r o..iii m, hi i ' i 1 i J o i VnAT DO vTE J.IYE TOR, BET TO IMPROVE OCQCLVES AKD BE CltrCk, TO OSE AKOTtlta? VOLUME IV. ASIIEBOROUGII, (X. C.) FBIDAY, KOVI2MDKU 13, 1810. M'Mnnii 40. vu m Jj- iij .-J PUBLISHED WEEKLY ' and uncovered next m-minir. When . BY ' I the pile becomes two or thrcp feel high, HEN J AM IN 8Wd 1 M, place a pole horizontally ftcrosif snfB cient length to past entirely through the hill A better .ventilator would be an TERMS Two Dollars per annum, in advance, oblong box, four or five inches square, aJMfeS iZiftU npr hole, i. ft. Th. po. number received. utoe may now be put on, till the pile subscription to be discontinued is about five feet high, and left in a con till all arrcaraeea bo paid unless at the ical form. Next, procure dry leaves crcuaBi iwHor. , ,d lav there all over the potatoes, at Manure to order a discontinuance , ... .... . . . . . before the expiration of the aubscrip. ,ftM,,I,cc,iM lh,ck- Pme heart boards lion year, is equivalent to a new cn-"e tnosc usea ai me oouora ot me po gagemenL . ; I tatoct, are now placed over the straw, AU Letters, Communications, &c to in(j m covering of earth six or eight inches thick, is put over the whole, and Prices for Advert isinp. loaned smooth with a spade. A f'mal .'. AdvertisemenU wmbe consnicuousIv aperture should be left at the top of tlie tnd handsomely. inserted at $100 per hill, to assist in ventilation; or a short anuare of 10 lines and 25 cents for ev- oblonjr box ri ay be inserted down to the cry suoseoueni insertion, no anver- potatoes, and the earth drawn nicely op tiscmcnt, however short, will be charg- 1 . ' , . . . , . ed less than for a square. r - ,0 lU K a P,e u u'cd " lhc honZon u Court Orders and iudidal advert'..- N ventilator, the earth should be re ments.will be charged 23 per cent high- moved from below it, where it projects cr ; (we sometimes nave to wait so long from the bill. -All the apertures should for the pay.) - -; . . ...be left open, for a few days after the op- inirso win; auvcruso vj mo yvni wwi . , ' ,i i i . 1 be entitled to a deduction of JKJW H100" f cent, provided they pay in advance. darw$ severe weather, with a handfull of pine leaves. shelters, should be e rectcd over the hills to exclude the rain entirely. I consider it important 'to perform the whole business in dry weath er. P. 6. ii. Columbut, Get. UEMEDY FOR LICE ON COWS. IICSUMPTION IN AIIIvANSAS, Wa h been informed bv a wntle- The little Rock, Allans. Gaxctte man who has for many years kept a large of Hie 27th ultimo observes: -We have stork of cattle, that fine dry sand scat, to announce to Ue public the checrin? a nciir Foil a iirsaiND II AUDI ASH A ldv ty the rtatr t-f Crown, wlwil hat hcea trttdin at Waterloo, Wat ih tered on the bark, neck, an tides of the inteiaence thai the tiate liana, to this j tve4 lCf hmimn tbout , 9 animals is and eticciuni remeay againKi-" ,w i 7H. v, iib these vermin. He collects drj sand, and on all her notes, on the 1st day ol Octe- mit. it in It or tub in ihabirn. andlbcr next. This is the first step in the occasionlly applies it during the winter h& work of resumption in our owe by sifiinz or strewinsr it over the body State, and we hope and have good reason of each creature Willi Complete success wiu m iwimjmcu up j jrj in riddini it of its troublcsoine cucsie. I ncr mux to Araansas, o j or uttore wie Wit Ft.