ASHET1I.LE SOCIETIES. V .- Cyrene Commandenj, No. 5. A; J. Blair, 15mlnenl Oommandcr: Jordan Stona, Secretary. Meets first Wednesday night In each month. . . ADhwiUe Chanter. R. A. M. A. H. Boir High friest: H. A. Gudger, Secretary. Meets the second Wednesday night In each month, and meets every Friday night tor instruction., . Ml. Harmon Lotlqe, No. 118.' A. F. A A.M. J.' A. Porter, Worshipful Master: Sam'l H. Reed, Secretary. Meet the first Friday sight In each mouth. ' Swannanoa Lodge, K. oj B., No. 646. J. C. Brown, Dictator; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Meets tho first and third Monday nights in each month. French Broad Council, No. 70V It. ' Ll- plnsky. Regent; Jordan Stone, Secretary. Mteti - in tho hall of the Knfghts of Honor on the second and fourth Monday nights in each month. Asheville IHvition i'o. 15 & of TP A Cummings Worthy Patriarch; W -T Robertson, Recording Scribe. Meets in the hall of the Knights of Honor, every Tuesday might. . The Woman' i Missionary Society of the M. E. Churca, South, meet in the church class-room on the First Friday of every month at 4 o'clock P.M. Aslieville Literary Society 3. D. Cameron, Presi dent; T. A. Joius, Secretary; Locke Craig, Treas urer. Meets every Friday eveuing at rooms of Asheville Library. ' - ASIIEVIE.1.K CHURCH BIRECTOBT. Methodiat Episcopal Church Churcti St. 'V .Rev. W.W. Bays Morning services 11 a. m. ; evening t ervices 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday- evening 8 p. pL; , Sabbath school 9 ft. m. . " ; ' v. , , -Presbyterian Church Church 8L Bev. J. P. Gammon Services 11 a. m.; 8 p. m.; prayer meeting five p. m. Wednes day; Sabbath school half -past 3 a. m. Servioea at present held in rooms of T, H.C. A'Patton Avenue. . ':, . ' , Episcopal Church, Trinity corner Church and W-Hmm ftta. Bev. Jarvis Buxton Servicos 11 a. m.; 5 p. m.; Sabbath school 9 a.m. -. 1 , $ Baptist Church corner Woodfin and Spruce llerr.- CKrrrjll -Serviceg 11 a. m.; 8 m.; prayer meeting 8 p. m. Tnarsduy : Bai Woman 'Catholic Church. Bev. Mr. McGinity Services first Sunday in each month at 11 ft. m. :. . if. E. ChurcK '-corner- ration Avenue and , JSailey St. (No paBtor at present in charge), r. M. C. A. Prayer ' Meeting every day from 12 to 12.30 . o cloqk. All invited to attend. Gospel Services every Sabbath afternoon, at 8. 80 o'clock. ong service commencing at o, at rooms oi x. M. c. A. Gospel Services at Prof. Venable's Academy every sabbath aiternoon at o o cicck. . Gospel Services at Smith's Bridge old De- . ..... X TLT PnToi4a) Dfwa f R fVlrW1r. Sabbath School at 4. , All are invited to attend the above services. EARLMELEQRAPHY. k CONVERSATION WITH THE LATE V GEN. ANSON STAGER. . One of .the Original Morse Operator- vuvoruur vorneii caison. A man had a storv about a eila. which 1 it t la " a - -. lie . delivered mmseii 01 udoq all oc caslona. . - - '..' At a; dinner, party the other, evening, ne wnneu u jus cna r ior over an Hour waiting for a chance to introduce hii storv. but no opportunity presented itself. r Inally lie sapped a com, into the hand of a waiter andiwujaered;'. -. 