I f , j r t - - M til t. ....: . I L , K - . -. . ::.vr Lj',i: liy;: ix::, i:ut to i:r::av;; t:i:s;:wr.j a::d en UicrcL to o:;a ai.otiilii? - t VOLUME IV, Asiii:no:;ouGii, (N. c.) Friday, novemser 27, isio. NUMBER 42. ; ; PUBLISHED WEEKLY . EY From the Raleigh Htghttr, cfKuv. 17. STATE LEGISLATURE. The Legislature of North' Carolina convened in this City jester&iy at the new Caritol. about 3 o'clock.1 P. M. ' Two Dollars per annum, in advance, The attendance was very full ia both Jr Three Dollars, if not paid within branches. ' three months from the date of tho first 1 1rtlKe Senate, Col. A. Jovner.of Hal- cumber received."' . ifax (WhVi) was chosen Sneaker on. the No subscription to bo discontinued first trial, having received 27 votes out till all arrearages be paid; unless at the of 49, , - V ; T . ' discretion of the Editor. . Louis D.JkVil?on, of Edjrccombc, was A failure to order a discontinuance the opposing Candidate, and received before the expiration of the subscrip- 21 votes. lion year, is equivalent to a new en- i nomas u. fctone, ot f ranklin, was casement. ; - . v , elected Principal Clerk, and Henry W, r All Letters, Communications, &c. to Miller, of this City, Clerk Assistant, with- come post paia. , oci nppnsmon. . , . . - 4 to I Jilni 1 tpu'i. nf MrttM ' piotAd Prices for Advertising. , , Pnncioal Doorkeener. and Green Hill ' No sdoncr than he had gone, that a little Advertisements will be conspicuously 0f Wake, assistant. and handsomely inserted at $1 00 per In the House of Commons, William A. Graham, Esq of Orange (Whig) was chosen Speaker on motion, without the formality of a vote. Charles Manly, of this City, was chosen Principal Clerk and hdmund li. Lreeman, ol the same place, I0SE3. i "It is but part tee see. And notUi Whole? i, There is a Jewish tradition concern ing Muses" beautifully illustrating the thought that ok should ever have con fidence in the 'rectitude and wisdom of all. the divine dispensations... Tho' a fa ble, it is not, on account the lest; instruc tive. The great prophet, pays one of the Jewish Rabbins, was called by God tolhd top of a high mountain, and there pcrrattcd to ask any questions that he pleased as to the government of the uni verse! In the midst of one of his inqui ries, ihe was commanded to look down upon the plain, below, where was a clear sprint of water. At this spring a sol . dier fad alighted from his horse to drink. ANECDOTE OF THE EARL OP SOUTHAMPTON. ? j When Spencer had finished his fa mom poem of the Fairy IJueen, he carried it to the carl of Suuthamptoa the great patron of the poets of those days. Tha manuscript being sent up to Earl, ho read a few psges, and then ordered Ins servant to uive the writer 2 l. Read- square of 10 lines ; and 25 cents for ev ery subsequent insertion. No adver tisement, however short, will be charg ed less than for a square. Court Orders and judicial advertiser it ing on, he cried in a rapture, 'carry that man another 2ol. more. But at length, he loet all patience, and (aid, 'go turn that fellow out of the house, for if I read oo I thai! be ruined. XI : THE MARKETS. FAYETTEVILLE, Nov. 18, 1840. rnents will bo charged 25 per cent, high-1 Clerk Assistant. crj (we sometimes navo to Wait 80 Ions In the Cnmmnn. Mrmrx. Fineh nnd for the pay.) : ! I Anderson were elected Doorkeepers i a ' ii ii . . ... , - . inose wno aaveruse cy mo year win the former Pr ncinal. and the latter As. be entitled to a deduction of S3 per histant. icent provide! they pay. in advance. W'eipredict a harmonious and useful session. I he Wniss feel no disposition to rejoice immoderately over the van quished, and our Tan Buren friends seem to acaoicsce with a good grace in the dogma,' that there's divinity that I a .i nnA hPh a r.rt Aitn nnU. snapes our ends, roujn-tiew mem as we 40 a 45, Bacon, OSa 10, Beeswax 25, w,- paes wii', we oenevc, Butter 15 a 20, Bale Rope 8 a 10, Coffee lurH li,cir , u,; 121 a 131, Cotton 0 a 8, Cotton, Yarn ,UC"".U,V" ""v s,u . I Jr " 40 a 50, Copperas, 31 a 4, Candles, F. F 17 a 00, Flour, new, a 5Sa$, x cathcrs 40, Flaxseed, $1 a 31 10, Hides, Green 4 a 5, ditt6 dry 12J a 14, Iron 5 a 51, Lard, 10, Lime, $24 n $2i Lead, bar, 8 .a 8J, Mackerel 