s7 v. i - r ' mm : .... ' ,. . .-.'... '- V : - I, - ? IS I iSl v '- L heyille Citizen. R.M.ITJRMAN, JORDAN STONE, J P. CAMERON, -Editors. - FRIDAY EYEING, JUNE 5, '85; ate .OO PES A.2Z"2!TXTXC A WANT NOT YET SUPPLIED. - In another place in, this issue will be found an extract from the New Orleans Times-Democrat setting forth some of the good influences of the North Carolina eihibit at the great. Exposition. This is good as far as it goes. The influence upon great ; industrial, enterprises will . prove to be very powerful, and the results will be extensive and far s reaching. But the body upon which t-r that influence was exercised is com? paratively small being connned to those who were there and saw for themselves. "The ten. of thousands throughout-: the country .who'are moved by tire spintof change or cu- , riosity,or impelled by 'the energies of enterprise, or urged by - the ne cessities of misfortune,-to seek new fields' or new homes were not reached except through hearsay; and ; hearsay is -.'" not always when its utterances are put forth by , such visitors as were impressed by what they saw. but from selfish motives would rather be inclined to appro priate what was good for themselves, and give, out inaccurate statements . as to the rest. ". Something more is wanted to give the details, of - the resources and, characteristics of North Carolina, more striking features and more in telligent publicity. There is an ac tive and earnest Spirit of inquiry abroad, which has not been an swered, and will not be answered until information is more largely and more impartially diffused. Other States, far less varied in at tractions of climate, scenery and all the many sources of prosperity ' than North Carolina, have been il- ustrated to the minutest particular with an industry and a skill that amounts to genius. It has had its rewards Florida is as well known, not only to the tourist, but to the emigrant, ..by means of maps, and illustrations and descriptive pam "phlets, as any county or township, the home of such emigrant or tour ist North - Carolina, . with much , ' greater 'imotive to such aetion, has had little of such work .done and nothing, in a comprehensive way, At the State Exposition last year there were distributed creditable and instructive pamphlets, descrip tive of sections and counties, the fruits of local intelligence. The Al bemarle, "section had full justice done to :it. The counties of New Hanover, Robeson, Guilford, Frank Jin, wake and a tew - otaers were thus lepfesented. ,; Illustrated .rail' road pamphlets presented special interests, and to that extent have rendered service. But that is hot enough. . That is only a beginning, and it is ft beginning, made by au thorities, not : especially urged by ..general interest to "such, work." Of j necessity, such work is local or spe cial We want something general and comprehensive, something that we might hope in time would draw attention to all parts of. the State. Such work might at least be begun by the General Commissioner" of Immigration for North . Carolina. Such apparently, we may look for in vain, tast year we entered , our complaint and our protest against the narrow localizing of the work of an officiajhVliad at least the name and authority - of a State Agent, aud to whose pay the people of the wiwle State contributed. We had no ccwnplaint to mate that he was aidjmg inHhTrrdevelopment Tf any partf the' Stated On th con trary xwtroVeiy-rg1ad'' of it, k nowing that e i-ery thing annot be done'at once,' and ; hoping "and ; believing- Uiat .'oher sections " would have consideration- in turn. We did object, however, to the authority of the State "being used ;to sustain some special project or some special combination and detriment of -all other interests. Our remonstrances had their effect ; and VLtU Patrick tore "himself from the seclusion of Vine Land and Southern Pines, and visited Asheville, with the expressed purpose of spending two or threo months in Western North Carolina. Two or thrte days sufficed to satisfy his curiosity and fill his stock, of information. That is the last of Mr. Patrick and he was called into re membrance by the visit recentlyof a gentleman of this section largely interested in Wesfern North Carolina land.'