PUBLISHED BY WEEKLY: Two Dollars per annum, iii advance or J nice Dollars, it not phid Within three months from the dale of the - first number received. a ' ? Ml'rrptf,in "to i-o dlrxr..!r;ycd II all Arrearages be paid unless at the discretion ol tho Editor. ' :r v A failure to order a diicontihuance be fore the expiration of the subserip uon year, is equivalent to a new engagement. ATI I . m twuviM viiiii4uuivtavti!0t vsvi iv s come post paid. ' ' Prices for 1dvcrttting: . Advertisements will be conspicuously and handsomely inserted at $1 00 per square of 10 lines ; and 25 cents for ev "cry . subsequent insertion. No adver tisement, however short, will be charg ed less than for a' square. ; 1 . , Court Oders and judicial advertise- " mcnts will pe charged 25 percent lush cr ; ( we sometimes ha ve to wait so long for the pay.) , , . Thrisn tvhn itvArtte Kt-iKa will be entitled to a deduction of 33 per cent . provided in- advance" are sound, the people would bo able to physicians, whom the sick sufferer blcss eall into their acrVicoW nu)y priests wiivimwipia ui viv u in Hi in I nhle tn nerve them, find who can 7 . neAimigmy. fi ? ' . do so without a sacrifice of .any pfivata . wsh that the srhool-liouses In our acsv'' - v; .' country were mors commodious and Ir.-Ilcnc& feturnei UIUUUUCU,WIH UVKW, . j ' , i: i.'.d. e .il ' l:-.-!-. ClOUS BUd BITV eagen.en.s io u peopie oi w: rwAcao,ifu, with .Rubbery. . I a - .. . .... aim. I - - lor - me mnaness ami pouienesa w ua , t ,ni e wa oneef a benevolent man. which thev Kid- uniformly treated him' who went to the rr; ,;rH of .Nv Hot- in !.: : i,.:. 1 1. . . .1 ... vi ll n tlif i.J H li.I iii.u. " Aid 'tuUUa ..llkuwl vj ul '. C4lIUi'tU or tw9 exceptions,' he said, he had haver received, even from his political enemies, stood in the front of battle, where swords pa rted to inform ber nusband f thp were, glittering ;tarough the air:. and wnere tue messengers ot death were guest's arrival; but cn.8scenaini!33 that the officer had made vmuuhp whistling as yuok as bail; t was unmoved. ! pott of her husband she immediately .1 I'll i 1 a t e J iL: iI.aI lt One tingle act of rudeness tie assured them of his lasting recollection of these frrnoiinrt1 " nn.' r(Ier'.i(i find iirnorant. lie wished much to have, them taught But there was no tclicwlouse.- v -:. - So he collected them under a Dread ing tree, whose branches; could shelter I have i id Jen upon the mountain billows, oj the deep, when each succeeding .wave seeiriedto engulf, us at'once, never to rise Bgain My ,nerves were steady. I have stood ,upou jhe mountain top, while the hurricane s dcalin? hiafu ry; the 'stnrdy- oik jwi ijrlrajhe giouiidhue rocks "acdjeven die tnoiin tain seemed to tremble to its base. I have looked on all these with mdiflcr in re; but when tliis anel in human form arose, and with an air the Victoria of,, England never put on then a new l .: j ...l i . -rA t I. Ll t lmist one hundred from the heat of the I fcclins was awakened in my breast. mi ii;s, ana looa leave ui mem Dy,wwn-i , .r . : , , l . r , ., f r- ;., t mg .they .might find, in lus uccessor, on . t . i.; And there, he trembled like a frightened child. fKind whoever he might be, one equally devo ted to their wcllare with mora ability to, serve them. : THE OLD SCHOOL-HOUSE. Once in travelling, I observed an old building, which appeared to be falling into ruins. No smoke issued from its broken chimney. No foot crossed its THE CITIZEN. ASIIGBOItO' Ntt'. FRIDAY, MAY;17, 1839. frassLTOWin? were cone, and lhrourfi tneir vacant . . DEFERRED. Xanarki ? o ilr. fJSA CTM on ' Tutkdoy of Court, 7th instant. Mr. Ilcnchcr in an appropriate ad Icing a candidate for ro-eiccliotu He said he had given to the numerous and - earnest aolicitatitms of his; friends the 'most respectful consideration, & though anxious, at all times, to gratify them, be felt that both his health and his private attain rccioired of him to decline the places, the winds whistled, and the rains (ell. . I asked, M what is this buildinc, which is thus suffered to decay !" They an swered," a school house. But a part of its materials have been used to build a better one, in a mure convenient spot, fur ihe village." , . . , . N I paused there a little time, to med itate. And 1 said to mysell what a variety of scenes may have passed with in these tottering walls. Where are the teacher, who in year! gone by, sat in tho chair 6f state, aud ruled, and gave instructions. CD ST CI " I . w M tamrht (he Door co ufaists to read and to reader, tell me what is iV s it love I nail anil In