7 :? I . X i ! , I III i I jt ft""-'- 4. " M IIAT DO Wli LIVE TOn BDT TO IMPROVE OOnSELVES AND BE" USEFI TO pNE ASOTI1CII i volume:: jVSlIEriOKOUGil, N. 0., AUGUST 7, 18411 NU31BEIt4a. fit ' 1 1 . 1 .- 1 : 1 m j m 1 i f 4 , i .'aaaw ' i & a m . m - w r w . . . m a n j 1 M t Jt 11 v v-y i in 1 i - 4 t 4 If f -1 X ft ViiMa Uiiee niotiilui from (lie date of tti ttm nwn n nc'uivf Ur-'ut 13 'nflf 1 lie cxpiiiitivii of that IV N paper Will tt $ui, without paysrnt in fclvtore. txccnl t9 ubscriLcrt in Ranitolph and h nrwcBt iMiliioriiur;c()untiet, vitt c,mifird, Kraitlr. Cbo. Dvidm ana 8i X Any rii!wTTil)cr may dieoi)iii:u t ny timr aui U)cnrisc Uik l tU diacniioa cf lho 4 A fiHiua to order a dloMimnncc ttforc the r : ci tbt iubttfipuou j ir U totu:dtrcd a j.i v, 6. AU Ictttri tnd eowmunicaiion 10 (Lo Hditoi tUT cUS rotx mio. cftniE to etuuic anemiuo " A!W!)winrBU will to corvpfcuoui'iy and fiuV DfMil kicrtttid tl IL 00 per raturo cf 13 Iitt, i'4 lS ut tor eftry atiLqwut inreitioa. "No KlTrniaiaeW, IwA'rver rlwrl, will bo cbarjjul ki Vutm OtJen & Judicial Advf rWcawnU will tr to a W.Wi)f ii lh ry.. i , ? : ; TIUM4 bi ilvcriuo r.y tbt vcAt.wul b cntt- fjed t 4c!uctLa uf .-34 1-3 ptfeput provide J troriicniJ,v. ,4, rrrrcT of tue gu.v .war. than frost. To MsOOng tlmli that ruck tlw uw Vor, " ' I .?. ! J . ..II I " .1. f Tfc riffiitJ rlitritil Uwij tome w'tf.f' f If ywrfrfut Jt iUm litnmgtt Ail W taonrd ctcinSti ail r-orjm!e. ' . If rarly nmi .U anfua'd raytnay ibin, T fcnd wrjmili U. ttroggliiij valvca r .ja . IUfituLaLiic V-ldb aonewhet crirfled p-wTr,?' Afaii ! WwiKcTia l(nTnf y deck Uie rJocju i: an brr-atkin VrJerU retynv "t': AnJ ttav;Hi lU aiuUal Jtiktl fail to burn, ,f TUa Coil c flanl ajaio wcruiih f n"?, A avlM Ud Bf'wfy KlifACC liuiw. 1" rp aCciI wiik iinWaJihy tm -'y ptaati' karj nd iwodtUj corer'd 'tr, JU :!KgU the pirari -. Finn 4ji Cur thvtge of mauerpvw. X fUaaJ pwHItiai M bt arid brlnft, tM'Mtwc'rVjVcVaiKl turae the atiJ bi, ' Aifl tuur a ihe'taeth'ruiiairii'-' TIj nu1 drpriii in wttre tL fuod'aufitataVy' Tie itul f tar-h, tU? way lU jnic'r attain' d. c3 i!i .tux niittcata putjy biur1!!! V,' S :tMisijrmin ridMinj Wiet throjj, ff JL cUnj'J rtC-t.,.rMMl a Litfyi , fJrMy rlulU ! ttlfftfu'd alv fej f f f ( I ;rlcU lwjf ran W action jfiiruVj T Uir?dJ c m th aidiu; liyi &( piere,. VryVuL rBjjTiia buri.mf Joutiy Cftc. u J wh ttv clirytal thaw in irfppl'J tatr; . rrrr ' jn return in form c,ftnf!ciii,"rtf;:f utinifi-omi V.f'l'! the f 'i'p e.Wd, "i , p,nic, i.Kuit rtlv il:t V,cwt A,-t ' . - -.i. 11'.-.'.. -: -,i t t Vhn-d I. u.mt ar lo.t d I ! lniu-l 1 gf . iVt tt Uf Ac b .t,"-ai itica!!od, vliitli happened, turniii; to mo uca miiwiuauun wc 5' , .A 'WORD Th e We have so ifccch r6 say irt rtRard to 1 tr.a i KiJCtuiiui CHnviaaiiiiai.-iTyjcan: tardty tj are liine orVjoomfor lnjy fc--mails t uUtf TtxWs rjiicjtion,ar.dvt wr ilceni it Wr'dbtjj yay new Wds fa thj kubi'!Ct now l and i aak ihc m 1 . I V L . a .... j;.Iw.H atUxtirinof ihcreiTde"r;Y'JV'vv ' TtMnigh io tlie, fi tp) "SiaWthe tJoco f.eos doTnot irilatc lho 'Texas'fiu'jistion. and are eaotious ifi their niod- of treaty fc u 2 it not to arluic thc-prcjudicc'cX uV 1. : t ...- kj...-. .- .1 . v.'