n:ac3c:iir:n::i Mir- DAILY EDITION. CITIZEN JOfe 0FF1CK, - WEStJ Bilk 'PUBLIC t'Al.:.- i :';::; 5tews;XtKi3';C3 Cassxsa'V' : ,.,..; EDITORS AND PKOPRIETQB3.- V'V 5.; ,v-:; v:- 3tfbt,.x.':v:.l;,9'o; :7Ajy&ER ii&m&B'A rs1 .owe. k I '- -i:-' X .m i t 1 AWiTr, v BILL" HEADS. r i LE 1 r JKI1' IIEADS . rosTEis; WM I -NO. 6. ASHEVIELNv .-;.:.:' . . i Asherille Business Iireclory. General ltenhanltWholtxilc and JldaU. , . - C. K. Grabim & Co ,8. R. Chedetster & Son. J. D. Brevard & Co., J. O. Howell, - 8, HammerehUig,. Mean, A.' UJonw A Son, Bearden,fiankin & CoT, W. O. Brownuu. J, nowra. a . - -- , 6ards and jFVM 5efrf. Pnuell A- Snider. H. H. Lyous. A. J-'lierrUX H. Redwood & Co., J.O. Howell, J. P. gawyer, Bear- deu. uanexn ec uo v- ."ucuir " -drain, Hay and Flour. 3: B. BlamesPowell Snider,: Alexander and . reniono. - . - - . - , -r 1 , , ' Hardware, Agricultural Imptanentt, Ae-.-, , Pennlman & Co., VanGndejr&Brown. " .Stovei, IlousefurnUlimg, ami Tinware. '- Ballard Bros., Brown & Bearden, '.-Xindsey Broa, Clothing, Gent Furnishing, tc, Jvmes P. Sawyer, M. leTy, Charles E Lee, 8 Wnitlocic AJ ,-. . ; oos, Shoe, and Mait. ; W. T. Weaver, M. Levy. V W-' - - Boot and Shoe Xanvj'achirert.' j . JUL levy, W. T. Weaver, A.TFttfelc - . Book and Stationery t '-.':-- " - X. L. "WUkle, J. X. Morgan & C. , H. t. Esla- ; brook. H, H. Lyons. , v : . DrugaUti and fftarmocenfese, i H. H. Ltoim, W. C. Cannlebael, C. W.JteVault I 1- jewelers. - . 5? C Cbwaii, Etcffner and Robertson.' " : IbmUy Groceries, i' "Powell and Snider, S. B. Kepler, A. R. Cooley, Penley & Co.. TVF. Btaraes, O. W. Uoodlake. A. J. - Merrill, J. E. Ware, Ware and Howell, A. C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Mackey & Co.. Jesse R. Starnes, O. Jj. McDonald, w. u. Morgan, r m. '"i11??"" f B Noland & 8ons,T. W. Shelton, J. R. Trull, G. H. tames, N. V enlanu. reniana at Aie2uuer. ' Butchers. Meat Dealers, Jit. ! Zachery Bros., James Lusk, T, KY Davis, Mc . Connell and Drake, Bakeries. 3. 3. Desmond, F. M. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, r i . '". ' ConfeclionerUC' . " J. j7 Desmond, (factory), JM Heston. " . .. Saddlery, Harness, te. -4 S. M. Gilbert & Co., Alexander and Peulana 1 '& FtarnUnrti tc. W. B. Williamson, Moore & Falk P. S. Mc- Mullen. . - .-, UndertakerSr - . X. Brand, 3. V. Brown, John Clayton . ' COal Dealer.' . S. F. Venable, D. S. Wat on,. Hill and Atkins K. W. uirawooa itio, . -Lumber Dealer , ioublcday t Scott . j J.J Contractors, carpenters, ana nauuere. t s. ii int,n u.i T A Watmpr T. C. Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E. Buttrick, T.' L.: Ulayion, A. u. vesi.- .-; , : T.jr - .-. . Btadcsmith "' f. , Hotels. x . . Hwannanm, Eagle, Grand Central.- Western, Carolina House, Slagle House, The Villa, Florida Health Association. . , , .Private Boarding.- ' ' - A. T. 'Snmmey, P.- S. McMullen, Miss Bettie Brown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. E. Hall, P. F. Emer son, Miss Smith, T. W.tfeel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, ;'i J. H. Carter, U. M. Roberts, K. H. Grahl, G. I Mc Donald, M. J. Fagg. J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. Holland,- Mrs. -Rroiles, Mrs. Mrs. E. L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W. Patton, Mrs. Leicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, E. J, Aston, Mrs. H.C. France. - r , ;. , - . ( Livery, Sale and Feed Slabies.' ' Reynolds t Chambers, J. M.Ray, W. A.Wed din. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, T. H. gtanslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Herndon, S. H. Barnard, G. W. Morgan fc Co., E. T. Clemmons, Jesse R. Starnes. Colleges, Schools, &c ; V Asheville Female College, Asheville Male Academy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High School for young ladies. Miss Sawyer's Primary School, Mrs. J. P. Gammon's Primary School, three white public schools, two--' eooa colored -' schools. A graded school'httsUee'fl authorized by law, and a Svate normal school will be held every summer. - . - - - - - - Hittinery, ice. ' - ' Mrs. H. M. Herndon, 8. Whitlock,: Mrs. M. E. Mann, J. p. Sawyer, Mrs RR Porter. . . Attorneys At Law. ' ' " McLoud & Moore, J. H.-Merrtnion, K. H. Mer rimon, M. E. Carter, A. Ii Carter, Gudger fe Car- v ter. J. M. Ctadger, V. A. ssondley, w. s. unsnmaa, Richmond, Pearson, E. D. Carter, W. W. Vandiyer, Davidson Martin, l . a. jones,o. ii. iteea, n. x. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jones and Hardwicke, Johnston t Shuford, W. M. Cocke, Natt Atkinson, A.T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, V. S. Lusk, P. A. Cuaunings, A. J. Lyman. v?.- -! : . Physicians and Surgeon. f '. D.J.Cain, W. "L. & W. D. HilUard, John Hey Williams,- J. A.-Bnrroughs, J. A. w atson, m. Ij. -Nelson, Wardlaw McGill, H. P. GatcheiL . . ; . -Dentists. . . .."r . - O.Yf. Whitson, B. H. Donglas, R. H. RecTea, A. t. ware. ' , . -Banks, Bankers and Brokers. ' Bank of Asheville, Sluder Barnard Merchant Tailors. r 3. W. Schartle. - ' . ? : x ,- Dealers in Furs. :. J V. Ellick. , , i Real Estate Agencies. ' Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt. Atkinson, E, J. Aston, li. m. 