nj7 ' I'-vi ... i it it iu ; c m. JM.or; 1 ' -"cloud &. :r.nc. riTA3 A, 1 . iv n.S, C T A T T - . .... ft . X.J.. , ' ' ' : Aj::::vn.i.::, ::. c. r . s 1 1 c i 1 h ( :'!, ( ...irf at A'-v-.:o, t- i - Til - ( "111! el "r:.s of i--e h. ii I y.ri J .. '. inp. tu .J (.. I il If WlH w v'. A.-JO.vtS,'--' . - . r M ::.r rt J- - . . Ar.lILVIU.i:, 1;. c. -v , s vr- O.Tc v-'1 .- . r t j tit ; , . r. - It ; r r ' ' r - , 1 lU r . 1 i ,i- If 1. ! . j r-. 11. :.2K VP P.:?rKPL'TABLE W. T. . jvo", Bixiln and i- ':U J. N. Slor H. l.yous. ! ;;. .1. ! II. T. Eita- Pruyir'uS and 1 ' r i "i . r.i V" '. Onrr rnMCiHitittis. It at-1, C. W. Be Vault A '"., C. ii. Moncure. x. E. 1'eUnim. "ueVault Kros. ' Js-jKlert.' ' . C. Cowan, Stc.Tucr and Robertson . " . . ' . ' i rjuHBy Groceries. '-' - V ; -' - Powell and Pnider, S. R. Kepler, A. R. Cooler, Penley & Co.. T. V. bUrnea, O. W. Uoodlake. A. i, Merrill, J. K. V are, W are and Howell, A. C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Mackey & Co., Jesse. Staines, ii. L. McDonald, W. L. Morgan, F. M. Johnson, R. B Noland & Sous.T. W. Shelton, J. R. Trull, d. SUrne, N. Penland, Feuland & Alexander. - Butchers, Meat Beater- Ac :- "' ' Zachery Bros., James Lusk, T. K. Davis, Mc Connell and Dntke. '. ,u . . Bakeries. "-f . " J. J. Desmond, F M. Johnson, I. fit Oliver, 'V . r Confectioneries. - J. J. Desmond, -'(factory); J. M Heaton. ' ' ' - - . v. . Saddlery, Harness,, tx.,. v. . S. M. Gilbert & Co., Alexander and Peuland. ';,. :.-" rnare, -ft 4 - ' ' -' -'wyilliaiS31-oore A Falk, P., S. Mc . .- '--- - X. Brand, Jv VVSrown, John Clavton.-. - : v ; . ..' ' Coal ZJawer. (. . :, i. - - ' S F. Venable, D. Si Wat on, iiill nd Atkins . N. W. Girdwood Co. ... '; . y.. -V. ...;.' Doubleday t Scott , " J Contractor, Carpatlerg, and Buildert fj. Gorenflo. Jehn Hart, J. A. Wagner, T..-C. Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E. Bottm-k, T. U ' CUyton, A. tr. West. --. , - v C:'"'X ' ' s . , . ' ; - ' Blacksmith!. --. -.'?' i D. Tl'i' Canble, J. H, Woody. ' ' -' C ' . Swannania; Eagle," Grand " Central, Western, . j r i i .. ..1 II.ikqo I'ha VitlA.KlnriflA ; Health Association. , .- ? , s ;tuiiih nuutc, oibkiv Aivw,- - , - '''. tann.n.ov PJ s McMullen. ' Miss Bettie Brown, Mosses vomn, mrs. a a. - f-""" son, Miss 8niith, T. W.Neel, Mrs. A. B. Chuno, J.iL Carter, . M. Roberts, R. ItGrahl, G. L. Mc Donald. M. J. Fagg. J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. - T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, bluaer, Mrs. ; L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mjs. ; Leicester Chapman, H..C. Hunt, E. i. Aston, Mrs. v.- - Zdvef9,''Sate. and' lied (Sta6W.s:;o S ; Revnoldsi-Chambers, J. M. Ray, H. A. Wed Uin. James Sevier, C. O. Allen. T. H. StansUl . v ' w Kmrlr.n S. H Barnard. G. W. tt f rnniv . ...... . - ... , - , Morgan & Co., E. T. Clemmons, Jesse R. Stamen. , ;.i . '. - .Colleges, Schools, &e. -: -Asheville Fmale' College, Ashiville Male School for young ladies. Miss tawyer's Primary School, Mrs. J. P. -fc.amiBon'8 PriiauxxchooL throe white public schools, two g-fclorel iscnoois." A graaeu scoou. una Dova "J law, and a State normal school will be held every summer. . . - . . . . -.r -rr O T,1WV; fl I TIL -. jun, n, ji. uiuuvv, u. . . , - - Mann, J. P. Sawyer,. Mrs RR Porter. r . McLond & Moore, J. S. Merrimoti, E. H. 5Ier- "ter J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sondley, Wl 8. Custiman, t:v,mrti p.unlnii p. i) ,( M.rte.T. W. W. Vandiver. : Davidson 4 Martin, T. A. Jones, 8. H. Reed, W. B. . Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whiison, Jones and -' Hardwicke, Johnston fcnulora, ax. oocae, Nats Atkinson, A. T. Davidson W. H. Malone, - V. 8. Lusk, P. A. Cnmmings, A. J. Lyman. . " ' Physician and Surgeim. V . D.J. Cain, W. L. i W. D. Hill'iird, John Hey .:" ':. '-.'' ' '"' - v;. Dentist. . ,-: ' " G. W. Whitson, B. H. Donglns, R. H. Reeves, A. B.VrC. r --. - f ""--V- .j i Wnk of .AeviUei Slader C-Barnard. v Kh- r "J. W. fiehartlc. fj--; ,. ' ' ; j. : I Tlealer in Furl. -..r-- '-. M. ElUck. , V . - . Real Estate Agenctet. .:; .' - nmwti.uHj"i w. jj ------ , E. J. Aston, B. M. Jones. .... f. a j Architects and Civil Engineers, 'V I '' S F Venable. J A Tennaat, ' . ' r ' : ' " - '.- TUwcco H'areftouwa. . I- The Asheville Warehouse. The Banner Ware house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Wure - house, Xhe Buncombe Warehouse. - . TiAocco Manufacturers Chetcing and Smoking. 15. J. ITCDb) ill V H 1 .J u. -1 " '-t - " y I - Holmes fe C., Shelton t Perry, W. P. Williamson. L. F. Sorrell, N. W. Uixd wood, William Weaver, War ' ... i ' - : , H1f, Liquors, &c. Longhran BrosM Hampton t Featherstone, W. O. Muiler, fc Co., A. P. Sorrell. .;. , ; ' ' Papers Hanger. y . ' Cain fc Hunt, Moore i Falk. R. ii FiUpatrick. Ivewrpapers. - ' ' . Daily and Week ly Cmf.EW, Daily arid Weekly Advanee, The Asiieville Tribune (weekly.) -... Job Offices ; " I The CrriZEsr Job Offlce, Hunt & Robertson. Photographers. - - Kat. W. Taylor, W. T. Robertson; T. T. Hill. . . - . ' " Grirt Mills, t-e. - ' ' . . ' Jordan & HaHyburton, X. W. Cirdwood, Jas, E. Suttrick, McLane.. ; r . ;x. . . v - ,- '-" pn-tilhrrs, S.r. ; ';- :" F. N. Waddell, "Star Bi-aud." Penniman & Con "Anchor Brand," (i. it. Robert,1!, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont," W. H. i-enlnudt"Owl Bmi?d," Bear ien, Kankir. & Co., "Obcr & Co.'s Special," Lyon & Walker, "Farmer's Friend," T. C. Ktarnes, "Ar linpKin." W. W. Barnard, "Sea-Fowl,"j N. W. Ciidwood A-Co., "soluble Pacilic." , . - ' - lnmrante. ; E. J. Aston, Thos. AV. Branch, . " lri U. TclrgrapK S. G. Weldon, luaniifror. , - : .C,ii".-r T. A. c ikel" i h'icrir! J. j - i.n (Mii'u j '1 reamirpr J. H. -1 loJ i r T. j!is';...s p. A . f if! K i (fjni Ermcss. Juincombe Ctmnty. v y i;kii:.'i ncynoias; a. ii j .sii r J. K. i ui teior , i - i,rejor B. t. Patton, 1 u ,on. , 1v(r Cmrt. ' -r1. C. 11. Way, J. M. Green: nor ii. B. Carter. - tPivmonen. an, ii. XV, Whitson, L. ( If cs of Pence. , V It vi, T. W. Piitton, C 'ill, J. Jsirratt, J. B. Cain. 'r anient. ' ' A - . n W. IT. r 'and. .1. (,frf I'Tif, '. 3 ' ' Hini Jl 1, (.1.1 t lc . . s ' J- iiUJi.j'ton, ii. u . A. T. B. V, t. i ( .11. t- L. Ko. 1, . ii "TLt 1 - 5 . (,r,-' . : ..' " t. T. On'V , . Il.ir J-.lade.ti.'. - . . at ilcilnllea's. - , - A choice lot .of gooJaj . .. . ' II. 1 Co. " Will- be published ev : . . . ' ' , ' r - V - giricut cue.'i : - - ; One Year, . - . Six Months, y . .. Three " .. .. :;- ! . One'-", 0n8 Week, " ,: . .-...! 'i 3 GO v ro ' 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ey ery evening in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. ! J6S?We shall issue an early edition of the Daily, every5 afternoon,, in order to, place thepaper the same' evening along the line of the railroad from here to Salisbury. Should the arrangements we, have made to-obtain daily telegrams from different points work all right, we will be enabled to place the news earlier on that road than any other paper in th. States - : - -'.' . ' y v- i - Nice line of mattings at .McMullen's new,Furniture house. A ., , 1 " -, The indications are that our town will be well filled this summer with visitors.. The sales of tobacco to-day enlivened things somewhat in town;-;,''1 "f?" ' A number oi our legal fraternity are in attendance upon the courts - t i Garderanj? ie i the order of the day in this city'f-'-;-,;"-'-; 1'---:Jv--': y:-. l lloii. Elisha B. Washburn, of Min nesota ie at the Swannanoa. ' ; ; ? , f T, K. Davis keeps pxcellent beefsteaks at his 6tall on ?agle street, just above the Eagle Hotel. - .'