00, Molasses 33 a 37, Oatr, 23 a 30, Oil. Linseed, 80, Iails, cut. CT a 7, Powder, kc, CO It Iwg3 24. Su car, brown, 9 a 12, Lump, 16, Loaf 18 a 0, Ha'.t, 75 a uo, per Men 5-'j a vn, Tallow 10, Tin, ' box, 614, Tobacco, leaf, 4 a 4 -35, Wool Agricultural ffj3 The post office men sometimes see funny things.. A letter, with the fol lowing .superscription, actually passed through the Newton (Wales) post office: MTo wun ftannev Zindrcd, as wuz ' wen a wuz singul, i)ut now a his mar- rid to a mon in the Cole pits and livz at the lee holla Bayby Hill." , ' f Saturday Courier, ,, : A farmer passing' through a village, stabbed a dog who attacked him, with his pitchfork, upon being carried beforo a justice4, lie was askd why ho did not strike the eur wiih the butt of his weap on I "So I should, replied he, "if thoi dog had run at rao viih his tail." 4 Course ytA Boston lawyer some days since was defending his cli ent with great ability. V hen ho find concluded, his antagonist sncenngly said, that he did not understand a word tho other had said." "Of course not," re plied the biher; 'I was speaking Jaw bov 'tame to the place, and findm purse that the soldier had dropped, took it up and went away. Soon afier there came kn infirm old man, with hoary hairs, and weary with age and travel- Iin2 who having quenched his thirst, sat noun to rest bv the side of the spring. The soldier, wno nas py pis ume missea his purse, returning, d(mands it of the old man, who affirms that to has 'not seen it, ana appeals io ncaven io auesi his innocence and the truth of his asser tion. :The soldier not believing him, kills him on the spot! Moses falls on his face in horror and amazement thai such an event should be permitted by God. But the divine voice thus prevents his expostulations: i 'Be not surprised Moses, that the Jndge of all the earth should have ftuffered this. To you,' there. is seeminily no . reason why that child ehould be the occasion of the old man's bloodbein2 ;sn".'t r but know that that ":X soldier, who was once wounded in same old ban, years auo, wat the murA battle, set up a terrible bellowing. An derer oj that chitds father I Know Irishman who lay near, with his legs shot that in every dispecsation of providence off, sung out "Bad luck to tho likes of there-is sbmo wise "design; that every ye do ye think nobody is kilt but ycr- one the Judge oj an me earin win uo sell' rfcA. N. Y. Observer. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. RATS IN GRAIN. Mr. David, ofPo!locbshaus,hasprov. 1, Wheat 80, Whiskey 30 a ed by experiments more than once re 15 a 20. peated, that a sprinkling of garlic strew ed amongst any kina oi gruin, wnne CilEUAW;s: C.:ov;i8. " r hves are being built into stack, pro- w . lecis mem agamsx inroaos oi rais auu an Bacon 03 a 09, Beeswax 20 a 23, other vermin. So late as last week. Cofl'ee 12 a 15, Cottor. 8 aOj, Corn 50 when he took in the last of Ins stack, it a 62, Flour 53 00 a 0 00, Feather 40 became obvioul to all on-lookers that a 45, Iron 5 a 6, Lime $ I a $l, Mo- not a single particle cf grain had been . . A -V m . a. m N 1 a-v mm u - . . . A' lasses 40 a 45, Nails, cut, 7 a B, su- Most, ana .altnoua terriers were m ai gar 8 a 121, Sa,t sack 75- tendance, they had nothing to hunt. I Rats, when they get into stacks, are ex ceedingly destructive; and it is conso ling to know that an in terrorem reme dy has been provided, alike simple and j cheap. 'Dumfries Lout ler, , t A CULTIVATED ACRE. Mr. Drew, editor of the Maine Culti- Special Act. r To all whom it may concern. 1 PPUCATION will be made at the A bresent session of the General Ass Llv of North Carolina; after thirty day m this "date, tor an aci auinorizmginovator,infmverjjgiereoig )crior CouiTof Uandoiuh Counry at i WithTuch eooa husbandry, tliaTfie raises Spring term 1611, to sit two week's. It sofiicient tor his own family, of bread is believed by the citizens of the county stuff or other produce to buy it with, that such a provision will enable the every kind of carden vcKlables and Court to :!car out the'docket, (which is fruit for hope consumption, the where row immensely large, particularly in with to fatten his own pork, and the state cascs, anu uiai