1 1 , t -'" When toti leave tho room a?ain slain The waiter slammed-the door aa directed. and the man sprang to his feet with the exclamation .;-f,fJt2.'f ? " " " What s that noise a gunt" -xao. ao. resumecr nis aosl "it was only-the door,." v.'v'.i ; ",Ah, I see. Well, speaking of runs re minds me of a fitfe story, w etc. , Tronlde Cana by. at Chair Tidy. Boston-Transcript.! " "HenryJ Henry J for mercy's sake what are you doing r exclaimed; Mrs. ilcrae- ; olokep:chhjkches.; u - A M. E. C:iurch2ionh-CoBegeSt.uZ Ttv. Mr. Sherman Services 11 a. m.: 3 p m., and half. past 7 p- m. Sabbath school 9 . m. Baptist. jJJiRev. Mr. Bnmley Services 11 a. m. ; 3 p. m. and half-past 7 p.m.; Sabbath school 9 ft. m. EtriscovaL Bev. Mr. Berrv Services 11 a. m.; Sabbath school Sd. m. Services held in Court House on Sunday 11 a. m., half-past 7 p. m., by Bev. Mr. Metta, of A. M. JU. Uhurcn. LATEST NEWS. Chattanoooa, May 21. Frank White was stabbed, perhaps fatally, here to-day by John Brownlee, a deanerado.. . . . The plan of shipping strawbeniei bv freight irom nere nas oeen aoan doned as too slow. Three carloads were shipped to-night, although it rained all day. A war of passenger rates is threat ened between the ii,ast lennessee, Virginia & Georgia and the Western & Atlantic railroads, growmg. out of rivalry between .t hese two lines. Lynchburg, Va., May 21. The Dartv who prepared for burial the body of Robert Williamson, who wna fhrmo-ri r t.r Viavelteen killed bv the fast mail on the Midland rail road near Ward's Springs last Tues day night, discovered a dagger hole in his left breast, two cuts on his arm. and other evidences of foul play. Only six cents of $17, which he had when he left his home,' were found. It is thought he was killed while in a disorderly house and robbed of his money and placed on the track. !.r ". 1 1.4.? v Washington, May 21. Secretary Manning 'to-day 1 appointed a com mute oi department oureau omciais to conduct the inventory ot proper ty at the bureau of engraving and printing. Assistant Treasurer Graves was to-day relieved from the duties of that office and will at once assume charge of - the bureau of ; engraving and printing. ? Pensacola, Fla., May 21. Milton, twenty miles east of i here, was? des troyed by fire of incendiary origin last uight: ' Several general stores a drug store, . three saloons,' Jewelry . story, telegraph office, barber shop, ' law office and one ' residence ' were .destroyed. The loss is, about $50,- , 000 ; insurance unknown., ' Hogebsvtlle, Tenn., May 21. Eogersviile and the Presbyterian , Church sustained quite a ? serious loss last night. ; The parsonage w?s entirely destroyed by fire. Key. G. F. Robertson, with the aid of some of the citizens saved air his books 'and-household furniture except two shoes. Cause not known. JMo m surance; - ' . ' ";t Des IoiNEs; UQU&J 21. A very peeuliar and extremely fatal disease of short duration to the .patient is " .prevailing ; iri ' .Wayne-' township, Jones county, and mostly in Ons low and Longwprthy. The disease is at first noticeable in very; slight sore throat. From there it goes to the lungs, and finaly lodges in the spine when death immediately en sues. The disease is generaly ofa bout two days', duration, and has so . far baffled all "medical skilL ; . New , Orleans,. May .?19. The World's Expositioit 'will be closed May 31st. Friends of ' the Exposi- - tion have raised $85,000 by subscrip- ; tion, to meet the expense of carry ing it over tmtilTnext November, when it .will be re opened. ' Super intendent Jeffery, of the" Illinois CentraV , railroad, has " telegraphed 'that the'railroads and ' car ;C6mpa nies reaching New Orleans will sub - V scribe $100,000 towards the expense of fe-opening the Exposition next winter. The Citizens' Committee is still receiving subscriptions, and the Bum required will be made up. The . Board of management has paid off fifty pet cent; of, its indebtedness, ana