-. V, -f IT '. v. vt '"-s" V .DAILY EDITION. ' . Fuxriar.' Stoat. & Cansroa, jv. ' EDITORS AND PK0PBIET0B3. - .-; CATTil riTear; ; 7. $9.CO .. 'J. & Mot.. :.: :.7. . 3.co Weelcly, XYer, ' 0.60 AD VBR TJSIIfG R4 TBS LOW, 'i AshcTillc. Business Directory. ' , , . " 'QenenX Merchant Wholesale and Retail, -i 1 ; .' t . " C. E. Graham & Co., 8. B. Chetlester t Son, J. jt - '.- Brevaro 4 Co., J. O. Howell, 8. , Hammeraniaa, . (' R. H. Redwood & 00..' I. P. Sawyer G. A ' .' Mean, A. H. Jones & Son, Bearden, Rankin & (ix, : ; . C Garden and Field Seeds. ;' - 1 . TT T T T lrmi.m TT . , Redwood t Co.. J. O: Howell, . P. Sawyer, tetr- . den. Kankm t Co., C. H. Moncure. . ., - ' t. 11 ' Grain, Hay and Hour. : J. K. etarnes, Towell fc Snider, Alexander and " r. reniano. ... . i, -Hardware', Agricultural Implements, &c ; .' Penniman & Co., VanGllderA Brown. ft j "... " Stoves. Uouetfurttishing, and Tinware '.. ; - -. Ballard Bro., Brown & Bearden, Undsey Bros. r - Clothing, GenU Furnishing, e. Jvmes P. Sawyer; H. LeTy, Cbarlea K teefjS . ..wnuioeK. ... . .. - -s. 4,, ; -"" ioois, Shoes, and Hal. - ; " ' -: W,(T. Weaver. ll. Levy. . -' ' ' . ; Bool and Sitae Manufacturers, i ' ; ' '-I. M. Levy, W- T. Weaver, X. Freck. ; . - . . ., " ::.. Books and Stationery. , - '-: f. , ' ; X. L. Wllkle, J. N. Morgan ACo., H. T.-EBt- " oroot, u. a. xyons. , - , . : ' ' -h .:" ;';.--". ".;.-;'. DrUggitU and narmaeailitUt. -" i i'i- , .V- v H. H. Lyons, W. 0.Ornlcfaael. i W. DeYault "i . KVCn .aH. lli'nciire. fciolwitu'.. -4 ' . 'c V.'' 1 Musical InstruKients, .Orcj i-- ryanlt Bros, : . ' ; -- "';',-' ' . - CL6wan,Steffnerandpbertson.-- ; ' Family Groceries. - . . ' Powell and Snider, 8. K. Kepler, A. it uooiey, . " Penley t Co.. T. F. Etarnes, G.y.Goodlake. A. X Merrill, J. E. Ware, Ware and Howell, A. C. Davis, James Franks, J. J. Mackey dc l Jesse K. ewmes, O.ii. MCJJonaia, vv. li. Morgan, ji. ni. jummuifr. B Noland & 8ons,T. W. Shelton, J. R. Trull.G. H. Starnes, N. Penland J?enland & Alexander. j .'. Butchers, Meat Dealers, &c . Zachery BroB., James Lusk, T. K, Davisy Mo- Conneii and urate. : , . Bakeries. ' 3. J. Desmond, F.Ji. Johnson, J. C. Oliver, , ' OmfecHoneries. J. J. Desmorfd, (fixctory), J. M Heston. SadiUery, Harness, te. , ' S. M. Gilbert & Co.,- Alexander and Peuland. Furniture t . W. B. Williamson, Moore dr.Falk, P. 8. Mc- Mullcn. , - Vnder takers. . X. Brand, J. VJrownr John Clayton 0aZ Dealers: . 8. F. Venable. D. 8. Wat: on, Hill and Atkins N. W. Gird wood & Co. Lumber Dealers oubleday & Scott. - " I. Gorenflo. John Hart, J. A. Wagner, T. C. Westall, E. J. Armstrong, J. E. Buttrick, T. I Clayton, a. (i. west. A.v ' y.. Blacksmiths A , I). W. Cauble, J. H, Woody. Hotels. Mwannan 3a, Eagle, Grand Central. Western, Carolina House, Slagle House, Tlie Villa, Florida Hcaitn Association. . ' Private Boarding. -A. T. Snmmey, P. S. McMullen, Miss Bettle Brown, Misses Coffin, Mrs. A. E. Hall. P. V. Emer son, Miss Smith, T. W. Keel, Mrs. A. B. Chunn, J. H. Carter, G. M. Koberts, B, H. Grahl, G. L. Me- Donald, M. J. Fagg, J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder,-Mrs. - Holland, Mi. Broiles, Mrs. Mrs. E. L. BaJrd, W. W. McDowell, James W.Patton, Mjs. Leicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, E.J. Aston, Mrs. H. C. France. ' Livery, Sale and Feed Staples. Reynolds & Chambers, J. M. Bay, M. A. Wed din. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, IV H. Stanslll Wm. Cox, E. W. Herndon, 8. H. Barnard, G. W. Morgan & Co., E. T. Clemmons, Jesse R. Starnes. Colleges, Schools, &c . Asheville Female College, Asheville Male Academy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High ' School for young ladies, Miss fcawyer's Primary. School, Mrs. .J. P. Gammon's Primary School, three white public schools, two. good colored cchools. A graded school has been authorized by . law, and a State normal school will be held every, . -.j.-: . MUlmerg, Ac -. - - Mrs. H. M. Herndon, 8. Whltlock, Mrs. M. E. Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs KB Porter. ; j - - Attorneys At Law. ' 'v McLoud Moore, J. H. Mernmon, E. H. Mer rlmon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger 4 Car ter, J. M. Gudger, F. A. Sondley, W. 8. Cushman, Richmond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W.W.Vandiver, Davidson & Martin, T. A. Jones, 8. H. Beed, W. B. Gwyn, Locke Craig, W. R. Whitson, Jonei and Hardwicke, Johnston & Shnibrd, W. M. Cocke, Natt Atkinson, A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone, - V. S. Lusk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. iyman. Physicians and Surgeons. , J. 3. Cain, W. L. & W. D. Hilliard, John Hey Williams, J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Wateon, M. L. Nelson, Wardlaw McGiU, H. P. Gatchell. Dentists. " - ' Q. W. Whitson, B. H. Douglas, R. H. Beeves, A. C. Ware. - , , - ' Banks, Bankers and Brokers. . . Bank of Asheville, Binder drBarnart1. ' Merchant Tailors. . V J.W.Schartle. Dealers in Furs. . ' M. Ellicl. 