editors and rnonun ons. - X Year, 0 Mo., 1 Venr, 6 JVIok., S3.00 SCO , Ain k It TISINjG HA 2 BWHiiiwiiwwinii ijmi'i ii Asheville liu&inefttt 2i, - ' ilcueial Merchants Wholesale aiil lictuU. , C. E. Graham A. Co , S. R. Cbe4o1or A Sn, J. D. Brevard A Uo ., J. O. Howell, S. Hnuimerslilag,. O. K. Lee. H. Redwood & Co., J. 1 Smrjer, (i. A - Mcars, A. IK Jones & Son.Bearden, Kunkiu A (.'a., V. II. brown, U. M-, Kolerts.- - ; , - . ' Garden and Field See l. ' '..',' Powell & Snider,' H. II. Lyons, A. J. JMerrlll, It. Redwood Jc Co.. J.O. Howell, J. I, fcf.wycr, iiw dcn. Kankra cfc-Co., C H. Moncurc : . . Gram, Say and Flour" . . J. It. HtanioB, Powell Sc Snider, "--Alexander and - 'Hardware, Agricultural Implements &c. : Pcnnimun & Co., VanGildet & Brown. Sloven, Housefurnisking, and lavware :. Ballard Bros., Brown- Beardeh, Lindsey Bros. . Clothing Genlsf JFUrnttMnff, :';' '' " Jmoc P. tiawycr, it. I-evj, Clones 1? Lee, S Vhitlo-k. : . ' 'JlixtlA, Shoes, and Halt. '.-.' . W.T. Weaver, II. Levy. . Kv ' Boot and Slioe Jianiifaclureri : . SI. Levy, M T. WeaverT A. FrecS. v; : . -.-- - .Boot and Stotfewtery..'- ,r J. L. Wilkio, J. K: Morgan & Co., II. T. Esta rook, H. IL i.j ouk. . : :A ; . - - . 1 Dnunyittt and DkarmaccnlMis ".- . ' - fco., C:. U. Moncure, VV K.l'e!hanj V ' . Afunco. .ttKrumewte, Ce, - . ; ' "' Dc Vault Ero. .-'''' ' v J " ' -'' -v ' - ' Jewelers. ... '. ,y , .- C. Cowan, StcEfner and RoVertson. " " : : - - Family GroSeries. , . ; rowcll and Snider,- S. R. Kepler, A. R. Cooley, Tenlev & Co.. T; F. .Starr.es, G. W. Goodlake. A. J. Merrill, J. K. AVarcr. M'ave and Howell, A. C.Davis, J ames Kraiik-H. J.J. jraokey & Co.. Jesse R. Stamea, G. Ii. M(?l)oiiald, W. h. Morgaa, FjM. Johnson, R. H Nolun.1 A Sons.T. W.Skelton, 3. R. Trull, G. H. KtHnitfi. N. rciilund, l'eoland & Alexander. Mrs. J. C. Kuillli. ' - . ; . - - Eulrliers, Mcat Dealcrs &c. . ' Ziiphpry ItroK., James Luskj'T. Davis, Mc ;)iinoll and Drake. v '. Bakeries.- v J. J. Iksmond, F. M. Johiison, J. Cl Oliver, ' Confectioners and JialerB; . ' V - ' J. J. Desmond, (factory), J. M Heston.T Wells.. .... ' " fiaddlcry, Harness, &c. i ,S. M. Gilbert & Co., Alexander and Pcnland. Itoruilure, - W. B. Williamson, Moore & Falk, P. 8. Mc Mullen. Undertakers. . ' X, Brand, J. V. Brown, John Clayton - . Coal Dealers.' ' 1 -S. F. Venable, D. S. Wat- on, Hill and Atkins N. W. Gird wood Sc Co." , Lumber Dealers . - I - - oubleday t-Scott. . . " ' '. . Contractors, Cavpcnters, and. Builders. I. Gorenflo, John Hart, J. A. Wagner; T. C. Westall, E. Jj Armstrong, 3. E. Buttrick, T. h. Clayton, A. G. M esu ; , . lllacksmiihs . ; - ' D. W. Cauble, 3.7&, Woody. - . " : Hotels. .. - ' ' awnnnanoa, Eogle,. Grand Central. Western, Carolina House, Was 1c House, The Villa. Private Hoarding.' ''' . S. F. Venable, A. T. Sammey, Miss Bcttie Brown, Misses (kjflin, Mrs. A. E. Hall, 1. F. Emer son, Miss Smith, T. W. Neel, Mrs. A. B. Chnnn, J. H. Carter, G. M. Roberts, R. H; Grahl, G. L.Mc-. Donald, M. J. Fags, J. A. Fagg, J. E. Rankin, W. T. Reynolds, Mrs. T. E. Reynolds, E. Sluder, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Broiles, Mrs. J C Smathers, Mrs E L. Baird, W. W. McDowell, James W.Patton, M78. Leicester Chapman, H. C. Hunt, H. C. France, Mrs. A. Sinclair, P. S. McMullen. Livery. Sale and Feed Stables. Reynolds tfc Chambers, J, M.Ray, w.A. Wed din. James Sevier, C. O. Allen, T. H. Stanslll Win. Cox. E. W. Herndon, S. H. Barnard. G." W. , Morgan Sc Co., E. T.,Clemmons, Jesse R. Starnes. Colleges, Schools, tc Asheville Female College. Asheviils ' Male Acalemy, Newton Academy, MissGoodloe's High School for young ladies, Miss lawyer's Primary 8c1hmi1, Mts. "J. P.Oarrrmon--iT4nittry Behoof, - three white public schools, two eood colored schools. A graded school has been authorized by law, and a fatate normal school will be held every summer. . XUXinery, Sec. Mrs. H. M. Herndon, S. Whitlock, Mrs. M. E. Mann, J. P. Sawyer, Mrs R R Porter. Attorneys At Law.- MsLoud t Moore, J. H. Merrrmon, E. H. Mer rimon, M. E. Carter, A. L. Carter, Gudger Sc Car ter, J. M. Gndger, F. A.-Sondley, VV. 8. Cushman, Riehiriond Pearson, E. D. Carter, W. W.Vandiver, Davilson Sc Martin, T. A. Jones, S. H. Reed, W. B. Gwvn, Locke Craig, W. R. VJritson, Jones and Mardwicke, Johnston Sc Shuford, W. M. Cocke, Natt Atkinson, A. T. Davidson, W. H. Malone V.H. Lusk, P. A. Cummings, A. J. Lyman. Physicians and Surgeons. - ' T). J. Cain, W. W. D. Hilliard, John Hy Williams, J. A. Burroughs, J. A. Wateon, M. L. Nelson, Wardlaw McGill, H. P. GatcheU. . . ' Dentists. . G. W. Whitson, B. H. Douglas, R. H. Reeves, A. B. Wans. . ..- " Banks, Bankers and Brokers. " . -Bank of Asheville, Sluder Si Barnart'. ;: , Merchant Tailors. : ; : -. - :v ' . W. Schartlc. . :i . Dealers in Furs. : . ;, , " ' M. Elllck. - ' ; . Heal Estate Agencies. ; ; , ,. Walter B. Gwyn, Jt. 3. Lyman, Katt Atkinson, E.J. Aston, B. M. Jones.- - - Arclutects and Civil Engineers, S F Venable. J A Tennan i, - -. . - Tobacco Warehouses. . : The Asheville Warehouse, The Banner Ware house, The Farmer's Warehouse, Ray's Ware house, The Buncombe Warehouse. nbacco Manufacturers Clievring and Snioking.- 8. B. West, McCarty & Hull, J. E. Ray, E. I. Holmes fe C., Shelton Sc Perry, W, P. Williamson. Coopers, Sec I. F. Sorrell, N,W. Girdwood, William Weaver," Hart. ' .