Kin. . ., I - :' I Months and vears have passed, but still ' There aro very beautiful birds in that tbe same being is before me, nor havei country. Many of diem had nests in ever ben fortunate enough to find her this large iree. So fthere they were,' out since. I have travelled from State flying about and tending their young, ray search haa been vain. I have while the children were learning below even more than affluence to offer a and the ehirnincr of the new fledied hand and heart at her disposal. birds, and the warbling of their pa-J Should these lines ever come under ! rents and the busy voices of tho chil-l the eye of jany person who can give me aujr lUluiiimuuR vi lasts a ivuov uwi v H. Spears, Nashville, Tenn, Charleston, S. C, or Washington City, D. C . April ! H. SPEARS. a mi 1 tiiresnoia. i no casements inrri:rirt, ,n ij. ve.mni wet UaVSJf IVHIIIIWj J VW V v aaMw w- music in the heart of' that benevolent man. ' . . Did hey not ascend, and mingle with the praises of anscls, around the throne! Lydia If. Sigovrney. Jtrom the Microcosm. The way they write, spell and direct letters in a certain county, is a caution to Major Downing and the Down-bas-tera.'5 We give below, verbatim et lit- era tin. (omitting names only,) as a soecimen. a letter lately received by the Secretary of State. Venly, the school-master must be abroad in tne nil Letter to boo to Haughty to the 3 honeraABle Seckatary that keeps inne aruwof Younz girls, with their . .. ..' I . I I f I L ID , public service lie tnougnt ne naa occn ; sunny jocks it;nning, sewing, or lis in public life long enough, and he ought ; tcning with serious laccl, while tl mi c . aan .a1 .ait lafcnnt s n a i wBi riaarMaza to give place to some oilier person if A CAS The following ywuhrr production. ap pears inihe Merfiphis' "Worid" in the lorm of an advertisement. We think the advertiser has been effectually "lised up" by a pair of exqui itcly beautiful "bright cycsH and feeling the; deepest comtnisseration for the sufferinsrs of his heart, we copy his ad vertiscment, in hopes liM a ls M maaI al.. Skm!a .f In yonder corner. perhaps, was a 6W f . ,1rntU, the Landofet Mister hill Left bbnch.lorthel.ttteones conning tbe.r . heart'N L, un, rwwu ureyraod icd.-r inu. iMoua f,tc,7!. - : Stat of North Carolina : Coun- wboni they rocked in the 'cradle, have ; .hmu iiiwiiA tyvpostofis ! wishea the shown the same tenderncsa to their own Oakland, Tennessee,') honerABIe ' Secetary At Raughly to babes. M One generation passelh away : March 22d, 18394 - $ Make A Sarch for A pattoro ov 200 a- and andohcr comcthT --...L a- After mv return from Florida,io 1838, cresjf land ciranted to in Beneath these windows where the j together with some acquaintances of decmbr 1796 in County on Both oias ov vier vrcc iq yiuuing vy - & , ; improvement, Beegming on happened to b6 af tlie tane of an exam- A Whit oke rumng South 200 pole to ination of the young ladios at the insti- A stake & pray Sir falenot & send a tution Perhaps it wotild be proper to Sertyficetof it to -..-t:-s .r.-rt; to Mr remark: that, at the time of an examina- the Lawyer that isA Con- trcs taught them what it was necessa- j tjon al ihat place owine to tho great tending for the Land Cant Come at inin oiu ptvoiiiwiw iww4 ! "i twin sexes, visuea me jusuy-ceieoraiea i show of green leaves, ; waving ana gos- re,nae institution, at Salem. N. C. It s d ng in the breeze ot summer l ima- returned and informed 'Dim Viai me Governor waa engaged in the vard and could not well wait upon bis honor ' and bis horse at the same time, - Thd predicament of the officer can be better. ( immagmcd tlian described. " . ? t ARlfANSA$ ELOQUENCE I ; Well put the following' sample of aa ' Arkansas lawyers eloquence against any thing tliey can bring from the West, t As to the justness of his reasoning we say nothing, but as to its conclusiveness we defy any one to find a match. ' His client was brought up for stealing a , ' mule. After the witnesses had all been sworn, and the lawyer on the other aide had given his Opinion, our orator gave uentlemen of the jury, the whole of you there you set: You have all heard what those witnesses have said, and of course you agree with me that my clt- ' 1 ent did'nt steal the mule, uo you spose, for one second that he would steal a - . mule I a low lived mule I D-n dear. t of it Wbafdoes he want oi mule nrlifh he hna aOt a ban? UD DOnv like ' . that tied to vour tree ? (pointing to 4 fine looking Mustang, opposite the long court house.) iv oai, j say, in ine name of Gen. Jackson, does he want oft ' mule! Nothingexactly nothing; t No 4 gentlemen ot the jury, he' did'nt ateal the mule he would'nt be caught steal ' ing one. He never wanted a mule,, ne never had a mule, nor be never would have a mule about him. , Iti has his antipathies as well, as any body, and yoa could'nt hire him o take(a mule. , Jurymen, the lawyer on tbe other side v has been trying to Spread wool" over your eyes, and stuff you up with the the aforesaid animal without, asking leave ; but you aintsuch a pack of fools as to believe him. Listen to me if you want to hear the truth and reason and ' while you are about ' it, wake , up that fellow who't asleep ; I want him to hear, too. 1 ' '.. ., '. . The other lawyer says, too, that my client should be sent to prison. I'd like to see you send him once. But its get ting towards dinner time and I want a horn bad, so I'll give you a close and finish. Now you have an idea of sen T . . .1 there were no public consideration to prevent, He would have done sotwao vears ago, tut for the opposition then threatened to him. At the close of the last Congress he thought it the rtiqst favorabWtirnefoi him to retire from the turmoil and excitement of political war fare. NouoppositUm '"was threatened to him individually and he frtund the dis- ry for them to know, when they became nu,hber of young 'females belonging to the grant her for it ent Registed in the women. -The snow of winter seem to spread around. The frozen pond, in the rear of tne school-house, is covered with bov&Tue clock itrikes nine. Tbey hasten Ju their school.; 11e narrow en try rings with the" jingle of their skates, as they throw them down. One or two, who love play better than study, ap proach with more lingering steps. the school, the parents these ladies,) County, for that Reason we want a irom ainereni oiaics ci uio j nion, ni-1 coppy uv it ituui uio occami j i tended at this particular time, to see the I Raughly Mr Maid a 8arch Drosress made bv theirManehters. ' But not in the right plase & acd lor us iMvt oftoi visit-Xace on rni- U; scud 4y the Maid quick" & Wee lar occasions, whicir are annually.) Want the honorable becatary to send 1 never in the course of life, looked up- Back by the Male witA jpeed if he on siicb a scene of bea uty and innocence, plecsees to the post ofis in in As is usual, the examintion commenced - County DeereCt itfto & with the smaller girls ; while the church; Mr1". ::; if -h is in that ofis feBu- (a large structure.) wss crowded with I way 3, to uic iiuucrHuio Secatary in R inct with an overwhelming political take lhdr Th(J magtef raig. eagcr hundreds looking in silent wonder 'advocated. He thcreforeaxpress his iaU2htcr, aiid commands them to write seen me delighted father looking on with ; aughly i retire and decline again We-1 their copies, and attend to their sums. anxiety, nd listening with rapture to the l&aendthe cnargu it wienie, auu ,Mv-.....w b (l . f . i . d..:j ia .... iHAn nut tne treatise oi Amnmaiic is uiuui-i rccnauvu vi ia .wuhw nuiaiupcu uauKu i iuwwi ucpou iu tu jhjum ble,andtlie 7 Gramnicr lessons curled tersj while numbers, led like mvselfhy I that you can'say for 1 dont. dmg my client to prispn I can see that V fact sticking out. Suppose either ' of h you was in his place suppose', for in stance, I was, and you should attempt io juage me -pui me in a Mg-jau wun-1 out fire, where the find waa blowing in , nn tin Mm a rut out of thfl Other, and -L, the only thing to brag of about the place was the perfectly free circulation '.of air do you suppose, I say, that I .would got I'd see you d d first and then I w( uld'nt . " : We don't know what verdict the jury , returned as when our informant left they ' had all gone to ihe grocery to liquor. ? New Orleans Picuyunel ; desire tenting bis name to the district,. 'jTh'? purpose he had previously cxprcssedjo "anyftrifirtcT)ds In the Lcgwlature as irefl as at home. When Mr. Fisher's name was rpoken of as a candidate to into does car's.btJhQsejftJiusejavinclmiosityr ihnuahti nra ninonir their winter snorts. I eager to catch a returning glai Then thero was the Ions siffh of indb-1 the teye of beauty. I i . I A Republican Governor. "Hollo, - - - - - - oo i . . . h. ' d .a " . . lence, aud tears of uch us were punish cd. And there was impatience there, . . i inn. - n iili iiicid was iinuaiiiiULU iitbiviiHwi .wvw v. m imi"i hviii t.w . . ny' v It" ". .. n Ihnff I " I " 1 . 2 aucccea mm, i r.. vu Bu, uu r.. ambilion and tho fc,n(jingi 0rinlcl- of savages, and the .horrors of war-al-lie was In favor of tho Sub-Treasury ie , and the delights of knowledge. mostlmagincd mylf ta'another world; hitth the Ad- Th master endeavors to rule each lor 1 1 scarcely could coatdin mv feelings: v. . -r " . 