r 1 I St ' J. iLi .CITIZEN JOB OrFiOI!, 4 ; WEST SIDE rUELIC QUr.K. BILL HEADS, . " . . ' " ; LETTER IIEAD&, ' ' :r" posters; . ' -"' A ulAnics; "AudyoS Work of all kind done tviti " promptness and at ionrfrices " .v. .00 ..-. . -r'" . I r .viy. . IV. ASI I E VI LLE; N. C M O N DAY 1VENING MAY 4, 1885; :. PRICE: 5 CENTS; 1 ' J 77 TVSAT? A'.. ;'V. '- -.- ille'ISi. la 1 . icctcryi t.-wl Jfti(A(tn Whereto' enJ P iilr IC- !iRni&Co v r -J. D. , iard&C'O.. J. O. H'l'VeM, .'. i: r, I'- Lee, H. Redwood e Co., J '. 1 t-H. A. li. A: .Soil, VKrwjca, . 11.1 Al.", W. II. lirown, (r. U. Roberts. - . - Garden an Field Seal. Powell Snider, 11:7!. I rons, A. J; MottO Re.lwoodCo.. J.O I" i,J 1. tku jer, j. den. Rankin Co. . ii. -Moucure.. - - , ' - Gram, .!: iv awl Flour.-- . .1. li. BUrnc. I'owyu Snider, sunder fcnJ Jlardiwe, Jir'u-u'ttmil.hf . Vennlman A Co. Stain, Jlowf "llallard Bros., Ctothi . J wmes IV fw : " W, T.,Weaver, : . Hoot u 5 1; 1 Til &!;;: lev s. , W4 r... - Boott mwt Slalumrrg. : s " - J- U -"Wilkle, N. ilorgai) & Co., 11.1 : Irta " irok, H. 1L J.yoDM. - - - j v . .' - Druqmtlt nZ Phnratiuxnt'uU . ' PeVatiH . Inarm Mtistfal Instrument, it-e-. DeVauU Bros. 1 " J f i- . ' Jnxicrt.. J C. Covran, SteffiKMc and Robcrtsoit: j 1 . .SurnSt Groceries. t Fowell auI 8nlier. R E-kepler, A. II. Cooley, 1'enley A l!o.. F. SUraes, O. W.Goodlake. A. J. : iterrtil, J.TK. Ware, Ware and Howell, A. C. Davis, James FrstfikH, J. J. Mm-kaj & Co.. Jesne K. Starncs, H Koland & Sons, T. W. Shelton, J. K. ITull.G. H. Starnes, N. Fenlawl. reniana Aieaonuer. Etitcltersi Meat Dltrt,.&c. , Zachery Bros:, James lM&lf, t. X. Bavin, "Mc- :oniall anl Drake. , . - '..: Jiakcrlci. -- J. j. Dcsmoml. F. M. Johnsou, J. . OUycr. ' ConfccluMcric. . 3. J. Desmond, Xfectory), J. M Heston'. . ' SatljleiTf, Harnett, tt. S. M. Gilbert fc Co., Alexander and Penland. : furniture, tr. v ;- . v n Williamson: Voore Jt'Falk; P. S.Mc- . Mullen.- , : v ' . : ., - Intlerhiicr. , X. Brand, J. V. Brown John Ctayton ; Oxrf DcaUn. ' . - s K. Veniibie.' D. S. Wat on, Hill and Atkins N: W. GirdirooditMOf. ;1 t-.. u vi -i. , - . 'fxiublcday t- SeoTt, - : ' " Cmtitnrinit, OtrpetUert. aitd CuOdert.' - - : i i!.v.. inkK vrnri. J 'A. Waener. T. O. . ' .. wwi-nUVTe. J- AnnMrunK. J. Buttriek, T. L. rutyton, A. .' Ww. , . .V'V- ISUirkmnUhs : U. WCaut.fc, J. H, Woody. "; jsWiuiUama. Eagle, Grand Carolina House, blagle House. Central, Western, The Villa, Flortaa lIeaUhs?onaiion. . .... --v.- Private' Soardittgr' A T Sn.nmcv. P. 8. "McMullen, Miss Bettie uM.. n niuu.u t .ffin Mra. A. K. Hal " c...:.K ip w Vlra A W Chnilli. Mill, im ouiiuu, . i 7 , ;. , , , ' J. . Carter, i. it. Kob.'rts,i.JI. Grahl, O.L.3IC. I wnald, M. J. Fagg. J. A. Fagg; J. K. fiaiJUi.W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. 'f. E. Kcynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. .. i n., w w Mfiinvoll. James W.Patton. Mis, ' Iicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, E. J. Aston, Mrs. II. C. France. . ' . " Lircni, Safe and Feed. Stable. . - - ' ReyuoicU Chamber?, J. M. Bay "J r . A. Wed liu. James SevUir, C. O. Allen. T. H. StenslH Wm. Cox, K. W. Herndon, 8. H. Barnard, G. W. Morgan t Co., E. T. Clemmons, Jesse It. Staraes. Culit get, Schools,. &c ichoviiin FAmale Colleee. -"Asheville ilale Academy. Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High -T4txte:-Ttva8 Lidu,Ali.iermaiT ' choou Mrs J. 1. uammons miiurj ku. three white public schools, two eood colored schools.' A graded school has been authoriaed by ' law, and a Stale normal school will be held every summer. . " - ... 'Millinery, tc. ' Mrs. H. M. Uerndon, S. Whitlock, Mrs. M. E. Mann,J.P.SawyerrMrsRKPorter. . Attorneys At Law. urT'i,.t.t. xfnrri J. H. Merrimon. E. H. Mer- rimon. M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger Car ter. J. M. Gadger, F. A. Sondley, w. . uisnman, Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter. W .W. andiver. Davidson Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Keed, W. ii. am, iita W 'R. Whitson. Jones and Uardwicke, Johnston fc Shnford, W. M. Cocke, Katt Atkinson. A. T. Davidsen, w. H. Malone, V. S. Lusk, P. A. Cuaimings, A. J. Lyman, ' " - PttwrtctoHS and Surgeons. . i). J.-Cain. W, U '& Vf. D. HiUiard, John fiey , Williams,. J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, 31. 1. , Nelson, Wardlaw McCiiU, H. P. Gutcbell. C e Dentidt. - ii, W. 'hiton, B. H. Douglas, K. H. Reeves. A. B. War.- - - Jr, ' Banlt, Bankers and Brokers.'- Bank of AsbeviHe, Sluder 4- Barnari'. ' ' . : ' i i " Mreftairf Tailors. '. - : - : ' : S. W. geharilc.. .V V - Dealers in Fart. - Jl. EUickl ' . - ' ". " ' . ' . Ueal hetate Agencies. - ' Walter B. Gwynl k. J. Lyman Kutt. Atkinson, K.J. Aston, Ii. M. Jones. ., -., - Architect and CieU Engineers, - " '- s F Veuable. J A Tennant, - ; . Tlbaeeo Warehouses.' ; .. The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware imiiHA. The Farmer's Warehouse, Kay's Ware house, Ihe Buncombe Warehouse. Tobacco Manufacturers Ckcvring and Smoking. 8.B.W-est,McCarty & Hull, J. E. Bay, E. L Holmes C., Shelton t Perry, W. P. W illiamson. - Coopers, i-e. ' -i. F. 8orrell, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, J Hart. - - . 