-V- - ---- - - . . ,. Wines, 'Liquors, Sec - ' Louchran Bros., Hampton Sc Feathcrstone, W, O. MuLer. & Co., A. P. Sorrell. ; , ,; , - " Papers Hangers. v Cain S: Hunt, Mooro Sc Falk, R, L. Fitzratrick. Kewspaper. ' Dailt and Weekly Citizen, Daily and Weekly Advance, The Asheville Tribune (weekly .J . " " ' Job .'Oftcfs. ; The Citizen Job Oiilce, Hunt Sc Robertson, ' . . . Photographers. -i.. Nat. W. Taylor, W. T. Robertson, T. T. Hill. : . Giist iHU, See Jordan & Hallyburton, N. W. Girdwood, Jas. E. Buttrick. McLane. , t . - . : ' .: - Jibrtilttert, ..;' " ,v.-" -F. V. Waddell. "Star Braiid." Penniman'4 Co., "Anchor lirand," G. M. Roberts, Alex. Porter, "Piedmont.'iVV. II, penland, "Owl Braud," Bear den, Kankir. t Co., "Ober & Co.'s Sf)ecial,'- Lyon Sc Walker, "Farmer's Friend," T. C. Starnes, "Ar lington." W. V. Barnard, '-Sea Fowl," N.,W. . Girdwood Sc Co., "Soluble Pacific? . ; , . . ; Insurance.-' : '-.'f. -''.';'.' E.J. Aston, Thos. W. Branch. W. U. Tdcgrapli. -: ' .- -, ' S. G". Wcldon, manager. , V ; ' 1 Souiltem and Adams Express. v".." F. A. Stikeleather, manager. . ; . - Civil Officers of Buncombe County... " . Sheriff J. R. Rich; Deputy Daniel Reynolds; g. - .Clerk E. W. Herndon; Register Ji K. Palterson; Treasurer J. 11. Courtney; Surveyor B. F. Patton; Tax Collector T. W. Patton. . , -- Inferior Court. - . ' Tustice G. A. Shuford: Clerk Mont Patton; Solic tor U. B. Carter. . - County Commissioners. - - J. E. Rankin, J. A. Reagan, -G, W, Whitson, L. U. Childs, Thoa. Di Brittain. ,. ; , . . Justices of the Peace.' ' " ' A. T. Snmmey, N. A. Penland, T. W. Palton, C. B. Way, J. M. Ledford, J. M. Jarratt, J. B; Cain. ' Cily Government. . : " Mayor . JT. Aston; Aldermen W. T. Reynolds. Alonzo Rankin, Geo. F. Scott, I. H. Gorenflo, N. W. Girdwood and J.' L. Murray. Policemen A H. Baird.W. G. McDowell, J. II. HaK.pton, F.utih Postelland TF Hunter. ; ' . , . rvv-. . Firey Department. '-v-T. - Hose N. 1, Foreman H. C. Fngg; H. & L. No. 1, Capt. F A. Hull. ixmttarv Department' ' -Dr. D T Millard, (rRnitary Chief. .' .' Federal Officer ''. - . IT. S." Commissioner, A. T- Snmmey. Depr.ty ; Collector, (stamp cilice) A. D. (.cotier. District Deputy is. C. Kcrrei). Di-ruty Mnrshalln, R. O. Patterson, A. C. Patterson, T. liLDav is, H. S. Har- kins ' t. ' I'nitcd States Dtttrtcl and Circuit Courts. ' Jiirtee R.T. Dick, Folieitot J. F.. EoTd, Cleik 3. E. Rted, Deputy Cltik P. A. Cumicirgs... - , . Toot Office. . - II. L.'Gndfrer P. M. t luis C.; B. Mooic, W. L. Jorninn, C. L. Ciiit . - ' : : -. ' ; .' .- ' Sevang Machine Agencies. ' 5 vi,r.h!,.r WiUrn. J. II. KcrriiiR, Chief Clei k Mis '.eic Justice. Hiiiger, M. lu Morjnilinii, Ci.'iff Cli-rk V.'. Jirmf.u'Uli. Domestic, f, R. ( l.c.d- urt.S.,tlms bicu. - . fvt l:-Mni t,f ylnrttfiH. ' - - r KXVl.,.....i,;'JH S-;!.i'!iitl B G Gtnlper. First ;'.jH'r m.tin'ir t-yl .M..t.:i.y in J-Ppienil-er. -JK. 'V - J VOL. I. NO. 86. DAILY EDITION. INTERESTING READING MAJTEE ; ON THE FOUKTII VAGB. 1 ' Arrival and lxprlure it th Trains. . Salisbury--JIai train arrives 87 A. M. " .; Departs 5:47 P. n. ' ' r Day train arrives at 2;14jp- k. " - ' departs at JOO A. K. Tonnes site Arrives 5:37 P. M.. - --r.- -. - - Departs 8:47 A. T'. -Wayuksvule Arrives 3:50 v. a. ; V . Departs 8:00 A, ii- ;'; Tho WaynesvUle train reaches ibat point at 11:30 ; rettuning, leaves Waynesville at 1.86. Wentber Keport Jnly 22. iBarbmeterr-at 9 a. m. 3021. : -Tb ermonieier-Minimu m. 1 (52; maxi rwum 83 - - . '-:''C " ' " ' " ' .AVind North. ,' V' ':," V- Sky Clear. " - . : - " - i: Moon Eleven days old." . ' , ? ' t-: ; mm ii ' ' ..- .'-. '- SODA ANii . mUERAK' irATEkS C VX TmiVJlt -t.fziaSX The "bests cent Cigar, in town at Ly- ona' "WhiteEose," ,.: jrw.v., . .c -'- W. T. Weaver, Sole-AgcBt for Hess' Hand-Made Shoes for men. V . -" tf , '. . '' x JSetid yfrJr- Job Work of all kinds to ihe Citizen Office, if .'you uatU U done neatly, cheaply and ititi dispatch ' '- '- . TIIE IAII.Y CITIZEX t ; ,Will be published every evening (ex cept Sunday .at the1 following ratesr strictly cash: .-' - . .v.- . ' - . One Year, '' . ' 'v . $6 o0 Six Months, ' . . .300 Three " : ' . : " . . ; . ; 1 50 One " . ; ' vr . ' . 50 One Week, . . ' . 15 Our Carriers will deliver the' paper ev ery evening in every, part of the city to our subscribers, arid " parties wanting it will please call at the Citizen Office. . A full line of both Taylor's and Rob ertson's Stereoscopic Views at J. L. Vil kie & Co'fl. ':..'': - '- : Pelham sells medicines nt popular prices. , See his list- ;-. : .1 tf Jno. Dove, a negro convict, died at the Asheville Jnnction yesterday morning, from blood poison. ' -1 '-' ' Capt T S Kennedy, of New Orleans, is at the Swannanoa. Mrs. Henry Conner, of Swain county, died last Friday morning. , Mr. Mark Bird of Yanceyi reached the city yesterday. ' " . . V ; . ilr E S Andrews, of Atlanta, is at the Aston House., .:i',. ''. ' 'Mr. G W Ciaik, a prominent banker of Montgomery, Ala is a the Swan nanoa. r , . Messrs. R Z Egerton, C K Cooke and R T Clifton, of Lonisburg,- are visiting the mountains ibr a few davs. -. " Mr. Scctt, who was seriously hurt this morning, was the only man on the train who had an accident policy. Mr. JoeUay. an old Franklin county boy, but now a good citizen of Hay wood, has been in the city a day or two., s The accident to. the Coldsboro Rifles this morning, cast a sad gloom over bur whole community.. The wounded