...;i.',t.v f tl'pIC Ol U l'il III (I t UUUHI Jiicj t try to make It the engroWing subjott, 4 aiJ ' try "thereby tof divert flhy : pw He j tVom the mighty '-questions and -interests 1 in!ved in' the ci-ming Presrder.tjal glee-, turn. We cali pponvthe'f Mgs in tlie. fW.h sxJ tlie West to be nfc jhcirgbard; t Ijct tbm not be diverted from the; issues t IPitiL tet them considerthat thou-xb ) aoma them may deem. M wori,h .while. U - to admit Texis proper with tho consent ( tf all the parties concerned l "tho pro- r,tiie v and under proper circumstan? U res it isirfinitcly wioe bnnortant to T, vkil their Picaidential candidalc lfiti- ?l iitelyf ioorb7iui,f,rj3.t to avoid all dfe 1 iracuow It ilij .Witt party 'r ' ' .1.. t ..;T4i.f..' 1......41 V.. J. -i": v r , -,v.,- 1 r 1.1. iii. i,:. t;1 k:, i...'-;. ,,r Torun wines mA n 'm Ttzns;VucttpR. -t ' ' icwroaper orBaVTeuirrfier'a'at . JrMkG tuiurc:'oi ' lyings such a. que;, ion th aJmisuo of Texas.cannot ba.ihad party "question iq lho cnfoWtf (ha phrase. I Uka the Baiift- ropl I'liVr nhtcQ met lho juppof t and apt. Lijarnhteb met "ihg opposijion cf maDj la Jbptli partiej, (e. u;cuocos were au;o 10 convert info 1 parly qufslidif, hc anrfexatioa of princitlt which divide jhc two great H parties. Tljera is no reason why jVhigs iriould ppoe annexation moro than ihc'Loctifucoa. No man lrom a i:tiu.;icd're of the priu- cijjl;s of tha i wo parties could irifer any Hung tit ty their respective predilection fucTexai land.-s A far as we kndw. a tafUTrnjiif or a Naiionst harilt man U as .question rniM nossiblr a scctonarijie5Udn--''ta rjuesiioii dividing thf J frpoTT $tas'arii(h.i alave. Kia ies- neverAa-pafty qoeaii pafty fiocsiionjn reference io (5! of jrrniiidiata; anne?J64MsVidently( absurd. u . . . . .1 " ir .v- food of good tfn9 aud junpy'allc? a,! freW4orIit;1Vireafure Texas' ouestioh fhihi nftesiblf Lecomtj urd.'4fth(3 ilocofWos a'pariy arv IlptH'''. lly in favor of annexation, tl.ev 4hcu!d vising Imrf.ta vote, for Polk w1i; voted rea! have nominatedTy!er laolbori 'And for a iieavy tax 4ear.J tCce ? thc onty Candidate In a posiltion to txirt 2.: As& Idol, fiqw daiMiicfijrge tlie any ti;lJnnri jn Jhitf f tb rty.-f -V Cuttliotroaiy Is jrejectcoV booti oas- thirJ 01 tbe;oeoroco i-etort vot:n2'a gainft it,' . As to Ihc uliir.at settlement i of the lexas question, it Can make lutte JTUerenco wbeihr "aWbig or, a locofd eoba elected tojh PfcsidencyTbc. election wifl furnish rig test of ihc wiU ol the p.cpple on .'thai -(uestioiu'l It must ilill be' discussed before tho people," and. whoever may W fleeted President, the wilt of tho people will prevail ia the ccd. If the people decide In favor of annexa tion, the territory will.be annexed, whe ther -tthcre.be a AVbijf or a Ijocofoco President; a Whi or a Locofuco . Con cress,'' And if the American people should, all obstacles being removed by the COnson ( , avaijuu ment of the wir, decide in favor of an j cexation, would they not infinitely pie fcr; trusting such ay matter to Henry Clay jrathcr than, tQ James ICPolkf ' : ii was iiwayi ouvtou (nai.irra ijoco tocos did riot wish the treaty to bo rati- uea oy tiro qjjmoii", ;.ior.inai . jvoum pui ao end to the -Tti I humbug f end now we j cTo: not J believe' that the: Southern whig cf the jinrtycipect r desire an ni l a lion. vli ; liha Dent on,' they' pla'cejd thf5question'otr a ground vl" comprbmiso r-ia ground ''upoirwhic!ihe.'Kot'th and tha tJoutb might meet their sincerity inight