oelieves that the Exposition can be re-opened next winter free of debt; lChican Tribune.! In a conversation a few vears a?o den Stager -said: ri was one of the original diurse operators, r ormeriv. VOU mav re. . . ... . - memoer, we naa reels tera. and narrow strips of paper like tapea wound around them. As the weights pulled the tape down past Ihe instrument, the kev-marka of the Morse alphabet would be indented. ana irom.tnese inacntations the operators reaa me messasres on the tape. " I was the first telesraoh operator at Pittsburg. It was early in 1847; the wires spun la a stage whisper, as her lord and there first stretched across the Allegha-1 master whipped the tidy off the chair be nies.- Jjut we did a t do much- business in I fore sitttnir down. - "Don't vou know lvt- .xnosc aays, (ir xact, nail me worit or theJ ter man tnatr". pmj e wtis.snowing strangers how the in- Why, mother,' " remarked Mr, Homo Struments worked. Thesr wpuld come in, spun, "you- wouldn't have 8 feller put his Bryauu,.- express uieir wouuer.-, ana greasy oia aeaa. on mis ere , pocset fiand ask the most singular ques tions. Many a kercher, would yer ? And jest as like as time have I called, on Philadelphia to tell not the gal who it belongs'ter will be : in now me weaiuer. was ior me lniorraatton tor it . any mmuta , l a. reel ' nice. vi visitors, i uey wouia eo jnu raptures woman ui" , e at hearing that tho thermometer i stood so "Henrv Homescun. vou're a fonlt high or so low, orjt .was Wludy, rain,' or That was all that Mrs. EL said, but that ripar . i i oao art m fiarr T n 1 . 1. J . 1 .1 I . . iCUiCUlUCr . tlLUJ. UUB UUV lUVtf-ULLlI' f ' , - "- ' ' 4 ' 1 1, - . : otcce was filled with a bevy of tho women, iuronon opinion Con led by Mrs. McKay, a beautiful woman,! ; . ICa'cbgo rerid. wue or the leading ' bookseller of Pitts-1 In a communication .Ho the London burs;- For their gratification I ; asked 1 Patholofricnl socLtv it la cLud Umt PhnadelphFa theK'v.sual Questions. The looinion held bv doctnm and tKor repiy came ncKing oacK. ana j. - wrote on wiia animals in captivity are Rpt to die of mc uuugm ui mo iMyv- uvaiuo cwu juorae UDercuiar - consumption is erroneous, character the common alphabetical ejuiva-1 From Dctober. issi - lent in mat way, oi course, mey could the number of deaths in the Zoological open uk ior iueinseive me message, ana gardens , . waa fa779. made up 7 of jurjr wwo gicauv ueusuwu wun me per Daa mammals, 1,408 birds. and lormance. Airs, mcnay toofc up the 88 reptiles, live only ' of the animals tape. wS":u" iu uer . nanus, ana saia: cued oi pulmonary-tuberculosia There Now, you couldn't send any wider oil WAH - hill nflOA - nf (MnAml tnViAM heavier paper over the wires, could you?! I miosis.' : TTiere" were twelve deaths from j.-ijr uuuy luugucu a una view oi iw one r ptumonarT consnrnDtioti. ' ' of whifh-tlT had an idea the tape stretched over the mountains from Philadelphia. " I think that I was about the-, first to read messages by sond. Certainly1 1 had to read them before I knew of . any one else doing it Prastua Brooks, just about rnai nine, came 10 rutsnurg ana brought out The Gazette- It was a responsible occurred in monkers and the rest in rar- nivora. - -. PU Mall OaMttl , There is a sreat field for the t&ilosonnfo epicure in the. United Stales. vKoston oeans may be dismissed at once aa dn. Auty to collect the telegraphic dispatches, luslons, but soft-shell crabs, terrapin, can and the chief editor used to come himself vas-back ducks, blue-fish, and the nom. lo