will receive eery attention at the hands of surgeons and citizens. v :; -" - : The Mountain Island manufacturing company of Asheville, has found a - mar ket in Texas, having 'yesterday, -shipped its first lot of chewing tobacco to that State. , ; - . , Mr. W Q Corpening is doing some very, excellent work in the nature of opening new and improving several old streets which was badly needed. And the work is 'not only done very well, but comparatively cheaply. , . ; Messrs. ShepDeaver and Robert Jones are ready, atTIampton and Featherstohp's with a very large supply "of the best drinkables, made out of the best liauors. just received, ready for the visiting mili tary, visitors ana tneir friends generally. Call on them when you. want any thing in their line. ' - , . ' . Mr. J. A. Collins, the jsopulai repres entative of Messrs. Fletcher Hall and Walkers, Knoxville, is again on his Wes tern Carolina beat. Mr. C. - who is just from the west reports the prospects for fine crops still improve throughout that section. . ; -. ' r - - --.-':' Death of Me. Wood Zacuaey. ..." We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Wood Zachary, a prominent citizen of Jackson county, which occurred Sunday morning at his home on Caney Fork, Jackson. He was an uncle of our young townsmen Messrs. Zachary. - ; , ? . Niv Use foe Hbcggist's. Labels. t . A wit recently selected from DeVault's labels one of which he pasted in his hat. That hat.is safe. -The label reads : "To oe well shaken before taken." ; ; -V' . Those 3rd Regimekt Cigaes ; f. - ' " : Are hamlsOmely packed in regimental stacks at Lyons' drug store. Their su periority are commanding a regular old. fashioned soldier's assault upon them sot only by members of the regiment, but by the admirers of "the gallant boys" ? ; The Lolgiiran Bkos ' r -".OCer special attractions to tlie- visiting military, and . all other visitors, at the "Bonanza" and' the "White Man's Bar." Socth Main Street. Everything nice is on hand, and ready, for service. ; Give us a tall. -'-'-;'-- -." Rockiis Bkosake See Pbicesi- v : For this week only: Triple plated Table Knives $1 75 per set: Desert size l Co. Forks heavily plated on .'pure nu kel silver'P 12 ptr set. 'lea Spoons $1 62 per set. Butter knives and sugar shells same quality, ouc. eacn. -Onadrunle Tlate Casters $2 SO. A good extra plate Caster $1 25. A fine artiele of white handle knife at SI 50 and,f 2 00 per set. - . .- - - . ' - . . Always tlielowt-Ht prices on Crockery and Glass at Law's, opposite Eagle Hotel. july IS d a w " - ' - .-'' " : ., ' . ' O1 . . . ' '.. PlUVATlC BCUEDIXG IS WayNEKVIiIr. ' - ,The undersigned' is prepared to ac commodate aliniited number of boarders at her home in Waynesville. Convenient tatiie White b'.ilrhur hprm.s: Aecom tr.t duticr.p cuarariteetl. " Tcrn.s moderate if v 'MliS. J. V.. S. IvlclNTOMI..; !- " Cue ft.tir foot fil.r.w ckFe, pood as nuw, for sale at . i. vcaer h. - ' ' 1 's ASHEVILLE, N..C Keep it BnronE the People, " Tliat the irambcr of guests at Haywood White. Sulphur Springs is now between one and two . hundred, hnt t room for more. -..; " .- - :: ... - tf Finished. . -- y :: s Mr. J Q. Aston,' special surveyor to run the county line, has returned, hav ing'finished his work. Mr. Jesse M. Pat ton accompanied throughout, and says it is the roughest job he ever tackled be fore. Several were with Messrs. Aston and Pattonbut one after another fell by the wayside and quit. Much consterna tion prevails on South Hominy by the running of the line "according .to the records," wbch places most of that sec tion in Haywood county. The line, ac cording to the statute, calls, for a "straight line from the top of Pisgah to the mouth of the branch" at Smathers', or turnpike, whereas the line as nnderstoodi has fol lowed the' mountain ridge , known as section are much, concerned over this new line. We must have this thing ar ranged. . ' '.;.'' f - , -' NINETEEN COMPANIES IN CA MR JOYOUS -DEMONSTRATIONS! A tVILDEItNESS OF FLAGS ! ' Asheville has never presented a. gayer spectacle than it does at present. A un animity of feeling possesses the whole community,, and expresses itself , in all that attracts the eye and captures the senses. Flags float' every . where; on roof and pinnacle and balcony, on hotels and stores and court-house,;on tree and pole and fence, and banners hang across the streets and play to the breeze in in terwined festoons along ctrnice and house front, until the eye is dazzled with so much of brilliancy. Music rings upon the air to the accompaniment of joyful voices and the hum of preparation or the bustle of business. All is preliminary to the beginning of a week of animation unparalleled in the community. ; The only draw back is the somewhat serious accident to the Goldsboro Rifles, which will probably prevent the participation' of that fine company in the exercises of the camp and the.amusementsof the city. Nineteen companies out of expected twenty -one have arrived. The Durham company and the Reidsville company were detained by circumstances beyond control. The others are here, generally with full ranks.. The Pasquotank Rifles bring sixty-three men. We have not as we write been able to obtain much in formation that will be interesting to our readers. We visited the camp this morn ing, and found there five companies of the 4th Regiment. The late hour at