tt , r ! - t m I , f O '. r t v.. -" 'J' '' i1 Jl. tSnSSHL-'LZ !, .lis?"""-i"-"" " A"nmmm - -- . , . . i . J UWSIICD WJJKIILy''-, vi r,?S9i nrts'l f3iion at crv. in if Wpwwliaf iv jcculiur fyrce tncBSurci ever aitirfpteJ o'Wfi-rcneft ? MxrlitAolteit; That we itpproVo the . XT. : wanriolhave i'ucb mnoBfi'MartiO'-rn forriSe . - ".1 j. p&k ' : -iuijir tiad WrtiUo'tirtire-cxpIicit as peated .a iVa?affd '1a1t9-m j-pubelce 3rtL :Ttia-vavWiVb'ho:AMorI'C .Y J '.-'Vi .'. -4-j U'-ri; u",:""'1'' c ?... !4lK J nai .we'iiiffhrr. afprove 61 the. uoukvI i:hcAuocravorall theJlua- n. dCrcfroirdf 1 - jWitkjre v-rf' lib i?bfeili;ol'(X-tcl)oat WMjthatW' . $ tas'(.reari.ii:. iheinffa'iloKbiL iVtoe aouftd "Kls suijeel fiiit lieVa? lylrhr' VWIjWhd lT.ildegateaifiaia Unren-"iV' 'J : iraiVirJ i f A 1 eriwieitf, nwntngirn the. forced Claffjbe; rack;frti;.id I f-ifo. RateirGuovcnfiiia, a fojlouV: i ; v currccyiasyngiia it-eau;ca,.wrtha Iariaoo o'fYrquiUatioir irq, X"Irhr5' li. iMotrCfrce'Rinkppcarc.V iusettfiabw.ltfeH.iiid Or tii- atitl voiif clfurl w nVe?erve fur f tioraclf- Dr..'. 0-'ihrherf' VlfK.nioi iifcvf J. M.' " " i Ci)(Tin, Jag. Mdwh, i8. SwoiPr Johu M ' - , . 1 U. B.wv hM n Trny, WniiX Long V M - wirec .monuia . irotniin tuu tr thif firsf number rct-cived -rs-,:? 'lilTlul arjcai'agc to paJl ai' iLo CNt t ifui J tFt .itarufd the i1 war ".!il1 lr . j .': -f 1 MjWtfi(rf$Wk;Mfyp J ; titrti year. sValcnttbeoV . Advcrtisenrwot tvlU lc canplcuonpl , na; na nfisomciy WJKjrjta t 9 1 00; per ?. iitin rt rf Irt linaaV mI 9r.,.i('.a -K w .' . V flitvai Wlftlf VMU s& ery ; aubscqiicnt i6scrtirtnro 'Hdvcjv v, .vouri Urdcrf BfiU luUjcjal advcrtisc incDta witS lo, charge)! 25 perccht hish tr t (we, sometimes tiave jrwa1vilori iThose who adrcrtisc t y tlrff.witt k lx Scowled W deduction 133! ncr . cent, pruJcd ihey raj (rfidvartte. 4 f Ttie. Newbfrrg GaWtte coifc ' 'lama tho-(oljiiwing ;ient'lcr Jtocq' j'" JJenjamin Eatoit; otTci t the ,ifc Guards '.;it Gem WaiftJvV- C - i 'f.j. f i. . . -s Air old .eMJef pr thfl ConlfDcntil ' Tt Army aski' for the "lasi limff to'ancak lo .,. --f -iVi. t-r i-1 tt: t . death- it will aooo m litre. Uly mUi loon cnC,VcWntt.Va :Wa ftc of t& W'tm.fe Wl ' ! .i :.-i-.ii y;j. ..... l awn. finp nop i o Hume wwi uie resi 7 ,7' y - r'i Icdjf only or tljasalety otil e rouotrT I .1 , .m- I 'iun rtn nl Ihitt email rifm. I . . - : 7t- '7 jZin .- hTe served. rut other men to stand llttTje Lite Guard of George r1 rjifcrand- round tfrtle add !?0U Vort go back nr. thodlCo tt&. Standing Ar'mj tinh Kifia kf nt .-.1- j- " ' .if - t -i. . . 1 1 pcaccVot W.Kfua'd ii aiind na aud I a if "tard. Cornu lillia rg rrcnd up 1?ti indfMB--wfit t.r ?Dare 1 ft. - jviiurtfon -never psheu Hr ariti men to rpsclecl lUn) ir tfc'K'C tja iccisior, Madisoj-i.M . lof vinejjr"'r 'Jv j Hie tim -of Hliia id,Varrand;Kned 4h It l f ri4tr.iit trntrtrt 'inMiara A fiii IrkI peaffCi. Qur;i(tTectf nra fitted. frith i6U moil' unp wtre,rii ; wDrcrr :nee when rcmpkWfScril, wua WWUd." Tho flWJe "of CnterpiiAj wlv nco:pjoyt4 ilienv'have UsfiSdcdbjbayVcriii, Afldht'Ahd ndvt, theac hlaA liil b'rtchv plo) ed UbreN re lo) I y irje govero-, rrifcnt lhat Hlien tfvey pa to Wotk again dV miist do it Jiir it few cent a dav-- Ithe Ulor miist ta'at,icarfberoji8 it'H r :,J,.i.; ' 'fKr .