"w t I , V J1 - " !"A U? WKj L,IVB rCk"' BUTJTO IMPROVE OtUSELVES AND BE USEFL TO OSS ANOTHER eWBWBa- I III a . v , - ' J u ) "".. '.NUMBKIt 47 t J .TUE "CITIZEN " IS rUCLlSHEO WEEfcLY v . UY BENJAMIN SVAiai. " I. Th jubar rfpkn" prlr i 2 la Jrnce, er iilln ihr luoniha from tli dale of the firHkuut W retiBd-i i ftcr tb expiration U tlut . r ; . -t ' '., r v- , -. :.-'.;,"'. " I Kn pip VlU'b ifcVt, .wiifioui pymnt in advm txcpl to tuiWiibem in B.ndolph cud th pet ncic-Lborina; tounli, vis ."tiuilioiJ, Prtnj. Wfetf, Vkatliooi, Jloorp, JIootxMf.cr, Vb, DovidKDnwid Stoke-'':. X Xi'T niictMt OiJ .dweuMinue 4ny ihn fcj P"?! weMt(rflUcA the pptj not HrwW, u)vst at ij ji,, Sitt y the Ed- ,V;'V' fi-"".' ri'w. t Kflptioo jev ia wujOcreJ Be ' MpT5'j' -"- -j'..-r ? -' ',tn mpim!c atlona to the. Editoi XfLjtue tear rAt, ci fats to citrare aturktiun . ' .is, ."A ; v . v 1 KUCES POR ADVEBTISINO K AJrnh-emtnU will be conapicnuvwljajiilkaal omelT Uwiteil at 1 00 per aquare of 16 linfn, ami SS centa fy erry auto-fpum inaido No tdvertiacmen l)ovtr h"H,Ul be cWgedltax tlisa ft a M)uar ., ', , . C6iut OtUrf tBdJuicJal Adwrtiaementa wfll b tharej 23 ten, hjplicr j (wo aoructita Lara to !t ea kng tie py.) ; C4 td-leduiio4 of M I J per eeut, provided tiiey pa v ivoc.i 1 . " .r v v.j , , ' o ho bf thotcmporary "ue it (obacco S Z SKETCH lis UP 11 A BIT. ' X. ' On diy hnf a alfirj the Hjt of o ' : 4I c7V4ffff4 Cuwer, -r: '. -tplkmy hk Ut'-i ' walk,. wife; at wtvcj are jt 10, began to toad me uiit ins?gc?,'iLipor aeeffig ma '-riati v to ' go cut.- Ailed me lo call it. ccusin' N.'i ami borrow lor I'tfr iho Sorrow 'of Wer- nr.; llato to nave a Wilo read tucb namty patnly stuff but mutt humor Iter whims, and concluded that I had ra ther the would take pleasure over Wer tet'a Sorrow, than einplcy her tongue ia making 'sorrow lor Tour humblo tcr- H1 f . . 1 1 -: - 1 1 . 1 10 1 ao oji maia, ana a arcaatui nay woman, . I jko nay women wen enouen, but eao't bear dreadful tidy one, be came I am alwaye In dread, wbilo on nhcir i rcmisct leal I should offend their r furcr tupcrtaiive oeatocis by. a .lit bl 1 Pgravel on the sole of my boot or auch ' mffr.av ; " r -,::" i f "". V"-"' I AVaikeJ lo, delivered my mctsagc. water had reachcdmy chinl itatcdlAIlt CLAY'S, DUFa ME US. it, It si$ like ttbof c6 jtiJce-. I caughedpv sod VerataeoVsdii awalieQio'lbund llr had beeri lb' sleep with afquiJ io : my -i9ppowttA$ .Seem to, labot much iiiuru,.' iuy ivtlB tiniereu.at ine momeOI J M,v,', iivuimiijr , iu jisaau. uic pi irate I ihretf away the fihhy weed lJui ;f ' tharacter-of Mr CJaythao to expose Lfr; iiiw, lauua v nu mcasureau 1 Alio reason tea for lipib, white In 1 he-' other it is rfif- tN, higtail nor Cavendish hae passed"' "cllit to falsify public documeottand out imnidiatefdeteiioo. lr ia an easy, thing fr'rlcofocoisiri to7orgeJhe.tSgue, personal and heap "slanders upoa the character of the individual. -The tthbt haan,fchown urivontcd activity" of Jato in the: work of defamation..;? It bat charged t. Cliy wilh Sabbath breaking, perja ry, and nearly all the crimes mentioned io oecfll(i5ue. But4 the- great mass ol-ilie people are Joo well informed iu regard to A:r. Clay's; public anaprivate chara'cier lor integrity to believe for ao inVapt loatfitotrc calrnniet-- There are" undoubtedly . many persona, hoyever, np"n horn they kaye'a, cer taiB impression and 1 for the benefit of such',, the' secretary ol a Clay