ba admit ted But placing iLnpon the pround of StrengtCchliiihe political lrifiuer.ee cf the slave -hoi-ling S'attr, how can they, expect lho concurrence of the free Stated,-'And, without this Concur rence bow cap theyrexpect to succeed H C, oOtvil.iij ymi? luaimg.jji'jcvim thflT South Cirohna . nuliihcrs vis Jo sow tho seedsof .seiicnadjsVord, to 'brce;rt sectional animosities, with the- view of finally i serving- th& XH ioti Al r-: MS.f DofDe' jleclarjition that foe ieri'vears ha had ceased to take: the least: interest in National n flairs, an'd h!s ' picthrc of me iransccnj.int glories 01 a soutiicrn goiv audaciously preclaimlbat. il md per- uiitted ; to - braCl exa rnla tfie; Uflioii peaceablj?hdy wilj ilVfrlve iheUniiVi HOflerlhan abatliiTiaU lai nent "tda w that throughout thg South and West ho focofocoscsm-to f bVib- lected witn mis uppatnouc anu.iriuior Thoatchword oftho party in spjiing AVatchwbrds j Liberty. juri(U pitti,; one 'and inhpeuoi Hurrah ; lor tho vaari ana sinpesr uur rev olutionary glories aro forgotten, and. in stcaicf Puukct llift'! arid Yorkto our ears. are deafened 'w ith the" jingle vt Sak jacinth-Th tf ifiunil ' jioCUib" tors i t(ifnt h to rpkiinlli the Ores ad oat notis lisin ib the? hearts i( their cfiiintry ruea let thent rcitwe UiOi Ealnoiitt as- Wasliinaton hal dared to utie'nhe rv oes npiritr . r 1 irnpiy;4i, - i is now ,v yitF vhu A7r.VTheviiittert- rtf ' roBcUhe iociaiV'ns and watchwordsf the rcvo-Jutioii-Iet. tha ha.mes of 'Washington, Adam?tIancock; JefTerscm, ii;d Madi son, Ini'rocfaimtd Jet 'Ihi'ldoJj'oJf a peonloVnoly Vevernce be let U'cngairi : upon the pedestals cf a pcopVa hsana 1 .uwi.uiu,r,!.i wi, si; AAtn,i Dannof'and put Ui rate the shabby trn.ir tori that twve dartd to raio u forejj standard among it em, and inn eitu stances ifie standard ot disunitii. Let only lho Star SpangkU Uar.ner' J'jai i the "land of ilu f ee and the homo v the brave." I.tt un ' Icne star ol Tex as" bc torn down and trampled . id the, dust t and let tJie names cf We&huicion, JefTcrson,Jl adion and ClaV, be shouted cry an Tlin- IKCOriSiS TUNC KS - !F : LO THl3:WY to' TH AP a P6lCET.r JA tumioilujiUt5lelwubeo;iWk',r poses ro, assume inc ticais ol -a, foreign .late nbey ay M miinons, EenloVayi ga.nliHior.itl 1 4iadxietiapV4inwrr4 ass nun, intie i'oik! rjartv1 Hrere 60 acxipos tdhaVe TxUsvy did tjieyl uvuiiuigiii witaa lltHJ WIIU; 1AJSHJVCIV eray; and riyal, (aiid 'whr doubts it) whV he is so rantankorously anxioua to abof ib our home trade and manufactures," (os in other words otr TariflV to. build up her Jiotne trade and manufactures, and htr Tariff? This is Polk's Free Trade!! ' w- - v. ask a rolkat. if he i crmosed to a United States Bank,, how be , can sup. DOrt the Vcrvman who ilrat ami rrvnt edly proposed tho tecjiarter of that iiar k' ia, Congress; we mean' George IaJ's last '' ' V;i v ;s-j C. ; Ask him if H is opropcdlot Taf iff, how tjarfhe f'opbort XJcorgo M; Dal las; w ho is in favor tI it, and ivas" nomin ated, fonhewthjalPjikwa Hoi; the Hputh.t Oau'lft ruii thtf'Texas hor se and biowrpold H thcylWiJT-and ihd oilier f Dallas! lovriyik thb TariVbrs and WuW hot ortlhh.TaiifL riiilr'?!.la J'ini, ,hdf he caniabusMr p very Viio!? which hb obce 'very iisoril iJo:'i we're. in, fa Xntilv 'constituted National -;riius Tariflt l)istribuiion'"oi W of