-ii .u of Europe, 4m bit iod a 'nd igrior aoce fin up . ovir 7..jndTtfeivViJl out thlpC filled ouptrclya witK;dffest af.d bankrupt trty,- and Jgiwtf na enVurage ftwijpC - the. farmeraa telki at lui grain A're iwt-tfeae ikWgs s! JTou ImiwlieV arei and ave no inotT irtying "what may be faliewl am'tno M aarai cca ior omce oranv lomg r . v. - :. , . ' .. .wi eourfcloir the initttdo;tjdn '.cfjUcroeaf a cowardlv relreat.'il fvelljcxrifeEsed bv ,s wnnesaes'rntojus.rauris oi juaiea aorr.c x oevm ine lojiovting .coupicis; -: UUItf UlllX.niillC HH- 'W lilt II MWU.1I jyr !y bring'tfiift ptteutMe ipto ibo care WidWry X ,T'n4.Jor'wbtJ. becfe- jriohave '-'Mr.VitF Huteamtct thtCdoga on himt - Perf-cps? bo4Emis it wlllbo necessary j et to tug the cars of Johii Bull lefore be w ill kocp oii bis own side .( the Nortb'Easteri) Boundary . Or is Iiia tiitai caiholtc majos(y,ilhevmg -of Ie".Frenrlj, tolerating someasftioiit oif-Ivin4erkT tleed -UieiTtisei Lobia rhifljppeTouidiio obbTiiiiik it;futty as jwtitinri:, apd 4 hrable itoontend id Arm? whb ifle Jlero ofibeTbames;.olda8lVH8 to ha ve Mtit.sK'ur -i T an Butf wthf a xingrst-waa io ;m. tha streer wln l.go ou in m, of birT ; old 82 to ae Hie happtnen 1 hae bdn- . , nU t m -J. - l'-i- .lr- f ;,r Ilia eaihfflMwere called ppon bV law, To sweatpomeenoTDiitr he sa W, jornt oi riromi, O.,notin f,S. Ilofne il wai VAiilrl han- art' hnnpwf indit hint save a I . i . - ; - . " . n Whvstwro yod squcamihfi. You; U ait aboJiiioni$ff or ;-you assert Jite a$ l palpable a farelK)OoVand what you kncW ciunc -Ha . vi ai mo limn- iir uo ia6c- fimf ly. that the ab()ll!diiis!$fl)ustered forced . Clay off - the track, iod forced art-on,bD., KqW Tif j ould not know that -flu statement w I'purs was fe7yoaare;f(i be pitie4 for your fgnof antfiend "iCydu'.dld.Voe ore'to tc'tle- 9j)isea,isr your aisuanesiy. ., coypu may A ' 1 rcrf - inat -a -itpjr M tfipsc prorftfd- V ' . 3 Jurnilked .to ilieEdHir of the H)them ('ttfen f'c -publicMiunAvV H " Or rrikilArt ills iVfiw.t:.. .: ..... j' . V1 ' - Tha 'fIJowmgJotter ;aj receatly !-,-, . j drcs-cd fo,GenJ ,Grav f ilia County t ;U V - ' GEK.'AiixAKDEB.nRAr.i, -r - ' , w jD-rr V .v W e the clilcrfjr rncn,'- ." .' : v . of t)e rb'ou'kWest corner of JZandolph . . ' r J i I-. PV i Dua -wfwnriiing figi.M. j take wucrt .bom of the Alemma you aSK ;w .fome-- v ' ; rtenj so thatlbw tormidajjiq oijcciit)e please. - , li.: Tf . oto . ocenyexempr trow Mil.itafy duty, , V, . . facrtha ;w o .puona Mr:fWrPVseM.,co .higb6t5cW6irflbe fcift "if iheiSl-v: ' - ' f rudenltt-iTOaUtorJf idlecbWwlritirtta tdetf nha'miteirStTtef tenSi tm it:.'V.r' r '.