'Beat Estate , Agencies. - Walter B. Gwyn, A. J. Lyman, Natt Atkinson, E. J. Aston, B. M. Jones. . :- Arxhiiecii and Civil Engineers, ' . . , ; 'x SF Venable; J ATennant, ' ' Tbbacco Warehouses, y ' The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware- y ' : "house, The Farmer's Warehouse, ' Kay's Ware house, The Buncombe Warehouse. . s Tobacco Manufacturers Chewing and Smoking. 8. B. West, McCarty & Hull, J. E. Ray, E. L Holmes ic C., Shelton & Perry, W. P. Williamson. - . "" ' Coopers, &c. . L. F. Sorrell, N. W. Girdwood, William Weaver, Hart. Wines, Liquors, c. Lonehran Bros.. Hamnton & Feathers tone, W. . O. Muller, & Co., A. P. Sorrell. Papers Hangers. Cain & Hunt, Moore A Falk, R. L. FHzpatrick. ' Newsoaners. ' Dailt and Weeklt Citizen, Daily and Weeklv Advance, The Asheville Tribune (weekly.) . Job Offices. i The Citizen Job Oflice, Hunt & Robertson. Photographers. ' - ' Nat-W. Taylor, W. T. Robertson, T. T. HilL . . ' Grist Mills, &C. Jordan t Hallyburton, N. W. Girdwocd, Jas. E. - - Buttrick, . McLane. Fertilizers, t-c. " ' F.N. Waddell, "Star Brand." Penniman & Co., "Anchor Brand." G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont," W.H. Penland, "Owl Brand," Bear den, Rankir. fc Co., "Ober fc Co.'s Special," Lyon . fe Walker, "Farmer's Friend," T. C. Starnes, "Ar ' lington." W. W. Barnard, "Sea Fowl," N. W. Girdwood ic Co-, "Soluble Pacific."- 4 ' ' ' InturmtsM i'- Jtfj.r E. J-. Aston,Thos. W.Jtranch. r-W. V. Telegraph. 8. G. Weldon, manager. Southern and Adams Express. ' - " ' F. A. Stikeleather, manager. Civil Officers of Buncombe County. ' Sheriff J. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; 8. C. Clerk E. W. Herndon; Register J. K. Patterson; :' Treasurer J. H. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. I'atton: Tax Collector T. W. Patton. ' Inferior Court Justices G. A. Shuford, C. B. Way, J. M Green; Clerk Mont Patton; Solicitor H. B. Carter. -' - County CommixsUmers. 3. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, G. W, Whitson, L. L. Childs, Thos. D. BrittaTn. Justices of the Peace. A. T. Snmmey, N.A Peuland, T. W. Patton, C. B. Way , . J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B. Cain. t City Government. " Mayor E. J. Aston; Aldermen W- n. Penland, T.C. WesUll, A. P. Sorrell, I. Gorenflo, William Weaver, Marshall A H. Baird; Chief Police W. G. McDowell; Policemen J. H. Hampton, R. W. Gowan. - - Fire Department. ' ; - HoseN. l, Foreman H. C. Fagg; H. tL.No.ll Capt. A. F JIull. , - - Sanitary Department. ' . - ; Dr. D T Millard, Sanitary Chief, .' " 'i '. - . Federal Officers. - V.8. Commissioner, A. T. Snmmey. Deputy Collector,, (stamp office) A. D. Cooper.. District Deputy 8. C. Herren. Deputy Marshalla, R, O. Patterson, A. C. Patterson, T. K. Davis, H. S. Har kins. t- . United Stales District and Circuit Courts. Judge-R. P. Dick, Solicitor J. E. Boyd, Clerk j. . E. Reed, Deputy Clerk P. A. Cummings. ' . Post Office. . ' ' ,; -' ' H. L. feudger P. M.p Clerks W. B. Moore, W. L. Korman, A. L. Cliff. , - ,V ? i Sewing Machine Agencies.' , V ' ' ! - Whehler Wilson, J. H. Herring, Chief Clerk Miss Bessie Justice. Singer, M. If. Morynihan, Chief Clerk W. Monteath. Domestic, & B. Ched- ,- aster & Bon, Chas E Lee. ., , NoTB-Thore may be errois In the above, which Ll be gladly corrected uin -notification. j VOL; Ir-NO; 39;i DAJjlY EDITION. itoresting;locals ok tre '"r P' FOURTH PAGE. ; Arrival And Departare f the Trains. BitJSBUKT Arrives 87 a. if. - -.- Departs 8:47 F. n. v f Tennessee Arrives 637 ml . . v v -.. Departs 8:47 A. M. - f Wauramx Arrive 3 -.60 it ; . " - v V Departs ii.; ;; ' The Waynes ville train teachea that point at 10 ; roturmng, leaves rvayneaviile at woo. SODA AND ' MINERAL , WATERS VN DRAUGHT A.T PEIHAMS, ... : ' " v The best 5 cent Cigar iri town at Ly ons V'WhitpBose.' ; v; ; : . : v 'AW T.WeaV6?, Sole Agent for IleBs' Hand-Made Shoes for mea. -v. tf , Send your , Job KfVork-of all 'kinds to Vie C'dizeri, Office, if you teanl it dont'neoUy, WEATHER REPORT MAY 27THi; ; Thermometer 6 a. m.596; 3 p. m. 68. Barometejy-30.40 at 9 a. m. , Rain fall 11 inches. - - - , Wind Due South. ; 7 '" J -" '. . Sky Overcast ; . - ., . xv oon- x un zaia. 0:11 p. m. - Indica(ions--After full moon fair weather. 7 ' : ' THE' DAILY CXTItES , . AVill be published every evening (ex cept Sunday) at the following rates ilrtdly cam : ' i One Year, . - . . , . Six Months, s .- ' .; Threo " . . One " . .,- . One Week, '. . , ... $6 oO 3 00 1 50 - 50 15 Our Carriers will deliver the paper ev ery evening in every part of the city to our subscribers, and parties' wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. Delicious Crab Cider on draught at Desmosd's . 7 Call at McMullen's early if yon Want goods at low prices ' , '- , ; .-, A rainy day, raining all day." "Lovely underfoot. ' . - It has been discovered that this is the wet season in May. Mar it not extend into June. M r. JJ. A. Helper is the son of Mr. II. H. Helper instead of H. R. Helper, as tated in our issue of yesterday. -. The Woman's Missionary Association of the Episcopal church will meet at the Y; M. C. A. rooms to-morrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. - ' Mr. M. M. Jones, of New Found, Eays wheat in his section is well-nigh ruined but thinks the people will make enough of other things to take care of that sec tion. His section will always have enough to eat. , . , ; : - ; A large number of farmers of Western Carolina are indebted to Senator Ransom ftn-ErjSHaDl Teedff; .