. : y ' . Th morning train a"rriTes here how at 8:50, instead of 8:30 as the types made us" say yesterday. . h y .Vegetation generally, is assuming its spring garb, and all nature will soon present a beautiful appearance., v - ' Mr. Theo. S. Morrison, a prominent me'rebant of both" Alexander's and Mar shall, gave us a pleasant- tall yesterday; ' f 'tie 'pVicontt. 'Ihe 'eVetaA wariioasei to-day very stiff fo the quality of tobac co, oflered. Oar farmers are holding their best grades. - . - - : . Major Herndon intends adding largely to his stock of horses. He will Boon-visit th-Kentucky markets. . ; ; ' - We are peculiarly gratified - at the daily additions to the subscription list of the daily Citlzex. . ; - ...''-,;- ; : v .; The indications are that the munici pal contest will be 'warm from now un til the election in May. We hope the result will be the survival of the fittest. Have you registered?; If not, and -if you desire to vote on the first Monday in May, you had better do so. Call at once on Mr. J. G. Aston. , - ; Supt. Wv C. Troy reports the forces at work on the railroads, both Spartanburg and Murphy lines, are now getting in some excellent work, and doing very well. ; . . ; - - J-.:. ; . C;"-. The talkirg of Eev. Mr. Bachman, the Evangelist now holding Union services here,; is both plain and practical. He argues that the churches, to accomplish positive good.must first take the mote out of the individual eyes. . y . Mr. Gardner, of Grand liapid3, Mich igan, has been spending several days in this city, and was' so thoroughly pleased with this section that he left this morn ing for his home to bring back his family and locate. , We welcome all. . .' Mr. Montgomery, of our State Agri- j cultural Department, is in the city in the interest of the department. He re- ports enquiries froni the north for homes in this State are increasing rapidly, and very many will. come : up to Western Carolina. -'. Thanks to our good ; friends of the Waj-nesville Reus and Highlands Enter prise for very kindly and generous greet ings to the DAilt Cm?EiS We highly esteem the good will of our brethren of the press. ' ... '; . - Capt. Buck Thrash eays 'poaches are not much hurt on Hominy; wheat will make about half a crop, a great deal of oats being sown in his section, and about one-fourth more t.I o will be planted this year than last, lie also agrees with us that a good harrowing is the Lest this r t' at csn be dene for wheat now, efcial.y if followed Ly a good coating Ci Jar. 'Aster. ; . The Uid.,n meetlr.3 at MU ri:c.-ant (i.LKa hi cncoy county 'was not very 'J, hut cz .kLi 1 le interest. All Ettendins were deeply interested, and the meeting iipon the whole was a pro.', .ahle one. ' r ' ri'e- 1 j at Vats Court FiJ " i ' ',: inate a ticket ; r i ' . c T t the t.:c.'.'