Club in Newajrk ; reV cptly wrotcjo tho'Rev. Dr. Bascom, of, tla iMethrwiitYEpiscopal Church, who reside? near lr. Clay ( aod wh it the lyesider.t of .the. TVansvlva Da4 : Univertftyaf lismaWiwiib the jniy res cpncefri' land teateojmyieit tnwno ci .iter: cane the account or IoOhcco. wenad I bottom chairs, while she rummaced: ike I crlul oreachine, Air. tons' v ! i tot.! case Furcot to' take out my cav 1 id no out.' Al v wifo asked him in. I " ' " . ' a 'fe a. a 1 I indnlr before 1 entered aod while he hunted, fell the tide j7sirg. Rt spit bo's in the rvom.JAVindowi cksid. Floor rarpijtd. SioeYareishrd;." Ioukcd lo the Creplaee full of flow ratnl horth,newy daubed with t atiih brow n 4 llere "was a fix, Fli he.ft d 01 ea sence of caTCndiah lacctmul.uirtg.v llti- ;an to res; on with-myacif wheliicr a a tt alternative it wer better tv drown llio flweft, bedaub the .hearth or fl iod tic carpet.- Mouth'-, in Jhe-'mcantiriic pretty well filled.; Tt pd to m mis ry she bfgan 6 ssk qucstitics.1 ''IX.d j t o c ver .read 'this book, V Yw,; ma-fliri, sid I, in a vmcelike tatfrok from the bottom of the .IweiV wIii'o j ialRd bwi. aunC end'all wcr id ipicAtFOMKOO!'. . Frieqd A; Inyitcd wy self Jnd viifo to take i seat w ith him to hear5 tho' ce'e brated M'reichJ Coiidoeted by heighbor A, o'ms pew.rl Mouih as uso iJ Jf ,hac eoiand-rhor ror" 'of; fytA Uttt l fuuftdlhe pet tlegir.lty' cartcted uith w hite and greeo two or three ma hogaoy;crick ts, and aliat stifidbul no s; it-box,' '-The service "comnienced tvery peai f A tho orgai was answered; by an internal appetii .fQJ n mouth for a libera ifoo from its content, litic, thing wat impofisible ' I thought t 'us ing myjiat lor a fpit-Iwxthr n of turn it gooe of the crickets over but I cru.'d do nothing ufi perceived;'! took out wjv, handkerrhicl, but found In the p'cntitud'e of her -'ojTiciuushef that niy wifo Jiad placed one of her white ca if brie; in my ptrket instead ot rriy bahdaona. Here wasa dilemma; By ihe time the preach r had nonicil W tes','"iiiy. check had reaehed their utmost tct)'ionand I must tpii or die ; v 4 I arose, teised my hat, and made fr ihe dot-r;; My vwue confound these women, how they,lcg .ono about li irn agin:tg me uiiwelf shq might hivt snown better, ftol op' and followed " mt out - Aro yitu bnwell, Olivecr Y said she, as the diu closed aftrr us. .I ans- ivt-rcd Iter by putting out the eyes of an utdocky dog with a flood of expressed essence cl cavendish. J wish atd the, Mr. Altad a tpit-box in hisjpew.' 'So do I.' We fooied it borne iu moody siicoctv I wai sorfy my wile had io:t the sermon, bot how could 1 help itl These women are ia. affectionate, con found them; no I don't mean so, tut the raiaht Je- kteva whet attCd and kept her Seat V .j ? - -Tobacco I 0 tobacco! But the deeda of that day are not told yet. ' After the conclusion of the serv.cet along came Farmer, Ploughshare. -He had seen me go out. of church and stopped at the open wind-w wber"e I satl, 'Sick to-day Mr. -?' 