- Cci eW our distinguished Senator and representa tive, Capt. Johnston,vWe6tern Carolina has gotten a good benefit from the agri cultural department this season. Soma more garden and field seeds, sent by Senator Ransom, can be had at the Citizen office. We had the pleasure of a call this morning froin Mr. W. B. Ferguson of Waynesville. He came over yesterday afternoon, and reports that the repairs on the broken trsstle will be probably completed to-da . - In the meantime the delays, though causing some inconve nience to travel have not been serious, j Among the gentlemen present as deleg ates to the Episcopal Convention we re call Mr. Richard II. Smith of Halifax, Mr. C. M. Bnt-bee of Ealeiglj Mr. John Wilkes of Cliariotte.-Mr. J, C Buxton cf Winston, Mr. !S. 8. Nash and Mr. Henry K. Nash, Jr., from Tarboro. -t.. 7 , . , Maj. J. C. Campbell, a former denizen of Asheville, now making his headquar ters' at Johnson City; Tenn., is hero on a short visit, superintending the removal of saw mill machinery to his place of op erations in Yancey county. Maj. C. gives some interesting information of the Um ber of that section, marvelous .:n size and great in variety. As he promises to inform us more in detail, we only now refer to the subject." Tall Rye. - Mr. Robert Patton, Jr., of Swannanoa, brought to our office thitf morning a bunch of new rye eight feet two inches tall. Who can beat it ? The grains, the grasses and all that do flourish in this mountain country. " W. A. Anderson. , The Lenoir Topic says the clerk of the Supreme Court was telegraphed to on Monday to send on the papers so that Anderson could be carried to Lenoir and receive final sentence of the. court this week." - - v- - . .. : Hon. H. A. Gcdgeb,'" ' ' 7 Having purchased the late home place of Mr. Bacchus Smith, just northeast of the city, has had a handsome residence erected thereon1, which he now occupies. Mr. G's. good judgment and energy will soon convert the place -into one of the most beautiful farms in the county. ' A Convict. Killed. 7 . A convict while attempting to escape ffom the works on the Asheville and Spartanburg road, near Busbee, on yes terday, was shot by the guard and killed. It baa been proven, time and again, that it is dangerous for a convict to trifle with a gun in the hands of a guard in such a manner, but, we presume, one example will not avail. ' 7 7 Mabbied. . 77 : -, 7 On Wednesday, May the 20th, at the residence of the. father of the bride, the Rev. Mr. J.- A. Reeves officiating, Mr. D. FCarver, of Spring creek, and Mise D. J7 daughter of Mr. Gabriel Wild, of Big Pine Creek. ' The Citizen Job Ofeiob ' Is one of the most complete offices In the State, and work of every kind will be done with as much neatness and de spatch, and as cheap, as it can be done anywhere. . , If you want "j good 5 cent Cigar ' gr to Lyons' and ge aWbite liose.'.' .ri,r.w ASHE Fine Saddlery. ' ' : 8. M. Gilbert & Co. have just, finished to order, for a ladv of Asheville, a side saddle, made after an English model, the most complete and perfectly finished we have ever seen. - It is quite equal to. its English orisnnar in finish and beauty, The same firm have also on jtand, also made to order, several "setts of harness, double and single, equal in fine taste and good workmanship to the best turnout of any establishment m their line m tne United States; ; There is no need to send orders abroad. -; ry 7'; Hotel Abivals. ;.f. K XX 'SS'tX'Vxi'.-- " 8wannanot-'Vi JI Judklns,T Baltimore; H K Nash. Jr., Tarboro;! Cas M Busbee, Bennett Smedea, Raleigh; Iredell Meares, Wilmington; JVlra M Jrieak, vvaaesDoro; Jas J O'Fallon and wife, II T O'Fallon, St Louis; Mrs VIA McBee, Miss A K McBee, Lincolnton; Miss Laura Sumner, Salisbury. - V . . v. , Eagle 3 ft King, CofTotts, Tenn; DrJ M Kicnereon, x it Mkrr, jt.iiumereon, N C:-.-'- ' - 7-- ' IVestern W B Fercnson.'Wavnesvilie: N P Walker. Cmhtree: E H Hull. Mossv Creek, Tenn? J W Crow, G W Tweed, White Rock; C B Trollinger, Barnafds; Vf XT nnnVntt Xf oJiiiAn. T TsnA ay Jr-v Thos C Tbackston, New York City; W F Bowman,Bakersville;DrGeo W Fletcber ana wile, aira. uoraon, jsnmorasviue. Dr.