CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, WEST SIDE PUBLIC J SQTJA RE. BILL HEADS, V '. LETTER HEADS, . , Vt, POSTERS, - - - - BLANKS, ic And Job Work of all hinds done -pit I from ft uess and -at low f rices. 'w " kjitors 'and rkr tl;;. r. 1 - x ir.4-r; (I - a: VOL. I.-NC. ASHEVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY EVENING APR.; 3Q, 15- PRICE: 5 CENTS.! I D VEJtTiSIIfG- RA DAILY. ELL7I03 v : . , General JfertAuiii U"' ' . ; " fc. E. Graham A Co , 3. T .. Brevard A Co., J. , I n - . UK Lee, K. Redwoeri t Mean, A. H. Jones Aboil, I W. H. Brown. G. M. Kobtii rASon, J.D. mmerahlag, f. Sawyer, G. A , -n, Rankin A Co., ' . Powell Snider; H. I. I v-n, A. J. Merrill, H. RodwoodACo.O.I hi. P.gawyer, Bear , den. Rankin Co ( Jaui i, ;' ;; - -:. ' Oraiil, . i rnn-l 3. K. Staraeo, Poire! EnU. . fraland. - - C . A . - , rennfanan 4 Co.. VainGrav.r i : ShMC, Unuefrvihino, I Rallard Bros., Biowb tln f'. v v .': CtotMng, CknW wr- Jumea P. Sawyer, M". ITJ , jit. Alexander and 'event; S c. own. I Ttmcare. : t iv UndseyBros. j. . ; . nartea E Lee, 8 . - BootSi Shoe; and Una: " ' ;'" W. T. Weaver, M. Levy. , ; ..- i v- Boot and SAoe Jfcmnutrr. t v . M. Levy, W.T. Weaver, A. Fieck. ' Boot and StatUmcty. , ; J. L. Wflkle, J. K. Morgan & Co.; H. T. Esta : brook, H. H. Lyons. , ' Druggidt vA HiarmacatiUti. ' "H. H. Lyons, W. C. Cannlebael, 0. W. PeVanlt - A Co., C. II. Moncure, W. E. Pelhra. - Musirat Instrument. e,, - C. Cowan, 6teffneran4obensoH."" -'r".-S.-.;- - - ToweU an4 nlder, 8; R. Kepler, A. R ;pooleT, " Penley St Co.. T. F. Starnes, Q. W. Goodltoe. A-i. Merrill, J. E.Ware, Ware and Howell, A. CJDavta, Jmel?ank,J.J.Mackey&COM Jesse K. Stornes, - G.Z. McDonald, W. L. Morgan, F. M. Johnfon. &. B NolandiiSons.T.W.Shelton,J.R.TruU,G.H, 'gUrnes, N. Penland Penland A Alexander. ; r . Butdten, Jleat Dealer; te. ; Zachery Bros., James Lusk, T. K. Davb, Mc Connell and Urake. . - - Baterles. 3. J. Desmond, F, JC Johnson, J. C. OUver, - . Coffecttoueriex. J. J. DesmonA, (factory), J. M Heston. v - , Saddlrf, Bamm, &e. : . SOI. Gilbert & CoAleyander and Penland. . - .f Furniture, Lc ? . -2 W. B. Williamson, Moors"" &. Talk,' P. ,S. Mc Hnnen. . ' . S t Undertaken. - : . . X. Brand, J. V. Bsown, JohhCJaytoa ' "X ' Coal Deaer.- - 9 F. VenaMe, B. S. Wafon, Hill and Atkins , S. W. Oirdwood fr to. -. - ' " lvutbleday & Scott. . . . -; Contractor; Carpenter, and Builders. V LoorenHo. John Hart, J ; A. Wagner, T. C. STefctaU, E. J. Armstrong, J. K. Birttrick, T. L. - 1ayton4 A. Ci. West. . . ' . . H ... r : i- .,'''. Blaeismitin . ' " - . 1. W. Cauble. J. H,.TV'ood-. - : - . ' . ' r.- 'i c . ' Hotel . .., ' ' SwanuanW Eagle,- Chund Central. Western, - Jalin Houhc, sialic House, The ilia, Floriaa Health Association. . . " p...'-.!' J'rifttlf Boarding. ' " a T Snanney. P. 8. McMullen, Miss Bettie - " Brown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. E. HaU, P. FjEmer- ion. Mlsa Smithy T. W. KeeL Mrs. A. B. Chuuo, ! Donald, M. J. Kagg, J. A."iW J. K. Rankin W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, K Sluder, Mrs. Holland-, irs. Broiles, Mri Mrs. K - L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mrs. Leicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, E. J. Aston, Mrs. H. c. France. . - . - . livery, SaU and Terd Stable. Reynolds A Chambere, J. M.Bay, 'J. AJWed dln. James 8evier, C. O. Allen, T. H. Btanslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Herndon, S. H. Barnard, G. Jlprgan & Co., E. T. Clemmons, J,esse B, Btarnes. Colleges, School, Jx. ' AshevUle Female College; AslieriUe Male " Academy, Kewtott Academy, MijsGoodloe's Hign. Brhool for young ladies, Miss Sawyer's Primary school, Mra J. P. Gammon's Primary School., '""three white public schools, two good 'colored schools. A graded school has been authorized by law, and a State normal school will be heM every summer. ' iliUmery, tc. L Mrs. it'll. Herndon, 8; Whitlock," Mrs. M." E. . " Mann, J. P. Bawyer, Mrs RE Porter. -- . Attorney At law. ' McLoud ic Moore, J." H. Mermnon, E. H. Mer- - rimon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger fc Car ter, J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sondley, W. 8. Cushman, Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W. W. Vandiver, Davidson fe Martin, T. A. Jones, 8. H. Reed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jones and Hardwicke, Johnston & Shuford, W. M. Cocke, - Nats Atkinson, A.T, Davidson, W. H. Malone, .y.S. Lnsk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman, -y " Physician and Surgeon. V. J. Cain, W. L. W. D. Hilliard, John HeJ Williams; J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Nelson, Ward law McGiU, H. P. Gatchell. ' .; ... . Dentit. . . . ' ' G. W. W'hitsoiV B. H. Douglas, R. H. Reeves, A. ' 'fi. Ware. r,- Bani, Btnlers and Broker. Bank of AsheviUe, SlndertBamanl., . . u .' " .,' i Merchant Tailor. ' J.AV.Bcuartle. . ' 1 ." Dealer in Far. . . - . M. Ellick. " ' - " ' - Eeal Estate Agencies. .. Walter B. G wyn, A. J, Lyman, Natl Atkinson, EVJ. Aston, B. M. Jones.. - -. , . ,y .. , " Architects and Civil Engineers, : " . S F- VenaolevJ A Tennant, . ' J - ' 1 .- 3Aaax Woxthouse. '7?'