my olEce for that purpose. The mar- Pan of New Orleans are all wonderful sets were se it in cipner. One day my aeucacies, particularly wben one gets register brbkoUdown while ' Brooks was them at Delmonico's. Indeedr the two waitinsr'for-. the renort A stwimpr hurl most . remarkable bits of RCfnptr in tha was imporiant. . JtJut the register was in "w osemue valley, and the former place such a state that patching wouldn't do. 028 done more to promote a good feeline jjuuuks was ui uea: a.r. xow. me nmcf uctwecu timauu uuu America man unv. rau vi i iciegmuu Biuiiuu la vaaiiy learnea. I "V uaa ui ium uiuur. iou nave -Le. ior instance, ror De i troit. .r 'Bu f or ' Buffalo, and H f oi Tt,e "o'troyer of Pine Foasu. Cleveland, the C s beiner taken nn some- lExchan , where eke : on the line. The constant According to the bulletin of the Society reiteration of Do, or Eu, or whatever the of . Moscow the hitherto unaccountable office call is makes it familiar and as easily I destruction of pine forests is caused bv recognized as the sound of a man's name. I the ravages of a species of mushroom or course In those days, just as now. our wnicn .takes growth on tho surface of the orace cans were recogmzaoie yt me ear. wooa ana aiierwara penetrates ana de- lt was with this iu iiilud that I said to siroys me tree. .Haps are given in which Brooks: 'Wait a little and L will try the path of the destroying: funsrus is traced anomer pian. i explained matters to tne mrougu me pme wooas or itussia. operator ai me ouier ena,. asKea mm to go siow. ana oetween my Knowiease oi ttc. r tv r :4. rt, ,i ... i I "l wuiuwra judu ic lira UUUCl auu lull Ewa-UMUICH ICWHUUU nattr of KT.1KTnllnn0 - - toin of each link of it hvmvdown CAat. friend 1 - - , l managed to get the whole oi the market report it came slow,, but came in time. isrooKs lext a delighted man. 1 make no claims, but 1 11 tell you my own experi ence, it wa3 always a question among us whether Mr. Faroes or Governor Cornell was the first to read and send by sound. Some say it was Brown, some Cornell. " l he former governor oi .New lorkl" "The sawie Governor Cornell was an old time telegraph operator. " uid the new improvement taker On the contrary, the officers fought against it. ivery commercial message, they said, must be read from the tapes. They insisted that they wanted soinethiue for a record .We used to bundle up the Of every Grade and Price, from the tapes ana kccd mem ior reierence. to .iiAef. . mviw.t. . v i:v. Inm nti to fnr tirmra onn finrl nt whothAi I th TAAlvflr nr 1hn cpnHpr vol tn hlomn I ShaftOCI. It was a long time before the officers dis covered that such errors would be de tected just as well from taking a letter: res3 copy of the message, r But reading y sound is not the only thing. " It has immensely increased the eciency and -x our long connection witb me tale-1 " graph must have enlarged your acquaint- i'T ! ?i V mmm ' ance wim wtz country Yes. I think I know it Well and many of the men in it Petween mv army ex- erience and my civil experience there is ardly a town that has a telegraph office in it in which 1 can t end an old friend. There is George .W. Patch. of Detroit I one of the old boya - "I suppose Edison served under you. too?" . ; ; ; Yes, he did; but Edison was an erratic fellow, and I knew but little of him as an operator. INSURANCE. fi v r. 