'llather uawell,' answered J 1, and there was another tie to r lac'e to row to had n he crfme : "she mitht know he would," (,ut women niust be so polite, But she tt as iho suffeVer by it. Compliments over, 1 gave, him m)' chair at tho open window; .Down ha sat, aud "fumbling in tin pnekcti, lie tJrcw. loriJt a lornieda ble phij tf tobacco and commenced W I wisiti) I iC Theu" you usuV tobacco? said 1. -'A Icetle occaiiioBallvsrtiJ h?, l ihrew away the nhhy weed ularif I c )-oo. 1 tvould ' cot ute . iut stuff any 'tmtiX-l;' V: "rr ' l:rnV:Mld "f .Xeli'Wf' fig-nor my .ip since, nor anaij ihey sgaio, ' JV'e find the loilo ire ' notice of this expediiionjust reiurncd to1 St. ouis, in tSe daily' Mis60Ufian k'"i'pxAX The;i.ariyit wHl be remembered, eft thit city on the loth of Mail 1843-. rery nearly iineen montns ago and by the. latter part ..of that- month they had passed the western boundary of Missouri and launched out into tW'Pratries,-;- r Leaving.the frcniier iV iftelgTpnipg of June. 'and iravtflintr slong the Hoc-of ine jverisas rver me pnriy leauitu ma KQi ky iUcuuiaii.s early 10 July, and ic copied that niontrt iitxWritig ihe heads of, the Aikonsosli Ak ihe'close of the n;odh. ihey crossed the Uftuntaics. and. continuing their cwayilo the westward, bad rcacticd me vrlall. Lkke in the i.-,ghadfver,bch.ra visited lite ishndTof .tlWm8'l'2&lr this itk-bratwl .4ak"canta few 'weeks ?.e oine testimony cpnc wero tpent m exploring jts utiknowS water, and in. surveying-the adjacent country, I lie latter farof ibis mouih fuuad- mcm at ivrt IIaiVwhere iho win ter act in early with - severe storm oh the 10th. S-t'V", K-'-r, .f-.r;vv; '.Pursuing their, way on the Oregon road, they reached the Dalll of the Co lumbia early in the month ot November. UCaViDZ Dia-jaxnu. r yTCPWHi i proceeded by water to Fort Vancouver, at which place lie arrived at the com menccmeut of the rainv season." On the 25ih ol November ioa'snow storm, the v left the wDalls"onlheir homeward routes intending to return by way of-the Kla met and Mary's Like. No" interruption in tho form of Jiffic jlties occurred to impede their march until they passed the Klamqt Lake, itiVthrf middle of Decern bar. when their count- to the southward nod cast .VardwiV tarred b,r parallel ranges oi snow situ voicanic mountains, in the valleys of whVhjhey weru forced constantly: to the, totltiward, niaking lit! tic; or ne casting.; S ? -' Xl ' 'VrhcyJra Veiled in' tliils 'way alnnj the eastern "b'as'S -oQhd ' gftur Caliloroia m'ounialhV hosJT; peti kaise seventeen ihoiisand jecj abovo.tho'sea.eirouutcr ing itiS ?ds of Indians tf d very wild chart -nf some of w hem h"ad ntrcr ing J.ir,,Clay" private character, i The ftlovirjg letter from Dr. Basconti in re ply t the applicaiioD is from the New aik .Daily Ad veriuer. '? It is concluj,ve as'to the unlounded nature of the char ges so frequently-brought' again jt the Whig candidate "for the Presidency f S j-. V 1 f , l.' yi'l TaASfTLVA-tlA UxiTIItlTT, ' Lt xtKoW (Kv.) Jtay 2t, 1844. 51 V Vlxt Sis : la rf ply to your letter of the Oih iwutitl owe it to truth, virtue, and the claitna of society, uiltiout any reference td the'politital trifc.of the day, to aay I have been in Intimate aiidcoufiilcniiol iuftrco'uree with the Hon Il.Ctar, bo.h in publio and private life, for more than twen ty "year!,' and know the chargea enumerated in your letter' againat the private character of Mr. , Clay to be Utterly and baely false. Sir. Clay, ae i known to die whole nation, offers no claim to Cbrutiau piety in the parlance of Our eburcliei: bnt la view of the ordinary accredited principlca of pxM moral character, no charge can be brought ajaina: him witluir.t violatn the obligationaVf traih and oud jvuticc. To each iuterro?ative charge, therefore, containeJ in ycur letter, and reaching' me ia the uhape of a qncaiion, I return for autwer that I rejard one and all of them a ahatne- fully uiijui, because not troe in whole or in part. . Very rcpcU'uJlr, youobediont acrvant, " . ' V ' u- & BASCOM. ... Dr J. G. Gobii. . . i. - ts ha deposited fronithrecf o lour incites ticM wa hitc 'inair. Towards tfie !