'Jones. Architect and CivU Engineers, S F Venable. J A Tennant, j , - , ' i Tobacco Warehouses; i " ' The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware . house, The Farmer's Warehouse,. Ray's Wure- nouse, ine iiuncomDe nareiiouBo. Tobacco Manufacturers Chewing and Smoking. I a. B. West. McCartv & Hull. J. E. Ray. E. I. Holmes tCw., Shelton & Perry, W.P Williamson. . ' Coopers, &c. ' ' L. F. Sorrell, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, . nan. .... vrf.'f Mtnet, Liquor, ie..' ,-. ' , Longhrah Bros., Hampton & Featherstone, W. O. Muller,fcCo.i A.P. SorrelL ; ; -- ' , v X.t.h'.ii Paper Hanger. A :i J-.. ' : . Cain t Hunt, Moore & Folk, R. L. Fitzpatrlck. . ; . ; Newspaper. . . Pailt and Weekly Citizen, Daily and Weeklv ; Advance, The Asheville Tribune (weekly.) , , ir -. ' - . ' - . t -. Je Office. . '- - i ! j The Citizen Job Office, Hunt Robertson. ' ' ' " : Photographer. . Nat. W. Taylor, W. T. Robertson, T. T. HilL - Grist MUZs, ic Jordan & Hall y burton. M. W. Girdwood, Jas. E. Bultrick, McLane. - - Fertilizers, tc. . ' P. N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Pfiiniman Co., ' .'Anehor. Brand'-.O. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont," W. H. i-eaiand, "Owl Brand," Bear- den( Kankir. t Co, "Ober & Co."! 8pecial," Lyon s- 4t ?aierp -r armor "cuu, x. v. oiarues, -Ar lington.", w, w. jjarnaru, "sea Fowi;'H. w. " Girdwood & Co., "Soluble Pacific." . - . . . Insurance, v. ,jr JtJ Astc,Thos. W.Branch. ,. . . W.' O. Telegraph. 8. 0. Weldon, manager. Southern and Adams Express. - ' -r . F. A. SUkeleather, manager.- Chit Officer of Buncombe County. . ' Sheriff J. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. C Clerk SU.W. Herndonf Register J. R. Patterson; . Treasurer I. H.-Courtriey8, Surveyor B. F. fatten: Ta iKtOaeKx V.yf. fiattoa. i 4 ; : . t . . - ' Inferior Court. -' ':' , Justice 0. A', finuford, C. B. Way, J. M Green; Clerk Mont Patton; Solicitor H. B. Carter. " " County Commissioner. - - V J. E: Rankin,. J. A. Keaeran, . W. Whitson. L. JL ChUds, Thosi D. Jirittaia. - : . - ; " JusHceor Vie Peace': ': "I v - A. T. Bumniey, N. A. Penland, T. W. Patton, C B. Way, J. M. Lediord, i. M. Jarxatt, J. B. Cain. ' City Government. Mayor E. J. Aston; Aldermen W. H. Penland, T.C Westall, A. P. Sorrell,' I. Gorenflo, William . Weaver; Marshall A, ILJBaird; Chief Police W. G. McDowell; Policemen J. JL Hunr.pton, R. W. . t 'ilrtre Department.- ' . tOi Hose N. 1 , Foreman H, C. Fagg; . H. tL. No. 1, tap. K.9 Hull. ' f - J f- J . - . -. . r Sanitary Department. - ,i ... Dr. DT Millard, Sanitary Chief: T r - t- Federal .Officer. , 1 ' -" V. 8. Commissioner, A. T. Summey. Deputy Coi 1 wrtOTj. 4tam p office) A. D.: Cooper. District Deputy 8. C Herren. .Deputy .Marshal la, R, O. Patterson, A. C. Patterson, 'f . K. Davis, H. S. Har , kins, a . ; ."i i-. r United State District and Circuit Courts. ' '- ' Judge R. P. Dick, Solicitor J. E. Boyd, Clerk J. E. Reed, Deputy Clerk P. A. Cummlngs. ' . . - 'post office: ;.;:v:M' ' i;.-' : - H. L. Gudger P. M., Clerks W, B. Moore, W.l Norman, A. L. Clift . - - Sewtng MaeMn Agencies. . ,', ';.: - . . Whchleri Wilson, J. H Herring, Chief Clerk , Miss liessie Jurtice. Singer, M. H. Morynihan, . Chief Clerk W.Monteath,-Domestic; S. R, Ched ster t Son, Chas E Lee. - .: -r Note There may beerroisin the above, which . will be gladly corrected npon notification. DAILY EDITION J INTERESTING LOCALS ON THE f X FOUETII PAGE. ArrtT! nd B(fepru'r the Trains. Saubbott Arrives 857 A. K. . if-- . Departe B:47 . lC j , - ' i Tennessee Arrives 657 r. tt. . ;. . v. Departs 8:47 a.-jr. T i WAtkmvtli, Arrives 3:60 r.tt.. . .'J- ; .-- . . Derjarts 9K)D a. h. .; , 'TIia Wft-vnAsinllA tmln rfiachAa that at st 1:20 returning, leaves Waynesyiiie at 250. Soda - and. -misebal DBA UGlIT AKPEIJIA1P8. . f ; ' i , -;'-''! ' The bst 5 cent Cigar ia.'town- at Ly ons' ;'Wite Kose." ''rt, ' W. T. Weaver, Sole Agent lot HessJ Hand-Made Shoes for men. . tf , . .r ;, "' '. 1 :;..end fyZTob: 'Wot (f aU Mndsto.thc pjtizm ' Office,', if you vant it done neatly, cheaply -and teitA 'ditpalA "-fx? : ;; ' t !- . .r- .. . .J. WEATHER EEPOSTMAr SSKft." ? 'v- Thermometer 6 . m.&T6; 3 p. ml 77 i ' Barometer 30.52 at"9 a. m. . . ' t y - Eain fall--.00.,inches ... ' Wind light Southerly. i I U , ' Sky Overcast; - . - Moon 1st . quarter 21d., Oh., 25m morning. ' ' - ; Indications rain.' 2 - ? - -i.j ,- .:J ! ) - T1TE DAILY CITIZEN 1 (. Will be published every evening (ex cept 'Bnnday) at the followingratea- slrtctly cash:- " - - ? ' v -v -"" ' One Year, . . . - . $6 oO Six Months," l". ,' . ". 00 Three . ' . . .:. . 150 One " f. - C- " . C '; 50 One Week, . T . ' . . . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery evening in. every jiart of the city to our subscribers, and jjmrties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. ( . " ' ' . '.: Delicious Crab Cider on draughty at Gi'to"W.. B.1 Williamson's Furnittire Stoio to getthe',be6t goods for the least Call at McMuflen's early if lyou want goods at low prices. . ... tm29 ) A house to rent on Eailey-street. En quire of Mrs. Walker.