7 , CITIZEir JOB OFFIOfc, "WEST BIDE iPUBLIcif SQUARE BILL HEADS, , i 7 v ; - V LETTER HEADS; ' - POSTEKSy --z ' v .0 :r:!BLANicsVrA 4f Jo Work of nil kind dm wit I : frsjnftmes and at tort frkmt DAILY EDITION L j.izi--, Stone & Caaeroa, KDITOKS AND Prfo PBIETOES. " " O , ci z ' I'm:. - :m i ;. ; Q Mob.,' ' .' '3.CO. Weekly, X Year, - .- 1.SO . - e Mo., . ; ; so LD TISWG RA TBS L O W.. VOL.L-NO. 32. ASHEVILLE, N. C TUESDAY EVENING MAY 19, 1885. nPRICE : 5 CENTS KM ... & 0 V. Asheville Business Directory. Genefal, Merchant Wholesale and Bda.iL ' C E. Graham & Co , S. R. Chedester t Son, J. D. Brevard & Co., J. u. Howell, o. iiammerauiaj v. Taa w Redwood & Col: J. P. Sawyer. O. A Mean, A. H. Jones & Son,Bearden,Bankin & Co., W. tl. crown, li. M. itooeris. Garden and Field Seed Pm.ll . Snider. H. H. Lvong. A.-JT' rf&l. H. . Redwood fc Co., J. O. Howell, J. P. . . r. Bear- den. Banltin Co., C. li. iioncure. Grain, Bay 4nd Flour. ' J. R. Starnee, Powell & Snider, Alex aider and - Hard-ware, Agricultural Implement, &c. .V Pennlman & Co., VanGIlderA Brown. . " "- Stove, Houstfurninkmg, and Tinware. Ballard Bros., Brown & Bearden, Llndsey Bros. Clothing, Genii fbrntihing, Ac Jwhea P. Sawyer, Mi LeTy, Charles E tee, 8 tVhitlock. , . . Boots, Shoe, and Halt. v T - . ' W. T. Weaver, M. Levy, c : " V. v " 2 . Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. . M.- Levy, W. T. Weaver, A. Preck. . ' T - Books and Stationery. . ' J. L. Wilkle, S. N. Morgan CO., H. T. Esta--brook, H. H. Lyons. .. c- - Druggist and PharmacentisUs. ' f . H.H. Lyons, W. C. Carmlchael, C, Yf. DeVault & Co., C. H, Moncure, W. K. Pelham. , Jfutieal. Instrument 4x. C. 'CowanVSteffner and Bobrtso. r . FurnUti GrocerUs: " ' Powell and Snider, S. ILXebler A. R. Cooler, Pfenley & Co.. T. F. Starnes, G. W.Goodlake. A. J. Merrill, J. E. Ware, Ware and Howell, A. C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Mockey & Co.. Jesse R. Starnes, G. L. McDonald, W. L. Morgan, F. M. Johnson, R. B Noland & Sons, T. W. Shelton'J. R. Trnll.G. H. Starnes, N. Penland, Penland 5t Alexander. . Butchers, Meat Dealers, &e. Zachery Bros., James Lnsk, T. If . Davis, Mc Connell and Drake. - Bakeries, J. J. Desmond, F. M. Johnson, J. C. OUver, Confectioneries. J. J. Desmond, (factory", J. H Heston. Saddlery, Harness, Jtc. S. M. Gilbert St Co., Alexander and Penland. Furniture, tc. . - W.'JJ. Williamson, Moore & Falk, P. S. Mc Mullen. Undaiakers. X. Brand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton Coal Dealer. S. F. Vcnable, D. S. Wafr on,' Hill and Atkins N. W. Girdwood tao. Lumber Dealers . ; Doubleday & Scott. Contractors, Carpenters, and Builders. 1. Gorenflo, John Hart, J. A. Wagner, T. C. Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E. Buttrick, T. L. Clayton, A.;(i. West. - Blacksmiths V. W. Canble, J. II, Woody. ; - ) Hotels. -"- rfwannnnsa, Eagle, Grand Central, Western, Carolina house, Slagle House, The ilia, Floriaa Health Association. Private Boarding. A. T. Snmmey, P. S. McMullen, Miss Bettie Brown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. JS. HaU, P. F. Emer son, Miss Sinith, T. W. Keel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, J. II. Carter, G. M. Roberts, R. H. Grahl, Q. L. Mc Donald, M. J. Fagg, J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Broiled, Mrs. Mrs. . E. L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mis. Leicester Chapman, II. C. Hunt, E. J. Aston, Mrs. H. C. France. . Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Reynolds & Chambers, J. M. Ray, W. A. Wed dia. James Seyier, C. O. Allen, T. H. Stanslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Herndon, S. H. Barnard, G. W. Morgan - Co., E. T. ClemmOns, Jesse R. Starnes. Colleges, Schools, Ar. - Asheville Female College; Asheville Male Academy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High School for young ladies, Miss lawyer's Primary School, Mrs. J. P. Gammon's Primary School, three white pnblic school, -two soofl colored schools. A graded school has been authorized by law, and a State normal school will be held every Hummer. . , . .ilUlinery, tc. Mrs. H. M. Herndon, 8. Whitlock, Mrs. M. E. Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs RR Porter. Attorneys At Lav. McLoud & Moore, J. H. Merrimon, E. H. Mer rlmon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger t Car- ter, J, M. Gudger, F, A. Sondley, W. 8. Cushman, : Richmond Pearson, E. D, Carter, W. W. Vandiver, Davidson Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jones and Hardwicke, Johnston & Shuford, W. M. Cocke, Natt Atkinson, A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, V. S. Lusk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman. :- Physician and Surgeon. D. J. Cain, W.- L. efc W. D. HUliard, John Hey Williams, J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Watson, M. L. Kelson, Wardlaw McGill, H. P. Gatchell. Dentists. Q. W. Whitson, B. H. Douglas, R. H. Reeves, A. B. Ware. -:- Banks, Bankers and Brokers. Bank of Asheville, Sluder fc Barnart'. Merchant Tailors. J.W.Schartle. j - , -. Dealers tn Furs. M. Ellick. Seal Estate Agencies. Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt Atkinson, E. J. Aston, II. M. Jones. Architects and CivU Engineers, 8 F Venable. J A Tennant, ; Tobacco Warehouses. The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Ware house, The Buncombe warehouse. Tobacco Manufacturers Chewing and Smoking, 8. B. West, McCarty & Hull, J. E. Ray, E. L Holmes fc Cm., Shelton t Perry, W. P. Williamson. ' Coopers, d-e. L. F. Sorrell, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, Hart. , . . . Wines, Liquors, etc. Loughran Bros.. Hampton -& Featherstone, W. O. Muller, t Co., A. P. SorreU. . -Papers Hangers. ; , -3ain & Hunt, Moora & Falk. R. L. Fitzpatrick. - Newmaner. Daily and Wkbklt Cttizek, Daily and Weekly : Advance, The Asneville Tribune weesjy.) Job Office. " ".' The Citizen Job Office, Hunt & Robertson. - ' Photographers. Nat W. Taylor, W. T. Robertson, T. T. Hill. . Grist Mills, &G. Jordan & Hallyburton, N. W. Girdwood, Jas.E. Buttrick, McLane. ' ' Fertilaert, '&c. , F. N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Penniman ic Co., "Anchor Brand," G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont," W. H. Penland, "Owl Bracd," Bear den, Rankir. & Co., "Ober & Co.'s Special," Lyon t Walker, "Farmer's Friend," T. C Starnes, "Ar lington." W. W. Barnard, "Sea Fowl," N. W. Girdwood & Co., "Soluble Paeinc" . -" ' . Insurance: - . E. J. Aston, Thos. W. Branch. t W. U. Telegraph. 8. G. Weldon, manager. . Southern and Adams Express F. A. Stikeleather, manager.- r s - - Civil Officer of Buncombe County. Sheriff J. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. C. Clerk E. W. Herndon; Register J. R. Patterson; Treasurer J. H. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. Patton: Tax Collector T. W. Patton. . - Inferior Court. Justices G. A. Shuford, C. B. Way, J. M Green; Clerk Mont Patton; Solicitor H. B. Carter. County Commissioners. . J. 12. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G. W. Whitson, L. r,L.Childs,Thos.p.Brittain. - - Justices of the Peace, c ' A. T. Summey, N. A. Penland, T. W. Patton, C. B. Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarralt, J. B. Cain. . Citv Government. Mayor E. J. ABton; Aldermen W. H. Penland, T. C-westall, A. r. borreil, l. Gorenflo, William ' Wuwai. Uinhall A R (lInf Pnllnn W (i McDowell; Policemen J. H.' Hampton, k. Wr'. uowan. ; . i , ' ' Fire Denartment. " Hose N. 1, Foreman H. C. Fagg; H. t L. No. 1, ; - .- - SanUary Department. , - ;,. ' Dr. D T Millard, Sanitary Chiet - ; Federal Officers. -l U. 8 Commissioner,' A. T. Snmmey. Deputy Collector, (stamp office) A. D. Cooper. District Deputy 8. C. Herren. Deputy Marehalls, R. O. Patterson, A. C. Patterson, T. K. Davis, H. & Har- ains. . United States District and Circuit Courts. '' ' Judge R. P. Dick, Solicitor J. B. Boyd, Clerk X E. Reed, Deputy Clerk P. A. Cummings. , : ' Post office.. - H. L. Gudger P. M., Clerks W. B. Moore, W. L. norman, a. cnn. : ? r . '.: ... Sewing MacMne Agencies. Whehler t Wilson, 3. H. Herring, Chief Cierk . Mtss Bessie Justice. .Singer, M. H. Morynihan, Chief Clerk W. Monteatn, domestic, o. -unea ter & Son, Chas E Lee. . .. : . p - TSThere may 1-eerroisiu the above, which 1 ifj''iiy rorrertt-d njionjnotitifatjpn. . : DAILY EDITION. INTERESTING LOCALS ON THE i .:- FOUBTH PAGE. Arrival and Departare of the Train. Salisburt- Arrives 87 a. M. . . -" Departs 6:47 V. M. Tennessee Arrives 6:37 p. x. . , ' . Departs 8:47 A. H. ; Watwebviixb Arrives 8:50 p. n. , " " Departs 9.-00 a. x. The Waynesville train reaches that point at 1:20 ; returning, leaves Waynesville at 230. SODA AND MISESAl WATEBS ON DBA XIQHT AT PELHAM S, . ; t The best 5 cent Cigar in town atLy otlb' "White Rose." W, T. Weaver, Sole Agent for Hess' Hand-Made Shoes for men. tf " Send your Job Work of all hinds to the Citizen' Office, if you tcanCit done neatly, cheaply a.idvnik dispatch.' , ' . - WEATHER REPORT W 4T 30TIT. ; ; Thermometer 6 a. mt54?; 3 p. nT-Cl0.' Barometer 30.32 at 9 a. m. ; Rainfall .525 inches. r"" Wind Southerly. "T I ; :i Sky Clondy. , ' ' Moon, firist quarter, 21d. Oh. 25m. morn. ' Indications, fair unless wind is from South or Southwest. .:.- THE DAIIiY CITIZEN , Will be published every evening (ex cept Sunday), at the following rates strictly cash; . " -' : --. One Year, .- . . . 4 . f6 oO Six Months, . : . 3 00 Threo " . . , . '. i' . .1 50 One ' -. . ; ' - 50 One Week,' . . . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery evening in every, part of the city to our subscribers, and parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. Delicious Crab Cider on' draught at Desmond's" , . . "Go to W. B. Williamson's furniture Store to get the best goods 'for Jhe least money i , K Z tm27 : A series of good tobacco breaks may now be expected. The weather is exactly suited for them. The rain came at last, last night, and it was a good one, so much' - needed that it is welcomed as a general blessing. The Nashville American was misinform ed in regard to the stay" of the- Horn E. B. Washburn in this place. That gentle man had left for his home in Illinois, ol which fact we were not apprised when we used the American's paragraph. 