which the, companies of the other regi ments reached the ground retarded the movements for early organization and proceedings to the duties of the encamp ment. To-day, prpbablyAitherewjll be; no drill or parade. To-morrow will begin the series of movements to continue through the week. We propose to give full accounts of what is done. The late hour at whicn we obtained information to-day makes it impossible to say more now. Horrible. - It was reported "in Lenoir last week tbat Ray and Anderson had captured Senator Zeb Vance, and was holding him to compel a-pardon from Gov. Scales. The opicBuggestsifitistrue the State will be obliged to give a ransom for him. Miss Hattie Bradleydaughter of Mr John J. Bradley, of Hominy, while walk ing on Main street, in front of Eagle Hotel, Tound a - five . dollar JliZ liam of Uncle Sam's currency. She came straight to - the Citizen to advertise it, and just as we were through writing the advertisement, Mr. Nat- Chambers walk ed in to ask information about it, and it was turned over to him. He rewarded liss Hattie for bcr honesty. Hack Fare to the Camp.. N -We hope the various hack lines will fix the rate per passenger from the city to the camp at ten cents, fifteen cents to go and return. This will be enough, and hundreds will ride out at these rates where but few will go if placed higher. .We ask the hacks to fix these rates, and let us. know so we can announce the same. v .'. "-. ,- Cigar Stand. ;. . ' ; ;," ' T Mr. Ike HenryJwill have a cigar stand at the,: camp ground, during the encamp ments The Daily Citizen will be at the stand promptly every evening,: with full telegraphic dispatches. ' v- . - tf . Stall No. I, - -; ': ." ' - At " the: newv market is now well supplied with the best Beef.Mutton, and fresh rrsf.tB . ppnerallv this mountain country affords, at the lowest cash prices. Call on .u iiary uros. tau20 - . : ; v -. '- - ' . Mr. Burke, our courteous operator, has been crowded to his utmost to-day, but he rattles it off rapidly and always with a pleasant smile. His pleasant surround ings to-day doubtless contributed to his cheerful temperament. . i - Very heavy hail and" rain storm occur red at Long's station, this county, to-day. Caraeix. Matthias, Squcvres.'Itugs, Mats Foil' Cloths, Lace , Curtains, .Cretonnes, Raw Silks, Turcomans, laoie uamasi;s, aneeiing, Towel&r Napkins, &c. '"' ' ; . axltf .; . REDWOOD & CO. : Private Boarding in .VVaynksville.; ; : The undersigned is prepared to accom modate a limited number of boarders at her home in Waynesville. Convenient to the .White Sulphur Springs, ' Accom modations guaranteed." Terms.moderate. i, tf ,'ir--'- ' Mrs. J. S.' McIntosh.,, Remnants at Weaver's still -tjficred at cost as follows : - " --: :" A lot of Boys' Shirts at,: 50 "cents each. A lot of dress buttons, ribbons, !apool silk, &c, &c, at less than New York cost. A few tabte spoons at ' less : than they can be bought fcr any. where.5 '',' tf, Ziegier's and Banister's Hand Sewed Shoes, Opera Slippers, Oxford.! ies,,, Danc ing Pumps, SJipixrs; Ac, tt'c. - . . - JI REDWOOD & CO. . rcodif - .s-;. '."..' ." V'ie P' '' Store. Clothing of all grades, for hirr,' youths end children.; nteo a good slock vf Men's Fvrmxhinq Goods. ... " . , nd if ' H. REDWOOD it CO.; o WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 22, jvS'PRICEiGENTS Impoetant Information. . The following list of deeds, many of them from 8 to 12 years bid, . remain un called forj-alhe Clerk'3 ofSce of the Su perior Coufffor this county, and as the present law requires their registration this year, the parties to wbom . they be long should look after them: ' , .' " . Clarissa Walker to Oliver Waller. ) 3 3 Mackey to Thomas McFarlaud. I - ; Levi Flemmons to O A Moore. - ; - ' ' -r " ' - S B Lance and A A Lance, Y II Jones and A B Jones. . .. . '': '': Stephen Morgcn to Blackstdck and Weaver, A B Thrash and wife to K L uJ AP ThraBh. v . ... . - - to II E T!.!-nnli. " V " "r " . " Luanda 11 Thrath. Q M Koberts and wifo,'; li Hampton. . Daniel Davis and wife, Pisgah It E G S. - StepheDf ones, Bachel D Jones. . Jno Brotfn to W Warlick. ' v . Stephen Jones to Anninta C Jonog. t Q A Brooks nd wife to W V Cola, Levi Plemmoos to B W Pnlliam . - " to OA Moore, '- B Lance to John Reynolds.. v Thos Foster Snd Jeremiah ' v' td.nt Patton. N UiacliStocK to rsancy lilckatani - A W Cothrain and wife to 8 E Cothrain. - "Thrash Heirs to DV Thrash. - .' M and O W Beale to J B Lsdbctter. ' -? , ' John Powers to W B Powers. f. . . John Keece to D Vance. , . Wm B Whitson to Jas W Tea(?ne."- " A B Thrash and wife to C B V Thrash." F Sluder to 21 School District. M E Carter and wife to J J Mackey. " Anna Woodfin et al to E Clayton. Wm Smith and wife to E H Lominao. . LUza Lindsey and heirs to Jas G Lindsey. " -, A B Thrash and wife to B O Thrash. W B Yocng to Mary J Brenner. L Chapman to W H Murdock. . ' " Levi Pleramons to C A Moore. ; J Bnxton and wife to Wm M Cocko. Lawrence Pnlliam to Moses H Cone '.' Wm Thrash and wife to Henry Penland. P Rollins and wif e to W W Boffins. ' J Q Martin to F M Stevens. J A Fagg and wife to J M Smith.' W H Green and wife to Lafayette Clark. L Cr6asmon and wife to Geo West. J G Martin to Clarissa Walker. : -- W V Roberts to 6 B Gudger. : . McDowell heirs to Wm Bradshaw. G W Candler to Nancy E Notherton. " Fre to Peter Fore. - James M Cole and others