'Wines, Liquors, &c. ' - Xouahran Bros., Hampton Featherstone, W. O. Muiier.a-Co., A. P. Borrell.. , ; . , ' Papers Bangers. ' : . . ": ' Cain t Hunt, Moore & Falk, K. K Fitzpatrick. - T)tiLf and Weekit citizen, Daily and Weekly Advance, The Asheville Iri)une.(weekly.) , - Ji Offices. - The CltiZE Job Olflce, Huut d-Bobcrtson. , . . .Photographer.;'- S . - Xat. W. Taylor, W. T. Bobertaon, I, T. Hill. ' GrtM MiOs, Ac : Jordan t- nallyburton. J. W. Girdwood, as: K ""Buttriek, McLanc ,' - ' -QZ, frrtWzers, "' - ' F. K. Waddell. "Star Brand.1 Pennhnan 4 Co, "Anchor Brand," G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont,"- W. H. r-enland, "Owl Bratd," Bear den, Kanklr. fc Co, "Ober t- Co.'s Special," Lyon Jt Walker, 'Farmer's Friend," T. C. tstarnes, 'Ar lineton," W ;W. Barnard. "Sea Fowl,"' X. W. Giidwood 4-ij- "Soluble Pacinc." , - . ' , . ' w ' Intnrance. -i " , - . - E. J. Aston .Thos. W. Branch. - - " ' W.. K Telegraph. S. G. Weldon, manager. - ;. s.-' ' .' Southern and Adams Ltrprcet. -; F. A.-Stikeleather, manager. - - , Civil Officers of Buncombe County. - - ' ' fiherlffj. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. ! C Clerk E. W. Herndon; Kegister J. . Pattenor; - Treasurer J. H. Courtney. Surveyor B. F. I "at on; Tax Collector T. W. Patton. f,jV '-: ' . inferior Court. - ; - - '. ' Justices G. A. Shnford, C. B. Way, J. M Green; - Wlerk Mont 'atton; Solicitor H. B. Carter, j " " County Commissioners. - " , . ' ' J. E. Eanllii, J. A'. Reagan, G. W, Whitson, L. - L. Chllds, Thos. D.flrittain.: - ; . -; ; - r'r . --. i -.hifliees of the Peace. '- - - A T. Suairouy, N. A.-Penland,-T. W. Patton, C. H. Way, J VjJjedhni, J. M. Jarratt, J. B. Cain. -. -- City Government. Mayor . J. Astou; Aldermen Wi H.- Pen! and, T.C Weatall, A. P. Sorrell, I. Gorc-nfle, William Weaver; Marshall A IL Baird: Chief Police W. G. McDowell: 1'oUceuien. J II. Hartpton, R. W. trowan.. . ' . . . Fire Department. . ' . Hose N. 1, Foreman U. C. Fagg; H. t- to' No. I, Capt. A-F Hull. t - ' Sanitary Department. y - Dr V 7 Millard, Sanitary Chief. ' - "ern Officers. V 8. Commissioner, A. T. Sumroey.. Deputy Coll'eetor, (stamp oflice) A. D. Cooper. District iK-tnitv S, '-'. I lerren; Deputy Marshall, R. O. Falterwjn, A. V. Patterson, T. K. Davis, II S. Har- j;i;ud Ib'aU District and Circuit' Courts. - . lm""el? P Dick, Solicitor J. E. Boyd, Clerk J. r ' V eed, Deputy Clerk P. A. Cummiugg. ,. r"l Crr-' ' ': '- It. L. C.i ' I -f-i, Clctks W:fB. Moore, W. L. Nirian,A i.CiiH. -. -": .,"-."' fsm-inff 'Maekuit Agencies.- - " " Ky.M.rS. -n-nn, J. H. nerring, Hiief Clerk r- , ! .'' l-s'-.-e Mrger.-M. II.- Morjnthan, .,-( v- 'ifoi Wii. t'omestic, S, lUChed t. .... - .-l, r. i-t't'- ' - 1,"..t,"(;! n'fvVf-err.tslnttieftl'!-"-u.'-Wch '.i;,.' -Tfl" : . v .;,! ! i-ru-il .iiisni irti ti- .. - vol-, i.-: . - DAILY-EDIT: -t -ri 1 - 1 m- " ; i-i-.- JXTERksmo LOCALS t - - ', f OTJRTH "PAG1 .TIIK Train. a " ivea S 50 i.''- - a' 5 ' 1 r, T fcs & 21 p. i -nrtBC12A. . " lepttd 9 J2 . . i s Xho Waynes ville traiu rtiscbes ' ' rctnrmj?T, leaves Va;iosvl-. a al ). - ,U.he !'' t o cent Ci'ar !.i ois3' "W.tel' " AWT. -Veaw e A r j; a' If Hand-AIade felMt-j .t me.ii. JL .... Will b publishod every' er: cept Sunday) at the- folio? strictly hh - ,U. Ono Year, : 'V.V'.. Three ". . :, , ,r . ' One Week, . . . ; ' w 4 .Ir.S (ex I 5 V 50 15 Otur Carriers will deliver ihe paper ev ery evening in every .part of the city to our subscribers, and 'parties wanting it will please call at the CmzKir Office. JS?We shall issue an early, edition of the Daily every afternoon,' in 'orderto place the paper the same evening along the" line ,of the.: railroad . from here to Salisbury. This will . place ? the noon dispatches in the hands of our readers on the" line of the W. N. C. Rail Road Booner than any other paper in the State. ' -f v. , J8"Our friends will remember tliat the Semi-Weekly ; Citizes has been merged into the DaiIt.; - ' i f '. The Weekly has not been discontin ued, and any one desiring to change to either Daily or Weekly can do so. -. otick.';"- "-' . : Persons t ho fail to get tlieir'papers, Daily or - Wekki.y Citizex, will confer a special favor upon us by calling atten tion to the same at the office. , - Temper ATtTRE- at Asheyili.e May 2nd., Maximum,' " ; " 3rd,: Minimum; -. -' v " ; r :rd,. Maximum, , " .-- 4th, Minimum, , " .' 65 31 ";Jt Look out for the new goods at'McMul- len'p. ; v - - . . ' - -, d3t J udge Dick has arrived, and is a guest of air.. A. L. Bummey.r.T ,.. . t -i I Gen. 11. li. Vance is homo on a brief visit. We have not yet had the pleas ure or seeing him. In our issue of the 30th of April we stated that the tobacco of Mr. Ferguson - sold at the Buncombe Warehouse, average S11. It averaged 37. . .