'Let the water supply be looked after. Quality as well as quantity must be con sidered. At present it is all right. Care lessness at points remote from the resor voir may be productive of mischief. Let the water commission see to it. Mr.iVL,W.lBaTriijLrdLa-as thrown from his sulky on the race track Tueuaayjwnl received a severe injurv of his collar bone, but we are glad to see him on the streets again to-day. Capt. Atkinson has returned from his trip this week to the Boilston goldmines, and reports that he put a lot of men at work yesterday with' the rier of more thoroughly developing the mines. He is more sanguine than ever. The vein is being opened at five different points. - Public opinion' will' sustain the Sani tary Chief in all he does to promote and preserve the health of Asheville. All he has done and is doing, is approved as judicious and effective. Let him lay his hand heavily on all recalcitrants. They will kick in vain against public senti ments ; ! Mr. L. Bi Brady, representing the Am erican Press Association, arrived here yesterday afternoon on a visit to his family who have been spending some months here. Mr. B. is also on business connected with the company he re presents. . - ' ; A most interesting series of Musicales have been held during the past several mon ths at the Penniman residence, con ducted by Misses Penniman and Cham pin, affording - great pleasure to those whose privilege it has been to attend. . A feeble show of garden vegetables appear in the market stores, a - bunch of onions or of radish, a tray or two of lettuce, this is all a tardy of spring has given as. A consignment of snap beans from Florida the other day showed us how far we were behind. But our own supply is near at hand. , . . Mr, Geo. A. Shuford is back again after quite an extended trip through the eas tern cities and counties,, delighted of course with his experiences, .' He speaks most warmly of tha hospitalities of Wil mington, which never fades or fails in the display of its lavish, warm hearted attentions to the visitor.' That delight ful characteristic of Wilmington is as warm, as sincere and as strong as ever. A Strawberry Festival.. , The first strawberry .festival of the season will be given Thursday evening, at the Asheville Warehouse-, by . the Young Ladies' Aid Society. A pleasant evening may be expected, and the pub lic generally are cordially invited to at tend. - $y All the great dailies New York Herald, World, Tihes, Sun, Tribune, Charleston. News and Courier, Char lotte Observer; Raleigh News-Observer, Wilmington Star, Wilmington Re view, and Asheville Citizen are to be found regularly at the Book Stores -of JV N. Morgan & Co., J. L. Wilkie, and W. E. Pelham. - ' ' - : ; The Daily Citizen for sale also at Es tabrook's. j- -'- m B - KSXNEBEO ICE.'. ' " ' " -T': ' ' . '".. . " A full supply of the Kennebec Ice re ceived ana for Bale : at: -Carmkhaera Drug Store. Supplied in quantities to suit. ' , - 'Y . '.y - A' Few .Boaedkes v ,r r y.y ? - $ . Can be accomodated at the - residence of Dr. Wilson (Capt. Howell's house) N? Mam St. corner ot Uherry. . tmio. . If you want good -5 cent Cigar go to Lyons' and get a "White Rose? . - r ... If you 4it to buy gooilGoodafor little money, ta.-t MeMulfens. i - . tm21 , Pelham's massive Argoey Soda -Foun-ain has again ofiened for the season. A Chance Fob Improvement. : Three of the physicians of Asheville, all" from Weaverville, and several . from other sections of the county, .are in at tendance upon the State Medical Con vention. The -health of the county is said to be remarkably good this week. ' - The Boilston Gold Mine. I - f Several specimens of the ore from -this mine have been sent to expert miners at Dahlonega, Georgia, where the facilities for thorough tests are of superior character.- Enough pf reliable information is had of ores already examined to pro nounce worth from fou to 760 per ton. The Death of W.' H. Ckow. rr Jv ', . ' The suicide 6f this well known gfentle man7 announced by telegraph as occur ring to-day near Raleigh, will be heard with mingled surprise andsorrow ; sur prise that such a death 'should have fallen to the lot of each a man at such an age; sorrow that so good a man and such a useful one is removed, though' at so ripfe artiage.. 3sAt this 4i&taace; and in ighorance of the laid Burreundings of the deceased, we are at a loss to conceive the changes which came over a mind so genial as to drive iim, through despair or despondency, to such an act. The death comes as a startling shock upon all who knew Mr. Crow.J .His social and his business relations" were extensive, and in all of them he commanded .re spect and confidence. . Further particulars of the sad incident we will give- hereafter as received-by mail. - - . " ' ;: Hotel Abbivals. ' " Western,--! H White, J L Orr, Hender sonville. . v : . Swannamxi.