.r ' 1 - , 11 i. ketcr.irj-. ,;i r " 1 , ilia, thor.:.!,'::..;li- 1 j . . i ' 's of the titv, cioi.hing manuiiicturinij establishnient oi Henry Bonneborn & Co., Baltimore, spent several days in our city the past few days. Mr. Best carries weight with him wherever he goes. ; Retcrxeo.. ;. ' ::. . " ' ;'V. ." Our friend Freck returned from a busi ness trip to New York and Philadelphia Sunday. But for a severe cold he would have had a very pleasant Irip. As it was, he succeeded in laying in the best Btock of leathers and shoe makers' supplies and findings generally ever brought to this city, which he is ready to supply to the trade or to make up on orders. He also brought a fine stock of ready made gentlemen's shoes, made to his special order for the Asheville market, which will be sold cheap. Work ?nd prices al ways guaranteed! We are pleased to see our good friend back at his post again. Hotel Arrivals. " ; '"' -. ''-J Swannanoa B F Noble, E F Noble, Montgomery, Ala., A II Goldsmith, Charlotte; A G Smith, Atlanta; W H Mil ler and wife, Indianapolis; Dr. and Mrs. Gibbons, New Haven. . v - Eagle -Wih-on-Shoff and W C Ralph. Buffalo, N Y; Geo W Sylvester, NY;TA Montgomery, N C Grand, Central G T Coleman, Bait.; W. J Secbrest, R C Francis, Waynesville; R C Long, Tuscola. T " - ; . ; Western-Hotel Wm Murdock, Salis bury; J P Henslcy, Marshall; GB Hart, Black Mountain; C S Thompson; Pigeon River; M W Anderson,- Ivy: John Rice, Walnut Run; John F Well-, Sam'l Gor hone, Licester; PCEller, Wm Laster, Sandy Mush; ,B F Patton. C S Norman, countv. - - - . . ' . ' . - ... Capt. Thrash as A PiscicuLTCfiisT..;. Last Spring-Capt. Buck Thrash bought seven, carp from Dr. Deal 1 of Caldwell, whiclf I were ) about weight Inches long. They spawned , in June. and .July,- but Capt. T. thinks foost of the egg3 were destrOYed bv the mnil.ns hp onlv fonni'L when elbaning out his' pond last October one hundred and fifty-seven fish. Last Friday he again drew offhis pond toclean it out and to remove the fish to another pond, and those fish which one year ago were eignt incnea long, and weighed from two to four ounces, now measured sixteen to seventeen inches, and weigh ed over four pounds. If -the spawning this year is successful, Mr. Thrash thinks ne-wm nave thousands'. He is very proud of his fish peU. Reburhecteo- His Mosey..' A few" days ago while Zeb Parker, the negro convicted at the recent court at Waynesville for robbing Mr. Charlie Smathers' store at -Pigeon 'Valley, "and sentenced to work on the railroad, was being conveyed to the works, soon after passing Pigeon . Valley he asked permis sion to go a short - distance and get some money he had buried. Supt.. Troy, who was along, sent him, With a guard, and sure enough he resurrected $25 in silver, and several dollars in smaller pieces. This Mr. Smathers al 30 identified, but the negro claims it on; the ground that having been convicted and undergoing punishment, he has ; absolved himself from any obligation to Mr. Smathers of a financial" character and ia entitled to all not taken from him at tme of cap ture or trial. l.ikq tne negro once wno, while going to be baptized stole an axe and hid it in the Eand; and after baptism. said his sins were forgiven and the axe was his property. .Mr. Smathera will doubtless get his money. ; A Suggestive Item. ' - ' Mr.C. H. Wells, the sprightly Southern correspondent cf the Baltimore Jjfanu- facturers' Rk ord, writes that excellent journal : , ' ' .. ' . - - ' - ' As an instance of what patient, ener getic hard work will do, the Hickory, N. C, papers tell of a mau na ;aed Cobb who a few years P.go located on a little scrub by patch of land near that town. Now he is well oil; lias a fine farm nd has raised seventy-five bushels of sweet po tatoes on a quarter of an acre of ground. Taking a bushel as a fair average price, this land yiel.l ' at the : per acre each year. 1 1 is an tration of the fact thee ern North Carolii.a is capr' highest developineiitj and il: Pgriculiur,Jbeltiu the "Sta heel.s" is the one lyirg along t North Carolina Railway.". ate of-;3o'0 ther illus 1 of Weet se of the t the finest of the tar ie Western That Coitxteefliting Lie. Onr friends in f.'wain. wl: Jol ton, the .. j' d ai re Thomas hor of tl;e - t of 1 ; a it 1 " tj i .t - rt in . r i f "t rr in 1 jCV . V 'y 1. I t 1 7 1 1 v. uol f "it . ii ..