public1' lands-lo the' Slates, J.J JlV. ,1 I. . It ! f ' ' " . - ariAo.iuvi-UUjuuiy, wuen v-a-tirttttne righ; :r- 's?:':r. " . I- . Ak a- i'olkaf, If bi rtty" kick op and keep'up jitih;ii'o,,s m South Carolina; il ,thq i'.NqriTi. t'a ru!in;AYh5gi are to tjuit Uicir fsrmsnd ,Vii:,T stores and their AvorEsfiops arid their; families, itnd 'marth'loi South 'arohrjio. iut Uowri Uie ciyltwarhecvrVvyui?4hoy jrWntecr.to raise moaey i ancf fiHlvt i fins nortiuKj suuo iiicy ove iit)y.uicpur; aU)g'jnfaiterrtai'efavAVrii their leader 1 U la I Ha ! Ha I "'-'.'". c'fftftjt viit it Jiavtt'on h1;jifue 'ef Jans aid 'all other property iqi Norlyi$!U iia?-rA,rb'ihey hoj low enoMgtt 61reUiy ! ( J J -.Aak rum to lay his hand on tiu peace. prosperity vrthe) States who ha'Va dorw rnoro to restore ny every pairioi, a owning uja DasQ of "Ti ler and Tesa," and ioUc; 8 acinto,'and TSajrh- Hooston 1 rjrf v ' U Ak tho ffrends-ef PtrtK. i) 1.1,1s aiid tCfSnTrrtarg'J uitu its' lower r y,. 0 :i- L .. l.:-J '. . .u i..Zi::. ..U. ......:.- 1 ........... iy-a, 11 wotjnio itvvrwuo vA,iC01 is oiv.'iiiiwrsi iiimic kviiu. 'i t icii.-y antf tSfrbapU'wiUi lUrcial Dritiii:;w.h.tv hi pa i:'icCt.1j:thi!.'thotst to trnli ryranui to trghl thut J xii3.?war and, pay, Uit lU :iu . ft.h-;oioi.;u.; torty UvX andihns.ad4li1ln'sofore l .irV r: h ; i fc't. 1 viul Vi ft 1 1 J a la n J to thoViexas dcbtWs m"imnlff 1-' thrbr'lour riuies hfgherlaiV'-lhe'old lO.?A5k hira-ifWurAlTeiVhat SoiitHChurh irt r.cai 1 ana say . wnctner it , wogiu Dot ,00 betterTti) bo a Whiinlr T ?or';,tho p'aVriols Clay and l,Vcringhuy,ser),lincvri lo be fi lends ':(o.fth6' ''Deaee.iB'riion.'and the credit and wealth aud honour of thc4w Jortned t.put it is almost a new one, . j-.i-t .4 . . . . it -1 1 e . v t 'l.'t..'.j 1 1... 1 . coutttryTlhan all the l.ocofoco ariy who only ncM Jo ho 'in power to make us once m.oroa happy people is It ot j Letter tiiaa to go tuirwJy with thetr, par trylj - l wire fiominited fol lha chiyf Alainsira - l y cd the pqonlevof the United States 11 1 ; :,.:.,' OLD DEAUFOUTa AC0NVE!1SATI0N. Passing dawu to 'our cllko two or three'. days iao, we came to a cf np!o of Irlciiidj cear Mirket street, ono a Whiu. and tho other a rr Democrat; who were in j the vtry sumn.it ol our meeting r.ousc? pnVersaii'iii,J-As we came up 1I10 Id-! i J its ;.c:it vtu!d go about half fccrofS .lowing colloquy toe k place : i the if lit 1 i!.o ineetirg housC. Otilh'J KJlJii ; . You' are a man of loo mnrb " if it s the liure ct the proj.hct Ia srni'e'.ari'd'Taiidor, surely ,tut claim .Mr. ib, about as largo as life ; cn its twa Vbitak ft friend and advocate cf a Tur .des are a ccupb cf stairs to go up iou iff) . . i v . " 1 it. r ptm. Certainly not j 'Iisfrcut is beaatifulJy paiate?, awlhal U'ttiir. tut your paper? are eniieav.-maees uputi which ibo hours t f the dav, I orirjj to j.crsuada the pci plo that l;u ii as good'a Tar'iiTrnan as Clay. JJcni.' I know it, but nbf wlili.my ep- proba 1 i . I told" ;ur fi iecdi ihat ho'n 'sty was the best policy, and tluit ,wc cbyld net, end ought r;ot to pretend that Polk is a Tariff man, lor we know to the r ontrary ; and the jjeoplu will find out that ha is nbf, and will then accuiif it of dithor.e sty.' , ' ;ry IVhir. btn alad to bearTCUsncalt so candidly, it is impvssiblelu'ke'ep its T6cp!i - in ignorance of U,VvlV real