- J - 2t t Nothing more t of .'the - water iall up Hominv. K . - r - . . - i - Mr. Richmond Pearson will ; deliver the address at Rutherford College on the 27th inst. - . r. f V ' ; ... ! . . ' . . . - . . . ' j 1 . : : c I . ( . .' J - . - : J ; The Commencementfexercises of the Asheville Female College will take place during the first week in June. The .'mail train from Salisbury this morning did not reach here nntil 12 M. being detained? by some accident to a freight train. . : ; ' Mr. J. O. Sams; a former member of the House' from Buncombe illunjjnated "our sanctum yesterday with his beaming countenance and pleasant gossip. - " ; . The Eev. D." Atkins, President of Weaverville College, was associated with Prof. Venable in the examination of applicants for the cadetship appointment to west iroint. uur lniormant emitted that item until yesterday afternoon. s i The tobacco breaks this morning were quite large at all the warehouses, the weather being seasonable fox the hand' ling of tobacco. The bulk of the tobacco on the floors to day, however wai of an inferior quality, the prices; for, the fine being grades well maintained, while for the lower grades the marketwas con sidered somewhat easv. - : ; - . : A Col. Frank Cameron arrived here to day for the purpose of inspecting the Asheville Light Infantry this afternoon. Col. Cameron and Gen. Jones inspected the. Iredell Blues yesterday at' Statesville, and last night were tendered a banquet by the Blues, which was largely attended and a number of speeches made by Mes srs.' Armstrong, Bobbins, Leazer and others, including Meesrs. Jones and Cameron. ' v ' .. .;!? A gentleman who has taken a dedestrian tout through Haw Creek, . Grassy Branch J and : Bull Creek, and who stopped, at a goodly number of the houses, talking with a goodly number of the residents, informs us fee finds- feed very scarce consequent upon the past two seasons "having been un propitlons: but that, with the- exception of the wheat crop which was greatly damaged by the severe weather of the past winter he hnds the prospects for this year good, with a denomination on the part of the planters to cultivate more closely necessaries ' for home consumption. Much attention is be ing given this year to the .gardens more, than usual in this regard. ' He sess a better outlook for our people. . " ; ,; -.' ' . A communication 'Txoiii ; a' ValuedjiuL- Bcribet at West's Mills, and which cokir tained matter highly interesting, if time ly used, was not delivered to ns until 12 days after date, having been held for postage, the notice of which was proba bly misplacid. ; The contents of the letter have long since been anticipated. We shall be pleased to near irom our friend again, ';' , ; . V:,; A., '."..v, i Mrr Walter Hamilton! of N. Y. paid us a pleasant jyis.it yesterday. He is now ac tively working a corundum mine, near Democrat, in this county," and has about thirty men engaged. His work at pres ent, is somewhat tentative ; his success, which.' now seems assured, will-bringin use at the mine a large amount of 'ma chinery. . .. . V '. .' i .'(' i 1 - The Dedication "of the Beaver Dam Baptist Church, . .' - . We stated that this new Church would be dedicatee on the "joth inst. . The last Sunday in this month ocenrs on the jisd, and' that s the day. upon which the dedica tion will take place. Tht land upon which the church has "been built was bought from Dr. I. S.T. Bajrd, and the church is located between Dr. laird's residence and Mr. Frank Polk'a saw mill, r The Kev. Mr. Car roll will preach the dedicatory Sermon, at II o'clock on the 31st, and oiher ministers will be in attendance. . . . ' ' ' . No better or nicer stock of Furniture; Carpets, &c, in Western North Carolina than can be found in McMullen's. . tmy29, Vx..jx One hundred and twenty-five bushels Fancy-Hand-picked Pea Nuts at tmZ7 - T v " ' ' , J-'ESMOKD S. Deputy Collector Appointed. - , . ; . Collector jDowd has appointed Dr. Geo. Wj Whitson, of "Asheville, Deputy Col lector and Stamp'ofncer, with his , office at Asheville. This appointment ;will give unqualified satisfaction to our peo ple, as. Dr. 5 Whitson. is a - most worthy gentleman and wu t doubtless 'prove a most efficient officer. . There were other worthy gentlemen competing with the Dr., but this is .more to his credit in carrying 'off the Ironors. -" :-- - IIoteiArriyaia, .v . ' , --' Weattm Hotd-4 1 C Skmsi 5 E Davis, Morgan Hill; J;F-Ponderf S J) Carter, Ivy; J A Irvine,- J E'-R Carpenter, Col umbia, Tenn; E L McPeeters, H D Mc Cain. Marshall; J B-Mclat0fihr B LpNor veH, Waynesville; J E Sluder, J H Cole, J A Sluder, Leicester; J D Boon, Moores ville; R H Eidson, W NCR R; C M Jones, Tenn; J D Black e'rman, Kentucky; W Menzees, wife and daughter, Old-Fort: SMwnnanoa-James Sweet, Henry A Bailey, --Childv New York City; Wm Brewster, Cambridge. Mass; WLK Cootz. . JZafiU-G A . Rlckdr, Ch4tUnooga; James T Jett, Tennessee; K li Cameron, Raleigh, 4 H Knmboqgb, VVarm bprings. The! Stbawberrt Festival. - ' i. M Notwithstanding the extreme inclem ency of the weather Thursday night, the straArberry ' festival, 'conducted by' the Young Ladies' Aid Society and held at the Asheville Warehouse," 'proved a de cided Buccess, both in attendanco and in its results, and the occasion was greatly enjoyed. The Cornet : Band was kind enough kto furnish 4 mtlSic . during L the evening. The young ladies have fur nished us for publication the following card of thanks: ' r "'As'-i - 1 ' "The Ladies Aid Society return thanks to Messrs. Reynolds and Chambers for their generosity in placing at their dis-i posaltne Asbeville Warenouse lor tne festival Thursc' ay evening, 21st, and also desire to thank the gentlemen connected with the warehouse for their-uniform courtesy and efficient, aid in. preparing the rooms for the entertainment.'; , v . Tna CemeteeV QuEsnow. ' : -1 ' There are several treasures ito, be un dertaken here essentiat to the well-being of the. town;" some ojf pressing neces sity, some that, may he", postponed 4 until a more . convenient season; but. 