.. ' The Ashevilte Warehowe, The Banner Ware ' " house, The Farmer Warehouse, Ray's Wtre ' ' house, The Buncombe Warehouse. . ," Tobacco ifantifaeturertChciring and Smoking. . ; 8. B, West, McCarty & Hull, J. E. Ray, E. L " Holmes & C., Shelton & Perry, W. P. WUliamson. " ! ': " Cooper, &c. ' L. F. florreli; N. W. Gird wood, William Weaver, Hart ' " Wine, liquor; tc . Loughraa Bro&f Hampton 4 Feathexatone, W. O. Muller, & Co A. P. SorreiL t . - ' JVrpers Hanger; Caia Jt Hunt, Moore Falk. R. J- Fitzpatrick. ' " ' ' "' . newspaper. -' Daily and Wbbklt itixen, Daily and Weeklv v - Advance, The Asheville Tribune (weekly.) . ; , , "Job Office; -. , . .. V The CmiKJi bb Office, Hunt t Robertson. .... ' , Xt, W. Taylor, W.T.'Robertsonv Ti T. HiH. '-GrilMais,&c.-. v Jordan Hallyburton, N. W. Ctrd-vrood, Ja. E. w Buttrick, MeLane. . ' .. Mj. - VT ;, v - Fertilizers, it. ' . F. N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Penntanm ft Co., ''Anchor Brand," G. M. Roberta, Alex. Porter, ; : "Piedmont," W. H. renland, "Owl Bracd," Bear . ' - . derf, Ranklr. Co "Ober A- Co.'s Special," Lyon " Jt Walker, "Farmer'sWend," T.C Starnes, ."Ar lington." W-rW. Barnard, "6e Fowl," N. W. Girdweod A.Co "Soluble Pacific." -:t-i' i - V.' Insurance. -'-' ?'J - ' E. X Aston, TbOB. .W. Branch. W. K . Telegraph. ; tfe G. WeldoB atanaaer. . ' - Southern and 'Ada Express. ' F. A. Stikeleather, manager. ' : - Cml Officer vf Buncombe County. : ' - -herVSJ. R. Jw; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. ' ' ClCierk Herndon; Register J. B, Pattersor.; " I'reasurer J. H. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. Patton; Tax CoHector.T. W. Patton. , ' , , V ' Inferii.r Court. . -' ' Justices G. A. Shuford, C. B. Way, J. M -Green; Clerk Mont Patton; Solicitor It. barter. ' f County ComwUfmismer. " J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G.-W, Whitson, L. " U ChUds, Thoa. D. BriOain. Justices of the Pcare. -A. T8nmmcy, N. A-Penland, T. W. ration, C. B. Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B. Cain. City Government. ' Mcyor E. J. Astou; Aldermen- W. H. Penland, - - T. C. Westall,' . P SorrelU I. Gorenflp, William Wearer; Marshall A BL Baird; Chici Police W. G. McDowell; Policemen J. H. Hampton, R. W. Gowan. -v v;- -. - .'.". . Fire Department. - " Hose Nil, Foreman H. C. Fagg; Hfr IX NO. 1, Cant. A.F.liuU.;- v, - . , - - - . - - , f t . Sanitars Department.'. . ? " -r ;; - - Df. Tt 31 illaxd, Sanitary Chiet - . i . ... Federal Officer. ' t st. Commissioner. A. T. Bummey. Deputy . Collector, (stamp office) A. D. Cooper. District Deputy 8. C. Herren. ' Deputy Marshalls, R. O. Patterson, A. C. Patterson, X. K, Davis, H 8. Har- , ng' United Slate District and Circuit Court. JuVe R. P. Pick, Solicitor J. E. Boyd, Clerk J. E. Keed, Deputy Clerk y, a. vummicgs. - . , rott Office. : n. L. Gudzer P. M.," Clerks W. B. Moore, W. L. .V- Horman, A. L. CliflV .. ' ; t . -, Stwina Machine Agenda. , J . ' vhjhlor t- Wilson. -J. H. Herriris. Chief Cierk JlWa I'.'ssie Ju.tioe. Singer, M. H. Morynihan, nwt C!'rk W. Motiteath.- Domestic, S. R.Cbed oier fc Son, Chaa E Lee. .. . j':'''-'- ' - f vote There miiy beerrois in the above, whirh 'w li) t? gSu'iiy orrectod upon notification. ; DAILY vEDl riONri INTERESTINO LOCAL FOURTH iPAG 711 Arrival Iepsrtaure Sajusbcbv Arrives 8:50 a. k . I " i i Departs 51 r. f, ' , Tenneesee Arrive 5:21 . K. . -- . ' 'rr i Departs 9:12 a. l:. Waiy em vi t4J-Aniveg 80 p. I'. r - " Ueparta9:12A. , ' " The Wayneaville train xeachen . at point at 10 ; returning, leaves Waynes viuj at 2-30. The beet S ceniCigar in town t Ly ons' "White Rose." , W. T. Weaver, Sole Ageni for Hess' Hand-Hade Shoes for men. , tf ' THE DAILY CITIZEN Will be published ' every evening ( cept Sunday) at the following rates strictly cash; ' ' " " ' - ' One Year, . . . . J $6 qO Six Months, . . . ... 8 00 Three " :. . .'.'. .; . . 1 50 One ' a' c . 50 One Week,". , ": ., . 15 unr uarners wul aeuver,tfle paper etH ery .evening m every part or tne city to oar subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Cmzss Office, t lSWe shall issue an early " edition of the Daily every afternoon, in order to place the paper the same evening along the line of the railroad from here to Salisbury. -This will place' the noon dispatches in the hands of our readers on the line of the W. N. a Bail Road sooner than any other paper in the State. SgT'Our friends will remember that the - Skmi -Weekly Cttizks ' has been merged into the Daily. The Weekly ha not been discontin ued, and any one desiring to change to either Daily or Weekly can do so. " OTICE. ...... j Persons wiio fail to get their papers, Daily or -WjasKLY'CrriZEir, will confer a special favor upon us by calling atten tion to the same at the office, r v - - Smoke the Fan Cigar at PEi nAk's. Now register, and do so at'onceT Not half the voters of the city have done no. Clothinsf, Hats, Shoes, ITmbrellaB, Va lises, &c; - - H REmvoon & Co. The Buncombe Warehouse sold to-day 603 lbs. of tobacco for Mr. W. R Fergt- son for $221 12, an average of nearly 31 per hundred. . - - " Harry Williams" is again with the Messrs. Pel bam, and would-, ba pleased to see and serve his friends.- He has been at the Warm Springs for some months."