- S J Mixter, G Nor ton, Boston; F R Curtis, French: Broad; F K Curtis, do; Peter G Yates, Baltimore; C D Bowers, Franklin, N C; Charles J Ciouse, Round Knob; A Y Stokes, Jr, Richmond, Ya; J B Johnson, Baltimore; Mr and Mrs A D Shepard, New Orleans; Morgan J Evans, Henderson county: Eagle. L Walling, Derby, Conn; W S Smith, Brooksville, Fla; "A. A Smith, At lanta; C S Tamlin, Statesville; Mrs S B Caldwell, Waynesville. . - Grand Central W-BGorhami Warm Springs, W E Winslow, Marshall, M M Hodgins, Hot Springs, Ark; W F. Castie ton, Barboursville, Ky; A- Y Sigmon, Hickory, F- C Adams, Baltimore, J A Wainscott, Lenoir. -,-': Opposition to the Fence Law.. ' A discussion on the fence law question, which we are glad to say possesses the thoughts of oui" people just now, called forth the animadversions of an old lady, a land owner, who ranks herself among its staunchest opponents, "Drat that President for passing sich a law; I wish he had a bullet put clean through his head." " Her interlocutor reminded her that the President had nothing , to do with the . making of the law; it was the Legislature that passed it. "Well," she snappishly answered, "I wish he had a. Hfilletl hmncKiy hnnA V - - - lL . Wo commend this to some oFour friends down in Greene and Lenoir. They will find that they are not left alone in their opposition, and that the above specimen of enlightenment on the subject is equal, to their own. . . For the Asheville Citizen. ELECTION OF JUSTICES OF- THE INFERIOR .COURT. ' JALkxANDEBjl NrC., MtyS.I? 1885. Messrs. Editors :-J-As the tirWe for the electibn of Justices of the Inferior Court approaches, the people of this end of the county are showing much interest in the question.- It is a disagreeable fact to con fess, but there lias .been , considerable lawlessness manifested in this neighbor hood during Ihe past two" years, and it is the general opinion that if a Judge of the Inferior Court resided here, who knew the character of the people, and was re cognized as the man who would try pet ty crimes, the fact would produce a good influence on the morals of the section. 'Squire William H. Hunter is acknowl edged to be the right man for thje place. Hia career as Justice of the Peace -has shown him to be a man of clear judg ment and well -balanced mind, temper ate but just, and ready at all times to do his duty faithfully and well. His nomi nation at the magistrates' - meeting in June would be applauded by this end of me county, ana au tuecuun wuiuu ue a benefit to the county at large. ' - . " V Citizen. The Races Yestebday. ' V The races at the Fair Grounds yester day "resulted as follows :' i ft ; " First race, running J mile .dash, purse $15, five entries; race declared off. - Second race, pacing race, fi ve entries, purae $10Q. Ellic won first' money and Grey Jacket second. . - ; ' .y - . Third race, running, mile heats, best 2 in 3, three entries, puree $70, Palmet to won, , first money-,-anl BJue lay; sec ond. ' i . : . -' ; -' Fourth race, running, mile heats, best 2 in 3, two entries, first money won 1y Ivanhoe. . ' , Fifth race, trotting, purse $100, two en tries, Tom Young winning fire money, Darkey race, won by Moses Lord; The "WoBLD? ox Tobacco. . . ' , Mr. Talmage" oii Sunday preached against the use of tobacco, r declaring many of the ills of the flesh attributable thereto! The World, commenting -on this sermon, says : ; v , r - - "It puzzles us to think that Dr. Tal mage does not know that while tobacco is universally conceded to be the chief cause of arson, piracy, grave robbing and spinal meniiigetia, the world, from Sci ence down to Sunday-schools, will not believe - that tobacco causes leprosy and spontaneous combustion. - ; --. . ; "But while Dr. Talmage imagines that tobacco produces cancer, Gen. T. L. Clingman adduces positive ..proof that tobacco applied in the form of poultice cures cancer, and he has abundant addi tional facts that it will cure pretty much everything "from aurora: borealw to a pimple," besides affording great comfort and consolation to people not particular ly diseased." - -.: . New lot of Baby Carriages just received atWilliamson's Furniture Store :, tm27 v. v. - '-7'::. v 7;--' Handsomest and largest Stock of Fur niture in Western- -North Carolina at Williamson's Furniture Stored tm27 New 'line of Eaby Carriages juBt fe- ceiveu at -McMuuen s. -, tmzi EDITOR'S RAMBUES. , - s and. IZisrhicays f.,roug'.. .. JTIount ains. '. ' ii.." '.tJ'f . j My ride to CI erokee Vagt as it had been frequently before' after leaving the r Iroad, alor.fr ilie State road as it is call ed, avA Pt-jjkisted to my mind. the condi tion of transportation before1 the road watr made,- and the- difficulties which beset improvement in the- west. -1 am not familiar with the legislation invoked in furtherance, of propositions for open ing public highways; nor. altogether so with' the act- . . . ' -t of the means of communi Lion beyoi . the fact, that un til after the extinguish- "tof the Cher okee I- iian titles, such Ja as were in being ; - ti such to whi u tlie exigencies. of a -very v. : 7r1 - altered population gave being; TAiier the acquisition pf the Indian lands great stimulus was given to immigration, and ihe jicli valleys of the Tuckaseege, the Tennessee iAl Valley "Ri ver pTesenied ir reaitjlible temptation to a restless people, at that period par ticularly moved by powerful impulse to seek new territories and new homes; for it was about this time that the older settled portions of North Carolina- were half stripped of population, rushing in frantic eagerness with wives and child ren and negroes- and household goods to the el. Dorado of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. A large proportion of this rushing tide . was turned to Western North Carolina, a virgin territory as rich as more Southern homes might prove to be, and where lands were cheaper and more readily obtained. . But. to reach this new region, ranges of mountains