'Jt'of which r must be proSlded "for in due course of timept to bp prolonged into too remote alfuture. Ilhe first class is a public, cemetery, .not a . want, but a need."' ' For'ihe demaads ' of 'mortality press not 'always with eqtial weight, but with equal certaThtV upon allr conditions of men; and ho community is so fortified by its healthy environments as to ex clude death. Death comes into all 'com munities, and upon aVt nieft-in their turn; and with inevitable death comes inevitable sepulture, to b provided for by the living, . v . . . " . .. i -A strange and startling fact ctaruis tmt in the present history of Asheville, that it haa.no public cemetery; and the reso lutions adopted by religious corporation?, originating in municipal regard for pub lic health, practically close their grounds as private burial grounds., . 1 Thewisdonr of forbidding the building of crowded cities of tb4 dead among the crowded and constantly increasing living is no longer open to question. The pub lic mind nasacquiesced in the propriety, inact, the necessity of the disjunction of the'flttick'and th dead. 'A very recent case, to Which We can traly allude, brings up the subject in a -very startling way. The question comes up, which must be answered. What are we to do with our dead? We' cannot take them away to impose their precious remains upon the guardianship of others. We ought not dejEty.lbe phfrunate"trarngefnth8" rites due to humanity, por xefdsethenj in nn cpntested place in the quiet" uosomof mother earth. TYetthe municipal laws and the resolutions of religious bodies present us the alternatives of resistance to the law and contempt of resolutions, or the bearing away to distant graves the remains of those whose resting places we would fain keep hallowed, watered with tears, or made bright with flowers. Which alternative shall we take? or rather, shall we not adopt another alter native, and purchase suitable . grounds convenient to the town, . ample enough for all purposes, ample enough for these sad uses and.also for adornment; for the piety of affection joined with the influ ences of good taste combine in -modern days to make these spots, beautiful as well as hallowed, rather than the dismal scenes of upturned clay or glittering files of monumental roarble Such' spot can be. purchased. .Years ago when popula tion hee was smaller, a public spirited gentleman anticipating what ias now come to pass, made the proposition of a provision of a public cenjetery in a most beautiful and suitable location, himself offering the grounds 1 on ' conditions 11 b eral, just and easily complied wit'i. His proposition was not adopted; and now those grounds are . otherwise- appropria ted. . Newton. Academy -grounds, and lands to be acquired contiguous to them, seem now only attainable. Twenty, thirty, " forty ' or more '-acres, may ' be boughtrmay be improved and adorned; and then will: have been obtained that which can no longer be deferred. - - r . The . Board of Aldermen and public opinion must I combine- to take la very matterof fact view of what can no longer be .whistled down the wind Jas a matter of sentiment nor deferred as one of con-, veniences.: The necessity- is upon us to act at once. Be the death "rate ever bo small, the ! ,voiee" of 'one' poor mortal Sounds to our conscious negligence trun bet tontrued as the clamor . of lesrions of disembodied spirits pealing forth , their reproaches at" the inaignity heaped on the remains of mortality.-' .'r' - the remains of mortality . : '1 .; ! v i - The Militae OEUjoampjent jpo bseid AT iSHEVIJJJT,- 'm'21 ":X' I -.: Govj' Scales, has;decided that the en campment of thjey Sorth -Carolina " Milii tary shall heAhad &tj Asheville,; at such time in July as Adjutant-General Jones shall designate, and has, instructed that official ito make all necessary ' arrange ments to that end.' ,Tents and all other necessary equipments - will at once be obtained. -' ; .- - -- - This will be the first encampment of militia held in any fctate -in the south since the war, and the .occasion' will un doubtedly prove: a most interesting ne. Twenty-three-, companies, . numbering about 1,000 men, will bo here.- i- r t 1 1 mt '1 ' ' ' : Another dynamiie explosion knocks the bottom out of prices at McMullen's urmture and uarpet iiouse.. tm.'y Mattings at reduced prices, at McMul len's. - J . tm29 A? MURDER :.KA II COOP- I: ER'S STATION -..", f.; -ft THE FSAlJtlCIDE f UNDER - AR REST. THE :. JUR I' OF JXQ UEST STILL IN SESSION . : , i Th4 ccasIo&. of the vLat of Dr. Wat son, the coroner of this county, to Coop er's ior the. purpose ,ct holding an.in quest to. which we referred in J-esterday's Issue,' is explained to "largo extent by information received to which we are largely Indebted to Capt -W. D. Sprague. The following are the leading-facts: ' '' Ori'hursday-night, two y brothers, Charles .and Johtt Yprkj. were rn their return, home near (Jooper s, from Ashe ville, where they , had -been to haul a load of lumber. They:- were driving an ox team. Both, were waJ king. v. Both had been drinking freely, A man "who traveled; witfe-the -tdrvithin "five miles of Cooper's,- saythey quaircled with each, other the whole time he wa3 with them When they had approached fwithin speaking distance of their home, (thev lived in the same house. John be ing married, Charles single), the wife of John heard a noise as