(o ht cheeky 1 mvutaUy 'pi'ied 4liose end; of Jiuftfy Vthtir a'nimas' fctt hud jvU.o use more. . A neat fence, ; that ,01 becon.esii'p.uh worn by the Tee and j youro. at flood tifiert nood" bespatiered rockt : thav they w era ticarctly able to s I ewfy painted white fence 'nef '? thej aaid . l,..'but I, iiiv5 p A J t mu j n vi vu d j aHer suits my'notion. kV'And ho moit'ened t ore venU an ovorrlmv. "Pretiy . welV said T, She atjast found th Sortow of SVertir and came -toward m& f,0 jctiuiih Oliver, doriU putiouiaad4 cn .the barfcr.f the rhair, oo.v doo fou'il grcasij1T nd take off the gilding culd not snjwer herrhayiog now M Ihe power ot; speei li ci,tire!y, ar L. m rlMtkswcre'dlhtended JikeVlhosa of a load tinder a tiiuIiroom. W by, 0" ver. ui m v tie r se vc r i c u t or m e n! r ,ti at on - wmdow. i ics. d ttker color.' So do 1 answered P.ougbshafe,.and ti don l show dirt How 1 cfr carpctl with his ffav6nta-cofor.r- aj.i nim tn a? povvsummor)- iahshara-Cat el himself I sawlys long tingcrs irt jbe particular po ition irw-A hich a tobacco cnewer Knows novv to rut uisw whuft labnut lit ui)totIA-141tMlr across Ins mouth V l-.tfCtub cun"caucnces, should, he itir'o'tv load opuri tho heartlr or thc.1oor. But he had no raTenihrn tituj ;to waste nti it beaideluii plaiiijou myr w ite'r da- kloih7;v travel?'" ond-Tr'"ms" hs;J , becun to Tti'ias'tlie'Ttiuritry had been found des fUute of ganic- the IndianJ subsisiing on fish,''' cr.rootsand aecd They were noiv between the 33 deg. 'otid SD deg. paritiloVjImrnqtliatoly Under the snowy Mn-i'j ot Calilcrnli. - Mk Fremonfde terinined (b ajtcnft t to'crosl thi$,'afid to lorPc-irtvay to nw seiisemeut on tne mj 4if iti l3 hcfe on? i hundred tthd fifty Iniles broad, s' and,tjn its upper"j-ei;ion!, thcf snow-was t ious of fhe7esort;'Cl:my .appenratce, 'Ui i aft 1 coiiM J jou src?tk,"l know you ure.yo C-is dreadfully swclfcand before A reject hr, her halrUhw m!J tpy disjtcfiJed, cortlAiVnymWh I Was closed jmpcrtuirably; the orifkes io r.tiu ct ioa ia'.:.March .xthsngedllie-ahoVt--d1 w i nter To t im yu rd ure of per petuaiprfn i&UieiValley-bfAhoiliy.cV-Sa ' ..fin.-- . i .ii-ii-.U.'...'t , ilic rany i.otoi.iuv rccvivuu tuu II, CLAVS ADVICE TO XX, AEOLITIOMST. .The Abclitionists of Indiana, in 1812, having through .one Jle'i'fMAa, pre sented a jieiiiion to II. CIy, who was on a vibil to that State, praying for the hocration ot his slaves, he respond'-d m a scathing, lacerating Speech, which was conclude J as follows 44 And now, Mr. Mendenhall I must take respectlul leave of you. We sepe rate, as wc have met, with r.o unkind foclingJt, no excited anger Or dissatisfac tion on my part, whatever may have been- your motives, and these I refer to our commun Judge above, to whom we are both responsible Go home and mind i " i i . . . i y0ttCJwn,jguC5anaiCBvcAii via to take care of theirs. I.mut - your benevolent exertions to vour own neiah.