-J. M. Curry. ' This distinguished . gentleman whoj partly 'of us' in this section, is thus allud ed to by the Nashviller Tenn., American 6f Saturday :' . v : . ',. - : ' Hon. J. L. M. Curry, L. L. wno is to deliver the address at the Normal Col lege commencement on Wednesday next, has long been regarded as . one of the most efficient and -popular speakers in the South. He has moreJiian once held our State .assembly entranced by nis brilliant and fervid oratory, but the coming occasion is the first in which an opportunity to hear him has been afford ed our citizens generally, one which they will certainly regret to have lost . Dr. Currv was one of the most promis ing of "the young men of the South be fore the war. Originally educated for the bar, he - early - became a foremost iswyerj a judge ama. memoer oi tne Federal Congress: 'then a soiaier ana member of the Confederate Congress, and finally a theological professor in the Baptist Theological Seminary at Rich mond. Va. On the death of Dr. Sears, the- well-remembered general agent of the Peabody Education Fund, he .was elected to the place, which he has since nlled with such distinguished ability. Tornado Wabnikg. Prof. Walter H. Smith, president of the Astro Meteorological Association, of Montreal, sends through Mr. N. Plum- adore the prediction of a general storm area during the hist week or ten days of June in which he says : "On June 24th and 26th respectively the planets Mer cury and Venus are at their perihelion points. AS past records show'that some tof the most disastrous toraadbetv .cyclones seasons when only ono of thesb planets has been nearest tne sun, l fear tnat there is every probability of a recurrence oi grave atmospheric disturbance this year. An imperlect weatner recora at tne more recent perihelion dates shows that on August 3, 1883, mercury wasat perihelion, and on the 2nd a cylone wrecked Snow flake, Man.; 3rd, a great waterspout burst at Shelby, Ohio, and a heated term with auroral displays lasted from the 4th to the 7th, followed by high winds, rain and a cool reaction. On July 21, 1883, with mercury at perihelion, a terrible tornado wrecked Minnesota and adjacent parts, doing $130,000 damage in Dodge county alone, witn tornadoes as lar nortn as Korel, Canada, nouses tnere being wrecked on the 22nd. On August 22, 1883, Venus was in perihelion, and great heat was felt over the Eastern States and Canada on 20th and 21st, sunstrokes be ing numerous. On 21st a great tornado at Rochester, .Minnesota, tore up 135 dwelling houses and killed 26 persons; 22nd, hurricane at Ottawa, Ontario. On July 7, 1884, mercury was in perihelion and great heat was experienced on 5 and 6th; with heayy storms over Iowa, Wis consin and New York States, and on 7th, a waterspout drowned persons and swept crops and houses away in Madison coun ty, Arkansas. ' ' ' : My special forecast for the last eight or ten days of June, 1885, reads :.. "Op pressive heat high - Winds, thunder showers and. unsettled weather in the North-Eastern United States and Canada, Tornadoes probable in "tomato sections. notably the Western ana boutn- western States near the Mississippi Valley, fol lowed bv a reactionary cool to very cool period of high barometric pressure with local frosts in Northern and Middle sec tions. June ending cool. Tornadoes occur most frequently between the . hours of two and six p. m." Mors Minerals. . - Mr. W.JC Chambers, of Flat Creek, Buncombe, yesterday gave us liberal spec- linens oi ores louna on nis . ianas rweivc miles, or thereabout,; north" of Asheville. These ores carry i rich, amount of lead with a valuable per centajje of silver. They are seemingly so rich that analysis hardly seems necessary. Mr. Chambers informs us that the vein is a bold one, and promises an abundant yield. . ' Selected. - 7 . 77 : The mother more often than .the- fath er is the one who looks most . carefully after the little ills of the family. The frightful cnt made by the new jack-knife or the ominous cough which threatens pneumonia and all the other ailments, little and, great, come to her .for relief and sympathy. She must be often sore ly tried to snow what to do, and at such times she turns with confidence, born of long acquaintance with his remedies, to Dr. liart. ana irom tne sneif, takes uown his Relief Discovery, Pills or Winslow's V ermifuge. as tne case requires, admin isters the proper dose and feels that all has ijcent done ph&t can be."7 ; -... A full supply of the Kennebec Ice re ceived and for aala7 at Carmichael's Drug Store. Supplied in quantities to suit . . ",' i-:-' .'",' -Ladies' Opera Slippers all sizes " 7 ? t ' -J . s ..: ;.- at Levy's. " Ask for Capillaire at Pelhara's Soda fountain.- -wfc. . .. " . : t-t ; Graveley's Finest Grades Chewing To bacco at - - lesmonds. tm27 ' , - 1 Gents' patent leather puuips, T , at Levy's. EFISCOPAI, COpfTEXTIOy. ; 1st Day, Wednesday, May 27. ; The convention met Jtjis - morning in Trinity church and was- called, to order by. the Right Reverend T..B."' Lyman, Bishop of .the - DioecM (Episcopal) of North Carolina, and by hi in opened with prayer7"';7:'r-iC1:'-',. ; The Rev; Edward E7Bich; Secretary called the roll of Clerical and Laydeleg ates77 .;7T7;':.'::;'' 7'7U 7 The following clergy responded to their names: - . . : , . ..--7 .': -. ', : . 7.7 Rt. Rev. T.B- Lyman, Revs, P. P Als ton, Charlotte, R- W Barbpur, Wilkes boro, Geo H Bell, Asheville, S B Berry, ao, ChasT Bland,. ?ituion,-D H Buel, Asheville, F L Bush, 1 i;tsbord, E II But ler, do, Jarvis Buxtor 1). 