CITIZEN JOB OFFICE, jii WEST SIDE 'PUBLIC SQUAKK. BILL HEADS, t. . . LETTER HEADS, POSTERS, '''"' ' " BLANKS, v ,i4rf yob Work of all kinds done with promptness and af low frfcet". "EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. lYer, 3.00 " , . 6Moa.,'," -.3.00 Weekly, 1 Yew, ' -. - 1.6 O ... ' " 6 X.Ioo., - "75 D FJSi? TISJNG HATES LOW. VOL; I.NC: 21. ASHEVILLE, N. C WEDNESD- :LNING MAY 6, 1885. PRICE: 5 CENTS. o O ' a -1 f77- As2ieTiIl '.'Bn&siu-ss Directory. " General Merchant Wholesale and Retail. C E. Graham A Co , S. R. Chcdester & Son, J. D. Brevaid & Co., J. O. Howell, S. Hammershlag, V. E. Lee, II. Redwood & Co., J. P. Sawyer, At Mears, A. H. Jones & Son, Bearden, Rankin & Co., W. H. Brown, G.M. Roberta. ..vwvii - ' r Garden find Held Seeds. v'V :?".' Powell t Snider,"ir. H, Xyons, A. J. Merrill, H. Redwood Co., J.O. Howell, J. P. Sawyer, Bear- rten. Rankin & Co.rC. K, Moueure. - - " drain, Mag and Flour. - -' ' J. R. Stames, Powell Snider, Alexander SnA Penland. v-' - - '--VHlt- Pennlman & Co., VanGilder & Brown." v s . . ... - I .3 TL'...n.. Stores, JtouxfyumiMtaty, w x , J Ballard Bros., Brown & Ucartien, tiinasey cros. - 'Ciothing, Ocntf Fit wishing, te. , . " Jurncs P. Sawyer, M. Levy, Charles. E Lc S -Whitlock. . " ' x . Soots, Shoca, aud Hal. ; .'.,. W, T. Weaver,! M. Lctj. ' Boot onti 4oe Manufacturer. ' f . M. Levy, W. T. Weaver, A. Freck. - r. , JSoofcg owl Stationery; ' . L. WUkie; J. K. Morgan & Co., U. T. Esta- brook, IL U. Lyons. lie Vault Broa. - , . ' f a 4 . , . r Jeweleri., -C. Cowan, Steffner and Bobertson. . Ihmtty Qtocerie. ; : b, h on.i fodflpr H R. KeDler. A R. cooiey, T1....1 r. ,. 'P ? ctnmnB f J W ;ondl&kO. A. J. MerriU, J. E'.'Mrare'. W are and Howell, A. C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Mackey b uo. jesse ! (i. 1j. MCJJOnalU, V. 1j. Morgan, j; . j. """?"" B Noland&Sons,TiVV.Shelton, J. R. TruU,G. H. Stames, N. Penland, Fenlana n AJeianuer. f- Butchers, Meat-Dealer, tr. n . ZacheryBn0 James Lusky T. K. Davis, Mc Connell and Drake.- . , Bakeries. -' J. J. DcsmonvL F. M. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, Coitfectioneries. J. J. Desmond, (fiictory), J. M Heston. Saddlery, Harness, &e. S. M. Gilbert. & Co., Alexander and Penland. Furniture, &c. w n Wflltnmsnn. Moore '& Falkf P. S. Mo- Mulien. , , , s Undertakers. X. Brand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton Coal Dealers. s F. Venable.' D. S. Wab on, Hill und Atkins K. W. Glrdwood t Co. - ' . ; . .'. ' I . Lumber Dealers -. '" Doubleday it Scott. - - -4 , Onroctor, Carpenters, and Builders. I. Cforenflo, John Hart, J. A. Wagner, T.- C. ' Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E. Buttnck, T. L. 'Clayton, A; GvWest. . . 1 ; - Blacksmitlis , D; W. Caub'.e, J. BL Woody. ; ' - A- Hotels. " . ' ,,' .':- '" 4 Swnnni- EagleVV Grand Central , tern, - Carolina House, Slugle House, Tbe llla.Flonaa Hvalth Asociatin. - 'Frivatc Boarding. A T. Snmmcy. P. S. McMullen, Miss BetUe Brown, Misses Coffin, Mis. A. E. Hall, P. F. Emer son, Miss Smith, T. W Nel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, J. H. Carter, G: M. Rrfberts, B, H. Grahl, G h. Mc Donald, M. J. Fagg. J. A. Fagg. J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. : Holland, Mrs. Broiles, Mrs. Mrs. E. L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W.Patton, Mas. Leicester Chapman, IL .C. HuntE. J. Aston, Mrs. "U. V. France. . ,. - Livery, Sale and Feed Siables. ' Reynolds & Chambers, J. M. Bay,' V. A.Wed din. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, f. H.Stanslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Herndon, S. H. Barnard, G. W. Morgan t Co., E. T. ClemmonSi Jesse R. btarnes. . Colleges, Schools, &c. ' Ashe'viile Female College,- AsheviUe Male Academy, Newton Academy, Miss Goodloe's High oknni ritinni lofUoa . Mikh Sawver a Primary - School, Mrfc' vi- ? Jmtaoa'? iwarj-echooly three wnlte puDiic scnouis, iwu nwu schools. A graded school has been authorized by law, and a State normal school will be held every summer. , " - - - Millinery, &e. - Mrs. H. M. Herndon, S. Whitlock, Mrs. M. E. Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs RR Porter. 1 Attorneys At Law. MsLoud Moore, J. H. Merrimon, E. H. Mer rimon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gndger & Car ter, J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sondley,. W. 8. Cushman, 1 Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W. W.Vandiver, Davidson & Martin, T. A: Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig,. W. R. Whitson, Jones and - Hardwicke, Johnston t Shuford, W. M. Cocke, lsTatt Atkinson, A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, V. S. Lusk, P. A. Cnmmings, A. J. Lyman. , v pfojsicians and Surgeon. D. J. Cain, W. L. fe W. D. HUliard, John Hey -Williams, J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Nelson, Wardlaw McGiU, H. P. Gatchell. . Dentists. O. W. Whitson, B.. H. Douglas, R. H. Reeves,. A. . B. Ware. , - Banks, Bankers ana Brokers. .- Bank of Asheville, Sluder t BarnaTt". " - 'ii- Merchant Tailors.- ;- f J. W. Schartle. " " Dealers in Furs. M. FJlick. - . Beat Estsie Agencies. Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt Atkinson, E.J. Aston, B. M. Jones. ' Architects and Civil Engineers, S F Venable. J A Tennant, Tobacco Warehouses, i ; The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware- house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Ware house, The Buncombe Warehouse. Tobacco' Manufacturers Chcufaff and Smoking. ',. B.B. West, McCarty & Hull, J. E. Ray, E. I. ' Holmes fc C., Shelton & Perry, W. P. M'Uiiamson. . - - V Coopers, &c. ' L. F. Sorrell, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, Hart. ' - . x Wines, Liquors,&c. Loughran Bim, Hampton t Featherstone, W. O. Muller, fe Co., A. P. Sorrell. . . ; . , ; ' Papers Mangers. Cain fc Hunt, Moore & Falk, R.' L. Fitzpatrick. - newspapers. ; Daily and Wkeklt Citizen, Dafly and Weekly Advance, The Asheville Tribune (weekly.) , - . 06 Offices. s t The Citizen Job Office, Hunti- Robertson, i- ' - Photographers. I Nat. W. Taylor, W. T. Robertson, T. T. Hill. . Grist Mills, Ac 1 " Jordan & Hallyburton. N. W. Cirdwood, Jas. E. " Buttrick, McLane. . r Fertilizers, A c. ' - ' ' - ' F. N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Penniman t Co., -"Anchoiv. Brand" M... Roberts, Alex. Porter. "Piedmont," W. H. i-enland, "Owl Bracd," Bear den, Rankir. t Co., "Ober & Co.'s Special," Lyon & Walker, "Farmer's Friend," T. C. Starnes, "Ar lington." .W. W. Barnard, "Sea Fowl,": N. W. Girdwood &po., "Soluble Pacific.'" , - . Insurance. ... ;. - E. J. Aston, Thos. W. Branch. , W. . V.-Telegraph. . 8. G. Weldon, manager. - .: Southern and Adams Express. . F. A. Stikeleather, manager. . CM Officer!) of Buncombe County.- Sheriff J. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; S. C. Clerk E. XV. Herndon; Register J. R. Pattersor.; Treasurer J. H. Courtney, Surveyor B. F. Patton; Tax Collector T. W. Pattern. - - ' Inferior Court. - "- Justices G. A. Shuford, C. B. Way, J. M Green; Clerk Mont Patton; Solicitor H. B. Carter. : r 1 - County Commissioners. ; - ; J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G. W. Whitson, L. J, Childs, Thos. D.arittain. - - Justices xf the Peace.' ' A. T. Summey, N. A. Penland, T. W. Patton, C. B. Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B.Cain. . City Government. Mayor E. J. Aston; Aldermen W. H. Penland, T. C. Westall, A . P. Sorrell, I. Gorenflo, William i Weaver; Marshall A H. Baird; Chief Police W. G. McDowell; policemen. J. H. Hampton, R. W. . Gowan. - , . , - Fire Department. , Hose N. 1, Foreman H. C. Fagg; H. t L. No. 1, Capt.A.F Hull. - .... .. . Sanitary Department ; - - . Dr. D T Millard, Sanitary ChieC Federal Officers. . V. 8. Commissioner, A. T. Summey. Depnty Collector, (stamp onice) A: D. Cooper. District Deputy S. C. Herrcn. Deputy Marshalls, R. O. Patterson, A. C.Patterson, T. K. Davis, H. S. Har- m' United States District and, Circuit Courts. .... Judge R. P. Dicfe, Solicitor J. E,Boyd, Clerk J. E. Reed, Deputy Clerk P. A. Cummings. ' . -: Post Office. It. L. Gudger V". M.; Clerks W. BJroore, W. L. Norman, A. lu Cliff. - - . . - Sewing Machine Agencies. .. vvihVr t IVilpon. J. II. Herring, Chief Clerk J! 1 f Tiiti!. fiinirer. M. H. Morvnilian . v Monteath. Dome.ttic, 8. R. Ched- n, Chai ii Lee. ITF i .3 1: ftv iieerroiBiuim-Ruove.wuirJi ( r '-ijU'd upon nociiu-aliiiii. t DAILY . EDITION. INTERESTING LOCALS ON ' -5 r " FOURTH PAGE. TIIE Arrival ana Departure of the Trains. Sajjsbott Arrives 8:50 A, M. . ; i ; Departs 0:81 F. M. Tennessee Arrives 61 r..x. . . , . - Departs 9:12 A. m. v . ' . Wayhksviijlb Arrives 3:50 p. h. . V - " Dcpai-ts 9:12 a. x. " - " The Wayneiville train reaches that point at 1:20 ; returning, leaves SYaynesville at 2:30. r n .The best 5 cent 3gar in town at LyV ons "White Hose," - "W"T. Weaver, ' Sole Agent for Hess' Hand-Made Shoee for men tf. THE AII.Y CITIZEX Will be published every evening (ex cept Sunday), at the following" rates-- 8trctly cash : Six Months, Threo V -. One- One Week, v 3 00 1 50 50 .. 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery evening in every part of the city -to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen . Office. , 1 J8"We shall issue an early edition of the Daily every afternoon, in "order to place the paper the same evening along the line of, the railroad from here to Salisbury. This will place the nooii dispatches in the hands of our readers on the line of the W. N. C. Bail Road sooner than any other paper in the State. JBOur friends will remember that the Semi-Weekly Citizen has" ; been merged into the Daily.- ' ' 1 v The Weekly has not been discontin ued, and any one desiring .to change to either Daily or Weekly can do so. Persons who fail to get their papers, Daily or Weekly Citizen, will confer a special favor upon us by calling atten tion to the same at the office. ; Found; ' ll-i V-f. I. . In our Store on Saturday morning last, a sum of money. ' H. , Redwoob & Co.' Temperature at Asheville. "" ; ' May 5th., Maximum, .. ": - 5 44 ." 5th,-Minimum, ; . i 74 Barometrical nressure . . 30.41, falling,- followed by-- rain. Prevailing wind, south-west. , - : . ; ; : ' i Look cut for the new goods at McMul- len's. :.:;-:r, .. : . d3t A good Stock of Dry Goods,. Uphols tery Goods, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, &c. H. KEDWOOD-4J CO. : Mr. Neal, Jr., the . popular sheriff of McDowell is in the city. .