-1Iow ito'do wo see fc resumption by tlie Sute &nk people trampling about in the mud. with m"kB n" nxcivaw. w leather toaked through, and how often ufrCwl Cotrernmcnt uJ.Miiff. do such peorle, when thcy.return home, ,"!HI Yw"u .;'; sitdownVl'ofi 'drfraiw tJvanUgsj la her and to the ifliii w nrir truiinni r nnrr nir pitiwri - - stockinrs or shoes. Can are, then, won der at the coughing, and barking, and rheumatism, and inflamation, which en able the doctors to ride in their carriages? Wet feet most commonly produce aflec COMMODORE ELLIOTT AND MARTIN VAN BUREN. The following report of a conversation between two negroes, Is from Hie nctl -.---it i. T ; i '", Agricultural. From Iht Farmer's Register. METHOD OF KEEPING SWEET -rOTATCy Some time fast F " ' , dl as I now recollect, ou. Jyinia correa .As to Me vest method, of keeping noeet potatoes through totner.thc fol towing siory may uircci jruur aiiciuiuu to a quarter irom wnicn ycu may outain some useful information. In the Fall of 1833.1 called at tho house of J. O. near the Wateree canal. 11m had iuit out tin hia notatoe croDi ndents asked for information on the 1 chiefly in a houso of the following con- .1 t I .... .- 1. L J J-. LI- I ll I kunject ol Keeping sweet potatoes uiru i tirucuon. 11 naa m uouuio tog wh, auu iHiHf -ilie-threnl and lone: und when hn Times. It is amusina and pointed uch diseases have once taken place, "Samtxi, what you druddcr be, a'spove "the house is on firs," danger is not yoo wau't nigger rw far off, therefore, hut us entreat our read JVby, Mke, I till I drudJcr be a efjr no matter how healthy, to guard a- commodore in iho natiy. gamil wet uw-Mcmcai a a vainer, i v Uv you want . tie oat, samno z -' I Kase you see 1 would cut upstunes. BUILDING HOTISES. land hah a c trt mahul on me, and Mr. Not many years a;o a pair of misep Van Uuren gib nothing todo, five thou- able lean hnrsos. that looked as though 1 sand dollars a year betides, like him did the next gust of wind would take them I commodore El uu" into ine air, anq wno were aireaoy wait-1 -n.n, oamuu, ym -um . ..on, ins to have their undent trn ins sec u r-1 what you drudder be, s'po0 )'ou WB ed by.a few nails, attracted the attention J oiggnr V shop, and gravely accosted its occupent fcr's servant in de naby, cause I could with Do vou build horses, sir ?" "Uuild swear net in white man and make ho horses I" exclaimed the astonished son I cet turned out. Ya, y a, ya, y a, ) a 1 of Vulcan, taking off his paper cap and j Icnirthcning down his round cood natur- Jl bridegroom Aie. Ine Mercer cd face "build horses, sir I what do you (Pa.) Luminary details the particulars of meant" "Why, replied tho wag, -1 1 a frightful catastrophe. aw a couple of fra nie standing at the I MA few evenings since, it is stated, Mr. door, and 1 thought I'd just inquire" John Douglass, ot New Bedford in Mer- ni ccr count v, was man ied to-a young la THE AMERICAN EAGLE. dy, a daughter of Mr. Hyde, of Vernon, A boatman, while engaged in convey- Ohio, and on the following aflemoon, tngsallonthe Onondago lake, a lew IJ ,' ,B" , 8i at tV Fi ? IppBrenttylyooTwhe had purchascdrnd while who left her and ehild and rarne to this city. The wife learning that lie was here, came here ne six weeks tuner. lor the rorpose uf tcrruading htm to re turn to ris family, btte t tared him le hia haunt, at theWseof a Mrs. Dan. nala, and so Ut succeeded in her ohject, as to take him heme with tier. They had been home but a lew minutes, when Mrs. pj&nala atxl Ur lghter cams here and inateil t pon the !tn.bandi te tomirg with their, and while the wife was clinging to thvm to prevent tltcir teatii g him Irom her, thry Ml uion her and the daughter strm k and kicked her several time. The wile, who is a somFI and d.'Ues'e woman, fi;iding il asvlcvs to cotitend sgaint such odd, fwggvtl that she tuijjht rciam her husband? m;n ta'.ure, whith tlic datighfrr was taking down from vrr the maMle, and whicti