to Alfred Wil liams. Sol Carter and wife to Thos G Dillingham, Dan'l A-A Dillingham. From the West. ' From tho Muiphy BuVsUn we learn : On Saturday ; 11th, John Dicbageiskee, an Indian, stabbed and killed a brother Indian named John Towhaler. Whis dey. : - Cherokee unusually "healthy, and the crops never so promising before. Mr3. V. H Olmstead,' of Washington City is visiting relatives in Murphy.. : Prof. Beale has returned home from New Orleans. - ! " A .little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Axley, died on the 29th. Jane,' aged two years and two months. I - Mr. David H. Brittain, of Yale, British Columbiais visiting his iather. Major Brittain, of this place. We learn that two of our worthy -mag: istrates solved the problem of divorce hyJilraJidnjrnri. "lonaArticles of divjnrco, -j thereby freeing a dibsatiefied yung lady from her liege lord, whom she pad wed ded the day before. What a heavon for dissatisfied lasses is Shoal Creek ! , We are anxiously awaiting the renew al of work on the narrow gaugu. We are reliably informed that work will com mence an soon as the bill now before the Georgia Legislature asking for relief for the convicts, who were taken from the road, thereby entailing ereat loss to the management is finally disposed of. The road,, will then be rapidly pushed through wheiher it obtains relief or not, and we hope to be able to announce the snort of the iron horse as it enters the depot at Murphy by Christmas. . .-: 'j Let - Everybody . be Ready An Isi mfnsk Crowd Coming. ''..We think it well to advise our citizens to be ready for the largest crowd which ever came to the mountains in one week. The Richmond and Danville authori ties will sell, on the 25th, 26th and 27tb, tickets from- all local stations to Ashe ville and return, good until August 1st, at very low rates. The Carolina Central will run a very cheap excursion on the 25th and 27th. . The Knoxville excur sion will arrive in Asheville on the 27th. These low rates will bring an immense crowd, a very large number of tickets having been sold already. In view of these facts it would be well lor all oi our people to be ready to entertain guests so that all who come can be accommodated. It might be well for Mayor Aston to designate some person to' receive notice of all persuhs willing to accommodate visitors, witn the number aesireu, ana prices, so that upon application read in formation can be given. Now is the time for Asheville to show herself for all she is worth. We know the ladies will do their part, if the men will only co operate. . . . ... ' . , .'. ',...-. ,. '' . ' '.'' Alliterative Allegations. - The Bake rsville Democrat comes to ub with the following hair: lifting head lines: .. - . ' TERRIBLE TRAGEDY 'lERMINA- TED f . . ISnncoinlte's IJoastctI : Bastile 2Sustcd.J Ray aal Anderson take to tho Range. CaUorvsy, Sluder and York join the Column ' . . I of Exoduslers! , ' The Wisdom of Sending Condemn ed Prison . ers to the House of their Friends for Safe . Keeping Clearly Demonstrated !! I. j The Democrat gives a good diagram of the cage and room in which the prison ers were confined, with : a graphic descriptive article, with comments, upon the manner of escape. It suggests triggering some wUere and by some body . Among the gentlemen who have arriv ed here of our old acquaintance or made so by hereditary claim, we recall Lieut Bogert of Washington, ,Mr, Griffin, Mr Saunders and Mr. Creeey Elizabeth City, the last the son of our friend Mr. R. B. Creecy of the Economist. Col. Frank Cameron,and Major Benndhan Cameron, relatives of one of the' Citizen staff, are also hero. : ; '' ' 1 - - '' r M r. Wi W. JvIcDiarmid, of the Roheson- ion, arrived thismorning, the representa tive of j the- military spirit of Robeson couHy. . ." i' . AU Wool Dress Goods i.i great variety, Sdks. Sitruhs, .Iliiwbuncs,; ; Sanis, n-lwU. Sntincx, Pcre.alir Ginah'ims, Lair us. Prods, ic. i ' IL PJIDWOOD d- CO. . co:7:f Accident to the Troop Trains, ; The anticipated pleasures' of encamp ment week were seriously marred in the very outset by an accident which hap pened to the second section of the train this morning. Near Long's, seven miles from Asheville, while the train was run" ning at a very rapid rate the rear coach jumped . the tack and fell over. The result was serious, though fortunately there w;as no fatality. - We" obtained a partial list of the wounded. ; Those not named are not seriously: hurt. The in jured all belonged to the Goldsboro Ri fles. '' Among them are, Jesse M Scott, caterer for the rifles, scalp wound and severe contusion of the back of the head; John Ginn and John O Carroll scalp wounds; James Baker, hurt internally; W 41 Burch, ribs broken; Henry Perkins, internal injuries and scalp wounds. The surgeon of 'Hhe . company infermed us that those were the only ones', whose hurt$""wefe" WsaiiiclxtxVftCitjr to ; bs mentioned. . - ' -' I ' ! As soon as the accident wafc known to the engineer of the train, he came &n at full speed : to Asheville with the infor mation, and for surgical aid. Assistant Surgeon Burroughs of the, 3rd N- C. Regi ment, acccompanied by Drs. Williams and McGill, of the city,, hastened to the depot- Major Bennehan Cameron pro ceeded to the Camp for Surgeon Crowell. We do not Know whether or not that gentleman went. A train -was made up to transfer the soldiers and