of cattle , running, and opening the door, heard the voice of her husband pleading with his broth er not to stab him- ' She ran out scream ing, but before site-reached her husband he was on the ground in the agonies of death. HerscreamB brought neighbors to the spot, who assisted in bearing the wounded man to the house, but he was dead when borne through the door. , The brother, in explanation of the stabbingrsaid that his brotherwas walk ing along whittling one of the standards of the wagon, and tripping his toe, fell, and the open knife pierced hia heart. "The- utter falsity and real impossibility 01 uiis una biiiue ueuu muue penucuy ev ident. - . ' Charles York was arrested yesterday, and . is now held .under a strong guard, awaiting the result of the jury ot inquest. Uri VVatson empanelled tle iury. yes terday and opened tho investigation at once. - Our last information is that the jury is still engaged in its labors. The evidence so far seems to develop ths fact of a murder committed. ' The de ceased bad a knife cut which passed through the heart, . and his . coat was gashed with -a knife in several places, disproving he . suggestion of accident. The inference is that it was murder com-! mitted under the influence f liquor, to which both brothers were addicted. 1 ; . Bank Faclities-A Field foe . Popu v'iARr'iiiVESTitES'rl"t . l .The openhfg of a ntw bank' Hero iakn event to bo welcomed by all classes-of the community. It is welcomed," be cause relief comes such as can come in no other way. The bank here has dono all its limited capital permits, and it has accommodated as far as its power goes, with generous liberality; it has secored and j retaedh pi .w,aiof all wHo hve had dealings- with l;it has. been the friend of AIievflle anil of the country around. 'This, institution, offers ho ob jections to IJie advent of what it might regard asanvai. - iso far troui it. it Wel comes the-other as a coadjutor, admit ting the field is too wide for its capacities. The combinediCapital of the two, in fact,' will not be. more., than is needed, if so much. There can be-no-antagonism. ' .; The capital stock is, at present, $75,000, which is taken.' For the reason that this amount may be. materially , increased, and also that a closer identity of interest may be created between the bank and the community, it is suggested that an additional $25,000 he taken- by the peo ple, making a capital stock of$100,000. This addition; can be prudently and con veniently made by taking a small num ber of shares', from one to twenty, a wise. safe and profitable use of the money so invested, ano amusing to that extent, community of interests. There aremany in town and in the country who have often occasion to'dispose of idle monies in such way. We hope the suggestions wilUreceive consideration. ..- . ' - -" ! T.ri . ; i .' :. ." V. r U. The Papeb Fibue.Teee. . We have just seen Capt Irvine to whom the Nashville. -American is indebted for the account of the newly dkcovered ma terial for paper stock. Capt. I. has given ns a sample of the article, a - long -Btrip of shaving, a creamy white ribbon, fine and lustrous as satin and strong as silk and at the same time flexible and soft. The tree proves to be the balsam fir, which abounds: on -..bur .highest moun tains, -inexhaustible when attainable. In fineness, in whiteness indt strength we judge the balsam fir the very tree to be used for the manufacture of wood pulp, New House for Sals oh Rest. : :. ""' On Haywood St. W.rAsheville ' thor oughly finished, 8 rooms, spring and cis tern water, nice grove ; Apply atCrnzEK otnce. . tt t imiJS-deodat-wtf;. Parasols, Corscbs, and Fans. . . tt -r, 0 n - : upholstery tJobds-T f.. 4t - H. Redwood & Co.: ' I Zieglcrs and Banisters Fine Shoes. 5 -" V .iiJ fi UittSDWOOD X M. new Advertisements. L&TD FOR BAtE,1 'ii(- i't's i ' - Three Tracts of lAhd for sale In Jefferson county, nine miles -west of Newport, lying oh Muddv Creek. .First tr&ct 165 acres. Second tract, 178 acres "Third tract, HO acres. Either of tnese can De Dongct tor ?4 an acre, or ail tnree at the same price. A - bargain unequaled in East Tennessee, -From 7k to SO acres in cultivation on each tract. All who want to bur are Invited to come and see it, or address, J. A. BTRIPLEN, -c May 8-v It I -. , , -; Tryon, Jefferson Co., Tenn. J v; V. ' BROWN & CO., . ' -TJnder taTsfers, ;."r t. (Over YanGildcr St Brov,n's :. , ; ' ASHEVILLE, N. O, ReR)ectfully announce -to the citTrer.B of Ashe ville and surrounding country tht they have opened a first-class rndrtliii Kxtiib lislt taietit, where will be kept a full line of " COFFINS, CASKETS, BVBIAL K0SES, AND - CHEAP COFFINS OF ALL E:iNDS. : ; ".'Embalmings specJaTly. All calls attotided, nightorday. ' - my 81-wiJm 1 -V -: : 'jFcrthe'AshoTLiiefciriziar, SOUTIIWAED AND, WEST.? -1 THE' TRAVELS OF. A! CITIZEN OF - ASUEVrLLEl .' .: - Where did I go f AVhat did I sce?": fr What kind ol a eountry Is It T. TV . To answer; the above fully,;.!, would have to be'much better gifted in giving details and have much better powers of description,' in Tact Would have to be possessed c)freportorial genius,1 , Not suspecting that I would ever be requested "to write up" my tripvor much less" ever attempting J took not a single note: but gave only 8 passing notice to places or events. So I can -give only an incoherent or" unsystematic statement of where J.'went and wat I saw, as best ': X At Warm Springs I calleI for a'tlcket to New Orleans, and re'torii'ih forty days, stating route- desired; hut'was informed thilt 'siictra ticket could fnot ' be bad at tbut ofllcer."