-j I r cry t) i 1 1 1 i ",I ,iii. 1 ' J 1 3 la r t a t r t t 1 t -ha ..'fcf xcci ' a' i 11 it ' 1 cf- rt and and Btating lurther that an aipledeposa for my fees and expenses (naming the amount) has been placed in your hands, I will designate by wire, a deputy to attend to the matter. . Will you do me the favor to make the foregoing known to the gentlemen of the bar. .. i- " . . . Very respectfully, . r . - - : , (Signed) . D. Settle,' ; ! y: r ' . y ;' -, - U. S. Marshal. , For the Asheville Citizen. A TIMELY. LETTER TO FARMERS FROM AN OLD TOBACCO RAISER, I think'that the cultivation of tobacco in Western North Carolina is; in danger of becoming; a curse instead of a blessing. It seems to me that a majority of the farmers are neglecting" to produce the necessary suppMes for their families and depending- upon making money out of tobacco to buy these supplies.- Now to-, collect, my dear friends, that one bushel of corn at home is worth 'two abroad. Recollect that meat and bread are articles that cannot well be lispensed with. You are bound tol have them around, or the plough will stop. You had much better fail in a crop of tobacco than lo tail to make your aecessary sup plies. In all my Writing I have urged you to make all the tobacco ycu t:ould after making a supply of the necessaries of life. It is a very shallow theory that you. can make more money by raising tobacco than you can by raising orn. Recollect that the theory if followed by every one would raise the price of corn beyond your reach and that you would soon have it so that it would take a hun dred pounds-of tobacco to buy a bushel of bread stuff. Now take my advice, if you have to curtail any crop Jet it be to bacco, and above all things have enough provisions made at home for your wife andlittfe ones. They can't do without them; they can do without tobacco. Let your new land be planted in tobacco the rt vear. Thtin so- fov.n 'in whif-at and clover. Do not go 111 debt for meat, bread, fertilizers, clothes, i sugar, coffee and everything, and depend upon a to bacco crop to pay for them. You will miss it in the end.. Mark my prophecy ! The' only prosperous farmer is he who makes his own supplies. , Eeed a word of warning from one who has always tried to advise you for your good. . i - . - r - S. C Suelton. The Castata To-Night. : - y Our community will to:night be treat ed to an entertainment of a most' pleas ant character, and we hope to see the Opera-House filled to witness it. The musical department will embrace some of the finest talent in our midst, and the display of rich costumes in the different tableaux scenes will lend much interest to the occasion. The whole, affair has been under excellent managemont, and we know those who may attend cannot fail of being pleased. - -; r The Tobacco Market To-Day. ... "The breaks in all of the warehouses this morning were quite large, in conse quence of the past few damp days, but the quality of tobacco was somewhat in different. The prices obtained were good, however, ranging as high as flO per hundred.