- See our new advertisements. Matters of interest to be fouhdB6here;- - Money lost by Mr. L." W. Peek: See notice elsewhere. - . - Mr. Eaves, editor of our neighbor the Marion Bugle, is in the city. - Our county authorities have very pro perly offered two hundred dollars' reward for the arrest of the Joyce murderers. There is a' very large attendance upon the Federal Court, from all the counties. We trust all of our friends will call aud see us. ' --; ' Gen. King, wife and daughter, of De troit, Mich., and Mr.' Stewart, wife and three daughters, of New York are stop ping at Capt J. B. Steele's. ? s ; The Astro-Meteorological' Association will meet at the Citizen office on Satur day," May 9th, at 5 p. jn.- Let. all inter ested attend. - W. xLtrM ADORE, - Vice President. Sheriff Rich returned 1 this morning from Raleigh, where he deposited six wails, including one "preacher" for some moral delinquencies, contributed to the State service by our Inferior Court last week. . : ' Maj. A. M., and - Mr. Morris of the McDo.w'ell bar, Chief r Justice Mc Elroy of the Madison Inferior Court, Gen'l Bowman of Mitchell, Capt. Alden Howell, Mr. J. M.. Moody, tien'l M. Henry of ; Waynesville," . Messrs. G. .W. Dillard, V. E. Moore, J. W. Terrell, Henry Stewart, Jr., of Webster, 'are in attendanc 3 upon the court. .. -.-. Do not forget to bear Gen'l Vance, Capt. T. D. Johnston and others speak to-morrow in behalf of the Fair. It is -a talk to farmers and business men, for farmers and business - men. Let the court house be filled. " ' . ; Cmr friend Peter L. Npland, : Esq.,'. of Fines' Creek, gave us a call to-day.. He says the tobacco plants in his section are being injured, and the wheat will scarce ly yield what was sown. The farmers are going in lor heavy crops 01 home sup plies, tie says lines oreen win Deat tne world next year on fine tobacco, and the whole settlement is hard at work for 1 good crops. - - Competitive Examination. - - . The competitive examination for the appointment of the West Point cadetship ordered by the HonThos. D.' Johnston, will be held in Asheville on the 15th day of this month, beginning - promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. Prompt attendance is enjoined.'.- The cmamining committee will be announced subsequently. -. Elder T. Bbight '.. Will preabh at the. Flats of Spring Creek, in Madison county, on the 3rd Sunday in May, 17th inst'. The brethren win piease xaKe oue nonce. -1 we are pleased to see this good and faithful worker is most pleasantly situated in Polk county, where the field is white unto the harvest. Eds. Citizen. . The best 5 cent Cigar in " Asheville is .the Fan at" Pelham'sDhuq Stoke. For a delicious glass of cold soda water goto . Pelham's IIruq Store. Goto McMullpn's for yeur furniture and carpets. , , dot Parasols, Kid Gloves, Underwear, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, &c. -: - . II. Redwood & Co. Our line.of While 3ood9, Laces,. Em brtidcries, &c, is unusually full and at tractive. - -s II, Redwood & Co. Trout and I'nss Tackle. ' II. Redwood A "Splendid Heaese.'- , . Mr.. I. V. Brown yesterday received a new and beautiful hearse, to be used m connection with bis business. Tbe hearse is modern in style and possessing easy convenience. Hon. J. L, T. Sneed. , We had the honor of a visit to-day, from this distinguished gentleman. He was fofc. eight years on the Supreme .Court bench.' lie is now a resident of Slemphis. He is of North Carolina blood, and that of the most distinguished kind. He is a grand son of that most learned and revered North Carolina Judge, John Louis Taylor, and a first cousin of the present Episcopal Bishop of Mississippi, VfiUiam Mercer Green. - , , '"' Fire in. the Country. --' . -- . Last night between 11 and 12 o'clock the house of Mr.. William Corn, who lives about three mfieavest o? Asheville near iDrym&B, inountain .aa destroy edJby fire. - The flames spread so rapidly after the fire waB discovered that the family barely escaped with their lives, a grand daughter of Mr. -Corn having had her right arm severely burned. Nothing whatever was saved except, a few light articles of bedding. The fire appears to have originated accidentally in a shed room on the south side of the house. Mr. Corn himself was absent from home at the time of the fire. ' Mosx Mail FACiLrnxs. . - J Hon. , Thos D. Johnston does not let the grass grow under his feet. He is alive and working all the time. The Citizen has had bitter causes of complaint at the irregurity of the mails, their absolute uncertainty and their miserable connec tions. The people in the Western Coun ties have had even, more cause to com plain than we.. The remedy is in view, tinder the earnest, persistent' energy of Mr. Johnston, steps have been taken to secure mail : connections at Tunnel for Webster, Franklin and Murphy rand at Charleston for- Robbinsville. , Those who have suffered as we and "our west ern friends have, will know how to ap preciate this great fortune. ,- The" Federal Court . ., ; : ' r Is at work at present , on violations of the Revenue, laws. : .-.'' ) It. :, ':.'