- Dorhood. ' iiimi that circle vou will find aiTtpIe scope forj lib exercise of all yosrhies. ft Pry'up tl-e tears ol the ihFnm'f Rational InteUi4eni:et. f' MASONED iliXlS-' To' snawei inquiries .which nave bcW made of us by Jctter from'a friend, and to ia ve the t roubje -ol .r;q6iry to otberf , coucernipg the ongin arid; precjse,"im port of this ternusu ofte,n used in pu6l!' discissions to deignato ihe lineol diviK ii n between the States in which slaves -are ptill hcld,,and those in .which they-are nofr we insert the following", which ivd suppose to give a-corrcctceou oftba . " fotoiQti- - . ''' ,. boundary is se termed from the names of Charles "Meson" aod Jeremiah Dixog; ihe gentlemen appointed to run unfinish ed lines ia 1781, beiween ! Penhaylvania and Maryland, ri the territories subject to the Keirs of Penn and Lord Baltimore. A temporary Jino; had. been run In 1733, but had not given satisfaction to the dis puting parties, ahhcuph it resulted frorri n agreement, io J7S?, beiween tBem elvcs. v A decree had; been made ip 1613V by King James, delineating fhejbounda ries between 'the, lands gi ven by,cJiarter to ibe first Lord Baltimore,' and those adjudged to his "Majesty, (afterwards Id William Penn,) which divided the Hact of land between Delaware' Bay acl the Eastern Sea on oheside, and the Che. ajeakpBay onthetbtber.by a linecqual y , intewecting drawn from ;: Cape Henlopcn to the 4th degree of north lat iiude. ; A decree in chancery rendered the King'a decreeimperative. But tho situation of Ilenlopcn became long a subject of serious, protracted, and ex. pensive litigation, particularly after the death of Penn, hi 1718 and . of Lord Baltimore, in 1714, till John and Rich ard and Thsmas Penn, (who had become) the sole proprietors of the American possessions of their father William,) and Cecilius Lord Baltimore, grandson of Charles, and great-grandson of Cecilius, the original patentee, entered into an agreement on the I Oth of May, 1722.- To this agreement a chart was append ed wnicn ascrnama ine site ol taoo Ilenlopcn, and delineated a division by an east aud wctt line running westward e .1... . . U i ji f irom ttiet vapu iw too v.bci tntuaia Ol th Peninsula. .'.Lord Baltimore becamo dissatitfied with this agreement, and ho endeavored to invadidato if. Chancery suits, kingly .decrees, and proprietary ar rangements followed, which, eventually produced the appointment of commis siohers to run the temporary line; This was affected in 1739. But the cause ia chancery being decided in 1759, new commissioners f were appointed, who could not, however, agree, and the ques tion remained open lilt 1761 when tho line was run by Messrs. Mason and Dix on. I ny pawl organ ' were at jih tt tia o j m) -I brily breatbinrj"' placed Jodgp.Mio, i V hat a commotion a lull tnufl'.t f harts ttorn created amonsf mv olfactoiies. - ul Waited for the. door; -and " besrty athe r.b-hcel5 relieved ipyrproboscies, snd tobacco; chvle, -e.K'all ' once di? eorcod from m v nioulhl t c? t6rcd Ve t.'ie facuttr of spcecn.' ' Her eves foltow- td me in lstonishmenf. nid ' I "-returned and 'relieved "my enarpssuicnlr pu tins alod on niy conctcace, 1 told 'her 1 1 iiaa lced.tr) iug lorelicv9 thctooih i'.Th'is 'waa tod' mucV 1 plead slckiif 3s "fliu rose. Hit re was no he in tho .as- svrtibri nw, 1 wasatcHr. :I retired frotri tlie table, but my df j.ir'Uro did -'nof drt coini o'se Farmer piougb'share; who wa "um-oticiotM o hay iojj ifa wroni returned in gcuson 'to litufcrgb.V ?ccytl nt ieticaiion. una iiia.rourt:ii ucu i;iirni tuiitlyingihg.called mayMr! he Could use uisp.atefor a- rjit.suih; Lwas persuaded,, would fiave, been his