-. . - ... -' ' ; - " v. Kkxtxtky IlonsEs. V. ? ' " MajorHerndou last night' received a dozen fine Kentucky horses for this market A pair of beautiful 60rrels have already been sold to Mr. I E. Lvons, of New Orleans, who spends his summers at his residence in Chunn's cove. Hotel Arbivals. ' EaglsB Winchip, AUanta; T LCling- man, AsheviUe; Landsay Davis, is v Swaraumoa R S Crump, Va; W v J Crowell, S C; Mrs E W-.Nortony Gallonpe . Norton, Boston; Dr and Mrs-Gibbons, Connecticut; Chas B Young, H K Porter, Cincinnati; M S Kellogg and wife anj children, Chicago; Dr Tbad A Kearney Cincinnati; R L Dewey, Vennont; j jj Rawls, city; E F Sickles, Philadelphia' -: . Grand Central M A Cone, Baltimore; W E Winsand, J J Redmond, Marshall; E M Black, C A Zuvry, R . A 'Adams, Knoxville; Sheriff W C Hickey 'Deputy Sheriff J no Buchanan, H B By rd, Bakers vine. . --- - - Annual CoNVEStioy, Diocese or JfoRTn Carolina. l " - Rev. Edw. R Rich, secretary of the above convention, has issued the follow ing:"" . '" The sixty-ninth annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal church in the: Diocese of North Carolina will meet (D. V;)in Trinity church, Asheville, on Wed nesday, May 27th, 1885, at 10 o'clock a. m. Due notice will be given through the Church Messenger, and other papers, of the arrangements made as to railroad fares, etc.: - - l The Reverend clergy are paiifcularly requested to call the attention of the sec retaries of the Parish Vestries to Canon II, sections. ' ' : More Rapid Mail Facilities'foii the '. West. ' -':" y: i "r Hon. Thomas D. Johnston is Cndeav oring to facilitate mail matterS ih the West by having " the ' Cherokee and Graham mails go on to Charleston, and start toward tht ir respec'.ivedistinations on arrival at the latter point; thus reach ing Murpbv and Robbinsville the day after leaving Asheville.- The 'recent change,, forwarding thermal frem'Web ster towards the west, hastened matters much; if . Mr. Johnston can Bucceed in his present will be a great ben efit to enr friends in Cherokee, and Graham. We hope to soon announce that such orders have been given" This summer, the train will: run up the Nan taliala, .and then- the mail which leaves Asheville n the morning can be pushed through tor Murphy and Robbinsville that evening. Let the good work- go on. - ' 2 -''- - -: : ' The Mitowcsp. v.;-V ..-, - For the benefit of the many thousand readers of this journal who may desire an official description of a "mugwump" w print th subjoined stanza: ' " r". ; The Uogwump is an Eastern bird, ' . ' ':':'' With plumea of gorgeous bne; ' r His crest is red, bis bosom white, '' V - His wings celestial blue. ; r r '.' Pelham's Soda is the coldest and most delicious in the city. w . ,-y- . Ask for lapi lis ire at Pelham's Soda Fountain. - . - - - v Kid Gloves, - Parasols, Corsets, Em broideries, Laces, - Ribbons, Neckwear, Underwear, Jewelry, Ac. . ' V v " ' ; . '11. Redwood & Co. - llandnome New Goods.' ' 1 r v ; ' IL Redwood & Co; The Semi-Axsital Cleaeisg Sale ; At Law's China and Silver Store "this week only. Twenty per cent, discount on all goods sold at retail lor cash tnil remocrattc Sfunielpal Ticket, FOK MAYOR, '- . EDWARDJ.ASTON, y - tmtX ALDERMEN FOU YEARS. ' ;"v? .'-A LONZO RANKIN. ' -fW. T. REYNOLDS, " george. f; scott; V;'" ' FOR ALDERMEN TWO TEARS " I. If. GORENFLO, ' . . J. L MURRAY,. - I' N. W, GIRDWOOD. ' ... . Th Tobacco Association. ? The President of this Association , re. quests ns to say that, owing ' to the fact that next Monday will be election day in Asheville. theTeenlar.monthly meet ing will be postponed tin til the 11th of Committee to Repoht ox Rsssiss. . :.r ? "' The Executive Comnute pf the W: N. C. Fair-Amociaiibn Las appointed the following gentlemen to consider and re port oa berries of all kinds raised in this section : Messrs. E. I.' Holmes, G. S. Powell and Jordan Stone. The- berries to be left at the Citizen . office, and the report to be made at the next Fair. ... , . MorgAktox Matters. '- ' ' ': Our Morganton correspondent' tinder date of 29th, says jf ?, If. Judge Avery, who "has just returned borne from Court, left by special car with his wife for Philadelphia, Penn where Mrs. A., who is in delicate health", will remain for some time. . ,. Maj. T. H. Bomar is laying the found ation for his new cottage opposite the Mountain Hotel. . Mr. Lucas Duckworth, who fell off the Presbyterian church last Monday, is still in a critical condition. , Is GoowLrcK, - ,. .. ;. Our young friend W. E. Ferguson, of Fine's Creek, Haywood county, was in a good humor tbisunorning. . He Bold, at th Buncombe Warehouse, S. Bv West fe Co proprietors, six lots of tobacco, as follows: $25, 37, 4 27, 47, 24,-603 pounds for $221 12. -We are always pleased to note the success of our vousg farmers, and Mr. Ferguson is one of them, and as the above shows is a good one.- -J -' - ' ". -'' 'r'-"-- Personal Mentiox. Mr. C. E. Graham has returned home from a business trip to the New York and Boston markets. .. lie finds business generally dull, but the belief is enter tained that a foreign war will revive the general trade greatly. Uen. J. Li- dingman arrived nom this, morning, looking healthy , and in good Spirits, llis many friends arelad to' meet him again. "-'" .