-I us to give notice to those expecting seeds from Washington City, that he has in formation from the department that the supply for this season is exhausted. Our old friend Mr. Jos. C. Baird, of Alexanders, born ?n the year 1812, gives notice to his many relatives that they are invited through this medium to attend his birthday dinner at Alexanders on the 12th of May. . I The weather since the rain on Friday has been somewhat bracing after, the series, of preceding summer days. , The frost ooint was readied en Sunday and Monday mornings, th mercury standing at 42 at sunrise. , v '-,'':" - Waynesville pursues very rigidly the severe course Of sanitation it entered upon ja&t year. Then it stamped out en tirely the seeds of typhoid fever which was prevalent and fatal the year before. Last year there was no-sicknesS; This year there will be none.. Tire causes were recoirnized. and removed. Let all our towns, big and small, do likewise. - By great inadvertene- speaking Of the very excellent Aliegnany -.iiouse at Franklin, we wrto "Arlington." The Alleghany has earned a good name of its own and has no need to draw -upon the well established fame of the several very excellent Arlingtous to acquire reputa tion. The Alleghany has a merit of its own which wu commend itself to alt whovisitit. -" r Col. W.- L. Saunders,7 the .very able Secretary of State, is ak present at the Cleveland Springs. He & S snflfJr from rheumatism, hich has tortured linn for someyears.' ; With all his BUffenrrg, theJ vigor of his mind,, his habits of Ittudy, and his geniality of temper remain un changed, intellectflally standing . the peer of the loftiest, and socially the cen tral point 01 ail tuai is cnarming. e hore his stay at the Springs will restore him to the full enjoytBeni of life. , . The" Raleigh "N&fr1jhserier :ya that Prof, Moses, of Goldsbo, has been-SBT lected as Principal of the Asheville, Nor mal School. ' We regard Ibis as most happy selection. Prof. M.i from Khox- ville, we think, and his reputation as an educator inspired his appointment, still a very young man, as head of the Golds- bore Uraued School, 'wnicn he uas corv ducted'-with such . ability as to have drawn from Dr. Mayo the comeaehdation of being the model graded school of the South. - - , .. v. ' - Through the instrumentality of the Oon. Thos D. JohnstoB, a postomce has been established on Savannah creek in Jackson county, six miles west of eb- ster, known as Werfeyana, : Mr, B. I. Barron, "--pobtmast r. Alohg this route ia dailv iflflil f - 1 v avto Franklin, a distance of 20 miles, end yet, until now, not a single intermediate ofiiee." " - Mr.: Johnston had already.ikeu steps to correct the -delajr in the mails cdming east from. '-.Frank fin. They will soon come in thUd'rection as expetiitiously as they aiow Wesf. . .. . .- ' A - PayS'Class of the Kithcen Garden School will be organized, provkled a suffi cient purriber'apply to vt arrant the under taking. Price of session of six weeks, $1.50. All wishing to join the tfass ill please report on Thursday, May 7th,"two O'clock in the afternoon, at the Episcopal Church". May -Si at Go to MeMnllen's for yen and car; ; '. . ! . ".'. - Don't Ik'ltS i.' ..ne thci -ltiiien's,ber. .i e buy big". . '.- furniture - c!3t t k at r.c- Lost,- .. f '. 0 SirctnY ! t fi.Noo.v, a 'pu,',: I gold uiounted Fye-.u,4.5ses near sigiu. J. Suitable reward paid to any one' return ing them to Dr. John Ilev Williams. . May 4, dit . ' ..'.. ' Thanks... . - .. ' ' . . - . .. ;,'-..'" 'The Baltimore Muiixoctum-' liecord is pleased to say:- , . . :"The Citikejt, of Asheville,' Jf.lJ., a mofat excellent paper, will hereafter be issued daily, tho growth of Asheville beiner uch es to justify t'ss publishers -of the t'r"-"-"-in giving that town a fir.e d ' ''-t -'.'--', "- ." . "i'-J'--".-.' F 1 "M, f -;T,a.v;.: ,-:.:.;. ;,;,;';' J! t'ortmeet5ito-iilt)rrowr . Martial Lttle 1 as not yet arrived. . Col. j, D. Glenn, Clerk pftheMaril'al.'ha arrived, and some ??ry familiar faces aroalso seen, on the street, among, tieai extMar Ehal Kepgh, nUo Mr.-J. E. Boyd, District ' t"i-r.yi and MrW. "S. Ball,' assistant tleinen very pleasantly of MrCleve;a ad's indecision on whatever motive eonwoll- og his action. - " - j , - ' 8?Mi-AxxrAL Debate- ' - Vs ' ! We acknowledge a very eojrdialfotita- tion from, the Cliosonhic ' Society wof Weaverville College to attend the Semi- Annual debate of th Society on the night of the 8th inst. u JhVpreaidjent f tne feociety is 1. Jl. Meiaroy; secretary, D. T. Alexander; ortttoref 2: V. Rbfcerta and D. .F-. Skinner. We append the programme of the evening exercises C, r-, Declaiiners A. P. Wilbar and R, S. Bolton. ' Question Is it " probable ' that ' the United States will become a greater na tion? -.4. r.i--r , ;. : '..'.- ' 1, f Affirmative.. : '. Negative. J. E. Roberts,. .. , A. J. Fletcher. J. W. Pickens, r - D. B. JiArison, 1 J. N.Bolton," , " Jan. N. Gill. J I The. 'Asheville Cornet Band ."will - fur nish music for the occasion. '.-There will be a picnic on the following day. The 1 . 1 :n l 1 " . - -,AX . . uauu w in do in aiieiiuance. ' -. j On the night of the 9th the band'will give a concert, and wish ail to attend. ; -;- - Very respectfully,' -' . ' ': :'J D. B. ROKISOX. Oar Slfti mrrespondent says' : ' : I Dr. Sk J. Mixter and wife accompanied by MratlS. W Morton and Mr. Gallouoe Morton - of Boston -are snondins a tew da s in Jackson county, Siting places oi iu wrest , - ana tattm pisuiograpiiu: Views. Thev --spent.