V: f!;v .4 ..J. 'if J I", 1 O v. ' , ' f ' 7 '.' V 'J v."? WHAT DO "WE. LIVE rOR, UCTTrtjMpEOTC 'OCCSELvf.. 'AM BE TO ONE ANOTUm? '" ' ' ' " , , '!-" ' ' t 1 '-'-l..u.a:,r.r.-h-ts ,, : , .", . ,; ju.ju-" ; j. Ui !a,Jl-; -J.rJU -JJ-i.' ' n.g.uav.....mi.s,' . ixuaaa t " . VOtUMU IV, - V ASH HBO KOUG 1 1? I HAY, 8i;iJTCMDHIi;isV:i8id.- J , - 'M'MIJKIl 3.1. " - PUBLISHED WEEKLY Ti:li.Ms: Two Dollars per eununi, in advance. or fUre&t Dollars,' if noi r paiil.vwhlilfl three bionths from the data of the first number 'rwcivrd.', '. ' ;a No lubscriptioa W be ..'discontinued -till all arrearaebbe paidj w'ules's Mi discretion of tire Editor "j 1 V ' ' A failure to ' cr'finljn.nanicj! lefora i th exgirAtKui of 4he fubscrip tidn yejar, is finiiVaientvttr ai new en Ail lctters Communications, &c. to coiftc f ost paid. . .l Prices or Jdvertiihg.- ' Advertisements will be conspjeuousry and hands6iney4neiWd a Si 00 per square of 10 lines and 25 criifa" for ev ery 'subsequent insertion." Ka ad vcf-J -..ka-.ii 1. Jr-r-.-f---1.'-l' 'Jtff FTTi" " " 31 cd lesj ihanlof a wantc. . ; ,.-f,;,-J i. Court OrJv'rs pu -judirjal advertise mcnti will lie charged 25 rccht nigliv cr; we sometimes have to wait so long . iur lite "pay.) : i :?-, Those wha adveftisc by the vfat vU! be ujititled to aideductioii of" 33per cent, provided they rav In fldvahre. ,U '0B, TIIB'CITIIES.h V-'.'-'. rfsnEaiAND IMS C1RCULAII; A Circular or; Pamphlet addressed To Ihorrccnieh cfB the coonViesof Uowun Mavie Davidson, naudolphrand ltbatn!iiu(-' iobecribed Charles Fisher," has recently been put into my bands, of which 1 dcq'm it proper fo talc owe notice. w :1 - - Thij individual. hn long since lie" come so famous, or rather so wfamou, for , his want' of political Yeracity, arid lsp'for his otltcr qualities, for which his "Loco" Poco coadjtifors1)t- thd preserd day' we 'so tiDgtishcdAnat"" I really fcel hcmlled in;l;aving to notice any thing? that. n)ay- liowl eminatQ from the dnvtling pen of this politics! weather. cockJ Kbr should I stoop to notice bif CirculaV'werr'l'olbat tlicre are6 many laisuiocas siaico in sucn -lypocni ical guise, intended Jo defraud some body joutif their vote for Tresidcnt as be diJ many honest men in favor of liimselfst the last Conffre8i6RarBection;T;lsha therefore clatm the privilege of callin men acd things by ?, their rightbaines, while, stripping: the surplice frCni the Jievertud ' gentleman and hiSCircular and ahovingthe ridiculous attitude in which ho jias placed himself before the people of th-i Oth 'Districi. 1 The writer of tins Pamphlet or Circu larjt bo)samc I CharlesFisher ftaf figured :arnongsti,us ttf jH sumrner'oi 1839ndenonnclng Congrcst fcr ita fekv travaganl 'apprppriatiohs to pam'perEx--ctutH'e'priderv denouncing Van Burciii ami' declaring that," ,if, cintrary ,lo his wiibcv he should ' gain be nominated for ProiidcnU it Would beTtb riim a 'bib 7;rVemftb6rowJihcd swellcd'andl yapcrtdind boasted bY his pecuniary ttpitresi and wiih w hat vuf "gi r y ho7 a ssafled, ' ;b:s; opponent as " s KnreMni'tho Ditnct in Congress ; for that he'Wust ncccssartlautbk 01)0 ardoV"of "Datriotid,1 feeling Iwhich would bu Wore like! tbind arte fian, (like himself,) to the iotercsts-of ftis afe. censor mustccds; gfveyou? .Schooi law and v6urew State lIous 4 "pass. ing inccrfc? poblicnd bimoslunrjiiaj. weaving lnero "" .fW' 7 -- -A ,..",, - . V.. ! I- ,?;,.:' :"' ,.!' Vvt-VT' ''v-'."; . - r ' ' .