'A lj i . lis. fi ;i .4 V HARNESS BRIDLES. (KOBTH 8IB COUKT KTJA, 9 DOOM TSOV UJkJX Our Stock is complete, made by ua of the Best Materials and Hand Made. Saddl63fSaddles COMjMRS, cojljlars. Horse Collar of every Grade Sire ana Price. ' Our stock f Whipfli Saddle Blankets THIS SPACE RESERVED -FOR- J. J. DESMOND. " SOUTH MAIN STREET: x " . eApSCANDIBS . .. .. M LyeTJescrintlosf,""; " - AMD DZALZB rjf '. ; j-'.r: '' A-.-v ,co?ricrriowEiifES,': ctax-' ;wei cods "e..C TriiMKs,Ti?' Better Consult, Mother. T'i l ode phia Methodist r Will dispose' f trunks at cost to make room for other goods, . . t ; Remember We -have ; na. machinery, ell work doue by hjid and. guaranteed Call on -";:' ; .-..' . j ,- , : fit TW ; 3TTriKT' jt rn An interesting-looking couple called . at ' " . ' .'J "': i the parsonage and I was requested' to n. etreet, opposite pld.Ontral celebrate the rite of matrimony, and be- "otei, Aanevuie, . c - " v ing assured that they were of proper age, and finding no impediment in - the way, me ceremony wa commencea. . -r l lie aueition. " vv ut mou - nave - this woman to be thy wedded wife?" eta, was answered promptly and, distinctly by ; the young man, i. will. " . . r l addressed tue young lady: " W lit thO'4 have this man to be tby wodded hus band?" but there was no resoonv. Acain I asked, but still no an.swer. and (he sus pense began to be painful. . t. , ri l taid that l could not proceed further witnout an - answer . in the aoirmalive, whereupon she said: '. ; ' i i. "1 tnlnk 1 bad belter consult -nttther: she knows we have been keeoia com pany, but she doesn't know we are to be married to night " They soon leit thoughtful and sad. Some f ounreeks later they called again. looking bright and cheerful - Mother was willing and the ceremony was performed. . ' I i i - One ot t" e Tm ios. ibllitle). -"-, A recognizable : photograph" of the en- gmeer ana c reman on a railway train running - forty ; miles an hour has fre quently been made: but nailing the out lines of a baby in a manner to suit the mother and bring joy to the heart of the daddy still remains one of the things that can t dc aid. . r - 'r' "':':'Coo Powder.-'- '''f, . - j ; 'Chicago "Tim j' ,; The cccoa powder, which is . almost smokeless and which in" the recent ex periments under the direction of the ad-; miralty gave great satisfaction, has a pris matic grain, each prism.,weigiiing bout five ounces. . i Li -i HJEiAL ESTATE 't'f N ATT ATKINSON, ADJOINING CITIZEN OFFICE, Where all needed Information . v ; " v- - -. 5 MAY BE HAD RELATIVE TO iilEAL PnOPERtY OF Z-Z I every cJiaracter and kind from an eighth of an acre in Asheville to 150,000 acres mountain land jn the surrounding r ap is CANADA COWAN Kj - v4 - (Established in 1855.) ry Watchmaker ; Jeweler Watches, . Clocks, Jewelery, Spectacles, d-4 Pattoh Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Lerdy W. Fairchild's Gold Peri. Good stock always on hand ASHEVILLE GREENHOUSES, ' Opposite the College.: ' Housff plants, Yard plants and "cut Flowers in great beauty and variety. Yard and Lawn. Work done In latest styles by a skill ed English Gardener. Beds of Coleua, Hello trope, Altera an thera, Geraniums, Salvia, ic, at unusually low prices. Special rates on '.arsre or ders. Call And examine our Stock, and., leav your orders early, -.i r . , , .?.. . -April 87th, 18-to. r6t A GOOD INVESTMENT. FINE JACJC j ; ; y r ,- i .. ;) 1 shaft fcave at my house during- the season & S JUAN, to which I respect- fine JACIC IX iuiiv aali the ftUi'nlinn of the dii $5.00. J. P. LE blic. Chorees. J. P. LEDBETTER. To (h Merchants and Retail Tobacco Dealers: To close ont my Stock of Manufactured Tobac co, I will reduce my prices on all grades twenty per cent, for CASH. r. , Please send vour orders before my stock is too much broken. i x . ss 8. B. .Vest. iiay 1-bl w . , - Asheville, N. C. .n-t..'