-. Fda? night at Syltaantt .from therft the made the tnoTfatnrdav for a tour of th 11 oner Tuckaaege country on th et)th end of Jackson, oui of the mrm litcturesqne sections of all the beautiful tnounfain country oZJXestamJSotih Carc4iiUuJVe hope the lr- and Jiis party maj njoy a pleasant trip and be amply rew ' L-d1 for TH WAYXESVIM.e NEWS. -t f r 11...L.. 1 1 1..-- paper to Mr. Harry paper to Mr. Harry" E. Harman of South Carolina in order to take a position on the staff of the Greensboro PtUribt. Mr. Harman will, enter nponhis new' field with the next issue. Mr. Ueniby has made a good and useful.'paper of the News, has urged yerv zealously the inter ests of his town and cormty, and has 1 r 1 1 x , 1 . -' Deen uniiormiy pieasani in nis rciauona with the press. We part with him with great regret, and wish him success in his new position, . ; The DiFPfcin-TY as Jackson. Our correspondents,, in ' Webster nd Sylva have each informel us;of the affair beTwe3n Bumgarner and McCurry which resultccTso seriously to the latter". We learn that -the. difficulty grew but of a dispute over the right $t the - parties, to pass over the lands of the other. Neigh bor s had been, m-thcr habit of' passing over the lands of Bumarger to ' reach a wagon way common to the neighbor hood. Tins land had recently been fenc ed in and put in cultivation."-McGhrrv applied to Bamgarner for permission to haul loads over . the- aforesaid crounds. iua rumgarner reiusea lor ine reason that it was now enclosed and, his crop planted. .Then McC'nrrv. as a measure of retalition, notified Bum garner that he should not pass through bis graurids by me roaa winch passed through it .The other said he would see about that; and th same afternoon, accompanied bv his sonwent over to McCurry 'a farm; Mc Curry was in his field eighty; or' a'hfttt dred yartls f rot it his lions and had just started to the house with a pole on his shoulder, and an axe in his -hand when the others came Up. Bamgarner hailed McCarry.apparentlv amit ablyjbutalmoat immediately brought down his musket, cocked it And . pulled triger.;-:- 'The' , eap did not explode, and McCJurry threw his axe at Bumgarner, c.itting his log; and also throwing a stone, which' struck his opponenUfl the face. : Seeing Btimparn- er drawing a pistol, McCtirry.rlpsed with him, and threw him.Bu2tiajiH; under neath, called upon his son to beiD him. ilia son drew a knife and gave McCurry four or five cute in the head and. shoul ders, which compelledjiiav In rise.' soon as- Bumgarner . gained . Ins feet, he drew his ; pistol, firing once or twice, one ball striking McCurry on : the leu side above tho hip, and lodging on the other aide. - Jtrhas not been extracted. McCurry- "cxhil: ' is such extraordinary spirit and .vital.ij? that it cannot be 6aid Bom krnf his wounds are dangcrons. a-as arrested, -a&d diseharge! on "urn nwa recognizance. t- ;: . ; v -; Baptism., V --'---; '..-" ;-'" ;;- iYesterJar &rty eight- col used persons w .re l)ttptreU- m flic ' French Broad . just below -t& ifvn Sridge; - Jt had, ratler the appearancK of A holiday than of a religious occasion,;'-;- V$h3t:.& pf1 111 1 de'sedpt ions throngedthe hthways: filled wkli colored people! hundreds of Khi!es. Ihroiiged :to tlie scene. The hri.l'ge waj crowded from end to end, and te hillsides .were banked with six'Ctafors 'IVobably two thousand were present, and there was much more of levity than eoh mnity in: the proceedings. The officiating minister performed the rite fimmerfcion with due propriety, but was annoyed "at; the wtm vppatheti' feelinjc of most of 'he lookers on. . i -" Kenxebhc Ice. '--.' A full supply of: the Kennebec I ce re ceived jtntl Drug Store." suit. . for-- pale; -at Cnrmifhaers "Supplied.' in qr.ailtities to The bent 5 cent C: r in Asbevilla is tlie Fan at Pelham's Dki-c Stobs.; . For a d-.-lii'ions of cold eo! x water goto..- Pr.i.itA w's Dr.vr.. Stoke. ille Citizex , HE - MAT- Weavekvii i k, N. C , ! ..Messrs! .Jailors ;--Wii!. lish thatje ."have'estal Library in Weavervi'!a ul, 1885. leadtt pub- i a College C e, and also ralsMany her . have of theVsladr never h? ! ; . i a. ! and are therefore-? :;., in thw esaehtial brantli cation.;-. There 'isji'ot! '.. than a gockl collection' of i not n'ble to buy all we lies peal to' a generous public t enterprise, and thereby' ai f a library y -.UUi'deduv ' j I 1 .'tore '.'$are " ye-- ap . a us in this hundreds of poor but-worthy", voting-who- will profit greatly by such gi-. Will "some' kind friend give ns a goo l j-jeotid-hand Encyclopedia?.: We' nee 1 1 'stories, 01- osraphitSj, )oets, ia. , , -ry kind of MHl .book.- there r.re u who have oks.whi''ti t!i -'' 1" " t-l and will- dead go where they will W siwaking for years and hel ping tw jay 0 . foundation of hizh and noble charubter. - . -. 1 ' I": ' -'-ffor the A. WEAVERVILLE COI - .TEr." AX A. We ask also for specimens of minerals,li65ting Pender county, . examining the fossels, Indian felica, lc. It is oar pur pose" to have Bpecpaens of evefy " variety n this country &nd many ufoi-e. not only as an exhibit, but -also for the purpose- of teaching; We shall bQ greatly Obliged to all the friends of higher ed bation who will help in this good iwrk. Send -to me by mail or freight to Alex-, knder or Asheville,. and notify 'me of tha fact. "' - ' -::-' '. - ' ' .