ujjUHuii4 jui'g, ami vYiiai musi rcey r.m& o tbosarwbo go ceiiterately to iyiik & aeoicve u.cm ,pyj uowwigni; tairr aaerlins what tby;koow to; Id ,4jn:rtit? Jt Air.' Polk H opposed to tta projective syetemjas he bus .again 'and agairfde JaicdV,.d is we kpvw hej, let him stand p'o bii opirrioiis bk a-jnafti. If Uohs3 4iot4ho i.eest and boidfaessro orr that 'nVfor I areo wiih yoii ex; hfgVthy then, il Mr. Tolklsaa honest mart and opposed to a Tariff, did he use euch language as that in his letter tef Kane when ho: said : "In; my judg ment H is; ihe'duty f lho cover nment to eiticrid, as far 0s iljlnsy be practicable to do byii revenue laws und all oth ir invuHf n nwrrua pw vr, 111 1 r ar.u just protection to all the great interests of the whole Union, embracing agriculture, manufactures, the mechanic aits, com. inerce and navigation.'' ; S pem. I cannct defend him. rolit! cinns are slippery fellnw yr-11 know, and it would bo straro ii .Mr. Poilt hliouid to an exception. It's wronj i owever, decidediy wrini, ond I ibi uld have vo- tcdl lor him w rriti ii n.cre ptcnsuro t! he had acted lik- a and stuck uo ti stuck up tti il friend cl Ids anti-proter live notions. :. Tin' Dcu.oirat is a personal ( OUf , in; us ail ciin judg'i by bis rc fair, honest candid . man-- i I.. .1 .' j- t: rP3 xn nis po"Ucal views, (according 10 mr """"-) H generally right upon iKi lt i:.a!:t U S. Gazztic. WONlJLltt Ui; CLOCK. 1' Tlie ? v. Mr. Tun.b 1 1, pustor of the t 1 . UL 1 Ihrv i .! '.'ii.err'tfh ij.rv,. t:caton. wrote a letter (ins J;T his , i.t; tour to Europe, to the mciiil-rs i l tho Sabbath School connected , with his congregation, in which h'te've nn interesting account of awocdeiu! y '''.(art. After intro ducing tin? letter- r. preds as follows : ' Ttciois u fillet 'init I ran thick of which iili be o hktdy lo iu'trest you as slid; great astronomical cbn k, which I saw the other day in the trihedral at (c Sransburg. This Caiin-drnl, by ihe way, ! h U brio of tne fi:;Ct and -oiit-?t iu Du:( p.'. I : ;3 Vftstands)alhe insideVm on? j'brrtcr of 'lr, a'nd is a'rhosi irsyig" ftn jteuti six hundred ebpfdVi'sX'tit-very'.dayat ta.ii!!ck)c(,w hen t J perforrn- jsoftia'cxi t raordinary ffut?, whrch'l (shall; ftieiitibrj presently', and ; Severarirtifhons in the urrsJDf Ihd'var T-her3 l?a ve bcert twOrbrthrcjotks la the siimo place, ujkm, tho model yl which the present one find Vast constructed by a mechanic whoso bamewasf Schwilgue in 1838, ;y whornfa ndctorna fcto ot;iistival was given by hiifollbvvcitizcns, 60 tnbocca ajcuiof rtebi$pletiun, Y r .' i'To civduyou'Bome-jd(ift oi thojsizc of - fhbj lock,:,;. twill compare it wi.h aoiiiO. omcr ijA'pg wiiiivwnicn,you are taujii ianiiistcad joT. iayirte it ,'w'aV so many feet high and so many ttet w;df, &c. 1 Qoinis, iie laeraaiciy. noi in wm rjc ZrJki. :.i4sbal) not' fall cut wiibJvou AYt-!!, thn jMjrtmcnibtr.theBo tfftha poft olRctt' in U abbirgton Vreef. It u hs h'ii as that, ond'atovt os"vrde, or il iea--ii i.eariy s , its top wouiu rcacu tbocaPjs cl tfcu stars, the ecliptic, ihu by effjs cl the wees, ilia 1 evolution 01 motion of ui 0 sua in tfi j iitic, ine days 01 tne montn. tno sea sons ol the year, the phases cf the suu and moon,anda greaj many things arof indicated. Here, also, jo niches prepar ed for them, aro moveable images cf tho Saviour and-his