-. : . 7 71 4 , .r '. g- - . v ,.- 1 : . ' 1 ' "''...- '' ' - "7" '. !--. ".- . iv-t' '- . ' ' ' : : " '. 1 .' , , - 7 : r- 1 : " . J!I ' ,. '''' ' "' '"" 1 ""-"..' i '"' '"''' '"7. .j.' '': ' ,'...',V' " - .. 1 " . ... ' -J sujwsing this ' har moniouivdiity would find a kinure4 juhord in the lo'west. pre; judices of the lowest of the; peojjtoT? j'And so it did.frFwtd"iiMW -i. ? L 1 ' 1 tl'i .lit f, gocuo tan long navigate by misreading the ignorant and deceiving the" fiotesi.?; i A bout two trips' to AVu'Uiihgtoatire as muf 0 s Uiese rickety craft will siaud, THey become leaky i- and m attempting to calk up one seam you r-open- ' halt a dozen .'b?thr,ot;g5V'nih;theiWBteT rushes, ih sicyrenis titl;you sooaaink dQwn lo xiyoiieiivejr'agftla'to be fiear-ipr thought ole shiifllinnd prevarication by which you Avrmed your way intQ Congress, are tow, fully apparent to n liOnest and al)u)ed people! cy tlieye'lecAed; hinria Congress; v'' But, ad it pfofe'blyjsjhai ill lh0otes"gijr- aSif Chariest lheVlate'ofofhera oUprt td pkt$? havbadmonisfeVdy'lhaf ti6 Wm- b(uf ioitiZ-Mlo uWcrusHilous "ifiis Yourcoilomfcariectures ,bn -C ridii; L Fedraf ; sutivt;; faition, I y foulest' Sjeculationa Baiiks, over-lrading.Vby ! eccPtl,n practise jhn-uh n. subscr whicirVou' then tried .ta t xculpute ibNcnt; comniiltee-iej on those having aamtisiraiipn irom tne.cu&rgc oi oricg:f'rv:wc - Yiueuca . ign ve lAtfUssV'-bird'' times' i'ri.U.e tcouuti ir pwpioy: repfeseniajivesby the "abuse novtaj!iCdut 4"bQlT ttwisrthE' flimti1!? P$r y jwpliistryTor a desfgnmg inivtin rwebise.4 aojereign rtMe, fnsult perimc'oia of i weaV and 4 wicked Ad niTnistrktionir o (he .iuiuiessa arid ihe currency of .e country.;; Vour tiei.un; ciations of ourScHool', law' we neVer could fully account f6r3W"dfy6o be i o kiwi asifoeir us wneiaer you leareq the introduction of a system of public educalioft would -cut short the reign of j)cmagoguest in'-Norlh Caroliua t Or tLal pj Mt nC iL. I m fc j.'jKtt kC- ple. would only .nasten the ; time", whea y ou or your securities, would have 'feje pay some Hfty or sixty thousand dollars heretofore borrowed ; by you from our literary funtf t : Wd naturally suppose thaV this convenient. tittle sum wchV-to aid you in your Choctaw Speculations. . -f . : -' - I. f . ... aiii ha ' Sn OA nrv.aA-! l tin cirl ir honest enterprise iod fair spetulation ; butwtcnwe aeiyman practising so contrary to lheprecept tio preacheatq others, you will excuse, us for doubting his' sincerity.