--; ; - -: :. ;r;i-t -:-' J. ATKlSS. ; .V-'wi i-.ei T-lForthe AshcviUe CiTiKEh'. To 3fy Fellow Citizcas of, Asheville. .c.:.'' I The paper" signed Tax Payei-s" issued on Saturday was . evidently Written by an old political trickster. For boldness in its style, falsity in its statements and tor adroit new in twisting the figures con tained in it o a.-) to place the bxird of aldermen and their -ofticials'. hj a false light, the, production could not be snr: passed, even by the.participato'rs in the great Star Route transactions. An old gentlerran once told me that it was im possible to touch,' pitch without becom ing defiled Remembering that . and considering from whence this ' piece emanated,'-1 thought I would make no reply to any part of which might be con strued as touching on . me; but as great publicity has been given to the piece. I am constrained to tou?h 011 one or two points. " . - - - . -" - -;.'. Tax: Payer.n writes as follows : i.;,; 'The iaw require thi-iu to make oat a transcript of their receipts nnl expend itures and post It tit the Co-irt House door ten-days before (he election of the citizens." ' ' ' . - v 1 This was. done., and in addition the statement published in the Daily Advance. -.fc-ti.Km nn.ir eatmnf fcn, .""" ;v.. vV j days required by law and .-eonseqhenily in statins his fijrnres for the year's ex penditure of the Lusk board he leaves out nearly a month, and does hot account to the public for the money spent .by them during that time '.-.'"'" - . .' This man "Tax Pavers" writes, "a condensed and unsatisfactory statement (not a fair tranacnot as provided by law) has been published, .but ' neither shows where the uionev comes from nor where it baa gone to." . ' Ihe statement rendered wa a. con densed one, an itemized one was never required and has never boon rendered. If he means to imply that the statement is an unfair one, one intended to deceive, I pronounce the statement as false and the fit product' of the foul heart that conceived it. If he or his party cannot understand it, it is because they are too stupid to do ; so, or avt the knave and appear not to do so. ' -' - . 1 this man rax Payers in the lace 01 arf explanatory -statement published by me m the Daily Advance, that the -Bar Room tax not beinjr return 3d to me as special taxes was included: in Real and Personal taxes, states that the- said tax is unaccounted for. His statement is therefore wilfully ; false, and worthy of the foul heart that concxlvett it. My statement was satisfactory to ray fellow citizens generally, and by good and nonest men wnose opinion. i vai tie. What the motley crowd of which "Tax Payers" ii the. champion think of me. does not amount to the value of a row of pinsand-will not . cause me an attack of sleeplessness - - ; ;:.:i. .C II. lCKra,i Mr. M., Si .-Alexander of Leicester, says the people vof his sectionT generally ; a"re mticlv behind in"-h:tving supplies far home use, Wut, say s"he, 'Voii may bet your bof-tni.y-iio'Juour farmers will not be w ithout hoir.a .-.g-.tppHes another "year." "Un says her farmers report th6 prospect3, so far. as better for good crops thair foe ears ; all they:will. require will be good seasons. We urge r our tanner to raise full home --sup plies,-;and. as much 'good tobacco is they can raises . .:'; r -:'-; 7 -7.-- -"Tr"' !- We jbave just recti ved a splendidly gotten up ana neatly printed pamphlet entitled A Thkaties ox ' f he Utility of. Nattbe's Remedies. This is an interest ing little book giving a' history of the reven Springs of z VVasbington county, Va:, from the waters of wh ich are made the1 famous Severi-; Springs "Iron-Alum M" 11 tells J'011 j10 ' rcmedy is prepare!, puv uiuuunir vi-jiuuicr-ous instances of. its wonderful curative powersrand furnishes testimonials from many prominent physicians,- and others of high positiojs m both the State and Church. .We commend its careful perusal to all classes of the human family,: and advise every one to send, their name and address to Laadtnu & Litihfield; Abing don, Va , who will take pleasure in mail ing vou a copy of this valuable little book. LOST; ':;,.'.-;.;"." - : A Gold Headed Cane with initials "A. D." 6n ' head. Tinder will be rewarded by"Veturning e -;neto A.' David, at Ham mershlag's, or leaving at Citizen Omcei Six 10c- papers Landreth's Garden Seeds for 25c. at Pelharo's Drug Store. Peas and Beans in bulk. . : . - ' "White Rose' ar' I von' v - . ' ' Cigar to be found onlv Afik for Capillaire at Pelha:is .Soda Fountain. -1:-" .Peliiaui'is Soda U the (Wildest and most dflicions in the city. - - y .-Pelham'a niasMve Argtv Stida -Fountain has nj:ftin-opened for the season. .Garden IV a- at iV.ham's, 10c. pint. ; - n. STATE - NEWS." v y; v 'The Gold Lfaf notes Jhe death; twelve nViles. north of Ilenderson, bf Mr. George Heck, father of Col. J.; M. Heck ' in his 84th year.' - s v ..- . '.,.'..; V The "work on the line of rail road from Wilson to Florence HlSC , ' tia Faye'te- vnie the W.'