- 1 JTk ! ' ,, 4 i rt'oWw (ft' r.Ht important p oitiUi .; "i loir!, w;:ra m! stori;'. t i thcU-itcl MrniVf rut cn.;r:rttr &t m v.y -h.-y t, 1 1, bv f, -;i i vrtt'ite I i. , ivi 'in r silCi tLrr "was a la;t rf -j.i li .ivt . -.I r. t r- ty t tUat I nut an J ct i.;, , xc, thai tw . run tl. lajtt rur.v.'rsaat wi !i ilu J.iit- tyrf l!;rcMn'ry mull he igiWaut f it. BuT it w as rnt iapofr Un, J.t li j.nowled:p of th.it fict.it wis ep?q t!.: jrf'pVse fthtt I dorclt. ' " "It is net I :J that the appointTient of Mr. Swrtw -t ws'Acm:ricn!ed by . rhiz?nt of Nv Yt k". I know tv-thing ff these" tcm.T!tiiJat ioiiii '.' Whether they wen cia;2 ert:?oct; whether t!.y "- wore gu'tu up 10 inJure or to g've f f- or and f.iv r l Ihe appointment preu- cusly d .terrain J to fc rr,i.L tl..lr s? rret-hsstory t.!y egtAl di.clsci . Tbi ppwnt.w.i'' occasioned gcueral Mfpri -arrton the fricu iiinJ f:s of tho A.I- miais:rasLrr at ii timr, an J the scq-ial demonstrates how u iseji was. "t ! . ' ""Tiiese vp:es of y aJJrtsV t itl.o ' Cvjr, VHrr.n oi M vJay Jau bav been !ectod Vy fijnl JjcI" n tW.tamhacot rut aniuvid versus He wat not pre. " rot on tlie occasion. lie has made' no . application to ma for m c orrect Account tf what I actually jaidj but hn been . contefflcd to rely tpun being informed." by w bony wit lycvhat Wares, and with ' tvhat objecn. I have mesas of eon-' ' Jvciurinj;. Whither' hi informer rosy ' not 1 iwms friend f Mr. Van Cureo, xvhoy in tho present d?jpeatc plate', of Ms poliucal foihmcs, itjlpoMng the Gtinerati-jto iho Mi and turn the tide Of jul indinni;n on th part jbf the Pcv pla from General's prbtcj?, the pxj nibition of his naTe only would enable the public ta' decide. - t 'r uh regard to tbe insinuations ana gross epiUtelscentainrU in Generallack 1 au ioute,. alike -Impotent, malevoleo;J nod derogatory from ; the dignity of a man who ha filled the highest office in Ihe Universe, respect or the public and for myseifalW ma only to say that lika'other; similar -rnisiile, the-iatrM fallen harmless at my "feet, exciting no other sensation than .thut "lot sftomand contempt. cv ;JsashviHe &vp SO, ISJO.hii; T --jtrom inv AattQnaf InUlitzencer. . . - "V -'- ;-" - wft": Ja the coarse 6f Mr. CtA A Speech t theshrilleConTeniion, as reported in the.pipers, he referrca "tj Gcnl JAcc V ow in the following naanhfer,:remarka- XlcOntrastnfig,cerUinl ith the fierce. ' and revengeful tone of die letter of Gen! jACKsijif,' whichwas written and pub lished' a few jhoors after the dtli very of "? ; fit was tfde Uiat he bad some reluc. lance, some mUgfviris, about making thisyisit ,at this titne, which grew" out of - a tnpposition that his motives' nighl t be" iniseonstf ued, The relntioos which had for a Ion? timi existed between him self .and . tho, iHustrioas Captain itf thw He leafed," if he. accepted the invitation to mske ths visit now. that it might be thought 4iy some that "his fuofi ves were leis patrlotie than sinister or Bclfish.VW fhu h assured that great-asFemblase jriat ; lowarcj mai niusinous luuivtuuai their fftllow-citizca and friend he cherished," he poBstsjedi no iinkind Teel ingi4Irf was a great chieftain he bad Tfou jht , well and bravely for. his country r-he- hoped he would live Jong and en J)y tnueh liappincss,- and when he de Hrie(f Iron this fleeting vale of tenrs, that ho would enter into hc abode of the : justciida .perfect,",; : r t ' .MEJ-'ANCIIOI.V siiinvnECK. fft. j JFrorn the Host on