wc Ku ; uniu p along very well by holding court one frcck only, as heretofore. ; MANY CITIZENS. November 0, IS 10. ; ' ' Standing Accounts. , THOSE! indebted to me by Book ac , count should recollect that I sjill continue, as heretofore;, to charge in terest invariably on all ar counUof more than twelve months standmir. ' JESSE H1NSHAW. New Satcm", (5ht'm'o. 1840. tf. : IJLANK DEEDS FOP. SALE AT THIS OFFICE. beans to bake with it; potatoes pump kins, cabages, &c., comprising useful sr tides, too many to enumerate, and, bv, exchanging onions for hay, keeps a cov4 and makes hts own butter. All, this lie accomplishes by his own Iaborr on a sin gle acre of ground. Ho puts on to it eighteen cords of manure, and obtains annually in return thirty or forty bush' els of sound -corn, sixty or seventy o; onion, and other vecetablcs, and plenty of fruit. &.C as before hinted. Such is the production cf a small farm well tilled A correspondent suggests that a secu rity for travellers on railways might. bo nAntv! ki an n t trr no I J! n T t wr rf 1IU3 en i auiutuai j. ,u . rfrtnr in rnlat on. to Prt With tiV. beins worked on the Great Western . - l . . rirn:,i,Trf.!c:n: lU,lroad,between Drayton and 1 add mg- , K immcdiaU bchind ca. ton; andugh no distinct idta of the LCourier. ? - nir nn lr trui it rnni CURIOUS COINCIDENCE. oniarat-j cant end dr;i ' ghts of the dial, pipes, rodi. &c. rsf ii-tiilk tl ia firrvnk-ft. vi't ihrf fil'lflfU nlcwiil excite unqualified admiration oun tiiaiuiBuurawju ii when our readers learn that intcUigcnce 11 u. im uwku&j y, wr is coriveyt .1 at the rale of .200,00:) miles cre...to discuss tiieir principles,, and per secou', or 8.000 times quicker than that . they have selected as thnr chan. Iirht travels during the same period, by pioo a person of the name of Forter m.n..fif.Wtnea! currents nansinz Tha contest oiriht to be Stout : , I IV s - - I through coils of copper wire, placed im mediately behind some line-magnetic needles, made to operate upon a circu-1 , -The fallowing rccicpt is copied from larservies ol twenty letters, wmcu inai-itho "tfdenburg Lvcning rosr ot tuo cate such teims, either seperateiy or col- 29th August, 1810. As it may be usc- lectivcly, as they have been arranged to UI, please publish it J , represent. ' '1 his telegraph, wu act do n w Toothac Af.-At ! o meeting of the day and-nighyn all states ol the wcatn- Lon(Jon - Medicat Society, -Dr," Blakd" er, and with a rapidity so superior to the gJa,t,d nhat h(J was'al)3 t0 cure the moU he(ur common process, that one minute only (leFperat?j;as-s oLtooll)ach Rflaircdfonheomtnunicauono. f!il,.age waa c-onnectej with rheumatism. signals. llcratd. 'J by 'the application of the following rem edy to the decayed tooth : Alum reduced ANECDOTE OF MR. ADDISON. - to an impalpable powder, two drachms ; It is related of Mr. Addison, " who, niters fririt of yLthcr, seven drachmi iMix ana appiy to me loom. though an elegant writer, was too difii dent of himielf ever to shine as a" public speaker, that at the time of debating the Union act in the House of Commons, he . i i i ' t ' ir vise up, ana aauressmjr nimseu iu mv A VERY USEFUL HINT. f A distinguished Physician writes; t "I look upon Iranquility of mind and pa- Speaker, said, Mr. Speaker, I conceive," I tience to contribute as much as any rising tin un; Ibt could iro no fariher ; then aain, he said, "Mr, bpeaker, I con r(ive.n-sli!l unable to proceed, he tat down ajain.' A third time he arose, and wasKti l unabie.to fay ?nv thifi2 more than- Mr. Speaker, 1 conceive when a certain young member, who was we,! nor vex their selves about futurity ; passed ol more curomery anuAoiu- but endure their maladies without ro. whatever to the cur'in? of tho di- 0 ... o r . ll . r. ' scascs. un ihis principle l account icr, tho circumstance of animals not labor- I 1 1 I - I. inZ 'Unuer illness so long as numan uc- inirs. uruics oo noi ma& to raur-n as The SovereiiO of 'Morocco has tons." Thc King's Own" would Lc a tlcman over the way J.as conceived three by the sob means of temper d title for this regiment-?: ' times, and brought forth DUhtngq rcP0S-.- V ancc and good tit

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