- P-- l r 'Mri C. F. Yotimr, ot- Burnsyille, has been qnite ill for some time past. Dr. Watson, of Ahevjlre, recently werfjfrmed an operation upon him, and we learn that he is raptdiy regaining his health. The Raleigh News-Observer says: "C. A: Moore, Esq., of Ashevijle, is attending the sapreme court, f He gives an inter esting 'account of Asheville's progress, and rays 100 new houses are now in course of erection." " Mr. R. R. Rawls, of the Swannanoa Hotel, has returned from: an extended trip in the interests of his hotel and of Asheville. He took in Florida, New Or leans, Nashville, Ixiuisville, St. Ixwis and other points. - . . , - The Railroad Through RrniERFoitn. Our, Rutherford friends are anxiously hopeful that the beginning' of work near ' Forest City, on the Gaffney. City, Marion: and Virginia- Railroad, which passes through ihe centre of Rutherford, McDowell" and " Mitchell counties, will not end until the road "is completed. The Rutherford- correspondent of the Shelby New Era gives the following grat ifjiag information: - '- f Sufllcient money baft been subscribed already tot furnish the means necessary for the construction of the road. Besides the subscription of Rutherford, Mitchell county has subscribed $100,000 and Mc Dowell $50,000.' - Georgetown county, S. C, has voted $100,000, GaffneyvCity and vicinity about $30,000, and . other counties will subscribe $5,000 per mile through their 4eitory.?-i:M"f 1 b "If the -whole system of which this road is a link, be completed, it will, be one of the. most important lines m the country. The northern terminus is 1n tended to be Cranberry Iron Wojks, the rjad passing through Marion. On the south, Georgetown, . S. C, was proposed, but Capt Ramsour, the chief engineer, thiuks that Charleston would be a better terminus with a-branch Georgetown. A road is expected to be run from Cin cinnati to Johnson City Depots Tenses see, a point pear the Cranberry Iron Works. It will be a Very" slight jiork to connect these roads." " -- -un :,rr r: ; . - . ". s; Tua Baptist CnuRC'n to be RIpaired vThe necct safy amount' of fuii)3s has been raised for repairing, the "(Baptist Church in this place,: and work will be gin t once. ' The building committee consists of Rev. Mr.: Carroll,' and Messrs. L Millard, Gorenflo, A. D. Cooper and Pat terson. The inside -of the "chhrch is. to be" thoroughly remodeled, r new sash, blinds and corniees, and the whole to be repairetl. The interior of the church was last year remodeletk and this "im provement - will make " th"?-" building a handsome one.' f - - : - . ; - The best 5 cent Cigar in Asheville' is the Fan at -Pelham's Dri?g Store." : Pelham's massive Argosy Soda Foin? tain has again opened for the season. - Dress Xroods,' i White : Goods, 'Fancy Goods, Domestics, Housekeeping Dry Goods, Ac. H. Redwood & Co. - The ietebrated "$2 50 ; and $2.d9" Shoes, also ZieglerVand Banister's Hand Sewed Shoes. -v 11. Redwood A Co. For" axdelicious' glass of cold bms water goto --" : Peuiam's Deig. Store. - . ' - ' , ,i i ris i. .f , lMr. R. L. Fitzpatrick has removed bia shop to the front basement of .the Car ter law building-, south side o Courthouse. He has inliis employ eight or ten - good practical pauiters, including Mr., llenry Edney, and- is fully prepared to do all manner of work in his line with prompt ness and in the best manner. . lie has. in stock an elegant assortment" of wall pa dering. - . .: r --".. .... . ,tin i Go to IVihanrs Drug-J?'tore for Garden Seed Bean and Peasv-lOe. pihh"' editor s coiBKrriPojrp- : -i QVICK'TIMB F80M WEBSTER TO I FRANKLINMACON I -COURT : : ." AX INTERESTING : VASE; FRANKLIN'S CHEEKY ' , ) APPEARANCE, ETC.-c v ' , ? FiASKXis, April -27tn, 1885." ' Judge Gilmer reached here this morn ing at 10 o'clock, having made 'the drive from Webster in three liours tmd forty eight minutes, the last five miles being made in thirty-five minutes. Capt. J. B. Young's famous pacer, Santa Claup, bad the honor of expediting the Judic iary and winning honors for; himself. The Judiciary was ' not exhausted by any means, . but t immediately entered upon a new tpur of duty. The Court was promptly '- organized, thji Grand "J pry ably chargedr.wut Solicitor- Fergu-: son-entered on' his work. An examina-j tion-of his docket develops .af unusual numhenof misdemeanor, but very little of crime. jOnly four .eases .of . larceny appear, which speaks well of the hon esty of the people. .' There i -rather a liberal exhibition , f assaults' - and. bat teries, a smaller number of affrays and a goodly number 6f yielding to the temp tation of carrying, concealed weapons. Among the cases are 'twenty-one bilk against a woman, one Lotty Calloway, for "Belling whiskey without license. There is one case of burglary ia which n is hoped and believed that toe char acter, of the accused: will be amply vin dicated. ' He is a young man of a highly respectable 'and influential family, far removed above the temptation' to the crime with which he stands charged, and with no antecedents which might properly subject him to suspicion. He will , probably hi put on trial "to-mor row. A case was tried this afternoon which just one year ago