the woun ded, The train returned to-Asheville at half past twelve with all the detained troops. Ass't Surgeon Gen'l Hilliard was at the .depot with assistant, litters and every convenience for the removal of the wounded, Under arrangements - pre vioasly made,' very prompt attention was given, and the wounded men aro prop erly cared for. Friends of the wounded may be as sured that every care will be given them. We shall be able to report more accu rately in our next. ; ,; . the wounded. The following are the. wounded by the accident of this morning, all members of the Goldsboro Rifles: Mr. Jessie Scott, caterer, very seriously; Messrs. - John Ginn, Henry Perkins and James Baker, seriously; Capt. Hallowell, Lieut. Bain, Sergt. Smith, Privates Logan Howell, W. R.Bu rch, James Burch, Charles Miller, A.G. Howell, C. F. Taylor J. II. Hill, slightly bruised and flesh wound. Decorations. - " Nearly every business house. hotel, and many of the private dwellings are handsomely decoratedwith National and State Flags, especiallyv in the Western portion of the city. ' . , r . Messrs. H. II. Lyons' store, outside and in, was very handsomely festooned with large and small flags, while a mam moth one wung from a line stretched across the street, in which was placed thejiortraits of the President ,and Vice President of the United States, and at the bottom is attached the cabalistic let ters, "H'dqrs. H. S. and D. Mn 3d Regi ment N. C. S. G,. which being interpret ed menas : Headquarters Hospital Stew ard and Drum Maj. 3d Reg't, Messrs. Ja cobs and Amis holding these distinguish ed positions respectively ; .. - The Court House, the Citizen OfEcei Powell & Snider's, Muller'A Cos, Hamp ton & Featherston's, Ballard Bros., Saw yer's, Levy's, Van Gilder & Brown's, the Adimce and Iribune Offices, Estabrook'a, Carmichael's, Devault's, John Lange's, G. H. ttarnes, W. T. Weaver & Co.'s, G. A. -M ears, Desmond's, Moncure's, Whit lock's, Pelhani's, Ike Henry's, Cooley's, The Bank, "Bonanza" and "the White Man's Bar," Kepler's, Bearden, Rankin & Co.'s, Taylor's Art Gallery ,.The Eagle, the Swannanoa, Wilkio's, ilestotl's, W. II. Martin's, W II Brown's, Penly & Co's, LaBarbe & Zachary, The Grand Central, C E Graham, C Cowan, Morgan & Go's, Brevard & Co's, Penniman Bros. Gilbert & Co, The Post Office, Redwood & Co's. Alexander & Pendland, A O Davin, C E Lee, Moore .& Falk. lLumu'ershlag's, the Warehouses, alL are more " or less elaborately decorated, some very hand somely so.. Every public hack omnibus es, &c, including the horses, exhibited their full share of loyalt. The day is bsautiful, and the streets all presented gay appearance. - Asheville is glad to have t'.e Guard here, and will endeavor to show it during their stay here; ; A H.0.MB Wanted. - ' A gentleman desires to punhasc a small tract of good land jay some fifteen to twenty; five acres, near the city, with a young bearing orchard; to io well watered, a good site. for a residence. . He iswilling to pay a good price for a suita ble place. Call at this ofliee for parttc nlars. - ' : 'm'':i ... ;y" Bracelet Lost . , ,: V, v , : -Between-French Broad: Avenue and Battery Porter, or on Bailey Street. Lost this morning. Return to this office and the finder will be rewarded. " It t : Fellows' Ilypoplibsphites $1 05 a Pel ham's, "regular" price $1 50 bottle. tf Best attention given t prescription work at Pelhani's moderate charges, madepurest chemicals and accurate manipulation guaranteed. . , - . . ti. Keep rr Before the Peopi-e, '' That. Hit vatfr At Tlavwond White luTphur Springs is a specific for all dis- .1. ,1 . t : C'. l. .1 friA ease8 OI ine Aj1 ver, pvjiuvxix juiu aiu- neys. '' ;.':iJf 1 :' ." Private Bording in Waynesville., , Tbe'undersigned is pregared to accom modate a limited number of boarders at her home in Waynesville. ' Convenient to the White Sulphur Springs. Accom modations guaranteed. Terms moderate. , tf . . Mrs. 'J. B. S. McIntosu. . Poll of rmnn "iti Pnwell it Snider - and get a superb, fresh water melon, just re ceived, and cheap. ; . ; Railroad Tickets. " v - " t - ; Parties having tickets to dispose of in anv direction, will calL on me at the Swannanoa Hotel. . ' W. D. Jones. tsel -. ;'' .-' ; ,'::y :'- ' . ' Railroad Tickets Bofght and Sopd " - I will buy, sell or exchanger Railroad Tickets from or, to any point. Parties interested will do well to call and see me. '-. " " J. M. i'otr.w, - tse20 , At Cirmichael's Drugstore.- A ffood stock of Clothing, Dry Goods ,Fan ry (foods, Hats, Shoes, Lkirpets 'Ac. , at fixed and reasonable J'rices. ' rodtf ' - II REDWOOD & CO. o TELEGRAPHIC ASSOCIATED PEES3 TELEGRAMS SPE V , CIAL TO CITIZEN. .0 7 . GES. OIUNT. The Suffering Hero Sinkiiiir. DEATH EXPECTED AT ANY KO. ; - MT.t McGregor, July 22. At 9 a. m. the actual condition of the patient was pronounced unchanged since last evening except that . he is said by- Dr. Douglass to be growing weaker; some food has been taken and. retained this morning. The patient is sitting with slightly inclined head..; He is conscious and his mind is clear. Dr. Douglass has sent for Dr Bands.. Dr Douglass antici pates the c3XU.iU'iKg'tlie tjay trr cvonifig, - -1 LATER. v. - r:-'"': S , : : ; Mt McGregor, 12:25 p. in. Bulletin just issued states conditions as unchanged since' 9 a. m. except grad ually increasing weakness.: Early morn ing hours "at Grant cottage