Tiantctwt; T1 following disititcr is one of those ''iwful,ocrprenc the southern coast' of Newfoundland is often the scene. Tjws '.brig Florence; of ; and;.; for, fte.w York, SamueI Hof master, jailed from Jiotterdam Juno'j?p, . with a crewjrjf eight roTTfTnrttvgntynme. pissenyrsg Vr'i6, ballast &nd few easka of.wSie. They Were lavored with pleasant wath r im!i pearly op' with; the eastern part of the banks of Newfoundlandwhea ihey -were availed with a succession of gales, 'attended with fog .and- rajn up to hc timejpf their shipwreck.' 'j' S ; AJn Sunday; morning, August s the nvMim the lo-oot cried Vhard down ", the Jielm,. breakers aheai Tlie helm as immediately 'put a Ice, but Jbefore , tiili vere. tatcn aback,V We briz "Rructlha rocks 03 iicffstarboard side,f . . t, A, moment before she,, was going at the '?Alt'y reven or eight miles an bonr, ' . Mho instantly filled, and foil over pn her j tji 'i wl;ei p scene of confusion and ter ii -re were in wius una nusuana uuKiirnr kinwwrtrie ii a intv nru vernei on tne ' neara. w innri rnontori oaii i,m 171111 nmrna iim muimn imAn ik 1 f - v , ; . Urh,05ber,Jas farewcUthe, franUc foast of NewfcundW.d,in which 5aiives'?i? Cflr?r;fromthVttrt Bufcn mnn. iioh of tbe resolution was I forced ujtoit -7 PB' V'f r$ Jjhr claspiuir hey SnUiof io hr bdsrim; were Iobu '!a fthe rajn and fogihe ship brought him reluctaetly to his feehV" Hp thijioqse,- and;carried by the pdwcrpf Ri.cr. 1rcprcBentcd't. be iUuteting InV . Jf even dijihjUlfahoWnot.pep Flofeuce wiih'a crew of8persoop Hi r asked Qb?cxctised, stating that if he a party vyte. Ilo'saidlio did not vote menscfy by tho ravagaVot iha catlcrpit- , ihem-wbile someiew; who badnete-Ktasaengvp. wajdjlvco by aVgale ' addressed t the ineciingV:f.9arcd he it &JV as bo wa entirely-- f gndrajit of 'tW Ittf:' :i r; -iV:''.,.V:CV ; . . '' -Vr w; v. .,rjV . -t--- ; -f tAj-.y;. J., -t;--. -, ';...r-:;'j:: .- '. ... "":.''- :ttrv. '. .. :tr..'! the n t.". lU r 1 r timt wi ic'i Uicy ra I1 novkl P'rure. tj ihftn'a nKmfjrralne !!ftc lit the f -rtilo I tn-H of t'n! f u Wot elunjedihir dlf'i.iitivrti t i an t: r.ul h,.me hiih." U.iittw,nf,,i2to -4i.in to t!is UnJ. :k?iva:;,.t1tf llitf r.tv:.?y v 'i t'i m t i c !. : ; V:t tab ll-He. U i'lcorr.-T 1 ' ' f ! rjo$.srt!i-.itTle.l !l t i . l-y ll.a wreck until pnsw rrnrs v. era .! . w r J Cr c;c3!insi with snfety , ! ir ni$ tr t'..i t .r 8,irin:t. H, v: f t ! .... . f Misic!ictt. t 'c'i the tul f a' 1 nc nir. I f; rarj frum vc t t 1V b!v u ly t tuiwn ler iid thj sore. AH ove,rv I ' ninj; ware, U ) a rr, orcr ttx.k t'jii i!.ko?ed sjslor, a . I disoed l.t :i 2a!;ist I'm rock, it ina.-y'v 1 cor; CapijirUoie next atieai; teJ tliit. otfy ineafts cf rivin t!,3 lives tf tL.se uii board. H i was uvtz fortumtc, and reached l&e lnl in tiCity. ;Th ere were all avcl eicopt the svond mata. But only thirty r the scvcnty-fjlnc pis sengers were tarcdi ni of iheso mmy were saved by Captain Uose and Mr. Schofield, clucf mtte, at tfie Jniiiincnt pwii ophoir own fives, and, by the tune thcio. were aared, about Uirpo urs al Icrlhe brig Struck, thero were scarcely to of htr planks totlicr. -'All were literally in; splinter. X"fX- r? .Thus thirtV'Sevcn persons were thrown ashore qrt n barren, and,"t thettrfun known part of the coast, v Many of thern were but half clad, and mast of v them were without shoes. "Not asnfitary bis-! jrtr.t was Saved.;Jn this pitiable condi two tbev eotrirncncc(r their journey inroogn