-, . Several gentlemen have been admitted to practice in the Courts, among them, Mr. A. C. Stewart, now of Webster; Mr. -Jordan, Of Hendersonville; and Mr. Johnston, of . Among'the lawyers in attendance, we observe Gen. J. W. Bow man, of Bakersville; Mr. Ellis Cocke, of Tennessee; Mr. Geo. II. Smathers, Mr.T, R. Henry, Mr. J. M. Moody, of Waynes ville; Mr. G. W. Dillard and Mr. W. E. Moore, of Webster; Mr, A. M . Erwin, of Marion ; Mr. W. A. Smith, of Henderson ville. Wc did not procure a perfect list, which we will subsequently present, :"' Well Said. " Our friend of the Raleigh Biblimt Re corder well says : - - ? "''Asheville is one of the most enter prising towns in the State. It is the great tobacco market of Western Caro lina and has a large mercantile trade. As a summer resort it has a national reputa tion. It is the queen city of the moun tains. The scenery is grand. The streets and lots are models of cleanliness, and they prove conclusively that the services of tbe sanitary inspector, Dr. DlT. Mill ard, have been most efficient. Would that every North Carolina town had a Lr. Millard as sanitary inspector." And we can assure our friends that Dr. Millard and our city authorities will not relax their efforts to push the good work of improvement and cleansing. Our authorities are determined to spare no efforts to make our beautiful city what Sho ought to be, can be and must be, in which they are heartiU sustained by our citizens generally. -;-fVV. :v Hotel Arrivals-': . ; -. . Western HoteU-T R Sargent, Washing- ion City; T B Coward, Webster, C O Henry, Franklin ; A R JohnBon, Madison; A . V Lawson, Mrs Lyman J S Patty, Warm Springs; 8 Mitchell, S H Hall, Rutherford; J M Sams, Ivy; W C Lane, Mars Hill; GN Rogers, Bridgeport, Tenn: J W Newman, Polk. - V -... . 4 v Swannanoa T-'K: Huger, Knoxville; B A Newland, Warm Springs; Dr C M Shackford, Mrs A M Shackford, Miss Isabel Shackford, Mrs E B Mott, Boston; O A Stevens and .wife, Washington City. jMgiej etewart, ; weDster; Alden Howell, - Waynesville; J? D Holmes, Charlotte; D M Reece and wife,- Colum bus, U; 11 B Wall. Bristol, Tenn; Miss Alice M Lane, Mills Johnson, Va; H C Goodell, C C Jordan, Trj'on City, J K Coleman, Chester, (;. , ? - - i - -Grand Central W A Brown, S J Brown, Jackson; Carter Ebbs, Marshall; Jasper iibbs, Spring Creek; J H Johnston, Dan villi; Geo G Neili, Brevard; W WJ3ailey, Washington City; Mr Orr, Hendersons ville; J M Green, Newfound; T H Rogers, Norfolk. -' . . : , - Capt. T. W. Patton. : - The suggestion that -was made by -tjvo citizens relative to the propriety of the ap- pomtment of the . above gentleman -to he city tax. collector seems to meet with oppo sition. y In justice to Capt. P, thesugges tion was .made without his knowledge, his first intimation of it being upon reading it in the Citizen. We do not know that he even desires the place, fi. - However,-: it- is strange that an officer is held up to public derision and official ostracism for doing only what the law and his oath require him to do. There is not a word of truth in the statement that Capt. Patton has Oppressed anybody. lie has been as lenient as the law would permit; may be he has felt con strained to compel from some what ninety- odd per cent, -ot others voluntarily did a payment of their dues as required, not by himself, but by law..: His record as an of ficial is creditable to him and to the good character of Buncombe county. - ':, Kennebeo Ice. A full supply of the Kennebec Ice re ceived and for sale at Carmichael's Drug Store." Supplied in quantities to suit. - . - -; .. j Ask for Capillairo Fountain. at Pelham's Soda Pelham's Soda is the coldest and most delicious in the city: Pelham's massive Arpey Soda Foun tain has again opened for the season." Don't fail to examine the stock at Alc Mullen's before buyinjz. - d3t A Choice Sleek of Hats, Shoes, Men's Furniship; Goods, &c. - . - - H. "Ur.mvonn & Co. The Ceisp Tragedy We noted yesterday the ot .Mr. WrMv Crisp of Gr A correspondent furnishes particulars. Whether an ' murder has hot yet been in either case the public int . intensely excited . W. M. Cri3p, son of V. '. Stecoah Valley, Graham c left his home on the mornii ult. with a view of having ; .' death county. lowing r. x, or a I; but -. Lcen . :r Crisp of anty, JM. c., - of the 28th e farming implements "repaired. Al'. cr arriving at the shop -he concluded t o into the mountain near by in quest ; game. . He did not return as soon e i anticipated, and his delay created such a ide spread excitement, that parties er. v.- i PHsem bled and started to seek his ' L-c uts. They scoured the woods f ,y aid sought every avenue of in : i- j - . . .... 1 v. . sible. 1 All endeavors no brace of him could ri ant il the 5th inst. at about ra., A. J. Crisp and L. hi. O of the deceased carurj 4- jf- f -aized o'clock, a , brothers 1. ; - t be- yond the top of tlie'',iisi1tain, through the head, rue k ?L - entering above the left ear,' pas"if through the found, he who in a eittii posture, his right hand grasping his ride, his left holding what is colloquially termed .his "turkey caller." Coroner D. E.