?v'Q.I toofcaaotber under protest. J5ut at inoxvme the general Sassenger agent exchanged 1 tickets as I esired. This.took me over a route with which I was for part the way familiar, Thcsj scenes, .being rrnattra'rtiva ' left me to muse on my environments,.-, and I fell to observing- faces and manners and reading characters. For the sweetest and purest traits; Bob Burns; Will Carl ton and others would lead us to the humbler walk in life;' but my-observations prove that the '"cottagers" haven't a monoply of all that is lbvejy or -love ame in cnaracter. - in our car were a couple, who mbye in the. highest" circle of North Carolina society. - The lady was not only handsome and fashionable, but in every way lovely, and loveable; , She was aDDrecitive .and confidins - in hrr .husband and courteous : and . gracious to -11 . . - - . - - 1 an. :iefit 10 no oaaor .io n-j ciass ex clusively belongs, . - t ., ;.4- ,r (' The Southern portion of our route- lay on the frazeled.edee of terra firma irrcc- ..1 1 .1 1 - .3 - : iu . . - uiurijr u'jvuuuiuu 111 mu . uurreeponamg edges of the broad expansa of the brin- ev main. l he long and frequent treet ling, -over water, led us to conclude that we were traveling as much 07 water as py lana notwitnotonaing we were in a rail way, train. "1 he abundance of water. that interviewed on bur route to. Hous ton, Texas, via the Mississippi River and tne iruu, em pressed us with uoi.r meer soil's statement, that this globe was bet ter : adapted to raising hsh than men. from the predominance of water. ' Geol ogists - inform us, that the gulf once cov ered-most all the-Southern portion Of what is now our ifliq(jie . blates, and. has receded through aapse of ages , to its present .position. - -Its borders, now .re present a very partial .obedience" to the great; pnmeviai counnana ies ine waters - . f .l J 3 LCI . A XI . ' ' .'l.. De divided -irom the land, lor there is but little dry land, near the Waters,:nor positively, defined water, bounds. ..We are hot to infer from this great coricesr 6ion of the waters to the land that there is any less water now than "in the begin ning.') - Science teaches that earth is accumulated, bat also teaches us. that water is reproductive.-'!-. f. , ..r- iba.11 ant ana our greac American aesert denote a great absent e of water, but is lands - and '. continents have Rubmercd sinco'lft. the beginnings" i i -.' ' 1 he receding, ot the eulf.-toa. favored than culture other fish culture iu 'yield ing money, broad miles of fertile land to.air and lisht. Ve are told thatrthe "contending waters"are making corres: ponding aggressions elsewhere. The In dians had a tradition that ; Uellgate in New York- was, oncedry land, and ob servations. prove that New York is sink ing at the rate of 23 inches pat hundred years. - If there should be a 'rise ia the gulf corresponding with the depth i-of idellgate, it . would inundate-.many miles of the once bed of the-gulf.- -This fact makes the supposition that this con tinent wa3 ' peopled . from4 Asia, without navigation feasible. :'-' - - : , Well; over land and water, byau, wo arrived at New Orleans (my first naviga tion was done on a rail). In this Francp American city we visited the great Ex position. To avoid tedious detail, it will suffice, it 'to say that, while tho Exposi tion is a big show, at apparent want of completeness demonstrates' tnree iactF, viz : it takes tune, railroad facilities and public interest to make a big exposition a success, anct-we leei sure that tnese three essential elements were in a meas ure wanting;' But Jwo Will say to 'the. credit of New7 Orleans,: that perhaps no other city, except Parisj cdnd;have suc ceeded so well,-with . the means at hand This is doubtless due to French vivacity and dispatch. - --. '''.:.; C Apart from.the' ixposition, is an ex position - within; itself; . That greatest achievement in art, the painting, - th. Dattle of Sedan," of which, from even an .elaborate description; yon could' form but a faint idea of its magnificent grandeur- I wish I were capable ef describing it, but feeling my utter inability I will merely attempt give ah idea, of it: Sitiiated near the "main entrance to the great Exposition grounds, is a large iron rotunda, qn entering which yonare con ducted down a dark aisle to a painting so arranged that its effect is the most realistic that has ever been produced. This represents a, scene, in the burning town of.Sedan' during' the fierce battle Thence you are cond acted to the paint ing proper. - As you stand in tne midst of this transcendantly grand panorama you are so overwhelmed with aw - and bewildermentthat you feel that you have been suddenly , transferred -froin ..on. country to anoiner. aim magninceni uib tances extending from horizon to horizon? and 1 yet ' minutely" accurateii - detail. This imposing scene graphically portrays tb e culminating battle of the f Franco Prussian war, a record of which history would be incomplete without it. , ; " To be Coniiniud.y: ; t y ' ' m' m ' ' r Ladies' Opera Slippers all sizes' - .1 ; -i '-- ?."at Lew's. J Dry' Goods and Fancy Goods. ' s v . . ; -; - ' II. Redwood & Co.. ' Graveley's Finest Grades Chewing To bacco at ; 1 -' - Desmond's. tm27 Y;.j.