had to be crossed increasing in number as adventure aimed farther West. There ; " was a - road, long traveled from Salisbury- to Asheville, crossing the Blue Ridge without the re quirement of any special engineering skill; for though the road goes up direct to the Swannanoa gap, the grade is re markably easy. From Asheville west to the top of the Balsam gap on the present western line of Haywood county, down into the Tuckaseege Valley and up to the foot of the Co wee mountains, there was again no very great trouble. Roads were opened up to this point by county auth ority, or by voluntary labor, or by emi grants themselves. The ascent of the Cowee became the first formidable ob stacle. Up this and through the gap, and down the western face a road was cut which served a temporary purpose, but with grades so steep that fully load ed wagons could only move by double teaming. If the Cowee was formidable, the Nantahala was worse. " -. As population gathered in demand for greater facilities began to be loudly made. The people were too few and too poor to undertake a great public work with their own means or by their own labor; yet too many ana too important lactora of great public interests to be wholly unheeded. Appeal was made to the Legislature about 1844 for the first aid from the State. Then, and for long years after, there was the same opposition to turnpikes for the West as has since displayed itself in rail norance of the topography of the moun tain region, the same blindness to its cap abilities, the same incredulity of its development. 1.0 the average legislator a turnpike meant a well graded macad amized road. . .What claim had poor mountaineers on the bounty of the tax payers of t hi east for a luxury only ap propriate to old and wealthy commun ities ? It dawned upon the public mind at length and very slowly, that the wes tern people only asked certain State aid to onBtruct common dirt roads, such roads however to cross four or five ranges of mountains, which must be made pass able by low grades executed with en gineering skill, and with a degree of Cost beyond the reach of county or individual means. -. - : . Any one who has crossed the Nantah ala gap will realize the very great ob stacles that lay across the path. ' The road follows up the valley of Way ah Creek until it is well up among the moun tains, and then' there these stretches across it a veritable wall, flanked on the one hand, by the Wayah Bald 5494 feet in height, on the other the Little Bald, 5240.' The curtain which connects the two is, at its low e. t point, the cap, 4158 feet high. The valley runs deep up into the mountain and then ends abruptly, so that the remaining distance to the top must be gained by very abrupt ascent, one so nearly perpendicular as to appear insurmountable. The original trail and wagon way is still seen, and still used as a bridle path. The existing road is a marvel of engineering talent. A series of long windSjdoubling often upon them selves, overcome very gradually the as cent for about two miles,-and then begins that series of short ziz zags, where each abrupt turn, brings at near intervals the end of each turn upon the verge of a fearful descent long down into the far depths below, these ziz zags so close up on each other that.when seen from below: they present themselves as a series of parallel- lines, ine one above the other. At the end of the last of these, the srrade becomes easy to the top of the gap; but the prospect to ' the rider, or the driver does -not become much more assuring until the gap is reached, for the eye falls with involuntary apprehension far down through trees and tumbling water-falls into deptos that seem uniatiiomable. . This is not a fair type of tb mountain gaps,' for it is the highest and the most difficult; but all tiie others demanded the same engineering Bkill, and the same amount of hard work to make them prac tically, available for travel and transpor tation. And so tne turnpike system had its beeinnine. ' ' - . In 1844, Capt. Jarratt, who lived wbete Capt A. P. Monday now Jives, on the Nantahala riverf where "the roads for Murphy and Hayesville diverge., and who was the father Sn-law cf Capt. Mon day, obtained a charter from 'the legisla ture, lor the construction of a turnpike road from a point in Jackson county to -and a natural engineer; and with the aid I certain jinviiegei eiteiiueu oy me State, he completed the contracts enter ed into Very successfully; at least there was vast improvement over the roads then in being.. Such portions Of his lines as are now disused are still visible, and serve to show the gradations of improve ment, from the original trail or wagon track, np to the present perfected grade. This last was the result of the legislation of 1848. rwhenCol. W. H. Thomas and Nicholas Woodfin were both members of the Senate, and who each presented bills embracing the same general principles, but with epme divergence of plan. The work, in large part entirely new, was to be paii out of the proceeds of certain Cherokee land bonds. - Col. Thomas, fearinsr that the proceeds of hese bonds would be exhausted before the. work was completed to Murphy uthCyork was be gun at Salisbury, as proposed by - Mr. Woodfin aereea 4o accept the bilrof the latter if the work was made to begin at the Georgia lino, in Cherokee, county. Mr. Woodfin agreed to this; and the work was finished to Asheville, where the fund was exhausted. So we have what' we possess of the State road, which has had powerful influence upon the fortunes of w esiern rorxn aronua rvai. - .