- Hyde, the faithful and diligent officer of our county, used every ettbrt upon his part, both individual and combined, to. un earth the matter and secure his body, from the time said Crisp was missing, for which he deserves the praise ot all res pectable and worthy citizens. . An inqu est being held, the jury rendered a ver dict that Crisp received the death blow from the discharge of a gun in the hands of an unknown party. All calm and thoughtful persons of our county pro nounce the'occurrenee an accident; but the whole affair is shrouded in complete and perfect mystery. The deceased left a wile and several helpless children in very straitened- circumstances. This seiious tragedy, happening, as it did, has created a feeling of peculiar and profound regret throughout our county.. One more sou! has been wafted with lightning speed to the far; yes very far off distant land, severed from all -earthly ties that bind one to another, so close to pass the trying ordeal of -another world. ... May Heaven in its unbounded charity shower upon the deeply afflicted family its rays of consolation and abiding hope that his poor unfortunate wife may so" live that when she is called to sleep the sleep that knows no waking, her soul may be her alded to the blessed abode where Heaven and its angels dwell; that her little chil dren, fatherless as they are, may be so reared and tutored in the principles of piety and usefulness, that they may not only become useful and worthy mem bers of society, but bright and splendid lights in- Heaven's just and holy cause. Should any thing more . be revealed, I will inform you of the same the warm wishes of the writer attend the much bereaved family in all their jourheyings along life's rugeed walk. r ; Yours, &c;, ; :' - Amicus. '. - ' ; ... Tom FEKGtscor-dpc,STEi--j--- Our esteemed friend .Tom Ferguson of Sandy Mush, has been a ,"seeker" for some time, and has been the . subject of the serious solicitude of his many friends in his township. Of late he has been going out to the mountains, and com muncing with nature, and, it is hoped, earnestly and honestly prayed for com fort and consolation.- During these re cent visits to the mountain, while alone and undisturbed by the wicked things of their life, he combined business with other matters, and" repaired his fences around his excellent pastures, and plac ed therein his fine cattle and other stock. Some days ago he again sought the mountain fastnesses, and his flocks, still anxiously enquiring after the right, and asking for a revelation, when lo 1 it come: when in sight of his pasture 'and his flock, which he had but a few; days be fore so securely fenced in,- his eyes . be held numerous cattle, and sheep and hogs tares evidently turned loose by the wicked to swallow up the crops of the hard-working husband-man, making havoc with the work of his hands. He raised his voice in one long-loud, happy shout. The revelation he had sought was now vouchsafed unto him, and he exclaimed, in words more" expressive than pious, "if this dont convert a man then d m me' He referred to the No Fence law, and since then : he has been constant and happy in urging the im portance of : that . new system. , Crops when well fenced in are not safe against the stock allowed to roam at large,-and the only thing that will lave crops, and much labor and expense is the No-Fence law. Tom is solid now. . The Raid into Moccasin. 1 -'. On Sunday night last a party consisting ofv officers ; Thomas - Hood -and Charles Frost, with James Keener; and . William Sneed as . posse,' left , Highlands, Macon county, armed with U. S. Warrants for the arrest of Cam Killings1 Will Reed, Phil Crane and Leyi Crane, some of the parties charged- with, connection" frith the" late troubles at Highlands. They crossed into Georgia into ,what is known as the'Moc casin country.. When in. the gap - about three miles from the Widow Crane's, they came suddenly upon three men, standing in the gap or trail, and called on them to halt, it being then pitch dark. The chal lenged parties stepped back a few paces from the trail and opened fire upen Hood and his party. The firing was briskly re turned. The three men then made loud signals for help, and in a few moments a rescuing party was heard comings up. Hood's party followed up the pursuit for about a quarter of a mileT when they were compelled to fall back, and ultimately to return to Highlands, their force being too small against the odds; presented. The only damage doney so far as known "'was a slight flesh wound across' the back of the right hand of Sneed, made bya gun shot.". - '; -.-rd 5 ' " 1 -t ,. -- '". . Monthly" Tobacco Report. . ; . Mr. E. X Holmes, eecretary of the Ashe ville Toxaaco Association, reports sales at the several warehouses in Asheville for the month of April to amount 376,687 pounds, for $38,61 5,13, an average5 pi $Ki,9S per hundred. Considering the weather we have experienced, and the general quality ot the tobacco which was offered, the quantity and price are both encouragiug, -; ' Six' 10c papers Laodretb's Garden Seeds, for 25c. at Pelham's Drug Store. Peas and Beans in bulk. -; - A very attractive line of Clothing, from low prices to fine. 11. Redwood & Co. ' I y Land deeds, hind niortjr.iyrca and t;hattel moi-t.2:.n'a fi-r k:iU tit the Citizen Beautiful Work Mr.-R: L; Fitzpatrick, painter and kal sominer, has cause to be proud of his work, recently done upon the handsome house of Mr. Ogden E. Edwards in the wry of painting and tinting the inside walls, find polishing the hard wood work. The walls of the parlor are -a "jdelicate peach-blow, the dining roobi is finished in lavender, library in buff, chambers in light green and various tints of gray. There are twenty-two rooms, besides numerous halls, passages, &c.,all finished beautifully. Altogether it is a- credit to Mr. Fitzpatrick. and to Asheville. Mr. Edwards has a beautiful home,'one that is an ornament to our city. .) . j ,: v : IFot the Asheville Citizbn. "- JACKSON ITEMSk .v ; Gar correspondent gives us" the" follow ing pleasant btidgct: - "' " .' '-;-; C: ' ' ' Weather fine; a slight froBt on Sunday morning the Jrd, but did no 'damage.. Farmers all busy at houie, so th etreet looks like "some hanquet hali deserted.?' No disguising the fact that wheat was badly injured by the unusually hard frosts of the past winter, but it is coming out better this spring than could have been predicted a month, ago. .