me iijick wooas antt swamps and over bUck and ragged hills, ta hopes f finding nto ljutnan habitatl.n. - -r ix four Jays they .continued their course,' governed chiefly by Ibe wind, i the tun, - moon, and stars being obscur ed nearly all the time by the fig; and ram snualls, which latter were very fre- qoentotnetimes-oatin, tlie bark from the trees 'and what -few,; berries , they cpud find, Xatlyon the 'murning oi the I Sib, Capi.!UoM and Mr, Shufield asceiided a hill, in hfa lhe fog might clear off and afford them a view- oLthe sut rounding country. - At 9 o'clock the weather cleared a uttleand they' were enabled to sec the harbor and; village of tlcnou8c; - 1 he happy intelligence war toon commenjeated to the rest, arid they resumed their march with lighter hearts. When lhav'ontorail 1K0 -Kla4m iu Ikm. pi table inhabbnts welcnrned them with. everyTthuigAthien-tiieir preset need d marnled. Mn Goodrich, ofjwhos't nevolence Ihe.crew and paiscngerpseau to tne warmest terms jui grauiuacgawe money and clotfics to them, and furnish ed a vessel to convey them toS John's, the residence of the United saiTes con sular agent. i 1 At 7 R: M. on Satunlay, the 15;h, they were landed 4t SuV John's. The news of ihcir arrival soon brought 10 the shore rich and poor, ld and ' vdune. ; tome rhrusting read into t.b rhands; of the shipwrecked strangers,' and otlicr tak ing ttie poo? wretches home with them, Wolhing waa Spared whicJi p'uy ! could sn?iest to alleviate their Wantl tind sq(. ferings." The next day being cund ay, nothing was publiely'doneor them ; but on Monday, handbills', were posted up, reqiicstihg a meeting ,l'o . take" place . at the Chamber , of Commerce tq "derive mea os to relieve the necessities o( ihoso wnom tate nan inrpwn upon ineir snores. Soaie'seventir; orlcighiy poundsxwere collected iri a short time, and resolutions were passed 10 raise aufficicnt stum whereby the emigrants might be enabled to" reach this "place St their destinatioh. A committee was sppointed tq , receive eJothmir aha money from aJt, h(K felt dispossetfto gi vei4 CapV McCurdy -did not hear the resutf, as lie 'sailed on" the following morning, buUhipks,; frora Ithe pliilant hropie' spirifmani Jested . by the people of hu r Jba u thai tlicasjgnf'jjlgjt ate people were amply rovided for. ... " v v . ; ' " .-.'; '' '..;;' g'?-J VL! ." . -e jCorrvpondcnci of. ihb Nationals "'.;VsNpw' .York; Seplcml)er5.S From Mextt-o waJi3-?j letter dates; Cy.a vessej from '' Qamaehy'.w & learn that on July. 20jh V,1)0&V,, of COO men from Vera Cruz marched JntQ Tobas6ri drove put General Maldanlial plundered the shops of what money they had, pnd lhrewmu:rb merchandise into the river; Gen.tIali!aiiha was in Camheachyi m tending to march about 'the middld of Aogusi againsi 1 oopscu, anu ,oriyc ui the spoilers. It Is probably tf .fight be tween the 'Centralists arid Federa lists I ;W haye news to-day of, q dreadful "- r t '. on t. ) ..'t Lave s.j 1 1 r. ! ' - ! Jiff ' V ' a..j t vmasrrurte if I I . ' 1 r.-r :r l! JTt, :!ie Cit3 i-i t.-r r I. ' i uM. uheuhtt was futtt,a.U t '!. a :atl'-al f- t "v tr 1 .o i S tr if, V... s'.3 w.i 4 s"u!'.l tl. auJ th;;i savt !,th; TUe Sie.a Gazette a ay that t!,i I Ail a at I'sat port has i!--u! 1 f?. .'. l).VXx;!