-:Aartnir ' ,.-J,;,,...:.;i:...... : 1 ,i . ft: -'S3 - ; mBK VALLEY MTJTtTAL LIFE ASSOCIATION JL .. : OF VIRGINIA v r ; Issues policies for from ; $1,000 to 3,000, ' " ;' " ;:j AND ''"'v combines the guarantee feature o "OLD LINE M : Companies.; at the cost of ordinary cooperative insur- :- ance in Secret Orders. . ? . FIRE INSURANCE. Insurance against loss by Fire in City and County on all kinds of Properly, Real and Persona ... Short as well as long ierrrC -Policies issued af fair rates ' in A. 1 Companies, ; '! Home and Foreign.- TIIOS. TV. ItKANCII, Agent, Office North Side Court Square, my 20-tf v. : " EDWARD JASTOlS. REAL ESTATE AND lSURANCE CEHT,i Asheville orth 'Carolina. ""ULES FOR SALE. - XvX - I have for sale pair of jroiuig jiAHJSJttutauj. Appiy u v. a. WAT8UW, april 8-tmay 1st 18S5 -' : at Coal Office, . K8TA.BLISHES 186t O. FURMAN A CO., Wholesale Commission Bfercliants. - BEALEBSrN DRIED AKD KVAPOBATID ' FEufre, and Peoduok of Axl Kinds,' . i IN THKIK SEASON, . - WOOL, BEESWAX and FEATHEKS, 19 Vkset Pibb & 50 & 52 Broad Av. . h. fttrman. W. Washineton Market. . J. L. ruBXAN. J NEW YORK, "References : Levi Anear. Pres. North River Bank. Col. R. C Carter, Denton, Md. O. N. Wil liams. Canandaleua. K. Y. Gordon & Dil worth 575 Greenwich Street, N. Y. W. Thompson, Pres. Sullivan St. . Ap3e- N. Y. P. B. Ca. 82 Sullivan St. p3e-?6m Fence or no 'Fence. James P. Siawyer, ; Has just received - ' FRESH KENTUCKY. - GRASS seed ; ;'' ' .' Consisting,; ot,C-'." Clover,1 : ' Jz J VZ. .'I lmotay, : i-.:. : Orcliard Grass, ' ' - .' ; and, Red 7 Top. iJUiLLurEitir JIT '.'JSi-.'J.Z COSTS Haying ,: determinedr 'tfluitV tie Millinery business, ! am how offer- ing ray -entire fttoctra Costl'rDo hoi all, fiprn.e; at; once, is, I am. dete- ined toy sell r ,tbese goods l it '. I have, to :: u. i-. r.': a-.n . ;:.f : Mi : JjsrkjiJH v ;.' .i ;a ,71. i bilt!Kitr ; ' ' Just received; Bell's Coiled Spring ', lFy& jiin? Carpets Mattings an,d Eug'l,-Su:i'8 Cheaper th an vebefcirej i :: sA kin ii.11 . Bleached Domestic, Carpets and Kugs, f inebhoes,; ,-;.---t , '.-Salt and Bacori: .- Cotton Xlbthy . v..1 :.' ' -;Bunch Yarn,'- 5 , -1- ? r: Sugat- arid. Coffeel , .- . :- . .-it ,l,:X . : : . it.''- t..:t i ?j-"v tits x.itirtt' eso( goodsaref bought , y$ be sold, and we assure those .in want they can . Ui -.-. '!-'; 4;- -t.--, z j. t SATE MiOIsflSTr by: giving him a calU - He makes no charge for ehowing goods, and, if his priees are not as low as the lowest, he does not expect you to buy. . 1 Car JLoad of Kerosene and White Oil Received ; ' ZZ thisrnee1c. Atdeci6 -ill lr ' '' J;ji; v '-' . .?'fl,i ) ',-iil ff 99 4 . MAIN ST., 3rd; DCOR ABOVE THE BANKi ;.,(.. 'CAmdke'dSpeciaUjxjf'i PURE MOUNTAIN f COpfl, c , ; "7Tfs sellly the Tint, Quart oral af o(fercM an d pack and ship goods to all points 1 j Tt4i. Our OId Corn Whisk . .V:5T?.. :ll) itttx 4 1 if. molt .Uii4 WALTER ILSGWVn; . ' -4.. ' fT r A .1 JU -' . ;'.-! 'i'!n . i . ' "- -h-- i; ,tv: '. ' . i, '.a :tt .1 'ji.i - M I -Ai i !'' f- . ' EFarms, Wild Lands; Minerhl Laiul,' Mica Mines nnd. City Property, - 'i, t. i Write for JCircular. ; V : 'ny 3:- f f 'irnlfllti. " -in:.". . lt 7) nw:Tv: 777?777?17rm9 SPECIAL .TOBACCO FERTILIZER! '.'! 