.-S v. shortcut was to have been, begun on tha 1st inst. The line is 70 miles long,: i saves about tnat distahee. - . - The . Lender notes the t ' 'on death at Winston of Mr. J. H. Mr , s-Dfohun- vub iuKiuuer ui tuo vuu.i t.naiaa turn i. ' . 1 fiL-AJH', - T . I - Grand Lodge, tie was I-puty: Grand Master, and in tu-. hnf npment, was rast urand 1'atnarcn. -! - ;. ' ? x On the 1st day f May Tune were ter rible wind and hail storms in this State and South Carolina especially along the line of the Raleigh' and Gaston rail road north of Baleigb, jind tn Columbia. S. C The hail was largo and r btmdant, aud ia the latter city horass wore blown .down jii unroofetl; and i-ail't'6!kl" bridges over- . .. t - f.ThevWiltutngtoa &xr sayS Maj. S, M. Finger, Supt, of Public Instruction, is road that ia being constructed by, convict labor throuirh the Angola . ' pocoson. When finished the'road will be ten miles long. The road is 24 feet wide, . flanked paither side by deep and wide ditches, canaLi in fact.. The soil is very rich, and when drained, by these ditches, 'will bring much valuable land into market. Glad to see that the rail road - works in Western North Carolina have not absor bed all the convict labor as . some of our friends down East seem to believe. ; The Waynesville Xews says Mr.. T. B. Crary of Asheville has taken the contract to make 250,000 bricks for the. buildings to bo erected during the summer" by Mc intosh and Sprague in Waynesville. The same paper says about 140 convicts are being worked between the Nantahala and Murphy in grading the railroad, cross ties are being gotten out. Track-laying will -be commenced soon, and the road will be completed and trains run to Jar- uiiH' . .1 , : t e u . u frett's,iibbut twelve miles from the mouth of the Nantahala, the nearest point to Robbinsville. . An 'early completion of tne roaa to Murphy seeuiB a certainty, We are indebted to an attentive friend from Brevard Vor items of information, allof.nhich, however,, had been anticipated.- We -nevertheless esprets, 00 r tnankfulnessfoi 111s, kindness, and iKipe he wih vnte again. . A Gooo SLGGi;itiX. The TidloWmg was handed us Satur day evening Messrs. Editors: The result of to-day's" work will be a new citv administration. and it behooves them, if they wish to secure to tho city a suwcsafnl govern ment, to pay epeeial attention to the providing means to run tho city on a cash basis. The evidence furnished"bv Buncombe county during the past nine months as to what can ha done bv an efficient ofliet'r- fives . thu itvy-a -fine chance to prout, by the oxampirior, the county. 1 see no reason -whv theconntv tax coller tor; Capt. T, W. Patton, cannot be appointed also tax collector lor the city, provided he will accept the position. and am satished that cvury citizen, who has the welfareof the city at heart, will endorse my-snggestion. . ; - ; A Democrat Not twenty minutes belore this Was handed us, another citizen', o taxpayer and a republican', made tho same sugges tion to. iu, on tho ground 0 theefficiency ol Capt. Patton as a tax collector. Every man who pays his taxes natnrally thinks every other man outrht to do so, and capt. Patton s- record as tax collector 01 Buncombe, haviftgadded over two thousr anddolIamtoBunconibe'streasury which otherwise would not haveotteii therein, these taxpayers think he should be re ceiver 01 uuies lor tne cuv. it ia r goou, financial suggestion. ' - , : . : . : .We had the pleasure of a visit on Rlonday . 'from" our old friend Jame D. Glenn, of Rockingham, f -r two terms member of the House from R x kiniihanv county and Speaker pro. U rn , member of the Boant of Agriculture, Colonel ol the Third Regiment of ' State Troops, and now Clerk to Marshal Settle. rhereveT tried, he has proved himself the man competent to fill all. positions with hon or to himself and benefit to the Slate. Welcome to Col James D - Glenn.' ; Gen'l Johnstone Jcnes Jhas returned from Raleigh, to which city he had gone to ar range for the summer encampment "of the State troops." Nothing definite was' con cluded. If the tribes of the troops are consulted, decision wilf be difficult The western troops-wish tF go to the' seaside; and the eastern men,' to, the tnountains.s.-- "In viewpf the probabilities of ah attempt to rescue the prisoners, Ray and Anderson, from the "Asheville" jail, it is" well to let it be known that the jail is ell guarded, and a rescuing viiy iu ,omi ui iuuc welcome. - A word to the wise, &c. ... 7NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, EXECUTOR'S SAI-E,- . ' , - ' I win proceed to sell atSilwr Springs, the late residence of JL Henry, on ; ; Saturday, May 2?,J, 1885, '.' A'lot of nersonal- property, consisting 6f Furni ture. Cook Btove, Farming Tool?, Ac., belonging to saia estate. - .forma, nf Hale All sums of So.00 or lean CAfH. Sums over Ave Hollars on a credit of six months, with note and solvent ewumy. . . ," . - P. A. CUUMTNGS, Ex'r. May '., IS85-w4w " -- THERE 18 XO I'LACE TJKE HOME, When you have your old Furniture Repaired and Polished nicely, and your House nicely Decorated, and your Musical insirumenis inno vated This you can have done by calling on G. l GRUBBS, over VanGihlor Brown's, who will do anything you wish inside your house. Best of City References given, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Apr 17-D t- W lw. Round -Knob Hotel; : - AV: N. C. H. K. U NDER NEW "MANAGERS. IS new olK?n for the reception of visitors. Round Knob is situated on the line of 'the W. N. C- R. R.,';6 miles from Asheville, and In the Valley" of Dlue Ridge Mountain. House newly furnished .with all conven iences. Table-- supplied from the best markets, ' Climate am! u titer not excelled bv any seclion in V.'. N. -Carolina. - " ' Hi'diest Fountain in th-e World in-full vicwofthe Hotel,.throwing a stream 203 feet -hiah. -Nort'un-. visitors will find it to their interest to visit thi lu-autii'til an.l rom;t!i:io s;t. . Ti lirrri.ii r.H'oc hi !!'.!. Fiirtlirr 'mdirnialion. nitdrtss W. 11. TROY. ' Ap 2 ;-Oif - - - iifv.in ! Kimb. X, TELEGRAPHIC -- : - ,: r ;, ; . ASSOCIATED PJRE83; TELEGRAM SPB-''ii- . CIA L TO CITIZEN. j. DISPUTE- BETWEEN : . RUSSJA. CHINA' AND CUiiia - PI neks . up Conrage. ..J;-''- r : -1 - - - ., : .-- , fc War with Rnula Threateaed. s .'.;.' r. LoN"Dos,.May 4tl, "i p m. . r Loiuloa. Dispatches from Tientsin state that the dispute between China and Rut. Sia regarding the frontier of Vantchooria hrs become acute owing to the "nori arri val of Russian members of 'the defimitw- bem Commission, ani the t constant pot ponmenl of the dl pf their arrjf itb$ plate .of. meeting to fettle tbe . bcniJdarjv The Chinese Oommisnion have been trarl for the past sevfat''nontlu to hegioVlie- work of dehminaticn. . The' fcifurr't.:' Kusfeian . vMintM&f "Id them has caiwetl the Chinese- Goverxunent to' fear that the sim course puraued by Russia respecting, the a Afghan . frontiers, will-" he followed, In thi caseiovv that the difficulty with France in relation -to .Tonqum has been, settled, ;China ha - become more courageous and has demanded that Russia fulfill her part of the agreement which led to the apj ointment pi the commission. It is jsajd;;'thatChiiia has aW intimated that she is quite prepared to entbrct; her claims m riird to thi lra:iLi'". of Man chocA-ia." The Chinese " allow UiAt the Russians Trove bceir constantly encroach- uig upon v uini-sc territory ever since Ignaiefi; agreenicnt of iS6cv:- , ; A MOKE PEICEFIL PBOS. t T hrterinf of Nteaiuers Ntoppd ; . '.. .. .''.;., Loxpon, May 3, 2 p. m. :' The AJmiralfy hss issned an order 8toppini the further charter of. ships . of small capacity that were intended to be used or ihe transportation of troops, This order is regarded as foreshadowing the- stoppage of all war preparations. The War Cload NnppM i Ire li- , Mlvintr Tbe RtiMiaai Relieved by ' ' . 1 Sews om Ena;laaI. i Sr. Pcteesuckc, May 4th, 1 p. m. ' i Though nb definite news of re'approacL ment Ix-tween England and Rtweid has been receivexl, the war cloud seems sud denly to have d issidvod The news that England has not annexed Port Hamil ton in the Japan sea give a feeling of A Smih 'Bursts in Central Asla-A . YHn7 Flod and Mn. Pur- - tlisr al Wrk. l .' -, , .. -'--'-:'; 7- Tikmr r.7 A pn, 30. l A dam -at Karobund; seveuty miles nrlh of St:ak!ur, has burst, flooding the country fur miles around. The Russians are mafciug strenuous exertions to repair tne oam anu uamago none. - ,-r 1 VrwDpaptr KIbj DcimI a Ma f ' many Function. I V P. ris, May 4-2:30 p. ni, 1 The death is announced , to-day of M, Anguste Ihitiruit, the iewsuer king who was the founder "Edi lor in Chief or Manager' of the. fallowing Parisian papers: LeProjiagateur, L'FLstafle, L'Iho, Do Commerce, Gil B!a-,. Ij& Republique, La Courh-r, D--Puri.-. L'Opiuione, Le Xutiiia!v lKjieneijii'iif, Ixi-''ii.'aio, Le Lantern and JTelegmph. . ItvAth r AT raw Vtn4crIIt.- : ; ;Sttf York. Mar 4tli, "StTA m. Mrs. Frauk A. Vanderbilf; the widow of fimnruHlote" Yandei bilfc, . died at 2 o'clock' thi mV"riiin; at her residence. No. H"i XVjijshimitoti Place. She had been ill for x lit- lat lew tlays with pneumonia. NOKETIIIKG FAOH. 'I'll K H U'B IX. 1 -.. '. j C. i' - ,; tmmim ' '" - " 1 -- ' El Jf andl Heard From.Ife Beromm ' 5Tor nsrlug." ' .'" ' 'r.' . . ' ' "Dosoola, May 3w ; . Kl Mahdrbas dihuiitsod from his ser-vi,-f t!.'- Etnir of Berber... : Fl Mabdi's iiicri at Suakln are btcoin- ing iiiiry daring- every day. Last night they surrouijdel Taujb mk cnl Ataoard kept up a heavy Hro oh "both places all night. The tiring was, -howevej- made from t.io. long a range to lie effect i ve. Anothcr'forward iiiovement by the BriU ist. troops ls. exjoeted to take dac- to-morrovr.- - j -- -. v- .-.: - NEW YORK STOCK v; ;' . -' . NEw'YonE, May 4." . The new week opened at. the Stock Exchange with a weak market, the first prices showing a declinoj of. i to . per cent.. 