-: ' : ;;' Several of our Jackson formers are et ihg to compete for premiums at the next Asheville iair. Let .Buncombe and Hay wood look to their laurels. '. ' i - - Sickness of all kinds avoid the health- inspiring breezes that fan our brows in Webster, and under the skillful manage ment of Dr. J. M. Candler Mr. L. J. emitn and Mr. fcnerriu are rapidly re covering.- --' : ;;; r -, J. he mica mines seem to be on a boom. Scarcely a day but that we hear of ne.v discoveries. - Webster is exactly the cen tral' point for mining operations, and when we get a paper rou will see it "rap idly come to the front. -i Some rpeople seem to . think ' that our. beautiful- and central location willhav iobe sacrificed because the railroad does not run down the side walk and put a depot on the pujdic square. Nonsense; would Ash- ville give up the ghost if the depot was a mile farther oft. Need Webster die be cause It is one mile , further from the Courthouse to the depot than it is at Asheville, especially when all the wagon inai ivnfAii iyi of tnirn t ' ' A trip yesterday down to pot showed your scribe a lively, business at that place. A line of wagons were unloading corundum and taking on goods of all kinds. Your scribe was particular ly well pleased to see lying in the depot ready to be delivered to consignees such things as reapers, mowers, grain drills, guano, : plaster, clover and grass seeds. Let us repeat, the old style of farming is giving way, to the pew". . Speed the day. Mr. Dills, the gentlemanly and accom modatingagent kindly gave us a glimpse of what he is doing in the way. of ship ments, but that is reserved for a future communication. -- Telahlah. J" AU the great dailiesj New York Herald, World, Times? Sun, Tribune, Charleston News and Coueier, Char lotte Observer, Raleigh News-Observer, Wilmington Star, Wilmington. Re view, and Asheville Citizen are to be found regularly at the Book Stores of H. II. Lyon, J. N. Morgan & Co., J. Li Wilkie, and. W. E. Pelham.' , , - ' ' T "White Rose" Cigar to be' found only at Lyons' . - ." v '. .'".;."-' . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANO FOR SALE. " ' A good PIANO, newly repaired and in fine order, for sale on easonable terms. Apply at CITIZEN Office ; my 6-D3t SITUATION WANTED. " " - " ' - An experienced DRUG CLERK desires a position in Asheville during the summer months or longer. Forparticulars, apply to John D. Cameron, Utizen office. St EXECUTOR'S SALE. -1 i , . : .- I will proceed to sell at Silver Sorines. the late residence ot J: L. Henry. on Saturday, Hay S3d. 1885, a lot of perso nal property, consisting oj furniture. jook ciove, Farming-Tools, &c, belonging to said estate. Terms of Sale All sums of five dollars or less, cash. Sums over five dollars. m a credit of six months, with, note and solvent security. - . - r, a. iiMffliaus, m r. May 2d,lSS3 lawlw , ' , T OST. . . . -'-. -JL ' " On Tuesday, May 5th, between Reems Creek, Buncombe county, and Bull Creek,' Madi son county, on the New Stock road. $150. 00 in bills wrapped in brown paper. Also some valuable papers, an contained in a uay dook. a iiDenu reward will .be paid for the delivery of tbe same at the t itizen office, or to L. W. PEEK, Hailwood, Madlaon-, N. C. : my 6-d2tawlt NOTICE OF APPLICATION. , -. Notice li hereby given that appUcation wil 1 be made to the Board of county Commission erg of Buncombe eounty, at the meeting in June, for the establishment of a new Township, to be formed from Ivy and Flat Creek Townships, and to be known as Morgan Hill Township. ' B F Buck nb b. J H Sams, JAS BgACHBOABIl, 3 Gentry, April 00th, 1881 WT4w JP Morgan. . J. N Mokgax. EXECUTOR'S SALE. - . ?v - ' I will proceed to sell at Silver Springs, the late residence of J L Henry, ok r- - , i - Saturday, May 23d, 1 885: v .r t A lot of personal property, consisting of Furnt ture, Cook Stove, Farming Tools, tc., belonging to said estate. , ; - -- -Terms of Sale All sums of 35,00 or less cash. Sums over five dollars on a credit of six months, with note and solvent security. ' P. A. CUMMINGS, Ex'r. .. . May ?,1883-w4w - . , 'JHEBE IS JfO PLACE LIKE HOME, , 'When you have your old Furniture- Repaired and Polished nicely, and your House nicely Decorated, and your Musical Instruments Reno vated This you can have done by calling on G. L. GRUBBS, over VanGilder & Brown's, who will do anything you wish inside youi house. Best of City References given, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. : Apr 17-D & W lw. Round Knob Hotel, - - -W. N. C. R. R. - - TTNDER NEW MANAGERS. IS J hew open for the reception of visitors. Round Knob is situated on the line of the W. N. C. R. R., id miles from Asheville, and in the Valley of Blue Ridge Mountain. House newlv furnished with all conven iences. "Table supplied' from the best markets. Climate and water not excelled by any section irr W. N. Carolina- i - " , Highest Fountain in the World in full ; view of the Hotel, throwing a stream 268 feet high. Northern visitors will find it to their interest to visit this, beautiful and romantic spot - Telegraph office in Hotel. Further information, address - i. - ; - v - W. B, TROY, : Ap aq-Dtf Round Knob, X. C. ASHEVILLE G RE EN H 0 U S ES , Opposite the College.; : HOUSE PLANTS, YARD PLANTS AND'CUT Flowers in great beauty and variety. Yard and Lawn Work done in latest styles l:y a skill ed Eiifri-sh Gardener. Beds of Coleus, Helio trope, AUenianthera, Geraniums, Salvia, &C, at imtiBuaii v low prices. Special rates on larpe or ders. till an.l examine our Stock,- ani leav vourorlffs ent'.v. ', " April 7h, !