12. CITIZEN " IS rUEUSIIEIX , WEEKLY :dx cenjamiksvvaim; terms: ' j 1. Tb SrubecriptJon price la 12 tn advenee, or -rithia three moniha froia the data of the first UUin- W received or S3, after th xpiration of 1M example ol 1840 and in disastrous re- JYlfV sults before Jheir eyev the nominating advance, eteept to wbriber la Randolph and convention would exercise more than h newfi-t wfKborinf; cjountie, vht uuUford, ordinary care in the "selection of a ran- 1 inv eubecriber my diwontinue tl eny time bra COnUncenrV which. 88 It has hap ty pynff np u rrerfMiufof the j r--rid pntd once, may happen sgauv-in view rt,.t.jS the uncertainty olhumaV life under A: A Mure to order a dweootinuan'ce before the J all varieties ol Circumstances It W8S et?ft..uUt;riptioii7cr to ccmifand mv ,ie juy 0f the convention to take cood : Tah .' mmnicni to.'ihe tmwh care' that if by a mysterious dispensation Kir? roMiMCT ruts or rm to-ciwuro aucntimr. j'f providence the chosen of Jhe People iridci ?icn..Wffro:n.-,i8, iufin8 .. niaa firm itdd i'.hihiui n'rviri' iiiai iti n ii. alted than that in which he bad shown .' The streets along which the proces-1 ueern JJwwn, ol newborn u. i he sterling qualities of his nature-and sion passed were decorated with rainy w ic.iiue:toi jventucay; iwperi a, woo- Ciena ni aou appropriate uvvicea cum iii j " , - naments many-.iemporary piauorms j pi iwrui varuiiua j ... uuuug, vi were thrown out irom tne second anai - -- v ' - Alter the oiucers had taicen meir, I jo! here was the call to summon Lim to bit high placed ; 4 .'... It it at Jo be expected tnat wiui tne in..rei u ti do Dr Muara of 16 lice. I tie should fail upon Ono worthy to wear I Not on! uJ2jcenM fieVery inWqaent iMcrtfon Noj j Arfdwelr ha vb. the v performed tHis ( but the many thousand strangers who rWr dutv. . LenfieerooITdini accJamationsJ had bee t hint stories of the fronts of houses handsomely deeorated, and at various eats, and the delegation Irom Ueiaware ntervals elevated ropes were stretched iook position in ironi 01 me piano, me orrmi tha Rtrpeti frum house to house. I President ol the convention imroouceo from which were displayed the na'ional Ueverdy Johnson, E?(j. of Warylnod, irersion and spoliation, preventing fl;i and other Datriolic and tasteful de I wno preeeniea jine iauon.ai itizo ian.. ncccssnry nu pernicious uuciuaiior riMi It is nnnaeeifcartf to stf v A cv-1 u to the delegation from Delaware, cry position which aQbrdcd a view of preceded by an eloquent address.;; f v the procession as it passed was occupied When Mr. Johnson had concluded, from the footwav to the roof inclusive. Mr. Johnson, ol ueiaware, on cenait 01 Tha ladies of course occonied the most the deleBation from that Mate, request r . . . .. I J f . J t . A L- 1. l. rvnrprl tilacen. snd tuch an nssemb ape I ea vuueo twymn v rtuonu, which uc f i.riirh't: fiieei and hemmr im was! did in very eh quent terms. nver before exhibited in our cood citv.l The Tresidcnl of the Convention then . . f. . . i i . .i . ii .i i 'i Not only the entire rejident pnpnlaltoa, mtxouucca uio uon morose ppencer, thro tor (. r is,w i"v-;:"fc,rjKrr. : "?i .C(HirtOrler and Judicial JUrerticmaiya.wjH I oh tne . raiHYJOg BO Si ocar.wiicess let U charged 25 pcrcem.hi(r (w weutoceljjjg 8pprcfvin), TOicof ihe 7i:Son Cl'vel luvelowaitiofcinrflortliepay.) f. . , . .J,: " ' i if Jtf. f t .aWMUi. ,(f Dyme niriiii w nw i't-; i.." ........ : 31 13 pr epnv provided the selection f : Henry Cjay aiid r hco ThOM bo adtortiaa 1) Jed to ft 4cducfle.ef Ihcy pay inadv&gca.." had been drawn hither by the i'nlercst ol tho occasion, v. ere concentrated alonjl the' sincle lino of street designated for trie roirte of the pfccstinrr, presenting a rpecucle ! more- imposing, RruiiJ, oud Congress, counselled and aided, not 6b-' structed and thwarted, bp a genuinq Whig President. r, s .'.uiv.;. ' ; JV A fair and just distribuiion of the Proceeds of the Public Lauds amoni; the several Slates of the 1 Union, to ! by them devoted to purposes of general and permanent utility, thereby protect eg tne common interests 01 an irom er j . - . Oil unaj in .-w ' the Tanu; and putting a atop to the dis creditable spectacle of a free' and en lightened Nation, year by year, devour, ing its substance and steadily diminish ing the broad patrimony bequeathed t it by the valor and sactifices of an illus trious ancestry, to supply the waste and want of its annua! and ordinary expen diluren..-f HivM!-4ri.ut-H i ' Resolved, That the practical restric lion of the,' Veto power, which lias grown by repeated encroachments info who announced to the convention, the : n minations made on the 1st instant by t he N at iona I .Con vent ion. , t . The 1'atiliration was the voice of the la mighty engine , oi Executive Derpo Younz Men's Convention, as the Norn-1 tism, the limitation of a President to a inn! ion had been that of ihe old men. " single term, the retrenchment' of Our ft ; : CATI0N.V-'. fujure.go5d fq-'ihe poupiry.t - . Four jjtars ago aa thls-rpot the pep- 4jj, .mut proceed tof el foTih; as I)Ie met in.cocd--a.mnltu udinorur a; bcst we ttayt J,onic icewnof the'grind ' ray-to give warning, td an oppressive paiflt of this daysffinui '- l.1.. iWiiiU.iI Mtia i.tni.ttnn HilSrv f?t:l aCirt -Tf n r . ; y lxr;i?i;;i,,.ivn i - What i't'i 1.rr,.rin;-:ihan ha nrutmlJ before Lr-en The response wae as loud ns tens of national expenditures by' every practle- ' i j .it. I -' r t :. .ia 11.:. I tln.iwat.Hn nf voicps runid male ti. I able means. I ho tieform of thennur : . , , , t1 . - - n i arc. nevaea as uic Mfaiciiwiirua t utuin-i iu.5.u m nil? vumr. - ... -- i-- - - -i . (FMa o 64WHcer i&jl) Vl pbaat'WeeVf j AV'hcrt-eoolrt a mere hajv ""Tlia-.viow' from the. bead of Dabiirore I Judge liornen, oJ Georgia, on bctoll Ung abuses ata cprruptions crowing out . . . 1 ' . . I r ' j-'. . ' -r"' .-" i ' J:. j ... L.-- .J.. 1 n( thn -rn nr.il tf flnriittntbU tn .inform I nf fin UnWOrlhv ltlBl(VtVal f Tcvaonttirf. KircL'i w . sumiiicti to imve wren bkuii"1 " ."i't'v' . .........-.-- t--- - v I a a - a . striSttng ' and. throughout its enti ir.A 'vlcnsa mans wienlhdproeessioo passed onwards jeeptance. v . C operations of ihe federal govercment, ivirli hs countless banners, the wavinc I . rhoiloij: Dariiel Wchstcr,,pf Masta- are objects for which the -Whiff party of.tert thousands ol hnndkerchiels from icnuseua, now peing louaij u I ' . r. a.BI ti m. . r impoirg. The street Henry Way w. ms- Hormnauon as the j patronage, ana tne general reduction of ie length appeared as canuiaaie tor mo vresiaenry, reaa to ourmens ana increase oi cencnts res i f huinah bV'inFt. and I hc rohveotipn Mr Clay's lct!er of ac ing to the people from the existence a d . 