twelve aydsttes ; , Death, and i,inoe',with his scythe r. the lour a ges Jiuman?life, and! several other forms which I cannot mention To givb you "a -lil'tle farther idea of Us magtih ude, let 4"me ;say ' that the'ro .arq tneans'.cf Tgotog inside of it ; and that r ?me en or nueen people, pernaps mora MiliaatahdiogetherJa tts.ery heart anu examine ine macnincry, mr, iea(, two other gent'emeri and,rnyself, wuli thetcbductor wenf into ir and spen. u bobt an hour there. -' VVe.went first i 1 o aliiwei'; thep intcy; a higher, and th-n stilt 'higher apartment of it, and should think;" of 'more than a thousand pieces splendidly polished and all dependent lor tho harmonious action upon the short, tnick brass" pendulum which swings in tlie centre. , .;' -1 Out I c mast tell you what this clock dues. irlt not only points out the hours and the days, the times and the) seasons, but iheTeyolutions of the stars, the solar and lunar equations, the conjunctions and the eclipses of tho heavenly bodies. ilu-ll ru-iilin "t ! nl- - - m nous changes ibroueli which they pass for thousands. oi years. .It points out itpparent lime, mean, or real time, and Ecclesiastical time. ' On its face you sea the motion" of the stars, of the sun and planets, of tho moon and her satellites. Two little cherubs, who sit, ono on ono side, the other on tho other, strike tho f a . a B v quarters 01 tno Hour jJcatli btnkcs the hour with.a mace', while our figures pass and repass before liiin, teprcsent tog the .various stages of human life, j Al i2 Vclock mrVdi'jr, when Death strikes 12," the apostles,' who are reprc sentcd each with tho badge of his roar tyrdom? come but from lhe('clock''and pass before the "tmago of lho Saviour, bowing as they pass, and receiving his benediction, which ho gives wiih a movement of the hand. : When the apos tle Peter makes his appearance a gilded cock, which is perched on ono side of tha clock, flaps his wings, raises hu head and crows so long and loud as to mako the whole Cathedral ring again. rTh.U he repeats three times in memorial of ihc cock that crowed threo times be fore the fall cf Peter, during tho cruci fixion cf our Saviour, Of course tho cock makes no further noise or motion till the next day at 12 o'clock, when he repeal the rame lood and start'iog jow, Happing his wins ond raising his eao. ( uciyLic m. unmimwiii 1 111.111 111 uu .CliAM. Z7. .Mini M. .ill A n n h I. C?tf csia was lately arraigned for bignmy.- On tho trial it appeared that he had suc cessively, marwd nie wives, all of whom were in court. Tho judges de creed that the bast ' punishment would , ba to make him livo hereafter with tho w'nofe nine, vl'he Unhappy prisoner pVade'dlor capital punishment on hear, iog Uidr-decwion; but . wyhout effect. Tbcfcoart war inexoribfe? ""c ' -i to tyZondo'rLi-London now, beyond ill. doiibt, : tho largest and most popqlous city , in tlv world.;'.. It may somewhat assis'" the imagination in fo.rrh. ing a conception of iu immensity when we reflect that its . ptesenripbpulattoii is equal to that of the six New England Siats,Vvi2. Massacluisetts,' Maine, Con necticut, Ithodo Islam, New-Hampshire, uuu v crtnoui. MS By grasping at time, you have reach, cd eternity," as the judge told lhevma,a who was sbntenced to bo hung for aieal. ing a clocfer"" ' -- . r fr Ml 1 , A y - n t I T - -