?, who was anxious to obtain pamphlets or information embrac ing the - whole State, to be sent abroad. lie. obtained i.ot a single one, nor di-.I he obtain any informa-. lion "of valne ,- but he did obtain the pamphhtts referred to above, and a good deal showing Mr. Patrick's very close connection with Vine lands. Amonj others, ij a circular in which Mr. Patrick is pleased to announce that he has made certain very eligible arrangements with the management o the R. & G., R; A. A. L., and - Carolina Central roads, 'comprising 'the Seaboard Air Line, for the benefit of all non-residents of North Carolina, who rent or pur chase 1 lands on the said Seaboard Air. Line. So far, so good. But ifc appears that this was the sole ar rangement "-. with railroads made. Not another document relative to other-roads or lines was presented, though asked for. , Again ; we- have U copy of the South Atlantic Magazine, New York, April; 1884: '; The new winter resort at Vineland is described and spoken of as the town , formed under the special v supervision of John T. Pat rick, Genebal Immigrant Agent of the State." . Can a man be called a general agent when he devoteshim' Belf to specialties ? , w. We rejoice in the good that has or may come to other parts' of the State by- the ? State ' Immigration Agency." But we do say that Western North Carolina, ; which bears an eaual share in the support of that agency, is, and has been, neglected, and that no indication is given that the complaints - made last year are proposed to " be remedied through that agency.. . - " COMPARATIVE MORTALITY OF TllE RACES. Confirmatory of the statement made by us the other day that 'the urban mortality of the negroes was in excess of that of the whites, the numbers being equal or nearly . so, we note the following Monthly Mortuary reports which have since come to hand : Dr. F. H. Potter, Superintendent of Health for Wilmington makes the following report for the month of May: Deaths, whites, 3 males, 6 fe males; 6 adults, 3 children. Total 9. Colored, 9 males, 14 females,' 12 adults, 11 children; total 23. Pop ulation of Wilmington, 20,000 or thereabouts, nearly equally divided. Dr. Scarr, .Superintendent of Health for Charlotte, reports for the month of May two deaths among the whites, one female adult and one child.. In one Cemetery alone, Pineville, there were 13 interments of colored people. The population of Charlotte is- betweef lO and 12, 000, the whites' somewfhat In excess. The Charlotte Ubssrver in com menting npon- the report of Dr, Scarr says : "The mortality among the color ed people is alarming. The physi cians say that .they . are dying -al most- as if by cholera. Up to yesterday, June the 3d, there were six 'deaths since June 1st among The cause of this is very evident. Freedom brought many blessings to the negro, but it carries with it many curses, chief of which is the unbounded license of idleness and dissipation. . It is very certain the race will not possess the ' land by viriue oi rapia over the whites. ratio of increase RESULTS OF ' THE NEW OR LEANS EXPOSITION. The Times-Democrat speaking of the good effected for the South by the exhibit of the industries and products of the different States, gives the following illustration for North Carolina : v "The fine display of native