1 " . .'. .L -. - . I 1 . i I . Aaminisirauou mat ns c wis uui ; JniEjGRAKJQ PllOCBSSiPS. : J .O . nd the- atmpst LfflulliaTrfWm -A ti - ' ak I Bll II IBI tin I BUftD UlUl MUaKUUiCafniLal litIll VII eopia met again in mis placer - . .r . s TI " What means this imposing attitude ! SETS . ir-wy i 1 1 . . .- Liu ura n.va.v. H.vw.n.Ma v. . imv vi.j . . icetner irora ai pans owtnisr . iM1.tn1 great Kctuc? .BlM tb.V divuions into which' the grand th.t 2; 0dffi PH J5ne and the for ?fsnltiLmil?J?fi ediireceivoindcompare;;;"' S called for, Lwilt unceasingly strive until their efforts tfie.windWs and platforms en iKth sj.:cs caroctorwara upon me stanu an od- are crownca witn a signal and triumph 6f thtstrcct presented i the eye a spec jdressed ilia convention in hirnswJ elo- ant success. :,: fl , , ':J tacle the .bfilluiocy 'find, grandeur;. ol t,wnt manner.. t ..oov.aieicaue,otiventucky,roUowed which rrjay be iinagliitd 'buUcannot U WAtVv WEBSTEl!S SPEECH.' 0 ,nd poke in his.usual eloquence for tha described; "V' K'Z ' ' ,Wft can onlwdiaracterize this speech Whigs of Kentucky and the Union. L-.- At v,y intersection -o, u ay sireet, a i ints morning, ana spcati oi it id a tew. ne tion, i nomas Jbwing, of Ohio, senesot; flags were ejttjpnded frqm the I wora.s.t it wssa hearty and entire re- having been called en, was received I Arfiencani'oce:8cro89 the street, the! sDOnse to thenomination of Ilenrvfllavl with raoturous ; amslante. ' H hnVflw centre one of which' had. on it the .device llJaniel Webster spoke like a true Whiff, I vindicated himself for the part ho , had 01 an eagie oenjirig awerou on, wnicn i ana a gooa irieaa oi uenry uiay. 4 -. tasen wun respect to Mr. ' Tylers Ad- were inscribed the names ft vLA 1 and j Alter air. Webster had concludedrr. ministrauonrsnd Expose warmly In favor FUELING HUYSE: Oo threversc Yates Wplsh, Esd., rose, and on behalf I of his old friends and associates Henry M a. ' r..i t. .V- t ..!..u: ivi.5 "j-r.t.:- I -oetwecu untoauu ten uciua iucau snopmi aoij .pm.s o. uib, ...... ol. vllf lotihe greii .processiorL began , to ' move ITn nri: r rlpfnal th determined nurnoie 1. r T " o"" . . ' . for which they are banded itegether a ino r vl r1 'P.vw. I jrj' ,he vctt)ss .-streets Jook their, allotted country to.be v ce rcscuca irom me control oitsvii rvin i- . , jj t...,A g.-s displayed and banners 0 Ing, in ihe North $MinM 'JttnWTne ntel! . - . , . , " - J. u .V;:i: "T7. T"-" "T"6' T tdentieal."5larSpanelfid BaontfrTTwhsi n X Ucsolvcd, That this Convention have ih rrlnrinnt Whi iirarvea...per; FQrtWciitnry during its rtcM with ihe; most profound and had been more than Satisfied with tha 'ueuiuaramenov tne nriusn, in ,iai, 1 craieiui scnsioiiiiy uie. tidings ot the e "sis of constitutional conservatism' to te estabnshed a firm foundation to bo giv en to sanative poicf , .wise,' pfachcal, cpotprchep8t've these ar.esuliject8 grcai enough to