-';, :J--i Before entering ; dirccily'ob the gen ilernanVf CirculafjthdV-reader 'Xs jre, mirfdetfihat the author': 1s the same Charles Ftfher whoso name appears with those- of Brown, Strangej Bynum, &ci afiixed to a certificate in behalf of. a tala told by llio iJaorables WiUiam Montgomery and "Micajali .T.'llawkins', with a fiendish 'intention to slander Geji e'ral Harrison which said tale the peo pie li'ow '.'Jk'now icootaiocd wo esscnceof blackost la!senboa; 5f -.BuVnow.'iW.CiriblaiP- ther; preface i and first in rjrdcr-4,The IeyJersey.cj$q oi contesiea rjtcciion llcre Ihc gentleman devotes a cioxon or fiftden 1 lines to'thdnTrralionloftbc. oC ihirery business which cost thft pwploMtlesthaV unfe!ndlty inousana vonarv, resuuvu in .ui drstMnclase:m6ntofa iovereignwale. He 2,aJ ne M "L" S tykto give you : a history of it' 'Ve readily. eiCuse hnh n lot- such . a history would ma M every iiWlligent nla'tj blush, yi, hose fa,ce is 'hbtVronxTaMielin'sj, 'seared with the rnbtt hardy disregard forajlvyJr; ances of fairness snd rmparUaiUy iqlcgis lot ivo 5n7i't5(ii'Ifrtr.'j J I wishes ftmcrC' ly' to iiiloi m yoti 'jhat alter- tfjei'f thorough examination of all Jhe Voles alleicd'tb bo illegal, If has turned out, that more 6aa votes were gtveti for tlie Whigs' than '(oi publicanfiv t ccHuinlytcquircVnire thananordmy decree," of ; disregardvfor, iho common -. ""T" Jesuit must here have so-he menial re- df-pra here fcWtftutboti-TTn MUir'wioux;apsM ! And apply it.t, five f'iderni, LJco t nc.-f huu vuuid "iitnr iiujut i7 iiut!f wi uoii igfsf ; viitil a bully in faction cmhla certain 'that it wai thewiit of Mr. Oal hopa that tlie IVeskfenl -should 'order v. .. : . l t. 1 ..i. ... .l'- k . ii . . r'..' 1 his Congress to pass (ho Suhr Trfe nsur iawt--inat uiey migrii ineas.euiiuo tueir; seats 4iijlid in completing this federal job; for their; 'masters-which tfiey did accordJhglyf ' And, ihus Jvis tarmioated (htatinok-extraoTdiiiaVjrv( attempt-bf a diIain.j;4,May ibo disgrace, which hnj fallen jjoir: partisan VresiJent and bis Cringing niinions in tijo- 0 ili Cot;gress; and . ilie 'deat" wfiu":h 'awaits them and til abuUont lorg f ematn ',9 warning jicT the eneiniei W Stale-Sovereigdty ..n4 Republican Lcgislatu)u;?';f:i tll. .. . 1 . ' Whal ' the 'centleman savs-under the next bead ''The Finances of ofrheCoun en'is, to soraw a repcsentutivc (jpiothe proper point fo ,muking the assertjons berWl iy ;rlca Fishel The f cniinma ami oqiravcu f encraiisi un 4dirV " '.i:X-4'tLlx& Ti LV. hLlaA Kfwrale praifek bestowed on State Bunks, more than tfcen, the Deposi, humbug othisjsobject arti inters lurs if .the puWic money,' whih bad it with a few quibbles and previ'ifCj '.. nJ'Wwfessly; xem'ived from ili legal of his own. vTId whole firiam-ieriiig' o(5l 'Psteti he sthnulawd tfese sinuss will be attended to seperately;iu duo lime. Next comes ''''"vA-'T'-"! uIhrd Times ami-Low Prices." : Wliiit li here said, i? drawn from the samu principal soutsOfh,' otbcr, wnh all occasional absurdity frorfl Mr Bo;, ehanani) wlior is vafl oldar pupil of Mn ! BentonV' and standi io a higher class than Mr. Fwhcr. The tyro has howey er in liisyouthlut ardor to give his pre" ceptors 'ample' proof of zeal id the study of iiJcofoeo Sciences', rather Vver-Wp ed. the mark, and .ventured on.one sertion which we must allow is his own, flo tcU,) -The truth is, the Adminis tration has had no more hand in making money scarce anu prices low, inan you or 1." i Here he must be again ptajirig the Jesuit.: For if must uo obvious from lis poliiLcal moyeriients-that be is.a true believer: in "the creed of the -J illus'rious