was the'occosioh : of wide spread interest in mis and adjoin ing counties. Early in April of laet year a party of young inn were working one of the public roads. There was much emulation between them and some rath er rough bantering, relative to work and capabilities; . This was more especially with Benjamin Buchanan and. James W. Shepperd, the latter scarcely come of age, the other older and a married man, though a very yoong one. .Buchanan, enraged at an insulting expression of Shepperd, suddenly raised the hoe with which he was working, and struck Shep perd a heavy blow ugon the. very crown of the head as be bad turned to resume his work. He did not fall until he bad reached his -house, several hundred yards .distant, which he did bathed in blood, .then. falling unconscious on the floor. Physicians were obtained as soon as possible iroui franklin. tiis skull was found to he cleft open, fragments of the skull driven into the lacerated brain, i and in dressing and cleaning the wound a very material Quantity of the brain ' sraa -removed-. - Dr.. I.vl a. rjeaetitioner of hong standing and exleiisTve practice, told me that he had never knOwn any one to survive the removal of so much of the brain, and that in nine cases out of ten the injury would have been followed by death in twenty four hours. Shep perd ' is well and gave in his testimony this afternoon with a clearness and directness that proved that his intellect ual powers were not materially impaired. tie is said however to nave bad slizut attacks of epilepsy since his recovery. : At the close of the. testimony the de fendant submitted to a verdict of guilty and was sentenced to eight months im prisonment in the county, jail which with a prisoner's ttmfinement will go to make up a year in prison for an oflence which seems to have come lroin a sudden impulse of uncontrollable terrper rather than from notice or premeditation. The punishment falls heavily upon a sick wife and helpless children, and justice might ask for. no more. . Franklin wears a cheery appearance. The newly created municipal authorities have done much good work in repairing streets, making siue walks, providing crossings, and in planting snade trees which Btretch out in long rows, enclosed in newly white washed boxing and have a look of h ealtb , care and -taste. There is not much building' going on. Mr. A. S. Bryson has a large stock of bricks ready for the erection of a building near the Arlington Hotel. The three hotels here are in good keeping and well kept. The Arlington, the youngest, by Mr. Bryson is very pleasantly eitnated and is very popular. D- C. Cunningham, with the additions to his . house maintains, if he has not increased, his popularity; for the house is1 full to overflewing.; The house of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Allman is as charming to me as it always has .been. Finding my way there once, I have al ways been" true, to it.' Hera are Judge Gilmer, Solicitor Ferguson, . W A.j.Gasji, Ben Posey and his brother A. Evnd a number of others beside,. enooghiTto fill up the bountifully and nicely x supplied table. ; isr j " The advance in vegetation on this side of the Cowce mountains is observablfl.'The forests' are: being clothed in greenj.the buckeye isin full leaf, the apple trees cast deep shade, thegardensare very -forward, potatoes, beans and - corn. up. : Straw beiries in bloom. Clover heavy cjiough to bend to the breeze, the meadows and pastures green as e merald and with the presence and song of the Spring birds assurance seems to be given that summer is not lar;'- -;''. vr..-' r'-'" ' There is the usual report about the wheat crop.' It is. very short. --Tobacco will engage more attention: than, ever before;-'-. ; ;::; f f' ;-:!r, " -; . Will write again .to-morrow. " C ToAdvertisers.':':';:' .'-,v L-Z. All new advertiaements, or changes, for the Daily must be in the Office by 2 p. m.; for the Weekly, by 12 fa. on ' Tuesday. Our mends ana patrons are reqste to observe "this. : - V ' ' -; ; . s. 1 C ' '. 'V Kenxebeo Ice. -'V' '. v ' -.'""" A foill Bupt'ly of the Kennebec Ice re ceived and . for- sale at Drug Store- Supplied in SUita-Vvi-.-.i ' - Carmichael's quantities to The sii'fria Rfalonv. There was an old man of Malone, Who haclies in every bone., . .' 5- -f A friend pitied his grief v I - - And prescribed Hart's Relief. , V,.., To this aching old man of Malone . Six 10c. papers Lahdreth's Garden Seeds for 25c at Pelham's Drug Store. Peas and Beans in bulk; .... ,'- . Garden Peas at Pe'.ham'aClOc. pint " You- can save just 20 eienta on every dollar pjifnt at Law's this week, tml vXieariiigsaleat i.ijf' this week, toil rTELEGRAPHIC associated PRESS TEI jCfiKAMa spe - , ' CIAL TO CTTIZEK. ' - . : - ' C OCXCII, OF WAU nIJ AT v " ST. lETEKSIlTrROs. ADVA 3TCE OA HER AT : :(- '.'" " - . " CUSSED. v.'" .;. ;..'';t-: Vieska, April 3012 m. Tagllaifs St. Petersburg.correspondent says a council of war was held oa the 24th inst It is believed the council dis cussed the necessity of occupying Herat, Eleven vessels of Cornstadt have gone to tb-BaUh . . "," ' -''v . t V --v . i-.-'- RUSSIAXS XOT ADYAIf Roaittr i Seeona BatM VWiinrsnet: Z Loldox, Apr. 30. 