- It is evident that the best quality of last year's crop is still in the barns.' ' y ' '''.' ' Mr. Lee Ramsey, of Ramsey yille, Mad ison county, reports tobacco prospects throughout his section as very promising, the plants being very gx)d and plentiful; and the increase in acreage will be large. He also reports wheat as looking well, much better "than expected iu his imme diate section, but in the Ivy section only looks tolerable. . . . - Our friends are respectfully requested to send us notes cf accidents, or other events occurring in their respective neighborhoods.' Send" promptly. The Citizen- must be a correct and prompt chronicle of all important occurrences in Vfestcrn N. Carolina. . . y , .-'" . Col. Cameron i3 ia attendance tins week upon Jackson CiriziiN staff st.ul Court; On 3 of the will be at Macon Court next week Let the citizens' meeting rri.l. to nominate a good municipal tl well at.ton.led. Every citizen y nigi :ket, has 11 ie 1:1 1: is matter. It really f 1 kt . 1 liulo Iikt 1 iiy 1 ' iih t 1 1 ( .'ii- j :;t 1 01 ' 3 L ; if yo- t k c l 11 : - t j .The Miiycy had L'.'.fore hi;n r.veral col ored individuals, of Loth f ex r shard with .,:,"'T.l-rly conduct i-.i ."IIJl'sTlalf Acre." TL;3 quarter tot always the nioet ars j k; -..Ution for orderly or rr.oril ch,i rhdsr, and we &:-e 0s. 1 to see the au't' A:?s applying the felrcr t a "ni cf t!-rt ! "ti the disreputable inhaoltai, oft.. Ii . .!y. . Secretary Lamar, who n . '.'. ' ... ,. .- t. -V:, ..S .'.: ., . -1. v Vll .l.ts ii4. ' fJ t T t . . 1-1 . ' longing to . his , department, and bravely returned to the " Jefferson simplicity" of travel on foot, this afternoon made his appearance in the full enjoyment of the JefEersoni-' an luxury of a horseback ride. The oldest resident of the capital connot remember to have seen him do such a thing before. In addition to the plain black- which he' habitually wears,, he had on a 'heavy blue bearer overcoat, unbuttoned except at the top. On his 4iead waa a high silk hat arid in his right hand a silk umbrella, with-, which he oc casionally admonished 'hi3 steed to quicken its pace, or -by a poke in the side gave it notice that he wish' ed to turn ar corner.' , . , :- , , The Minneapolis,; Minnesota, Tribune : "We are -safe enough in estimating, next euqamsrV wheat crop in the United Statesat not more ' than 1 4,000,000 bushels, or 1,000,000 short of the last crop. The acreage in Europe 4 shows; an even greater reaction, and the crop pros pects are 'hardlv more reassurin?. Coincident with this, sharp decline in the 3upply,'thero promjses t0.be a sharp increase m the demand. ' '. i " -, - ' :' ' An unusual number of men with classical names have risen to prom inence ; m,;Hhis country, Among them we tind UJysc3 .0. Orant, Ho ratio . Seymour; Horace Greely, Hannibal Hamlin, Lucius Lamar. rresiuent t:ieveiana lately re ceived calls from a bejiutiful Rus sian lady and her brother.,' She was .tall fnd ricturvsauf ; with-eold- en hair, and was born in Jerusalem. "They call me at home -'Jerusalem the - Golden,' and sametimes 'The New Jerusalem,' " she sweetly.said. "Thus"far," says ths Little Rock, Ark., Gazette (Dem.), . "President Cleveland has more than, met the expectations his nomination and election -raised, and confounded his political enemies Nearly, all his acts extort unwilling praise." " Gen. Francis A. Walker, accom panied by his daughter, will sail for European May 9 for a short -'yacA-tion. . .' Dom Pedro, of Brazil, wahtii'apt. Eads to come to Rio nnd make an estimate on the cost of jetties for the port of Rio. Grande de Sul. ' " PresidentBuchanan's house at Ijancaster, Penn. has been kept in almost exactly the. sarr-a condition in which it was left by him at the time of hi3 death. . ' : Mrs. Garfield's broth ej has bought a hotel at Mississippi City. : : Mrs. Senator Edmunds has- sent a $50 check to the Methodist Mis sion at Ogden, Utah. . .. ' .. . - f - Moody, the