1, Asheville, jonn t ciarse, Keicing ie, w ji jjaugh .:'A hrr::.aV"Li IIiiWfBurl;axii,cB WWnipnv, IlrtT- boro, John H Perry, TarBoro, C C Quin, Wadesboro, Edward R Rich Raleigh, A S; Smith, -D. D., .Eingwood, Walter J Smith, Tarboro, A H Stubbs, Greensboro, Wilh'am Walker. Pittsboro, S P VVatteis, Morganton, V R We! more. Lincilnton, Edward Wooten, StatcsviOe, Thomas Atkinson, Asheville. ; . ' 1 ; (We have no accurate list of the lay delegateSj-andtherefoie defer if.) '' .. - After the roll call.Jhe Bishop declar ed the convention organized and ready for business. " ' On motion of the .Rev. Dr. Euel the Rev. Dr. A. S. Smith wss unanimously elected Prepident of the Convention, and the ' Rev. Edward R. Rich, Secretary. On motion of the Rev. Dr-'Buxton all clergy of the Slate not entitled to seats as members of this convention, all visit ing clergy from the States, and all can didates for Orders, were invited to Beas in convention. ' ' , : The hours of meeting were fixed from 9:30 a. m. to 1 p. m ; and from .4 p. m. to 6 p. in. At half past 9 the convention adjourned until 4. p.' in. this afternoon: and then divine service was held with a sermon by the Rev. Mr. lliggs. Asheville and Its Connections. After looking at the map . presented in this issue by Gwyn's Western North Car olina Land Agency the map drawn by Mr. Gwyn himself the question need no longer he asked "how is Asheville to be reached ?" The map shows that Asheville is already a veritable railroad centre, with some spokes of the radiating arms yet to be fitted in. The perfection of communi cation already -attained is a surprise to those even among us who have not looked into the matter. No wonder it will sur prise those abroad. . A study of the map will show direct connection with all parts of the country. Asheville is now Within 24 hours of New York, 48 of New Orleans, 22 of Louisville and Cincinnati, 30 of St. Louis and Chicago, and soon will be with in 12 of Charleston and ii of Savannah; and in the winter and spring months will be found to be in the direct line of Florida travel by- the nearest and Quickest routes, ifc-. .rryxir norc arci? e'trflSgeucea ' land agent, has made hiaryfiidely and fa vorably known, merits favorable considera tion for this new illustration of his skill and enterprise. ' '; The Way to Get Well . Is not to try every new remedy that is brought to your notice, but first aacertain what is best suited to your case and then begin its use, with a determination to give it a fair trial, and do not throw it aside to try everything you see advertis ed as having wrought some . miraculous cure, for in nearly every instance it will aggravate the disease, but if you have dyspepsia, indigestion, neuralgia, bead- aches, chills and fevers, &&, give the Seven Springs "Iron Alum Mass" a fair trial, and unmistakable bencnts will be the results. " - - '. Another dynamite explosion knocks the bottom out of prices at McMulle n's Furniture and Carpet House. tm29 ; Mattings at reduced priqesat McMul- len's. tin29 One hundred and twenty-five bushels Fancy Hand-picked Pea Nuts at " tm27 -, .. . Desmosd.s. No better or nicer stock of Furniture, Carpets, &c, in Western North Carolina than can be loundm McAiuiien s. tmv29 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. isoot 3n 7' :. , J 7 7 Mala Street (Abov Eagle flotel) . : The best stock alwavs on hand. 'Work always guaranteed to give satisfaction.. , .. T am umeiallv nrenared to make boots and shoes so as to prevent dampness and squeaking. Gentlemen and Xadies' Repairing a Spe ... . . ; , f ;-j cialty. .., . .. " . j;; Pino Custom Work always onhand, any- style, and satisfaction guaranteed, as to ttock and work. Shoemakers' Findings always on hand and for sale, the best in the marKet, at low prices- -Raleigh; Register By P. M. HALE, Printer to the State. Subscribe to . your Home Paper and pay ; for it, an then remit $2 to pay for your . : State Democratic Paper, : ' The Balhigji Registeb. Each new sub scriber, remitting $2 direct, is entitled to the Registeb for one year and to '. Webster's Practical Dictionary which, nntil August 1,' 18S5, is offered as a Premium. ' t"; ' ' .; " - Sample copies of the Register mailed on application. Address, - " : -j , . ., RALEIGH REGISTER, - -. 7 v7 ;. ...... Raleigh, N. C. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS Now open for Boarders, at Mrs. HOL LAND'S, Pstton Avenue, "or. reuch Broad. April 17-Dti Out in Haywood, i- - Cant. Fertnison savs tkesunnlv denarfc. A i. fm'ent in old Hay Wood is far shorter this year than he ever knew it, but the peo ple ate working harder, preparing for good crops, than, he ever kbew; and jf nothing serious occurs the , county will have enough and to spare another year. The tobacco" area will . be: increased, which he thinks a calamity : unless the people ; will adopt a; different . system from that which has teen entered upon. Capt Ferguson knows we have'the best country in - the world, but thinks, and properly, that f .r such, a country, for the people to have 'their sjuoke-houses" in Ohia and corn cribs in Kansas, is a dis grace to the people ""aid most ruinous to the reputatum and future; Wetfard of this section. - -. .. . . ... Woiking-"inen ard 'jn'akihg money, but those paLriots '.who hit krouml on the tw.er-.pait of their spirAt column and he i!atRtHfrrotiutfu'!U2 inwoenrjtur- . - . , n . . 