-;:.k' - . . ' ' . . McMullen keeps Window Shades, Car? pets. Nattintrs,-Oil Cloths,, Wall Paper, and all kinds of Furniture. , tm21 ' New lot of Baby Carriages just received at Williamson's Furniture Store ' , ; .- tui27 .' - I ;.;': Underwear, Hosiery, and Gloves. 1L KEDW'oon .4 Coj Gents' patent leather pumps, . -. . at Levy's. FOE SALE. .--Two Thoronghbred Berksliire Boar Pi?ts, eight weeks eld. Will be delivered at Asheville for six dollars each. First order with cash gets first choice. Address . J. K. HOYT. April 18 D&W8t - Turnpike, N. TWO DESIRABLE BOOMS ; , -Now open for lioardcrs, at Mrs. IIOL LAKP'8, Putton Avenue, vor. i rench Broad. April 17-I'tl .TELEGRAPHIC: associated pbess TELEGftAMS-r-SPEh ' . CIAL TO CITIZEN. Secretary1 tVIif.tney toJoliij 1 nj I5oticHIOreeUu-!.i.v ' $''-. r-?v.Tj'J Th Dying; Clor eftbe .Ilplln.i x-y, .Ji . 7 wismSroif, V. p., Ma 23; ; . Secretary Whitney lias sent the fol lowing, letter tO- John "Roach relative to the triartrfpof thV Dolphin) which is tb .take'' piac.;next week .Ybu :-iH .1 think, recognise .that-the performances of the Dolphin thus fas hp.ppse upon, me the duty of exercising an unusual degree of caution in dealing , with' her. .Wnat would have been reasonable prudence in me some Weeks since" would iiot'be''t8o now. Itls rmite possible that the diffi' cnlties. encopnUred. iii making her go! through.the tnal ' trip ,may have- beeri due to accident , and - temporary caused ; but you woul,d.not pow expectlier "to be accepted without your having aa oppoi-' tunity to demonstrate- beyond. aH ques tiop the high character of her worthy I understood you to. assent to this proposi tion ia bur conversation- of , yesterday j and. while I do. not aaderstsnd you now to claim for her. Ihe ' speed nor horse power contemplated, yen do insist that, so far as you r i part ' is . ijoncerned, plans have been properly executed.-1 have given crders in accordance with ur ar rangements yesterday fojr a furthertriai to be held under Bimilar conditions to the last, on Thursday, 28th inst In addition to this,' I must ask that she be put to a similar run at sea upon such day as yon may name. ' I. do. not insist upon her full horse-power of fifteen knots speed upon this; latter trial. ' If deemed by you tod trying upon her machinery, a speed of 12 k.qots will answer the conditions un der which I wish' tq placo-'her' She lines. The expense Vofthis - jlatier trial will be lorne by the government in case she is accepted." . ; ' -'; . . f t f llE BOtJNCING; BUCKS. -J - ;. t V.: T1TEIU FtYIHrO FOOTSTEPS :' . . ' 'arm a vvin nnrirvr '' ' - i , Hi ,i,'U Ft 3 j t it"! 1"7i'i-'. 1 .:i "I r-'fi ii .Tucson, Akizoka, 2lTy 23d. .,. Advices , now, coming in show that the energetic measures taken to head off Ger- 9nim6 aid hU band of half Jrandred.Chi- nchua bucks yiho left theirt-jKeservation four'days ago . wpre put on none toa ooit. .1 olographic adviceaijc to th eUect that the red devils have already commenctd to mark their flight u it h .blood.. Reports are 1 received to the effect "-that two -men were killed.on -Eagle Creek Tuesday night' while a fresh horror Js reported from the little mihing camp of Alma in the" Sierra-. de-Ia-Agullda mbuntaias' tin 'the Rio San-, francrsca'j -1'---xridi Mtn t 1 t , Here, a partv of miners were Surprised' at work, acxod1ngto tEe rr.eagre t reports thus far received, awl four 'of them were killed ihd :alpeA;The'Rio.Sanfriiciwo traverses Kivf Mdxicdtad ArizAtisi iar a Southwesterly idijrectipn i emptying, iato-.-tiie Rio Gila -a. short distance. over ia Arona" Confirmatory advices are also received, fof thet statenit-it that fuptiyies , have pifetn sighted by -Jap fiiiith and his scoujs the apper Eagle1 CTC6k':ncaV the seen of ie: murder of tb&two 4nn -aii above rigor tod,' and report of,e-rgsmeitt; arc Ihqurlyje.- gagement are houjljxpected. i.t;. 'c, ! ; T,It-is believed here that the Indiana-.arer thoroughly desperate and will make aide's- nA v t f A 'oftn'1 or.mwrtAr 1 4ri All r 4ilB where thevUreknownJ-tobe-and aithoazh great confidence is-placed 'i& tSe veteran fighters -Who ar&rafterthem; jthe i.well- knqwn treacherous 'nature of the. . Apache caues considerable, apprehension. , .-, J ju-'je -. ;-.! 'Mil-tKMtNltK.'" 'tJ. I : 'run, Ji- -: ..'-. ,rhi c'lj. CrowdmU Registering izTueir ';9-f,i'i2Caine as . Tokensj 1 ; i ! -v nr L .ixs.o r Paris' May 23.' The iirceT in front of .Victor Hugo's house was thronged with people last afgh up to a late honr.'iA register,-has jbeea placed outside of the house and the people waited for hours for the opportunity to j mscnoe tneir, names. . ine crowa main tained a reyerejit'silenceJ during thi entire time',' conversation' being . carried on In hashed tnei .'-The official deputatioti'ap- pointediby the Acadeiny to-attend" xtjiet funeral will consist of the last fo-jr. jiiiem-; bets elected-, to the 'Forty Immortals. These aref.Messieurs; Pailliron, Mozade, Coppec and DcLesseps. j r, ,t f ' ' T(5The clerical papers denounce Mr. Lock roy for , withholding. Archbishop; Guibart'a letter; r from t the- dying ; poet. ' i They , claim that the answer. . returned by Mr. Lockroy was entirely unauthorized; and they think thaff haMr. Hugd ien;the SA)thbfshop;s letter, he might have accepted the "religious services which. were, thereia offered. The features of the de,ad,mank .which had been distorted With pain during his last hours ef suffering, have, since ,hi3 death', resumed their wonted expression of calm serenity. . A Doctob's Advice. ' ' J' '-' ; 1 ', ' j "OhTdoctor. what shall Ida? No relief yet from , my: .fearful t eough.?i "Use Symphyx, of course, madam: No other remedy can possibly cure yoor cough as quickly.