A0evs niws Ml i'fifv And alsb in that 'of uwvvliOiui (iiu nii.i.aiiii iua i.uvifiif htravha 'foJloWs in the footsteps'- to witj xiar ae ana u$.. ongress musi Ifwsatt.utLU r himsrlra Tnmpnnent part,", and. its Dictator, ; while ostensibly bj makes Congress a kind of scape oal to bcar-offtha Vms of admimsiratioh. Wa . all v emcmbcr how ' he mana red fc v lifts1-. iv- J ; -4tff" .e this matter . previous Election. He then most .feelingly comiscrated the dearrpeopii m MJU; Ht Uara Himca and Low, ricev-iVAnu;.attriDtiWd'.it.ftll to vicious legislation by Congress. "The Crisis; lie SHMi, Jouuiy, called tor a re formaiioo of that body.!!; v Your llepre scntati yes 'triust ceisi4d;makeybclr ox. travagaui appropriauons to pamper me liaury;rid cupidity of j our President and Ane count less nost qi pircoi-s wnom ha creates! ' Sini e the young Gentle tman" hai "attended a course ;of lectures irom mj oiuumauiuiinu pioivssor at Washtnglorn? ho; returns home with ni! I 1..-- A il'! . I . .1 . ... I DOllons . oeuer recunea on UllS SUOJCCU I Uia 'noi r aa iiiro gresi imusiicr, was iar t,ju artcunmni ini i uuu inepfOinN v v i yW'what makes money scarce and pri ;rwl n lie was at tha tow n of tcxin jUm, cei low.'he' will make ft so plaiu that , in Kentucky. 'ct Mf. Clay was ap alluho kre.not bjiijdl brVworse than ' pointed Sevrctsry of State, and I may , blind,- must ; isce the fatal cause j , nnd ay toiifidently .wiuj rteoinnitndatiotii nooo1 can ba so perverse as tu'denv it.1 He hen leaps over o Cha'neial history of .the -country from ihV removal of thv pep ijiiics, the'attavk of the Executive on iho V 8. Bank, and th commcncemcnl Of ,thb lt-Bank ayiem "At Uns one jump he gaii.s lha conclusion that the ivlt vautHtwriy money is" are n e," i to be found JiK the 43 A NKl N C S VIST E M.--A)id he torthwith puis Jiowahaiite on his ixijtsttiel.T fldjiisw ' his hcliuetj i'oucftt's iia laVitand prepares lor the ons:i agiiinst ilK.se'-wiridmiils with which "the oohev of 'AIr.Vjo 15trirsn anafredeotisjtor haV. sd .'ampljr fatockod the' coulrtry-Tbesetoh-'-amied" giints that swarnicd i A every Loco Focd iJtate "tro, Iea'it, iinpte: progeny -of an iiheit ledcralerrt Brace jof tbe State Banks." ' But our ita roeems willing to end the contest whh wind :valhgetheriand proceeds to pull ouf the, following charges Bgainstjjbe BinksrMEvery Stale , is full of them I They - afe 'almoit too powerful for theJ uoveromcnr, ijscu l . ji jiere are i nuie make money, out oipj.f The ,ap make ouiclvor little .HjeyJ'iaiJ id cir e'ulatiotfA (that y fcnt ot i.) in 18.17, $140,183,816111.0 ears they ca!i: cd in,;(thai ia jrolUcted.) moro than Jor ty.ninrinilliona: ' of do1larfi'';How wrong yllecf f f .'But tsWsrij:ir ant es must '' bVVubniitted-io lyithhse who borrow, 7 whether f from Buiiks or Irojn, Litaraiy ftfwk.?The Gl'tlileman mighty here have aave'a-deaj of mental laboTjf, instead ordevotio'g ;)aVel or; lour fawe-parigfisitoto. sijyhisiry'wtireh 'never Ciila, sooner or llte'r, ltd; defeat ftrowii object,he.had in a fewJuics told the truth: or'narrated rtiie facisHy. stating that when t)io;A(f commenced the war ou ih Banks ; to over-avuon. 