-5rin. nxpedi.;. Tlw Vin rentes IVrroiseand Fh IrlV.i, Ui tlie Hjv f IdatuU A nil CiU to Wvey ti) Fc Ul.inlc" Tlie rseot L s.t s tl ney,Ncw ftiu-.h Wale?, ilarrh'lrjth. had nearly completed her rt pirs, t.J wae aUiut.ujHii thcaJrotV?;. The ci'.ics of Albany and Hochester are now connected by a railroad, w fuel ercrw t!m whole hn ti day Th New Vofk and Erii railroad is to le ddne on a rjate not fontemjdited, much aer than on the ci4itcmp!attd iswte.-, . ' , Every preparation is maktn in Mas Siehncui far great rally of the Whis on Bunker Hill the'lOdi cf this Month. General ViU'n, of Kaw Haun sMre, i making fpccchcs in 4 G rt'nt prt ( this 8tato. Mr. Tajlrnid it cmsant. ly in motion. There netd 1 m fs'ar that the Nnnh and Uast will gj Ja sleep bcljVe November conit s. fi : It is n)W rumored, says the n stui. Merchant le Jour nil, 'that only the GW ttcUation and sloop of war will , be scot o the Uatt Indies, and it Is .even doubtful wlieilieflhciol will be $ut iili after (At ekctiotu Tliri SLANDSUErtS PUTTO . 's ... .....vra ' Yrl'n'l frnm OStii tin a flifrfl In n thev following incident which lately ox:- cur fed at a piticnl githcrujg in Lo aa county, in'Jhat State, ' Senator, or as lie i more commonly called, Fetticuai AI)encomr.tHed.8'inOlpdary, editor of ih Statesman, nd Got. Shan non," have becd " tos tin? Col Johnson thrungh ; Ohio, '. making itump speeches. They jmad no appoitilmcnt for Logan count jv and large numbers composed of Whig; and - Loco rocos assembled ta hear 'what might be said- "Allen in the course of,; his spceph, after the grossest vituperation ', of 'Gen llarrisori, ealiina hiri 'granovi an imbecDe, a coward. ice. proceeded to discuss his ronducfat s charscWizeJ bir.eowardice and king from danger.' -Taking hold of onnson nauJ, as - v an vtmourz lilt op the paw)f hilpctlion. he rhowMlNt to the assemblage, and vaid, "ihercV; He lbug pair fhai fougW the battlfr' of Hie Vi names r here the'paw tbat.lewTepumschr ' -f-: : When he,had thus1 concluded, a Bid- list minister .aruse, andvsaid with tbe leave of the meeting, he would make jew, remarks, . rile was. hi said in the baule of the Thames, attached to Obi. Johnsin'i, legiment, and could bear tes- timhny to the truth of ail that was' said respecting hi immediate comma nderV gallantry.? lie aUo saw Gen. llarrUliu wlio was wliere a .General should be,j supervising and directing' alt the moyV meets of theeonflici. rVVhcn it became necessary for thd General to change bis position, he did 60 regardless of danger or tho shoyer of bullets' that was falling; and fellow .eifizeneV said Ihe bid minis ter ;jo Conclusion, all that these men have said of Gen. Ifarrlson's cowardice i ialse. I know it to be $0." yThe air immediatbly rung with the. thundering 'acclamation of "the muh it ude'a nd a' he speakedefV the ktand.rthey followed him with repeated cheers leavmg'"S&na' t0t;!4kllen'nd cbrnpany, alone irtjhe'r tlory. 'i discoraCtted f were they in their basac aitcmpt to slander the Old iicro, .uiai micjp imujfuiaieiy pacseo up their lisps and left the county, . Without fulfilling other a )Qintrpcnt 'liieyhad made in the nivhborhood., -.'" -.. . V V 'Buffalo Com.'Murtutrf ,A .Fftm 'the. Cincinnati ' fatetie . boys, 1 jsTfiN ,t6 t iiis'r "t f The whigs advertised; meeting at t!oUruintfvn 'this (uuyfofl( theifith olt.VA respectable' 'assemWy of both political parties met, and were addressed by. Messrs. C K iSmith, of Indi'ana.and Mr Crary.of this city; with' grpat 'power- and efiecti While tbcte gentlemen :Weir-jspTOkroj ren men interrupted ihem,'e,ODtVadietiog their statements.: When they had crm eluded, the chairman, wo are informed; stated that if there was any .Van Buren man present, who wihhed tosddrcss-the meeting, in .reply; ho; would liheri be "k VotV roiihv 2 1 1 r in ' ar. . L Van t,i w S J (1 y sr. I I i..',.:. ' cur r , C.J 1 : It r if Tl. 4 t ry ! 