-an but havd aileilltbnoiU tff m t phi -rGttrath TCeneraV.would .hqetbMNii Naubqrg' N.AogaieiOwC f -.Tory. 4d form ono othis Life Guard, ' - . c ' ' ik.r wMdd;a Tory have'tufivfed .whall !iA77 have wflorcd. for ywiVTtea abuse has -"COMIUNIC I.IONS. , f - been 'ahamefuHy beeped :.'; V"' T -T--v Jeer eld sfUierr because ha iahat be roi'TMlt'ciTiZEX " ' was htn fhoVwar brke out. and what ..'; 4, ; , . . ,'"v . !.C,Vahin;ooljd uwe rr.ustalWaya be v4- K6 VIII. T-','i; "all cuing Jioiwy 1 ..was . n nig 10 ine !,- -. " v . v . . lte? olutiorf,; jave :leeo one ever siace f Mr. Editor:., YoAvjlr permit me. t 1 . pnd araonc uowCiNAsa VhigJl tnlist- tt$v$ rttf stricturet on Mr. JPislier hnd rcdforthewbold Le bat been tf take; a penny IroixT hi - r"? r" yF,7v T JclghbororOhetSavcrn ' n.t ftirlv hi Wflhave trod oVer i he 1 Coward, and a dotard, sout up in a cazc iMmefoJiwUlgbticgiar:iibcri): . f:iihr , ho wa oie of tho Ue volution. 1 . ' i r ;, 1 ."J n' ? 1 ' " .1 . ,i -tv,:-, ,-! . --7 .1 : - - . ., it 1 ino reason was iw leuww lauwerajn una s'jrncd our Independence toe, and iheii . . .? . . 1 . ;;c all wen. oi.t toeikr lo fiht forrit, 'gA?!? ?!rf:.d5,?tV?? . : .. ... ten -7 , , , -f , kivfc done itirn amolii lOstice to th& ub. h"rio no th.H Uiii'can- icct. vf .t.'- 1 f riot; be the-' government l!a('our ".Thcrdareimne minerehjoctiona fath- ldd'luUwri',1e1pcl .Washjngtdn.te put er impertinent', lugged into'thO' Circo', vrip bereT:VV f,mgln id bayori Gbvernr ar0rwh'icld'liall take nonotifirj, and 1 mnnt n different from'anv in I-urope t . :. - .:;.', . . 1 a auilior snu nia uuuicii win vxcuae ' . . , ti.n ...... J...t.:i I ini we couui mKe.i "iu Mwj'i't" . , -, ,.", -- , i ;Ti and uiHil litcly hing have all gone on my orens, w ui luauuveuu- and j.urupo was o-guming i 1 mcrateo. r vent W tpregp colli s6khs bjrefeirriag iv ad vtce'itjd a l& Mryai JBu rcn--wi:h al his sobs oi is- i.a,'iorffign 'comesyc,. js could muster, into.' the len;ice. , ', llopiog yonrtyttjeCtToa onfober .se cond tKcugbt," will (eediirUyreBjovcd alMo Uioage.otfen IIarrisonI wi.l pass- to inai luunoep pn i prwnpiea. Voul?ay''he is a federatls'wbre a black ccCKaaesupyprseu 111c viitu uu iiorf I Awi; and the tnaVres of the reign 'irtcfror.'' AV'liat is here' wantTng in prodf jcu. secnj ; d imposed to lnl tip by assertion, 'Mn tlandoluh; (some tweu- -. .w v :--. . . , y yejrs 0504 faijeium a leaeriWj, and bo didnot dny i-.'? And this i? onjaof Vonr strongest proofs. You here sliow buV Jlttlo of ttic prtfessiqnat tact of your brethren of the Bar to OfTer a wit: ncss whohr you have yeurfelf discredit eo ior Fi'U nave uenuwiceu mis l4UW4aous Jolm 'Kandolnh as a federal have m'oethpd this terra over and overt ana ppiiea iHinaiscriminieiy iu 311 wno nave ever orposca vour insimous flchpmrtfryO''r"gg''a"dizemcnt.tillita moontsMO' presumptive proof that it is done for the purpose! of diverting "siispi- ! .. ) .n.l, Mil flUll liVili 11 uu, viivvi j vju, unn dcar'solflC But it'turna' ut'we havo on ima, occasion, .more - tuan prcsyinp.irc proof that tnis tefm In its' most ttflenaive sense, properly applica,wiih it full lorce, IdCarlei Fisher,'the writer of the Cir cular oo'dcr notice." iet us sees 10 late a'flS3tt'iu iolemnly in astrinof Bcv blutionadrawft bu yout ownjhandand Or wlncii you boasted, ino,auinoryup up to ? the' timo wbeo you foun3 voursclf c lecjed to Congress, denounc 2d Mr. an Barcn": as; 0 Federalist." : In l839 you totWreadqrBadTpe:-: tii v , - , - V j., -AAf- Ve tapw we have heretofore dikhare-- i "T- one xvjrjo SoJo,hartr ij -W.ijintt we.beTe wV? ' maenr with. wbtchlie fewsia id rener &aT;therdiiUce';'i)a 'ppfforhi.