- For tli pain in f vour breast, use some of Dr. Hart's Great Relief. A dose pf Dr. Uart'a Jilood and liver Pills will cure your, liver trouble " But, first of all, don't neglect your cough, but use Symphyx,' the' Great Cough Cure, at one. Dne dose will relieve yon." 1 Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloth, Ac : ' II. Repwood & Co. TUc LouUdji. TIXuc oil Victor .nfi.v He'. i I ' The Timet derbtes' 'aii'editoriat article to the death bf Victor lingo. 'In this it says fi uThl event i one that tooch.es the wftol av6lze werld. ; i;Yictc Jlugo ..Vy ;monj coTweotjtjhe .greatest poet since Goethe. Toell, cyen the real ists in literaf tire,' ' chiei" of rouianticlals. He: wai nnUl ' th last a 4bein regarded differtntl' from ' blh ef meA .' 1 1 Posteri ty will doubtless Modify this jmigment; but it ; will,, ' at the--same Unaej admit i that much mayube orgedjn its Btippoi tn . Standard says '.Victor Hugo did not aain'the ! liigliest literary ranl,bt, he"' was ' a generous- and magnificent Lyrist; whose rhus!c will loa hanut the fjars of mankind."" .u. X GENERAL GRANT, m He; BIO; ' Tfot ft is.t Vf'n ,' ' ii. ji;i-.f v. ii iitn ; ., ..woju'.be difficult ten.ius.pw many , ucmr father aleptUsi nigHt.'' said CoL. FreUiGraiit this; morning., ''It was . not a gCK night Atj4..uni0 wakefulness was. owing to paip c$asloiB(d, . think, by c'aange in the yea Ul ?tr ,;lla feeljng . pain this morning, and ia, by no-, tpeana as comforUble as he 5a yesterday, i -T ' lift- " I . . l . ... ' MORE OF TttE ESGApfe ArACJaES. - v. '.-j . i ,i !..- ,.;.' ;t .' irii' Ptsrmalac rre-. Wlmy tmr '. A'pas'iengei' just arrived froj' George town reports' that the. Apaches kiltcvl ft roan at Bullard's miningcauip 80 'rhilet northj ofj Silver , Cily.j-J Xtiyieea from iLdrdsberir; slate that Capt. Lee. who if in pursuit pf; tf Indians, was pbliged; to stop, two, day at Canada Ranch owimr to the scarcit- of rations; r jCapt. Pir,eand tis c?mpaiy nsooejts left Gilayftiterday morning Ibjf ..Mule , rSpringB; n Hi train consists 132 , fnujes cajrry ipg proTiSions for 82 men; but'th j cavajary are- short of supplies, i The news was received yester day that the Indians were see between Carlisle and: Silver "City going South.' ) ' : - I . U . . i i .! ' euii-' i' I V. BBWTPAJCITT MTILI. IS TUB i !!-.: TfcHbor-CflIzntlM )MiMmi '!.: ':;: a t lb MorH! n;; ...!. 0 v Sam Fbancisco, CalTMay 2.T. . Six tbotiaand prsops .. attended the Glove contest between Charles Mitchell, of Birmingham, England, arid- , Mike Cleary? bf New York, at the Mechanics Pavilion last nigh tTiaitirt of the fourth ronnd waa'of ; thepwet- brutal character, aild the police in terff red and fitopiHxJ , the figiyfc j.-.Tle tf&rrt d agreed on f,he tc-wlt,.but nnally flpculed it a draw, amid the mot intense excite ruent-r .. '". .1 '-. "'V . ' 1J' y' . u; nonii TwtBtwiiW-KiitJrTPtM lci'-r-'':.'f W ; -i-i?if (!! i!t; -. - i.tei iBTiUivv!a 0lie-tiKi'. : v US.iJ-s nU:l li.V' MaJl ?Sd. . r;Tl-iiieiaU--u of.ouira8,jWlich tne dor bc.-p?gl!Mdfirtinel-i., aim! -auA irtitAd btb v)val'r ,tr.xj.bvthef,uwn of 6antanx ' Four hundryVl . thiatcmalian tops'trr.8Jd "the frontier of 'isoiva'dor tnis'Blortl'fn;T', This inva-Aoir iS'jdlra ea limt'i'fVs riiid-prflUbly - wrU n-viii in reepcniiig il-; wlu'tw ('cntml 'iAliialran quest-on., It, is 5i''tKd that b -jj tgtnal alliaucernijn.st .Guateuialawjlljljiye- x pew't ... " .' ft b$-tti im ' u'j-y St a4'M. jf ,8 J. -Th;toe- 91 Vif tor IfWgP'f, deathrj ;fu Created deep mprewiiorj of griff Aming, alfchiKfes. " it U.expcclciJ tha Various Literarv a'nd'Arti;tfj Rociftics' Witl'tend delete td'hw mneral v,XtiI1 A STEAHEB. BCmH-,AS ICE8ERO, Ainr JeMi4M.iar kmomCJMm, futi -it i") hui tti-?ff f!-e;ff si, -.i -di :4: 'yo;3iay,23. . vThe 'steamsh liClty 'of Berlin, t)rrJ' the 19th Inst.; SAV'fh latitude '43p- lon gitude 49 3X struckau icebergs-stem pn, ib a deuriq ur.' ,Thjenginea were, going very , slowly ," at thjeme Ilc bowsprit andj' head-work was carried awayr hot no ttamage' dohe'belmr the main deck liiife' At 4 15 she ptnieedtkl Cjitlte Slow ly. ";Al G 24 k. lui.i she yassed arieftief Ice berg, ahd itill another? at , 6.60J -The City pf Berlin bringf l l-Wa abd.V ' steerage rvaiigcrsi, -My U; rth : I .llr. ii'-ReeiiVaii Wi-'BrliriK ' ." . ; ,:mi-.u , BWtiiiaV. '; received herewith numerous expressions of grief and smpatny im the part of edit cated GeTmansj' These ,attribu4f Hugo's anti-German fceliog to a spirit of, Kenoine patriotism.. ; . ,.,:-?V X;..u't-' Consul : (ieuerni to 'Halifax "'-- i--nApp6tnt?tl." ... . j .? .s . ' iJ u at vrAmtsiiMt'ltay ij." a .The Presidcnf to-'tUr appointed Michael M. Phtlan. of Mfesou r t t)e lvr . Consul General of the United, States at Ilalifa. " If you want 'good 5 cen'tCigaf1 gV to Lyoils' and ceta"VVhiie Kbsa Gentlemen's Furnifliing Gooda " 4t ., , ,.; II. Rkpwoop & Co. .., A good stock at fixed and .reasonable prices.-" '; II. Redwocd & Co. . ' i -, i i. - - - - - . -,i , , - . f . i . ; ,- ... New goods contlanUy erri ving. ' '4t . "" ':" U."r.i.DMOOD &Cb. '' Clothing, Bhocs ati.l Ilatal'-""''" ' ?. , II. Redwood JLCo. lwr ;nr vu umcct lito s.itt'eui.'Rt ot diCiCi.ltr'S ex toting betwecu : Sutv anii Guatemala, hiw failed; ' FhereVi v-' ' r 7)