1 ' a Vice irinrj; I. .lit fr-H.i l:'. t ta ! t s'i'.t.cf, lU ttra: ;! li.i t -C. lj tl;j j-rcscr.l-UaerutiVC f t' J l' '" d S'i'cs Martin , I xi L .rr i a- I Ma a I'r.iTfsts atJ that lorti.T 1, tun-U $m4 it m t'cr n r g f u;li r h l.U u; rv.r1. ' Tlice !cparturc from j nnet . . . - 1 , 1 ... 1 f l.'s, n-s pouucai i?aj-;rs. raa ciaac hi'ri ihrnk deeply upon the sut !-H!t coo- vtacedtim U.at they were wrotg. anJ determined lua tu make t : dcbratwn that he codJ oo longer art w ith the pa' ty. Ue'wiohct) it distinctly Laicrs'.uod, that Iw would, from that li.ae funh,' sup port IVilUatn ignrj IlJjrrikWf as the bet way n( correciiii tlsesa ahues. and rcitorinz the admiaintration of the Gov- ernfricnt 10 true democratic j rinci; !e I The effect or this waslIectncaL' , l:cn some little time liad iMsed, Mr..WHJ, 1 whig, froin Uuiilton, addressed t!.o mectios.-;-, "v . :" :AN ArrEAlTOlTIIC'WC-, 'v-M TIOXARY. . : ' "An amujuig circareista&ce happened during the progress of the late t action canvass,' in t cuunfy adj jcent ti this, .... . . whKO Js worth patting ta prtou une 01 the candidates tor the Coimnons, w hdc haranjruin the 'people fr6m' the piazza vt a private r boustt, inveighed a good deaf against Gon, Harrison, and among oUi'.r things charged him with being a coward. No aooncr was thi iatd,thaii the good woman of the house, who had sat all . the 4un quietly in an adjoining room cBgagcd'sn. knitting, juaipcd-up and 'exclaimed, a eowarJ,' you call G eneraf, Uarrisoo : cow Brd, he - no coward, and ,1'if prove it to you by the Dictionary." - She then dtew fortji from It repository of years an old almanac, and pointing the astonished candidate to a. relation of pevcril .incidents of the battles in" which Harrison was engaged she" continaed "there, ttvere, 1 ead Uwm end: ihr'U jWmh 1 ri.tmjk (lar Harrison's 1 coward or not.? We. do nut ' kitovi whether the gentleman attri butes his defeat to this hit to ercurrence but certain it is that nothing more was said , of Geh. liarrUooY cowardice, 'ai 011 that day IVtimmgtvn Chronicle. , .t .. . " ' 4 - - ,rt THE NEW JEJISEY .ELECTION, . Job Sjifcn delivered byrMaj. Jimer Garland, at a Ppblic Umucr lately given U him in Nclsoo" county, Virginia, r; be gave nis views 01 uia .ew jersey que tioa as follow fpr) ? V 'M G. thertT adverted to the 'Now Jersey caso, plating that irom begmning 10 e:io, ne rczarawa u as. reoieie wi;n vlotooce and despotism, and. subversive of the fundamental principles of (bo Cou stitun'on. Ho . remarked, before any inembur was qualified, to; look'intothe qualifications of his fellow-member, it was solemnly adjudged that those who naa urougni wim uicm uio nign aumor itytv hich tho JStato of New . Jersey bud, under an express jH-ovision of . tho Con stitution of the United States, given them should not take their scats. Ucfbrc the jury was sworn, the prisoner, ws coo demned and executcd.'and the tonus 0 trial atterwards waJed through to provo that the judgtiicnt and cxccuiiou . were tustrThe hretcxt for": ilii-r gross disre- earu t the lavv and ; constitutional eu thorUrid Nrw Jersey was thdccrtifi cate ofa -single public; ofijeer, (of; the state of the polls as hied j.i Ins oCice, Uhea'tliolaut' iLd-iioUiuUionz:liura. to givelatiy certificate about the mutter.