3 p. "rh. '. . In the- House of Lprds this afternoon Lord ;GranyiIle, - Foreign' Secretary,' an nounced that telegrams had been received from Sir- Peter. Lumsden which contra dicted the reports of Russian advancerup- qn and' occupation of Meruchak. ' 4 . - - HI-NKIAX PrRPOSES UNDERSTOOD ... ..'" :. LOSUMHT.' ' - " Aaarressive sat Ofrnlre. 1 i.-, - ' t .- ' It , . - : -Loxdon, April 30, 1 p.m, is : confidently "stated -: in ministerial . circle' that, the government possesses information . which'. .: shows beyond a doubt the pFfmedated charac ter' of Russian policy of aggression in Afghanietoiii. It is reported that JJarle Dufferen's "i latest -(- dispatches - throw additional light upon this matter. Lord Duiferen throughout ' has been "doubt ful of a pacific settlement of the difficul ties, and regards war as inevitable. ' . : PAX AM A : MATTERS. - Admiral JoneU Sustained. All Qnesiioim Settled, and Peace Reigns on the Islhmnsl ' ' ; - ' --yASAiNCTo.',-Aprir3a . Secretary Whitney '; sent the -following telegram to Admiral Jouett yesterday: 'I approve your steadfast . maintenance- ot this .Government's position orrthe Isth mus. The treaty guarantees the protection of the transit equally by this Goveriiment and by Colombia. . Measures ntcessary i: effect this t ill be supported. Have suffi cient force at ' Panama ready, in case of need, to meet, any act of Colombian forces involving the destruction or embarrass ment of the -transit in violation of then treaty with this Government An armed contest "" of "the place -involving . the same", result is also "a breach of ' the Treatr. I recognize that you are in a delicate and ciitical position. I shall be inclined to stand by you in the exercib6 of your befet judgment under your gen eral instructions, . if j-our acts result in the safety of the transit pioptrtr,at Pan ama, and the re-cstablishment of a sta ble government." " , . Late yesterday , afternoon Admiral Jouett telegiaphtd to Secretary Whit ncy as follows: reacclul eettiement between government troops and revolu tionists at Panama has been made to-day. I witnessed the treaty and all joints of difference were rtfeired to me."' : - Aizpure "surrenders uncond4tioitalty. The government foices will take posses sion of ' Panama ' to-mon-ow, and ' the trouble on the 1st b mus w ill be nu-tically ended. '" . " In an interview this moruing Secreta ry Whitney, explains the delicate posi tion in which Admiral Jouett was placed " lie says, "Trouble at - Panama is - practically eheed. I think Admiral Jonett and his associates in the expedi tion have acted with great good judgment and discretion. Yesterday morning they were in trouble! Two forces prepared to fight it out in the city of Panama. " I think Admiral- Touett'a ' position " has been- under his instructions that to set tle their disputes in that city woilid' rb sGitinthe embarrassment of the tslh- nvus Transit, and be in violation of'tra ty obligations, and fchould 'hot Do'done, It. has resulted in forcing a settlement of their matters and prcoervation of prop, erty: Insurgents, if obliged to fight out side of the city unprotected by buildings and. barricades could" not under any ' cir ernstahces succeed. .They have there fore surrendered without fighting.'" ! think the "manner ' of our people and heir determined opposition when acy- tliing was done which lookel like peril to their interests they were there to pro-' text,'must have inspired very desirable feeling of respect, at same time has avoid ed that feeling 6 hostility likely'to arise Jroui presence of superior force from withoutand which would lead to occasion permanent irritation and unfriendliness I think the expedition "will result ulti mately in benefitting our commercial relations down thereL It has shown that we were ready to act effectually and de cisively and at the saute time in a mod orate and proper spirit, protecting our interests and rigbbi and not' infringing upon theinu The 0 S forces which were sent to Panama, it is'cxjtertcd, will be rcrallofl atari early day.- ' Mr. Kelley Ciocs o Aiistrla- v Hungary. " - Washixotcs, April CO, 12 hi. ' l're6ident Cleveland to-day appointed Anthony M. Keiley, of Richmond, to be Envov Extiiiordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary' of the, Chi ted States-to Austria-llungaiy' - - - - - - ; KOMASOFF REPLIES TO " slnrT3TEnitriisDE?r.' Admits Having Reeelred Or der not to Advance on PeuJ ; " deb, bat .Other O facers A f ; Falling to Receive 1 ; Similar Orders tc. " j St. Peters b CEd, April 30, 1 p." n.; The Official Messenger to-day publishes a telegram from Gen. Komaroff which is in reply to the dispatch of Sir Peter Lumsden, British Commissioner denying accuracy of. Gen.. Komaroff's report of battle on March 30th on Kucbk River between Russians and. Afghans. Genl Komaroff in the .dispatch published to day admits that he had received an orj der from the Russian. War Office pre vious to the battle not to occupy Penj deb, but sayg that other, oflicerfl' on frontier had not' yef bcem advieed'of receipt of such an order. Referrfi to al leged ' advance, - of : Russian troops previous to the-the fight.' lis srya tha only 'a sortie of furcomens-hacl advanced; toward Penjd.h biit the' had no '.tntea tton'of attacking the: Afghans and witlt-i drew when the latter approached them .in a hostile attitude, Gen. - Komoroff reit erates his former assertion regarding ilie audacity and arrogance of the. Afghans, their daily drawjng nearer ; to the. Rus sian camp their o'cudation of coinmand- '---.. : x j. . . . g posiuon -online lert 01 tne canip ana other'evenla which led Upoibattle ; TR.vnr robbers ijt xstbiahA. V; Htp aTrxlu, Kill tbe ExreaM oiemen -1 g-er and Hob a Safe. , . ; 4 - , , CiiiCAGO. April 3fr 1 1. m. The Louisville Express on the Louia-J viJie Kew;Ajbany and Chicago Railroad, duo here a 6 o'ejock this morning,-was stopped near'-Jlarrodsblirg, Indiana, shortly before :, midnight by a band of masked robbers. The latter , were on horseback. and:compelled ?the engineer and firemari to leave their engine.' En tering the Express car of the American Express Company, the messenger was covered wirh"feyolvera;rand. refusing to unlock t he'safe" was shot dead. The safe was broken open,-but only four hundred dollars obtained. The scene of robbery is among 'the hills and stone- quarries and is thinly settled. . . . " . " HEW " YORK' STOCK HAR- . .:..:v. ; KET. . . i .. -. ' " : " w'Yoek, April 30 - 1 Tho stock "market opened dull : but strong .this morning, thefirst "prices allowing in almost every case an advance oLLt$ frpv "Cent the" exceptirma biug in the decline of i in Western Union, the Missouri Pacific and St. Paul in early dealings. Shortly before the close of the liit hour prices generally yielded a small fraction, led by the Lackawanna. At 11 o'clock the quotations are very nearjopenin , prices, tho Lackawanna l pr ccnt; Pacific aud Union Pacific Do ing a shade loner. leaning rates con tinue easy and without change.. Total sales for first ..hour were :i7,UG0 shares. ti -; -Baltimore SZnrfceta. . ' --':-1altimoee, April 30 Noon. . " Flour iirm,' di-marxl active,' with advance of 10 to .15 cents on - City Mills wheat. Southern, Lihcr and linn; Western, ir regular, untitled am! active.;- Southern red, ioS;io; Amber, 11 2 (r 15; No.. 1 Md. 109 7-8. Arfkcd No. 2 Ve6tern winter red' spat 11 3-4(Sio 3-4 1-4.' Corn Southern;, holier-and firm. -Western-higher,. iTij 1 1 v acfiyt.- Southern -white 62(Sr.'(, e!l .. V(ffj.., , " ' , t'OKKION MARKETS. '' ' - Lohok, April 30. ' 11-16. 2 p. m. Coaaols Noon no?s ?4 9415-161 , r: Stocks aj wea. Home aud fore xj fonda depressed, llaaaian 83 S-4. NEV; ADVERTISEMENTS. Round; Knob-: Hotel, - W. N .a R. R, f ;; ITXDER NEWi MANAGERSIS J now open for the rtwptionof ikiiorg. Round Knob is shunted on the line of the Wv N.'C.-R. R., 26 miW,rrom AshevUle, and in tlie, Valley of Blue Ridge Mountain. Houso newly lurnished with, all conven-U-nees. ;.'; Table Kuppbod from . the .-best markets. ; Climate and water not excelled by- any section in W. N. Carolina, i ' ,!' ' "A I ighesi; Fountain In the. World-dn full view oCthc Hotel, throwing a stream" 26S feet. higTi.' Xprtlicsn visitors will find it to their interest to visit thi beautiful and romantic spot. Telsgraph orHce" in I Iotel. Further information, address : J.-- ' ' ; - , W. B. TROY : ' Ap 29-liifr ; " , , Rounii Knob. N Q.:-'. N OTICE. ' In pursuance of a decree ot tho Superior Court, made in the matter of J. 8. Ghtum and others, heirs at law of Samuel Chunn, deo'd.. J will offer for sale, on the ' ' . - ' First-Monddy in June Next, - It being the 1st day of said month, on the landB described in said decree, being within the corporate limits of the City of AauevUle, in the Northeast corner of said city, except Lot No. 1, containing seventy-one acres, adjoining said corporation, -The following Lots ana Tracts or Lands, to wit:""- ;;.' -'. LoU 16, 17, 22, and 23, contaming one acre each, originally purchased by O. B. Tenneal. Very desirable, ' . - V Lot No. 1, containing seventy-one acres, ad- joimng the corporation. Lot No. 3, cofitaining about fourteen acres, partly within the corporate limits of said city. Lots No. 27 and 29, contaming between to and three acres each, originally bid off by IT. W.Scott. Lot No. 30, containing between two and three acre, originally bid off by Leo Baird. : ; ;'.'- ;. Tkbms or Sals : - 1 , Five per cent, of bid to be paid at the time of sale; balance Of purchase on one and two year equal payment)), with interest from date of aale. Jiond and approved security for pur chase money. Ti'le retained nntil same ia fully paid. - ' . , This property in beamifnllr located iu the Northeast part of the. city, overlooking' the tame, and immediately in the neighborhood of Camp Pattow, which ia now Leing rapidly bnilt np with fashionable and haudaome resi dences, and is well known for the respectabili ty of its owners. No better society can be fonud in-the citv. - - ' " ' J. BL KEED, ' .'April 2!fb, 1SS . " - X'omniw-'ioncr. ap:!0 W4w- 1- Hon. Thomas D. Johnston is still busy receiving applications from his constituents from every section of the district for seeds, ' all of whom he is endeavoring, to- serve ' With promptness' He is greatly embar rassed, however, to decide about what : kind to send, and would thank all to make out a list of what mav be wanted. If the bill can be filled, he is - determined to lo so. Come to 'See rot IIiusii. --. -, . ' V. We were pleased to meet in our city this morning Dr. Thod.. A. Reamy, of Cincinnay ii, vjnio. . ut. Kearney is one ot tne most prominent physicians of Cincinnati, is con nected with the Ohio Medical College there the International Medical Congress, and has been influential in sending many invalids td this section for their health, but he de sired to see this countrv for himself and to - learn of the section and of he people," to control his future actions. - We are pleased to know tAt he is ti fchiy gratinrf -fwlth what he Ws' seen, antf we- believe - ef- . forts in the future in this direction will be enhanced. " ' ' " .