1 v -: 1 . : ; Asheville, Cr March 5th.;188ks Messrs, Davfe & Whittle, Peter4burg,';Vju::;y '? ifn'1 ' '"X'Z'i i Gentlemen It eives me treat nleasure a Ktate tliat the : "fl .UranJ' Special Tobacco Fprtilizer gave .entire satisfaction to all parties to whom. I sold it the past season. Vfhey .unhesitatingly pronounce it the best they ever used. -, I also used it on nmown croo and the rfnltirwW'ftjl rtnti could desire. Parties who used it haver' obtained the highest prices for tueir wimwv yuai nave Deeii realized ine present seasonr 1 am out of the eruuzer yjisinessjput.wiJA use ine uwl lirand on tixy icrOpu YKi ilXl il iwrt XK 'i Jt .yusj TO- v:.i j Bt-.1- Her9.;X'vie'&:WUti - Qentlemah-I ise( yOU'-pwl Briind" SpecaliTobaeoo Manure on my own crop tne past seAson. 1$ ai, also used by my tenants. It. gave to myseii vnant$ pexiegt ana jPftUre satislactionj and all parties Whom I sold it? iiMany of our best tohaccd grotvqnj arp. so iicbea it that they -will "use It exclusively tho.pomijnk Vfiisour Tbe Tobacco grew wei, npeueq, tary ani pi a jnnQ,ci:ow, ana euice iLwas curea, snows to be of fine texture and qudntjvij j . ,, 1 . :n Respecifuly, ! . " Ttiittse. : It tV ..t,: j : sv . f ..... ! t . . . - ; ft " The ' following .rid'med' 'narties. - arid man v otlicrs. 'used it to whom we refers Steve. Robert B;HensIdy, Samuel St:mtpn, 31, E., Robinson, John BpU " ".-r U-J '. jlZ- i i U'lV. IT; .f o J.' M. - Gudger iKdlsorr otintf i jN.'.-Nd 31. iS8i: writes': "I sld several sacks of yoK'Onrl1 Brahd'' bbaccd'guano, 'rid1; an? 'Very much pleased with the result-! have nsH an averace'oT six thousand, pounds of different brands of cuano for the; last five .vearaand'jfeI saUsned that your nrana is ioor-2U percent. tronger than any other-ferlflirer,podue- msr ft -rich brahse ttiahnrrthat kfilla rftr"irVn 4'n VHp.itmf tSftr-MiTnlaor'rt raised, withi this fertilizer' tne veritx besLi' ' -.j ii f JFor; Sale by t. ii . natiij mg arich bj-ahge tobaccohat Bella readily lit a'ri average of $807 Tobacco .ei(!L L?5i tLaiiani.i'. '1mi1 or PENLAND & SLUDER, 'LeTqester, C. - a?-,v an anu see my -asent oeipre you XMiy any otner. ierutizer. a Fertilizer will be. delivered at all'depots between AshoyiHe"!fcnd War fcjpnngs and at all ffoints orrtbW JLIUU Krtad. WV lir.V men lz-3 mo3j . -n- -: I TO THE ; -TOBPCO1 'PRODUCERS IIAZLEGREEN Sash. & Blind Factory Has recently nnrchased a larsre amount of Oak. Aah-ChestnaL Cherry and Walnut Lumber.- and CAN FURNISH WORK manufactured of thoroughly dried material: W propo-w to furnish work at the lowest figures, and equal to any Imported goods. - THO. L. CLAYTON, Propr. j . t'LAYTOS, liuslness Manger. 0 4-I fei tf 4 Repairing i or Carriages, ; AND Vehicles ; of all descriptions. r- Done in the best and most permanent style and at short notice. . - -' ; ' On hand ail varieties of horse shoeing stocc. Shoeing Fast Horse A speciality. Those wanting work done will do well to call qak-kiy to anticipate overcrowding. My work is la duind. ., Call on . mch 2S-3inoss w J. II. WOODY, Willow St. Western Worth- Carolina I , .u ! ! Ill ti .-- 1 BUNCOMBE: i WAREHOUSE- , , - ... ... Oppo&t Battery, gorier on J'atton .Irenw.-' : ' & For the best accommodations,; highest . prices jt and .the; h best Jiehted Warehouse in the South. A bountiful supply of wateisand fuel bting furnished, and ho out-door exposure to the farmer .pr.s stoclf. S. .K.'ITEST' & CO.,;rrop., Asheville, N:'G - feb 18-10 Vks 2 doprs west of Slagle's' Hotels .firm .r . - .r(f-t X r I.'! j?OT cnh or on Instalment:. ' -. : .-. Send for Illustrated Cetalogue and Price List. ' . fr'L rk 13-6 w : ' . -! - , - - On oulte Fost Owkf.J ap 16-w 1 mo Pan Mush Tovynsft .