1 For they were mrecuy ivia to "expena metr issues, and iuuk increase me lacnuies tor iraae.:v. Ience, by ho frlly6ir fraud of the Ex- ecutivenhe; Banking system : became de- But I have Writ teft enough fo bpo nu'efc-J '"hWi oiiu.ii. .icauiiT atuuuvcHivveu, bar-. of the Citizen. ;xei I -am not cone with tbo Genilemah nnd his Circular. f-v' l7lf r'j:' . J ' ' "-- . ' l , enan i jij uiieMime pay.myrespecig 10 iiis. Chapter-on thu Presidential Election, and .'some other little matters3 couched jn tais Fcderal Epistle. - CLlfUS. TtTIlE EDITpIVoiV tub UNION. L fij. - n ' . 1 j a. - oir. : oeing, miormca trai t he lion, tlaxttr Vt Aii.pl Kentucky: 1n his" pub lic speech, fat JN ash v UleJ yesterday, al. Icgcd that I had 'a'poolii'tsJ'iha Hoo:Ed- ward .v Livingston: Secretary -"of 'State when he was a defaulter; and kmwing him" to-be, oaft. I Xetl that 1 am justified in Vdec!aringt he charge io be f4lacu 7. lt is knotya ' to all the , country"" that the uoiuinmioni .rnaoo oy -tncrrf siqni io the i Senate" aie'referrcd tijppropriate committees,' of flial'bo'dy, wnose duty it is to inquire into the.characterjof the nnmtnees, fand .that if there is any evr aonce. ot dcMuiit or any aisauahivin2 rejection ;.o .,uie .noniinajion uiows.- iur. - xjivingsion was t a , memocr oi me Senate, ftotn ;ilie State;t Lotnalana, unep lie ;was iiouiiouicu uyiine. -vau Mr'-'CIay say tha he opposed trre'jcbin firmatiort of lusfnomination because, he MTaa; a -defaulter If sW the journal of the Senate -w answer:. iJutJiis con fir mat ion :'"byio' Sepate ; is conclusive proof that"; no-such objccu'oni'vif tnadtJ, was . pustained ;arid, I affl fatisffiad that such i a charge against hith could.not liave t 'finhslamiated.V'.vC" V' .tVV been 'eh am ralsoiinlbrmed'thaf 'Mr.tciayi 1.1" ; j .... . . : .. J ;.. "'" ? oiyariwout ; collector qi. lue pori ci mew York,v knew ing that he had, been an as sociate of Aafon Burr"; To this chargq it is propcr,to say that I knew jof Mr:; S wartvvoyty tcoenexiob j:ith AAarbn Burr precisely hs 1 did tht ot MrClay himsetfi-yko' th history of tho time. hundred and. fifty in the CnitVd "State!. They &r. cuntrut t he Curroinrv t Tiny lend uionevr rVVhat i crirael!) Thev jor cnaracicr ana nincti noi more a 7 . i . . . . Vurable than those irtiuccd to me tr hev citizeiis- of New Ytnk io tJa!l t( Zlr. -Swari wout ; Mr. Clay too, attho, time of his o n apj-ointnient la tlui high ;, office, it Mf ill be recollcjrted, was direct- ; ly charged throughuut U.e. Union with hiiving barj?ir.t!d ,for It, and by none -wrfs ibis 'charge more eamtitly mada than by UspreKcntceiau-a'ju.tTcu'' ocas' , Mysmi. B;;1 iuhf rVujr : : Under Sacli ciiftmsiiiiicvs, how con temptible Uvea this detiiagujrue apar vnhen Wdeaccndi froia bls .high lace hi the JSenate, aiid roapi ver the conn try,; retaiUrtg klaudcia aguirtsl the jiving andUe dead. ; frVANDiinvvv JACKSON. . v Jlcrujitagc, August, IS, 1810 v ' ,,TO Tim PUBLIC'. Voor' surprise, 1 am quite sure, will be 'as great as niiue wasj on ilie perusal nfn- notef signed Aspkt W Jacxsok, ad dressed tofilu Vihtor ;6f the Nashvillo Colon and beatjngdafe of,the ISih in- , stint '. rr-xsTrt ,'. ., 1 ho circumstances of my present" yj" sit 6 Nashville are well known liere.