- Cant. Jftrratt. nnon the Dassas-e of the jtint bills of Thomas and Woodfin was ousted from ail the ngnts no. naa pos sessed under his charter; but he was compensated by being made superintend ent of the work. The engineer was Major Fox of Pennsylvania, who became a resident of Raleigh while working out his notes of survey, and who remained there nearly a year. :.''- ": u? 1 C ? The Atlanta Convention. " . This body met on the 19th,5 and as there are three delegates there repre senting .the interests of -Ashevillev-we are naturaljy anxious to hear.from them. These are Maj. W. H. Malone, represent ing the city, Messrs. R. M. Farman.and B, R. Bawls the BbardtTradeand the State is represented Try eleven gentle men of character. Our information is not as full as we wish. 'The News and Courier of yesterdajgives an outline of the objects of the Convention expressed in the propositions to be discussed. Gov. Stannard. of Missouri presents the fol lowing i ; - Does the public interest . re quire he enactment of a uniform bank rupt Jaw ? ' Mr. S. D. Horton, of Ohio, presents the question :. Does the public interest require a temporary suspension of the compulsory coinage of silver? Gen. Gordon presents ,- the question : Does the public interest require national' control of railway transportation ? These questions will be discussed on successive days in the order above presented. . In the Cluverids trial - the - most important point lately developed is the identification in the trunk- of the deceased of letters in.the hand writing of the prisoner. A witness also identified several large sealed letters, and the watch and chain and other articles found on the Erisoner when hewas arrested. The and-writins: of the prisoner was identified by Wm. Quarks, a" bank er and broker Kand an expert. The evidence ot the guilt -ol the accused accumulates each day. - In 1884 Blaine carried St. Paul, Minn., .by 1,100 majority;, in 1885 the Democratic candidate for May or is elected by 3,600 majority. Tue Citizen Job Office ".' . . - Is one of the most ' complete offices in the State, and work of every kinxi will be done with as much neatness and de spatch; and as cheap, as it can be done anywhere. If this old maxim were oftener appli ed, it would save a vast amount of suffer ing and misery to the human family, but it seems that the only thing necessary in this age is to get the people to read some high sounding notice of a wonder ful cure, others humbug them with some worthless patent medicine, which not only relieves them of their money, but leaves them with shattered health, and a broken down constitution. But there is a remedy, which is not a patent medic ine, can be used by any one-without the least fear of injurous results, the "Seven Springs Iron-Alum Mass,"-, is simple, pure and harmless, yet wonderfully effic ient in curing- diseases- A pamphlet giving a history of this remedy mailed to any address by Landrnm & Litchfield,- Abmguon, a- - ,: '..v The best 5 cent Cigar in Asheville is the Fan at Pelham's Deuq Stoue.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, . , COW LOST. ' ' - - , Straved from mv premises . a black cow. star in forehead, and dewlapped, end of tali white, ten or eleven years old. Left the 8th day of May. Was raised in Haywood county, and may worn d&ck to ner oia ianre. ; A saiiauie Kwaiu will paiu wi uci iclu t . . Any information to be addressed to -- . , (i. W. WILSON. ' Caney Rirer P. O., Yancey co , H. C May 18. 1885. Dit-Wlt - FOR SALE ' f r - ' - - TwoThorousrhbred Berkshire Boar Pigs, eight weeks old. Will be delivered at Asheville for six dollars each. First order with cash gets first choice. Address J. K. HOYT. April 18 D&WJt ' -' Turnpike, N. C WANTED. . Emenrptlc Gentlemen as Distiict A cents to Canvass LIFE INSURANCE. - Good wsges to good men. Address GATTSHALL CO., May 17-DiW 2t V Raleigh, N. C. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS L Now open for Boarders, at Mrs. HOL LAND'S, Mrtton ATenne, cor. rTencn jhosq. April 17-lrtT , f U - The firm of STUFFIER & ROBERTSON has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. StefiEher withdrawing. J. V. Robertson will eontinna the business at the same stand. and will pay all claims against the firm and collect all accounts aue. . - rKi. oitrrniJi, - J. D. ROBERTSON, . Mayll,lS85. r. Iaw4w c ? v-j . , 1 .-' " '? 3 - r 7 .. 4 . ' f - a i- - T"? XEfUTTOR'S SALE. Si . - I will prooeed to sell at Silver 8prines, the late Tesidence of J.X. Henry, on Mtamay, nsr za, i., a im oi perso nal property, consisting ol Furniture. Cook Stove, T.- 1 m 1 ... . 1,1 4 n rw t n ma I A out at a farming xwia, j t.v .mvw. . Terms of Sale All sums of five dollars or less, cash. Sums over five dollars, on a credit or six months, with note and solvent security: . , P. A. CUMMINGS, Ex'r. May 2d,lSB5 law4w . - OTICE. All persons having claims against the late Dr. J. Q. Hardy will present the same to the under- nM..A will h. i.lnuil .vl In Kb t tliArolt - Will UD V--WV ' .' ' april8-wtsi' 1.? ". -1 S. TF.VNIENT. f V .Administrator. A GOOD INVESTSIElTri - .; .,.. ' f 4 t .,'. 