-. After tiro organization of the House, and before tW. Vommittee "had ,. closed the evidcbCe, the five riiemhcrs holding the duty authenticated certificate of election were" expelled, and ihe i five ''contesting mcniburs duly instajlod;' He said, how ccr, if tho -openmgceno 'waslvioient and despotic, the closing was Ihfinitelly more sc. 'Tbe Comroittee of Electtons, after nearly seven month labor, broughi in', "kbout four1 days before, the close ol the pcVsioh, tbeir repWi of ihecasejVvith resolutions coiiBrming the eontestins members in their cats.; After the read inil of lhis,aOd the report of the minol ily, without reading Of giving time to a hy member to rcad the ; evidence taken in the case, embracing a yolUmo of near 1. v. r i s rort; i rWl ' utrstr. wl.-4 tit! f V-l!c4 :...-r 1 .:. fc r f t.'. t ll tl, ir nata. ;! j r:-rjii',ty tf s if u.u.U atver TIIKvCITIKKN. ak:::;::i)::oit.:i. k.v. fkiDay. r:iTniir.uit is, uw. r " rot" piratr-txr,' ' v WILLIAM IIUNUV IlAItniSONV ' , or on 10. .." - f TOt T1CB rsEMDNT, :i. V.joiin TYixn," Of fl IK! I MA. ";. ' , l milG t LUC TU1UL' TICKET. i. ...... " '" . v '..- . j, . .. J ... No. I. CoLCliarlca Slclkiwcllcf slurke. ; tL-Gcn, James Wellborn tf Wdkea. - 3. l4Vd Kanm-ur il lncoin ' ,,,C. Hon. A llenehcr of Chatham. ;7.JMi:i ). Kelly of Moore.1 : e. Ori Jaoies S. SnMth of Orange. ii. CharsMat.!v of Wale. - "10. CL Win. U'Ung of HaHftt. a; 1 1 William W. Cherry tf llertls, I4iThooias F. Jones f rerquimona. MX Jostah Collins of Wa Fhihgton. I ' 1 1 James Wr Bryan cf Cartertt h lo. Oanicl Ik Bjket pf New llanovcr. OurCrst page t will bo found, cneotn manly interesting, bp it contains, not on ly oiKLof the best number of Clitus," but also Mr. CtAr'sj master Jy7d'gnif1td sod' gendemanfy response to Hie low, cfuldisb petulance "of General Jacksok. IvIONTCpMEU Y COlTX; " J. Ha? Jng larf i eck attended Montgom ery Seperior lr onrVta. pityVf tnvcrpln citizer'p of lj County o the state of pylilics'ovC V And must say tbnl '"' have no where met with a more unani mous, ipr a fci ire deternuocd and palri-" ot're1" people) thiti) the! citizens of .'this county. vWevexpccied to Hud ihctn po however, from the rote they gave in the la;e elcctJon, for' Covernor-f Eight1 tor MorcVvi5jeiiefotf'$ailo wtjat few Loco Focos thcy have bereto- fore bad among them seem almost ready to take the itoolef redentance. ,Thcy FISHER WIIEUEUT; TIIOU? OurJcOTrcondcnt,Wliigof-:Pa. yidson,,,.vwishcp ;W''JuioWrVForoor sel ves we cannot answer wiUi certainly : tUugh It seems to ' us' wc'c'an almost hear hiro respond, to 1 this inquiry, in the language, of n;"anc1cnt'transgTcsior--fvlieardthy! '(tU people) " voice, anil I, w as afraid, and .iny pcltl Io EuoVTwclI that, thct cloakrralsthood and dissimulalioi with wh'K het bap rb awfully endeavored ta Jcorcf; hia na kedness, has become hotbing'but tattered (lg-leaves,J and; vill W longer hide him from tho' scorchi ny blasts; pf, their; Cry indtgnatioa. vYell my hjt'pay-" I was afra id a.nd : hid ihypcltf f yfjwpjfo pology. ioConf cbrrcs rndeht ifcrs. haVing jleftoufpas he will rrceive.veral excellent part of , his corammiicAtion,-':, He will .doubtless ex- don even attempt to whutle to keep up their courage, Lie someof their Presses do! 4; -i- y-ZiV:-VK- vrr js"3 are mucn siroigijiencu bls;week.for;roofniVr icccsslrify nad to curtail itiVft.

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