cool and re freshing; 'at two o'clock thermometer marked 72.' About 3 o'clock Mrs- Grant came put on the veranda and sat down in one of the many desirable , chairs scattered about the piazza. For 10 min utes.' she sat motionless with her face resting on her hands. Suddenly there came a sound of coughing from within the cottage The General was clearing hia throat. Mrs Grant left the piazza quickly and Heated herself by the Gen eral's side and slowly fanned his face. The coughing was not severe. Col Fred Grant entered the room while the nurse was aiding his father and took a seat be side him. - It was ' time to administer' fo od. The nurse touched the shoulder of Dr Douglass as he lay asleep on the couch in the same room. He arose fully dressed as he was all night, and seated him self beside the patient. : Food was given from a cup, and the mouth and " throat cleared by a Doctor. It was nearly 4 o'cloc k when the physician laid aside his applian ces. Gen, ' Grant leaned forward in his chair and signified a desire ' that' the lamp should be brought The nurse brought the lamp andlicldit at the sick man's- should - der, and at the moment the General turned his face toward the light and upward to bid his nurse to bring his pad and pencil. . .His wish was hot at the moment .understood,. and turning a trifle further tha General re peated his wish. The scene at the moment was a picture in shadows. Ai soon as the candle light fell across the face of, General Grant, it became-a gri :tnhit.wh strong rugged lines broken down, by suffer ing and pain. At his head was a scull cap that at all times gave a . startling effect to the sick man's, appearance; and from be J neath it straggled hair that clung in sweat moistened locks' about the emaciated neck, A crimson scarf handkerchief had been thrown on the back- of his- chair, but as he leaned forward, it drew across his shoulders one end being gathered under his" arm.. A dark dressing gown covered the patient's at tenuated form, at-d a handkerchief around his neck; gray, close cut beard,-seemed white, and lines on the' cheek and forehead were deep indeed; and when the facerwas turned upward to speak "yes" seemed gray er too, and abnormally.' large. : - They were clear and steady, showing that the-General's reason was- clearly at his Command;'. but there was that wistful stare; julse is very weak and fluctuating; patient once during the morning attempted to" write, tut suc ceeded only in writing the date, the effort being greater than warranted by thelittle remaining strength. ;He had spoken at in tervals, but his voice was very feebleJ, Du ring forenoon food was taken and retained, With declining day, the physicians believes the General will also rapidly decline, - ; , THE LATEST.. .. ' The doors of Gen. Grant's room are shot, and blinds are closed, but cool breezes of the afternoon finds passage- through , the blinds, . Dr. Douglass has just reported that the patient has taken and retained a cup of milk, andthe physician thinks if there has not been a slight rally in -the. past bour,th Gen. still holds his own.: ... " New York Market. ; . j - ' : ' "- " ;New;York, July 22. The Stock Market opened irregular, this morning, but generally stiong.:The Union Pacific and Jersey Central being up , and Union Pacific and M. K. and T. y frorn last evening's final quotations. - Lackawanna & New York Central were ;-81ower,. :. Imme diately after 'the ' opening there, Awas a general decline of j pet cent.- The Union Pacific and Lackawanna were weaker, the former, declining and the Lackawanna Jr8. The decline was checkedia the course of 15 minutes, and was followed by a 'gen1 eral upward movement throughout the li st Just before 11 o'clock there was a momen tary check in the upward movement, -but at tha) hour the market is firm and strong. .Presidential Appointments. , ". ' V Washington, July 22, '; The President today appointed the following named presidential postmas tersf J, A sTaylor at Oxlbrd, N. C, vice M. B.Jones suspended; - T. B. Douthit at Salem. N. C vice J. ; Blecken derfer suspended; Samuel H.Smith at Winston, N. C, vice ,;W. A. Walker suspended, Geo. IL Gresory. at Greensboro, N. C; vice J. D. White suspended; J. A. Ben nett at -Randletnan, N. C, .'vice II. Wray suspended; R. R. Huntley at Tala dega, Ala., vice R. A. Moseley suspended. Destructive 'Tire In Jirg-inia. . . . . . : Lynciibueg, July 22 A destructive fire occurred in Liberty Va, this morning, causing a loss of 15,000 dollars. Insnrunce -light. Assiistanro from this city pp.vcil the town Jrotti great conflagration. . .Thin is the third l.ii . " I fire in that lA-.xca within a vmr. - CITIZEN JOU OFFiCi:, WEST SIDE PUBLIC WjUiM.I" BILL HEADS, : LETTKIl HEADS, :. posters, -. . ' - BLANKS, k 4ndJob Vorhof all kiud.idoie wii ' frotnptness and at lo-cS friees ' The Cholera Holocaust. ':-';.'' ' '' ' , ' ... Madrid; July 22. Incomplete returns of . progress of cholera in Spain yesterday show a total of 1752 new cases and G83 deaths! These included 12 new cass aned 9 deaths in the city of Madrid, '4S new cases and id' , deaths in the province of Madrid,. 