'i j- -. i . ' To the Merchants and Retail Tobacco Dealers : To close out my Stock of Manufactured Tobac co, I wiU reduce my prices on all grades twenty per cent, for CASH. -- - . Please send your orders before my stockjs too mncn DroKen. - s . , : . ; s o. o. May 7-Dlw - Asheville, N. C- TTOK 8ALR. , XV A Complete outfit of Plug Tobacco Ma chinery, with Hydraulic Pump Betaine.", Box Screws, 4c, whose capacity Is sixvy to eighty thousand pounds annually.. All in perfect work ing order, together with several excellent brands and the Good Will ef the Mountain Island Fae. tory, whieh has won an enviable reputation. For Terms and all information, address ' 8, B. West, Prop'jr, .: iIay7-Dlw ' r . - -'-, AshevUle, K. k ALDEN HO'.VELL. y JAMES M. MOODT HOW ELL and M0 0DY, " Attorney nt Iiaw , WAYNESVILLE,. ; - ; - - - ;-. N. 0 Prompt jittention to all business in trusted to them.--''v, ap 24-tf . .' i -'""" k--:77.: TELEGRAPHIC. ' t .i '.- it c--.-; j '-.ij'v.; f ASSOCIATED- PRESS. TELEGRAMS r8PE- CIAL TO CITIZEN. ' SUICIDE OP w. i . enow. A Prominent Insurance man Dead by bis Own Hand. ' Si- T . . .. Hr "oft T: W. H.Crow, a highly esteemed citizen of this place, nearly 80 years of age, who was saSerinjr 'from a temporary aberrar tion of mind,.' vas missed . by his friends yesterday, evening, and it was learned that he had purchased a pistol. ; Search was at once' instituted, which resulted in the finding of his body this morning in a ravine near the ' cemeiery His doatn had been caused by sbullet wound? The deceased was general agent i of the JEXta Hre Insurance Company. His afiairs are not theught to be embarrassed. He waa ji Qu-Hkf meana. Jyy u ; GENERAL GRANT. His Condition Improved. , New ; York, May 20, 12 m. - Gen'l Grant had a good night last night lie slept right hard. . , He said to Jesse Hoyt this moping, "it was the best night's rest he has had in quite a long time, and he looks and acts bright this morning; ' 1 THE CHIRACHUA INDIANS ON THE RAMPAGE. . r THEY BREAK LOOSE FHOM TIIE, BESEUTATIOHT. ; ; General Crook In Pur&nit. : ' Denver Co i, May 20th. A special to the Tribune, Republican, from Santa Fe says: . "Geronimo, and-fifty. Chiricachua . bucks .broke away from .the San Carlos headed for -the Sierra .Mad re mountains m Mexico troops. Gen. Crook has ordered all 'available frbni ' Fort's Apache; Bowie Qrant and Thomas into the fieldnd a! company of calvary from Fort Apache is now in hot, pursuitr.-. No asualitiea had been reported at noon yesterday; but should the warriors be overtaken a hard , fight is expected, as Geronimo is the bad ' Indian who caused 'so much trouble in Mexico i year ago,' and with whom Gen; Crook car ried on negotiations which resulted in the return of h'm band to. the Reservation. Gee. Bradley, , the . Commander Toi the military district of New Mexico, hasprdered two companies ot the Gth Calvaiy from Fort Bayard' under St' CoL Morrow Jo protect settlers along the Gila River, ojithejincbc- 3ui I.. 1. a at i-izona. The Plymouth Epidemic. Report of the Relief Committee ' Wilkesbarkk, Pa., May 20. v .- The . Executive Belief Coinroittee at Plymouth submitted their official report to a meeting of the citizens this morning of which the following i summary : ; 0n May tti there were 841 cases of typhoid fever.' Since that date 04 nevt cases have been reported making iX)3 in ; all. ' The deaths in the past tuy weeks have num bered 5o,' which leaves .50 cases, 135 Lor ing convalescent. The' majority of the sick are reported to be on the menct; but many are 'still in a critical condition. The total number of detilitute families now receiving aid ii reported to b .2-Wi. Total disbursenienta to date roach $5,100, NEW YORU STOCK ,MAIi ICET. f,; -r. -. " New York; May io I p. in, The stock market rpened irregular this" morning, and has been dull, but generally, firm, throughout the first houi . - The first prices were 1-8 lower for Grangers, Lake Shore,-Union Pacific, LouIsville'S Nash ville and K. T.; r-4 'higher for ' Western Unim, atuMr-S higher for N; Y. '.Ccnlral, while Locka wanna and Pacific Mail were unchanged.. The result of the hours busi ness is a slight . advance .for; most; 9. the Gould stocks, :and weakness in Vander bills. ; Loaning rates for. New York Cen tral are 1-8 to 3-16, for Delaware and Hud son 1-64, and for Lockawanna and rie seconds'neVy 1-128. At 1 o'clock markte is quiet and rather heavy. 17'," ;J : !. Baltimore markets . .. . ' Baltimore May 20. . Flour' quiet and "steady; Howard St and western' superfine 3.503.8o; extra 3.904.37;' family 4.655.50; City Mills superfine 303.75; extra 44.25; Rio brands . 5.1555. "Wleat; woutherri, quiet and steady; western lower and easy; southern red 1 .02 1.05; amber L10 1.13; No. 1 Md. 1 .05"l.0G; No. 2 west ern winter red spot ' 99'L6S.'' Corn, Bteady and firm; western doll and nom inal; southern white 61 62; yellow 56 57...- . . i-'-'J- - : ' The old Palace of Frederick j the Great Partially Ie- stroyed by Fire ; T- ,v 1 ;; - V r 7'c r , .BiBiaif, May 20 , . Fire was discovered at midnight, last night in the Mon-Byou Palace, once 00 cupied afft. residedce by Frederick the Great, and now used as a museum'. Be fore the flames- could be extinguished, the roof and attic of the buflding -were destroyed.. : .,. , rr'v . ' RegrUtrsttlea Bill ' - -''' E: 7' LbNDOH, May 2012 tn. The House -of Lords has ' passed the registration: bills- ) t- . 