8" . t - .1. al injunctionat least, in regard to enjoy ing health -by the sweat of the forehead. ..Capfc-F. is a level headed man, and we. repeat his suggestions hoping they will be as seeds sown on good ground. " ' ; ,' . Dr.- J7 ,A. Burroughs. - in .a '"recent visit to Virginia, was near" the scene of the Jeter-Terry tragedy; 7His Informa tion is interesting, but we can use : only so much as refers -to the lynching of young Terrjr. That atrocity was with, out the participation of the Jeter family and repugnant to their sentiments.' They were ready, to leave the punishment to be meted out, if any,-to -the law. But they, in common with' the majority of the community, were cognizant of the irresponsibility of Terry, who. was known to be subject to periods of insanity, a man dangerous.to be at lirrge, but not wicked from malice or premeditation He had been in the Asylum, and it was proposed soon to return him to the same place of security. The indignation of the people of the county in which the trages dy took place is aroused, and will not be appeased until the chief perpetrators are arrnted. Large rewards are . offered, botn by the State and county authorities; and it is believed that the eye of justice has fallen upon the guilty parties. .,. The only extenuation made for the deed is the acquittal of the slayer of Car rington, very shortly before the lynching of 7 Terry, lie" was acquitted on the ground of insanity. The, same counsel who had defended Johnson was engaged for the defence of Terry. The populace would not or could not discriminate be tween real insanity and - feigned or tem porary madness, and were determined in a'purpose to permit no more judicial farces. - i , I For the Asnevnte Citizen. JACKSON ITEMS MINING INTER .. . . ESTS, c - . " - Your scrihe is at home again, ready, to give you the he Wjisit7pc4urs-, .The jtoft spring rains of ths lajt few days with al ternating sunshi ne h as started every thing into vigorous growthT' Young corn seems to have a good stand and is looking re markably well. Ye oldest citizen cannot remember when the ground, was in bet ter tilth. Such garden truck as escaped the frosts of about the 10th inst. is boom ing, and your eciibe still sticks to his former prediction that whsat will make from half to three-fourths of an average crop. More grass and clover sown in Jackson thi3 pprmg than ever before, and clover previously set Is doing well. We are going to compete next lall tor tlie prizes for the best growth of clover and orchard grass as well a3 for several other crops. New mica mines are daily being open ed, which promise well, and some are al ready paying handsomely. As soon as your scribe can get up accurate informa tion he will try to give a definite ac count of the mica and gold mines now being worked in Jackson, and give some account of the chrome; nickel and chal cedony deposites near Webster. - Webster is destined to be a fine mining centre, at no distant day, ..wh'le as a health resort it is second to no place on the globe, but it needs more hotels and boarding houses. "All quiet." 7 ; . . Telahlah. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR '.'' .'AO 5 ' There will . be7a i called meeting jof Cyrene Commandery to-motrow (Thurs day) night, at 8:30, to confer the Order of Knights ot tne Ked cross. All visitors courteously invited to attend.- ' Mr. Lee Ferguson Ahead. "71 Hs sold 800 pounds of his Finos Creek tobacco for f 200, an average of $25, at the Buncombe Warehouse, to-day. Whole floor averaged $16 per hundred. Madi son made some good sales yesterday and her fanners went home rejoicing. 7 Jl All the great dailies New , York Herald, World, Times, Sun, Tribune Charleston News and Courier, Char lotte Observer, Raleigh News-Observer, Wilmington Star, Wilmington ; Re view, and Asheville Citizen are to be found regularly . at the Book' Stores of J. N. Morgan & Co., J. L Wilkie, and W. E. Pelham. : ".' ' " - The Daily Citizen" for sale also at Es tabrook's. GRAVES' WARmOUSETp1" v . Graves, Law & Jordan, Proprietors; This old and well established' house for the sale of Leaf . Tobacco "in -the famous market of Danville, Ta.; is yet in successful operation. .' :;; .-. ... ii For high prices and prompt returns Graves' Warehouse is the place. 7 . " t , - jan 22-w 6m- - . ' " DENTAL CARDS. B H. DOUGLASS, D. D. 8., nntl Dnntm nror tp Vault's, bruir i Pixt esldeuca in same building Asheville, C. CH. R. H. REEVES, D. D.S., . . ' C Omci In Sluder Building, "- . i pposite Central Hotel, ASHEvTLLE, V. Person havlnir artlUcial wort lone, aftr ryint? It two or three weeks. If not sailwlled, can return it and the money will be refunUeU. J j 1 i - ' i , TELEGRAPHIC ' '' . . "-: ;: : it. associated PBESff TELEGKAM3--SPE- j't,;H r . CIAL TO CTTIZEN.J U ''-r DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. THe'LA?geTurnitii Factory' bf : H. , Herman Bros.,, of. New'.',.' y.