-...). ; D-fit . ;r; TELEGRAPHIC. ASSOCIATED PRESS TFXEGRAMStSPE ' ' CIA1 TO CTTtZEN. : -i ' "i GENERAL GRANT. Bleep Well, bat Throat Palafnl. T ; . New. York, May 6,'t p.nt : Having been undressed and compnsed himself in his two chairs at about the usnal time, Gen'l Grant slept with but .. few awakenings until betweedj and 8 o'clock this morning. . ' - Glandular swelling at angle -'of jaw be neath thev right' ear waa-last night ' very much swollen and- quite painful, K The General is doing no, work to-day - on his book in the way - of, dictating or writing thouge he4may possibly give . some atten-J tion'tc the arraiiRemenstof dates. ,J': r" ' 3 J'rW 111 Sir Pc(r Lnmwlen JliM-alleda Cieu - London, May 6th. 2 p. ni.. - The' recall of Sir Peter Lumsden has created a general feeling of uneasiness, as it is expected to have an adverse, ihr fluence on the patriotism of the natives of India, who will consider his recall a further concession to Russia. " The Stand ard says : ' "We must count it a piece of good luck if the whole commission is not recalled.": . ' . . , -. r-.v ,' No news is obtainable-nhe; appoint ment of an arbitrator. The King of Belgium is spoken-'of in Berlin as the person most likely ' to he. chosen. : Bis marck has had a long interview with the Emieror of Germany which is supposed to have baen connected with tne Afghan question. . This gave Yise; to a rumor that both . England and Russia had asked Emperor William to arbitrate for them. A conservative " paper thinks that the delay in finding an arbitrator foreshadows the difficulty of obtaining the consent of any European State to arbitrate.- A semi official, dispatch rriakes a denial of prev ious rumors. The rumors are now cur rent that the Emperors of Russia, Germ any and Austria will meet, this year. ' 4 ARREST OF 3IAXTV ; The r Murderer ot Preller Held by. this Authorities of ' '-:"' nevr Zealand. ' J'J-if - . - St. Locis, May 6. Chief ,of Police Harrigan received; the following cablegram announcing the, ar rest of the fnnrderer Maxwell, at 2 o'clock this a. m".:. -''New Zealand Maxwell was arrested Sesterday and will give trouble.' He'ha-ounsfl. ; .; Send an- officer with' requisition and sworn deposition by the first steamer. - Advise the State Depart ment, and cable when officer sails. ., -t , Signed,. . j . Gamble, , j , " Consul at Auckland." -j :::;-. ' - t . '- - : -' 'i Kale of a Railroad. ! 'i Peteimbukg, Va May 6, 12 in. . Meesra. K. Ti D. Myers, Superintendent of . the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad is authority for the statement: "That the Viruinia and Carr olina Railroad, chartered "to run from Ridgew'aj-, N. C.',to Richmond, has been sold to the 'Atlantic Coast Line Syndi-. cate for. eighty thousand dollars." - j ; A nst tin Cbjects : Jlr. Kelley. " ' ; - London, May (, 12 m. , Exchange telegraph dispak-h ' from Vienna states:' "That "Baron . Von Iclioefer, Austrian Minister at' Washing ton, has been instructed by his govern ment to object to the appointment of Mr. Keily as IT- S. Minister to Austria." It is supposed the fact of Mr." Kefly's wife bemgSi Jewess is the basis for this ob jection, although' nothing definite in re gard to the cause of this action of. the Austrian government i known, ry - ; m i ' ;"lAdcit Honey Market. -' ' i . " London, May 8, 130 p. m. -Jscoxi Consuls 98J; 1:30 p. m. C8J; 4 p. m.98.;;, it a." . v ,",;;;' Hal or a-Great - Amonnt of Cjeorgia -.. -. Bonds Contracted For. ',-. ; ' . : , Atlanta, May ,6, 2 p ni. I Yesterday, the Governor entered Jpto a" contract with Charles W Roberta 'and Fred Wolffe, of New Yoik, for the sale of the -' pending issue of Georgia" , bonds amounting to $3,455,000.;; The bonds bear 4 J -per cent interest. .The .price paid was 5-16 per cent above par. . China Orders the Evacuation of Ton- - -qnlnl. '. . "' ; .' i " Hoko Kong, May 6. . A Chinese commission has gone to Ton quiiTwith the imperial decree ordering the evacuation of that country. - ' . . new york stock vmar- '. . ket. . - :; Stocks - More Aetive, Trlees. With ; Better ' - New.Yoee, May 6, 12 m. " - The stock market opened jstrong this morning on good buying orders fortall ac tive stocks; and during the first hour ad vanced from i to I per cent." New York Central was the strongest stock on, the list, but Uuion Pacific; was also prominent for strength developed. Support given to the market was very decidedly a surprise to bears as they were further discomforted on finding that: small tequirxe had been started in; Central and Lackawanna. Renewal rates for former were 3-6481-16 and latter for use. Loaning rate for Lackawanna was i-64 othet rates were easy. Shortly befoje 1 1 o'clock there was a spurt in Jer. sey Central stock advancing to 36, ADDLE HOPwSE WAKTED. For a g.-xd PADPPE HOKSS for a lady's e, nosffosiitfC goodquaii'ies, sound and free of vl."'", a fair price will be paid. Apply to the (Mtkm iomce. - . P2-!