4 Vletr IIoar Setter. . ' PAHis.May 20-l p. rn, Yictor lingo, ahhougb troubled by hia illness during the night; is rather belter to-day... ' 7 " - .. ' jtciNATi, O., May 2a The Commercial Gazette of to-day, refer ? rlng'toGcnl JBeatty's slatemeni that . Senator She'rman'a; candidacy for the United States Benatorship; was an amia ble fiction and that be' would not aerve ' if fleeted, says i .Senator Sherman aaya in a letjter before aa dated March 22": "I tave' concluded to' allow m nam to" be canvassed with the Test ahd to1 accept if elected;1'1-;' k j Sfaattlna: dn mt If lite. . ,M ' WiLMlsoTOxj'XUv'itay 26. . ' Th9 Great Falls manufacturing 'com pany at RoAirighatn have shut doWa on account of the law: price' of cotton gooda. The Eoberdel Mills, fit the sain place wiU.closQ .this weekj,' Both, ;the mill', will start again as soon as business of the situation improves. i r vi - ' . ; - ' i ' : -.j7: . si wjcriof nm. .:,,; ,'" , At ihe -New , jWkei .second luring meeting to-day the race for' the''tft!Lne", stakes for three years old1 .'were' won by Lord Hastings bay colt, Melton; Sir G. Chetwynds ebestnuf colt, 'Kingwood, 2d; Lord Cadogan's bay filly; Xonrfy,-3d. There were fpur starters. K : f - Haejr XarkVt." '. ! '-. ' 'Losdos, May 20th12 A. Conaois W7-16. - . PROFT5SS10NAL CAfeDS C !U. UcL6Ch 1 , 1 ciliS 'l.l'wOAE jyJjoLOUD & MOORE, - U ,;, - Attorneys and Counsellors at I tne,' . ' "i - ASHEVILLE, IT. Ct '" -K.v. , -Practloe In the 17nite4 SUtee Circuit Ola rict Courts at Aibeville. Stateavllla. ChArlatt and Greensboro; in the Supreme Court at Kalelirtt ana in me uourts 01 me nn ana vta jualctat mtn tricto of the State of North Caroita. ,-. , bpectai attention given to collections or elaiias iy '4 ljtrsiir ... I f i j tyio ruos. D. Joaxsros. JPIINSTOXA.SHIFORD,', .... AttArneya (alIi-t'Law, ' AflHCVlLU. N. C . r tVlh practice in the 8th and 9th Jndielat Districts ot Aorta Carolina, in the 8uprae Court of thm siaic; ana in ine r eacrai courts at Aanenue. Tilt collection ot p.l&LmiL. th xaminalinn mt lilies M real Drotwrtr. and the settlement of estatasf a-sjecjaiiy. py, ine linn. Office 1 tf Johastoa JOHNSTOKtf JONES. HKHKT HitinWICKS J; ONES 4 HARDWICKE; -V ! AVvrneys'-.and Counselors Al-Latr, ' ASHEVILLE, N. C. J J : aa-OCice in Cmiw Building, i timjUlj. taec. t' atidsow. ''.jAiQ.yiitLTis DAVMUSON ft KARTIN, . f.'--A itorneyi A CounielIors-t.Laiw ASUBVILLB. N. C ' - WIl; .if ..llc in the 6th and tb Judicial Dtotrtcts and iu the Supreme Court of Nsrth CaratlDa, rn4 in the Federal Courts of the Western District -f North Carolina. . . t.t . . , ,. ' Refer to the Bant or Asheville. .. 1 c F'OTKK CRAIG, d "J - 1 .. Attorney at . LalrT; ASHEVILLE, JS.. a Office in Court flouse. dec 0-1 v "JAMES A. BUEBOUGHfi, f Physician and Nurgen, Office over Powell 'A rSniderW.' ' ie- f 'JS&": Residence eornei; -Main tnd Woodfin streets. , . " . Q F. vS.NABLfi. - . ;,,.! jdvd Engineer and General, Surveyor, prepared to So jff 'work in bis prof saslecL ssm4 oners bis services esiecialiy ia - Leveuna;, itoatl MaEinjr, mskiub; iiAtiuiates on wore, utytac in. Locating and J luIUua jot Mapping Clij Lola, aal -BsUmatiuic or Mappinif Work already done F ' A .TJiX3JKNT,;,.lr ' 11?-. Architect and Civil Engutcer. Designs, Scfeclflcatloira. and Estimates1 any style ot building furnished, upon application, and wore superintended when dueired. AH work en trusted to. m a, Civil. Engineer -will receive nnofit attentHm.' ' Thoroiixh-rlraiuage of lands. a specialty. rot: (Uincei aucress, Aanevute or Best, N. C. Restdehre-fctwaniianoa, Bridge rjTH03. A. JONES, Sj 0.. , .., , . .. , ; r v ' :' Attorney at jkw' 1 ? ' - ASHEVILLE N. C,' hut oet w OSes wUh.PavidsosK' Jfarti DBS W. LvA V. D. HILLIARD, - f, . .;-( - "1 : ' - Physicians and Siirxeoiw. - ' Office "next door soutH Old Bank. -- Jan S-6 moe ' ' D R. T. . WILSON. Office for the present as ruducnee- Jth HowU House,) corner of Kortb Main and a cue erry sts. my 11 dawir U dawlr I) K. JOHN HSY WILLIA; S, n.' - Ftisi..,a. and Auroeon. Offca: JfainSL.2 doors south of Bank.-Bast . 9 Jer.ee on French Broad Aveuue. OBice hours 11 : re. to 1 p. boh and rrom a t p. , .. ' 1 DENTAL' CARDS. Hf DOC.QLASS, D, Dt 8., Dental . Rooms over- De Vault's, Drat Xtoie ' esideuce in same building; Asheville, K. C. . Ma-wAaw .7. ' DR. R. H. REEVES, D. D. CM ' Orrxcx In Sluder BnflcUnc, ' ' T ; -ppoelte Central Hotel' -' ' ASHXTIIXR, V. " 1 11 fersons hsvlnir artidctal work: done, after -rylnr it two r i ttlree weekst If not stoe, em return It and tfce momtj will be refunded. . I 1 ' i .JIUV$ IZesttiurant - I AM ?BEPAJRED AT .ALL TIMES ' to serve fine ' ; ," f ' . .:'"' porter-rlouse SteaVs,' '. . And any thing. else wanted to eat,' ia the best style ftnd In quick order.' live ni atrial. W. M; HILL, 1 my8-Dlm ; Under T.T, SUrnes. -. . OTirO YILSON, FEpPKirrosV : " ....... J . j.( Location, S MilwSonthaeKt of r-i!e!'-h. M. C, 4io Areuts vtMuied. py meh 18-2 mos s w- ; . : J M 7 f. 73 'S - '

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