woods iq" the North Carolina department three rwceks ago, attracted-the atten tion of ai!party -of' Eastern ; capital ists who were doing . the'FairZ-with an eye to the iriaifl" chance, as is largely the custom with 4 that sort of people. On leaving the Crescent City these gentlemen lost no time in visiting the localities in the Old North State where the timbers ex amined were to be found. The State Cbmtnission -in ew Orleans has just received notice that r. the visit has resulted in thejpurchase by the same party of 72 000 acres of timber land. - The display of clays and valuable minerals has also led to important . developments i. the same Commonwealth. ' Secretary Bayard arrived at St. Louis on the 3rd, on his way, to Columbia, Mo., where ho was to de liver an address on Thursday at the University. He was given an informal reception at the Merchant's Exchange in St. Louis. . In the course of his remarks he said: As one of the "advisers of Presi dent Cleveland I think I am justi fied in saying that the Administra tion will ;jnake ; every endeavor: to allay every remnant of sectional feeling in every particular. The Adminisfrrtion" ia for the whole country and not for only & part of it : Goon without fear, embark in your enterprises, be at ease and everything, you may be sure, will be done to-protect arid advance the interests ' of every citizen of the United States." " . Some mean men in New Orleans have obtained an injunction preven ting the city council r paying $5,000 for the expenses of the Liberty bell. ." -- ' - EDITORIAL BRIEFS. The Supreme Court of North Carolina, adjourned $ine dieon Satur day the 29th ult, after a continuous session since the first of February. Pretty hard, work on three Judges.. :If anything is. certain at this time," writes. Mr. Nordhoff. from Washington to , the New York Heraldy "it is that no pressure, no importunity, ho plea, no argument, no threats will : induce Mr. Cleve land to debase the public service to partisan uses." ' .-' Norfolk, Va., gave -. Blaine . over 400 majority last fall.. It has Just returned a Democratic majori ty of over 300. Perhaps this is a pointer as to the wainmg strength of Mahohe and the division of the colored vote. ' , ' Senator Vest has retracted his ill tenpered remarks on the American pres3. He explaLis that they were made while in the - act of paying a hotel bill. Senator Vest's apology ought to be accepted. The average hotel bill for the average hotel fare is enough to make a more . phleg matic man tharfsthe Missouri Sena tor lose his head. " ': '- ' SjIhQ Xentucky.' Central railroad strikers have four freight trains and eight locomotives side tracked at Paris. The strike " is spreading. The freight handlers at the Coving ton depot to the number of thirty five have quit work. The Spanish Government has appointed fpur . eminent surgeons as a commission to- investigate the system of inoculating human sub jects with cholera- microbes, as practiced by nr. t erran at Valen cia. ' ; The London News announces on the highest authority that the war question is practically settled in a satisfactory manner. ; The main features of the adjustment have been agreed npon by Russia and England, and the boundary-, com mission will settle the details. ' The General Assembly of. the Presbyterian Church, South, in ses sion at Galvestcn, Texas, failed to settle the question about a man's marrying the sister of his deceased wife. - The question was on an amendment to the confession of Faith proposing to omit the provis ion forbidding marriage with a deceased wife's sister. Forty-eight Presbitenes were reported as con curring, seven as not concurring, and fourteen as not replying. The concurrence of three fourths being necessary, the subject was postponed until the next Assembly. A