- -l . . York, Burned..;; ,1 j"; ILosk stimated at av Million " and a Half Dollars. ! ' ' ' v . , . ; ;. . New Yorjt, May 27th.;. , ; .The vast furniture factory of IL Iler man, Bros.'dxi Margin "and Tompkins Streets, Was 'discovered to be on fire at 150 o'clock5 this tnorninsr.- It is l a five- stry briet joiln8 aj Accuptpr-the whole blocks fronting 200 feet on Delancy t . and 150 feet on the other street. . It was an old building, occupied by the Singer Sewing Machine Factory, and. was satur ated" with' oil. The whole building', is surrounded by ' miserable tenement houses, occupied by the poorest classes in the city, The fire, was intensely,' hot and nearly a hundred, families, were driven'from their homes. They rushed oul in their night clothes and were com pelled to camp on the river side, where they shivered in the chilly winds of the morning. - At '. fpur o'clock . the whole building was. in flakes and there was no hope of saving any of the property; and the .firemen directed their efforts to make the miserable people as comfortable as possible. ' At 4:80 a.' m, alarms were sent out for 'extra : engines, ; and ' it lookred as though the iwbole : sarrouhdinar neighborhood .wonld be destroyed: at p o'clock alarms were still beiiuj sent out for extra engines. The reason ;the flames eptead -so rapidly was on account of the oil in "the floors. 7 The factory Vat filled'.with furniture and It is estimated that the loss will amount to more, than one ' million . ; dollars. This is a busy season of the year and the loss will be still heavier for the company for this reason, ' Qver three hundred men will be (thrown out of employment The streets at q:60 a. in. were crowded with people, and the greatest excitement pre vails in the neighborhood as everybody in the surrounding tenement houses was moving furniture and seeking to escape from the flames which were fast spread ing in all directions. .. Sup't Pinnon of the factory said it was impossible to say where there originated ; but it was be. lieved that it had started in the engine room. . At 6:oO a. ta. stciat calls for ex tra engines were being sent out amd.it was estimated that the loss would amount to one million five hundred thousand dollars. , , : Though the entire available force of the fire department was summoned, it was two hours before the flapies M-ere fairly under control; The ' flames are burning fierce' y in the ruins yet; but all danger f their. further spread, has pass ed.. .The factory, a five brick building, is a total h.t.7 .Mr. Tleriiian, estiiiiates'liis' loss at ab iut ?2o0K)0 which is civered by insurance in a lafre nu;rilK'r oi' cti.ii panies. The -In n biilding that owned by an if-larofhtr PKifciiatiM al neareW ip3(:0,KXL i Thii.7iiia uivI-rJiI u. a ru exhmt by iBrftiiHiic Five hun dred iskillyil wi.'rkmcn wj-ro finployi'd ju the fai-tor' and lose. a!l -Iheir .U.nms, the agregatt! value of Uhh-h is ab.tit,-'0i()00 .L-.i . .il. I..' .1. ' J' ' .T el. a sum jh tiit'B inerr aru ninv 3-n(W.'rcu sums of imurant-e." : - : . .. THE ESCAPED APACHES. v ' l : ...: l.. .i frlVE DEAD WHITES r.FOUXD.:: A Kail Coaeb' MlHHlutr. , i . ' Tucksox, Arizona, May 27; A special from IX nin' Bays thirty In dians passed near here ' yesterday ' head ing for Mexico. '" Ca valry- are in '-close pursuit. The' bodies of five Americans who Vere killed by Indians were' found at Blue River-ouMoridav. l Tlie stage which runs between 15agle ahl Grafton mining ramps in. Black. Range liaS not been heard from, and., it is thougLt it has been captured by Indians "7 '-j ' i CIIAK9I8 OF WESTEKX FA KM I SO. .' CiraaaliopppM by th Htlltons,' j ! Chicago, May 27.' r A special from Denver, Col. published here this - morning eays' millions : ot young grasshoppers ire reported coming out of the , sandy soil on the South side of the Arkansas river above JNiiblo, de vouring ' early, vegetables and ' tender shrubs. Their appearance is said td le similar to-that of 1872 ' when they "were swept east by winds' and consumed an immense amount of the growing crOps ui Kansas. .. i ( NEW ,YORK STOCK 7 KET. ' t i-. New York. Ma v 27 i Stock market was : weak at opening this morning, first prices sho wing decline of from J to per cent . with Louisville and Kasfc ville down J per cent, iut, Pa cific Mail and Western Union unchan ged. In early dealings there was -a fur ther decided , decline, led by the Union Pacific; which" fell quietly to 53 J and later' 53, stock, however, rallied a small fraction on sustaining ordeis and thus with the rest of the list remained about steady, during the reet of the first hour except Lackawana, which continued heavy, pellicg.down'.to 102J. Loaning rates are easy all around except, Del A Hudson for which T-C4 is chared for use. Total sales first hour 47,000 shares. There has been a further break in Erie seconds to 47 J. 1 CmZHN JOB OFFICE, v -WEST SIDE ' PUBLIC BQUAR s BILL HEADS, , ; ,J v I LETTER HELaDS, JV r i- 7 " "" POSTERS" " r ' j "; !' ' " 7 7 . BLANKS,1 A ; , A nd Job Wtrk of aU hinds done vil I trtmptn an&at low price. '.. ... - MORE .ATROCITIES BY j , ,7 triie Aarnjos, vie and lluli Join In. ., Denver, ciiuJ May '27, ! , A'speciaLto the Trtiulu-iiepublican from 1 Sairti Fe Baystf Last Saturday the Apacnes' .killed two men at the Cantwcll and Fetcri' Ranche, on the Gila river, and' Sunday af. tempon hey . filled . Charjes Stevnon, foreman of, Abbey & Ingersoll's ranche,. and Harvey Moreland.'son of James More-' ' lan?d, living between drafton and'Fairview.v ; The bodies were found- aboot"ix' wile north; of Graf tori. When discovered they wete tjll wafni.;-: Morehead, had beta shot several times; an when found, -ras lying on his backVitb an iron rod driven through, ' his head Into th grpund.