she Cna'lv destmyrd. Fur the assault and th lecture ihe action was Iroosht. Tlic .riMncr lMe to be tried by a rial rtrtirt, and j'iry, which was emjmn-nelh-d, ai.d tint testimony nne thrutigh with. whenlt cwttvuA for lite prisoner objected to the ti nrf, which on being examined by the presiding magistrate. was ucrlarcd void, and Ute whole alTair was quashed, and the prisoner escaped the poiiuhmwct fle so richly vn' ited. The cwinscl in hit remarks to the jury, while recounting the sufferings if tho wretched wife, to wrought op their foci iogs, that there was scarcely a dry jye smong them.-AWAeser Democrat M m& m w . i vacr livi l m iih iiiiinirii mmu rz . the winter i and nerhaps the writer was the space, between the walla (15 or 18 gin t ,a J , CU,J brother-in i Jaw asked Mr, D, lo. look ft a SfSSs feS?" noticing nrey in the hkoleneatn. fading it towards the houSe, with a hal; ii uur ugui seism issaaa auwm mwi v w b ant hnen nvAmn nvpr uriin nxv in nr . . " - L . 0 SJ 1 aaUU W W w v ww m waw J ,w 1- r'... i.' . ..-4 j j ,,a r.m Iter round ill neck, his wile came out and 1 . . . . - linn mi ! iih wm iimra 1. aim imiiitii iii 11 1 - getber applicable to your region, (I know i2 inches thick, above which there was hia auimde intoho from w)ich remarked that she could ride it. He cf bo reason why it should not be,) your a common board roof. The ground . bte rige A continued fl:1p. took hold of her, as though ho was go- uoor wai auiifc iw iww ic uciuw me - m ... h- Brwi ..,4.t,j(,j iaz to put ner on its oacK, ai wnicn 11 took fright, and running close by anoth er horse, the latter kicked him on the back, which keocked him down, and the halter bcconiingfastened round his hand, tore below aciinir as prencllant and helms- he was drawn over a pile 01 woou, ana rFti f&vm A-sb plan too late for any practical ttse the and 15 long, which he computed to ho d notISis,aken,hcirohjcc. Jle approach present season, it will, if at all, be of 800 bushels, it was entirety mica w.m . ,3n(J s,ow jhfl unknown crca- service the coming one. -There are va potatoes. .... ... . . .L wnat struck mc most, was 10 sec ine The boatman grew interested in5 tnen for the distance ot hlteen or twenty . on rous, inq norse ai iuh ulcu, uihu iuc " :.l 1 . - r ' 1 .1 :j r irr r.rma .ir.u .i h n reacnea a cross icncc, wncu biuo ui in common with many othct, has always her and facings jcarclully chinked up with rag," J P ,0 a fine Mlmon. Our hero, his head struck the corner of a panel of been so successful, I shall describe that cotton and tar; K 1 remember right, wr- ,hinkin g lt a limo lo take his sVnre of the fence, fracturing his scull in a most the frost sliahtly af. u- 6,vc inc t0,,0W,nB exp.aiMuu... r m, lfw piudcr. rut himscll a stout cudgel, snoemng manner, ana nruiu.vuu ucu rlous modes adopted in Georgia for sa , ""Vs . ul IZ man- The boatman grew tnterested nous rooacs aoopwu door (tho only opening lo the houe.) . ff . . anded. The esirle. only. As soon as fects the poUtoe vines the middle of October hTthTlallTabout tW hjeeyeamon first hou np .nd .8ppronchcd the imperial bird of fore intho !all,(atoui po,,, he WiS careful to have the aoor Jove . 'h, having bis talocs fast, was "od here,) I begin to Kepl 0pcn until they had gone throngha w . l0 ris advance or reccde. Hat force as to move the rails several feet, the sudden halt throwing the horse upon the ground. His leg was also T . a . . . 