inspire (esolutiotwanu energy, r to call forth renewed tfTorts under ali , ctrcumstanccs of succcSsfulpr untoward results, and to keep a great party .firm, inwaverihg,' and nersevering.in theno' ble purpose to which is devoted. ' V' - lut -the more immediate .putpbse of the convention wis to coifTrm Jhehbrn- Inalions of the -National Convent ion for tojlowing ordert Fiht Dii'luon-First 'Port. . . The. Majoj of the tity of Baltimore and PscsidSnt and officers -of the Btlii- mhre cit v fjeltcation-camow st.l Tlten The.charndan .of. the General Com mittee of Arrangements.'- ' ; The members of .the ISuG-CoiruniUce iifArranrfementts,' .. 3o Guests especially inVi'cd. The Gm' "the high ' offices of President aod .Vice ce ol KeeepnoD ot ihe Niioii!.No. .fteitdenfoftba.UnitetfCtatesTV muwg Qonvennon. , . n$CQtventioh-r:Mttfilfo- --.tl member tbaNaManai Homm. m'atlstbephras5.rThePeoplc,througb tttng Conyentioo.-VTlie mo.r6 8Rtfd.aha 1 j ,t Ie r :l" ; . irifinVi.ijf the memberi ol the Nomina v a Jieir qui oi iwjjrcTcniauv,. wo vl 1 i iccounce or.cn tha'-aciion Jbf the trave I lm3 : . . . v Ihft'nstiri!? bodv 1 enoifttei! -to lacrlinvitcd " :ud;Jatcs to the f.V.h placet ot the Go- 4gcsl i fc-nfni.nl. Th anirai if n nfirAttftl tell I he W ' ."A . . ...! IStnl 1 . . Convctitioti landT 'of liie-espcciatly guests weW i)rbvidpd.wah car wcra siiiicu iir uiii iimrs-nia jcuuuii: i ui uic tuiiuuincc ui iwu irom eacn State viar bou iiieoaore r rcilDCnuVSCn. points oi vwgPQ'w acunea iD sr intne unipmt.uerea tne loiiowing res- Then came'Edward Stanly, of oi wr. Viay-a-sLcecnes. ,. v voiuhoo. wuicn were unanimously ad Hnrn nn-.whriTnrr.Br. hi 2 Tht. Slar , an'd.whichT suggested 4he beaulifur a nomination of .llcnry Clay as the Whig stand by them, tionai Song conrpowd by the lata lamer Tcandida'te for the Presidency in the ap r.' ? ' in i nrn.nl m nlanlw.n "k.i - ' ... w. , nominations, and North' Carolini would .... ' made a second speech iuu rnum ma uiriiuycu ui i inuiii.wiiit hcuuuii. ifdl, recUEnisinB I . .t. - .!.-. i fronl Arm sieaa, ao oect o. oecp ,.qiefei inc u8yer.ai ?Da cnensnea wish ot the hIam:Ma nn, StewarL J ' matnopsanas tna, passa pjv Vjf ? .- w ;ncy.au itn; the peculiar r a resolution was" sdooted that the gicviiuu uuo iu Him wi o is, floove an .v r r v, othtr men, tha jnan ol.th' Union, the W "fhvfeT,0?. 8bU,5 history V whose whole life is the in- b? c,d le ciiy of Philadehph.a , and nouncement and'expressior, of the gen- 8 lf.r B'feT??l' M JS uine sentiments, principlcsrind purpos- ?f Cnnee !cul Committee of Uau cofthaWhitrnartv ' . F P fication adjourned, sine tfie. , ' ."CI V - .' . . ... ncoiicu, nak mis vunvenuon nave THE SCENEUPON-tilE GUOUKD. la the order above oated ilehead of the "Procertfion reached the, creufid ' at fCanton.- .5i6ft.aficr the various per sons iiivuea io iae eais on .ine piat- form looK.4neirplat;es. and- the .delpga- tions irraavnpe lormmg aroona ir re- heard with Jhe liveliest grati6cation the ceivea tiwir. arxwjng irierws wun cneers nrjmiBimn ol ,TiieodorP Frelinehuysen and music. Hre scene was mosl-W ,h rindidate for the Vice VriAn. NEUTRAL; GROUND . MA life of great length and experience has satisfied me," said Mr. Clay, at Wil- ?. .nf,-. ; r -. .. ' uiingiui;, mot ! panics aim at i ne rnaicu urw vxcHingriai; oeyona.flnyxiej- Cyt assujed that inhis fidelity to his scnpiion mas rno pen cen give. . i no country ,in bts.undoubted attachment lo rnmtm mnd th, a whole mathiaery oT the , procession de- hha nHneiulea of ihe Whitr Mrn.'i- u Lj.