1G3 new cases and OS deaths in the city of Saragossa, 491 new cases and 143. deaths . in - the province of Saragossa; -10 new" cases and 4 deaths in. the city of Segovia; 36 new .cases' and 25 deaths in the pro, vince of Segovia; 3 ne cases and 5 deaths in the city of Mtircia and 230 new cases , and 60 deaths in the province, of Murcia. Cases have appeared in; Huesca and Caccres. '- ' ' r . --. . TIHITjI T ; TO VJCS Tit OIT X..Gjic; T.ore.; la rvrjt rI. '.m - Losnoir. Jniv v. The police force stationed around the law courts was largely : increased to-day owing to Information, received by the authorities that an effort to destroy thoso buildings would be made. , '- '- 1 4 ; L,ife Boat Sunk Eight Lin 8 ' '.'' '' ;-;!..': - Xot. ; . -; - . .. ' '.' '':' ! . ',:' . London, July 22. 'A London dispatch fro'ru Jai mouth says: late boat containing ,15 -men started from, here this morning to -the rescue of the crewof Brig Antine, which1 f ' , . - r - . . . nu 111 uuiucw Doiure arriving air iu destination, however the life boat struck; a sunken wreck and sunk.. Eight of the . occupants were downed. All the , un fortunates were married. . . "v ' ; .- I For the Asheville Citjieh. POOR MR. CLEVELAND. . Messri Editors Occasional 1 y from Bome of those who voted for Jdr. Cleve- land we - Lear mutterings of discontent with the administration, or adverse cn- ucisms upon its policy. On analyzing the complaints, it is found that the mal contents find their grievance in the fail ure, or refusal, to appoint their friends. or themselves, to ofliee, for which they have pre-eminent claims, or qualifica--' tiohs: :When the Duke of Wellington was at me neaa 01 ine tngnsii utniuet, or Government, in 1838, he said he was 1 1 i j . . 1 , , ... uetteb mm pi&guea wim imporxunities and remonstrances, and compared him self to a dog with a canister tied to his tail. "1 here, he said, pointing to a for- miaaoie neap 01 green oags ana rea Dos es, "there is the business of the country, -i 1 . . . . 1 1 , wuicn j. nave not time io iook ai an my time being employed in : assuaging what uruucuicu v.fcu biitTir jccttitys. Ill lack, lUl' lolly ana unreasonableness of peopie are inconceivable.". i,'iJl"ilh.r ' JC.-;. Hestjerson' Scperior Court , . t . - f Met on Monday, Judge Avery on the bench; a gentleman so well known that it is needless to do more than refer to " him,' and the pleasure given -by " lus appearance on familiar, grounds. The r r. . ,-. - r -r - . . t . and noW to the country west of the Ridge. He -wasa member of the late State Senate and of the preceding House, and gained distinction , as " a bold, fearless speaker, and as a man of fine tdfts. He entered upon his duties with great self. nnauBuirkit ' nrt will flrkrin rtvpmriiriA tli'. j,.v.H wV '- . embarra-swiient of want of acquaintance. This week is devoted to the State docket. The. bills of indictment are . toot numer ous.,, une against. Jmuun anu raumn fia. an-afffay,' connected 'with5 the old ... 1. .. u i,..,.;Hi,.. -inni . iiiZiiLvriJ - wtut;i vuuiuueiiiuij iuqv 1110 life, wa$ composed by the-entry of a nol , pros on- the part of the State ' aa to Brit- tain, it having been shown to the Court; tuat tins ieienaant, naviug oeen convic ted for the more serious offence, had served a portion of hia term in the Peni tentiary and had been pardoned by the Governor; and it was argued and held tbat this discharged all his amenability -to the law for each and every branch of the crime for which he was convicted. ; Oni Tuesday- afternoon, Solomon Mc-'-Rary was arraigned for the murder of Ambrose Capps. The trial is set for this afternoon f. Wednesday) at 3 o'clbck. AH cases on the civil docket are postponed until Fridav. by which time this crimin al case will be disposed of, it is believed. HendersDnvule ; is": "filling ' up with summer visitors, ," the influx being more tardy than usfial. But the presence of strangers on the Streets on the piazzas of the hotels, in gay vehicles or on horse back, give animated evidence that Bum mer has come. The weather is seasona- H hnt onr? tlm trrtfnl nbudea of th forest-like, yard of the Arlington ; wcr? never more acceptable.' - " ' 1 ,' ;. We observe many additions to the pretty town.. New and handsome houses are Been in every direction. , Among the most striking of these is one seen on the ' right as the Ashevillo' road- enters the town. It is bnilt for Maj. James Ander son, a batchelor. who we learn, : designs presenting it, when finished, t a marri ' ed brother,lvbo has a large family. The house is a . very large one, well designed 1PRPR. IL IN HlirfTJUIlllKtl WILll lUIU . x. t . . 1.1 : . U ' I y. crounds which will be made a model of ; beautv and elegance. . The architect is - . . , 0 1 r . 1 n Mr. James JJrown, 10 wnose unu ijwic and r professional skill llendersonvillo is indebted for ulany of its finest private residences, fcuch as that of Mr. Ewart; Mr. Toms aid others. , We postpone more we have to Bay about Ilendersonville for the present as the military engages our attention tc-uay, and will demand a largo portion '. of our space. ' , " V, '. T arffp lnt nf camn stools and Cots for the soldiers at W. B. Williamson's Furniture store.-., ": ' U .' .r" ; ' . : ', ' "Eixlys," "Buttons," "Brown's" and "Bon Ton" ara the beet brands of shoo polish known to the trade, all of which are Bold by W.T. Weaver,, at the O110 Price Shoe Store. - E. II. NORVELL, Trop'r, . Ntar the I Jay wood White Sitljth ur Sj. c'-;. 1 (.1 i.f i-i- .. v ; :iiu U iiiiiiiUf!' u.t k i- hi-.' lit.. n ttiuiraeid i-.l. I. u: 1. 4

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