-J-1 declined repealed bviiatioos jb attend iho Convention holdcp on 4hei?tltinsVr uhd finally j4ielded-to "an nnusual ap-;' peal, with wlifth.fl waslhortercd, and fr which (would bediiScult for anyrii tof resist,1- ' 'f'S-H 7 . . Lwas called upon to address tho Cbn- vcntioru Jo w rwi terms oi respect, and fur- bis military services, of praiu, I spoke of - the, , distinguished: individual tvho is the; occasion'of thirnpte alfwho heard tne tan tesify(j A'morjg 'the sub jects whioh'ljdiscusscd was that of the aegcnecyvin pounc. virtue, ana e?pc cia)ly thc. deliiucncy and iufidelity, ia , " public' ofticcrs,t,hicK' within the last ' teW years we. have had sooh la-ncniabl 7-. -1 r "- ... . . ; jioui.j iuvuoinjii cause joy mis ae- ' plQiaUJrsialo of.thmgs!, ' I stated," as i as mong ;' them,'; trie subversion of the rue i laid down by Mr.rJeGerson, of hdhestv. . capacity, and ; fidelity to the Constitu- iou, ' uuu me Buusuiuupu ior li oi one founded on - dev'oiion and subserviency net. to the cou n try but to the chief of a party ( that persons appointed to office too otten Considered themselyes'as being oniy;. pui wo possess;on(ot tneir legitt- mjit44 -"abarel; bf tlwj spoils bf victory, ih stead offeelins bdnd by- the bblications of a sacred truki confided for the bene fit of the Pcopletr, lb respect to dcfaoV ters, 1. referred, tp the "case of Mr. Liv ingston, of. whose attainments aiua jurist, rtol-more consistent with truth than my iceiings, spoke injne jugbesv terms. Hewasotjo of the earliest and one of the, greatest r defaulters. Ilis' case oc curred .itindcr C jMir, JefiefsonV adminis iratioruiTho records both of the Execu tive and Judicial Departments establish ed, his defauUf llo remained a dcfaul-ter-tabput a' quarter of a ceritury, if not more.'- How. he finally liquidated' .the balance against, him, and when, I dor not Certainly know, biit t believe it wasv by ') prqpei and i uidcr Jibe first term of! General Jackson." "But" whtnevejf 'and however, it yas a'ardy piiyment or composition of lha debt cjuiid not, and did not expunge the fact of his original defaulu.; ; 'J v'"'J,,:K, ?--'"' ? Id arguing1' from cause 'to effect, I con Lnded ihat the appointment of Mr. Liv ingstpQwas a perpicious precedent; hat TTVv us a. YlrTuiiT.procla mation to all who Were b might be defaulters! that their infidelity;-in va 4uhlie trust constituted bb insnperable barrier .to a promotion to -One of'the highest offices in the Govern ment. Vl did not atiribuW to Geri Jack- f Ptfa knowledge of iho defaults I w cnt even - so tar ns to say thalJie might not hayo reflected :iipbt'j the ftoOsequencesvbf ' me appoinimenr oi an lncnviauai so situ-- ated. c IjnnsX; now say that,' aat.il Gen. Jackson i otherwise asserts," .alr con strained to believe tliat he could not bavo," ocvn,i&uoEaui a tucr to, conspicuous iri the annals of bur cbontry: as t hat if tfiexlefatiirof ;lSdyt-ardT, Livingston; Esq.. . as'Attprney: of the United StatesinTtho $ District pi Nev York, during the admin istration of Mr." Jeflerson, to the amount of iibbiiit .01OOX0(k'' 'tff''vl; 5-' ' u was m, me train oi me same tnoucnt 4 7:1 - t