- f .u- - ,t . Vll emincntjsorvice. approved. . ability, and unprejudiced mind. What is there-! ' ' . I JLd.KMa a U II I . I t . I - a mcmbcts of the Maryland Whig Central Lommittte. r - nwground. ... -V. .nLmorar purity, the People have the bast 1 ho lev. "Mr. Cascom, oT Ivy4.; open- security for the hunest discharge of the eo c4nycnMonitbaTno!rt.rmprea duties ot the station for which he has sive prayertand the immense mast stood h- Wpf - xmcoTCtcdtteOppealeTTothJ . juolvedt That this Convention do llirono oi ornrc. Alter -wnicn,' I. f thprr-rnrn mnist rnrdu v mtiru.r, k u r .i. n t " . . - ...... .(IM J.onnrm uio cnoice oi mose empower? tr,' t-' 7:.r. , 'to roake a.choicc. and lironoanceMepibcrsof.iJaMsr tv f :hAtIarnatoriai tonvcmion. , , . cOntrv upon the election. ' . 4 m.65r oftoagress. - Vhen the resolution Was announced - Y D'S Mertbert of the se v rlng the concurrence of the Rati6 A?1- r ; " : v, f r. i,n Convciition in the nomina on of t whit; Members of the City Council IlnUYOtAY for tho Pre.idwicy, the fS!Mmoref KT - . ' v iiwss one worth a pilgrimage to ' anor.! f. Newspapers. - cc It exhibited so earnest ol that long ' Tle Baltimore CUy Clay Club Con , delaVdV yet always accumulating ack ven,wn cme f f .x , i ' 'jBowiirmHti Ann, tr var rrtifrri ..'In' a splendidly decorated car, con od kSbful service, from a grateful "tfttctesd alter the fashion of the Grqcian 1 ounl) o a worthy son. But we must 'rumphal chariots, and having he wheels rot aL i-irjate in our notice of thta mem- and body ornamented in like flylc, ratUrV. - '"; V by? lour gaily caprtsioned grey 4 ;TI I htfnnft n PIIT?"I J Nn HTTYSRX steeds, the bridle rein- of each held by a : f' meiYjcff presidency-tbis was the groom neatly attired m white, came the other tthiwtioo'tb-Wrstjfied.'ind tniist WIJlCv BANNER COMMITTE, . .. agreeatjs wa3 thduiy to be discharged having in chargQ the object fur the gain ; in this blhtlL An eminent citizen r-.bw' ofwhich many of tho States had con io be maei-nre dlBi'mfriiUhcdnot bv. tended .with a generous emotion, and J ' rpasoo ofjh'nown obtrusion of his' pre-, which had jsi been awarded to tho . tensions, fr' by the wise discrimination Stlte of Delaware. ., ' , n.T 'n r ,U 7 , y i 1 1 4i"l . iujiwiminniuii3, pnu uy pieoee VYhigOub- m.uee ol two delegates from eath Slate themselves and the Whig party to the v'r'r. , b i Ttg'rwu sujipwrwaiivi luinerance 01 tne . - fipcrs to preside at the convention : same- wiih all the zrtil anH hu it m . i ava . a . i ..- s " a " x i -- - . uu . aaaj vcrai oiaic i Presidentno. M.Clayloh, pf Del effort which may become good citizens aworc , -v - " v,r . . I stnvinc io the cause of their countrv. rice PresUen f.-E. P. Borbank", of I . . fiesv(nedl Thn t this , Convention rr e- Maine ; Geo T Payis,of Massachu-j affirm and proudly proclaim ttheir ad- setts ; W. Wlioardman, of .Uonuecti- i herpnee to the distinctive Principles and . " I aa ' M ' at.'