7 7 ' . . . " " ,li. rnimstrationasccms to nave staked itself their good, as mo wise magisiraie re- wncn u.B o. u,e ..,..,., i j'j I .. ,r. Strains UIO DOOnie "V I4WB. nwancuw iccima w wuiui uwiv and io ruinous did he believe tne mea- . ...... . been , J -H Tbe closins act aiufe to be, and so fraught with mischief waii,:n!r homeward, weary and thought- was a dialogue between several young '. - . .1.. .c . . it e . 1 1 i ? . i k .i : I... j to the best interests ol the country, it noi rui, wthen the day was done, tie icii paaies, wnose siuaies ucmg compieicu, U Mt nk !f andncss lor those who did not improve, I were now to leave oaioii lorever. . ine inrt maamfiro'liia nrivate duties. and over those that did, he rejoiced dialogue was on the bdauties and riches oCSht to"rco1iis private duacs. wilh uiar ,ove. : - of the valley of the Mississippi., The if necessary, to expose, more fully than pcrhapg ha repeated mournfully the actressds in this dialoiuo would rise to jie naa aonc, me uangenius icuucujr vi wordg 0j 0 prophet, " 1 nave laoorea meir leei wmw reciunj incir respecuvo that system. Under this view or tho in vain t I have spent my strengtn lor pans, ana wnn a sweetness oi voice, ,I,-,a.i l. elected at one time to be naugnu ahu m-wvw uym ncwv,., u- - 6'- vtw ..v.- ... I, who so late, hal emerged from the I you man with a pail and trock," said Vermont lives here ?" 41 He does," was the response of the man, still wending his way to the pig- Sty. :., -v; . 4; r--, . Is his honor at hort.e f . continued the man of the spurs. X - . . i . i . r.. i.. .i 1 ? I 1-J. - , , i ... I IWUIUU in III! HliUll-ll UinJ ill, lK muivm mm.v. MMwn inm inn pnnun... um mi. I " - i . . B"4" " . udgment is with the Lord-nd thy a ir ' m i j i cv pressed tnmseit, oui ne naa learuea with thy God." from better authority that such were not Jlr. Fisher's views, and therefore de clined altogetherany further canvass. If when Mr. Fishor's views .re present cd more fully, as they will doubtless be Old school-house I Couldst thou speak I doubt not thou woddst tell me, that eminent men have been nurtured in thee: ingenious mechanics, on whom the com fort ot the community depends ai.nci- ic fafmers, laying the forestyKiw, and in a short tiwe, they axe not such s forcing earth to yield her increases J t length a being rose to describa whom, I icel mysul wholly mcapablc-Sha gave n minute description of the Mississippi valley, and last ol t lorida, which so lately the theatre of war, 0"Cv3t I ticipated. :; , -;T''i I - I have seen thousand & of beautiful fcautures, who never catied a second lhave thought after being out of got' Centenary of JI-A'rfW The . Meth(?disrEpigcbpai Church m Balti more has taken steps tor joining witn the Church in Europe, in commemora ting the completion ot the first century, since the foundation of the Methodist Church, which will take place in Octo ber next At the meeting held for - ef British officer, as he brought his fiery steed to a stand in front of Governor iAIiiWIJUQIW U W Vl(14tj VHU IVU U4IVI1U 1 - , t . ll a? me whether his honor the Governor of -""8 vtJ v. v-.- i ly seven thousand dollars was made in r . - l l ! !.- aia oi us oenevoieni insutuiions. Microcosm Russian Forest. The northern provinces of the Russian Empire are al. -Most certainV replied the man of entirely uncultivated, and covered tiaw iiwai : ' - "Take my, horse bv the bit then," said the officer; M have business to transact wilh your tnashr." . ifr.i . Lj L'il . L . . w iinoui a secona oiaaing, me man did as requested, and the officer alight ed nnd made his way up to, the door ernmeot alone, containing 50,000,000 of acres, 48,000,000 of which consist exclusively of forests: The tunnel on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, in Alleghany County, is and gave it several hearty taps, with now nearly half completed.' It will be the but end of his whip for be it known, three thousand feet m length, through in those days ol republican simplicity, soiia roca, um owm www uw aui knockers, like scrvanis, were oioui pace, i m greatest cucumj- ,- , little use. The good damo of the house I , . ' answered the summons in person ; and I The Legislature of W isconsin have having seated the officer and ascertain-1 fixed the Legal rate of interest, in that ed bis desire to see the ', Governor, de Territory, at 12 per cent. , , ' ,

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