--' 4 "ating those loul slanders? manufactured lI?oce-lis lRa, etpfpWtomcetyou by tho b3scst'mcnJnll.fec5uotry,ohthc Ztl' WT01 ' ' - . -f n- M ...p'hV this corner of the CfAnt, believe that-1 v1. "li-'l: character bf;Geo. Ilarrison, anAmOuth- lU VhiSs of theie dn; S amoved bV ' ed overty tuch men as Jvendall, IJlaif, tho,; same apiri thjatahe-Wblga ef '70 'i and Ionnr. until all honestahd mlfllli.1 1 were r. and vve.aro Aviuinir tnlKntiru'irt . 1 gent roen'ofi'lieTrwnparirrecoillfrom TJ byomtng'toWtllce.ln'.epcti' 77 - Ti -.wj- . 1 profcisiohs of oor devotion to the enm.f them .with disgust. Afurder. apology Af A,; tiirS'-V-T 5?m. V;- may be-necessary to suc ns ha ve said wc.abalt heve' an opportunity .0! fcarles?.-'v -v ' that if hf giving him n;tdue' !y jntercharigingour vTewaoftliVpresent' ' 1 . v.- , s - -"li of "e .proposed 'movement 'among the ...v. quenco now to Filent eontcmp disjrict where, bis political bypocracy :Whigsofhi4cornerofiheCbunfv,ihan ; -has dqfratded so rqany of "their .votes, merely Jo add we'aje ALL gpjng for . yoch IJojje wiif eWusome far. merely P'd;1 P - f - r v - ! holding tim "op by theX nap or.the,rieck ' ' 7 m l5m.e ,0.nS and gone 'l '7 ; . j V . i , . .1- . .-: , called on 04 lo niect you h tho field v.5--1 'l? riVj" ie hayieiliedree;; 1?' " gatiOnas bis Prrjl" rvedIshall yod,at Ue Ballot Ixotfil high and " nwctirop Jbini-o; eiof Vgaitt iiilgLtiie na- ,iirgnu1eil' statibmi'. -1e' aft ihe caflr yve .V- . V I tivo Ti'lictnce5wVei elone hia lmfr ff and Wischrgedr.rVM r.H poTitr dupliciti onVraised iU V V 2 .;i'i . r A ' CL1TUS ;. our "pcetatiohs have been fujrfr met by. ' z - l .1 ..- ryoofideneveryetbee ' 'A :K Ur-::.?- diisplarcotia you. - V. . 'V : . ' ?.-TBR; ;5l?BrV;'ft Hse answer this proposition as you a' . : r ' " 7. : '-T'.A -- maLUunluicstf4iK4-Har-frmTi V 10 Cay.VJW y'ouoonnsronvenient;.U; V ? '-i -vCJSVILLE. . :-?JVIUUJAtn.ASSITER,.Scn ., : ..-.PwbKe notice haying Wn previously ROBERT LAX,'. V k. . givnj a rcspecfable Dumber of citizens ,: .r,r, lIILL LASS1TER, ; v" I 'of Fanklinsnlle en the neighbothood, . V JIARDY G. WINSLOWr'4 ? ' t " H in Randolph Count vtC., assembled on C; ' . JOSErilTADLOCK " V "I'! tho24dLKep'tcmbef.i810: EirshaOo.- AYILLIAM LEWIS. V - fin Esnivaa called to the thiii.'ftndA'K!.'.-' DAVl HirKSl . . icxauder S Horncy appointed ISecretary.J r" WNGRUAt LlUCKUEAOa; " ed from thepiair, George Mafcepeace AseBo'aoccHSppl.O h, IS40,,v ' , f : '! j tticm to it. v)lut our .President now, tcl1 possessed ficccssarymetitaor phys j tiie peopiu uiai uuns nac Swu mivmjs, i ca quauncaiions ior t reswepi, 11 iSfmi 1 'aince theOld Havi and thalUicreare ..,1.1 h,.1iAnlil m:Knt.M ihnm. 1 wMtt imn CMnomiuL- rereivM the fratcr- wenty,tbrco " nearly lived ont the time allotted nal embrace of this fedeUs't, co-oper .Mtnd ncirpurpie ;A,&.oriicy tnen intrpuuceeineioj. lofvairpersons not engaged in Military... -t ,7 owing Preamble and Resolutions, which duty it lcfog'- General Muster) to a-l ' ' 4 .:(The Preamble, thyugh, excellent, ; is proceedings vf their mcVting.- ; ; t i npci!trilv omitted in these nrnrtinir I ..'.gvAiv I? licit lai nsl -i.Tf -. J tl. .- . ,t . 1 k ... .