- . Frank Adam, " ng 'near l-'alrwewia,- supposed U: tave been killed also. V His hat. was .found -eaf the: bodies of Stevenson and Mr'e)anaV .; ,.A special from Winslow, Arizona,, says-. aboutioo Navajos, Utes and Pinfes, all thorowhly armed, and With war paint on camped aearjlardy's oi Monday nlghL It is' reported that they are making prepara tions to joiVperonfmo's band of Apaches.-. Later inforhutioa from the front indicaUs that the hostilcs; are on piamond creeks . northeast . of Fort; Bayard, in the, Black, mountains.'. CoL Morrow and a number of scouts' are in that viefnity CoL Biddfe,1 with . a bataliion Of the Sixth 1 Cavalry.' is near' Hillsboro;Mand. Lieut .Davis," with sixt White Mountain Apache scouts, is it trail f the host ilea.;-, i 7.- yK-'trn' nil' A. -P The Pantbeon Restored, to Urn 'Itor On( l .b InUrred Tkrla. The Official Journal publishes the de cree restoring the Pantheon to it origi nal use, a receptacle for the remains of great men, and,, ordering that- the body of Victor. Hugo be buried there. , .fThe funeral has been fixed for Monday next, June the 1st. - ' '"''"' " si'. r. i ' XOTJIER ... . UEATIiyTRAJs 'Eia-rwo . . Slaughter r of (be' ' InnoeenUu ! .;i WHO tSTO BLiMKf (i': ,, -. JsBsrt Citt; May 27. J A three story frame tenement house, No.' .76 Colgate st, collaj! - thu 'morn ing. Five families occupied fle premise, including 27 persons. - Four were killed. Barney; Nellie and Mary Anderon,aged 9 and 7 years and ? months, respectively, were all smothered in bed. Michael Webb, 'aged 15 years,; had his head crushed. John Coyne, aged 39, insurance agent was badly injnred.' Nine other persons hurt more or less.' The less se riously injured were cared for . by the neigh Itors- The buildluK was .known to be insecure... It was to. have t been re paired pext week u" Fortunately, no fire broke" out ' in the ruins. "The ffrehien iiid policd are engaged in the- work -'of clt'amig kway tho 'debris. Ah ihi'WnRft Mwd i collected ftt -the scene. - " - - in . iliiKiiuore Hnrketit. ; ; ... -..', .Jj . ,j -... . .-!. V .. , . . , , BALTiMoi:E,.May2J 12.111. Floiir hlt-a-fv and quiet; Howard strict and woKteiu super' 3 5C35j extra 9 90(S 4-37. family 4 655r60; -Cltyl'Milte Snpi r t Li'Gili vxtra 42S.Bia brands 150 2o.: . Wh-;a( ontbern; eaoif land qujit u'vrfcrn tti tive ,and. Lrw-r: clotn.dull. .S.i!ithe:n red 1 00(g, ,auiber 1 08010, No MarVliin' 1 00 bid", No Y western winter" red spot 0C& ' C6rtil Siiiithrn. higher, western easfer and qnit,"Soi to rn white 645, yellow . : ,t i: "TT" r-s; Approaching ResJjrnatloit of a .,t9liiilster& 1 .- - pAKisr May, v 27th. ''lte'ubrti'kre' in 'circulation that M.N Allaln Carge, : Minister or ihe' IrrteHdr, md Hates Signing his Portfolio.' Many newspapers regard it as doulitfnl.? XV tory-, vote in tlie.f.'hambex ; of 4eputKw ycBterda expressing cpnfidonin jtho. firmness of the government in enforefng respect for national Bag and in preveht irig display of red flags and; banaers. :l-4 ' SAX SAIiTADOR AFAinS. ,i'i. Insurgents,. ln,; Large Forfe. -La Libfrtad, via Galveston, May. 27 - ;The Salvador Government is' coiicen tfatlngf 'a military force at this place-con-stmcting' eartnwdrks 'and entrenchrheals. Bands of insurgeots, largely cotnposed-o Indians, are. crtoenfrating four(eu leasees fromhece., ... (. 1 j.ffM, , . An attack on La Libertad is threatened. There is no American 'o-ther'War' Visel on this coast and foreigners are copsequfrnt- ' jy rriuch. alarrried - ' ' ;;.' -'.; . )! r i -Z . 1 ' ' . ' . ': London, May 27 p. m. ?..!7': Af pl;isier.tl. , ,..;( . '": , ... Beelis, May 27. ' Specie increase 10,420,000 marks.' ' 1 ' 1 j. h'. s London, Jlono y. SIsrket. r ( -, i .Loxikn' May 2?." Consols 99J. -' 1 " -: " "' U ' ' . ' ' ' iin 1 7' -. Land deeds, land snortaiees and chattel mortgages for sale at th. Citizen iliiee. ruoa. P. JoHMgToSC Oxo. A. Sauroa JOHNSTON SHUFORD, f . ' ' ' Attorneys l oa vllor-t'JUiWt ;.' ., , i-AHKVILU, V. Wlh practice In in sth aiyt Wh Jildiclal Cistrini ot hurta t'arolina, in the Sn?.t- (wl tf tA tnl!, and In the ri'iltrl t:un at iehnu. ' Tli colk'ction ol claims, tu i.K.-iuii,i.a t titles to rtinl proK'rty, and toe 'Ul-MT:tof rottw a iK:iaHy by the fiiia. Oiuct: iu lue Joii' iua buiidinx. ''''' li-iy r 1 ; i i 1 ' ' ' ': -" w r, T . rl 'h I- -it . ", 1". ' "7, ' .p h f I'J 'V IT' v 1 r ' K-t'

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