-'.. t The popular Sheriff of Mitchell, Mr. iiickcy, this morning brought to the A&he vitle jail for safe keeping Lum Calloway," recently convicted ofjmorder aad sentenced a to be kung on the 17th of r June. , .Aa ap-" peal' in Calloway's case, however, was taken, which will cause Calloway to remam : here for tome time. - ,,. - l-,..-s . , : . PROFESSIONAL CARDS., C V. McLOTJDf CHA9 A, HOOBK M 0LOUD&. MOORE, .-win ..i Attorneys and Qmnselloi at Lav'.i ' t , ' . ASHEVILLE, N. CLrt I-.r . Practice In the United States Ctrcnit and Dit-' rict Courts at Asheville. Staterrille. Charlotte and Greensboro; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh and In the Courts of the 8th aad Mh Judicial bit trictvof the State of North Carolina. - Special attention pven to colleo.tiona of claim I may 'M I yw w. ' f. rinios. a. joxes, , ;; f t i , r y T, ' - Attorney at Iatr.'. ' .1 ASHEVILLE, ud! i:S oct Zi-lj s . oaico with Davidson A ttartla-. JOCKE ('RAIG, i .ii.'w " Attorney at : ' ; ' asheville; n. c. 7 Office in Court House - ' dec--l v '-' johnstohk jonta. HEHRT WABOWIClt ' ' TONES A HAKDnCKE, - Attorneys and Counselors Al-La,' -' asheville. N. c. - ; -Office in Cmzxn Building. '' mayS-aly. rBoa. D. JoBinrroM. Oco. A. Sirctoat-. JOHNSTON A SHUFORD, ' .' i - Attorneys 4k C'oanBellvra-wt-Law, ' AaHivitxa. N. C. - - ! . WUl practice in tha 8th and Bth Judicial Diatricu Ot North Carolina, in the Buprem Court Ot tint State, and in the Federal Court at Anheville, - Th olleet?B nt claims,-'aanitau.2bd 'lA title to real property, and the settlement of estate a specialty by the firm. Offica in tb Johnston building. Jal7-ly Tasc. Ji Davids. J as. G. Makt. DAVIDSON A MARTIN, Attorneys A onnselIora-al.S.w ' - ASHBVILLK, N. C. . Will iru;ttx ia tbe 8th and Mb Jadldul Dlatrkl. and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1 ad In the Federal Courts of te Western Dlairh-t -t North Carolina. ...... Refer to tbe Bank of Asheville. . , -. ... acpinww6m ' ' ' DRS. W. L. & V. D. HILLIARD, i ' Physicians and Surseti ,'- Office next door south Old Funk. jan 3-6 tnos '' l) K. JOHN HEY WILLIA 8, Physician and Surgeon. - . Office : Main St., 2 doors south Of Bank. Krki ience on French Broad Avenue. Ofhce bonrs 1 1 ai. to 1 p. m., and from 8 to 5 p. m. j . a. tennent; . Architect and, Civil Etigineer. ,-. ...i Designs, 8 pec 111 cations, and Estimates of any style of building; furnished upon appjication.and , work superintended when desired. All work en-. trusted to me as Civil Engineer' will receive prompt atrcution. Thorough drainage of land, specialty. Poet Office address j AsheviUe . or Best,N. C. Residence Swannanoa Bridge. , mayIC-6moa "' "' " " ' ALD EN HOWELL. JAMES M. MOOKV HOWELL and MOODY, i - "Law, WA YNESVILLE, - -' - . l Prompt attention to all . busineas in trusted to them." ap 4-tf . JAMES A.BURROUGHii, . , . Physician and Surgeon? 1 ' sir-.'-v. ASHEVILLE, N. (i,,-'I ' - ' . Offico over Powell & Snider'. : 1 : , Residence-, corner of Main and W.wlRn utrwita , - - -r- i de.l6-ly . F. VENABLS.'. .-.- ; a ; Civil Engineer and General SArveyltrl prepared to do alt work in hla proiMston. aail offers his err less especially in Leveling, loa(. VaKina-, Making Esucuatea on Work. Laying Ofl. focating and FlatUng or Mtpplng City Lots, and Eatimatinit or atapplsg Work already done . - j its-tf , - . - . .'..-.-, JEORGE W. REED, . , r . , PlIYSICfAN AND SURGEON, - Located at Swannanoa 'Junction' 'AH promptly attended. . . apil8-dlt AW-tL ; . r . DENTAL CARDS. B. H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8., rtantul Prtnma vt Ha Vault.. Dnir -tor cxidence in same building AsheviUe, N. C. " ' feb2-w&sw- '''"'' V ' ' ' " '' ':- '-' "' CIVRs H.REEYES, D. D.C., ; . : Omca in Srader Building, - pposite Central Hotel, ASHETILLK, K. fc Persona bavin artiactal work done, art -rylng it two or three weeks. If not ganged, ca return It and t money wUi be refunded. Jj It WANTED, Men on our fhst selling Book ti. EVERY DAT EXCTCtOPEBIA. the cream of 50 standard volumes in one. K rieh thing for those who want to make mony. The sales are jiist treraendoiw. 15 t ". fl in Eastorn N. C. be past winter. Wen now wriii ed for Western N. . -Special in'luconients to cxpprloncrd full sniT sttnlents. ' No capital iH"ot-s' ;', ? ?"-; nee required. - . Also to soli IV.;e A WoodwortLV ' 'Mo MTs and Chsrthof Clevelaud and j.i-i W'rite f" torm to PACE A WOO' "f. ' '- ' A .... , ... or P." J. PaifoAshevtllo, N. C. ; apl-12 ni. A w Seeds.1 :-"':"'' ". x ; '1 ' ' v .

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