tijxi piin.l fwfnttep; iio H s, andTlh't owin'ijnYVeirdnAho bed4 full sloepv, ; Jreaftts W itfunlatioti, ffudsr:d. Durntnt; unu khikmic , ub,g .h,,ijji. then thouahf iho iMorriii:k had ' burst its banks aiid.was about loo vi flow md m lis Waters; P I ct)ld W csjapfa U) noppi'.uojy cuienainea, at iiisTcsiuence, jncor.lhe'Jlay'f.Sapyabrlsc A Sutrerj Esq'.i' Prelect ofVth' tfoiitief ol California? HiJretfiejcmaWd aoiric lime'ia recruit ;:ftiid atthe tfnoTtl March fexlHrkd their home vva hi toiirac y ."iTltcy t - i . . -- ..ii. . : pjocveoca several ccgreesiQ tnoi soom waYd to recross tlie'itdHJOtainst andrpas ilHwtS too. yuuioiiiiii uco'-us uy uic Hp;tti-1 racr.vrcac hed lirent's 1' vn, $ Way of tho liead-xvaters ofihe'Arkahsnj, m the first dayjot July,' and the from ter Vv&Ussouri . erf the last f ; Uioviame V 1 Dirly Foot.An old woman who was remarkable for Iter money-gctiing' propensity, called upon a celebrated sur geon complaining of a trouble In her foot, but before having it examined, in sisted upon paying only half a guinea. I o this the doctor agreed, and proceed ed to unwrap the ailing member. Oh my kingdom r exclaimed he of the lan cet, what a nasty foot:" Mou think sol asked the old crone, highly offend ed. - MWell I'll bet you ten guineas there ia a dirtier one in your" own house 1" Thortofcounted ouhhe money, and nCtclcd JV a round Ty t'ti, console ari'4 comfort tho? helpless . orphan, .cloth the naked, and feed' and help the -poor black Jind whiif, Yiiq'nec4 succors And vou, wjill he a better ana w'ter man man you,haye, this day shown ) ourseij. .1 This spcech,made in a free .State, as n 4J' .lH(J pvopiw t ui, ti in -caiwuim COluaiua ilia vice yi auuimuu uv. I. I.L ol Iho cc ;X, :.4'fu ',. . ' .., A V-ti' . to the office'o pcrtanfilnqiiirg -A1 portion i Loc,bfocos of 'ciflzCna-i.f Uaaovtr,.N.lIrc.ftera)1.5VW f&fe IferiCe'iaajJ'-Iti' JlfiiS': ceunij. and city"6l Mobile, Ala, where lh Lp cofo'cos fiave juat elected a Senator and three representatjives to the"I.evgisfiturc, we jioticcflhaf,a lrhi& f.s been eectcd le office of eountv fetiutet! 1 he Mobiloare sensible ie!lovs hen it ja ncecfsary t "clec t 1 a ira nsra nr stiu tnn' n innna nri it 'iiiim v. hi i v iir-iis ia in i in iu :" iiiit' hit - u ins ' n i- nii i tit: unci iu ia avc ias w vi sasv, I'uwuu i u nui .,....- w . pointed 4 cominettec to ascertatd ' who;aUlfough liavlng, a clearintajorltv.Uey Wlten UodAVill I. Polk and' DaltasiiiiS1-; tel W"'Tff'-i choose h Nhi5.r'A'.-Ct Tnyic.-'i Mmtaats;, so did the patient, which, being deposit ed in two piles on the table, he called upon his two daughters and wile to sub stantiate Kis claim to both piles. His patient, however, signified to the ladies that it wag unnecessary' for them to dis play their feet, and removing hef other slockingdisplayed a foot btacket than ihe darkness of Egypf; alad in compari son wiih which, .the ! prctenJed , ailing one was hite as snowThe docu r was , if apt vile delivered over tfie mo ney prescribed soap aod,?and to be ap plied daily, aod his customer rriad j her - ? '--V v i :- at .' ; ' '4, . When adversity assails you don't grow cross. It pwveotts - not 6nlytall sympathy for yourisforiuccXbut a!st all ollcra of assistant "People obew-sv-y-' olqnt feelings are repulsed by yptir j ia. - ptshiicsi. ,iiiey ary obliged ,o atanl a. far off, lest yonito therrws rTt. ke hi sou :tbtra viinsnin. tnti olp y3 and ydbr Lllow IB? ' ...'