-W ..t 'j . t' 5 Baltimore Market : ; ' v ' . , Baltimore, May 6 i am.. . Flour; lower for high grades. Howard street and ,Western superfine &50400j extra " 1050; family 4.65525; "City . Mills superfine 3.5075; extra 425; Ri -brands 5; wheat,Southern, firm; Western higher; closing quiet; Southern red IjOS 6; amber. 1.1012; No.. 1 . Maryland li)6l;liro. 2 VVestern winter red spot : 978; corn, Sdutherh', nrmer; Western lower and dull;. Southern white ' 5900 ; yellow 578. :;;': s"-'' " t- ' I - li,, - . Keep; Xtp the Khellisc.J ; ! :, ! Jv . A number of farmers of Buncornbe and Haywood, hare called on -us this week to urge, us to keep up the suggestions in the Citizen "urging the farmers to pfant far uioro uuuie ujipueii, peverai said some,- of the articles which have recently ap-. peard'Btn.ick thenv' heavy, but they ap- ' pwrted ! Iht fmatferi; and; weria jBadJy regllifng tbe-Torcepf whatwa said, AH ' think our people should raue bacco, but make it secondary to full bud 1 lies for man and beast at home, without -eDendinar on the canrices of markets Jfor the.price of tobacco, and? then have '.' to buy ; their meat, 'corn, hay, floor and such things from other States. . We are glad to, know that a much larger acreage of corn, oats, and such things will be planted this year than ever before, And our farmers should keep in mind also, root crops and winter-keepinz vegetables. such as turnips,) beets, beans, cabbages, potatoes, carrots, and such things, which will not only serve man but beast " throughout, the year. Our people can make this country absolutely self-sustaining, and besides bare a' tremendous tobacco stock and fruit crop for ship ment. Let them work to this end. . The Charlotte Observer notes the extinc tion of a family;, recently removed from Mecklenburg county to Texas. , Mrs. John -Erwin. her son Francis, and her daughter. all being swept off In rapid sircteasion by pneumonia.- .- -; ;m- i;" A hail storm at Coreicana, Texas, a week or. two ago dropped hail stbnes that are de"clared ' to have weiehed nearly twelve ounces.' and wild ; geese; and 'small i birds' .ore showered around town promiscuous ly. A local paper thinks that, ''in competition with other States," Tex as could do even- better than' this. ' If ybu' want a good 5 cent Cigar, gf.,t' Uvons' and.get.4i "White Rose. ' -7," PROFESSIONAL' CAllDS: 5 rjAHOSyA JONES, ; r, f ' Attorney at Law, i : ASHEVILLE, N. C. -? ' -oct 22-ljr n w . ., Office with Davidson ii -UTU j . OCKE 'CRAIG, X Attorneyat Xa:1" Office in Court House: " dec-l9 JOHXe.TO.VE JONBa . HKHV HAP.DWIfKK J ONES &. HARDWICKE,; I Attorney and Counselor At-Lawr ' ; ;; ,; ' : ASHE7LIJi. N. C. .",- --r ... f- . l&Ottice In Citizen Building. - - mayS-sly. rnos. D. Johnston. ,- , Geo. a. Shcfobd. JOHXSTON & SHUFORD,' ' '' " : Attorneys t ConnselOrs-at'Iw, N. C. ' ' kVlU prnctke in the 8th and 9th Judicial DlKrloU ol iNoith (,'arolina, iu the Supreme Court of the -talv. and in tbe Federal Courts at Asheyille. - 'Tit- collection ot claims, the examination 01 tiU'jy ;-i real property, aud the settlement of estaUa d ic -Hy ly the firm. Office in the Johnston rul:t'-ii?, ;.. ; js 17-ly Tuec. t Davidson. v Jas. O. Ma? DAViOSON 4 MARTIN, ' .. Attsrnv.vs Connsellors-at-ljiw, Ahuevillk, N. C W1U Jfn-He, in tbesth ana MB Judicial Districts and iu tlit Supreme Court of North Carolina, rnd in tne reuenu uown o? u w estern District 01 Korth Carolina. ... Refer to (tie Bank of Asheville.' - ' i epl-w4wm . ., '. , . , ., s .'. - 1 1 1 H 'l 1 ALDEN no WELL. . , JAMES M. MOODY HQ VV ELIV ami HOOD Y, ' ; Attorneys ; at Law, , WAYNESVILLE, j - r.;.2J..C Prompt attention, to all business in trusted to them.' ' ' 1 ' ap1 24-tf ' "TAMES A. BURROUGHS, ' - ; Physician and Surgeon, . -' , , , ASHEVILLE, N. C, , Office over Powell & Snider's. . jggy Residence corner of Main Woodfin streets. ; 3 f . ; de 10-ly - ''- : . arwl. s. F. VENABLE, Civil Engineer and General Surveyor, . prepared to do all work fa his profi salon, ami offers bis servloas especially In LeveUnK, Rod Making, Making Estimates on Work. Lsjing Oil, Locating and Platting or Mapping City Lots, anil Katlmatint- or Mapping Work already doos S8-tf '- ' - "- - '.---. J. a;tennent,: 'v-i,;v- v " .- Architect and Civil Engineer, : . . Designs, Specifications, and Estimates of any -style of building furnished upon app jication, and work superintended when desired. AH work en trusted to me a -Civil Engineer - wiU receive prompt attention. Thorough drainage of lands, a specialty: Post Office address, Asheville or Best, N. C. Residence Swannanoa Bridge may 16-6mos .s-i-v ,"..". ' ; TPVRS W. I & W. D. HILLlARD, - Physicians and Surgeon. - Office next door south Old Bank. ,t Jan 3-6 mos " , ,t " ' ' K. JOMJ5 HEY WILLIA , S, ; : . f. - . Pnyian and Surgeon,' -C: OfP.ce: Main St-.S doors south of Bank. Rest -3ence on French Broad Avenue. Otlice hours 11 .-z-. to 1 p. m., and from 3 to 6 p. m. DENTAL CARDS. B. H.'DOUGLASS, D. D. 8., PentAl Rx)in over Ievaults, Drug store eslileueo in. same "onll'ling AshevUt?. N. C. - feb2-w&sw : ' i ''"- :-' n ' " - Omcs in Slad-r BuildiBg, v pposite'Central Hotel, . - . ASIIETILI.E, N. O Persois having; artftict t w-i ryin? it two vr turee If v return K and tae taone; wi be tet 1, I j)' 1

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