'Throughout the first hour; there was increased activity, the bears selling the whole list and causing a further de preciation in values, the decline at 11 o'clock, as 'coinjihred with Saturday's closing. amounting from - to 1 percent, the latter for Delaware, Hudson, New York Ontral .has been- tho strongest stock on list- but Gould's - stocks and Grangers have also been well supported. The total sales for the first hour were 77,500 shares or about double what it has been for some time past. The most active stocks have been New York Central, Lockawanna and St. Tau'. At 11 o' clock the market is fairly activo and weak. Loaning rates are casv. , ! - Ritlflinare Mnrltetx. . . Baltimore, May 43 pm.' Flour easier -and quiet. .Howard st and western superior 3.6534.00 ; do extra 4.ioa4.5o; Family 4.6535.5'); City mills su perior 3.503.75;- exura Kio branrls 5. Wheat Southern, eaier and tpi'et: Western, "lower, closirg quiet. Suulh ern rcd lo5aicf, Amber iual 13, No. t Ma rjlantl 1075107", No. .2 Westeilv winter rttl spot oS 1-2 bill. Fresh corw Southern, easiir iinii. t ; Western, 1. Smiihcrn 1 b it active, t1 . : V IBdo Koaejr 91arke .'. I ' : ; . LosdoS, May, 4, Noon.. ".Consols 07J'; stocks very iira jioni and foreign bonds bouyant.7 ' ' "-','. - 3 p. m. Consols 97 J.' -'4:30 p7hr.-?)7:V Ths.... Waynesville sMpxicipai, tiqx A Nos-Poutical '." Ijveey Scrimmage. .. Affaik A- v A note from our Waynesville corre spohdent of this 4ate says i J 7 -! f The election in this town paaed tiT " quietly a light vote was polled. There was little ipterest manifested, the elec tion being non-poetical G. H. Smath- -era was elected Mayor, and' A J: Reeve, '' C. W.' Miller and W,T. Ie A'dermen without opposition. ( i V'i ? ' ' A rough and tumble fight occurred Uii ' . tween two young men la front of Battle Hdose Saturtlay evening. "Neither wu--hcrt seriously; but it caused some' littl ,", exitement in the vicinity, at the time , : ' j J-t3Tt?AH 4he great dailiesi-iKew ylVt" ' ilKHAt-a; .Vi ''BmiiirTHwi,. Charleston Newsj a.n jj ,CouiiE.R"Cart lotte Observer, Raleigh EWSjOBSEEA'j EE," Wilmington' St a4, Wilmington Jt re view,1 and Asheville 'CiTirEJc are to be found yegularly -at th. Book; Stores f III H. Lyon, J. N, Morgan & .CC.jr. L, WUkie. and W. E. Pelham. : ; " " i ; PROFSSSIGNAI, CAJirJS, milOf?. A; JOKEB, " ; -J . 71 lea ; " ASHEVILLE. Ht! CL. ' -oct t-ly w f OfflcA wUhMvIdacw JfaMal T OCKE .CRAIG, 1 rroa3 r-eir 10 .Attorney, at .Imw ,.; ASHEVILLE, N. O. Oflice in Court House dec 6-1 y t JOnXSTONS JOKES.. TOXJ & IIABDyiCKEv . I Atiorjuryt auda Cmtuselort At-Zat'. .1,: AsuEvnxB, y, Pf'.-iU .. hex a-Office lh Citizrx Building. v ; may3-tly. . fHOS. D. JOHNSTOS, Geo. A. Savroo.- TOHN8TON & EUUFORD, Attorney Sc t'nantrllom at. law. -. ARHRVlt.I.E K. C i ' ' Will braelice IA tha 8th and 9th Judicial nUlrbtf' ot North Carolina, in the Supreme Court of the' - Tii collection ot Claims, the examination 01 tl He fc real property, and the settlement of eatata t a l-alty by the llrm. Office in the Johnston -buihrliie. -,. . , ,; f: ju J17-ly t ThEC. - PAVlDbOX., , Jab. O, ICtitT . II I "V A V ! OSON 4c MARTIN, ttmj sy CoanellraatlAQi lUltrVII I X3 ' WH; ;u-4ikA. ia tne 8th and tth jidiiini duiAm -i and in tiie Snprerae Court of Narth Carolina, rail ' tn uio federal uourraol tne Western uiatrict North Carol'na. . . . Refer to the Bank f AaheriUe. . .: 'ir-in-i eplK-swAwem . . c .' ... JQRS. W. L, t W. D. HILLIARD, ,7 Physicians and Kurtcons. ' Oflice next door south Old Bank. - , ' Jau-3-6.mos - .'. , ; j '' . '. '-".'" K.-jomv ui r wiixjA' , ; . Physician and Surgeon. . r - Otl'et: Main St.. 2 doors south of Bank.' Katt - .ie;. on French Broad Avenue. . Oflice hours 11 r: . to 1 p, m., and from 8 to 6 p. m, - - ALDKN HOWELL. JAMES M. MOOI.Y HOU ELL and MOODY, ? Attorneys at Law, WAYNESVILLE,- - - - 0' Prompt attention to all business In- nsted to them. ap 24-tC - - TAMES A. BURROUGHS. - -'"'.f -Ai r- ASHEVILLE;: K.Cv -.?r'.i . Oflice over Powell & Snider's j ; ' , ; . u ' -t&m Residence corner of Main And Woodfin streets... ; '. ,, . r, del6-lv r . . , ' ' rr-i - rr-!-T 1 Civil Engineer and Gerieral Surreyof, ' prepared to do an work la his profession, aad offer bis services especially in Leveling, Road MasmXi Maung isaumates 00 work, Laymgutf, Locating and Platting or Manning Chy . Lots, and ' Eatlmatiog or .Mapping .Work auread j don . J s-u -.. - . - . , . i . ' . ,. L ' . ..- U . , ' GEORGE W. REED, : '.'-.: i 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Located at Swannanoa Jimetion- ' Alf call promptly attended. . . .1 r- api is-uu aw-ti. - . - . DENTAL : CARDS. B. II. DOUGLASS, D. V. 8., Dental Rooms over De Vault's, Drm -Store; esidence in same, building AsherUlo, -M. C, feb3-wisw . - .:' ! : ,!, ,'" ' ' OR. RV II. REEYES, D. 0. 0.f '' '- - Ottick' in Sailer Building, p posit e Central Hotel, ASHEVILLE, N.C Persons havln? artificial" work dofie. aJ(r ryina-it two or tare weeks. If not aatlatted. car. return it and lb mone; will be r( andad. . if 14 DoubledayL; Scott; ... North Side Ptihjlc .Square, v ASHFAlLLli, N.C. 4- ' . DEALERS. I.V- i t i in ber, Latli s, S bin - gles; Fencing, Plunk", Posts, Wcathcr-Board- . in.?, Flooring, Etci Visa Doors, Sash and - Blinds. ' ' fe7-sWoin ASHEVILLE GREEfTHOUSES, Opposite tne" Co!!-:;e. ... HOl'SE I'l.AXT Khiwi-t in t," ;. YAI iit l.v ,1. ' i I) V 1 s i V . AND CI T 8TI1 I JIWII (Hi IVi-'l-ll ,.-r tr-'f-.-, .'- -oniii,. i. v I. (IV l t - I I. r ir-te-Jfcl