feature in the investment mar ket last week was the selling of big blocks of Fehsylvaiila Viulroacl ofoeR by investors-a considerable percen tage of the selling orders being from European capitalists. This proves, of course, that moneyed men think there are better things to buy than even the best ' American railroads, simply because they think it on the cards that in the immediate future such stocks are .likely to decline, while in certain foreign properties there is a prpbablity of arise. There is nothing of more frequent" recur rence than practical proofs that capital is quite as apt to be wrong as right in its forecast; and it is no longer thi rule of the majority to venture beyond the immediate pre sent A month ago the same peo ple who are now buying English consols at 101 1, were anxious sellers below 95. Modern speculation con sists mainly in betting on the exces ses of the majority. - The total wheat crop of the coun try from the present outlook will be from ,320,000,000 to 330,000,000 bushels, against an - average yield for the past five verrs of 464,000," 000. ' Raleigh Register, By P. M. II ALE, . Printer to the State. Sabecribe to your Home Paper and pay ' for it, an then remit f 2 to pay foryoor - 7 State. Democratic Paper, The Raleigh Register. Each new sub scriber, remitting direct, is entitled to the Registkb for one year and to - . Webster's Practical Dictionary which. Until Angast V 1885, is offeredas a Premium." : - Sample copies of the Register mailed On application. Address, : RALEIGH REGISTER, : . . .. . . r Z Raleigh, N. C. LANGE & CO., . v At the Old - Bank, ; "dr Main St: ' Asheville, ' . DKALEUS I3T : . BACON, COFFEE. SUGAR, -RICE, Grits, Hominy, Fish, Molasses, Ap ple Vinegar, Soda.. Spice, Hogsfect, Pickles, Brooms, Barley, English Split " . ,' Peas," Eggs.' Fresh-v: : ;. Go u ntry.-B'utter! Chickens, Flour,' Meal, Soap, Tobacco; Cigars, Candies, Canmd Good, in large " variety, and . L:-r-:y.r .: - : JSA U lt K R A U T, Pure Leaf Lard in buckets or barrels. - We solicit a share of patronage IWe sell very cheap for cash. ' : LANGE & CO. If you wish uvythlngyou do not Ke in my time, ashfirr it, and ii will be faniuhed. May 29 D&Wtf . - X." & CO. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS Now open for Boarder, at Mrs. HOI. LAND'S, Pntton Avenue, cor. French Broad. April 7-ltf ' -! . Aslierille Tobacco Ilarket. . Sxpobted Specially fob the Cmzis-l - ; -V AMvnXE. N. C, May 30, 1885. , V. J.MaI.Um M. i . F . t .... aent pretty accurately Talues of tobacco In sound or good prying order. When these requisites are wanting prices are necessarily nominal. With good seasons, the breaks have been full, and con- aiilainniv l a .1... t ..ua. i . . : 1 . n v..HS .uv gtui ii iiuci xuarjteuii pnucs note ru.il waH mnit..i J I i e 1 J the last few days, from manufacturers and deal ers at other po'nts. Condition and color are most looked for, and goodnound fillers with substance and soundness are very much wanted. Wrappers and fine cutters are a little neglected, but sinok- ItM AM in ilnmanil ' FQlers Common Lugs,..$3 ijommon iiear........ 5 Common Bright Iaf,. .. 8 Good " " , , , ., 13 Smokers Common Reddish,. .7."'."." T wiimaon flngat,........i Good Bright . ...12 - V naA TT.fM 11 Cutters Common to GoocL.. .... 12 , uooa to Fine .is Fine to Fancy 84 wrappers Common .15 v Common to Medium.... ...-30 Medium to Good. . 80 - Good to Fino... . 40 - . rnucy a$4 00 a 8 al2 - al5 i . aS JO 12 el5 . a22 al4 a2S .. a85 a20 30 a50 a50 00 none PRODUCE HIABEET. Corrected Dally by " POWELL & SNIDER. - - " AsHEmLE, N. C. May 19, 1885. -Applet Green, per bushel, SI 00 to SI 50. " dried, 2 to 5 cents. ' BULK BACON 7 to ft Bmnlrnl 19VtTit- Khnnl ders 8 to 10 cents; bams 12 to. 15 cents. BEir-d w iu ceuis, as 10 quail ly.