revivalist,' was askedin the recentcon vention in Milwaukee whether he had grace enough to die at the stake. He replied: "No, I don't need it; all I want is grace enough to hold this con vention for three days in Milwaukee." The tloncord, N H., correspondent of the Boston Post (Dem.) savs: "Colonel John B. Clarke, of the Massachusetts Mirror, and ex-Senator Rollins, of this city, agree in the opinion that -'William E. Chandler exhibits unparalleled cheek when he ask3 the incoming Legislature to give the State printing to his newspa per establishment- . . - 3 Land deeda,:1and mortgages and chattel mortgages for sale at the Citizen il.ee. ' . ' STEAM GRIST IIILL, NEAR NEW, JiErOT, . . . OUil ::i;V STEAM MiLIJi are in full operation, aaJ vr3 ::r: i to .supply f.:r with n-- - ? - tit- ;v.i,3 a t'i'.pii. lliii.. r.Ury jt--?-:n'Lt. ; There Is a f,o::i- ii .Xicasincci fcorderlr - tn a!: ria. -j's refusal to .ansvi-r 'cousin SouIJy j;?: . 1 t-l t? : to to accept, expecting Gladstone's concur vanrC 1-l t -. 4 f -, s. r - ' rt w t rr v-rr, I """-i V4" " an says that its government prefers to UkeSc Herat. - ' ' THE VIRCIXIA COrPOJf CASF.N. Oreat Excitement Tr Seelston. ' ; . 'AVAsnisGTos, Apr. 21, 3 p. m. I . . The decision of the Supremfl Court, rendered yesterday in the Virginia Cou pon . causes, declares unconstitutionJ and void the legislature of the State of Virginia refusing to receive the coupons of State bonds, as provided in the adjust ment of the State debt of l&GdJO. The decision causes much excitement. What effect It may have , in Virginia is only! conjecture. Much apprehensioii -ia felt in that State over the decision,' - It is be lieved the next Virginia legisUlure, h ; w ever composed, will tike steps to prevent the carrying out of the decision. - :- y: ; ; , ' ' ! ' THE t'AjyADIAS BEBEU-IOaf- Th Klel Bell Strontly IatrencbMt 1 .,;; HoxTREAn, April 21st, 3 p-'nilj j Latest reports -from the: rebellion in the northwest show that P.eil and his forces - are Btrongly - intrenched r at Batouche's crossing, and a heavy - battle is expected to-morrow.'- The govern ment ha3 a strong force of troops t that point.; ' ' ';;-"ik -i ' VETEUAXS CAIiL. ON OEi ;.; :,. craxt. - ; , I5cat llie Doctors if It "Tuk ca v '''.All Summer....;',. .' . Xkw Tokk, April p. m. ibiLt vtteians of the -f,X.tv rmy called . on Gon'l. Grant " this morning, bearing a communication from the Tosta calling on Grant to whip out the Doctors if it takes all summer, and expressmg the hopo that the General would soorf be with them. Iso .bulletins 1 are. now fent out, the condition of the General being such as not to require X hem . ,v Th Anlirtlllr A F)pnrtnbBrr Rail road salt in tnc tj. H. lourt. . . WASHl.V(;TOX,April '21 4 p: IV The Supreme Court jeterday in the ca;;e of tha Conln'IiioIpr8 of CiiKoiiibe county ct al., apix-llsnts,' vs. R. Tommey et al, in n -apphcaiiou for a rc-l.oarirg postponed the c:uK:deratioi untih-jiext term, and lea e was granted : the coansfj to file additional brief' .Iwforj the first ,ot October ncxU . . , ; v FRANCE AND ILOLAn IN : - " TK9CBLE. ' r" Tb Hasprusioa of a Xwjpscr Akoot . "; ; lo 'r!siurl the Pe.-c.p. . - 'JjOXDox, April 21, 3 ; m. I The act cf tha Khedive of Egypt in euspending the publication "of the newspaper Bospliorus-Egypiieri by the Khedive is about to create trouble be tween England and Franco. Both gov ernraenta have agreed to await for Egypt's reply before giving the matter further attention. . . ' ; V" There is a heavy demand for Rood to fine SmokersCutters and Wrappers at Graves' Warehouse,' I':inril!e,. Va., for which the highest market prices will be obtained and prompt returns made. jan 22-w ft tnos ,NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rrs. H. M. KFRXDOSnAS AST) WILL EE ill receiving every wet New a;:d Elegaut ' ' MILLINER. Y. IIsTinsrory l!ttl exr--T -o stiacl.cd to my !u--i-r--s, I can c "ord to ht .1 c t- "er, end will do it, than ar-" f-one in t-ii . Hanre f.