. cut ; rortus caster, ol V ermont ; James I Aieasurgs of the. ( vv tug party, N. Key nolds, of New York . ii. W. I khown of all nien.-'and cherished Archer, of Maryland ; John BerlevI of I large majority of the American People. m... rr kt u..1m If I r.n V ... - Carolina Geo, S.t!ry8on," of, .Sooth 1 . 1. K' Tariff which shall I of itself pro Carolina ; Wm. Belt, of Ohio ; Francis I yi.de sufficient revenue to pay the debts Vnambers; oi Kentucky - John J. 1 and dcirayho expenditures of-the Fed' Harlin, of Illinois; A. S. Williams, of jeral Government such Tariff so ad Michigan j'I7r. Doyle, of u Lr Edwards, of -Mtssqurf; , ton, ir, of Arkansas i Wm. Rollston, ol 1 ductive Industry of the Uouoirr. Alabairfji i 11, C iVVeightmanj. of D.rs-1 f 2. A Autitidat Currency, :' Svnich i-tnet of Columbia ; Wrn. Paton,' pf I shall ho of uniform par viluu in every Rhode IMahd J. Wi Miller, Of -New j part of the Union, aud; which Imay, be Jersey ; T. m. P. Mclvaniiao, of Pehin 1 transmittvd from 1 one section to any i iMm MiMtini t ni. I th o m rpif t-t A v nni'n ni vthttii ... I . : . . I . , r ir- ..: . ..... . .. t ...l ...;i . j i i it.wiia wvi iiitet.ii. vis. . i , iir.iijr i in lAi. rn . I' iia i i'. ill .1 ivhiii. : .1 jmi'w .v in. rii.. itv n I " ii.iii 111 n ni I .r u it nniii nwpnnni . e i ih. . Kf -1 . . mm . . vmm . . , - - . . . .- .. . V ' , , . 1 ft'11 I v. iivmi.i tiiwuhi w..wv.l Vt yv" I UI6 1 S3:'rz5: "V j -. ..vvS) . . f 1 . 4, , joues, 01 aenncsBeu, luoa, puuer 1 com w oexreaiea oy sucn means and ptililical 'rVf Tted Kw promise of future I of badges, banners, and proccssrons,wtth ; King, of Georgia. : Wj.- :4 .instro;ncuialUk:ss shall comaiend them- space w afpuwa ci acuvniawoe- wc.n tne liammure papers are hJicd l AeMlart's.4!Mikcrt of laiac ; I eclvss to tPi .wisdom vol ths. next Whiir'sons. what can there be to cause the mass of the people - to desire any thing but . gooa to meir country! i hey cart never ny act ScaThst the inter- cst oljtheir count jy; except through the mistakes or deceit of leaders in whoso nanas tneir power js entrustea. ; 1 There is one ground on ' which J the, great body of the Whig and' Democratic" parties can meet and mingle with all the cordiality of brethren, and compatriots. It is high and holy ground, where no". UHlUKfUbu l. tuillbu I If tSAISV , lor VII' ference there would be treason to cur commop country. They unite in a gen- "Union at all hazard' is "one of the sol- emn doctrines or Hcnrv C av t recent! reiterated before an assembled multitude ol his fellow citizens ol North Carolina oi aii'parties responded to by verv genuine Whig, and cherished, we doutV not, with an equal enthusiasm1 by thu "origi nal panel" of tho Democracy. v True, there are somo fanatical menln ' the Northern ccuntryond some Fanny ; Wright locofocos infesting the Northern 1 cities, as well as ambitious,se!fish, wrong headed men in the South, whose course and aim are to weaken the attachment of pcviQ i.i uietr v nioo. jui mey can- breathe treason enqngh to affect the atmosphere, except in the small hich surrounds their own per ., . . . . ... ......

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