1 111(11 UIU W tf.a - . w - I V . - make preparations for digging; and by sweat; yet found that he had lost a third Thrce ,jmcg wag the club raised to strike, broken and dreadfully manged, cither the lime the vines become thoroughly by.drv rot At length he wa, told that b hQ nob,e of tho regal bin,t when he struck the fence, or by coming tneiimo me vines occc ' the air ought to be carefully kept out d w undaunted front, made even the in contact with someth.cg on the way killed. I am prepared for the harvest- until lh0 ,weat was over. The truth of " ' ft riU ,,, not .Mauh MrrDouglass lingered until Saturday I select an elevateil piece of ground, and ,h Was strongly confirmed to his mind impri80nedi majesty. Tho eagle ethib- morning, at times showing signs of sen throw up circular mounds,or hills, twelve by the recollection that in using his po- itcJ no -M of fcar but occasioijaUyJ'bihty,andoccai8onally ' uttering a few - . . ..,aa I. a fniinft-tti'iit-thR farther ihevlaV: o.n a-.i mi. .us I :-j I uinrHtwhnn K entred" m fifteen inches above the common sur " . :r ii : 1 niooica me ems 01 ms prize, sun muig- r or nneen incnes arov the intrusivo boatman. face, the diameter of which snouia oe ... , . . . . rei.rvoj wa ' , . fc. ... . . , . . l a rru,.-- Ji,i,n,-.r Reverses of ortinr. The t7. S. Marshal who has just completed the cen sus of Cinuinuati, mentions these mci den's: - I met a man who had ruined himsalf by intemperance and was subsisting on charity, that 1 know in Pittsburg in the year 1815 owner of a fine property and .store worth 930,t)pojiuhallimc" The , property alone,"! have no doubt, would since have brought $150,000. I found in the person of a day laborer in one of our foundries, a man who had once owned a large iron establishment in Scotland, on the Cannon side. He had become involved with others, and ren dered thereby insolvent My sympathies were the more strangely excited here from the simple dignity which forbore repining or complaint the family maul festcd in the case. I found also the widow of a distin- . guished professor in an Eastern college. who was at the time eating her humble supper with her daughter, under such circumstances of penury, that their very table was f ormed of a board laid across an old barrel, I have found in the city two cases of disparity of age between the oldest and youngest brother, worthy of notice. In one instance the oldest brother was 69, the youngest 25. In the other when tho father was living, and aged 73 years, one brother was 46 and the other 2. about ten feet, to contain sixty busneis 1 f on the new nlan with entire sue. tpaa(rd: 1IMt t,v a dexterous turn, those We copied a few days since, tho mar - w .l..f. I . 1 iL.i .Hia.iin ti-n. I . . . I ... r. i 1 r - I . I of potatoes, ino situation ouu cess; ana ui anci 0f t1Q uther, when he soirea away 10 nage in ingiana, pi h genuwnan goa tinm of the hills are objects of impor- past, the door was often left open all (dy. h;9 thunder-clouds on high, leaving the 77 years, to a lady scarcely 16, after a . MMUBn iK- rauhllitv of the m co,u wc"l,,c, j -7 much cove'ert saimon 19 mo ooaiman, eounsmp mjvur wu, au - "wr" ,..'...1.. y to the potatoes. t , wh I".. .. . . -li; 1 e. iWoul'i i1 not conler pups "C" poundsT tance, votatocs cetting wet.. In order to malte Ihe potatoes lie on the hill the better, the for y0u to learn if this plan continues ..n ij i..i..i .io.in.t hv I .iirrpssfal. and cive vour readers the in Cdffes, snouiu oc o"-v,w",v" w 1 ; v " " w . ... u. ..ik inA rrnirp. uiv-i (irawing ino wiin n vn. .w "-.