- . Bdtteb Prime 85 to 35 cents; common SO cents. : Beeswax 20 to 22 cents. . Beans White $126 to 1175 . ' " Coffee Rio 11 to 14 cents; Laguayra 18 cents; Java 25 to 30 cents Cheese 15 to 20 cents, as to quality. ' - v Cotton Yarn 40 85 to Si 01 - : ' Corn- 80 to 90. ' r Corn Heal 80 to 90 Candles Per Y box, S3 GO to S2 75. .: - - Eggs 10 to 15 cents per dozen. - . Flour S3 00 to S4 00 per sack. - . Lard 10 to 13 cents. Molasses Common dark 25 to 50 cents. " - Fine Syrup 50 to 75 cents. " New Orleans SO 75 to 81 00. Oats 65 cents. Hay SI 45 per cwt. 8hipgtur $30 per tou. Dried Peaches 8 to l eta; un peeled 4 to 6 cts. - Pea? 51 50, Potatoes Sweet, per bushel. SI 80. Irish,- - SltoS150. -gagars rBrown, 5 cents; powdered 10 cents; crush ed and gntntulated, 9 to 10 cents Vinegar so to CO cents per gallon. Still to the Front I And There to Remain ! THE 'CITIZEN , - . - 5PJ3,OPRI(gG,i CORNER PATTOX AVENUE AND MAIN ST., OPPOSITE COURT SQUARE, IS COMPLETE W EVERY RESPECT, AND IS PREPARED TO DO ALL -HANKER OF , AT THE LOWEST ' HOUSES, lit THE SHORT EST POSSIBLE TIME AND IN THE BEST ' MANNER. ' " We Will Hot Be Undetworked JO YOU. WANT PROGR AMM'S, CIRCULARS. CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE- 1V. A nS P A TWPII T .FT PRINTING.T AG S. O ' LAND DEEDS, . - D SHERIFFS' DEEDS, ' CIVIL WARRANTS, . STATE .WARRANTS, JUSTICES JUDGMENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHATTEL MORTGAGES. &c.l rALL AND OBTAIN SAM4 PLES AND PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. U. S. COMMISSIONER'S BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. FTOHAXT& ST01TE, " , '. .; " Proprietors. ' With the cheapest khd most elegafit as sortment of Good ever brought to Ashe- ville. It is a well established fact that Whitlock is and has been the attraction of Ashe ville. " I claim to carry the most complete as sortment of my class of goods inAshe ville, and to convince you of this fact, an assurance of this fact will be effected by calling at my Store and examining the beautiful .display of goods that can be seen. - . ' Just received a new line of those beau tiful Lawns, at 5 cts. per yard. A beautiful assortment of Ginghams in Plaids and Stripes.- . A fresh supply of Embroideries, ranging in price from 5 els. to f 1.00 per yard. -- Laces in Oriental, Clung, Torchon, Af ghan, . Spanish, Point de Alicon, Russian and others, that will have to be' 6een to be appreciated. - " , In Dress PVorics, I show, some grand styles, and ask an inspection of this Stock , before, purchasing elsewhere. J " ? - : Millinery Department. : ; Just received my second supply of new shapes, and can say with confidence that j I can please the roost fastidious in taste, j 'Itwould require the entire space of the Citizen to enumerate each article sepa rately, but all I ask is a call and I feel con fident that you will be suited. - GENTS' FURNISHING. I .have a. complete Slock of everything in this line, comprising Hats, Shirts, Un derwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Handker chiefs, &c". -... - i - j " I am sole Agent for the celebrated DUtfLAP H.ATS and EARL & WIL SON COLLARS. ' ' - In consequence of the death of Mr. S. Whitlock, who was my Manager, the bus iness will be continued by . : . ' II. WIIITLUtK, , : Under Eagle Hotel, Main St. DouBIeday & ScOtt,v North Side PnMic Square, ' ASIIEVILLE, N.C., s DEALERS IN : Lumber, Laths, Shin gles, Fencing, Plank, Posts, Wcathcr-Board- v . in?:, PlooViiig, Etc. ' Al so Doors, SasJifin d -. ; Blinds. ' Dissolution. - The firm of STKFFER ROBERTSON has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Rtfiffher vrithrlrawinr. J. D. KobertSOU Will continue the busiuess at "the same stana, and will pay all chums airainst the firm and collect all accounts a ic. pKAici"r.'i., " J. D. ROBERTSON, , JXO. C CLAYTON, (Scar EAglb Hotel) ASIIEVILLE, N. C, jiijtjr ufi ct vn eii or COF- Coffins made in First-Class Style of WalnutpTOonnaHir mwu, iuiihi, i-mio and Maple of the best quality. Satisfac tion Guaranteed and Low Prices charged. He asks that the public call and see for themselves. - - . pepl0-12mo8 .. . WANTED. T'3Slgimiab" EVERY DAT EXCYCliOPEDIA, the cream of 50 standard volumes In one. -a rich tMnv for those who want to make money. The sales are just tremendous. 