-r trim iti'us. t ' 1 at d I WiU guamnu-e slibfti'iion in i.rict-s and work. II. M. HEHXPON. Al-ril 18, li'). d.tw-lm. Hi pale, a t::j; ;i i :rj 0TV i e t r r i ( i t: 1 1 1 1 - v 1 l "was-.wwy jeei', , U til . ; ;, ASIfllVILLIl, N. V. . ', V:L:;;if.:-lIr;;h. " 1 W '. F " Oi.'lce in Court Ilot;. TAi.j-r',. .';c-r; e ? ' J cJ)tf- T (n:5 & IIAEDWICKE, J re i:i CiTl2"cs lliiiiilir rnoa. V. JonxsTos. - t . Ge j. A. f onxsrex & enuFORD, Attruo A 1 wanirliors-e t-I.: . A-h r: ni.LK, . C WiU practice in the fcih and 9th Ju'lir'al VI ' -l.ta ol .North Carolina, in the Sufnie Ctnirt of tiie SUtle. ami In tfte federal Court at Ai'ph .. Tin- collection ot claims, tbe exHiahiatiitn rtl titles to r;id proportT.and Uie wttlouiftilof i-Hiataa btulililrjf. BiKH..aiiy oy ua Erin Oriice in the iohnioa J17-ly Thec. Davidson. Jas. G. MAf.t fAVItSON A MARTIX, ttrur fc u n Slors-at-I-n w. AHHKVILLB. JN. V. ' Wit; m A' tltx lo tne Wh and n Judicial B!trictg. and iu the Supreme Court of North Carolina, ru in the federal Courli of toe Westeia Lietflct ii NortU Carolina. ( Refer to the Bank of Asherille. ' - " Trs w. l; & vr. b: hilliaki7 - jpiiyBlcians ainl F-'r::'vr:s. '. "' OfUcW text door south CI 1 Dank. vJan34;iao3 - , . : i K.JOHN' HEV WILUA S. 'V y-m . .... rkp.rictm ana Surgwn. , .1. Ofl'ee: Main St., 2 doors sooth of T' .nk'. lu-si Jer.ee on f ronrb Vmad Avenue. inuve lioma 11 . as. to 1 p. oi., and liora S tofr p, nu . ' A. TENNEXT, '(V ', Architect and CieU Engineer', Designs, Ppeclll cations, and Estimate of any style ol building furnished upon Replication, and work superintended when desired.. Allwri en-, trusted to tne as Civil Eusmeer will r' lve prompt attention. Thorough drainnre of itviida, a specialty. Post oaice . address, A-"eviiie or Best,N. C. Residence owauiumoa Ernige may iMmo - J ' :-'- ALDES HOWELL." ' ' ' - j 1MC3 11. KOOHT HOWELL r:;d CICODY "' " " Ail orncj s ' at la tr,., , ; WAYNESVILLE, -"- - - IN. C tfi.t.ted to them. . ; , P -A:tf JAMES A . BTJRROU GIIS, -y ' Oflico over rowell &. Snider". , tJm Residunco corner of .Main andV Rroodfin streets, de 1(5-1 v . ''"- ' s. F. VENABLE, Civil Engineer and General Surveyor, prepared to do ail wort in Ms rrt .fa:c -n, Bd offer ills services epe:iai.v in Levfuii. i ( Making,-Maklnir Eijtmiateg on Wortc. Ly lug if, Locatm and Piatunsr or Mappinjr Cti.y Lot, anil Ktttiuiiiiiiig or Uappiug Wurkaireatij Uuue ja iA-lt .... : r DENTAL CARDS. B. H, DOUGLASS, V. D. 8., Pental Uomii over DeVault's, Pnig r-tora esideiiee la same building Aahovilie. i. C. fcb2-wtsw - ' 12. n.n.HIEVE3,D.D.G., Offick inSluderBuildiEg, pposite Central notd, -' ASIIEV1LLF., N. O Persons hivin? art!!!ri'l oit ii" rytnn it f.vo : i rcu w-' ;.:-. if n r -retura it and uits u.uuej wid be r-s . ... f' it INSTItl'ClI' IV FIaK Corner Academy and Cherry ' ; " . . WISniCS TO SECCEE WORK IX Plioto-Craj on Portraits Troiu 1,tSeir,f ' down: aU. ogive lessons in China 1 oration aii.l J'hoto C rayon Work. .H'm a-ili-iis ordor i r ).'. . of Hand Decorausd CLiua, i;re&uutt, Muucr, or Tea. oct 8-s w tf CANADA COWAN (i.htabiishe 1 !:i is.i.) 1 ' ASDJZ AtEi: IX Watches, Oorls, Jevi.Ty, Fpee! ! . .. Tatton Avenue, Ahheviilo, i Leroy W. FairchlM's Go! 1 Pen. V,....d stock alwavs on hand f ) I T

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