--, ing it st.gntiy mo s - 7:- An old centleman of Montgomery co, Common Pine heart boards sre now ,.v, -niir notatoes in drv weather. placed on the earth, radiating from the if 'you wi8h them to preserve well." centre to the ctrcumfcrcnco of tho hill; That's correct and on theso a layer one foot thick, of dry pine leaves. The hill being now v It . said that a spoon u.t 01 nor,- ,ry iuw iv. o . I j- L inln n nan nf milk. Will ore- ready to receive the potatoes, I .cc. 1 - r for several da vs. nl., .c" tkI n,.; On Monday dry, rntia wcamcr, w'iw e ging in the morning, and stop time 0 nough in the afternoon to haul up all -dog durtog the day ; for it left out at night, the frost, if any, would injuro hm. If possible, tho hills should bo filled and completed the same day, but it fiof. the potatoes should be well cov- ered witistraw to protect them at nightf ; , j. '" ' Elegant Extract. At this very mo ment of time the wheel is in motion that reverses the lot of men, that brings the prosperous to the dust, and lays tho mighty low 1 Now, O, manl thou re joicest in thy strength t but know, that ho. on weichinz it, found it to balance ment of his whole fortune on theJlonm fnr thee theJied-nUanguiahingrthebed 'I 111 I I 1 Jl. a ' J . . ft. I It ins bride alter nis acatn. ine ioiww ing paragraph from a Liverpool paper, SHAKING HANDS. snouia operate as a caution "Two duellists having exchanged shots veniurers in unequa. maice.. without effect, one of the seconds inter- Marriage and Death In our Chron- (ercd, and proposed that the patties icle of the 4th inst. we announced the .imAA .k.W hanH. Tn thii tha mher marriatro. after a courtship of four days, second objected as unnecessary, "for of James Hobbins, Estj. of Chaddesley ioA h ihir hands have been sliakint? Corbett, Worcestershire, to Harriet l.ir ihft last hall nour. ivuunucoiuuuuiiici wu-n. . vnuu.uw, w. 1 . , ... 1 , . rri of the IMcw House, tiimoieion. ine A new icav to remove a Juror's onupgrwm . m .... - . rtates that on the night of the fire in that week, whilst Mr. Hobbins was stepping town, last week, a iurv was in session 'nto h.s carnage with his young bride, ti T.- t. . ... ha fe down, and was taken up a eorpse. . aiineiXurittuoS,..av,nguW..u;Cu er. ' rAM;AV, ISiii . r.... TT winHv -tolvhniira.unab etoairree. '-'When jf 10 1MI'KU vi- . v. . " n - iihcr in tho open air, or in a cellar. while other milk turns sour. tn nuns in boilinfl water, put the milk, the alarm of fire was sounded, about . L.I immcdialciv aucr laKing iyrwn w ( into one of them, and cover it with tho a J a .a .11 It nA other.ana our worajor v.i J vhji w: ,T " " v; V , . ."nLm TIn hftd realltr not the Kinderhook tno imcuncssanu sgnung ju.u. ...... w .- . -t-"" y ... . ... I came ronnd and agreed to a veruict. ;pony oy uw wums-ri'i 1.1a ...... w . .. . I . . . .. L l;J -U mmcdiatclv after taking U from the cow, half past two this morn.ng, and the light l a somcwnai wagg... .u immbu m.i i.v. , v. ... . 1 n .: l... .:c;t.U frr rA tha nihir da v. unon hearing the cheer- into one Ol tnero, oi.u w. 7 ::"i;"J . .. t' nftPHfir State." that tha tiriniinwi m iuh fl'ouri riitiiii. lie uis" 1 i.iu iivvsn asvsaa v a creai increoso m quality of the cream. of death will be spread. Thou nowjre- movest irom thee the evil day, and say cstio thy heart thou shall never see sor row; but remember the changes of this mortal life. The calmest and stillest hour precedes ho whirlwind, and tho earthquake, the monarch hath drawn the charrtot of state in which he was wont to ride in triumph; and the greatest who ever awed the world ha vei moralized at the turn of the wheel. Loo an. A GOOD DESCRIPTION. 'Do you know Mr. 1" asked ono friend of another, referring to an old gentleman who was famous tor bis fond ness of the extract of hops. Yes sir, 1 know him very wclL" "What kind of a man is he V "Why, in the morning when he gets up, he is a beer barrel, and in the eve- ntng when he goes to bed he is a barrel of beer." v 1 - V, 1