15,000 copies sold in .Eastern in. c. tne past winter, juuuuuw wauv fnr Wrt prn N. C. Special Inducements to experienced agents anf students. - No capital necessary, references required. - 2 losv n wll TcfA Jb Wrvwl wnrt.'h'R Oreat Ttcnnblic Haps and Charts of Cleveland and Hendricks. - write lor terms to , F-AGE & WOODWORTH. Atlanta, Ga.. or P. J. Page, Asheville, N. C. ap 13-d 2 mos w 1 ' . - Raleigh Nurseries, ' M. OTHO WIISON, Pbopeiktob.- JMcclimated, . Trees, Tines. St ere. Location, S Miles Southwest of rtaleiehxN. C -43-100 Agenta wanted., Coed pny. nich 8-2 mos s w " By virtue of a Cecreo of the Superior! (Ynrt -at Buncombe county. I wIU. on Monday. . June 8th, 1885, sell at public auction, at - tne Courthouse door, in town 01 Asnevuie, we 101 lowing lands, to-wit : A tract of land situated in Buncombe county, three miles west of Alexander's station, containing CO acres more or less, and known as the N. R. Biackwell homestead. Terms of sale, one third In cash, and balance in equal installments npon credit of six and twelve months with approvea Becuniy. For further Information apply to the nnder signed, or W. B. Whltson, Atfy. 1 X. Ah IIEiATAAf . . my7-ww. Commissioner. Off. PEtRO hadTotlBwartBttetpUItiatintif Catarrh. Throat. Lunar Dlea, ionnderortbe Am.Osyse tx.,(oruia prcZ OucUunot tiut wonderful reutwly.iiMd by lnhaltton,o widely known u tha OX YGEStJ TREATMENT For the relief and cure of Consumption Bronchitis), Asthma, Hay Fever, Catarrh, Nervous, Prostration, sto. Bend auuup for the ''Manual," an interestina; book ot 1 pmgaa Four Colorsd. mm i ' r aVllwAM Vl fnratnf)MH. V aa C? f I . A OP Con. C. H. Howsrcf, Mrs. T.B.Carse, Chicago. Chicnuo. llaurVArk. ienry k. oiuww, m. w, - - IT. Ti.Owr Orrnm U mtfely mt anvmm rn "". 0 .W. Nion, M. D., Mrs. Nstts C Rood, SHenry R.Stllss, M.D., , - . ' - " i FUHNITITIIE : W B . Ij Ij I A M S O N , Furniture, Boots, Sash -and Blfcjds, PATTON AVENUE ASIIEVILLE, N. C. , CHAS. A. MOSELY, ) a B, M. JONES, ' Salesmen. . . LARGE LOT of BABY CARRIAGES. E V E R Y B OlDT ! The'public are now cordially invited to call and examine my Etock ol FIBRJIf III, ETG I have been somewhat delayed in getting ready for business, but now have a good and substantial stock TO SXSOTST- TTOTT. I intend to sell goods cheap and for cash in hand. My slock con sists of '" . : ' Bedsteads, all qualities; Bureaus, Washstands, Tables, Cllrirs, Mattresep, - Springs, Wardrobes, Desks, Towel Racks,. Parlor, Suitf, .Carpets, Window Shades and Oil Cloths. I'will also have in a short time a nice line of- W A I; !. P A PER; Hoping you will call and examine my stock before buying,- .1 ..I airi respectfully, . - ' mhlS-sw&w, P. H. Mc3HJL.IjEr. , 1 , ,,.. mm m J. D. ROBERTSON SfCCESSOR TO STEFrKER & ROBERTSOK. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Eye-Glass, Spec tacles, Plated Ware. Solid Silver Ware, ALL KINDS REPAIRING DONE. EXAMINE MY GOODS AND PRICES ONE DOOR SOUTH VANGILDER & BROWN, ..; : ASHEVILLE, N. C. fi ORCMSmAL'. VU''ui3EoimMiiimi,e( and For . Cash or on Instalments. - Send for Illustrated Cetalogne and Price Ltat. MOORE &FALK, Opposite Post Offic ST. LOUIS, Mo. ( Ind.V, ( Y-teri, ':SA'- -hS-Io I .. ' Cr &j$Py 4'" jf- ( . Augusta, GaTfv Charleston f t tMJ))l t Wu4!Z--'- ( X-SJW- -- 'I W-&FZ- of 1 1 I. f