deficit occasioned by ih3 transter annually ot one-iourth of Ihe reserve, be yearly supplied by a draught L.. l . t ; .t. . vr v vuiuumrv service iroui uio mass. 14th. That, lor the greater conven- ience of instruction and discipline ol die active and sedentary force, the territory 0f the United States shall be divided hu to ten districts, which, until otherwise directed by law, shall be composed as follows: i n:-i.tir , .. . ' V Maipe V ( m. I jh. - - t!ew ilmPwre vrlw men. j " 2d District Massachusetts Rhode Island 9,660 men. Connecticut 3d. district New York 18,000 men. 4th District ' ' New Jersey 1 13,200 Pennsylvania men. ,- Cth District Deleware j Maryland Untrict oi Columbia Virginia f 10,400 men. , Cdi District j North Carolina South Carolina I Georgia In. o- 10,000 men. r joriaa 7th District Alabama Mississippi liOuisiana 8300 men. 8th District (Arkansas 1 A i .uis-uuu 000. men, Iowa '" 4 9th District Kentocky ' i'iaoi. - i Illinois men. Indiana 10th District Ohio Michigan VVisconsi ,200 men. Total - 97,800men. 1 15th. ; That the battaliona of the ac- tive and sedentary forces shall be num-, i oerea at meir jormaiion, ana a recora made of the same : and that they shall take precedence according to tho rank live or sedentary forco do duty together, iney snail iaae lana according io ine number of their respective districts, con- sidcring the lowest number highest in rank. And. further, that the "order of precedence between the Army of the I United States and the militia with ono 1 . aa - - mwm I another. ahau be as toiiowsi i. uoor I - .1 t J . -.!. .1 oi ine uniico oiaies. ; jwiuua oi ine United Stales, in this orderlo wit: 1. The ; active force. 2, The sedentary force, 3. The mass.,; 16th. That the officers of the militia of the several classes shall be appointed by and in such manner as the iJeglsla-1 i lure oi ine respective oiaies snail airecr, land ia the Territories of the U. States '-7" fh